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2017-03-14 22:00:00 +01:00
gl_alias.c - alias model renderer
Copyright (C) 2017 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "r_studioint.h"
#include "triangleapi.h"
#include "alias.h"
#include "pm_local.h"
#include "gl_local.h"
#include "cl_tent.h"
model_t *aliasmodel;
aliashdr_t *paliashdr;
qboolean used[8192];
// the command list holds counts and s/t values that are valid for
// every frame
int commands[8192];
int numcommands;
// all frames will have their vertexes rearranged and expanded
// so they are in the order expected by the command list
int vertexorder[8192];
int numorder;
int allverts, alltris;
int stripverts[128];
int striptris[128];
int stripcount;
int StripLength (int starttri, int startv)
int m1, m2;
int j;
mtriangle_t *last, *check;
int k;
used[starttri] = 2;
last = &triangles[starttri];
stripverts[0] = last->vertindex[(startv)%3];
stripverts[1] = last->vertindex[(startv+1)%3];
stripverts[2] = last->vertindex[(startv+2)%3];
striptris[0] = starttri;
stripcount = 1;
m1 = last->vertindex[(startv+2)%3];
m2 = last->vertindex[(startv+1)%3];
// look for a matching triangle
for (j=starttri+1, check=&triangles[starttri+1] ; j<pheader->numtris ; j++, check++)
if (check->facesfront != last->facesfront)
for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
if (check->vertindex[k] != m1)
if (check->vertindex[ (k+1)%3 ] != m2)
// this is the next part of the fan
// if we can't use this triangle, this tristrip is done
if (used[j])
goto done;
// the new edge
if (stripcount & 1)
m2 = check->vertindex[ (k+2)%3 ];
m1 = check->vertindex[ (k+2)%3 ];
stripverts[stripcount+2] = check->vertindex[ (k+2)%3 ];
striptris[stripcount] = j;
used[j] = 2;
goto nexttri;
// clear the temp used flags
for (j=starttri+1 ; j<pheader->numtris ; j++)
if (used[j] == 2)
used[j] = 0;
return stripcount;
int FanLength (int starttri, int startv)
int m1, m2;
int j;
mtriangle_t *last, *check;
int k;
used[starttri] = 2;
last = &triangles[starttri];
stripverts[0] = last->vertindex[(startv)%3];
stripverts[1] = last->vertindex[(startv+1)%3];
stripverts[2] = last->vertindex[(startv+2)%3];
striptris[0] = starttri;
stripcount = 1;
m1 = last->vertindex[(startv+0)%3];
m2 = last->vertindex[(startv+2)%3];
// look for a matching triangle
for (j=starttri+1, check=&triangles[starttri+1] ; j<pheader->numtris ; j++, check++)
if (check->facesfront != last->facesfront)
for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
if (check->vertindex[k] != m1)
if (check->vertindex[ (k+1)%3 ] != m2)
// this is the next part of the fan
// if we can't use this triangle, this tristrip is done
if (used[j])
goto done;
// the new edge
m2 = check->vertindex[ (k+2)%3 ];
stripverts[stripcount+2] = m2;
striptris[stripcount] = j;
used[j] = 2;
goto nexttri;
// clear the temp used flags
for (j=starttri+1 ; j<pheader->numtris ; j++)
if (used[j] == 2)
used[j] = 0;
return stripcount;
Generate a list of trifans or strips
for the model, which holds for all frames
void BuildTris (void)
int i, j, k;
int startv;
mtriangle_t *last, *check;
int m1, m2;
int striplength;
trivertx_t *v;
mtriangle_t *tv;
float s, t;
int index;
int len, bestlen, besttype;
int bestverts[1024];
int besttris[1024];
int type;
// build tristrips
numorder = 0;
numcommands = 0;
memset (used, 0, sizeof(used));
for (i=0 ; i<pheader->numtris ; i++)
// pick an unused triangle and start the trifan
if (used[i])
bestlen = 0;
for (type = 0 ; type < 2 ; type++)
// type = 1;
for (startv =0 ; startv < 3 ; startv++)
if (type == 1)
len = StripLength (i, startv);
len = FanLength (i, startv);
if (len > bestlen)
besttype = type;
bestlen = len;
for (j=0 ; j<bestlen+2 ; j++)
bestverts[j] = stripverts[j];
for (j=0 ; j<bestlen ; j++)
besttris[j] = striptris[j];
// mark the tris on the best strip as used
for (j=0 ; j<bestlen ; j++)
used[besttris[j]] = 1;
if (besttype == 1)
commands[numcommands++] = (bestlen+2);
commands[numcommands++] = -(bestlen+2);
for (j=0 ; j<bestlen+2 ; j++)
// emit a vertex into the reorder buffer
k = bestverts[j];
vertexorder[numorder++] = k;
// emit s/t coords into the commands stream
s = stverts[k].s;
t = stverts[k].t;
if (!triangles[besttris[0]].facesfront && stverts[k].onseam)
s += pheader->skinwidth / 2; // on back side
s = (s + 0.5) / pheader->skinwidth;
t = (t + 0.5) / pheader->skinheight;
*(float *)&commands[numcommands++] = s;
*(float *)&commands[numcommands++] = t;
commands[numcommands++] = 0; // end of list marker
Con_DPrintf ("%3i tri %3i vert %3i cmd\n", pheader->numtris, numorder, numcommands);
allverts += numorder;
alltris += pheader->numtris;
void GL_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists (model_t *m, aliashdr_t *hdr)
int i, j;
maliasgroup_t *paliasgroup;
int *cmds;
trivertx_t *verts;
char cache[MAX_QPATH], fullpath[MAX_OSPATH], *c;
FILE *f;
int len;
byte *data;
float hscale, vscale; //johnfitz -- padded skins
int count; //johnfitz -- precompute texcoords for padded skins
int *loadcmds; //johnfitz
//johnfitz -- padded skins
hscale = (float)hdr->skinwidth/(float)TexMgr_PadConditional(hdr->skinwidth);
vscale = (float)hdr->skinheight/(float)TexMgr_PadConditional(hdr->skinheight);
aliasmodel = m;
paliashdr = hdr; // (aliashdr_t *)Mod_Extradata (m);
//johnfitz -- generate meshes
#if 1 //always regenerate meshes
Con_DPrintf ("meshing %s...\n",m->name);
BuildTris ();
#else //conditional regeneration
if (gl_alwaysmesh.value) // build it from scratch, and don't bother saving it to disk
Con_DPrintf ("meshing %s...\n",m->name);
BuildTris ();
else // check disk cache, and rebuild it and save to disk if necessary
//create directories
sprintf (gldir, "%s/glquake", com_gamedir);
Sys_mkdir (com_gamedir);
Sys_mkdir (gldir);
// look for a cached version
strcpy (cache, "glquake/");
COM_StripExtension (m->name+strlen("progs/"), cache+strlen("glquake/"));
strcat (cache, ".ms2");
COM_FOpenFile (cache, &f);
if (f)
fread (&numcommands, 4, 1, f);
fread (&numorder, 4, 1, f);
fread (&commands, numcommands * sizeof(commands[0]), 1, f);
fread (&vertexorder, numorder * sizeof(vertexorder[0]), 1, f);
fclose (f);
// build it from scratch
Con_Printf ("meshing %s...\n",m->name);
BuildTris ();
// save out the cached version
sprintf (fullpath, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, cache);
f = fopen (fullpath, "wb");
if (f)
fwrite (&numcommands, 4, 1, f);
fwrite (&numorder, 4, 1, f);
fwrite (&commands, numcommands * sizeof(commands[0]), 1, f);
fwrite (&vertexorder, numorder * sizeof(vertexorder[0]), 1, f);
fclose (f);
// save the data out
paliashdr->poseverts = numorder;
cmds = Hunk_Alloc (numcommands * 4);
paliashdr->commands = (byte *)cmds - (byte *)paliashdr;
//johnfitz -- precompute texcoords for padded skins
loadcmds = commands;
*cmds++ = count = *loadcmds++;
if (!count)
if (count < 0)
count = -count;
*(float *)cmds++ = hscale * (*(float *)loadcmds++);
*(float *)cmds++ = vscale * (*(float *)loadcmds++);
} while (--count);
verts = Hunk_Alloc (paliashdr->numposes * paliashdr->poseverts * sizeof(trivertx_t));
paliashdr->posedata = (byte *)verts - (byte *)paliashdr;
for (i=0 ; i<paliashdr->numposes ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<numorder ; j++)
*verts++ = poseverts[i][vertexorder[j]];
aliashdr_t *pheader;
stvert_t stverts[MAXALIASVERTS];
mtriangle_t triangles[MAXALIASTRIS];
// a pose is a single set of vertexes. a frame may be
// an animating sequence of poses
trivertx_t *poseverts[MAXALIASFRAMES];
int posenum;
byte **player_8bit_texels_tbl;
byte *player_8bit_texels;
void * Mod_LoadAliasFrame (void * pin, maliasframedesc_t *frame)
trivertx_t *pframe, *pinframe;
int i, j;
daliasframe_t *pdaliasframe;
pdaliasframe = (daliasframe_t *)pin;
strcpy (frame->name, pdaliasframe->name);
frame->firstpose = posenum;
frame->numposes = 1;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
// these are byte values, so we don't have to worry about
// endianness
frame->bboxmin.v[i] = pdaliasframe->bboxmin.v[i];
frame->bboxmax.v[i] = pdaliasframe->bboxmax.v[i];
pinframe = (trivertx_t *)(pdaliasframe + 1);
poseverts[posenum] = pinframe;
pinframe += pheader->numverts;
return (void *)pinframe;
void *Mod_LoadAliasGroup (void * pin, maliasframedesc_t *frame)
daliasgroup_t *pingroup;
int i, numframes;
daliasinterval_t *pin_intervals;
void *ptemp;
pingroup = (daliasgroup_t *)pin;
numframes = LittleLong (pingroup->numframes);
frame->firstpose = posenum;
frame->numposes = numframes;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
// these are byte values, so we don't have to worry about endianness
frame->bboxmin.v[i] = pingroup->bboxmin.v[i];
frame->bboxmax.v[i] = pingroup->bboxmax.v[i];
pin_intervals = (daliasinterval_t *)(pingroup + 1);
frame->interval = LittleFloat (pin_intervals->interval);
pin_intervals += numframes;
ptemp = (void *)pin_intervals;
for (i=0 ; i<numframes ; i++)
poseverts[posenum] = (trivertx_t *)((daliasframe_t *)ptemp + 1);
ptemp = (trivertx_t *)((daliasframe_t *)ptemp + 1) + pheader->numverts;
return ptemp;
Fill background pixels so mipmapping doesn't have haloes - Ed
typedef struct
short x, y;
} floodfill_t;
extern unsigned d_8to24table[];
// must be a power of 2
#define FLOODFILL_FIFO_SIZE 0x1000
#define FLOODFILL_STEP( off, dx, dy ) \
{ \
if (pos[off] == fillcolor) \
{ \
pos[off] = 255; \
fifo[inpt].x = x + (dx), fifo[inpt].y = y + (dy); \
inpt = (inpt + 1) & FLOODFILL_FIFO_MASK; \
} \
else if (pos[off] != 255) fdc = pos[off]; \
void Mod_FloodFillSkin( byte *skin, int skinwidth, int skinheight )
byte fillcolor = *skin; // assume this is the pixel to fill
floodfill_t fifo[FLOODFILL_FIFO_SIZE];
int inpt = 0, outpt = 0;
int filledcolor = -1;
int i;
if (filledcolor == -1)
filledcolor = 0;
// attempt to find opaque black
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
if (d_8to24table[i] == (255 << 0)) // alpha 1.0
filledcolor = i;
// can't fill to filled color or to transparent color (used as visited marker)
if ((fillcolor == filledcolor) || (fillcolor == 255))
//printf( "not filling skin from %d to %d\n", fillcolor, filledcolor );
fifo[inpt].x = 0, fifo[inpt].y = 0;
inpt = (inpt + 1) & FLOODFILL_FIFO_MASK;
while (outpt != inpt)
int x = fifo[outpt].x, y = fifo[outpt].y;
int fdc = filledcolor;
byte *pos = &skin[x + skinwidth * y];
outpt = (outpt + 1) & FLOODFILL_FIFO_MASK;
if (x > 0) FLOODFILL_STEP( -1, -1, 0 );
if (x < skinwidth - 1) FLOODFILL_STEP( 1, 1, 0 );
if (y > 0) FLOODFILL_STEP( -skinwidth, 0, -1 );
if (y < skinheight - 1) FLOODFILL_STEP( skinwidth, 0, 1 );
skin[x + skinwidth * y] = fdc;
void *Mod_LoadAllSkins (int numskins, daliasskintype_t *pskintype)
int i, j, k, size, groupskins;
char name[32];
byte *copy, *skin, *texels;
daliasskingroup_t *pinskingroup;
daliasskininterval_t *pinskinintervals;
int padx, pady, ii, jj; //johnfitz -- padded player skin
char fbr_mask_name[64]; //johnfitz -- added for fullbright support
unsigned offset; //johnfitz
skin = (byte *)(pskintype + 1);
if (numskins < 1 || numskins > MAX_SKINS)
Sys_Error ("Mod_LoadAliasModel: Invalid # of skins: %d\n", numskins);
size = pheader->skinwidth * pheader->skinheight;
for (i=0 ; i<numskins ; i++)
if (pskintype->type == ALIAS_SKIN_SINGLE)
Mod_FloodFillSkin( skin, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight );
// save 8 bit texels for the player model to remap
texels = Hunk_AllocName(size, loadname);
pheader->texels[i] = texels - (byte *)pheader;
memcpy (texels, (byte *)(pskintype + 1), size);
//johnfitz -- rewritten
sprintf (name, "%s:frame%i", loadmodel->name, i);
offset = (unsigned)(pskintype+1) - (unsigned)mod_base;
if (Mod_CheckFullbrights ((byte *)(pskintype+1), size))
pheader->gltextures[i][0] = TexMgr_LoadImage (loadmodel, name, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight,
SRC_INDEXED, (byte *)(pskintype+1), loadmodel->name, offset, TEXPREF_PAD | TEXPREF_NOBRIGHT);
sprintf (fbr_mask_name, "%s:frame%i_glow", loadmodel->name, i);
pheader->fbtextures[i][0] = TexMgr_LoadImage (loadmodel, fbr_mask_name, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight,
SRC_INDEXED, (byte *)(pskintype+1), loadmodel->name, offset, TEXPREF_PAD | TEXPREF_FULLBRIGHT);
pheader->gltextures[i][0] = TexMgr_LoadImage (loadmodel, name, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight,
SRC_INDEXED, (byte *)(pskintype+1), loadmodel->name, offset, TEXPREF_PAD);
pheader->fbtextures[i][0] = NULL;
pheader->gltextures[i][3] = pheader->gltextures[i][2] = pheader->gltextures[i][1] = pheader->gltextures[i][0];
pheader->fbtextures[i][3] = pheader->fbtextures[i][2] = pheader->fbtextures[i][1] = pheader->fbtextures[i][0];
pskintype = (daliasskintype_t *)((byte *)(pskintype+1) + size);
// animating skin group. yuck.
pinskingroup = (daliasskingroup_t *)pskintype;
groupskins = LittleLong (pinskingroup->numskins);
pinskinintervals = (daliasskininterval_t *)(pinskingroup + 1);
pskintype = (void *)(pinskinintervals + groupskins);
for (j=0 ; j<groupskins ; j++)
Mod_FloodFillSkin( skin, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight );
if (j == 0) {
texels = Hunk_AllocName(size, loadname);
pheader->texels[i] = texels - (byte *)pheader;
memcpy (texels, (byte *)(pskintype), size);
//johnfitz -- rewritten
sprintf (name, "%s:frame%i_%i", loadmodel->name, i,j);
offset = (unsigned)(pskintype) - (unsigned)mod_base; //johnfitz
if (Mod_CheckFullbrights ((byte *)(pskintype), size))
pheader->gltextures[i][j&3] = TexMgr_LoadImage (loadmodel, name, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight,
SRC_INDEXED, (byte *)(pskintype), loadmodel->name, offset, TEXPREF_PAD | TEXPREF_NOBRIGHT);
sprintf (fbr_mask_name, "%s:frame%i_%i_glow", loadmodel->name, i,j);
pheader->fbtextures[i][j&3] = TexMgr_LoadImage (loadmodel, fbr_mask_name, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight,
SRC_INDEXED, (byte *)(pskintype), loadmodel->name, offset, TEXPREF_PAD | TEXPREF_FULLBRIGHT);
pheader->gltextures[i][j&3] = TexMgr_LoadImage (loadmodel, name, pheader->skinwidth, pheader->skinheight,
SRC_INDEXED, (byte *)(pskintype), loadmodel->name, offset, TEXPREF_PAD);
pheader->fbtextures[i][j&3] = NULL;
pskintype = (daliasskintype_t *)((byte *)(pskintype) + size);
k = j;
for (/* */; j < 4; j++)
pheader->gltextures[i][j&3] =
pheader->gltextures[i][j - k];
return (void *)pskintype;
Mod_CalcAliasBounds -- johnfitz -- calculate bounds of alias model for nonrotated, yawrotated, and fullrotated cases
void Mod_CalcAliasBounds (aliashdr_t *a)
int i,j,k;
float dist, yawradius, radius;
vec3_t v;
//clear out all data
for (i=0; i<3;i++)
loadmodel->mins[i] = loadmodel->ymins[i] = loadmodel->rmins[i] = 999999;
loadmodel->maxs[i] = loadmodel->ymaxs[i] = loadmodel->rmaxs[i] = -999999;
radius = yawradius = 0;
//process verts
for (i=0 ; i<a->numposes; i++)
for (j=0; j<a->numverts; j++)
for (k=0; k<3;k++)
v[k] = poseverts[i][j].v[k] * pheader->scale[k] + pheader->scale_origin[k];
for (k=0; k<3;k++)
loadmodel->mins[k] = min (loadmodel->mins[k], v[k]);
loadmodel->maxs[k] = max (loadmodel->maxs[k], v[k]);
dist = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1];
if (yawradius < dist)
yawradius = dist;
dist += v[2] * v[2];
if (radius < dist)
radius = dist;
//rbounds will be used when entity has nonzero pitch or roll
radius = sqrt(radius);
loadmodel->rmins[0] = loadmodel->rmins[1] = loadmodel->rmins[2] = -radius;
loadmodel->rmaxs[0] = loadmodel->rmaxs[1] = loadmodel->rmaxs[2] = radius;
//ybounds will be used when entity has nonzero yaw
yawradius = sqrt(yawradius);
loadmodel->ymins[0] = loadmodel->ymins[1] = -yawradius;
loadmodel->ymaxs[0] = loadmodel->ymaxs[1] = yawradius;
loadmodel->ymins[2] = loadmodel->mins[2];
loadmodel->ymaxs[2] = loadmodel->maxs[2];
Mod_SetExtraFlags -- johnfitz -- set up extra flags that aren't in the mdl
void Mod_SetExtraFlags (model_t *mod)
extern cvar_t r_nolerp_list;
char *s;
int i;
if (!mod || !mod->name || mod->type != mod_alias)
mod->flags &= 0xFF; //only preserve first byte
// nolerp flag
for (s=r_nolerp_list.string; *s; s += i+1, i=0)
//search forwards to the next comma or end of string
for (i=0; s[i] != ',' && s[i] != 0; i++) ;
//compare it to the model name
if (!strncmp(mod->name, s, i))
mod->flags |= MOD_NOLERP;
// noshadow flag (TODO: make this a cvar list)
if (!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/flame2.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/flame.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/bolt1.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/bolt2.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/bolt3.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/laser.mdl"))
mod->flags |= MOD_NOSHADOW;
// fullbright hack (TODO: make this a cvar list)
if (!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/flame2.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/flame.mdl") ||
!strcmp (mod->name, "progs/boss.mdl"))
mod->flags |= MOD_FBRIGHTHACK;
void Mod_LoadAliasModel (model_t *mod, void *buffer)
int i, j;
mdl_t *pinmodel;
stvert_t *pinstverts;
dtriangle_t *pintriangles;
int version, numframes, numskins;
int size;
daliasframetype_t *pframetype;
daliasskintype_t *pskintype;
int start, end, total;
start = Hunk_LowMark ();
pinmodel = (mdl_t *)buffer;
mod_base = (byte *)buffer; //johnfitz
version = LittleLong (pinmodel->version);
if (version != ALIAS_VERSION)
Sys_Error ("%s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)",
mod->name, version, ALIAS_VERSION);
// allocate space for a working header, plus all the data except the frames,
// skin and group info
size = sizeof (aliashdr_t)
+ (LittleLong (pinmodel->numframes) - 1) *
sizeof (pheader->frames[0]);
pheader = Hunk_AllocName (size, loadname);
mod->flags = LittleLong (pinmodel->flags);
// endian-adjust and copy the data, starting with the alias model header
pheader->boundingradius = LittleFloat (pinmodel->boundingradius);
pheader->numskins = LittleLong (pinmodel->numskins);
pheader->skinwidth = LittleLong (pinmodel->skinwidth);
pheader->skinheight = LittleLong (pinmodel->skinheight);
if (pheader->skinheight > MAX_LBM_HEIGHT)
Sys_Error ("model %s has a skin taller than %d", mod->name,
pheader->numverts = LittleLong (pinmodel->numverts);
if (pheader->numverts <= 0)
Sys_Error ("model %s has no vertices", mod->name);
if (pheader->numverts > MAXALIASVERTS)
Sys_Error ("model %s has too many vertices", mod->name);
pheader->numtris = LittleLong (pinmodel->numtris);
if (pheader->numtris <= 0)
Sys_Error ("model %s has no triangles", mod->name);
pheader->numframes = LittleLong (pinmodel->numframes);
numframes = pheader->numframes;
if (numframes < 1)
Sys_Error ("Mod_LoadAliasModel: Invalid # of frames: %d\n", numframes);
pheader->size = LittleFloat (pinmodel->size) * ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO;
mod->synctype = LittleLong (pinmodel->synctype);
mod->numframes = pheader->numframes;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
pheader->scale[i] = LittleFloat (pinmodel->scale[i]);
pheader->scale_origin[i] = LittleFloat (pinmodel->scale_origin[i]);
pheader->eyeposition[i] = LittleFloat (pinmodel->eyeposition[i]);
// load the skins
pskintype = (daliasskintype_t *)&pinmodel[1];
pskintype = Mod_LoadAllSkins (pheader->numskins, pskintype);
// load base s and t vertices
pinstverts = (stvert_t *)pskintype;
for (i=0 ; i<pheader->numverts ; i++)
stverts[i].onseam = LittleLong (pinstverts[i].onseam);
stverts[i].s = LittleLong (pinstverts[i].s);
stverts[i].t = LittleLong (pinstverts[i].t);
// load triangle lists
pintriangles = (dtriangle_t *)&pinstverts[pheader->numverts];
for (i=0 ; i<pheader->numtris ; i++)
triangles[i].facesfront = LittleLong (pintriangles[i].facesfront);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
triangles[i].vertindex[j] =
LittleLong (pintriangles[i].vertindex[j]);
// load the frames
posenum = 0;
pframetype = (daliasframetype_t *)&pintriangles[pheader->numtris];
for (i=0 ; i<numframes ; i++)
aliasframetype_t frametype;
frametype = LittleLong (pframetype->type);
if (frametype == ALIAS_SINGLE)
pframetype = (daliasframetype_t *) Mod_LoadAliasFrame (pframetype + 1, &pheader->frames[i]);
pframetype = (daliasframetype_t *) Mod_LoadAliasGroup (pframetype + 1, &pheader->frames[i]);
pheader->numposes = posenum;
mod->type = mod_alias;
Mod_SetExtraFlags (mod); //johnfitz
Mod_CalcAliasBounds (pheader); //johnfitz
// build the draw lists
GL_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists (mod, pheader);
// move the complete, relocatable alias model to the cache
end = Hunk_LowMark ();
total = end - start;
Cache_Alloc (&mod->cache, total, loadname);
if (!mod->
memcpy (mod->, pheader, total);
Hunk_FreeToLowMark (start);