
561 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake 2 Tools source code.
Quake 2 Tools source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake 2 Tools source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake 2 Tools source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// scriplib.c
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "stringlib.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define MAX_INCLUDES 16
typedef struct
string filename;
const char *buffer;
const char *script_p;
const char *end_p;
int line;
bool separate_stack;
} script_t;
script_t scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES];
script_t *script;
int scriptline;
int oldscriptline;
int scriptdepth;
char token[MAXTOKEN];
char g_TXcommand; // QuArK 'TX' comment
int g_DXspecial; // Doom2Gold 'DX' comment
bool endofscript;
bool tokenready; // only true if UnGetToken was just called
void AddScriptToStack( const char *filename )
size_t size;
if( script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES] )
COM_FatalError( "script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES\n" );
Q_strcpy( script->filename, filename );
script->buffer = (char *)COM_LoadFile( script->filename, &size, true );
script->line = 1;
script->script_p = script->buffer;
script->end_p = script->buffer + size;
script->separate_stack = false;
void IncludeScriptFile( const char *filename )
size_t size;
if( script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES] )
COM_FatalError( "script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES\n" );
Q_strcpy( script->filename, filename );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "entering the script %s\n", script->filename );
script->buffer = (char *)FS_LoadFile( script->filename, &size, false );
script->line = 1;
script->script_p = script->buffer;
script->end_p = script->buffer + size;
script->separate_stack = true;
void LoadScriptFile( const char *filename )
script = scriptstack;
AddScriptToStack( filename );
endofscript = false;
tokenready = false;
void ParseFromMemory( const char *buffer, size_t size )
script = scriptstack;
if( script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES] )
COM_FatalError( "script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES\n" );
Q_strcpy( script->filename, "memory buffer" );
script->buffer = buffer;
script->line = 1;
script->script_p = script->buffer;
script->end_p = script->buffer + size;
script->separate_stack = false;
endofscript = false;
tokenready = false;
Signals that the current token was not used, and should be reported
for the next GetToken. Note that
GetToken (true);
UnGetToken ();
GetToken (false);
could cross a line boundary.
void UnGetToken( void )
tokenready = true;
bool EndOfScript( bool crossline )
bool finished = script->separate_stack;
if( !crossline )
COM_FatalError( "line %i is incomplete\n", scriptline );
if( !Q_strcmp( script->filename, "memory buffer" ))
endofscript = true;
return false;
Mem_Free( (char *)script->buffer, C_FILESYSTEM );
if( script == scriptstack + 1 )
endofscript = true;
return false;
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "leave the script %s\n", script->filename );
scriptline = script->line;
// don't iterpret included files as 'solid' script
if( finished )
return false;
return GetToken( crossline );
bool GetToken( bool crossline )
char *token_p;
if( tokenready )
// is a token already waiting?
tokenready = false;
return true;
if( script->script_p >= script->end_p )
return EndOfScript( crossline );
// skip space
while( *script->script_p <= 32 && *script->script_p >= 0 )
if( script->script_p >= script->end_p )
return EndOfScript( crossline );
if( *script->script_p++ == '\n' )
if( !crossline )
COM_FatalError( "line %i is incomplete\n", scriptline );
scriptline = script->line++;
if( script->script_p >= script->end_p )
return EndOfScript( crossline );
// ; # // comments
if( *script->script_p == ';' || *script->script_p == '#' || ( *script->script_p == '/' && *((script->script_p) + 1) == '/' ))
if( !crossline )
COM_FatalError( "line %i is incomplete\n", scriptline );
if( *script->script_p == '/' )
if( script->script_p[1] == 'T' && script->script_p[2] == 'X' )
g_TXcommand = script->script_p[3]; // TX#"-style comment
if( script->script_p[1] == 'D' && script->script_p[2] == 'X' )
g_DXspecial = atoi( script->script_p + 3 ); // DX#####"-style comment
while( *script->script_p++ != '\n' )
if( script->script_p >= script->end_p )
return EndOfScript( crossline );
scriptline = script->line++;
goto skipspace;
// /* */ comments
if( script->script_p[0] == '/' && script->script_p[1] == '*' )
if( !crossline )
COM_FatalError( "line %i is incomplete\n", scriptline );
script->script_p += 2;
while( script->script_p[0] != '*' || script->script_p[1] != '/' )
if( script->script_p >= script->end_p )
return EndOfScript( crossline );
script->script_p += 2;
goto skipspace;
// copy token
token_p = token;
if( *script->script_p == '"' )
// quoted token
while( *script->script_p != '"' )
*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
if( script->script_p == script->end_p )
if( token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN] )
COM_FatalError( "token too large on line %i\n", scriptline );
// regular token
while(( *script->script_p > 32 || *script->script_p < 0 ) && *script->script_p != ';' )
*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
if( script->script_p == script->end_p )
if( token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN] )
COM_FatalError( "token too large on line %i\n", scriptline );
*token_p = 0; // null terminate
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "$include" ))
GetToken( false );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "entering the script %s\n", token );
AddScriptToStack( token );
return GetToken( crossline );
return true;
bool GetTokenAppend( char *buffer, bool crossline )
bool result;
int i;
// get the token
result = GetToken( crossline );
if( !result || !buffer || token[0] == '\0' )
return result;
if( token[0] == '}' )
// append?
if( oldscriptline != scriptline )
Q_strcat( buffer, "\n" );
for( i = 0; i < scriptdepth; i++ )
Q_strcat( buffer, "\t" );
else Q_strcat( buffer, " " );
oldscriptline = scriptline;
Q_strcat( buffer, token );
if( token[0] == '{' )
return result;
Returns true if there is another token on the line
bool TokenAvailable( void )
const char *search_p;
search_p = script->script_p;
if( search_p >= script->end_p )
return false;
while( *search_p <= 32 )
if( *search_p == '\n' )
return false;
if( search_p == script->end_p )
return false;
// ; # // comments
if( *search_p == ';' || *search_p == '#' || ( *search_p == '/' && *((search_p) + 1) == '/' ))
while( *search_p == '/' )
if( *search_p == 'T' && *((search_p) + 1) == 'X' )
g_TXcommand = *((search_p) + 2); // TX#"-style comment
if( *search_p == 'D' && *((search_p) + 1) == 'X' )
g_DXspecial = atoi( ((search_p) + 2) ); // DX#####"-style comment
return false;
return true;
check token for available on current line
bool TryToken( void )
if( !TokenAvailable( ))
return false;
GetToken( false );
return true;
void CheckToken( const char *match )
GetToken( true );
if( Q_strcmp( token, match ))
COM_FatalError( "missing '%s' at line %d\n", match, scriptline );
void Parse1DMatrix( int x, vec_t *m )
int i;
CheckToken( "(" );
for( i = 0; i < x; i++ )
GetToken( false );
m[i] = atof( token );
CheckToken( ")" );
void Parse1DMatrixAppend( char *buffer, int x, vec_t *m )
if( !GetTokenAppend( buffer, true ) || Q_strcmp( token, "(" ))
COM_FatalError( "missing '(' at line %d\n", scriptline );
for( int i = 0; i < x; i++ )
if( !GetTokenAppend( buffer, false ))
COM_FatalError( "line %d is incomplete\n", scriptline );
m[i] = atof( token );
if( !GetTokenAppend( buffer, true ) || Q_strcmp( token, ")" ))
COM_FatalError( "missing ')' at line %d\n", scriptline );
void Parse2DMatrix( int y, int x, vec_t *m )
int i;
CheckToken( "(" );
for( i = 0; i < y; i++ )
Parse1DMatrix( x, m + i * x );
CheckToken( ")" );
void Parse3DMatrix( int z, int y, int x, vec_t *m )
int i;
CheckToken( "(" );
for( i = 0; i < z; i++ )
Parse2DMatrix( y, x, m + i * x * y );
CheckToken( ")" );
Skips until a matching close brace is found.
Internal brace depths are properly skipped.
void SkipBracedSection( int depth )
do {
if( !GetToken( true ))
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ))
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ))
} while( depth );
Skips until a newline.
void SkipAtRestLine( void )
while( TryToken( ));
bool GetTokenizerStatus( char **pFilename, int *pLine )
// is this the default state?
if( !script )
return false;
if( script->script_p >= script->end_p )
return false;
if( pFilename )
*pFilename = script->filename;
if( pLine )
*pLine = script->line;
return true;
void TokenError( const char *fmt, ... )
static char output[1024];
va_list args;
char *pFilename;
int iLineNumber;
if( GetTokenizerStatus( &pFilename, &iLineNumber ))
va_start( args, fmt );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
COM_FatalError( "%s(%d): - %s", pFilename, iLineNumber, output );
va_start( args, fmt );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
COM_FatalError( "%s", output );