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ikcontext.h - Inverse Kinematic implementation
Copyright (C) 2017 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <studio.h>
#include <utlarray.h>
// Purpose:
class CIKContext;
// ik info
class CIKTarget
void SetOwner( int entindex, const Vector &pos, const Vector &angles );
void ClearOwner( void );
int GetOwner( void );
void UpdateOwner( int entindex, const Vector &pos, const Vector &angles );
void SetPos( const Vector &pos );
void SetAngles( const Vector &angles );
void SetQuaternion( const Vector4D &q );
void SetNormal( const Vector &normal );
void SetPosWithNormalOffset( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal );
void SetOnWorld( bool bOnWorld = true );
bool IsActive( void );
void IKFailed( void );
int chain;
int type;
void MoveReferenceFrame( Vector &deltaPos, Vector &deltaAngles );
// accumulated offset from ideal footplant location
struct x2
int attachmentIndex;
Vector pos;
Vector4D q;
} offset;
struct x3
Vector pos;
Vector4D q;
} ideal;
struct x4
float latched;
float release;
float height;
float floor;
float radius;
float flWeight;
Vector pos;
Vector4D q;
bool onWorld;
} est; // estimate contact position
struct x5
float hipToFoot; // distance from hip
float hipToKnee; // distance from hip to knee
float kneeToFoot; // distance from knee to foot
Vector hip; // location of hip
Vector closest; // closest valid location from hip to foot that the foot can move to
Vector knee; // pre-ik location of knee
Vector farthest; // farthest valid location from hip to foot that the foot can move to
Vector lowest; // lowest position directly below hip that the foot can drop to
} trace;
// internally latched footset, position
struct x1
bool bNeedsLatch;
bool bHasLatch;
float influence;
int iFramecounter;
int owner;
Vector absOrigin;
Vector absAngles;
Vector pos;
Vector4D q;
Vector deltaPos; // acculated error
Vector4D deltaQ;
Vector debouncePos;
Vector4D debounceQ;
} latched;
struct x6
float flTime; // time last error was detected
float flErrorTime;
float ramp;
bool bInError;
} error;
friend class CIKContext;
typedef struct
// accumulated offset from ideal footplant location
int target;
Vector pos;
Vector4D q;
float flWeight;
} ikchainresult_t;
struct ikcontextikrule_t
int index;
int type;
int chain;
int bone;
int slot; // iktarget slot. Usually same as chain.
float height;
float radius;
float floor;
Vector pos;
Vector4D q;
float start; // beginning of influence
float peak; // start of full influence
float tail; // end of full influence
float end; // end of all influence
float top;
float drop;
float commit; // frame footstep target should be committed
float release; // frame ankle should end rotation from latched orientation
float flWeight; // processed version of start-end cycle
float flRuleWeight; // blending weight
float latched; // does the IK rule use a latched value?
int iAttachment;
Vector kneeDir;
Vector kneePos;
ikcontextikrule_t() {}
// No copy constructors allowed
ikcontextikrule_t(const ikcontextikrule_t& vOther);
class CIKContext
CIKContext( );
void Init( const CStudioBoneSetup *pBoneSetup, const Vector &angles, const Vector &pos, float flTime, int iFramecounter );
void AddDependencies( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, int iSequence, float flCycle, float flWeight = 1.0f );
void ClearTargets( void );
void UpdateTargets( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[], matrix3x4 boneToWorld[], byte *pBoneSet = NULL );
void AutoIKRelease( void );
void SolveDependencies( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[], matrix3x4 boneToWorld[], byte *pBoneSet = NULL );
void AddAutoplayLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] );
void SolveAutoplayLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] );
void AddSequenceLocks( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] );
void SolveSequenceLocks( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] );
void AddAllLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] );
void SolveAllLocks( Vector pos[], Vector4D q[] );
void SolveLock( const mstudioiklock_t *plock, int i, Vector pos[], Vector4D q[], matrix3x4 boneToWorld[], byte *pBoneSet = NULL );
CUtlArrayFixed< CIKTarget, 12 > m_target;
CStudioBoneSetup *m_pBoneSetup;
bool Estimate( int iSequence, float flCycle, int iTarget, const float poseParameter[], float flWeight = 1.0f );
void BuildBoneChain( const Vector pos[], const Vector4D q[], int iBone, matrix3x4 *pBoneToWorld, byte *pBoneSet = NULL );
// virtual IK rules, filtered and combined from each sequence
CUtlArray< CUtlArray< ikcontextikrule_t > > m_ikChainRule;
CUtlArray< ikcontextikrule_t > m_ikLock;
static matrix3x4 m_boneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
matrix3x4 m_rootxform;
int m_iFramecounter;
float m_flTime;