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Raw Normal View History

2020-08-31 18:50:41 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
// brush.c
#include "csg.h"
plane_t g_mapplanes[MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES];
int g_planehash[PLANE_HASHES];
int g_nummapplanes;
bool PlaneEqual( const plane_t *p, const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t origin, vec_t dist )
vec_t t;
if( -DIR_EPSILON < ( t = normal[0] - p->normal[0] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON &&
-DIR_EPSILON < ( t = normal[1] - p->normal[1] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON &&
-DIR_EPSILON < ( t = normal[2] - p->normal[2] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON )
t = PlaneDiff2( origin, p );
return true;
return false;
void AddPlaneToHash( plane_t *p )
int hash;
hash = (PLANE_HASHES - 1) & (int)fabs( p->dist );
p->hash_chain = g_planehash[hash];
g_planehash[hash] = p - g_mapplanes + 1;
int CreateNewFloatPlane( const vec3_t srcnormal, const vec3_t origin )
plane_t *p0, *p1, temp;
vec3_t normal;
vec_t dist;
int type;
if( VectorLength( srcnormal ) < 0.5 )
return -1;
// create a new plane
if(( g_nummapplanes + 2 ) > MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES limit exceeded\n" );
p0 = &g_mapplanes[g_nummapplanes+0];
p1 = &g_mapplanes[g_nummapplanes+1];
// snap plane normal
VectorCopy( srcnormal, normal );
type = SnapNormal( normal );
// snap plane distance
dist = DotProduct( origin, normal );
// only snap distance if the normal is an axis. Otherwise there
// is nothing "natural" about snapping the distance to an integer.
if( VectorIsOnAxis( normal ) && fabs( dist - Q_rint( dist )) < DIST_EPSILON )
dist = Q_rint( dist ); // catch -0.0
VectorCopy( origin, p0->origin );
VectorCopy( normal, p0->normal );
VectorCopy( origin, p1->origin );
VectorNegate( normal, p1->normal );
p0->dist = dist;
p1->dist = -dist;
p0->type = type;
p1->type = type;
g_nummapplanes += 2;
// always put axial planes facing positive first
if( normal[type % 3] < 0 )
// flip order
temp = *p0;
*p0 = *p1;
*p1 = temp;
AddPlaneToHash( p0 );
AddPlaneToHash( p1 );
return g_nummapplanes - 1;
AddPlaneToHash( p0 );
AddPlaneToHash( p1 );
return g_nummapplanes - 2;
int FindFloatPlane( const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t origin )
int i, hash, h;
vec_t dist;
plane_t *p;
dist = DotProduct( origin, normal );
hash = (PLANE_HASHES - 1) & (int)fabs( dist );
// search the border bins as well
for( i = -1; i <= 1; i++ )
h = (hash + i) & (PLANE_HASHES - 1);
for( int pidx = g_planehash[h] - 1; pidx != -1; pidx = g_mapplanes[pidx].hash_chain - 1 )
p = &g_mapplanes[pidx];
if( PlaneEqual( p, normal, origin, dist ))
return p - g_mapplanes;
// allocate a new two opposite planes
int returnval = CreateNewFloatPlane( normal, origin );
return returnval;
int FindFloatPlane2( const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t origin )
int returnval;
plane_t *p, temp;
vec_t t;
returnval = 0;
for( ; returnval < g_nummapplanes; returnval++ )
// BUG: there might be some multithread issue --vluzacn
if( -DIR_EPSILON < ( t = normal[0] - g_mapplanes[returnval].normal[0] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON &&
-DIR_EPSILON < ( t = normal[1] - g_mapplanes[returnval].normal[1] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON &&
-DIR_EPSILON < ( t = normal[2] - g_mapplanes[returnval].normal[2] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON )
t = DotProduct (origin, g_mapplanes[returnval].normal) - g_mapplanes[returnval].dist;
return returnval;
if( returnval != g_nummapplanes ) // make sure we don't race
// check to see if other thread added plane we need
goto find_plane;
// create new planes - double check that we have room for 2 planes
if(( g_nummapplanes + 2 ) > MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES limit exceeded\n" );
p = &g_mapplanes[g_nummapplanes];
VectorCopy( origin, p->origin );
VectorCopy( normal, p->normal );
VectorNormalize( p->normal );
p->type = MapPlaneTypeForNormal( p->normal );
// snap normal to nearest axial if possible
if( p->type <= PLANE_LAST_AXIAL )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( i == p->type )
p->normal[i] = p->normal[i] > 0 ? 1 : -1;
else p->normal[i] = 0;
p->dist = DotProduct( origin, p->normal );
VectorCopy( origin, (p+1)->origin );
VectorNegate( p->normal, (p+1)->normal );
(p+1)->type = p->type;
(p+1)->dist = -p->dist;
// always put axial planes facing positive first
if( normal[(p->type) % 3] < 0 )
temp = *p;
*p = *(p+1);
*(p+1) = temp;
returnval = g_nummapplanes + 1;
returnval = g_nummapplanes;
g_nummapplanes += 2;
return returnval;
int PlaneFromPoints( const vec_t *p0, const vec_t *p1, const vec_t *p2 )
vec3_t t1, t2, normal;
VectorSubtract( p0, p1, t1 );
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, t2 );
CrossProduct( t1, t2, normal );
if( !VectorNormalize( normal ))
return -1;
return FindFloatPlane( normal, p0 );
some compilers may use SKIP instead of NULL texture
replace it for consistency
void BrushCheckSides( mapent_t *mapent, brush_t *b )
int i, nodraw_faces = 0;
int skip_faces = 0;
int hint_faces = 0;
side_t *s;
// never apply this for a patches!
if( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_PATCH ))
// explicit non-solid brushes also ignore it
if( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_NOCLIP ))
for( i = 0; i < b->sides.Count(); i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_NODRAW ))
// count only non-shaders skip
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_SKIP ) && FBitSet( s->shader->flags, FSHADER_DEFAULTED ))
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_HINT|FSIDE_SOLIDHINT ))
// brush have "skip" faces and remaining faces not a hint
if( skip_faces && !hint_faces )
for( i = 0; i < b->sides.Count(); i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_SKIP ))
Q_strncpy( s->name, "NULL", sizeof( s->name ));
SetBits( s->flags, FSIDE_NODRAW );
ClearBits( s->flags, FSIDE_SKIP );
s->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
int BrushContents( mapent_t *mapent, brush_t *b )
const char *name = ValueForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "classname" );
int i, best_i, contents;
bool assigned = false;
int nodraw_fases = 0;
int best_contents;
side_t *s;
// cycle though the sides of the brush and attempt to get our best side contents for
// determining overall brush contents
if( b->sides.Count() == 0 )
COM_FatalError( "Entity %i, Brush %i: Brush with no sides.\n", b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
// for each face of each brush of this entity
if( BoolForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "zhlt_precisionclip" ))
SetBits( b->flags, FBRUSH_PRECISIONCLIP );
// non-solid detail entity
if( !Q_stricmp( name, "func_detail_illusionary" ))
SetBits( b->flags, FBRUSH_NOCLIP );
b->detaillevel = 2;
// solid detail entity
if( !Q_stricmp( name, "func_detail_fence" ) || !Q_stricmp( name, "func_detail_wall" ))
b->detaillevel = 1;
BrushCheckSides( mapent, b );
s = &b->sides[0];
// NULL can't be used to select contents
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_NODRAW ))
best_contents = CONTENTS_NULL;
else best_contents = s->contents;
best_i = 0;
// SKIP doesn't split space in bsp process, ContentEmpty splits space normally.
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_SKIP ))
assigned = true;
for( i = 1; i < b->sides.Count(); i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
if( assigned ) break;
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_SKIP ))
best_contents = s->contents;
assigned = true;
best_i = i;
// g-cont. NULL has lower priority than other contents
if( s->contents > best_contents && !FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_NODRAW ))
// if our current surface contents is better (larger)
// than our best, make it our best.
best_contents = s->contents;
best_i = i;
contents = best_contents;
for( i = 0; i < b->sides.Count(); i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
if( FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_NODRAW ))
if( assigned && !FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_SKIP|FSIDE_HINT ) && s->contents != CONTENTS_ORIGIN )
continue; // overwrite content for this texture
// sky are not to cause mixed face contents
if( s->contents == CONTENTS_SKY || FBitSet( s->flags, FSIDE_NODRAW ))
if( s->contents != best_contents )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Entity %i, Brush %i: mixed face contents\n Texture %s and %s\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum, b->sides[best_i].name, s->name );
if( contents != CONTENTS_ORIGIN )
if( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_NOCLIP ))
contents = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
if( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_CLIPONLY ))
contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
if( contents == CONTENTS_NULL )
contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
// check to make sure we dont have an origin brush as part of worldspawn
if(( b->entitynum == 0 ) || ( !Q_strcmp( "func_group", name ) || !Q_strcmp( "func_landscape", name ) || !Q_strcmp( "func_detail", name )))
if( contents == CONTENTS_ORIGIN )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Entity %i, Brush %i: origin brush not allowed in world\n", b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
// otherwise its not worldspawn, therefore its an entity. check to make sure this brush is allowed
// to be an entity.
switch( contents )
COM_FatalError( "Entity %i, Brush %i: %s brushes not allowed in entity",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum, ContentsToString( contents ));
// turn detail null-brushes into clipbrushes
if( nodraw_fases == b->sides.Count() && b->detaillevel )
SetBits( b->flags, FBRUSH_CLIPONLY );
// TyrTools style details: chop faces but ignore visportals
if( !Q_stricmp( "func_detail", name ) && ( contents == CONTENTS_SOLID || contents == CONTENTS_EMPTY ))
return contents;
This is done by brute force, and could easily get a lot faster if anyone cares.
#define MAX_HULL_POINTS 512
#define MAX_HULL_EDGES 1024
typedef struct expand_s
// input
brush_t *b;
int hullnum;
// output
vec3_t points[MAX_HULL_POINTS];
vec3_t corners[MAX_HULL_POINTS * 8];
int edges[MAX_HULL_EDGES][2];
int numpoints;
int numedges;
} expand_t;
void AddHullPlane( expand_t *ex, const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t origin )
int planenum = FindFloatPlane( normal, origin );
brushhull_t *hull = &ex->b->hull[ex->hullnum];
for( bface_t *f = hull->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
if( f->planenum == planenum )
return; // don't add a plane twice
bface_t *face = AllocFace();
face->planenum = planenum;
face->plane = &g_mapplanes[face->planenum];
face->contents[0] = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
face->next = hull->faces;
hull->faces = face;
face->texinfo = -1;
Adds the given plane to the brush description if all of the original brush
vertexes can be put on the front side
void TestAddPlane( expand_t *ex, const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t origin )
int planenum = FindFloatPlane( normal, origin );
brushhull_t *hull = &ex->b->hull[ex->hullnum];
int points_front, points_back;
vec_t *corner;
vec_t d;
// see if the plane has allready been added
for( bface_t *f = hull->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
if( f->planenum == planenum )
return; // don't add a plane twice
// check all the corner points
points_front = points_back = 0;
corner = ex->corners[0];
for( int i = 0; i < ex->numpoints * 8; i++, corner += 3 )
d = (corner[0] - origin[0]) * normal[0];
d += (corner[1] - origin[1]) * normal[1];
d += (corner[2] - origin[2]) * normal[2];
if( d < -ON_EPSILON )
if( points_front )
points_back = 1;
else if( d > ON_EPSILON )
if( points_back )
points_front = 1;
bface_t *face = AllocFace();
face->planenum = ( points_front ) ? planenum ^ 1 : planenum;
face->plane = &g_mapplanes[face->planenum];
face->contents[0] = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
face->next = hull->faces;
hull->faces = face;
face->texinfo = -1;
Doesn't add if duplicated
int AddHullPoint( expand_t *ex, const vec3_t p )
vec_t *c;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < ex->numpoints; i++ )
if( VectorCompareEpsilon( p, ex->points[i], EQUAL_EPSILON ))
return i;
if( ex->numpoints == MAX_HULL_POINTS )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_HULL_POINTS limit exceeded\n" );
VectorCopy( p, ex->points[ex->numpoints] );
c = ex->corners[i*8];
// also add eight hull corners
for( int x = 0; x < 2; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y < 2; y++ )
for( int z = 0; z < 2; z++ )
c[0] = p[0] + g_hull_size[ex->hullnum][x][0];
c[1] = p[1] + g_hull_size[ex->hullnum][y][1];
c[2] = p[2] + g_hull_size[ex->hullnum][z][2];
c += 3;
return i;
Creates all of the hull planes around the given edge, if not done already
void AddHullEdge( expand_t *ex, const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 )
vec3_t edgevec, planevec;
vec3_t normal, origin;
int a, b, c, d, e;
int pt1, pt2;
vec_t length;
pt1 = AddHullPoint( ex, p1 );
pt2 = AddHullPoint( ex, p2 );
for( int i = 0; i < ex->numedges; i++ )
if(( ex->edges[i][0] == pt1 && ex->edges[i][1] == pt2 ) || ( ex->edges[i][0] == pt2 && ex->edges[i][1] == pt1 ))
return; // already added
if( ex->numedges == MAX_HULL_EDGES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_HULL_EDGES limit exceeded\n" );
ex->edges[i][0] = pt1;
ex->edges[i][1] = pt2;
VectorSubtract( p1, p2, edgevec );
VectorNormalize( edgevec );
for( a = 0; a < 3; a++ )
b = (a + 1) % 3;
c = (a + 2) % 3;
planevec[a] = 1.0;
planevec[b] = 0.0;
planevec[c] = 0.0;
CrossProduct( planevec, edgevec, normal );
length = VectorNormalize( normal );
// if this edge is almost parallel to the hull edge, skip it.
if( length < NORMAL_EPSILON ) continue;
for( d = 0; d <= 1; d++ )
for( e = 0; e <= 1; e++ )
VectorCopy( p1, origin );
origin[b] += g_hull_size[ex->hullnum][d][b];
origin[c] += g_hull_size[ex->hullnum][e][c];
TestAddPlane( ex, normal, origin );
void ExpandBrush2( brush_t *b, int hullnum )
bface_t *brush_faces, *f;
vec3_t origin, normal;
bool axial = true;
int i, x, s;
vec_t corner;
brushhull_t *hull;
expand_t ex;
plane_t *p;
brush_faces = b->hull[0].faces;
hull = &b->hull[hullnum];
ex.hullnum = hullnum;
ex.numpoints = 0;
ex.numedges = 0;
ex.b = b;
// expand all of the planes
for( f = brush_faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
p = f->plane;
if( p->type > PLANE_LAST_AXIAL )
axial = false; // not an xyz axial plane
VectorCopy( p->origin, origin );
VectorCopy( p->normal, normal );
for ( x = 0; x < 3; x++ )
if( p->normal[x] > 0.0 )
corner = g_hull_size[hullnum][1][x];
else if( p->normal[x] < 0.0 )
corner = -g_hull_size[hullnum][0][x];
else corner = 0.0;
origin[x] += p->normal[x] * corner;
bface_t *face = AllocFace();
face->planenum = FindFloatPlane( normal, origin );
face->plane = &g_mapplanes[face->planenum];
face->contents[0] = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
face->next = hull->faces;
hull->faces = face;
face->texinfo = -1;
// if this was an axial brush, we are done
if( axial ) return;
// add any axis planes not contained in the brush to bevel off corners
for( x = 0; x < 3; x++ )
for( s = -1; s <= 1; s += 2 )
// add the plane
VectorClear( normal );
normal[x] = s;
if( s == -1 ) VectorAdd( b->hull[0].mins, g_hull_size[hullnum][0], origin );
else VectorAdd( b->hull[0].maxs, g_hull_size[hullnum][1], origin );
AddHullPlane( &ex, normal, origin );
// create all the hull points
for( f = brush_faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
for( i = 0; i < f->w->numpoints; i++ )
AddHullPoint( &ex, f->w->p[i] );
// add all of the edge bevels
for( f = brush_faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
for( i = 0; i < f->w->numpoints; i++ )
AddHullEdge( &ex, f->w->p[i], f->w->p[(i + 1) % f->w->numpoints] );
This is done by brute force, and could easily get a lot faster if anyone cares.
// =====================================================================================
// AddHullPlane (subroutine for replacement of ExpandBrush, KGP)
// Called to add any and all clip hull planes by the new ExpandBrush.
// =====================================================================================
void AddHullPlane( brushhull_t *hull, const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t origin, bool check_planenum )
int planenum = FindFloatPlane( normal, origin );
// check to see if this plane is already in the brush (optional to speed
// up cases where we know the plane hasn't been added yet, like axial case)
if( check_planenum )
// we know axial planes are added in last step
if( g_mapplanes[planenum].type <= PLANE_LAST_AXIAL )
for( bface_t *f = hull->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
if( f->planenum == planenum )
return; // don't add a plane twice
bface_t *face = AllocFace();
face->planenum = planenum;
face->plane = &g_mapplanes[face->planenum];
face->contents[0] = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
face->next = hull->faces;
hull->faces = face;
face->texinfo = -1;
void ExpandBrush( brush_t *b, int hullnum )
vec3_t edge_start, edge_end;
plane_t *plane, *plane2;
vec3_t edge, bevel_edge;
bool start_found, end_found;
bool warned = false;
vec3_t origin, normal;
bface_t *f, *f2;
winding_t *w, *w2;
brushhull_t *hull;
hull = &b->hull[hullnum];
// step 1: for collision between player vertex and brush face. --vluzacn
for( f = b->hull[0].faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
plane = f->plane;
// don't bother adding axial planes,
// they're defined by adding the bounding box anyway
if( plane->type <= PLANE_LAST_AXIAL )
// add the offset non-axial plane to the expanded hull
VectorCopy( plane->origin, origin );
VectorCopy( plane->normal, normal );
// old code multiplied offset by normal -- this led to post-csg "sticky" walls where a
// slope met an axial plane from the next brush since the offset from the slope would be less
// than the full offset for the axial plane -- the discontinuity also contributes to increased
// clipnodes. If the normal is zero along an axis, shifting the origin in that direction won't
// change the plane number, so I don't explicitly test that case. The old method is still used if
// preciseclip is turned off to allow backward compatability -- some of the improperly beveled edges
// grow using the new origins, and might cause additional problems.
origin[0] += g_hull_size[hullnum][(normal[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0)][0];
origin[1] += g_hull_size[hullnum][(normal[1] > 0 ? 1 : 0)][1];
origin[2] += g_hull_size[hullnum][(normal[2] > 0 ? 1 : 0)][2];
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
// step 2: for collision between player edge and brush edge. --vluzacn
// split bevel check into a second pass so we don't have to check for duplicate planes when adding offset planes
// in step above -- otherwise a bevel plane might duplicate an offset plane, causing problems later on.
for( f = b->hull[0].faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
plane = f->plane;
// test to see if the plane is completely non-axial (if it is, need to add bevels to any
// existing "inflection edges" where there's a sign change with a neighboring plane's normal for
// a given axis)
// move along w and find plane on other side of each edge. If normals change sign,
// add a new plane by offsetting the points of the w to bevel the edge in that direction.
// It's possible to have inflection in multiple directions -- in this case, a new plane
// must be added for each sign change in the edge.
w = f->w;
// do it for each edge
for( int i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorCopy( w->p[i], edge_start );
VectorCopy( w->p[(i + 1) % w->numpoints], edge_end );
// grab the edge (find relative length)
VectorSubtract( edge_end, edge_start, edge );
// brute force - need to check every other w for common points
// if the points match, the other face is the one we need to look at.
for( f2 = b->hull[0].faces; f2 != NULL; f2 = f2->next )
if( f == f2 ) continue;
start_found = false;
end_found = false;
w2 = f2->w;
for( int j = 0; j < w2->numpoints; j++ )
if( !start_found && VectorCompareEpsilon( w2->p[j], edge_start, EQUAL_EPSILON ))
start_found = true;
if( !end_found && VectorCompareEpsilon( w2->p[j], edge_end, EQUAL_EPSILON ))
end_found = true;
// we've found the face we want, move on to planar comparison
if( start_found && end_found )
if( start_found && end_found )
if( !f2 )
if( hullnum == 1 && !warned )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Illegal Brush (edge without opposite face): Entity %i, Brush %i\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
warned = true;
plane2 = f2->plane;
// check each direction for sign change in normal -- zero can be safely ignored
for( int dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ )
// if sign changed, add bevel
if( plane->normal[dir] * plane2->normal[dir] < -NORMAL_EPSILON )
// pick direction of bevel edge by looking at normal of existing planes
VectorClear( bevel_edge );
bevel_edge[dir] = (plane->normal[dir] > 0) ? -1 : 1;
// find normal by taking normalized cross of the edge vector and the bevel edge
CrossProduct( edge, bevel_edge, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
if( fabs( normal[(dir+1)%3]) <= NORMAL_EPSILON || fabs( normal[(dir+2)%3] ) <= NORMAL_EPSILON )
// coincide with axial plane
// get the origin
VectorCopy( edge_start, origin );
// note: if normal == 0 in direction indicated, shifting origin doesn't change plane #
origin[0] += g_hull_size[hullnum][(normal[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0)][0];
origin[1] += g_hull_size[hullnum][(normal[1] > 0 ? 1 : 0)][1];
origin[2] += g_hull_size[hullnum][(normal[2] > 0 ? 1 : 0)][2];
// add the bevel plane to the expanded hull
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, true );
// step 3: for collision between player face and brush vertex. --vluzacn
// add the bounding box to the expanded hull -- for a
// completely axial brush, this is the only necessary step
// add mins
VectorAdd( b->hull[0].mins, g_hull_size[hullnum][0], origin );
VectorSet( normal, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
VectorSet( normal, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
// add maxs
VectorAdd( b->hull[0].maxs, g_hull_size[hullnum][1], origin );
VectorSet( normal, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
AddHullPlane( hull, normal, origin, false );
#if _DEBUG
// sanity check
for( f = hull->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
for( f2 = b->hull[0].faces; f2 != NULL; f2 = f2->next )
if( f2->w->numpoints < 3 )
for( int i = 0; i < f2->w->numpoints; i++ )
if( DotProduct( f->plane->normal, f->plane->origin ) < DotProduct( f->plane->normal, f2->w->p[i] ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Illegal Brush (clip hull [%i] has backward face): Entity %i, Brush %i\n",
hullnum, b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
void FreeHullFaces( void )
for( int i = 0; i < g_nummapbrushes; i++ )
brush_t *b = &g_mapbrushes[i];
for( int j = 0; j < MAX_MAP_HULLS; j++ )
UnlinkFaces( &b->hull[j].faces );
// throw sides too
void SortHullFaces( brushhull_t *h )
int numfaces;
bface_t **faces;
vec3_t *normals;
bool *isused;
int i, j;
int *sorted;
bface_t *f;
for( numfaces = 0, f = h->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
faces = (bface_t **)Mem_Alloc( numfaces * sizeof( bface_t* ), C_TEMPORARY );
normals = (vec3_t *)Mem_Alloc( numfaces * sizeof( vec3_t ), C_TEMPORARY );
isused = (bool *)Mem_Alloc( numfaces * sizeof( bool ), C_TEMPORARY );
sorted = (int *)Mem_Alloc( numfaces * sizeof( int ), C_TEMPORARY );
for( i = 0, f = h->faces; f != NULL; i++, f = f->next )
const plane_t *p = &g_mapplanes[f->planenum];
VectorCopy( p->normal, normals[i] );
faces[i] = f;
for( i = 0; i < numfaces; i++ )
int bestaxial = -1;
int bestside;
for( j = 0; j < numfaces; j++)
if( isused[j] ) continue;
int axial = AxisFromNormal( normals[j] );
if( axial > bestaxial )
bestaxial = axial;
bestside = j;
sorted[i] = bestside;
isused[bestside] = true;
for( i = -1; i < numfaces; i++ )
*(i >= 0 ? &faces[sorted[i]]->next: &h->faces) = (i + 1 < numfaces ? faces[sorted[i + 1]] : NULL);
Mem_Free( faces, C_TEMPORARY );
Mem_Free( normals, C_TEMPORARY );
Mem_Free( isused, C_TEMPORARY );
Mem_Free( sorted, C_TEMPORARY );
void MakeHullFaces( brush_t *b, brushhull_t *h, int hullnum )
bface_t *f, *f2;
mapent_t *mapent;
bool warned = false;
vec_t v, area;
int i, j;
vec3_t point;
winding_t *w;
plane_t *p;
mapent = &g_mapentities[b->entitynum];
// sorted faces make BSP-splits is more axial than unsorted
SortHullFaces( h );
ClearBounds( h->mins, h->maxs );
for( f = h->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
w = BaseWindingForPlane( f->plane->normal, f->plane->dist );
ASSERT( w != NULL );
for( f2 = h->faces; f2 != NULL; f2 = f2->next )
if( f == f2 ) continue;
p = &g_mapplanes[f2->planenum ^ 1];
if( !ChopWindingInPlace( &w, p->normal, p->dist, NORMAL_EPSILON, false ))
break; // nothing to chop?
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( w, ON_EPSILON );
area = WindingArea( w );
if( area < MICROVOLUME )
if( w ) FreeWinding( w );
if( !w && !warned && hullnum == 0 )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Illegal Brush (plane doesn't contribute to final shape): Entity %i, Brush %i\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
warned = true;
// remove the face and regenerate the hull
UnlinkFaces( &h->faces, f );
goto restart;
f->contents[0] = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
f->w = w; // at this point winging is always valid
for( i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
point[j] = w->p[i][j];
v = Q_rint( point[j] );
if( fabs( point[j] - v ) < DIR_EPSILON )
w->p[i][j] = v;
else w->p[i][j] = point[j];
// check for incomplete brushes
if( w->p[i][j] >= WORLD_MAXS || w->p[i][j] <= WORLD_MINS )
// remove this brush
if( j < 3 )
UnlinkFaces( &h->faces );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "Entity %i, Brush %i: degenerate brush was removed\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
if( !FBitSet( f->flags, FSIDE_SKIP ))
AddPointToBounds( w->p[i], h->mins, h->maxs );
// make sure what all faces has valid ws
CheckWindingEpsilon( w, ON_EPSILON, ( hullnum == 0 ));
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( h->mins[i] < WORLD_MINS || h->maxs[i] > WORLD_MAXS )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Entity %i, Brush %i: outside world(+/-%d): (%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)-(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum, BOGUS_RANGE / 2,
h->mins[0], h->mins[1], h->mins[2], h->maxs[0], h->maxs[1], h->maxs[2] );
if( i == 3 && hullnum == 0 )
// compute total entity bounds
AddPointToBounds( h->mins, mapent->absmin, mapent->absmax );
AddPointToBounds( h->maxs, mapent->absmin, mapent->absmax );
int MakeBrushPlanes( brush_t *b )
bool skipface;
int badsides = 0;
vec3_t planepts[3];
vec3_t origin;
bface_t *f;
side_t *s;
// if the origin key is set (by an origin brush), offset all of the values
GetVectorForKey( (entity_t *)&g_mapentities[b->entitynum], "origin", origin );
// convert to mapplanes
for( int i = 0; i < b->sides.Count(); i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
skipface = false;
if( b->entitynum )
for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
VectorSubtract( s->planepts[k], origin, planepts[k] );
s->planenum = PlaneFromPoints( planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2] );
// world doesn't required offset by origin
s->planenum = PlaneFromPoints( s->planepts[0], s->planepts[1], s->planepts[2] );
if( s->planenum == -1 )
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "Entity %i, Brush %i: plane with no normal\n", b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum );
// see if the plane has been used already
for( f = b->hull[0].faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
// g-cont. there is non fatal for us. just reject this face and trying again
if( f->planenum == s->planenum || f->planenum == ( s->planenum ^ 1 ))
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "Entity %i, Brush %i, Side %i: has a coplanar plane\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum, i );
skipface = true;
if( skipface ) continue;
f = AllocFace();
f->planenum = s->planenum;
f->plane = &g_mapplanes[s->planenum];
f->next = b->hull[0].faces;
b->hull[0].faces = f;
f->texinfo = g_onlyents ? -1 : TexinfoForSide( f->plane, s, origin );
f->flags = s->flags;
return badsides;
void CreateBrushFaces( brush_t *b )
// convert brush sides to planes
int badsides = MakeBrushPlanes( b );
if( badsides > 0 )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Entity %i, Brush %i: has %d invalid sides (total %d)\n",
b->originalentitynum, b->originalbrushnum, badsides, b->sides.Count() );
MakeHullFaces( b, &b->hull[0], 0 );
if( b->contents == CONTENTS_EMPTY || b->contents == CONTENTS_ORIGIN )
if( !g_noclip && ( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_CLIPONLY ) || !FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_NOCLIP )))
for( int h = 1; h < MAX_MAP_HULLS; h++ )
if( VectorIsNull( g_hull_size[h][0] ) && VectorIsNull( g_hull_size[h][1] ))
if( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_PRECISIONCLIP ))
ExpandBrush2( b, h );
else ExpandBrush( b, h );
MakeHullFaces( b, &b->hull[h], h );
// invisible detail brush it's a clipbrush
if( FBitSet( b->flags, FBRUSH_CLIPONLY ))
UnlinkFaces( &b->hull[0].faces );
b->hull[0].faces = NULL;
multi-thread version
void CreateBrush( int brushnum, int threadnum )
CreateBrushFaces( &g_mapbrushes[brushnum] );
release specified face or purge all chain
void DeleteBrushFaces( brush_t *b )
if( !b ) return;
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_HULLS; i++ )
UnlinkFaces( &b->hull[i].faces );
NOTE: never alloc planes during threads work because planes order will be
different for each compile and we gets various BSP'ing result every
time when we compile map again!
void DumpBrushPlanes( void )
#if 0
for( int i = 0; i < g_nummapbrushes; i++ )
brush_t *b = &g_mapbrushes[i];
if( b->contents == CONTENTS_ORIGIN )
Msg( "brush #%i\n", i );
// convert to mapplanes
for( int j = 0; j < b->sides.Count(); j++ )
side_t *s = &b->sides[j];
plane_t *mp = &g_mapplanes[s->planenum];
Msg( "#%i, (%g %g %g) - (%g), %d\n", j, mp->normal[0], mp->normal[1], mp->normal[2], mp->dist, mp->type );
void ProcessAutoOrigins( void )
char string[32];
const char *classname;
const char *pclassname;
const char *ptarget;
mapent_t *parent;
mapent_t *mapent;
vec3_t origin;
int c_origins_processed = 0;
bool origin_from_parent;
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "ProcessAutoOrigins:\n" );
// skip the world
for( int i = 1; i < g_mapentities.Count(); i++ )
origin_from_parent = false;
mapent = &g_mapentities[i];
parent = NULL;
if( !mapent->numbrushes )
// for some reasons entity doesn't have a valid size
if( BoundsIsCleared( mapent->absmin, mapent->absmax ))
GetVectorForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "origin", origin );
// origin was set by level-designer
if( !VectorIsNull( origin ))
classname = ValueForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "classname" );
// g-cont. old-good hack for my entity :-)
if( !Q_strcmp( classname, "func_traindoor" ))
if( CheckKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "train" ))
parent = FindTargetMapEntity( &g_mapentities, ValueForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "train" ));
else if( !Q_strncmp( classname, "rotate_", 7 ))
// Quake1 rotational objects support
parent = FindTargetMapEntity( &g_mapentities, ValueForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "target" ));
origin_from_parent = true;
else if( !Q_strncmp( classname, "func_portal", 11 ))
// portal always required origin-brush
parent = mapent;
if( !parent && CheckKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "parent" ))
parent = FindTargetMapEntity( &g_mapentities, ValueForKey( (entity_t *)mapent, "parent" ));
if( !parent ) continue;
pclassname = ValueForKey( (entity_t *)parent, "classname" );
ptarget = ValueForKey( (entity_t *)parent, "targetname" );
if( origin_from_parent || !Q_strcmp( pclassname, "func_door_rotating" ))
GetVectorForKey( (entity_t *)parent, "origin", origin );
Q_snprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%.1f %.1f %.1f", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] );
SetKeyValue( (entity_t *)mapent, "origin", string );
// now we have:
// 1. entity with valid absmin\absmax
// 2. it have valid parent
// 3. it doesn't have custom origin
VectorAverage( mapent->absmin, mapent->absmax, origin );
Q_snprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%.1f %.1f %.1f", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] );
SetKeyValue( (entity_t *)mapent, "origin", string );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "%s, parent %s (%s) auto origin %g %g %g\n", classname, pclassname, ptarget, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] );
for( int j = 0; j < mapent->numbrushes; j++ )
brush_t *b = &g_mapbrushes[mapent->firstbrush + j];
// remove old brush faces
DeleteBrushFaces( b );
// new brush with origin-adjusted sides
CreateBrushFaces( b );
if( c_origins_processed > 0 )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "total %i entities was adjusted with auto-origin\n", c_origins_processed );
void RestoreModelOrigins( void )
const char *pclassname;
const char *ptarget;
char string[32];
for( int i = 1; i < g_nummodels; i++ )
mapent_t *ent = MapEntityForModel( i );
dmodel_t *bm = &g_dmodels[i];
if( VectorIsNull( bm->origin ))
// for some reasons origin already set
if( CheckKey( (entity_t *)ent, "origin" ))
pclassname = ValueForKey( (entity_t *)ent, "classname" );
ptarget = ValueForKey( (entity_t *)ent, "targetname" );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "%s, (%s) auto origin %g %g %g\n", pclassname, ptarget, bm->origin[0], bm->origin[1], bm->origin[2] );
Q_snprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%.1f %.1f %.1f", bm->origin[0], bm->origin[1], bm->origin[2] );
SetKeyValue( (entity_t *)ent, "origin", string );