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Raw Normal View History

2009-07-12 22:00:00 +02:00
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Victor Luchits
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_mesh.c: transformation and sorting
#include "r_local.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "quatlib.h"
static byte *r_meshlistmempool;
meshlist_t r_worldlist, r_shadowlist;
static meshlist_t r_portallist, r_skyportallist;
static meshbuffer_t **r_portalSurfMbuffers;
static meshbuffer_t **r_skyPortalSurfMbuffers;
static void R_QSortMeshBuffers( meshbuffer_t *meshes, int Li, int Ri );
static void R_ISortMeshBuffers( meshbuffer_t *meshes, int num_meshes );
static bool R_AddPortalSurface( const meshbuffer_t *mb );
static bool R_DrawPortalSurface( void );
#define R_MBCopy( in, out ) \
( \
( out ).sortkey = ( in ).sortkey, \
( out ).infokey = ( in ).infokey, \
( out ).dlightbits = ( in ).dlightbits, \
( out ).shaderkey = ( in ).shaderkey, \
( out ).shadowbits = ( in ).shadowbits \
#define R_MBCmp( mb1, mb2 ) \
( \
( mb1 ).shaderkey > ( mb2 ).shaderkey ? true : \
( mb1 ).shaderkey < ( mb2 ).shaderkey ? false : \
( mb1 ).sortkey > ( mb2 ).sortkey ? true : \
( mb1 ).sortkey < ( mb2 ).sortkey ? false : \
( mb1 ).dlightbits > ( mb2 ).dlightbits ? true : \
( mb1 ).dlightbits < ( mb2 ).dlightbits ? false : \
( mb1 ).shadowbits > ( mb2 ).shadowbits \
static void R_QSortMeshBuffers( meshbuffer_t *meshes, int Li, int Ri )
int li, RI, stackdepth = 0, total = Ri + 1;
meshbuffer_t median, tempbuf;
if( Ri - Li > 8 )
li = Li;
RI = Ri;
R_MBCopy( meshes[( Li+Ri ) >> 1], median );
if( R_MBCmp( meshes[Li], median ) )
if( R_MBCmp( meshes[Ri], meshes[Li] ) )
R_MBCopy( meshes[Li], median );
else if( R_MBCmp( median, meshes[Ri] ) )
R_MBCopy( meshes[Ri], median );
while( R_MBCmp( median, meshes[li] ) ) li++;
while( R_MBCmp( meshes[RI], median ) ) RI--;
if( li <= RI )
R_MBCopy( meshes[RI], tempbuf );
R_MBCopy( meshes[li], meshes[RI] );
R_MBCopy( tempbuf, meshes[li] );
while( li < RI );
if( ( Li < RI ) && ( stackdepth < QSORT_MAX_STACKDEPTH ) )
lstack[stackdepth] = li;
rstack[stackdepth] = Ri;
li = Li;
Ri = RI;
goto mark0;
if( li < Ri )
Li = li;
goto mark0;
if( stackdepth )
Ri = RI = rstack[stackdepth];
Li = li = lstack[stackdepth];
goto mark0;
for( li = 1; li < total; li++ )
R_MBCopy( meshes[li], tempbuf );
RI = li - 1;
while( ( RI >= 0 ) && ( R_MBCmp( meshes[RI], tempbuf ) ) )
R_MBCopy( meshes[RI], meshes[RI+1] );
if( li != RI+1 )
R_MBCopy( tempbuf, meshes[RI+1] );
Insertion sort
static void R_ISortMeshBuffers( meshbuffer_t *meshes, int num_meshes )
int i, j;
meshbuffer_t tempbuf;
for( i = 1; i < num_meshes; i++ )
R_MBCopy( meshes[i], tempbuf );
j = i - 1;
while( ( j >= 0 ) && ( R_MBCmp( meshes[j], tempbuf ) ) )
R_MBCopy( meshes[j], meshes[j+1] );
if( i != j+1 )
R_MBCopy( tempbuf, meshes[j+1] );
int R_ReAllocMeshList( meshbuffer_t **mb, int minMeshes, int maxMeshes )
int oldSize, newSize;
meshbuffer_t *newMB;
oldSize = maxMeshes;
newSize = max( minMeshes, oldSize * 2 );
newMB = Mem_Alloc( r_meshlistmempool, newSize * sizeof( meshbuffer_t ));
if( *mb )
Mem_Copy( newMB, *mb, oldSize * sizeof( meshbuffer_t ) );
Mem_Free( *mb );
*mb = newMB;
// NULL all pointers to old membuffers so we don't crash
if( r_worldmodel && !( RI.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) )
memset( RI.surfmbuffers, 0, r_worldbrushmodel->numsurfaces * sizeof( meshbuffer_t * ) );
return newSize;
Calculate sortkey and store info used for batching and sorting.
All 3D-geometry passes this function.
meshbuffer_t *R_AddMeshToList( int type, mfog_t *fog, ref_shader_t *shader, int infokey )
meshlist_t *list;
meshbuffer_t *meshbuf;
if( !shader )
return NULL;
list = RI.meshlist;
if( shader->sort > SHADER_SORT_OPAQUE )
if( list->num_translucent_meshes >= list->max_translucent_meshes ) // reallocate if needed
list->max_translucent_meshes = R_ReAllocMeshList( &list->meshbuffer_translucent, MIN_RENDER_MESHES/2, list->max_translucent_meshes );
if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL )
return NULL;
meshbuf = &list->meshbuffer_translucent[list->num_translucent_meshes++];
if( list->num_opaque_meshes >= list->max_opaque_meshes ) // reallocate if needed
list->max_opaque_meshes = R_ReAllocMeshList( &list->meshbuffer_opaque, MIN_RENDER_MESHES, list->max_opaque_meshes );
if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL )
return NULL;
meshbuf = &list->meshbuffer_opaque[list->num_opaque_meshes++];
if( shader->flags & SHADER_VIDEOMAP )
R_UploadCinematicShader( shader );
meshbuf->sortkey = MB_ENTITY2NUM( RI.currententity ) | MB_FOG2NUM( fog ) | type;
meshbuf->shaderkey = shader->sortkey;
meshbuf->infokey = infokey;
meshbuf->dlightbits = 0;
meshbuf->shadowbits = r_entShadowBits[RI.currententity - r_entities];
return meshbuf;
void R_AddModelMeshToList( unsigned int modhandle, mfog_t *fog, ref_shader_t *shader, int meshnum )
meshbuffer_t *mb;
mb = R_AddMeshToList( MB_MODEL, fog, shader, -( meshnum+1 ) );
if( mb )
mb->LODModelHandle = modhandle;
if( !glConfig.ext.GLSL && RI.currententity->outlineHeight/* && !(RI.params & RP_SHADOWMAPVIEW)*/ )
if( ( shader->sort == SHADER_SORT_OPAQUE ) && ( shader->flags & SHADER_CULL_FRONT ) )
R_AddModelMeshOutline( modhandle, fog, meshnum );
Draw the mesh or batch it.
static void R_BatchMeshBuffer( const meshbuffer_t *mb, const meshbuffer_t *nextmb )
int type, features;
bool nonMergable;
ref_entity_t *ent;
ref_shader_t *shader;
msurface_t *surf, *nextSurf;
MB_NUM2ENTITY( mb->sortkey, ent );
if( RI.currententity != ent )
RI.previousentity = RI.currententity;
RI.currententity = ent;
RI.currentmodel = ent->model;
type = mb->sortkey & 3;
switch( type )
case MB_MODEL:
switch( ent->model->type )
case mod_brush:
MB_NUM2SHADER( mb->shaderkey, shader );
if( shader->flags & SHADER_SKY )
{ // draw sky
if( !( RI.params & RP_NOSKY ) )
R_DrawSky( shader );
surf = &r_worldbrushmodel->surfaces[mb->infokey-1];
nextSurf = NULL;
features = shader->features;
if( r_shownormals->integer )
features |= MF_NORMALS;
if( ent->outlineHeight )
features |= r_superLightStyles[surf->superLightStyle].features;
if( features & MF_NONBATCHED )
nonMergable = true;
{ // check if we need to render batched geometry this frame
if( nextmb
&& ( nextmb->shaderkey == mb->shaderkey )
&& ( nextmb->sortkey == mb->sortkey )
&& ( nextmb->dlightbits == mb->dlightbits )
&& ( nextmb->shadowbits == mb->shadowbits ) )
if( nextmb->infokey > 0 )
nextSurf = &r_worldbrushmodel->surfaces[nextmb->infokey-1];
nonMergable = nextSurf ? R_MeshOverflow2( surf->mesh, nextSurf->mesh ) : true;
if( nonMergable && !r_backacc.numVerts )
features |= MF_NONBATCHED;
R_PushMesh( surf->mesh, features );
if( nonMergable )
if( RI.previousentity != RI.currententity )
R_RotateForEntity( RI.currententity );
R_RenderMeshBuffer( mb );
case mod_alias:
R_DrawAliasModel( mb );
#ifdef QUAKE2_JUNK
case mod_sprite:
R_PushSpriteModel( mb );
// no rotation for sprites
R_TranslateForEntity( RI.currententity );
R_RenderMeshBuffer( mb );
case mod_studio:
R_DrawSkeletalModel( mb );
Com_Assert( 1 ); // shut up compiler
nonMergable = R_PushSpritePoly( mb );
if( nonMergable
|| !nextmb
|| ( ( nextmb->shaderkey & 0xFC000FFF ) != ( mb->shaderkey & 0xFC000FFF ) )
|| ( ( nextmb->sortkey & 0xFFFFF ) != ( mb->sortkey & 0xFFFFF ) )
|| R_SpriteOverflow() )
if( !nonMergable )
RI.currententity = r_worldent;
RI.currentmodel = r_worldmodel;
// no rotation for sprites
if( RI.previousentity != RI.currententity )
R_TranslateForEntity( RI.currententity );
R_RenderMeshBuffer( mb );
case MB_POLY:
// polys are already batched at this point
R_PushPoly( mb );
if( RI.previousentity != RI.currententity )
R_RenderMeshBuffer( mb );
Use quicksort for opaque meshes and insertion sort for translucent meshes.
void R_SortMeshes( void )
if( r_draworder->integer )
if( RI.meshlist->num_opaque_meshes )
R_QSortMeshBuffers( RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_opaque, 0, RI.meshlist->num_opaque_meshes - 1 );
if( RI.meshlist->num_translucent_meshes )
R_ISortMeshBuffers( RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_translucent, RI.meshlist->num_translucent_meshes );
Render portal views. For regular portals we stop after rendering the
first valid portal view.
Skyportal views are rendered afterwards.
void R_DrawPortals( void )
int i;
int trynum, num_meshes, total_meshes;
meshbuffer_t *mb;
ref_shader_t *shader;
if( r_viewcluster == -1 )
if( RI.meshlist->num_portal_opaque_meshes || RI.meshlist->num_portal_translucent_meshes )
trynum = 0;
R_AddPortalSurface( NULL );
switch( trynum )
case 0:
mb = RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_opaque;
total_meshes = RI.meshlist->num_opaque_meshes;
num_meshes = RI.meshlist->num_portal_opaque_meshes;
case 1:
mb = RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_translucent;
total_meshes = RI.meshlist->num_translucent_meshes;
num_meshes = RI.meshlist->num_portal_translucent_meshes;
mb = NULL;
total_meshes = num_meshes = 0;
Com_Assert( 1 );
for( i = 0; i < total_meshes && num_meshes; i++, mb++ )
MB_NUM2SHADER( mb->shaderkey, shader );
if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL )
if( r_fastsky->integer && !( shader->flags & (SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE|SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2) ) )
if( !R_AddPortalSurface( mb ) )
if( R_DrawPortalSurface() )
trynum = 2;
} while( ++trynum < 2 );
if( ( RI.refdef.rdflags & RDF_SKYPORTALINVIEW ) && !( RI.params & RP_NOSKY ) && !r_fastsky->integer )
for( i = 0, mb = RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_opaque; i < RI.meshlist->num_opaque_meshes; i++, mb++ )
MB_NUM2SHADER( mb->shaderkey, shader );
if( shader->flags & SHADER_SKY )
R_DrawSky( shader );
RI.params |= RP_NOSKY;
void R_DrawMeshes( void )
int i;
meshbuffer_t *meshbuf;
RI.previousentity = NULL;
if( RI.meshlist->num_opaque_meshes )
meshbuf = RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_opaque;
for( i = 0; i < RI.meshlist->num_opaque_meshes - 1; i++, meshbuf++ )
R_BatchMeshBuffer( meshbuf, meshbuf+1 );
R_BatchMeshBuffer( meshbuf, NULL );
if( RI.meshlist->num_translucent_meshes )
meshbuf = RI.meshlist->meshbuffer_translucent;
for( i = 0; i < RI.meshlist->num_translucent_meshes - 1; i++, meshbuf++ )
R_BatchMeshBuffer( meshbuf, meshbuf + 1 );
R_BatchMeshBuffer( meshbuf, NULL );
void R_InitMeshLists( void )
if( !r_meshlistmempool )
r_meshlistmempool = Mem_AllocPool( "MeshList" );
void R_AllocMeshbufPointers( refinst_t *RI )
Com_Assert( r_worldmodel == NULL );
if( !RI->surfmbuffers )
RI->surfmbuffers = Mem_Alloc( r_meshlistmempool, r_worldbrushmodel->numsurfaces * sizeof( meshbuffer_t * ) );
void R_FreeMeshLists( void )
if( !r_meshlistmempool )
r_portalSurfMbuffers = NULL;
r_skyPortalSurfMbuffers = NULL;
Mem_FreePool( &r_meshlistmempool );
memset( &r_worldlist, 0, sizeof( meshlist_t ) );
memset( &r_shadowlist, 0, sizeof( meshlist_t ) );
memset( &r_portallist, 0, sizeof( meshlist_t ) );
memset( &r_skyportallist, 0, sizeof( r_skyportallist ) );
void R_ClearMeshList( meshlist_t *meshlist )
// clear counters
meshlist->num_opaque_meshes = 0;
meshlist->num_translucent_meshes = 0;
meshlist->num_portal_opaque_meshes = 0;
meshlist->num_portal_translucent_meshes = 0;
void R_DrawTriangleOutlines( bool showTris, bool showNormals )
if( !showTris && !showNormals )
RI.params |= (showTris ? RP_TRISOUTLINES : 0) | (showNormals ? RP_SHOWNORMALS : 0);
Returns the on-screen scissor box for given bounding box in 3D-space.
bool R_ScissorForPortal( ref_entity_t *ent, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h )
int i;
int ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2;
float x1, y1, x2, y2;
vec3_t v, bbox[8];
R_TransformEntityBBox( ent, mins, maxs, bbox, true );
x1 = y1 = 999999;
x2 = y2 = -999999;
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
{ // compute and rotate a full bounding box
vec_t *corner = bbox[i];
R_TransformToScreen_Vec3( corner, v );
if( v[2] < 0 || v[2] > 1 )
{ // the test point is behind the nearclip plane
if( PlaneDiff( corner, &RI.frustum[0] ) < PlaneDiff( corner, &RI.frustum[1] ) )
v[0] = 0;
v[0] = RI.refdef.viewport[2];
if( PlaneDiff( corner, &RI.frustum[2] ) < PlaneDiff( corner, &RI.frustum[3] ) )
v[1] = 0;
v[1] = RI.refdef.viewport[3];
x1 = min( x1, v[0] ); y1 = min( y1, v[1] );
x2 = max( x2, v[0] ); y2 = max( y2, v[1] );
ix1 = max( x1 - 1.0f, 0 ); ix2 = min( x2 + 1.0f, RI.refdef.viewport[2] );
if( ix1 >= ix2 )
return false; // FIXME
iy1 = max( y1 - 1.0f, 0 ); iy2 = min( y2 + 1.0f, RI.refdef.viewport[3] );
if( iy1 >= iy2 )
return false; // FIXME
*x = ix1;
*y = iy1;
*w = ix2 - ix1;
*h = iy2 - iy1;
return true;
static ref_entity_t *r_portal_ent;
static cplane_t r_portal_plane, r_original_portal_plane;
static ref_shader_t *r_portal_shader;
static vec3_t r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs, r_portal_centre;
static bool R_AddPortalSurface( const meshbuffer_t *mb )
int i;
float dist;
ref_entity_t *ent;
ref_shader_t *shader;
msurface_t *surf;
cplane_t plane, oplane;
mesh_t *mesh;
vec3_t mins, maxs, centre;
vec3_t v[3], entity_rotation[3];
if( !mb )
r_portal_ent = r_worldent;
r_portal_shader = NULL;
VectorClear( r_portal_plane.normal );
ClearBounds( r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs );
return false;
MB_NUM2ENTITY( mb->sortkey, ent );
if( !ent->model )
return false;
surf = mb->infokey > 0 ? &r_worldbrushmodel->surfaces[mb->infokey-1] : NULL;
if( !surf || !( mesh = surf->mesh ) || !mesh->xyzArray )
return false;
MB_NUM2SHADER( mb->shaderkey, shader );
VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[0]], v[0] );
VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[1]], v[1] );
VectorCopy( mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[2]], v[2] );
PlaneFromPoints( v, &oplane );
oplane.dist += DotProduct( ent->origin, oplane.normal );
CategorizePlane( &oplane );
if( !Matrix_Compare( ent->axis, axis_identity ) )
Matrix_Transpose( ent->axis, entity_rotation );
Matrix_TransformVector( entity_rotation, mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[0]], v[0] ); VectorMA( ent->origin, ent->scale, v[0], v[0] );
Matrix_TransformVector( entity_rotation, mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[1]], v[1] ); VectorMA( ent->origin, ent->scale, v[1], v[1] );
Matrix_TransformVector( entity_rotation, mesh->xyzArray[mesh->elems[2]], v[2] ); VectorMA( ent->origin, ent->scale, v[2], v[2] );
PlaneFromPoints( v, &plane );
CategorizePlane( &plane );
plane = oplane;
if( ( dist = PlaneDiff( RI.viewOrigin, &plane ) ) <= BACKFACE_EPSILON )
if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) )
return true;
// check if we are too far away and the portal view is obscured
// by an alphagen portal stage
for( i = 0; i < shader->numpasses; i++ )
if( shader->passes[i].alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_PORTAL )
if( dist > ( 1.0/shader->passes[i].alphagen.args[0] ) )
return true; // completely alpha'ed out
if( !R_GetOcclusionQueryResultBool( OQ_CUSTOM, R_SurfOcclusionQueryKey( ent, surf ), true ) )
return true;
VectorAdd( ent->origin, surf->mins, mins );
VectorAdd( ent->origin, surf->maxs, maxs );
VectorAdd( mins, maxs, centre );
VectorScale( centre, 0.5, centre );
if( r_portal_shader && ( shader != r_portal_shader ) )
if( VectorDistance2( RI.viewOrigin, centre ) > VectorDistance2( RI.viewOrigin, r_portal_centre ) )
return true;
VectorClear( r_portal_plane.normal );
ClearBounds( r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs );
r_portal_shader = shader;
if( !Matrix_Compare( ent->axis, axis_identity ) )
r_portal_ent = ent;
r_portal_plane = plane;
r_original_portal_plane = oplane;
VectorCopy( surf->mins, r_portal_mins );
VectorCopy( surf->maxs, r_portal_maxs );
return false;
if( !VectorCompare( r_portal_plane.normal, vec3_origin ) && !( VectorCompare( plane.normal, r_portal_plane.normal ) && plane.dist == r_portal_plane.dist ) )
if( VectorDistance2( RI.viewOrigin, centre ) > VectorDistance2( RI.viewOrigin, r_portal_centre ) )
return true;
VectorClear( r_portal_plane.normal );
ClearBounds( r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs );
if( VectorCompare( r_portal_plane.normal, vec3_origin ) )
r_portal_plane = plane;
r_original_portal_plane = oplane;
AddPointToBounds( mins, r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs );
AddPointToBounds( maxs, r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs );
VectorAdd( r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs, r_portal_centre );
VectorScale( r_portal_centre, 0.5, r_portal_centre );
return true;
Renders the portal view and captures the results from framebuffer if
we need to do a $portalmap stage. Note that for $portalmaps we must
use a different viewport.
Return true upon success so that we can stop rendering portals.
static bool R_DrawPortalSurface( void )
unsigned int i;
int x, y, w, h;
float dist, d;
refinst_t oldRI;
vec3_t origin, angles;
ref_entity_t *ent;
cplane_t *portal_plane = &r_portal_plane, *original_plane = &r_original_portal_plane;
ref_shader_t *shader = r_portal_shader;
bool mirror, refraction = false;
2009-07-22 22:00:00 +02:00
texture_t **captureTexture;
2009-07-12 22:00:00 +02:00
int captureTextureID;
bool doReflection, doRefraction;
if( !r_portal_shader )
return false;
doReflection = doRefraction = true;
if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE )
shaderpass_t *pass;
captureTexture = &r_portaltexture;
captureTextureID = 1;
for( i = 0, pass = shader->passes; i < shader->numpasses; i++, pass++ )
if( pass->program && pass->program_type == PROGRAM_TYPE_DISTORTION )
if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 1 ) )
doRefraction = false;
else if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 0 ) )
doReflection = false;
captureTexture = NULL;
captureTextureID = 0;
// copy portal plane here because we may be flipped later for refractions
RI.portalPlane = *portal_plane;
if( ( dist = PlaneDiff( RI.viewOrigin, portal_plane ) ) <= BACKFACE_EPSILON || !doReflection )
if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) || !doRefraction )
return false;
// even if we're behind the portal, we still need to capture
// the second portal image for refraction
refraction = true;
captureTexture = &r_portaltexture2;
captureTextureID = 2;
if( dist < 0 )
VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, portal_plane->normal );
portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist;
if( !R_ScissorForPortal( r_portal_ent, r_portal_mins, r_portal_maxs, &x, &y, &w, &h ) )
return false;
mirror = true; // default to mirror view
// it is stupid IMO that mirrors require a RT_PORTALSURFACE entity
ent = r_portal_ent;
for( i = 1; i < r_numEntities; i++ )
ent = &r_entities[i];
if( ent->rtype == RT_PORTALSURFACE )
d = PlaneDiff( ent->origin, original_plane );
if( ( d >= -64 ) && ( d <= 64 ) )
if( !VectorCompare( ent->origin, ent->origin2 ) ) // portal
mirror = false;
ent->rtype = -1;
if( ( i == r_numEntities ) && !captureTexture )
return false;
RI.previousentity = NULL;
memcpy( &oldRI, &prevRI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
memcpy( &prevRI, &RI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
if( refraction )
VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, portal_plane->normal );
portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist - 1;
CategorizePlane( portal_plane );
VectorCopy( RI.viewOrigin, origin );
VectorCopy( RI.refdef.viewangles, angles );
if( r_viewcluster != -1 )
else if( mirror )
vec3_t M[3];
d = -2 * ( DotProduct( RI.viewOrigin, portal_plane->normal ) - portal_plane->dist );
VectorMA( RI.viewOrigin, d, portal_plane->normal, origin );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
d = -2 * DotProduct( RI.viewAxis[i], portal_plane->normal );
VectorMA( RI.viewAxis[i], d, portal_plane->normal, M[i] );
VectorNormalize( M[i] );
Matrix_EulerAngles( M, angles );
angles[ROLL] = -angles[ROLL];
if( r_viewcluster != -1 )
vec3_t tvec;
vec3_t A[3], B[3], C[3], rot[3];
// build world-to-portal rotation matrix
VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, A[0] );
NormalVectorToAxis( A[0], A );
// build portal_dest-to-world rotation matrix
2009-07-15 22:00:00 +02:00
VectorCopy( ent->movedir, portal_plane->normal );
2009-07-12 22:00:00 +02:00
NormalVectorToAxis( portal_plane->normal, B );
Matrix_Transpose( B, C );
// multiply to get world-to-world rotation matrix
Matrix_Multiply( C, A, rot );
// translate view origin
VectorSubtract( RI.viewOrigin, ent->origin, tvec );
Matrix_TransformVector( rot, tvec, origin );
VectorAdd( origin, ent->origin2, origin );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
Matrix_TransformVector( A, RI.viewAxis[i], rot[i] );
Matrix_Multiply( ent->axis, rot, B );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
Matrix_TransformVector( C, B[i], A[i] );
// set up portal_plane
// VectorCopy( A[0], portal_plane->normal );
portal_plane->dist = DotProduct( ent->origin2, portal_plane->normal );
CategorizePlane( portal_plane );
// calculate Euler angles for our rotation matrix
Matrix_EulerAngles( A, angles );
// for portals, vis data is taken from portal origin, not
// view origin, because the view point moves around and
// might fly into (or behind) a wall
VectorCopy( ent->origin2, RI.pvsOrigin );
VectorCopy( ent->origin2, RI.lodOrigin );
RI.shadowGroup = NULL;
RI.meshlist = &r_portallist;
RI.surfmbuffers = r_portalSurfMbuffers;
RI.params |= RP_CLIPPLANE;
RI.clipPlane = *portal_plane;
RI.clipFlags |= ( 1<<5 );
VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, RI.frustum[5].normal );
RI.frustum[5].dist = -portal_plane->dist;
RI.frustum[5] = *portal_plane;
CategorizePlane( &RI.frustum[5] );
if( captureTexture )
R_InitPortalTexture( captureTexture, captureTextureID, r_lastRefdef.viewport[2], r_lastRefdef.viewport[3] );
x = y = 0;
2009-07-22 22:00:00 +02:00
w = ( *captureTexture )->width;
h = ( *captureTexture )->height;
2009-07-12 22:00:00 +02:00
RI.refdef.viewport[2] = w;
RI.refdef.viewport[3] = h;
Vector4Set( RI.viewport, RI.refdef.viewport[0], RI.refdef.viewport[1], w, h );
Vector4Set( RI.scissor, RI.refdef.viewport[0] + x, RI.refdef.viewport[1] + y, w, h );
VectorCopy( origin, RI.refdef.vieworg );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
RI.refdef.viewangles[i] = anglemod( angles[i] );
R_RenderView( &RI.refdef );
if( !( RI.params & RP_OLDVIEWCLUSTER ) )
r_oldviewcluster = r_viewcluster = -1; // force markleafs next frame
r_portalSurfMbuffers = RI.surfmbuffers;
memcpy( &RI, &prevRI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
memcpy( &prevRI, &oldRI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
if( captureTexture )
GL_Cull( 0 );
2009-07-15 22:00:00 +02:00
pglColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
2009-07-12 22:00:00 +02:00
// grab the results from framebuffer
GL_Bind( 0, *captureTexture );
2009-07-22 22:00:00 +02:00
pglCopyTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, RI.refdef.viewport[0], RI.refdef.viewport[1], ( *captureTexture )->width, ( *captureTexture )->height );
2009-07-12 22:00:00 +02:00
RI.params |= ( refraction ? RP_PORTALCAPTURED2 : RP_PORTALCAPTURED );
if( doRefraction && !refraction && ( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) )
refraction = true;
captureTexture = &r_portaltexture2;
captureTextureID = 2;
goto setup_and_render;
R_AddPortalSurface( NULL );
return true;
void R_DrawSkyPortal( skyportal_t *skyportal, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
int x, y, w, h;
refinst_t oldRI;
if( !R_ScissorForPortal( r_worldent, mins, maxs, &x, &y, &w, &h ) )
RI.previousentity = NULL;
memcpy( &oldRI, &prevRI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
memcpy( &prevRI, &RI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
VectorCopy( skyportal->vieworg, RI.pvsOrigin );
RI.clipFlags = 15;
RI.shadowGroup = NULL;
RI.meshlist = &r_skyportallist;
RI.surfmbuffers = r_skyPortalSurfMbuffers;
Vector4Set( RI.scissor, RI.refdef.viewport[0] + x, RI.refdef.viewport[1] + y, w, h );
// Vector4Set( RI.viewport, RI.refdef.viewport[0], glState.height - RI.refdef.viewport[3] - RI.refdef.viewport[1], RI.refdef.viewport[2], RI.refdef.viewport[3] );
if( skyportal->scale )
vec3_t centre, diff;
VectorAdd( r_worldmodel->mins, r_worldmodel->maxs, centre );
VectorScale( centre, 0.5f, centre );
VectorSubtract( centre, RI.viewOrigin, diff );
VectorMA( skyportal->vieworg, -skyportal->scale, diff, RI.refdef.vieworg );
VectorCopy( skyportal->vieworg, RI.refdef.vieworg );
VectorAdd( RI.refdef.viewangles, skyportal->viewanglesOffset, RI.refdef.viewangles );
if( skyportal->fov )
RI.refdef.fov_x = skyportal->fov;
RI.refdef.fov_y = CalcFov( RI.refdef.fov_x, RI.refdef.viewport[2], RI.refdef.viewport[3] );
if( glState.wideScreen && !( RI.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOFOVADJUSTMENT ) )
AdjustFov( &RI.refdef.fov_x, &RI.refdef.fov_y, glState.width, glState.height, false );
R_RenderView( &RI.refdef );
r_skyPortalSurfMbuffers = RI.surfmbuffers;
r_oldviewcluster = r_viewcluster = -1; // force markleafs next frame
memcpy( &RI, &prevRI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
memcpy( &prevRI, &oldRI, sizeof( refinst_t ) );
void R_DrawCubemapView( const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles, int size )
ref_params_t *fd;
fd = &RI.refdef;
*fd = r_lastRefdef;
fd->time = 0;
fd->viewport[0] = RI.refdef.viewport[1] = 0;
fd->viewport[2] = size;
fd->viewport[3] = size;
fd->fov_x = 90;
fd->fov_y = 90;
VectorCopy( origin, fd->vieworg );
VectorCopy( angles, fd->viewangles );
r_numPolys = 0;
r_numDlights = 0;
R_RenderScene( fd );
r_oldviewcluster = r_viewcluster = -1; // force markleafs next frame
void R_BuildTangentVectors( int numVertexes, vec4_t *xyzArray, vec4_t *normalsArray, vec2_t *stArray, int numTris, elem_t *elems, vec4_t *sVectorsArray )
int i, j;
float d, *v[3], *tc[3];
vec_t *s, *t, *n;
vec3_t stvec[3], cross;
vec3_t stackTVectorsArray[128];
vec3_t *tVectorsArray;
if( numVertexes > sizeof( stackTVectorsArray )/sizeof( stackTVectorsArray[0] ) )
tVectorsArray = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, sizeof( vec3_t ) * numVertexes );
tVectorsArray = stackTVectorsArray;
// assuming arrays have already been allocated
// this also does some nice precaching
memset( sVectorsArray, 0, numVertexes * sizeof( *sVectorsArray ) );
memset( tVectorsArray, 0, numVertexes * sizeof( *tVectorsArray ) );
for( i = 0; i < numTris; i++, elems += 3 )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
v[j] = ( float * )( xyzArray + elems[j] );
tc[j] = ( float * )( stArray + elems[j] );
// calculate two mostly perpendicular edge directions
VectorSubtract( v[1], v[0], stvec[0] );
VectorSubtract( v[2], v[0], stvec[1] );
// we have two edge directions, we can calculate the normal then
CrossProduct( stvec[1], stvec[0], cross );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
stvec[0][j] = ( ( tc[1][1] - tc[0][1] ) * ( v[2][j] - v[0][j] ) - ( tc[2][1] - tc[0][1] ) * ( v[1][j] - v[0][j] ) );
stvec[1][j] = ( ( tc[1][0] - tc[0][0] ) * ( v[2][j] - v[0][j] ) - ( tc[2][0] - tc[0][0] ) * ( v[1][j] - v[0][j] ) );
// inverse tangent vectors if their cross product goes in the opposite
// direction to triangle normal
CrossProduct( stvec[1], stvec[0], stvec[2] );
if( DotProduct( stvec[2], cross ) < 0 )
VectorNegate( stvec[0], stvec[0] );
VectorNegate( stvec[1], stvec[1] );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
VectorAdd( sVectorsArray[elems[j]], stvec[0], sVectorsArray[elems[j]] );
VectorAdd( tVectorsArray[elems[j]], stvec[1], tVectorsArray[elems[j]] );
// normalize
for( i = 0, s = *sVectorsArray, t = *tVectorsArray, n = *normalsArray; i < numVertexes; i++, s += 4, t += 3, n += 4 )
// keep s\t vectors perpendicular
d = -DotProduct( s, n );
VectorMA( s, d, n, s );
VectorNormalize( s );
d = -DotProduct( t, n );
VectorMA( t, d, n, t );
// store polarity of t-vector in the 4-th coordinate of s-vector
CrossProduct( n, s, cross );
if( DotProduct( cross, t ) < 0 )
s[3] = -1;
s[3] = 1;
if( tVectorsArray != stackTVectorsArray )
Mem_Free( tVectorsArray );