/* conprint.cpp - extended printf function that allows colored printing scheme from Quake3 Copyright (C) 2012 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include "stringlib.h" #include "conprint.h" #define IsColorString( p ) ( p && *( p ) == '^' && *(( p ) + 1) && *(( p ) + 1) >= '0' && *(( p ) + 1 ) <= '9' ) #define ColorIndex( c ) ((( c ) - '0' ) & 7 ) static unsigned short g_color_table[8] = { FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // black FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // red FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // green FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // yellow FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // blue FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // cyan FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, // magenta FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE, // default color (white) }; static int devloper_level = DEFAULT_DEVELOPER; static bool ignore_log = false; static FILE *logfile = NULL; void SetDeveloperLevel( int level ) { if( level < D_INFO ) return; // debug messages disabled if( level > D_NOTE ) level = D_NOTE; devloper_level = level; } int GetDeveloperLevel( void ) { return devloper_level; } /* =============================================================================== SYSTEM LOG =============================================================================== */ void Sys_InitLog( const char *logname ) { logfile = fopen( logname, "w" ); if( !logfile ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Sys_InitLog: can't create log file %s\n", logname ); } void Sys_InitLogAppend( const char *logname ) { logfile = fopen( logname, "a+" ); if( !logfile ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Sys_InitLog: can't create log file %s\n", logname ); } void Sys_IgnoreLog( bool ignore ) { ignore_log = ignore; } void Sys_CloseLog( void ) { if( !logfile ) return; fclose( logfile ); logfile = NULL; } void Sys_PrintLog( const char *pMsg ) { if( !pMsg || ignore_log ) return; if( !logfile ) return; fprintf( logfile, "%s", pMsg ); fflush( logfile ); } /* ================ Sys_Print print into win32 console ================ */ void Sys_Print( const char *pMsg ) { char tmpBuf[8192]; HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); unsigned long cbWritten; char *pTemp = tmpBuf; while( pMsg && *pMsg ) { if( IsColorString( pMsg )) { if(( pTemp - tmpBuf ) > 0 ) { // dump accumulated text before change color *pTemp = 0; // terminate string WriteFile( hOut, tmpBuf, strlen( tmpBuf ), &cbWritten, 0 ); Sys_PrintLog( tmpBuf ); pTemp = tmpBuf; } // set new color SetConsoleTextAttribute( hOut, g_color_table[ColorIndex( *(pMsg + 1))] ); pMsg += 2; // skip color info } else if(( pTemp - tmpBuf ) < sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ) { *pTemp++ = *pMsg++; } else { // temp buffer is full, dump it now *pTemp = 0; // terminate string WriteFile( hOut, tmpBuf, strlen( tmpBuf ), &cbWritten, 0 ); Sys_PrintLog( tmpBuf ); pTemp = tmpBuf; } } // check for last portion if(( pTemp - tmpBuf ) > 0 ) { // dump accumulated text *pTemp = 0; // terminate string WriteFile( hOut, tmpBuf, strlen( tmpBuf ), &cbWritten, 0 ); Sys_PrintLog( tmpBuf ); pTemp = tmpBuf; } } /* ================ Msg formatted message ================ */ void Msg( const char *pMsg, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[8192]; va_start( argptr, pMsg ); Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), pMsg, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); Sys_Print( text ); } /* ================ MsgDev formatted developer message ================ */ void MsgDev( int level, const char *pMsg, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[8192]; if( devloper_level < level ) return; va_start( argptr, pMsg ); Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), pMsg, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); switch( level ) { case D_WARN: Sys_Print( va( "^3Warning:^7 %s", text )); break; case D_ERROR: Sys_Print( va( "^1Error:^7 %s", text )); break; case D_INFO: case D_NOTE: case D_REPORT: Sys_Print( text ); break; } } void MsgAnim( int level, const char *pMsg, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[1024]; char empty[1024]; if( devloper_level < level ) return; va_start( argptr, pMsg ); Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), pMsg, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); // fill clear string for( int j = 0; j < Q_strlen( text ); j++ ) empty[j] = ' '; empty[j] = '\r'; empty[j+1] = '\0'; // do animation for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { Sys_IgnoreLog( i < 7 ); if( i & 1 ) Sys_Print( text ); else Sys_Print( empty ); Sleep( 150 ); } Msg( "^7\n" ); }