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2020-08-31 18:50:41 +02:00
meshdesc.h - cached mesh for tracing custom objects
Copyright (C) 2012 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef MESHDESC_H
#define MESHDESC_H
#include "studio.h"
#include "areanode.h"
#define MAX_AREA_DEPTH 5
#define MAX_FACET_PLANES 32 // can be increased up to 255
#define MAX_TRIANGLES 524288 // studio triangles
#define PLANE_HASHES m_iHashPlanes
#define PACIFIER_STEP 40
typedef struct hashplane_s
mplane_t pl;
struct hashplane_s *hash;
} hashplane_t;
typedef struct mvert_s
Vector point;
float st[2]; // for alpha-texture test
} mvert_t;
typedef struct mfacet_s
link_t area; // linked to a division node or leaf
int skinref; // pointer to texture for special effects
mvert_t triangle[3]; // store triangle points
Vector mins, maxs; // an individual size of each facet
vec3_t edge1, edge2; // new trace stuff
byte numplanes; // because numplanes for each facet can't exceeds MAX_FACET_PLANES!
uint *indices; // a indexes into mesh plane pool
} mfacet_t;
typedef struct
Vector mins, maxs;
int numfacets;
int numplanes;
mfacet_t *facets;
mplane_t *planes; // shared plane pool
} mmesh_t;
class CMeshDesc
mmesh_t m_mesh;
const char *m_debugName; // just for debug purpoces
areanode_t areanodes[MAX_AREANODES]; // AABB tree for speedup trace test
int numareanodes;
bool has_tree; // build AABB tree
int m_iTotalPlanes; // just for stats
int m_iAllocPlanes; // allocated count of planes
int m_iHashPlanes; // total count of hashplanes
int m_iNumTris; // if > 0 we are in build mode
size_t mesh_size; // mesh total size
model_t *m_pModel; // parent model pointer
// used only while mesh is constructing
mfacet_t *m_srcFacets;
hashplane_t **m_srcPlaneHash;
hashplane_t *m_srcPlanePool;
uint *m_srcPlaneElems;
uint *m_curPlaneElems; // sliding pointer
// pacifier stuff
bool m_bShowPacifier;
int m_iOldPercent;
// mesh construction
bool InitMeshBuild( int numTrinagles );
bool AddMeshTrinagle( const mvert_t triangle[3], int skinref );
bool FinishMeshBuild( void );
void FreeMeshBuild( void );
void FreeMesh( void );
void SetDebugName( const char *name ) { m_debugName = name; }
void SetModel( const model_t *mod ) { m_pModel = (model_t *)mod; }
void PrintMeshInfo( void );
// pacifier stuff
void StartPacifier( void );
void UpdatePacifier( float percent );
void EndPacifier( float total );
// studio models processing
void ExtractAnimValue( int frame, mstudioanim_t *panim, int dof, float scale, float &v1 );
void StudioCalcBoneTransform( int frame, mstudiobone_t *pbone, mstudioanim_t *panim, Vector &pos, Vector4D &q );
bool StudioLoadCache( const char *pCacheName );
bool StudioSaveCache( const char *pCacheName );
bool StudioConstructMesh( void );
// linked list operations
void InsertLinkBefore( link_t *l, link_t *before );
void RemoveLink( link_t *l );
void ClearLink( link_t *l );
// AABB tree contsruction
areanode_t *CreateAreaNode( int depth, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs );
void RelinkFacet( mfacet_t *facet );
areanode_t *GetHeadNode( void ) { return (has_tree) ? areanodes : NULL; }
// plane cache
int PlaneFromPoints( const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2 );
int FindFloatPlane( const Vector &normal, float dist );
int CreateNewFloatPlane( const Vector &srcnormal, float dist, int hash );
bool PlaneEqual( const mplane_t *p, const Vector &normal, float dist );
int PlaneTypeForNormal( const Vector &normal );
int SnapNormal( Vector &normal );
// get cached collision
mmesh_t *GetMesh() { return (mesh_size) ? &m_mesh : NULL; }
CMeshDesc *UTIL_GetCollisionMesh( int modelindex );