// ==================================== // written by BUzer for HL: Paranoia modification // ==================================== #include "hud.h" #include "cl_util.h" #include "parsemsg.h" #include "const.h" #include "entity_types.h" #include "cdll_int.h" #include "vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h" #include "vgui_tips.h" #include "vgui_shadowtext.h" #include "../game_shared/vgui_loadtga.h" #include "getfont.h" #define TIPS_APPEAR_TIME 0.15 #define TIPS_DISAPPEAR_TIME 1 #define TIPS_BASE_HEIGHT (YRES(390)) #define TIPS_XSTEP (XRES(20)) int errorshows[10]; void ShowTip( client_textmessage_t *tempMessage ) { if (gViewPort && gViewPort->m_pTips) gViewPort->m_pTips->Show( tempMessage ); else gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Tips error: m_pTips or ViewPort is not constructed!\n"); } Font* FontFromMessage(const char* &ptext); void CTips::Initialize() { setVisible(false); m_fShowTime = 0; m_fHideTime = 0; if (m_pBitmap) delete m_pBitmap; m_pBitmap = NULL; } CTips::CTips() : Panel(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight) { m_pBitmap = NULL; m_pText = new ShadowTextPanel("", 0, 0, (ScreenWidth*3)/2, ScreenHeight); m_pText->setParent(this); m_pText->setPaintBackgroundEnabled(false); Initialize(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) errorshows[i] = 0; } CTips::~CTips() { if (m_pBitmap) delete m_pBitmap; m_pBitmap = NULL; } void CTips::Show( client_textmessage_t *tempMessage ) { if (isVisible()) { nextMsg = tempMessage; m_fHideTime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime() + TIPS_APPEAR_TIME; // use fast disappear when someone waits return; } nextMsg = NULL; setVisible(true); LoadMsg(tempMessage); } // it assumes that // 20 <= (msg->effect) < 30 void CTips::LoadMsg( client_textmessage_t *msg ) { float curtime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); // gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("loaded\n"); m_fShowTime = curtime; m_fHideTime = curtime + msg->holdtime; const char *pText = msg->pMessage; Font *pFont = FontFromMessage(pText); m_pText->setFont(pFont); m_pText->setText(pText); m_pText->setFgColor(msg->r1, msg->g1, msg->b1, 0); if (m_pBitmap) delete m_pBitmap; m_pBitmap = NULL; // load image // (damn, instead of copying this block of code everywhere, // i really need to create a single function to load images this way...) int iconnum = msg->effect - 20; static int resArray[] = { 320, 400, 512, 640, 800, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1600 }; //find current resolution int resArrayIndex = 0; int i = 0; while ((resArray[i] <= ScreenWidth) && (i < 9)) { resArrayIndex = i; i++; } while(m_pBitmap == NULL && resArrayIndex >= 0) { char imgName[64]; sprintf(imgName, "gfx/vgui/icon%d_%d.tga", iconnum, resArray[resArrayIndex]); m_pBitmap = vgui_LoadTGA(imgName); resArrayIndex--; } int iconWide = 0, iconTall = 0; if (!m_pBitmap) { if (!errorshows[iconnum]) // dont show error message for same icon wice { gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Could not load icon gfx/vgui/icon%d_...\n", iconnum); errorshows[iconnum] = 1; } } else { m_pBitmap->getSize( iconWide, iconTall ); m_pBitmap->setPos( TIPS_XSTEP, TIPS_BASE_HEIGHT - (iconTall / 2)); iconWide += XRES(7); } m_pText->setPos( TIPS_XSTEP + iconWide, TIPS_BASE_HEIGHT - (pFont->getTall() / 2)); } void CTips::paintBackground() { float curtime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); if (curtime > m_fHideTime) { if (nextMsg) { LoadMsg(nextMsg); nextMsg = NULL; } else { // put away from screen Initialize(); return; } } int mr, mg, mb, ma; m_pText->getFgColor(mr, mg, mb, ma); if (curtime < m_fShowTime + TIPS_APPEAR_TIME) { float alpha = (curtime - m_fShowTime) / TIPS_APPEAR_TIME; m_pText->setFgColor( mr, mg, mb, (1 - alpha) * 255 ); if (m_pBitmap) m_pBitmap->setColor( Color(255, 255, 255, (1 - alpha) * 255) ); } else if (nextMsg && (curtime > m_fHideTime - TIPS_APPEAR_TIME)) { float alpha = (m_fHideTime - curtime) / TIPS_APPEAR_TIME; m_pText->setFgColor( mr, mg, mb, (1 - alpha) * 255 ); if (m_pBitmap) m_pBitmap->setColor( Color(255, 255, 255, (1 - alpha) * 255) ); } else if (!nextMsg && (curtime > m_fHideTime - TIPS_DISAPPEAR_TIME)) { float alpha = (m_fHideTime - curtime) / TIPS_DISAPPEAR_TIME; m_pText->setFgColor( mr, mg, mb, (1 - alpha) * 255 ); if (m_pBitmap) m_pBitmap->setColor( Color(255, 255, 255, (1 - alpha) * 255) ); } else { m_pText->setFgColor( mr, mg, mb, 0 ); if (m_pBitmap) m_pBitmap->setColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 0) ); } if (m_pBitmap) m_pBitmap->doPaint(this); // Panel::paintBackground(); } // неважно, куда-бы это засунуть.. #include "vgui_screenmsg.h" void VGuiAddScreenMessage( client_textmessage_t *msg ) { if (gViewPort && gViewPort->m_pScreenMsg) { gViewPort->m_pScreenMsg->SetMessage( msg ); } else gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Screenmessage error: ViewPort is not constructed!\n"); } // Wargon: Засуну и я это сюда. ) void VGuiAddScrollingMessage( client_textmessage_t *msg ) { if (gViewPort && gViewPort->m_pScrollingMsg) gViewPort->m_pScrollingMsg->SetMessage(msg); else gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Scrollingmessage error: ViewPort is not constructed!\n"); }