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2010-04-21 22:00:00 +02:00
// Copyright XashXT Group 2010 <20>
// s_vox.c - npc sentences
#include "sound.h"
#include "const.h"
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
sentence_t g_Sentences[MAX_SENTENCES];
static uint g_numSentences;
static char *rgpparseword[CVOXWORDMAX]; // array of pointers to parsed words
static char voxperiod[] = "_period"; // vocal pause
static char voxcomma[] = "_comma"; // vocal pause
static int IsNextWord( char c )
if( c == '.' || c == ',' || c == ' ' || c == '(' )
return 1;
return 0;
static int IsSkipSpace( char c )
if( c == ',' || c == '.' || c == ' ' )
return 1;
return 0;
static int IsWhiteSpace( char space )
if( space == ' ' || space == '\t' || space == '\r' || space == '\n' )
return 1;
return 0;
static int IsCommandChar( char c )
if( c == 'v' || c == 'p' || c == 's' || c == 'e' || c == 't' )
return 1;
return 0;
static int IsDelimitChar( char c )
if( c == '(' || c == ')' )
return 1;
return 0;
static char *ScanForwardUntil( char *string, char scan )
while( string[0] )
if ( string[0] == scan )
return string;
return string;
// backwards scan psz for last '/'
// return substring in szpath null terminated
// if '/' not found, return 'vox/'
static char *VOX_GetDirectory( char *szpath, char *psz )
char c;
int cb = 0;
char *pszscan = psz + com.strlen( psz ) - 1;
// scan backwards until first '/' or start of string
c = *pszscan;
while( pszscan > psz && c != '/' )
c = *( --pszscan );
if( c != '/' )
// didn't find '/', return default directory
com.strcpy( szpath, "vox/" );
return psz;
cb = com.strlen( psz ) - cb;
Mem_Copy( szpath, psz, cb );
szpath[cb] = 0;
return pszscan + 1;
// scan g_Sentences, looking for pszin sentence name
// return pointer to sentence data if found, null if not
// CONSIDER: if we have a large number of sentences, should
// CONSIDER: sort strings in g_Sentences and do binary search.
char *VOX_LookupString( const char *pSentenceName, int *psentencenum )
int i;
if( com.is_digit( pSentenceName ) && (i = com.atoi( pSentenceName )) < g_numSentences )
if( psentencenum ) *psentencenum = i;
return (g_Sentences[i].pName + com.strlen( g_Sentences[i].pName ) + 1 );
for( i = 0; i < g_numSentences; i++ )
if( !com.stricmp( pSentenceName, g_Sentences[i].pName ))
if( psentencenum ) *psentencenum = i;
return (g_Sentences[i].pName + com.strlen( g_Sentences[i].pName ) + 1 );
return NULL;
// parse a null terminated string of text into component words, with
// pointers to each word stored in rgpparseword
// note: this code actually alters the passed in string!
char **VOX_ParseString( char *psz )
int i, fdone = 0;
char c, *pszscan = psz;
Mem_Set( rgpparseword, 0, sizeof( char* ) * CVOXWORDMAX );
if( !psz ) return NULL;
i = 0;
rgpparseword[i++] = psz;
while( !fdone && i < CVOXWORDMAX )
// scan up to next word
c = *pszscan;
while( c && !IsNextWord( c ))
c = *(++pszscan);
// if '(' then scan for matching ')'
if( c == '(' )
pszscan = ScanForwardUntil( pszscan, ')' );
c = *(++pszscan);
if( !c ) fdone = 1;
if( fdone || !c )
fdone = 1;
// if . or , insert pause into rgpparseword,
// unless this is the last character
if(( c == '.' || c == ',' ) && *(pszscan+1) != '\n' && *(pszscan+1) != '\r' && *(pszscan+1) != 0 )
if( c == '.' ) rgpparseword[i++] = voxperiod;
else rgpparseword[i++] = voxcomma;
if( i >= CVOXWORDMAX )
// null terminate substring
*pszscan++ = 0;
// skip whitespace
c = *pszscan;
while( c && IsSkipSpace( c ))
c = *(++pszscan);
if( !c ) fdone = 1;
else rgpparseword[i++] = pszscan;
return rgpparseword;
float VOX_GetVolumeScale( channel_t *pchan )
if( pchan->currentWord.pData )
if ( pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].volume )
float volume = pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].volume * 0.01f;
if( volume < 1.0f ) return volume;
return 1.0f;
2010-04-21 22:00:00 +02:00
void VOX_SetChanVol( channel_t *ch )
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
float scale;
if( !ch->currentWord.pData )
scale = VOX_GetVolumeScale( ch );
2010-04-21 22:00:00 +02:00
if( scale == 1.0f ) return;
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
ch->rightvol = (int)(ch->rightvol * scale);
ch->leftvol = (int)(ch->leftvol * scale);
// Get any pitch, volume, start, end params into voxword
// and null out trailing format characters
// Format:
// someword(v100 p110 s10 e20)
// v is volume, 0% to n%
// p is pitch shift up 0% to n%
// s is start wave offset %
// e is end wave offset %
// t is timecompression %
// pass fFirst == 1 if this is the first string in sentence
// returns 1 if valid string, 0 if parameter block only.
// If a ( xxx ) parameter block does not directly follow a word,
// then that 'default' parameter block will be used as the default value
// for all following words. Default parameter values are reset
// by another 'default' parameter block. Default parameter values
// for a single word are overridden for that word if it has a parameter block.
int VOX_ParseWordParams( char *psz, voxword_t *pvoxword, int fFirst )
char *pszsave = psz;
char c, ct, sznum[8];
static voxword_t voxwordDefault;
int i;
// init to defaults if this is the first word in string.
if( fFirst )
voxwordDefault.pitch = -1;
voxwordDefault.volume = 100;
voxwordDefault.start = 0;
voxwordDefault.end = 100;
voxwordDefault.fKeepCached = 0;
voxwordDefault.timecompress = 0;
*pvoxword = voxwordDefault;
// look at next to last char to see if we have a
// valid format:
c = *( psz + com.strlen( psz ) - 1 );
// no formatting, return
if( c != ')' ) return 1;
// scan forward to first '('
c = *psz;
while( !IsDelimitChar( c ))
c = *(++psz);
// bogus formatting
if( c == ')' ) return 0;
// null terminate
*psz = 0;
ct = *(++psz);
while( 1 )
// scan until we hit a character in the commandSet
while( ct && !IsCommandChar( ct ))
ct = *(++psz);
if( ct == ')' )
Mem_Set( sznum, 0, sizeof( sznum ));
i = 0;
c = *(++psz);
if( !isdigit( c ))
// read number
while( isdigit( c ) && i < sizeof( sznum ) - 1 )
sznum[i++] = c;
c = *(++psz);
// get value of number
i = com.atoi( sznum );
switch( ct )
case 'v': pvoxword->volume = i; break;
case 'p': pvoxword->pitch = i; break;
case 's': pvoxword->start = i; break;
case 'e': pvoxword->end = i; break;
case 't': pvoxword->timecompress = i; break;
ct = c;
// if the string has zero length, this was an isolated
// parameter block. Set default voxword to these
// values
if( com.strlen( pszsave ) == 0 )
voxwordDefault = *pvoxword;
return 0;
return 1;
void VOX_LoadWord( channel_t *pchan )
if( pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].sfx )
wavdata_t *pSource = S_LoadSound( pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].sfx );
if( pSource )
int start = pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].start;
int end = pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].end;
// don't allow overlapped ranges
if( end <= start ) end = 0;
if( start || end )
int sampleCount = pSource->samples;
if( start )
pchan->currentWord.sample = S_ZeroCrossingAfter( pSource, (int)(sampleCount * 0.01f * start));
if( end )
pchan->currentWord.forcedEndSample = S_ZeroCrossingBefore( pSource, (int)(sampleCount * 0.01f * end) );
// past current position? limit.
if( pchan->currentWord.forcedEndSample < pchan->currentWord.sample )
pchan->currentWord.forcedEndSample = pchan->currentWord.sample;
pchan->currentWord.pData = pSource;
else pchan->currentWord.pData = NULL; // sentence is finished
2010-04-21 22:00:00 +02:00
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
void VOX_LoadFirstWord( channel_t *pchan, voxword_t *pwords )
int i = 0;
// copy each pointer in the sfx temp array into the
// sentence array, and set the channel to point to the
// sentence array
while( pwords[i].sfx != NULL )
pchan->words[i] = pwords[i++];
pchan->words[i].sfx = NULL;
pchan->wordIndex = 0;
VOX_LoadWord( pchan );
2010-06-28 22:00:00 +02:00
wavdata_t *VOX_LoadNextWord( channel_t *pchan )
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
VOX_LoadWord( pchan );
// set new word
if( pchan->currentWord.pData )
pchan->sfx = pchan->words[pchan->wordIndex].sfx;
pchan->pos = pchan->currentWord.sample;
pchan->end = paintedtime + pchan->currentWord.forcedEndSample;
2010-06-28 22:00:00 +02:00
return pchan->currentWord.pData;
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
2010-06-28 22:00:00 +02:00
S_FreeChannel( pchan ); // channel stopped
return NULL;
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
2010-04-21 22:00:00 +02:00
// link all sounds in sentence, start playing first word.
void VOX_LoadSound( channel_t *pchan, const char *pszin )
2010-06-27 22:00:00 +02:00
char buffer[512];
int i, cword;
char pathbuffer[64];
char szpath[32];
voxword_t rgvoxword[CVOXWORDMAX];
char *psz;
if( !pszin || !*pszin )
Mem_Set( rgvoxword, 0, sizeof( voxword_t ) * CVOXWORDMAX );
Mem_Set( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ));
// lookup actual string in g_Sentences,
// set pointer to string data
psz = VOX_LookupString( pszin, NULL );
if( !psz )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "VOX_LoadSound: no sentence named %s\n", pszin );
// get directory from string, advance psz
psz = VOX_GetDirectory( szpath, psz );
if( com.strlen( psz ) > sizeof( buffer ) - 1 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "VOX_LoadSound: sentence is too long %s\n", psz );
// copy into buffer
com.strcpy( buffer, psz );
psz = buffer;
// parse sentence (also inserts null terminators between words)
VOX_ParseString( psz );
// for each word in the sentence, construct the filename,
// lookup the sfx and save each pointer in a temp array
i = 0;
cword = 0;
while( rgpparseword[i] )
// Get any pitch, volume, start, end params into voxword
if( VOX_ParseWordParams( rgpparseword[i], &rgvoxword[cword], i == 0 ))
// this is a valid word (as opposed to a parameter block)
com.strcpy( pathbuffer, szpath );
com.strncat( pathbuffer, rgpparseword[i], sizeof( pathbuffer ));
com.strncat( pathbuffer, ".wav", sizeof( pathbuffer ));
// find name, if already in cache, mark voxword
// so we don't discard when word is done playing
rgvoxword[cword].sfx = S_FindName( pathbuffer, &( rgvoxword[cword].fKeepCached ));
VOX_LoadFirstWord( pchan, rgvoxword );
pchan->isSentence = true;
pchan->sfx = rgvoxword[0].sfx;
// Purpose: Take a NULL terminated sentence, and parse any commands contained in
// {}. The string is rewritten in place with those commands removed.
// Input : *pSentenceData - sentence data to be modified in place
// sentenceIndex - global sentence table index for any data that is
// parsed out
void VOX_ParseLineCommands( char *pSentenceData, int sentenceIndex )
char tempBuffer[512];
char *pNext, *pStart;
int length, tempBufferPos = 0;
if( !pSentenceData )
pStart = pSentenceData;
while( *pSentenceData )
pNext = ScanForwardUntil( pSentenceData, '{' );
// find length of "good" portion of the string (not a {} command)
length = pNext - pSentenceData;
if( tempBufferPos + length > sizeof( tempBuffer ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "sentence too long!\n" );
// Copy good string to temp buffer
Mem_Copy( tempBuffer + tempBufferPos, pSentenceData, length );
// move the copy position
tempBufferPos += length;
pSentenceData = pNext;
// skip ahead of the opening brace
if( *pSentenceData ) pSentenceData++;
// skip whitespace
while( *pSentenceData && *pSentenceData <= 32 )
// simple comparison of string commands:
switch( com.tolower( *pSentenceData ))
case 'l':
// all commands starting with the letter 'l' here
if( !com.strnicmp( pSentenceData, "len", 3 ))
g_Sentences[sentenceIndex].length = com.atof( pSentenceData + 3 );
case 0:
pSentenceData = ScanForwardUntil( pSentenceData, '}' );
// skip the closing brace
if( *pSentenceData ) pSentenceData++;
// skip trailing whitespace
while( *pSentenceData && *pSentenceData <= 32 )
if( tempBufferPos < sizeof( tempBuffer ))
// terminate cleaned up copy
tempBuffer[tempBufferPos] = 0;
// copy it over the original data
com.strcpy( pStart, tempBuffer );
// Load sentence file into memory, insert null terminators to
// delimit sentence name/sentence pairs. Keep pointer to each
// sentence name so we can search later.
void VOX_ReadSentenceFile( const char *psentenceFileName )
char c, *pch, *pFileData;
char *pchlast, *pSentenceData;
int fileSize;
// load file
pFileData = (char *)FS_LoadFile( psentenceFileName, &fileSize );
if( !pFileData )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "couldn't load %s\n", psentenceFileName );
pch = pFileData;
pchlast = pch + fileSize;
while( pch < pchlast )
// only process this pass on sentences
pSentenceData = NULL;
// skip newline, cr, tab, space
c = *pch;
while( pch < pchlast && IsWhiteSpace( c ))
c = *(++pch);
// skip entire line if first char is /
if( *pch != '/' )
sentence_t *pSentence = &g_Sentences[g_numSentences++];
pSentence->pName = pch;
pSentence->length = 0;
// scan forward to first space, insert null terminator
// after sentence name
c = *pch;
while( pch < pchlast && c != ' ' )
c = *(++pch);
if( pch < pchlast )
*pch++ = 0;
// a sentence may have some line commands, make an extra pass
pSentenceData = pch;
// scan forward to end of sentence or eof
while( pch < pchlast && pch[0] != '\n' && pch[0] != '\r' )
// insert null terminator
if( pch < pchlast )
*pch++ = 0;
// If we have some sentence data, parse out any line commands
if( pSentenceData && pSentenceData < pchlast )
int index = g_numSentences - 1;
// the current sentence has an index of count-1
VOX_ParseLineCommands( pSentenceData, index );
void VOX_Init( void )
Mem_Set( g_Sentences, 0, sizeof( g_Sentences ));
g_numSentences = 0;
VOX_ReadSentenceFile( "sound/sentences.txt" );
void VOX_Shutdown( void )
g_numSentences = 0;
2010-04-21 22:00:00 +02:00