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ikcontext.cpp - Inverse Kinematic implementation
This file is part of XashNT engine
Copyright (C) 2015 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "const.h"
#include <studio.h>
#include "com_model.h"
#include "stringlib.h"
#include "bs_defs.h"
#include "ikcontext.h"
matrix3x4 CIKContext :: m_boneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
// Purpose:
CIKContext :: CIKContext()
m_target.EnsureCapacity( 12 ); // FIXME: this sucks, shouldn't it be grown?
m_iFramecounter = -1;
m_pBoneSetup = NULL;
m_flTime = -1.0f;
m_target.SetSize( 0 );
void CIKContext :: Init( const CStudioBoneSetup *pBoneSetup, const Vector &angles, const Vector &pos, float flTime, int iFramecounter )
m_ikChainRule.RemoveAll(); // m_numikrules = 0;
m_pBoneSetup = (CStudioBoneSetup *)pBoneSetup;
if( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains( ))
m_ikChainRule.SetSize( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains() );
// FIXME: Brutal hackery to prevent a crash
if( m_target.Count() == 0 )
m_target.SetSize( 12 );
memset( m_target.Base(), 0, sizeof( m_target[0] ) * m_target.Count() );
m_target.SetSize( 0 );
m_rootxform = matrix3x4( pos, angles );
m_iFramecounter = iFramecounter;
m_flTime = flTime;
void CIKContext :: AddDependencies( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, int iSequence, float flCycle, float flWeight )
int i;
if( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains() == 0 )
if( !FBitSet( pseqdesc->flags, STUDIO_IKRULES ))
ikcontextikrule_t ikrule;
// this shouldn't be necessary, but the Assert should help us catch whoever is screwing this up
flWeight = bound( 0.0f, flWeight, 1.0f );
// unify this
if( FBitSet( pseqdesc->flags, STUDIO_REALTIME ))
float cps = m_pBoneSetup->LocalCPS( iSequence );
flCycle = m_flTime * cps;
flCycle = flCycle - (int)flCycle;
else if( flCycle < 0 || flCycle >= 1 )
if( FBitSet( pseqdesc->flags, STUDIO_LOOPING ))
flCycle = flCycle - (int)flCycle;
if( flCycle < 0.0f ) flCycle += 1.0f;
flCycle = bound( 0.0f, flCycle, 0.9999f );
mstudioanimdesc_t *panim[4];
float weight[4];
m_pBoneSetup->LocalSeqAnims( iSequence, panim, weight );
// g-cont. all the animations of current blend has equal set of ikrules and chains. see studiomdl->simplify.cpp for details
for( i = 0; i < panim[0]->numikrules; i++ )
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IKSequenceError( iSequence, flCycle, i, panim, weight, &ikrule ))
// don't add rule if the bone isn't going to be calculated
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( ikrule.chain );
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone ))
// or if its relative bone isn't going to be calculated
if( ikrule.bone >= 0 && !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( ikrule.bone ))
// FIXME: Brutal hackery to prevent a crash
if( m_target.Count() == 0 )
m_target.SetSize( 12 );
memset( m_target.Base(), 0, sizeof( m_target[0] ) * m_target.Count());
ikrule.flRuleWeight = flWeight;
if( ikrule.flRuleWeight * ikrule.flWeight > 0.999f )
if( ikrule.type != IK_UNLATCH )
// clear out chain if rule is 100%
m_ikChainRule.Element( ikrule.chain ).RemoveAll( );
if( ikrule.type == IK_RELEASE )
int nIndex = m_ikChainRule.Element( ikrule.chain ).AddToTail( );
m_ikChainRule.Element( ikrule.chain ).Element( nIndex ) = ikrule;
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: AddAutoplayLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] )
// skip all array access if no autoplay locks.
if( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKAutoplayLocks() == 0 )
int ikOffset = m_ikLock.AddMultipleToTail( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKAutoplayLocks() );
memset( &m_ikLock[ikOffset], 0, sizeof( ikcontextikrule_t ) * m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKAutoplayLocks() );
for( int i = 0; i < m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKAutoplayLocks(); i++ )
const mstudioiklock_t *lock = m_pBoneSetup->pIKAutoplayLock( i );
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( lock->chain );
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
// don't bother with iklock if the bone isn't going to be calculated
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone ))
// eval current ik'd bone
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone, m_boneToWorld );
ikcontextikrule_t *ikrule = &m_ikLock[ikOffset + i];
ikrule->chain = lock->chain;
ikrule->type = IK_WORLD;
ikrule->slot = i;
ikrule->q = m_boneToWorld[bone].GetQuaternion();
ikrule->pos = m_boneToWorld[bone].GetOrigin();
// save off current knee direction
if( m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 )->kneeDir.LengthSqr() > 0.0f )
const mstudioiklink_t *link0 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 );
const mstudioiklink_t *link1 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 1 );
ikrule->kneeDir = m_boneToWorld[link0->bone].VectorRotate( link0->kneeDir );
ikrule->kneePos = m_boneToWorld[link1->bone].GetOrigin();
ikrule->kneeDir.Init( );
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: AddSequenceLocks( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] )
if( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains() == 0 )
if( pseqdesc->numiklocks == 0 )
int ikOffset = m_ikLock.AddMultipleToTail( pseqdesc->numiklocks );
memset( &m_ikLock[ikOffset], 0, sizeof( ikcontextikrule_t ) * pseqdesc->numiklocks );
for( int i = 0; i < pseqdesc->numiklocks; i++ )
const mstudioiklock_t *plock = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLock( pseqdesc, i );
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( plock->chain );
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
// don't bother with iklock if the bone isn't going to be calculated
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone ))
// eval current ik'd bone
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone, m_boneToWorld );
ikcontextikrule_t *ikrule = &m_ikLock[ikOffset+i];
ikrule->chain = i;
ikrule->slot = i;
ikrule->type = IK_WORLD;
ikrule->q = m_boneToWorld[bone].GetQuaternion();
ikrule->pos = m_boneToWorld[bone].GetOrigin();
// save off current knee direction
if( m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 )->kneeDir.LengthSqr() > 0.0f )
const mstudioiklink_t *link0 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 );
ikrule->kneeDir = m_boneToWorld[link0->bone].VectorRotate( link0->kneeDir );
ikrule->kneeDir.Init( );
// Purpose: build boneToWorld transforms for a specific bone
void CIKContext :: BuildBoneChain( const Vector pos[], const Vector4D q[], int iBone, matrix3x4 *pBoneToWorld, byte *pBoneSet )
m_pBoneSetup->BuildBoneChain( m_rootxform, pos, q, iBone, pBoneToWorld, pBoneSet );
// Purpose: Invalidate any IK locks.
void CIKContext :: ClearTargets( void )
for( int i = 0; i < m_target.Count(); i++ )
m_target[i].latched.iFramecounter = -9999;
// Purpose: Run through the rules that survived and turn a specific bones boneToWorld
// transform into a pos and q in parents bonespace
void CIKContext :: UpdateTargets( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[], matrix3x4 boneToWorld[], byte *pBoneSet )
int i, j;
for( i = 0; i < m_target.Count(); i++ )
m_target[i].est.flWeight = 0.0f;
m_target[i].est.latched = 1.0f;
m_target[i].est.release = 1.0f;
m_target[i].est.height = 0.0f;
m_target[i].est.floor = 0.0f;
m_target[i].est.radius = 0.0f;
AutoIKRelease( );
for( j = 0; j < m_ikChainRule.Count(); j++ )
for( i = 0; i < m_ikChainRule.Element( j ).Count(); i++ )
ikcontextikrule_t *pRule = &m_ikChainRule.Element( j ).Element( i );
switch( pRule->type )
matrix3x4 footTarget;
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[pRule->slot];
pTarget->chain = pRule->chain;
pTarget->type = pRule->type;
if( pRule->type == IK_ATTACHMENT )
pTarget->offset.attachmentIndex = pRule->iAttachment;
else pTarget->offset.attachmentIndex = 0;
if( pRule->flRuleWeight == 1.0f || pTarget->est.flWeight == 0.0f )
pTarget->offset.q = pRule->q;
pTarget->offset.pos = pRule->pos;
pTarget->est.height = pRule->height;
pTarget->est.floor = pRule->floor;
pTarget->est.radius = pRule->radius;
pTarget->est.latched = pRule->latched * pRule->flRuleWeight;
pTarget->est.release = pRule->release;
pTarget->est.flWeight = pRule->flWeight * pRule->flRuleWeight;
QuaternionSlerp( pTarget->offset.q, pRule->q, pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->offset.q );
pTarget->offset.pos = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->offset.pos, pRule->pos );
pTarget->est.height = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->est.height, pRule->height );
pTarget->est.floor = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->est.floor, pRule->floor );
pTarget->est.radius = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->est.radius, pRule->radius );
//pTarget->est.latched = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->est.latched, pRule->latched );
pTarget->est.latched = Q_min( pTarget->est.latched, pRule->latched );
pTarget->est.release = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->est.release, pRule->release );
pTarget->est.flWeight = Lerp( pRule->flRuleWeight, pTarget->est.flWeight, pRule->flWeight );
if( pRule->type == IK_GROUND )
pTarget->latched.deltaPos.z = 0.0f;
pTarget->est.pos.z = pTarget->est.floor + m_rootxform[3][2];
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[pRule->slot];
if( pRule->latched > 0.0 ) pTarget->est.latched = 0.0f;
else pTarget->est.latched = Q_min( pTarget->est.latched, 1.0f - pRule->flWeight );
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[pRule->slot];
if( pRule->latched > 0.0f ) pTarget->est.latched = 0.0f;
else pTarget->est.latched = Q_min( pTarget->est.latched, 1.0f - pRule->flWeight );
pTarget->est.flWeight = (pTarget->est.flWeight) * (1.0f - pRule->flWeight * pRule->flRuleWeight);
for( i = 0; i < m_target.Count(); i++ )
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[i];
if( pTarget->est.flWeight > 0.0 )
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( pTarget->chain );
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
// eval current ik'd bone
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone, boneToWorld, pBoneSet );
// xform IK target error into world space
matrix3x4 local = matrix3x4( pTarget->offset.pos, pTarget->offset.q ).Invert();
matrix3x4 worldFootpad = boneToWorld[bone].ConcatTransforms( local );
if( pTarget->est.latched == 1.0f )
pTarget->latched.bNeedsLatch = true;
else pTarget->latched.bNeedsLatch = false;
// disable latched position if it looks invalid
if( m_iFramecounter < 0 || pTarget->latched.iFramecounter < m_iFramecounter - 1
|| pTarget->latched.iFramecounter > m_iFramecounter )
pTarget->latched.bHasLatch = false;
pTarget->latched.influence = 0.0;
pTarget->latched.iFramecounter = m_iFramecounter;
// find ideal contact position
pTarget->est.q = pTarget->ideal.q = worldFootpad.GetQuaternion();
pTarget->est.pos = pTarget->ideal.pos = worldFootpad.GetOrigin();
float latched = pTarget->est.latched;
if( pTarget->latched.bHasLatch )
if( pTarget->est.latched == 1.0f )
// keep track of latch position error from ideal contact position
pTarget->latched.deltaPos = pTarget->latched.pos - pTarget->est.pos;
QuaternionSM( -1.0f, pTarget->est.q, pTarget->latched.q, pTarget->latched.deltaQ );
pTarget->est.q = pTarget->latched.q;
pTarget->est.pos = pTarget->latched.pos;
else if( pTarget->est.latched > 0.0f )
// ramp out latch differences during decay phase of rule
if( latched > 0 && latched < pTarget->latched.influence )
// latching has decreased
float dt = pTarget->latched.influence - latched;
if( pTarget->latched.influence > 0.0 )
dt = dt / pTarget->latched.influence;
QuaternionScale( pTarget->latched.deltaQ, (1.0f - dt), pTarget->latched.deltaQ );
pTarget->latched.deltaPos *= (1.0f - dt);
// move ideal contact position by latched error factor
pTarget->est.pos = pTarget->est.pos + pTarget->latched.deltaPos;
QuaternionMA( pTarget->est.q, 1, pTarget->latched.deltaQ, pTarget->est.q );
pTarget->latched.q = pTarget->est.q;
pTarget->latched.pos = pTarget->est.pos;
pTarget->latched.bHasLatch = false;
pTarget->latched.q = pTarget->est.q;
pTarget->latched.pos = pTarget->est.pos;
pTarget->latched.influence = latched;
// check for illegal requests
Vector p1, p2, p3;
p1 = boneToWorld[m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 )->bone].GetOrigin(); // hip
p2 = boneToWorld[m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 1 )->bone].GetOrigin(); // knee
p3 = boneToWorld[m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone].GetOrigin(); // foot
float d1 = (p2 - p1).Length();
float d2 = (p3 - p2).Length();
if( pTarget->latched.bHasLatch )
float d4 = (p3 + pTarget->latched.deltaPos - p1).Length();
// unstick feet when distance is too great
if(( d4 < fabs( d1 - d2 ) || d4 * 0.95f > d1 + d2 ) && pTarget->est.latched > 0.2f )
pTarget->error.flTime = m_flTime;
// unstick feet when angle is too great
if( pTarget->est.latched > 0.2f )
float d = fabs( pTarget->latched.deltaQ.w ) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// FIXME: cos(45), make property of chain
if( d < 0.707f )
pTarget->error.flTime = m_flTime;
Vector dt = pTarget->est.pos - p1;
pTarget->trace.hipToFoot = dt.Length();
pTarget->trace.hipToKnee = d1;
pTarget->trace.kneeToFoot = d2;
pTarget->trace.hip = p1;
pTarget->trace.knee = p2;
dt = dt.Normalize();
pTarget->trace.closest = p1 + dt * ( fabs( d1 - d2 ) * 1.01f);
pTarget->trace.farthest = p1 + dt * (d1 + d2) * 0.99;
pTarget->trace.lowest = p1 + Vector( 0, 0, -1.0f ) * (d1 + d2) * 0.99f;
// pTarget->trace.endpos = pTarget->est.pos;
// Purpose: insert release rules if the ik rules were in error
void CIKContext :: AutoIKRelease( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < m_target.Count(); i++ )
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[i];
float dt = m_flTime - pTarget->error.flTime;
if( pTarget->error.bInError || dt < 0.5f )
if( !pTarget->error.bInError )
pTarget->error.ramp = 0.0;
pTarget->error.flErrorTime = pTarget->error.flTime;
pTarget->error.bInError = true;
float ft = m_flTime - pTarget->error.flErrorTime;
if( dt < 0.25f )
pTarget->error.ramp = Q_min( pTarget->error.ramp + ft * 4.0f, 1.0f );
pTarget->error.ramp = Q_max( pTarget->error.ramp - ft * 4.0f, 0.0f );
if( pTarget->error.ramp > 0.0f )
ikcontextikrule_t ikrule;
ikrule.chain = pTarget->chain;
ikrule.bone = 0;
ikrule.type = IK_RELEASE;
ikrule.slot = i;
ikrule.flWeight = SimpleSpline( pTarget->error.ramp );
ikrule.flRuleWeight = 1.0;
ikrule.latched = dt < 0.25 ? 0.0 : ikrule.flWeight;
// don't bother with AutoIKRelease if the bone isn't going to be calculated
// this code is crashing for some unknown reason.
if( pTarget->chain >= 0 && pTarget->chain < m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains( ))
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( pTarget->chain );
if( pchain != NULL )
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
if( bone >= 0 && bone < m_pBoneSetup->m_pStudioHeader->numbones )
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone ))
pTarget->error.bInError = false;
int nIndex = m_ikChainRule.Element( ikrule.chain ).AddToTail( );
m_ikChainRule.Element( ikrule.chain ).Element( nIndex ) = ikrule;
m_pBoneSetup->debugMsg( "^2Warning:^7 AutoIKRelease (%s) out of range bone %d (%d)\n",
m_pBoneSetup->m_pStudioHeader->name, bone, m_pBoneSetup->m_pStudioHeader->numbones );
m_pBoneSetup->debugMsg( "^2Warning:^7 AutoIKRelease (%s) got a NULL pchain %d\n",
m_pBoneSetup->m_pStudioHeader->name, pTarget->chain );
m_pBoneSetup->debugMsg( "^2Warning:^7 AutoIKRelease (%s) got an out of range chain %d (%d)\n",
m_pBoneSetup->m_pStudioHeader->name, pTarget->chain, m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains( ));
pTarget->error.bInError = false;
pTarget->error.flErrorTime = m_flTime;
void CIKContext :: SolveDependencies( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[], matrix3x4 boneToWorld[], byte *pBoneSet )
matrix3x4 worldTarget;
int i, j;
ikchainresult_t chainResult[32]; // allocate!!!
// init chain rules
for( i = 0; i < m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains(); i++ )
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( i );
ikchainresult_t *pChainResult = &chainResult[i];
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
pChainResult->target = -1;
pChainResult->flWeight = 0.0;
// don't bother with chain if the bone isn't going to be calculated
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone ))
// eval current ik'd bone
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone, boneToWorld, pBoneSet );
pChainResult->q = boneToWorld[bone].GetQuaternion();
pChainResult->pos = boneToWorld[bone].GetOrigin();
for( j = 0; j < m_ikChainRule.Count(); j++ )
for( i = 0; i < m_ikChainRule.Element( j ).Count(); i++ )
ikcontextikrule_t *pRule = &m_ikChainRule.Element( j ).Element( i );
ikchainresult_t *pChainResult = &chainResult[pRule->chain];
pChainResult->target = -1;
switch( pRule->type )
case IK_SELF:
// xform IK target error into world space
matrix3x4 local = matrix3x4( pRule->pos, pRule->q );
// eval target bone space
if( pRule->bone != -1 )
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, pRule->bone, boneToWorld, pBoneSet );
worldTarget = boneToWorld[pRule->bone].ConcatTransforms( local );
worldTarget = m_rootxform.ConcatTransforms( local );
float flWeight = pRule->flWeight * pRule->flRuleWeight;
pChainResult->flWeight = pChainResult->flWeight * (1 - flWeight) + flWeight;
Vector p2;
Vector4D q2;
// target p and q
q2 = worldTarget.GetQuaternion();
p2 = worldTarget.GetOrigin();
// m_pBoneSetup->debugLine( pChainResult->pos, p2, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1 );
// blend in position and angles
pChainResult->pos = pChainResult->pos * (1.0f - flWeight) + p2 * flWeight;
QuaternionSlerp( pChainResult->q, q2, flWeight, pChainResult->q );
case IK_WORLD:
// move target back towards original location
float flWeight = pRule->flWeight * pRule->flRuleWeight;
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( pRule->chain );
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
Vector p2;
Vector4D q2;
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone, boneToWorld, pBoneSet );
q2 = boneToWorld[bone].GetQuaternion();
p2 = boneToWorld[bone].GetOrigin();
// blend in position and angles
pChainResult->pos = pChainResult->pos * (1.0 - flWeight) + p2 * flWeight;
QuaternionSlerp( pChainResult->q, q2, flWeight, pChainResult->q );
pChainResult->flWeight = pChainResult->flWeight * (1 - pRule->flWeight) + pRule->flWeight;
pChainResult->pos = pChainResult->pos * (1.0 - pRule->flWeight ) + pChainResult->local.pos * pRule->flWeight;
QuaternionSlerp( pChainResult->q, pChainResult->local.q, pRule->flWeight, pChainResult->q );
for (i = 0; i < m_target.Count(); i++)
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[i];
if( m_target[i].est.flWeight > 0.0f )
ikchainresult_t *pChainResult = &chainResult[ pTarget->chain ];
matrix3x4 local = matrix3x4( pTarget->offset.pos, pTarget->offset.q );
matrix3x4 worldFootpad = matrix3x4( pTarget->est.pos, pTarget->est.q );
worldTarget = worldFootpad.ConcatTransforms( local );
Vector p2;
Vector4D q2;
// target p and q
q2 = worldTarget.GetQuaternion();
p2 = worldTarget.GetOrigin();
// blend in position and angles
pChainResult->flWeight = pTarget->est.flWeight;
pChainResult->pos = pChainResult->pos * (1.0 - pChainResult->flWeight ) + p2 * pChainResult->flWeight;
QuaternionSlerp( pChainResult->q, q2, pChainResult->flWeight, pChainResult->q );
if( pTarget->latched.bNeedsLatch )
// keep track of latch position
pTarget->latched.bHasLatch = true;
pTarget->latched.q = pTarget->est.q;
pTarget->latched.pos = pTarget->est.pos;
for( i = 0; i < m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains(); i++ )
ikchainresult_t *pChainResult = &chainResult[ i ];
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( i );
if( pChainResult->flWeight > 0.0f )
int bone0 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 )->bone;
int bone1 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 1 )->bone;
int bone2 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
Vector tmp = boneToWorld[bone2].GetOrigin();
// m_pBoneSetup->debugLine( pChainResult->pos, tmp, 255, 255, 255, true, 0.1 );
// do exact IK solution
// FIXME: once per link!
if( m_pBoneSetup->SolveIK( pchain, pChainResult->pos, boneToWorld ))
Vector p3 = boneToWorld[bone2].GetOrigin();
// replace rotational component with IK result
boneToWorld[bone2] = matrix3x4( p3, pChainResult->q );
// rebuild chain
// FIXME: is this needed if everyone past this uses the boneToWorld array?
m_pBoneSetup->SolveBone( bone2, boneToWorld, pos, q );
m_pBoneSetup->SolveBone( bone1, boneToWorld, pos, q );
m_pBoneSetup->SolveBone( bone0, boneToWorld, pos, q );
// FIXME: need to invalidate the targets that forced this...
if( pChainResult->target != -1 )
CIKTarget *pTarget = &m_target[pChainResult->target];
QuaternionScale( pTarget->latched.deltaQ, 0.8f, pTarget->latched.deltaQ );
pTarget->latched.deltaPos *= 0.8f;
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: SolveAutoplayLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] )
for( int i = 0; i < m_ikLock.Count(); i++ )
const mstudioiklock_t *lock = m_pBoneSetup->pIKAutoplayLock( i );
SolveLock( lock, i, pos, q, m_boneToWorld );
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: SolveSequenceLocks( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] )
for( int i = 0; i < m_ikLock.Count(); i++ )
const mstudioiklock_t *plock = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLock( pseqdesc, i );
SolveLock( plock, i, pos, q, m_boneToWorld );
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: AddAllLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] )
// skip all array access if no autoplay locks.
if( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains() == 0 )
int ikOffset = m_ikLock.AddMultipleToTail( m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains() );
memset( &m_ikLock[ikOffset], 0, sizeof( ikcontextikrule_t ) * m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains() );
for( int i = 0; i < m_pBoneSetup->GetNumIKChains(); i++ )
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( i );
int bone = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
// don't bother with iklock if the bone isn't going to be calculated
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone ))
// eval current ik'd bone
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone, m_boneToWorld );
ikcontextikrule_t *ikrule = &m_ikLock[ikOffset + i];
ikrule->type = IK_WORLD;
ikrule->chain = i;
ikrule->slot = i;
ikrule->q = m_boneToWorld[bone].GetQuaternion();
ikrule->pos = m_boneToWorld[bone].GetOrigin();
// save off current knee direction
if( m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 )->kneeDir.LengthSqr() > 0.0f )
const mstudioiklink_t *link0 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 );
ikrule->kneeDir = m_boneToWorld[link0->bone].VectorRotate( link0->kneeDir );
ikrule->kneePos = m_boneToWorld[link0->bone].GetOrigin();
ikrule->kneeDir.Init( );
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: SolveAllLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] )
mstudioiklock_t lock;
for( int i = 0; i < m_ikLock.Count(); i++ )
lock.chain = i;
lock.flPosWeight = 1.0f;
lock.flLocalQWeight = 0.0f;
lock.flags = 0;
SolveLock( &lock, i, pos, q, m_boneToWorld );
// Purpose:
void CIKContext :: SolveLock( const mstudioiklock_t *plock, int i, Vector pos[], Vector4D q[], matrix3x4 boneToWorld[], byte *pBoneSet )
const mstudioikchain_t *pchain = m_pBoneSetup->pIKChain( plock->chain );
int bone0 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 0 )->bone;
int bone1 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 1 )->bone;
int bone2 = m_pBoneSetup->pIKLink( pchain, 2 )->bone;
// don't bother with iklock if the bone isn't going to be calculated
if( !m_pBoneSetup->IsBoneUsed( bone2 ))
// eval current ik'd bone
BuildBoneChain( pos, q, bone2, boneToWorld, pBoneSet );
Vector p1, p2, p3;
Vector4D q2, q3;
// current p and q
p1 = boneToWorld[bone2].GetOrigin();
// blend in position
p3 = p1 * (1.0 - plock->flPosWeight ) + m_ikLock[i].pos * plock->flPosWeight;
// do exact IK solution
if( m_ikLock[i].kneeDir.LengthSqr() > 0.0f )
m_pBoneSetup->SolveIK( bone0, bone1, bone2, p3, m_ikLock[i].kneePos, m_ikLock[i].kneeDir, boneToWorld );
else m_pBoneSetup->SolveIK(pchain, p3, boneToWorld );
// slam orientation
p3 = boneToWorld[bone2].GetOrigin();
boneToWorld[bone2] = matrix3x4( p3, m_ikLock[i].q );
// rebuild chain
q2 = q[bone2];
m_pBoneSetup->SolveBone( bone2, boneToWorld, pos, q );
QuaternionSlerp( q[bone2], q2, plock->flLocalQWeight, q[bone2] );
m_pBoneSetup->SolveBone( bone1, boneToWorld, pos, q );
m_pBoneSetup->SolveBone( bone0, boneToWorld, pos, q );
// Purpose:
void CIKTarget :: SetOwner( int entindex, const Vector &pos, const Vector &angles )
latched.owner = entindex;
latched.absOrigin = pos;
latched.absAngles = angles;
// Purpose:
void CIKTarget :: ClearOwner( void )
latched.owner = -1;
// Purpose:
int CIKTarget :: GetOwner( void )
return latched.owner;
// Purpose: update the latched IK values that are in a moving frame of reference
void CIKTarget :: UpdateOwner( int entindex, const Vector &pos, const Vector &angles )
if( pos == latched.absOrigin && angles == latched.absAngles )
matrix3x4 in = matrix3x4( pos, angles );
matrix3x4 out = matrix3x4( latched.absOrigin, latched.absAngles ).Invert();
matrix3x4 tmp1 = matrix3x4( latched.pos, latched.q );
matrix3x4 tmp2 = out.ConcatTransforms( tmp1 );
tmp1 = in.ConcatTransforms( tmp2 );
latched.q = tmp1.GetQuaternion();
latched.pos = tmp1.GetOrigin();
// Purpose: sets the ground position of an ik target
void CIKTarget :: SetPos( const Vector &pos )
est.pos = pos;
// Purpose: sets the ground "identity" orientation of an ik target
void CIKTarget :: SetAngles( const Vector &angles )
AngleQuaternion( angles, est.q );
// Purpose: sets the ground "identity" orientation of an ik target
void CIKTarget :: SetQuaternion( const Vector4D &q )
est.q = q;
// Purpose: calculates a ground "identity" orientation based on the surface
// normal of the ground and the desired ground identity orientation
void CIKTarget :: SetNormal( const Vector &normal )
// recalculate foot angle based on slope of surface
matrix3x4 m1 = matrix3x4( g_vecZero, est.q );
Vector forward, right;
right = m1.GetRight();
forward = CrossProduct( right, normal );
right = CrossProduct( normal, forward );
m1.SetForward( forward );
m1.SetRight( right );
m1.SetUp( normal );
est.q = m1.GetQuaternion();
// Purpose: estimates the ground impact at the center location assuming a the edge of
// an Z axis aligned disc collided with it the surface.
void CIKTarget :: SetPosWithNormalOffset( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal )
// assume it's a disc edge intersecting with the floor, so try to estimate the z location of the center
est.pos = pos;
if( normal.z > 0.9999f )
else if( normal.z > 0.707 )
// clamp at 45 degrees
// tan == sin / cos
float tan = sqrt( 1.0f - normal.z * normal.z ) / normal.z;
est.pos.z = est.pos.z - est.radius * tan;
est.pos.z = est.pos.z - est.radius;
// Purpose:
void CIKTarget :: SetOnWorld( bool bOnWorld )
est.onWorld = bOnWorld;
// Purpose:
bool CIKTarget :: IsActive( void )
return (est.flWeight > 0.0f);
// Purpose:
void CIKTarget :: IKFailed( void )
latched.pos = ideal.pos;
latched.q = ideal.q;
est.latched = 0.0;
est.flWeight = 0.0;
est.onWorld = false;
// Purpose:
void CIKTarget :: MoveReferenceFrame( Vector &deltaPos, Vector &deltaAngles )
est.pos -= deltaPos;
latched.pos -= deltaPos;
offset.pos -= deltaPos;
ideal.pos -= deltaPos;