
81 lines
3.8 KiB

// build-fail
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// revisions: legacy v0
//[legacy]compile-flags: -Z symbol-mangling-version=legacy
//[v0]compile-flags: -Z symbol-mangling-version=v0
//[legacy]normalize-stderr-test: "h[\w]{16}E?\)" -> "<SYMBOL_HASH>)"
#![feature(auto_traits, rustc_attrs)]
mod foo {
pub struct Foo { x: u32 }
impl Foo {
//[legacy]~^ ERROR symbol-name(_ZN5impl13foo3Foo3bar
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling(impl1::foo::Foo::bar
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling-alt(impl1::foo::Foo::bar)
//[v0]~^^^^ ERROR symbol-name(_RNvMNtCs21hi0yVfW1J_5impl13fooNtB2_3Foo3bar)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling(<impl1[17891616a171812d]::foo::Foo>::bar)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling-alt(<impl1::foo::Foo>::bar)
//[legacy]~^ ERROR def-path(foo::Foo::bar)
//[v0]~^^ ERROR def-path(foo::Foo::bar)
fn bar() { }
mod bar {
use foo::Foo;
impl Foo {
//[legacy]~^ ERROR symbol-name(_ZN5impl13bar33_$LT$impl$u20$$GT$3baz
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling(impl1::bar::<impl impl1::foo::Foo>::baz
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling-alt(impl1::bar::<impl impl1::foo::Foo>::baz)
//[v0]~^^^^ ERROR symbol-name(_RNvMNtCs21hi0yVfW1J_5impl13barNtNtB4_3foo3Foo3baz)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling(<impl1[17891616a171812d]::foo::Foo>::baz)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling-alt(<impl1::foo::Foo>::baz)
//[legacy]~^ ERROR def-path(bar::<impl foo::Foo>::baz)
//[v0]~^^ ERROR def-path(bar::<impl foo::Foo>::baz)
fn baz() { }
trait Foo {
type Assoc;
auto trait AutoTrait {}
fn main() {
// Test closure mangling, and disambiguators.
|| {};
|| {
trait Bar {
fn method(&self) {}
// Test type mangling, by putting them in an `impl` header.
impl Bar for [&'_ (dyn Foo<Assoc = extern "C" fn(&u8, ...)> + AutoTrait); 3] {
//[legacy]~^ ERROR symbol-name(_ZN209_$LT$$u5b$$RF$dyn$u20$impl1..Foo$u2b$Assoc$u20$$u3d$$u20$extern$u20$$u22$C$u22$$u20$fn$LP$$RF$u8$C$$u20$...$RP$$u2b$impl1..AutoTrait$u3b$$u20$3$u5d$$u20$as$u20$impl1..main..$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$..Bar$GT$6method
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling(<[&dyn impl1::Foo+Assoc = extern "C" fn(&u8, ::.)+impl1::AutoTrait; 3] as impl1::main::{{closure}}::Bar>::method
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling-alt(<[&dyn impl1::Foo+Assoc = extern "C" fn(&u8, ::.)+impl1::AutoTrait; 3] as impl1::main::{{closure}}::Bar>::method)
//[v0]~^^^^ ERROR symbol-name(_RNvXNCNvCs21hi0yVfW1J_5impl14mains_0ARDNtB6_3Foop5AssocFG_KCRL0_hvEuNtB6_9AutoTraitEL_j3_NtB2_3Bar6method)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling(<[&dyn impl1[17891616a171812d]::Foo<Assoc = for<'a> extern "C" fn(&'a u8, ...)> + impl1[17891616a171812d]::AutoTrait; 3: usize] as impl1[17891616a171812d]::main::{closure#1}::Bar>::method)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling-alt(<[&dyn impl1::Foo<Assoc = for<'a> extern "C" fn(&'a u8, ...)> + impl1::AutoTrait; 3] as impl1::main::{closure#1}::Bar>::method)
//[legacy]~^ ERROR def-path(<[&dyn Foo<Assoc = for<'r> extern "C" fn(&'r u8, ...)> + AutoTrait; 3] as main::{closure#1}::Bar>::method)
//[v0]~^^ ERROR def-path(<[&dyn Foo<Assoc = for<'r> extern "C" fn(&'r u8, ...)> + AutoTrait; 3] as main::{closure#1}::Bar>::method)
fn method(&self) {}
// FIXME(katie): The 32-bit symbol hash probably needs updating as well, but I'm slightly unsure
// about how to do that. This comment is here so that we don't break the test due to error messages
// including incorrect line numbers.