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2007-10-03 22:00:00 +02:00
// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 <20>
// pr_main.c - QuakeC progs compiler
#include "qcclib.h"
#define nondefaultkeyword (FLAG_HIDDENINGUI | FLAG_MIDCOMPILE)
#define defaultoption (FLAG_MIDCOMPILE | FLAG_ASDEFAULT)
byte *qccpool;
char v_copyright[1024];
int writeasm;
int level;
uint MAX_REGS;
int max_temps;
int *qcc_tempofs;
int tempsstart;
int numtemps;
bool compressoutput = false;
bool compileactive = false;
char destfile[1024];
float *pr_globals;
uint numpr_globals;
char *strings;
int strofs;
char *qccmsrc;
char *qccmsrc2;
char qccmfilename[1024];
char qccmprogsdat[1024];
char qccmsourcedir[1024];
cachedsourcefile_t *sourcefile;
dstatement_t *statements;
int numstatements;
int *statement_linenums;
char *originalqccmsrc;
dfunction_t *functions;
int numfunctions;
ddef_t *qcc_globals;
int numglobaldefs;
ddef_t *fields;
int numfielddefs;
int numsounds;
int numtextures;
int nummodels;
int numfiles;
PATHSTRING *precache_sounds;
PATHSTRING *precache_textures;
PATHSTRING *precache_models;
PATHSTRING *precache_files;
hashtable_t compconstantstable;
hashtable_t globalstable;
hashtable_t localstable;
hashtable_t intconstdefstable;
hashtable_t floatconstdefstable;
hashtable_t stringconstdefstable;
bool pr_warning[WARN_MAX];
targetformat_t targetformat;
bool bodylessfuncs;
type_t *qcc_typeinfo;
int numtypeinfos;
int maxtypeinfos;
optimisations_t optimisations[] =
// level 0 = no optimisations
// level 1 = size optimisations
// level 2 = speed optimisations
// level 3 = dodgy optimisations.
// level 4 = experimental...
{&opt_assignments, "t", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "assignments", "c = a*b is performed in one operation rather than two, and can cause older decompilers to fail."},
{&opt_shortenifnots, "i", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "shortenifs", "if (!a) was traditionally compiled in two statements. This optimisation does it in one, but can cause some decompilers to get confused."},
{&opt_nonvec_parms, "p", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "nonvec_parms", "In the original qcc, function parameters were specified as a vector store even for floats. This fixes that."},
{&opt_constant_names, "c", 2, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "constant_names", "This optimisation strips out the names of constants (but not strings) from your progs, resulting in smaller files. It makes decompilers leave out names or fabricate numerical ones."},
{&opt_constant_names_strings, "cs", 3, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "constant_strings", "This optimisation strips out the names of string constants from your progs. However, this can break addons, so don't use it in those cases."},
{&opt_dupconstdefs, "d", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "dupconstdefs", "This will merge definitions of constants which are the same value. Pay extra attention to assignment to constant warnings."},
{&opt_noduplicatestrings, "s", 1, 0, "nodupstrings", "This will compact the string table that is stored in the progs. It will be considerably smaller with this."},
{&opt_locals, "l", 1, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "locals", "Strips out local names and definitions. This makes it REALLY hard to decompile"},
{&opt_function_names, "n", 1, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "function_names", "This strips out the names of functions which are never called. Doesn't make much of an impact though."},
{&opt_filenames, "f", 1, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "filenames", "This strips out the filenames of the progs. This can confuse the really old decompilers, but is nothing to the more recent ones."},
{&opt_unreferenced, "u", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "unreferenced", "Removes the entries of unreferenced variables. Doesn't make a difference in well maintained code."},
{&opt_overlaptemps, "r", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "overlaptemps", "Optimises the pr_globals count by overlapping temporaries. In QC, every multiplication, division or operation in general produces a temporary variable. This optimisation prevents excess, and in the case of Hexen2's gamecode, reduces the count by 50k. This is the most important optimisation, ever."},
{&opt_constantarithmatic, "a", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "constarithmatic", "5*6 actually emits an operation into the progs. This prevents that happening, effectivly making the compiler see 30"},
{&opt_precache_file, "pf", 2, 0, "precache_file", "Strip out stuff wasted used in function calls and strings to the precache_file builtin (which is actually a stub in quake)."},
{&opt_return_only, "ro", 3, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "return_only", "Functions ending in a return statement do not need a done statement at the end of the function. This can confuse some decompilers, making functions appear larger than they were."},
{&opt_compound_jumps, "cj", 3, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "compound_jumps", "This optimisation plays an effect mostly with nested if/else statements, instead of jumping to an unconditional jump statement, it'll jump to the final destination instead. This will bewilder decompilers."},
{&opt_stripfunctions, "sf", 3, 0, "strip_functions", "Strips out the 'defs' of functions that were only ever called directly. This does not affect saved games."},
{&opt_locals_marshalling, "lm", 4, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "locals_marshaling","Store all locals in one section of the pr_globals. Vastly reducing it. This effectivly does the job of overlaptemps. It's been noticed as buggy by a few, however, and the curcumstances where it causes problems are not yet known."},
{&opt_vectorcalls, "vc", 4, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "vectorcalls", "Where a function is called with just a vector, this causes the function call to store three floats instead of one vector. This can save a good number of pr_globals where those vectors contain many duplicate coordinates but do not match entirly."},
compiler_flag_t compiler_flag[] =
// keywords
{&keyword_asm, defaultkeyword, "asm", "Keyword: asm", "Disables the 'asm' keyword. Use the writeasm flag to see an example of the asm."},
{&keyword_break, defaultkeyword, "break", "Keyword: break", "Disables the 'break' keyword."},
{&keyword_case, defaultkeyword, "case", "Keyword: case", "Disables the 'case' keyword."},
{&keyword_class, defaultkeyword, "class", "Keyword: class", "Disables the 'class' keyword."},
{&keyword_const, defaultkeyword, "const", "Keyword: const", "Disables the 'const' keyword."},
{&keyword_continue, defaultkeyword, "continue", "Keyword: continue", "Disables the 'continue' keyword."},
{&keyword_default, defaultkeyword, "default", "Keyword: default", "Disables the 'default' keyword."},
{&keyword_entity, defaultkeyword, "entity", "Keyword: entity", "Disables the 'entity' keyword."},
{&keyword_enum, defaultkeyword, "enum", "Keyword: enum", "Disables the 'enum' keyword."}, // kinda like in c, but typedef not supported.
{&keyword_enumflags,defaultkeyword, "enumflags", "Keyword: enumflags", "Disables the 'enumflags' keyword."}, // like enum, but doubles instead of adds 1.
{&keyword_extern, defaultkeyword, "extern", "Keyword: extern", "Disables the 'extern' keyword. Use only on functions inside addons."}, //function is external, don't error or warn if the body was not found
{&keyword_float, defaultkeyword, "float", "Keyword: float", "Disables the 'float' keyword. (Disables the float keyword without 'local' preceeding it)"},
{&keyword_for, defaultkeyword, "for", "Keyword: for", "Disables the 'for' keyword. Syntax: for(assignment; while; increment) {codeblock;}"},
{&keyword_goto, defaultkeyword, "goto", "Keyword: goto", "Disables the 'goto' keyword."},
{&keyword_int, defaultkeyword, "int", "Keyword: int", "Disables the 'int' keyword."},
{&keyword_integer, defaultkeyword, "integer", "Keyword: integer", "Disables the 'integer' keyword."},
{&keyword_noref, defaultkeyword, "noref", "Keyword: noref", "Disables the 'noref' keyword."}, // nowhere else references this, don't strip it.
{&keyword_nosave, defaultkeyword, "nosave", "Keyword: nosave", "Disables the 'nosave' keyword."}, // don't write the def to the output.
{&keyword_shared, defaultkeyword, "shared", "Keyword: shared", "Disables the 'shared' keyword."}, // mark global to be copied over when progs changes
{&keyword_state, nondefaultkeyword, "state", "Keyword: state", "Disables the 'state' keyword."},
{&keyword_string, defaultkeyword, "string", "Keyword: string", "Disables the 'string' keyword."},
{&keyword_struct, defaultkeyword, "struct", "Keyword: struct", "Disables the 'struct' keyword."},
{&keyword_switch, defaultkeyword, "switch", "Keyword: switch", "Disables the 'switch' keyword."},
{&keyword_typedef, defaultkeyword, "typedef", "Keyword: typedef", "Disables the 'typedef' keyword."}, // FIXME
{&keyword_union, defaultkeyword, "union", "Keyword: union", "Disables the 'union' keyword."}, // you surly know what a union is!
{&keyword_var, defaultkeyword, "var", "Keyword: var", "Disables the 'var' keyword."},
{&keyword_vector, defaultkeyword, "vector", "Keyword: vector", "Disables the 'vector' keyword."},
// options
{&keywords_coexist, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "kce", "Keywords Coexist", "If you want keywords to NOT be disabled when they a variable by the same name is defined, check here."},
{&output_parms, 0, "parms", "Define offset parms", "if PARM0 PARM1 etc should be defined by the compiler. These are useful if you make use of the asm keyword for function calls, or you wish to create your own variable arguments. This is an easy way to break decompilers."},//controls weather to define PARMx for the parms (note - this can screw over some decompilers)
{&autoprototype, 0, "autoproto", "Automatic Prototyping", "Causes compilation to take two passes instead of one. The first pass, only the definitions are read. The second pass actually compiles your code. This means you never have to remember to prototype functions again."}, //so you no longer need to prototype functions and things in advance.
{&writeasm, 0, "wasm", "Dump Assembler", "Writes out a qc.asm which contains all your functions but in assembler. This is a great way to look for bugs in qcclib, but can also be used to see exactly what your functions turn into, and thus how to optimise statements better."},//spit out a qc.asm file, containing an assembler dump of the ENTIRE progs. (Doesn't include initialisation of constants)
{&flag_ifstring, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE, "ifstring", "if(string) fix", "Causes if(string) to behave identically to if(string!="") This is most useful with addons of course, but also has adverse effects with FRIK_FILE's fgets, where it becomes impossible to determin the end of the file. In such a case, you can still use asm {IF string 2;RETURN} to detect eof and leave the function."},//correction for if(string) no-ifstring to get the standard behaviour.
{&flag_laxcasts, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE, "lax", "Lax type checks", "Disables many errors (generating warnings instead) when function calls or operations refer to two normally incompatable types. This is required for reacc support, and can also allow certain (evil) mods to compile that were originally written for frikqcc."}, //Allow lax casting. This'll produce loadsa warnings of course. But allows compilation of certain dodgy code.
{&flag_hashonly, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE, "hashonly", "Hash-only constants", "Allows use of only #constant for precompiler constants, allows certain preqcc using mods to compile"},
{&opt_logicops, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE, "lo", "Logic ops", "This changes the behaviour of your code. It generates additional if operations to early-out in if statements. With this flag, the line if (0 && somefunction()) will never call the function. It can thus be considered an optimisation. However, due to the change of behaviour, it is not considered so by qcclib. Note that due to inprecisions with floats, this flag can cause runaway loop errors within the player walk and run functions. This code is advised:\nplayer_stand1:\n if (self.velocity_x || self.velocity_y)\nplayer_run\n if (!(self.velocity_x || self.velocity_y))"},
{&flag_fastarrays, defaultoption, "fastarrays", "fast arrays where possible", "Generates extra instructions inside array handling functions to detect engine and use extension opcodes only in supporting engines.\nAdds a global which is set by the engine if the engine supports the extra opcodes. Note that this applies to all arrays or none."}, // correction for if(string) no-ifstring to get the standard behaviour.
target_t targets[] =
{QCF_STANDARD, "standard"},
{QCF_STANDARD, "quakec"},
{QCF_RELEASE, "release"},
{QCF_DEBUG, "debug"},
{0, NULL}
void PR_CommandLinePrecompilerOptions (void)
const_t *cnst;
int i, p;
char *name, *val;
for (i = 1;i<fs_argc;i++)
//compiler constant
if ( !strncmp(fs_argv[i], "-D", 2) )
name = fs_argv[i] + 2;
val = strchr(name, '=');
if (val)
*val = '\0';
cnst = PR_DefineName(name);
if (val)
if (strlen(val)+1 >= sizeof(cnst->value))
Sys_Error("Compiler constant value is too long\n");
strncpy(cnst->value, val, sizeof(cnst->value)-1);
cnst->value[sizeof(cnst->value)-1] = '\0';
// optimisations.
else if ( !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "-O", 2) || !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "/O", 2) )
p = 0;
if (fs_argv[i][2] >= '0' && fs_argv[i][2] <= '3')
else if (!strnicmp(fs_argv[i]+2, "no-", 3))
if (fs_argv[i][5])
for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++)
if ((*optimisations[p].abbrev && !stricmp(fs_argv[i]+5, optimisations[p].abbrev)) || !stricmp(fs_argv[i]+5, optimisations[p].fullname))
*optimisations[p].enabled = false;
if (fs_argv[i][2])
for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++)
if ((*optimisations[p].abbrev && !stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, optimisations[p].abbrev)) || !stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, optimisations[p].fullname))
*optimisations[p].enabled = true;
if (!optimisations[p].enabled)
PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised optimisation parameter (%s)", fs_argv[i]);
else if ( !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "-K", 2) || !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "/K", 2) )
p = 0;
if (!strnicmp(fs_argv[i]+2, "no-", 3))
for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++)
if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+5, compiler_flag[p].abbrev))
*compiler_flag[p].enabled = false;
for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++)
if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, compiler_flag[p].abbrev))
*compiler_flag[p].enabled = true;
if (!compiler_flag[p].enabled)
PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised keyword parameter (%s)", fs_argv[i]);
else if ( !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "-F", 2) || !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "/F", 2) )
p = 0;
if (!strnicmp(fs_argv[i]+2, "no-", 3))
for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++)
if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+5, compiler_flag[p].abbrev))
*compiler_flag[p].enabled = false;
for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++)
if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, compiler_flag[p].abbrev))
*compiler_flag[p].enabled = true;
if (!compiler_flag[p].enabled)
PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised flag parameter (%s)", fs_argv[i]);
else if ( !strncmp(fs_argv[i], "-T", 2) || !strncmp(fs_argv[i], "/T", 2) )
p = 0;
for (p = 0; targets[p].name; p++)
if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, targets[p].name))
targetformat = targets[p].target;
if (!targets[p].name)
PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised target parameter (%s)", fs_argv[i]);
else if ( !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "-W", 2) || !strnicmp(fs_argv[i], "/W", 2) )
if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, "all"))
memset(pr_warning, 0, sizeof(pr_warning));
else if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, "none"))
memset(pr_warning, 1, sizeof(pr_warning));
else if (!stricmp(fs_argv[i]+2, "no-mundane"))
{ //disable mundane performance/efficiency/blah warnings that don't affect code.
pr_warning[WARN_SAMENAMEASGLOBAL] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_DEADCODE] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_NOTREFERENCED] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_BADPRAGMA] = true; //C specs say that these should be ignored. We're close enough to C that I consider that a valid statement.
pr_warning[WARN_UNDEFNOTDEFINED] = true;
void PR_SetDefaultProperties (void)
int i;
Hash_InitTable(&compconstantstable, MAX_CONSTANTS, Qalloc(BytesForBuckets(MAX_CONSTANTS)));
ForcedCRC = 0;
if (FS_CheckParm("/Oz"))
targetformat = QCF_RELEASE;
compressoutput = true; //enable compression
if (FS_CheckParm("/O0") || FS_CheckParm("-O0"))
level = 0;
else if (FS_CheckParm("/O1") || FS_CheckParm("-O1"))
level = 1;
else if (FS_CheckParm("/O2") || FS_CheckParm("-O2"))
level = 2;
else if (FS_CheckParm("/O3") || FS_CheckParm("-O3"))
level = 3;
else level = -1;
if (level == -1)
for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++)
if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT)
*optimisations[i].enabled = true;
*optimisations[i].enabled = false;
for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++)
if (level >= optimisations[i].optimisationlevel)
*optimisations[i].enabled = true;
*optimisations[i].enabled = false;
//targetformat = QCF_STANDARD;
strncpy(pevname, "pev", 3 );
strncpy(pevname, "opev", 4 );
strncpy(pevname, "self", 4 );
strncpy(opevname, "oself", 5 );
//enable all warnings
memset(pr_warning, 0, sizeof(pr_warning));
//play with default warnings.
pr_warning[WARN_MACROINSTRING] = true;
// pr_warning[WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_EXTRAPRECACHE] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_DEADCODE] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_EXTENSION_USED] = true;
pr_warning[WARN_IFSTRING_USED] = true;
//Check the command line
if (FS_CheckParm("-debug")) //disable any debug optimisations
for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++)
if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS)
*optimisations[i].enabled = false;
void PR_InitData (void)
static char parmname[12][MAX_PARMS];
static temp_t ret_temp;
int i;
sourcefile = NULL;
numstatements = 1;
strofs = 1;
numfunctions = 1;
numglobaldefs = 1;
numfielddefs = 1;
memset(&ret_temp, 0, sizeof(ret_temp));
def_ret.ofs = OFS_RETURN; = "return";
def_ret.temp = &ret_temp;
def_ret.constant = false;
def_ret.type = NULL;
ret_temp.ofs = def_ret.ofs;
ret_temp.scope = NULL;
ret_temp.size = 3; = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARMS; i++)
def_parms[i].temp = NULL;
def_parms[i].type = NULL;
def_parms[i].ofs = OFS_PARM0 + 3*i;
def_parms[i].name = parmname[i];
sprintf(parmname[i], "parm%i", i);
initialize compiler and hash tables
void PR_Init( void )
int p;
// tune limits
MAX_REGS = 65536;
MAX_ERRORS = 10; // per one file
MAX_STRINGS = 1000000;
MAX_GLOBALS = 32768;
MAX_FIELDS = 2048;
maxtypeinfos = 16384;
strcpy(v_copyright, "This file was created with Xash3D QuakeC compiler\nbased on original code of ForeThought's QuakeC compiler\nThanks to ID Software at all");
for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++)
*compiler_flag[p].enabled = compiler_flag[p].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT;
numtemps = 0;
strings = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRINGS);
strofs = 1;
statements = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(dstatement_t) * MAX_STATEMENTS);
numstatements = 0;
statement_linenums = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_STATEMENTS);
functions = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(dfunction_t) * MAX_FUNCTIONS);
pr_bracelevel = 0;
pr_globals = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(float) * MAX_REGS);
Hash_InitTable(&globalstable, MAX_REGS, Qalloc(BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS)));
Hash_InitTable(&localstable, MAX_REGS, Qalloc(BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS)));
Hash_InitTable(&floatconstdefstable, MAX_REGS+1, Qalloc(BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS+1)));
Hash_InitTable(&intconstdefstable, MAX_REGS+1, Qalloc(BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS+1)));
Hash_InitTable(&stringconstdefstable, MAX_REGS, Qalloc(BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS)));
// pr_global_defs = (def_t **)Qalloc(sizeof(def_t *) * MAX_REGS);
qcc_globals = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(ddef_t) * MAX_GLOBALS);
fields = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(ddef_t) * MAX_FIELDS);
memset(pr_immediate_string, 0, sizeof(pr_immediate_string));
precache_sounds = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME*MAX_SOUNDS);
numsounds = 0;
precache_textures = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME*MAX_TEXTURES);
precache_models = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME*MAX_MODELS);
precache_files = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME*MAX_FILES);
numfiles = 0;
qcc_typeinfo = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(type_t)*maxtypeinfos);
numtypeinfos = 0;
qcc_tempofs = Qalloc(sizeof(int) * max_temps);
tempsstart = 0;
memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr));
memset(&extra_parms, 0, sizeof(extra_parms));
if (opt_locals_marshalling)
Msg("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nLocals marshalling might be buggy. Use with caution\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
if(FS_GetParmFromCmdLine("-src", qccmsourcedir ))
strcat (qccmsourcedir, "/");
Msg ("Source directory: %s\n", qccmsourcedir);
else *qccmsourcedir = '\0';
PR_InitData ();
void PR_WriteData (int crc)
char element[MAX_NAME];
def_t *def, *comp_x, *comp_y, *comp_z;
ddef_t *dd;
dprograms_t progs;
vfile_t *h;
file_t *pr_file;
int i, num_ref;
bool debugtarget = false;
bool types = false;
int outputsize = 16;
progs.blockscompressed = 0;
if (numstatements > MAX_STATEMENTS)
Sys_Error("Too many statements - %i\nAdd \"MAX_STATEMENTS\" \"%i\" to qcc.cfg", numstatements, (numstatements+32768)&~32767);
if (strofs > MAX_STRINGS)
Sys_Error("Too many strings - %i\nAdd \"MAX_STRINGS\" \"%i\" to qcc.cfg", strofs, (strofs+32768)&~32767);
switch (targetformat)
if (bodylessfuncs)
Msg("Warning: There are some functions without bodies.\n");
if (numpr_globals > 65530 )
Msg("Forcing target to RELEASE32 due to numpr_globals\n");
outputsize = 32;
// not much of a different format. Rewrite output to get it working on original executors?
if (numpr_globals >= 32768)
Msg("Quake1 32bit virtual machine\nAn enhanced executor will be required\n");
else Msg("Quake1 16bit virtual machine\n");
// intentional falltrough
targetformat = QCF_RELEASE;
if (targetformat == QCF_DEBUG)
debugtarget = true;
if (numpr_globals > 65530)
Msg("Using 32 bit target due to numpr_globals\n");
outputsize = 32;
//compression of blocks?
if (compressoutput)
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_STATEMENTS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_DEFS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_FIELDS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_FUNCTIONS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_STRINGS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_GLOBALS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_LINENUMS;
progs.blockscompressed |= COMP_TYPES;
types = debugtarget; // include a type block?
Msg("Xash3D virtual machine\n");
// part of how compilation works. This def is always present, and never used.
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, "end_sys_globals", NULL, false, 0);
if(def) def->references++;
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, "end_sys_fields", NULL, false, 0);
if(def) def->references++;
for (def =; def; def = def->next)
if (def->type->type == ev_vector || (def->type->type == ev_field && def->type->aux_type->type == ev_vector))
//do the references, so we don't get loadsa not referenced VEC_HULL_MINS_x
sprintf(element, "%s_x", def->name);
comp_x = PR_GetDef(NULL, element, def->scope, false, 0);
sprintf(element, "%s_y", def->name);
comp_y = PR_GetDef(NULL, element, def->scope, false, 0);
sprintf(element, "%s_z", def->name);
comp_z = PR_GetDef(NULL, element, def->scope, false, 0);
num_ref = def->references;
if (comp_x && comp_y && comp_z)
num_ref += comp_x->references;
num_ref += comp_y->references;
num_ref += comp_z->references;
if (!def->references)
if (!comp_x->references || !comp_y->references || !comp_z->references)
num_ref = 0; // one of these vars is useless...
def->references = num_ref;
if (!num_ref) num_ref = 1;
if (comp_x) comp_x->references = num_ref;
if (comp_y) comp_y->references = num_ref;
if (comp_z) comp_z->references = num_ref;
if (def->references <= 0)
if(def->local) PR_Warning(WARN_NOTREFERENCED, strings + def->s_file, def->s_line, "'%s' : unreferenced local variable", def->name);
if (opt_unreferenced && def->type->type != ev_field) continue;
if (def->type->type == ev_function)
if (opt_function_names && functions[G_FUNCTION(def->ofs)].first_statement<0)
def->name = "";
if (!def->timescalled)
if (def->references <= 1)
PR_Warning(WARN_DEADCODE, strings + def->s_file, def->s_line, "%s is never directly called or referenced (spawn function or dead code)", def->name);
if (opt_stripfunctions && def->timescalled >= def->references-1)
// make sure it's not copied into a different var.
// if it ever does self.think then it could be needed for saves.
// if it's only ever called explicitly, the engine doesn't need to know.
else if (def->type->type == ev_field)
dd = &fields[numfielddefs];
dd->type = def->type->aux_type->type;
dd->s_name = PR_CopyString (def->name, opt_noduplicatestrings );
dd->ofs = G_INT(def->ofs);
else if ((def->scope||def->constant) && (def->type->type != ev_string || opt_constant_names_strings))
if (opt_constant_names) continue;
dd = &qcc_globals[numglobaldefs];
if (types) dd->type = def->type-qcc_typeinfo;
else dd->type = def->type->type;
if ( def->saved && ((!def->initialized || def->type->type == ev_function) && def->type->type != ev_field && def->scope == NULL))
dd->type |= DEF_SAVEGLOBAL;
if (def->shared) dd->type |= DEF_SHARED;
if (opt_locals && (def->scope || !strcmp(def->name, "IMMEDIATE")))
dd->s_name = 0;
else dd->s_name = PR_CopyString (def->name, opt_noduplicatestrings );
dd->ofs = def->ofs;
if (numglobaldefs > MAX_GLOBALS)
Sys_Error("Too many globals - %i\nAdd \"MAX_GLOBALS\" \"%i\" to qcc.cfg", numglobaldefs, (numglobaldefs+32768)&~32767);
strofs = (strofs + 3) & ~3;
Msg ("%6i strofs (of %i)\n", strofs, MAX_STRINGS);
Msg ("%6i numstatements (of %i)\n", numstatements, MAX_STATEMENTS);
Msg ("%6i numfunctions (of %i)\n", numfunctions, MAX_FUNCTIONS);
Msg ("%6i numglobaldefs (of %i)\n", numglobaldefs, MAX_GLOBALS);
Msg ("%6i numfielddefs (%i unique) (of %i)\n", numfielddefs, pr.size_fields, MAX_FIELDS);
Msg ("%6i numpr_globals (of %i)\n", numpr_globals, MAX_REGS);
if(!*destfile) strcpy(destfile, "progs.dat");
Msg("Writing %s\n", destfile);
pr_file = FS_Open( destfile, "wb" );
h = VFS_Open (pr_file, "w" );
VFS_Write (h, &progs, sizeof(progs));
VFS_Write (h, "\r\n\r\n", 4);
VFS_Write (h, v_copyright, strlen(v_copyright) + 1);
VFS_Write (h, "\r\n\r\n", 4);
while(VFS_Tell(h) & 3)
// this is a lame way to do it
VFS_Seek (h, 0, SEEK_CUR);
VFS_Write (h, "\0", 1);
progs.ofs_strings = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numstrings = strofs;
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_strings, strings, strofs, progs.blockscompressed & COMP_STRINGS);
progs.ofs_statements = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numstatements = numstatements;
for (i = 0; i < numstatements; i++)
case 32:
for (i = 0; i < numstatements; i++)
statements32[i].op = LittleLong(statements32[i].op);
statements32[i].a = LittleLong(statements32[i].a);
statements32[i].b = LittleLong(statements32[i].b);
statements32[i].c = LittleLong(statements32[i].c);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_statements, statements32, progs.numstatements*sizeof(dstatement32_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_STATEMENTS);
case 16:
for (i = 0; i < numstatements; i++) // resize as we go - scaling down
statements16[i].op = LittleShort((word)statements32[i].op);
if (statements32[i].a < 0) statements16[i].a = LittleShort((short)statements32[i].a);
else statements16[i].a = (word)LittleShort((word)statements32[i].a);
if (statements32[i].b < 0) statements16[i].b = LittleShort((short)statements32[i].b);
else statements16[i].b = (word)LittleShort((word)statements32[i].b);
if (statements32[i].c < 0) statements16[i].c = LittleShort((short)statements32[i].c);
else statements16[i].c = (word)LittleShort((word)statements32[i].c);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_statements, statements16, progs.numstatements*sizeof(dstatement16_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_STATEMENTS);
progs.ofs_functions = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numfunctions = numfunctions;
for (i = 0; i < numfunctions; i++)
functions[i].first_statement = LittleLong (functions[i].first_statement);
functions[i].parm_start = LittleLong (functions[i].parm_start);
functions[i].s_name = LittleLong (functions[i].s_name);
functions[i].s_file = LittleLong (functions[i].s_file);
functions[i].numparms = LittleLong ((functions[i].numparms > MAX_PARMS) ? MAX_PARMS : functions[i].numparms);
functions[i].locals = LittleLong (functions[i].locals);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_functions, functions, progs.numfunctions*sizeof(dfunction_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_FUNCTIONS);
case 32:
progs.ofs_globaldefs = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numglobaldefs = numglobaldefs;
for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++)
qcc_globals32[i].type = LittleLong(qcc_globals32[i].type);
qcc_globals32[i].ofs = LittleLong(qcc_globals32[i].ofs);
qcc_globals32[i].s_name = LittleLong(qcc_globals32[i].s_name);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_globaldefs, qcc_globals32, progs.numglobaldefs*sizeof(ddef32_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_DEFS);
progs.ofs_fielddefs = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numfielddefs = numfielddefs;
for (i = 0; i < numfielddefs; i++)
fields32[i].type = LittleLong(fields32[i].type);
fields32[i].ofs = LittleLong(fields32[i].ofs);
fields32[i].s_name = LittleLong(fields32[i].s_name);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_fielddefs, fields32, progs.numfielddefs*sizeof(ddef32_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_FIELDS);
case 16:
progs.ofs_globaldefs = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numglobaldefs = numglobaldefs;
for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++)
qcc_globals16[i].type = (word)LittleShort ((word)qcc_globals32[i].type);
qcc_globals16[i].ofs = (word)LittleShort ((word)qcc_globals32[i].ofs);
qcc_globals16[i].s_name = LittleLong(qcc_globals32[i].s_name);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_globaldefs, qcc_globals16, progs.numglobaldefs*sizeof(ddef16_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_DEFS);
progs.ofs_fielddefs = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numfielddefs = numfielddefs;
for (i = 0; i < numfielddefs; i++)
fields16[i].type = (word)LittleShort ((word)fields32[i].type);
fields16[i].ofs = (word)LittleShort ((word)fields32[i].ofs);
fields16[i].s_name = LittleLong (fields32[i].s_name);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_fielddefs, fields16, progs.numfielddefs*sizeof(ddef16_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_FIELDS);
progs.ofs_globals = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numglobals = numpr_globals;
for (i = 0; (uint) i < numpr_globals; i++) ((int *)pr_globals)[i] = LittleLong (((int *)pr_globals)[i]);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_globals, pr_globals, numpr_globals*4, progs.blockscompressed & COMP_GLOBALS);
for (i = 0; i < numtypeinfos; i++)
if (qcc_typeinfo[i].aux_type)
qcc_typeinfo[i].aux_type = (type_t*)(qcc_typeinfo[i].aux_type - qcc_typeinfo);
if (qcc_typeinfo[i].next)
qcc_typeinfo[i].next = (type_t*)(qcc_typeinfo[i].next - qcc_typeinfo);
qcc_typeinfo[i].name = (char *)PR_CopyString(qcc_typeinfo[i].name, true );
progs.ofsfiles = 0;
progs.ofslinenums = 0;
progs.header = 0;
progs.ofsbodylessfuncs = 0;
progs.numbodylessfuncs = 0;
progs.ofs_types = 0;
progs.numtypes = 0;
progs.version = QPROGS_VERSION; // QuakeC engine v 1.08
progs.version = VPROGS_VERSION;
if (outputsize == 16) progs.header = VPROGSHEADER16;
if (outputsize == 32) progs.header = VPROGSHEADER32;
progs.ofsbodylessfuncs = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numbodylessfuncs = PR_WriteBodylessFuncs(h);
if (debugtarget)
progs.ofslinenums = VFS_Tell(h);
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofslinenums, statement_linenums, numstatements*sizeof(int), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_LINENUMS);
else progs.ofslinenums = 0;
if (types)
progs.ofs_types = VFS_Tell(h);
progs.numtypes = numtypeinfos;
PR_WriteBlock(h, progs.ofs_types, qcc_typeinfo, progs.numtypes*sizeof(type_t), progs.blockscompressed & COMP_TYPES);
progs.ofs_types = 0;
progs.numtypes = 0;
progs.ofsfiles = PR_WriteSourceFiles(h, &progs, debugtarget);
Msg ("%6i TOTAL SIZE\n", VFS_Tell(h));
progs.entityfields = pr.size_fields;
progs.crc = crc;
// byte swap the header and write it out
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(progs)/4; i++) ((int *)&progs)[i] = LittleLong (((int *)&progs)[i]);
VFS_Seek (h, 0, SEEK_SET);
VFS_Write (h, &progs, sizeof(progs));
VFS_Close (h); // write real file into disk
called before compiling a batch of files, clears the pr struct
void PR_BeginCompilation ( void )
int i;
char name[16];
pr.def_tail = &pr.def_head;
pr_scope = NULL;
/* numpr_globals = RESERVED_OFS;
for (i=0 ; i<RESERVED_OFS ; i++)
pr_global_defs[i] = &def_void;
type_void = PR_NewType("void", ev_void);
type_string = PR_NewType("string", ev_string);
type_float = PR_NewType("float", ev_float);
type_vector = PR_NewType("vector", ev_vector);
type_entity = PR_NewType("entity", ev_entity);
type_field = PR_NewType("field", ev_field);
type_function = PR_NewType("function", ev_function);
type_pointer = PR_NewType("pointer", ev_pointer);
type_integer = PR_NewType("__integer", ev_integer);
type_variant = PR_NewType("__variant", ev_variant);
type_floatfield = PR_NewType("fieldfloat", ev_field);
type_floatfield->aux_type = type_float;
type_pointer->aux_type = PR_NewType("pointeraux", ev_float);
type_function->aux_type = type_void;
//type_field->aux_type = type_float;
if (keyword_int)
PR_NewType("int", ev_integer);
if (keyword_integer)
PR_NewType("integer", ev_integer);
if (output_parms)
{ //this tends to confuse the brains out of decompilers. :)
numpr_globals = 1;
PR_GetDef(type_vector, "RETURN", NULL, true, 1)->references++;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARMS; i++)
sprintf(name, "PARM%i", i);
PR_GetDef(type_vector, name, NULL, true, 1)->references++;
numpr_globals = RESERVED_OFS;
// for (i=0 ; i<RESERVED_OFS ; i++)
// pr_global_defs[i] = NULL;
// link the function type in so state forward declarations match proper type
pr.types = NULL;
// type_function->next = NULL;
pr_error_count = 0;
pr_total_error_count = 0;
pr_warning_count = 0;
recursivefunctiontype = 0;
freeofs = NULL;
sprintf (qccmprogsdat, "%sprogs.src", qccmsourcedir);
qccmsrc = QCC_LoadFile (qccmprogsdat);
if (writeasm)
asmfile = FS_Open("qc.asm", "wb" );
if (!asmfile) Sys_Error ("Couldn't open file for asm output.");
while(*qccmsrc && *qccmsrc < ' ')
pr_file_p = SC_ParseToken(&qccmsrc);
strcpy (destfile, token);
FS_StripExtension( token );
// msvc6.0 style message
Msg("------------Configuration: %s - Vm16 %s------------\n", token, level <= 0 ? "Debug" : "Release" );
pr_dumpasm = false;
currentchunk = NULL;
originalqccmsrc = qccmsrc;
compileactive = true;
called after all files are compiled to check for errors
Returns false if errors were detected.
int PR_FinishCompilation (void)
def_t *d;
int errors = pr_total_error_count;
// check to make sure all functions prototyped have code
for (d =; d; d = d->next)
if (d->type->type == ev_function && !d->scope)// function parms are ok
if (d->initialized == 0)
if (!strncmp(d->name, "ArrayGet*", 9))
PR_EmitArrayGetFunction(d, d->name + 9);
pr_scope = NULL;
else if (!strncmp(d->name, "ArraySet*", 9))
PR_EmitArraySetFunction(d, d->name + 9);
pr_scope = NULL;
else if (!strncmp(d->name, "Class*", 6))
PR_EmitClassFromFunction(d, d->name + 6);
pr_scope = NULL;
PR_Warning(WARN_NOTDEFINED, strings + d->s_file, d->s_line, "function %s was not defined",d->name);
bodylessfuncs = true;
else if (d->initialized == 2) bodylessfuncs = true;
pr_scope = NULL;
return (errors == 0);
void PR_FinishCompile(void);
// called between exe frames - won't loose net connection (is the theory)...
void PR_ContinueCompile(void)
char *s, *s2;
currentchunk = NULL;
if (!compileactive) return;
if (!qccmsrc)
if (autoprototype)
qccmsrc = originalqccmsrc;
autoprototype = false;
s = token;
strcpy (qccmfilename, qccmsourcedir);
if (!strncmp(s, "..\\", 3))
s2 = qccmfilename + strlen(qccmfilename)-2;
while (s2>=qccmfilename)
if (*s2 == '/' || *s2 == '\\')
s2[1] = '\0';
if (!strncmp(s, ".\\", 2))
strcat (qccmfilename, s);
Msg ("%s\n", qccmfilename);
qccmsrc2 = QCC_LoadFile (qccmfilename);
PR_CompileFile (qccmsrc2, qccmfilename);
void PR_FinishCompile(void)
int crc;
currentchunk = NULL;
if (setjmp(pr_parse_abort)) Sys_Error(""); // freeze console
if (!PR_FinishCompilation())
Sys_Error("%s - %i error(s), %i warning(s)\n", destfile, pr_error_count, pr_warning_count);
// write progdefs.h
crc = PR_WriteProgdefs ("progdefs.h");
// write data file
PR_WriteData (crc);
// report the data files
if (numsounds > 0) Msg ("%3i unique precache_sounds\n", numsounds);
if (nummodels > 0) Msg ("%3i unique precache_models\n", nummodels);
if (numtextures > 0) Msg ("%3i unique precache_textures\n", numtextures);
if (numfiles > 0) Msg ("%3i unique precache_files\n", numfiles);
Msg ("<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><><E4A0A9><EFBFBD>: 1.\n\n");// enigma from M$ :)
Msg("%s - %i error(s), %i warning(s)\n", destfile, pr_total_error_count, pr_warning_count);
compileactive = false;
bool PrepareDATProgs ( const char *dir, const char *name, byte params )
qccpool = Mem_AllocPool( "QCC Compiler" );
return true;
bool CompileDATProgs ( void )
if (autoprototype) Msg ("Prototyping...\n");
else Msg("Compiling...\n");
if (asmfile) FS_Close(asmfile);
Mem_FreePool( &qccpool );
return true;