/* physic.cpp - common physics code Copyright (C) 2011 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "saverestore.h" #include "client.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "decals.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "game.h" #include "com_model.h" #include "features.h" #include "triangleapi.h" #include "render_api.h" #include "pm_shared.h" #include "pm_defs.h" #include "trace.h" #include "stringlib.h" #include "weapons.h" unsigned int EngineSetFeatures( void ) { unsigned int flags = (ENGINE_WRITE_LARGE_COORD|ENGINE_COMPUTE_STUDIO_LERP|ENGINE_LOAD_DELUXEDATA); if( g_iXashEngineBuildNumber >= 2148 ) flags |= ENGINE_LARGE_LIGHTMAPS|ENGINE_DISABLE_HDTEXTURES; // required for right trace alpha-surfaces on studiomodels return flags; } void Physic_SweepTest( CBaseEntity *pTouch, const Vector &start, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &end, trace_t *tr ) { if( !pTouch->pev->modelindex || !GET_MODEL_PTR( pTouch->edict() )) { // bad model? tr->allsolid = false; return; } Vector trace_mins, trace_maxs; UTIL_MoveBounds( start, mins, maxs, end, trace_mins, trace_maxs ); // NOTE: pmove code completely ignore a bounds checking. So we need to do it here if( !BoundsIntersect( trace_mins, trace_maxs, pTouch->pev->absmin, pTouch->pev->absmax )) { tr->allsolid = false; return; } CMeshDesc *bodyMesh = UTIL_GetCollisionMesh( pTouch->pev->modelindex ); if( !bodyMesh ) { // failed to build mesh for some reasons, so skip them tr->allsolid = false; return; } mmesh_t *pMesh = bodyMesh->GetMesh(); areanode_t *pHeadNode = bodyMesh->GetHeadNode(); entvars_t *pev = pTouch->pev; if( !pMesh ) { // failed to build mesh for some reasons, so skip them tr->allsolid = false; return; } TraceMesh trm; // a name like Doom3 :-) trm.SetTraceMesh( pMesh, pHeadNode, pTouch->pev->modelindex ); trm.SetMeshOrientation( pev->origin, pev->angles, pev->startpos ); trm.SetupTrace( start, mins, maxs, end, tr ); if( trm.DoTrace( )) { if( tr->fraction < 1.0f || tr->startsolid ) tr->ent = pTouch->edict(); tr->surf = trm.GetLastHitSurface(); } } void SV_ClipMoveToEntity( edict_t *ent, const float *start, float *mins, float *maxs, const float *end, trace_t *trace ) { // convert edict_t to base entity CBaseEntity *pTouch = CBaseEntity::Instance( ent ); if( !pTouch ) { // removed entity? trace->allsolid = false; return; } Physic_SweepTest( pTouch, start, mins, maxs, end, trace ); } void SV_ClipPMoveToEntity( physent_t *pe, const float *start, float *mins, float *maxs, const float *end, pmtrace_t *tr ) { // convert physent_t to base entity CBaseEntity *pTouch = CBaseEntity::Instance( INDEXENT( pe->info )); trace_t trace; if( !pTouch ) { // removed entity? tr->allsolid = false; return; } // make trace default memset( &trace, 0, sizeof( trace )); trace.allsolid = true; trace.fraction = 1.0f; trace.endpos = end; Physic_SweepTest( pTouch, start, mins, maxs, end, &trace ); // convert trace_t into pmtrace_t memcpy( tr, &trace, 48 ); tr->surf = trace.surf; if( trace.ent != NULL && PM_GetPlayerMove( )) tr->ent = pe - PM_GetPlayerMove()->physents; else tr->ent = -1; } int SV_RestoreDecal( decallist_t *entry, edict_t *pEdict, qboolean adjacent ) { int flags = entry->flags; int entityIndex = ENTINDEX( pEdict ); int cacheID = 0, modelIndex = 0; Vector scale = g_vecZero; if( flags & FDECAL_STUDIO ) { if( FBitSet( pEdict->v.iuser1, CF_STATIC_ENTITY )) { cacheID = pEdict->v.colormap; scale = pEdict->v.startpos; } UTIL_RestoreStudioDecal( entry->position, entry->impactPlaneNormal, entityIndex, pEdict->v.modelindex, entry->name, flags, &entry->studio_state, cacheID, scale ); return TRUE; } if( adjacent && entry->entityIndex != 0 && ( !pEdict || pEdict->free )) { TraceResult tr; ALERT( at_error, "couldn't restore entity index %i\n", entry->entityIndex ); Vector testspot = entry->position + entry->impactPlaneNormal * 5.0f; Vector testend = entry->position + entry->impactPlaneNormal * -5.0f; UTIL_TraceLine( testspot, testend, ignore_monsters, NULL, &tr ); // NOTE: this code may does wrong result on moving brushes e.g. func_tracktrain if( tr.flFraction != 1.0f && !tr.fAllSolid ) { // check impact plane normal float dot = DotProduct( entry->impactPlaneNormal, tr.vecPlaneNormal ); if( dot >= 0.95f ) { entityIndex = ENTINDEX( tr.pHit ); if( entityIndex > 0 ) modelIndex = tr.pHit->v.modelindex; UTIL_RestoreCustomDecal( tr.vecEndPos, entry->impactPlaneNormal, entityIndex, modelIndex, entry->name, flags, entry->scale ); } } } else { // global entity is exist on new level so we can apply decal in local space // NOTE: this case also used for transition world decals UTIL_RestoreCustomDecal( entry->position, entry->impactPlaneNormal, entityIndex, pEdict->v.modelindex, entry->name, flags, entry->scale ); } return TRUE; } // point to create generic entities int SV_CreateEntity( edict_t *pent, const char *szName ) { if( !Q_strnicmp( szName, "ammo_", 5 )) { GetClassPtr(( CBasePlayerAmmo *)&pent->v ); // alloc private data pent->v.netname = pent->v.classname; // member virtual name pent->v.classname = MAKE_STRING( "ammo_generic" ); // to allow save\restore return 0; } else if( !Q_strnicmp( szName, "weapon_", 7 )) { GetClassPtr(( CBasePlayerItem *)&pent->v ); // alloc private data pent->v.netname = pent->v.classname; // member virtual name pent->v.classname = MAKE_STRING( "weapon_generic" ); // to allow save\restore return 0; } return -1; } int EngineAllowSaveGame( void ) { return g_fAllowSaves; } void SV_ProcessModelData( model_t *mod, qboolean create, const byte *buffer ) { CRC32_t ulCrc; // g-cont. probably this is redundant :-) if( !IS_DEDICATED_SERVER( )) return; if( FBitSet( mod->flags, MODEL_WORLD )) SV_ProcessWorldData( mod, create, buffer ); if( mod->type == mod_studio ) { if( create ) { studiohdr_t *src = (studiohdr_t *)buffer; CRC32_INIT( &ulCrc ); CRC32_PROCESS_BUFFER( &ulCrc, (byte *)buffer, src->length ); mod->modelCRC = CRC32_FINAL( ulCrc ); } else { // release collision mesh if( mod->bodymesh != NULL ) { mod->bodymesh->CMeshDesc::~CMeshDesc(); Mem_Free( mod->bodymesh ); mod->bodymesh = NULL; } } } } // // Xash3D physics interface // static physics_interface_t gPhysicsInterface = { SV_PHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION, SV_CreateEntity, NULL, NULL, NULL, EngineAllowSaveGame, NULL, // not needs EngineSetFeatures, NULL, NULL, NULL, SV_ClipMoveToEntity, SV_ClipPMoveToEntity, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SV_RestoreDecal, NULL, SV_ProcessModelData, }; int Server_GetPhysicsInterface( int iVersion, server_physics_api_t *pfuncsFromEngine, physics_interface_t *pFunctionTable ) { if ( !pFunctionTable || !pfuncsFromEngine || iVersion != SV_PHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION ) { return FALSE; } size_t iExportSize = sizeof( server_physics_api_t ); size_t iImportSize = sizeof( physics_interface_t ); // NOTE: the very old versions NOT have information about current build in any case if( g_iXashEngineBuildNumber <= 1910 ) { if( g_fXashEngine ) ALERT( at_console, "very oldest version of Xash3D was detected. Engine features was disabled.\n" ); // interface sizes for build 1905 and older iExportSize = 28; iImportSize = 24; } if( g_iXashEngineBuildNumber <= 3584 ) { if( g_fXashEngine ) ALERT( at_console, "old version of Xash3D was detected. Some engine features was disabled.\n" ); // interface sizes for build 3584 and older iExportSize = 80; iImportSize = 80; } // copy new physics interface memcpy( &g_physfuncs, pfuncsFromEngine, iExportSize ); // fill engine callbacks memcpy( pFunctionTable, &gPhysicsInterface, iImportSize ); g_fPhysicInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; }