
503 lines
13 KiB

ammodesc.cpp - virtual generic ammo that not needs to be hardcoded
Copyright (C) 2014 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "monsters.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
extern int gEvilImpulse101;
AmmoInfo CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[MAX_AMMO_SLOTS];
AmmoDesc CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoDescArray[MAX_AMMO_DESC];
int giAmmoIndex = 0;
int giAmmoEnts = 0;
// Precaches the ammo and queues the ammo info for sending to clients
void AddAmmoNameToAmmoRegistry( const char *szAmmoname )
// make sure it's not already in the registry
for( int i = 1; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS; i++ )
if( !CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName )
if( !Q_stricmp( CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName, szAmmoname ))
return; // ammo already in registry, just quite
if( giAmmoIndex >= MAX_AMMO_SLOTS )
ALERT( at_error, "Too many ammo types. ammotype %s was ignored\n", szAmmoname );
CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[giAmmoIndex].pszName = szAmmoname;
CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[giAmmoIndex].iId = giAmmoIndex; // yes, this info is redundant
void AddAmmoNameToAmmoRegistry( const AmmoInfo *pInfo )
if( !pInfo || !pInfo->pszName || !*pInfo->pszName )
return; // bad name specified
// make sure it's not already in the registry
for( int i = 1; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS; i++ )
if( !CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName )
if( !Q_stricmp( CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName, pInfo->pszName ))
ALERT( at_warning, "AmmoInfo: duplicate info for ammotype %s was ignored\n", pInfo->pszName );
return; // ammo already in registry
if( giAmmoIndex >= MAX_AMMO_SLOTS )
ALERT( at_error, "Too many ammo types. ammotype %s was ignored\n", pInfo->pszName );
CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[giAmmoIndex] = *pInfo;
CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[giAmmoIndex].iId = giAmmoIndex; // yes, this info is redundant
AmmoInfo *UTIL_FindAmmoType( const char *szAmmoname )
if( !szAmmoname || !*szAmmoname )
ALERT( at_error, "FindAmmoType: NULL type\n" );
return NULL; // bad name specified
if( !Q_stricmp( szAmmoname, "none" ))
return NULL; // no ammo specified
for( int i = 1; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS; i++ )
if( !CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName )
if( !Q_stricmp( CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName, szAmmoname ))
return &CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoInfoArray[i];
ALERT( at_error, "FindAmmoType: coudn't find ammo type '%s'\n", szAmmoname );
return NULL;
AmmoDesc *UTIL_FindAmmoDesc( const char *szClassname )
if( !szClassname || !*szClassname )
ALERT( at_error, "FindAmmoDesc: NULL classname\n" );
return NULL; // bad classname specified
for( int i = 0; i < giAmmoEnts; i++ )
if( !CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoDescArray[i].classname )
if( !Q_stricmp( STRING( CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoDescArray[i].classname ), szClassname ))
return &CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoDescArray[i];
ALERT( at_error, "FindAmmoDesc: coudn't find entity '%s'\n", szClassname );
return NULL;
void AddAmmoEntityToArray( const AmmoDesc *pDesc )
if( !pDesc || !pDesc->classname || !pDesc->type )
return; // bad name specified or type not found
if( giAmmoEnts >= MAX_AMMO_DESC )
ALERT( at_error, "Too many ammo entities specified. %s was ignored\n", STRING( pDesc->classname ));
// make sure it's not already in the registry
for( int i = 0; i < giAmmoEnts; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( STRING( CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoDescArray[i].classname ), STRING( pDesc->classname )))
ALERT( at_warning, "AmmoDesc: duplicate info for %s was ignored\n", STRING( pDesc->classname ));
return; // ammo already in registry
// add new entry
CBasePlayerAmmo :: AmmoDescArray[giAmmoEnts] = *pDesc;
void UTIL_ParseAmmoInfo( char *&pfile )
AmmoInfo tmpInfo;
char token[256];
int section = 0;
memset( &tmpInfo, 0, sizeof( AmmoInfo ));
// apply default params
tmpInfo.iMaxCarry = 255;
tmpInfo.flDistance = 8192.0f;
tmpInfo.iNumShots = 1;
while( pfile != NULL )
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ))
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ))
else if( section > 0 )
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "name" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.pszName = STRING( ALLOC_STRING( token )); // zone memory
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "MaxCarry" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.iMaxCarry = bound( 1, Q_atoi( token ), 255 ); // a byte limit
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "ShellModel" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.iShellIndex = PRECACHE_MODEL( token ); // shell model
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "Damage" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.flPlayerDamage = tmpInfo.flMonsterDamage = Q_atof( token ); // healing damage is allowed
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "PlayerDamage" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.flPlayerDamage = Q_atof( token ); // healing damage is allowed
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "MonsterDamage" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.flMonsterDamage = Q_atof( token ); // healing damage is allowed
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "NumShots" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.iNumShots = bound( 1, Q_atoi( token ), 32 ); // shots per one shot
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "Distance" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.flDistance = bound( 64.0f, Q_atof( token ), 32768.0f ); // shots per one shot
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "Missile" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpInfo.iMissileClassName = ALLOC_STRING( token );
UTIL_PrecacheOther( token );
if( section ) ALERT( at_warning, "invalid braced sections %i in ammodescripton\n", section );
else AddAmmoNameToAmmoRegistry( &tmpInfo );
void UTIL_ParseAmmoEntity( char *&pfile, const char *classname )
AmmoDesc tmpDesc;
char token[256];
int section = 0;
memset( &tmpDesc, 0, sizeof( AmmoDesc ));
tmpDesc.classname = ALLOC_STRING( classname );
while( pfile != NULL )
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ))
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ))
else if( section > 0 )
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "model" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpDesc.ammomodel = ALLOC_STRING( token );
PRECACHE_MODEL( STRING( tmpDesc.ammomodel ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "sound" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpDesc.clipsound = ALLOC_STRING( token );
PRECACHE_SOUND( STRING( tmpDesc.clipsound ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "type" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpDesc.type = UTIL_FindAmmoType( token );
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "count" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
tmpDesc.count = RandomRange( token );
if( section ) ALERT( at_warning, "invalid braced sections %i in %s\n", section, classname );
else AddAmmoEntityToArray( &tmpDesc );
void UTIL_InitAmmoDescription( const char *filename )
char *afile = (char *)LOAD_FILE( filename, NULL );
giAmmoIndex = 1;
giAmmoEnts = 0;
if( !afile )
ALERT( at_error, "ammo description file %s not found!\n", filename );
char *pfile = afile;
char token[256];
// parse all the ammoinfos
while( pfile != NULL )
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "ammoinfo" ))
UTIL_ParseAmmoInfo( pfile );
else pfile = COM_SkipBracedSection( pfile );
pfile = afile; // reset pointer
// parse ammo_ virtual entities
while( pfile != NULL )
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
if( Q_stricmp( token, "ammoinfo" ))
UTIL_ParseAmmoEntity( pfile, token );
else pfile = COM_SkipBracedSection( pfile );
FREE_FILE( afile );
// ====================== AMMO_GENERIC ================================
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( ammo_generic, CBasePlayerAmmo );
// Wargon: SaveData для юзабельности патронов.
TYPEDESCRIPTION CBasePlayerAmmo::m_SaveData[] =
DEFINE_FIELD( CBasePlayerAmmo, m_bCustomAmmo, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CBasePlayerAmmo, m_iAmmoCaps, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CBasePlayerAmmo, m_rAmmoCount, FIELD_RANGE ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CBasePlayerAmmo, m_iAmmoType, FIELD_STRING ),
}; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE( CBasePlayerAmmo, CBaseEntity );
void CBasePlayerAmmo :: Precache( void )
if( IsGenericAmmo() && !pev->model )
if( !InitGenericAmmo( ))
PRECACHE_MODEL( STRING( pev->model ));
PRECACHE_SOUND( STRING( pev->noise ));
void CBasePlayerAmmo :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if( FStrEq( pkvd->szKeyName, "count" ))
m_rAmmoCount = RandomRange( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseEntity :: KeyValue( pkvd );
BOOL CBasePlayerAmmo :: InitGenericAmmo( void )
// two way to create this - manually fill field 'netname' or just to create virtual entity
if( IsGenericAmmo( ))
// find description of virtual entity
AmmoDesc *pDesc = UTIL_FindAmmoDesc( STRING( pev->netname ));
if( !pDesc )
REMOVE_ENTITY( edict( ));
return FALSE; // description is missed
// copy the description into entity struct
m_iAmmoType = ALLOC_STRING( pDesc->type->pszName );
pev->model = pDesc->ammomodel;
pev->noise = pDesc->clipsound;
// level-designer specified ammocount for current entity
if( !m_rAmmoCount.IsDefined( ))
m_rAmmoCount = pDesc->count;
m_bCustomAmmo = TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE; // not a generic
void CBasePlayerAmmo :: Spawn( void )
if( IsGenericAmmo( ))
// try to initialize virtual entity
if( !InitGenericAmmo( ))
SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), STRING( pev->model ));
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
UTIL_SetSize( pev, Vector( -16, -16, 0 ), Vector( 16, 16, 16 ));
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
if( !FBitSet( ObjectCaps(), FCAP_USE_ONLY ) || FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_NORESPAWN ))
SetTouch( &CBasePlayerAmmo:: DefaultTouch );
// Wargon: Патроны юзабельны.
SetUse( &CBasePlayerAmmo :: DefaultUse );
m_iAmmoCaps = CBaseEntity::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_IMPULSE_USE;
BOOL CBasePlayerAmmo :: AddAmmo( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if( pOther->GiveAmmo( m_rAmmoCount.Random(), STRING( m_iAmmoType )) != -1 )
EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, STRING( pev->noise ), 1, ATTN_NORM );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
CBaseEntity *CBasePlayerAmmo :: Respawn( void )
SetBits( pev->effects, EF_NODRAW );
SetTouch( NULL );
// Wargon: Патроны неюзабельны.
SetUse( NULL );
m_iAmmoCaps = CBaseEntity::ObjectCaps();
// move to wherever I'm supposed to respawn.
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, g_pGameRules->VecAmmoRespawnSpot( this ));
SetThink( &CBasePlayerAmmo:: Materialize );
AbsoluteNextThink( g_pGameRules->FlAmmoRespawnTime( this ));
return this;
void CBasePlayerAmmo :: Materialize( void )
if( FBitSet( pev->effects, EF_NODRAW ))
// changing from invisible state to visible.
EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_WEAPON, "items/suitchargeok1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 150 );
pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
pev->effects |= EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
if( !FBitSet( ObjectCaps(), FCAP_USE_ONLY ))
SetTouch( &CBasePlayerAmmo:: DefaultTouch );
// Wargon: Патроны юзабельны.
SetUse( &CBasePlayerAmmo :: DefaultUse );
m_iAmmoCaps = CBaseEntity :: ObjectCaps() | FCAP_IMPULSE_USE;
void CBasePlayerAmmo :: DefaultTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if( !pOther->IsPlayer( ))
if( AddAmmo( pOther ))
if( g_pGameRules->AmmoShouldRespawn( this ) == GR_AMMO_RESPAWN_YES )
SetTouch( NULL );
// Wargon: Патроны неюзабельны.
SetUse( NULL );
m_iAmmoCaps = CBaseEntity :: ObjectCaps();
SetThink( &CBasePlayerAmmo :: SUB_Remove );
SetNextThink( 0.1 );
else if( gEvilImpulse101 )
// evil impulse 101 hack, kill always
SetTouch( NULL );
// Wargon: Патроны неюзабельны.
SetUse( NULL );
m_iAmmoCaps = CBaseEntity :: ObjectCaps();
SetThink( &CBasePlayerAmmo :: SUB_Remove );
SetNextThink( 0.1 );