23 Oct 2008

This commit is contained in:
g-cont 2008-10-23 00:00:00 +04:00 committed by Alibek Omarov
parent 8746843635
commit b993db4592
31 changed files with 1873 additions and 1888 deletions

View File

@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ launch\bsplib\

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ static void LoadShaderImage( bsp_shader_t *si )
Mem_Copy( si->pixels, pic->buffer, pic->size );
FS_FreeImage( pic ); // release pic
else MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s have type %s\n", si->name, PFDesc[pic->type].name );
else MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s have type %s\n", si->name, PFDesc( pic->type )->name );

View File

@ -6,339 +6,6 @@
#ifndef COM_ZLIB_H
#define COM_ZLIB_H
// skyorder_q2[6] = { 2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 5, }; // Quake, Half-Life skybox ordering
// skyorder_ms[6] = { 4, 5, 1, 0, 2, 3 }; // Microsoft DDS ordering (reverse)
typedef enum
// dds cubemap hints ( Microsoft sides order )
// palette choosing
} image_hint_t;
typedef struct loadformat_s
const char *formatstring;
const char *ext;
bool (*loadfunc)( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
image_hint_t hint;
} loadformat_t;
typedef struct saveformat_s
const char *formatstring;
const char *ext;
bool (*savefunc)( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
} saveformat_t;
typedef struct imglib_s
const loadformat_t *loadformats;
const saveformat_t *saveformats;
// current 2d image state
int width;
int height;
byte num_layers; // num layers in
byte num_mips; // build mipmaps
uint type; // main type switcher
uint flags; // additional image flags
byte bits_count; // bits per RGBA
size_t size; // image rgba size (for bounds checking)
uint ptr; // safe image pointer
byte *rgba; // image pointer (see image_type for details)
// current cubemap state
int source_width; // locked cubemap dims (all wrong sides will be automatically resampled)
int source_height;
uint source_type; // shared image type for all mipmaps or cubemap sides
int num_sides; // how much sides is loaded
byte *cubemap; // cubemap pack
// indexed images state
uint *d_currentpal; // installed version of internal palette
int d_rendermode; // palette rendermode
byte *palette; // palette pointer
// global parms
int curwidth; // cubemap side, layer or mipmap width
int curheight; // cubemap side, layer or mipmap height
int curdepth; // current layer number
int bpp; // PFDesc[type].bpp
int bpc; // PFDesc[type].bpc
int bps; // width * bpp * bpc
int SizeOfPlane; // bps * height
int SizeOfData; // SizeOfPlane * bps
int SizeOfFile; // Image_DxtGetSize
bool (*decompress)( uint, int, int, uint, uint, uint, const void* );
image_hint_t hint; // hint for some loaders
byte *tempbuffer; // for convert operations
int cmd_flags;
} imglib_t;
.PCX image format (ZSoft Paintbrush)
typedef struct
char manufacturer;
char version;
char encoding;
char bits_per_pixel;
word xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
word hres,vres;
byte palette[48];
char reserved;
char color_planes;
word bytes_per_line;
word palette_type;
char filler[58];
} pcx_t;
.WAL image format (Wally textures)
typedef struct wal_s
char name[32];
uint width, height;
uint offsets[4]; // four mip maps stored
char animname[32]; // next frame in animation chain
int flags;
int contents;
int value;
} wal_t;
.LMP image format (Quake1 gfx lumps)
typedef struct flat_s
short width;
short height;
short desc[2]; // probably not used
} flat_t;
.BMP image format
typedef struct
char id[2]; //bmfh.bfType
dword fileSize; //bmfh.bfSize
dword reserved0; //bmfh.bfReserved1 + bmfh.bfReserved2
dword bitmapDataOffset; //bmfh.bfOffBits
dword bitmapHeaderSize; //bmih.biSize
dword width; //bmih.biWidth
dword height; //bmih.biHeight
word planes; //bmih.biPlanes
word bitsPerPixel; //bmih.biBitCount
dword compression; //bmih.biCompression
dword bitmapDataSize; //bmih.biSizeImage
dword hRes; //bmih.biXPelsPerMeter
dword vRes; //bmih.biYPelsPerMeter
dword colors; //bmih.biClrUsed
dword importantColors; //bmih.biClrImportant
byte palette[256][4]; //RGBQUAD palette
} bmp_t;
.TGA image format (Truevision Targa)
typedef struct tga_s
byte id_length;
byte colormap_type;
byte image_type;
word colormap_index;
word colormap_length;
byte colormap_size;
word x_origin;
word y_origin;
word width;
word height;
byte pixel_size;
byte attributes;
} tga_t;
.JPG image format
typedef struct huffman_table_s
// Huffman coding tables
byte bits[16];
byte hval[256];
byte size[256];
word code[256];
} huffman_table_t;
typedef struct jpg_s
// not a real header
file_t *file; // file
byte *buffer; // jpg buffer
int width; // width image
int height; // height image
byte *data; // image
int data_precision; // bit per component
int num_components; // number component
int restart_interval; // restart interval
bool progressive_mode; // progressive format
int id; // identifier
int h; // horizontal sampling factor
int v; // vertical sampling factor
int t; // quantization table selector
int td; // DC table selector
int ta; // AC table selector
} component_info[3]; // RGB (alpha not supported)
huffman_table_t hac[4]; // AC table
huffman_table_t hdc[4]; // DC table
int qtable[4][64]; // quantization table
int ss,se; // progressive jpeg spectral selection
int ah,al; // progressive jpeg successive approx
} scan;
int dc[3];
int curbit;
byte curbyte;
} jpg_t;
.DDS image format
#define DDSHEADER ((' '<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DDS "
// various four-cc types
#define TYPE_DXT1 (('1'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT1"
#define TYPE_DXT2 (('2'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT2"
#define TYPE_DXT3 (('3'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT3"
#define TYPE_DXT4 (('4'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT4"
#define TYPE_DXT5 (('5'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT5"
#define TYPE_ATI1 (('1'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'A') // little-endian "ATI1"
#define TYPE_ATI2 (('2'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'A') // little-endian "ATI2"
#define TYPE_RXGB (('B'<<24)+('G'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'R') // little-endian "RXGB" doom3 normalmaps
#define TYPE_$ (('\0'<<24)+('\0'<<16)+('\0'<<8)+'$') // little-endian "$"
#define TYPE_t (('\0'<<24)+('\0'<<16)+('\0'<<8)+'t') // little-endian "t"
#define DDS_CAPS 0x00000001L
#define DDS_HEIGHT 0x00000002L
#define DDS_WIDTH 0x00000004L
#define DDS_RGB 0x00000040L
#define DDS_PIXELFORMAT 0x00001000L
#define DDS_LUMINANCE 0x00020000L
#define DDS_ALPHAPIXELS 0x00000001L
#define DDS_ALPHA 0x00000002L
#define DDS_FOURCC 0x00000004L
#define DDS_PITCH 0x00000008L
#define DDS_COMPLEX 0x00000008L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP 0x00000200L
#define DDS_TEXTURE 0x00001000L
#define DDS_MIPMAPCOUNT 0x00020000L
#define DDS_LINEARSIZE 0x00080000L
#define DDS_VOLUME 0x00200000L
#define DDS_MIPMAP 0x00400000L
#define DDS_DEPTH 0x00800000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX 0x00000400L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX 0x00000800L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY 0x00001000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY 0x00002000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ 0x00004000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ 0x00008000L
typedef struct dds_pf_s
uint dwSize;
uint dwFlags;
uint dwFourCC;
uint dwRGBBitCount;
uint dwRBitMask;
uint dwGBitMask;
uint dwBBitMask;
uint dwABitMask;
} dds_pixf_t;
typedef struct dds_caps_s
uint dwCaps1;
uint dwCaps2;
uint dwCaps3;
uint dwCaps4;
} dds_caps_t;
typedef struct dds_s
uint dwIdent; // must matched with DDSHEADER
uint dwSize;
uint dwFlags; // determines what fields are valid
uint dwHeight;
uint dwWidth;
uint dwLinearSize; // Formless late-allocated optimized surface size
uint dwDepth; // depth if a volume texture
uint dwMipMapCount; // number of mip-map levels requested
uint dwAlphaBitDepth; // depth of alpha buffer requested
uint dwReserved1[10]; // reserved for future expansions
dds_pixf_t dsPixelFormat;
dds_caps_t dsCaps;
uint dwTextureStage;
} dds_t;
@ -353,7 +20,7 @@ The .pak files are just a linear collapse of a directory tree
#define IDPK3CDRHEADER (('\2'<<24)+('\1'<<16)+('K'<<8)+'P') // little-endian "PK\1\2"
#define IDPK3ENDHEADER (('\6'<<24)+('\5'<<16)+('K'<<8)+'P') // little-endian "PK\5\6"
#define MAX_FILES_IN_PACK 65536 // pack\pak2
#define MAX_FILES_IN_PACK 65536 // pak\pk2
typedef struct
@ -496,76 +163,4 @@ extern int deflateReset (z_stream *strm);
#define deflateInit(strm, level) deflateInit_((strm), (level), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
#define deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) deflateInit2_((strm),(level),(method),(windowBits),(memLevel),(strategy), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
// imagelib definitions
#define IMAGE_MAXWIDTH 4096
#define IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT 4096
#define LUMP_MAXWIDTH 1024 // WorldCraft limits
#define LUMP_MAXHEIGHT 1024
#define TRANS_THRESHOLD 10 // in pixels
extern imglib_t image;
extern cvar_t *img_oldformats;
extern cvar_t *fs_wadsupport;
extern byte *fs_mempool;
void Image_RoundDimensions( int *scaled_width, int *scaled_height );
byte *Image_ResampleInternal( const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight, int intype );
byte *Image_FlipInternal( const byte *in, int *srcwidth, int *srcheight, int type, int flags );
void Image_FreeImage( rgbdata_t *pack );
void Image_Save( const char *filename, rgbdata_t *pix );
rgbdata_t *Image_Load(const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t buffsize );
bool Image_Copy8bitRGBA( const byte *in, byte *out, int pixels );
bool FS_AddMipmapToPack( const byte *in, int width, int height );
void Image_ConvertPalTo24bit( rgbdata_t *pic );
void Image_GetPaletteLMP( const byte *pal, int rendermode );
void Image_GetPalettePCX( const byte *pal );
void Image_CopyPalette24bit( void );
void Image_CopyPalette32bit( void );
uint Image_ShortToFloat( word y );
void Image_GetPaletteQ2( void );
void Image_GetPaletteQ1( void );
void Image_GetPaletteD1( void ); // doom 2 on TNT :)
// formats load
bool Image_LoadMIP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadMDL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadSPR( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadTGA( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadDDS( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadBMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadJPG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadPNG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadPCX( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadLMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadWAL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadFLT( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadPAL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
// formats save
bool Image_SaveTGA( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SaveDDS( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SaveBMP( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SavePNG( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SavePCX( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
// img_utils.c
byte *Image_Copy( size_t size );
bool Image_ValidSize( const char *name );
bool Image_LumpValidSize( const char *name );

launch/imagelib/imagelib.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// imagelib.h - engine image lib
#ifndef IMAGELIB_H
#define IMAGELIB_H
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
// skyorder_q2[6] = { 2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 5, }; // Quake, Half-Life skybox ordering
// skyorder_ms[6] = { 4, 5, 1, 0, 2, 3 }; // Microsoft DDS ordering (reverse)
typedef enum
// dds cubemap hints ( Microsoft sides order )
// palette choosing
} image_hint_t;
typedef struct loadformat_s
const char *formatstring;
const char *ext;
bool (*loadfunc)( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
image_hint_t hint;
} loadformat_t;
typedef struct saveformat_s
const char *formatstring;
const char *ext;
bool (*savefunc)( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
} saveformat_t;
typedef struct imglib_s
const loadformat_t *loadformats;
const saveformat_t *saveformats;
// current 2d image state
int width;
int height;
byte num_layers; // num layers in
byte num_mips; // build mipmaps
uint type; // main type switcher
uint flags; // additional image flags
byte bits_count; // bits per RGBA
size_t size; // image rgba size (for bounds checking)
uint ptr; // safe image pointer
byte *rgba; // image pointer (see image_type for details)
// current cubemap state
int source_width; // locked cubemap dims (all wrong sides will be automatically resampled)
int source_height;
uint source_type; // shared image type for all mipmaps or cubemap sides
int num_sides; // how much sides is loaded
byte *cubemap; // cubemap pack
// indexed images state
uint *d_currentpal; // installed version of internal palette
int d_rendermode; // palette rendermode
byte *palette; // palette pointer
// global parms
int curwidth; // cubemap side, layer or mipmap width
int curheight; // cubemap side, layer or mipmap height
int curdepth; // current layer number
int cur_mips; // number of mips
int bpp; // PFDesc[type].bpp
int bpc; // PFDesc[type].bpc
int bps; // width * bpp * bpc
int SizeOfPlane; // bps * height
int SizeOfData; // SizeOfPlane * bps
int SizeOfFile; // Image_DxtGetSize
bool (*decompress)( uint, int, int, uint, uint, uint, const void* );
image_hint_t hint; // hint for some loaders
byte *tempbuffer; // for convert operations
int cmd_flags;
} imglib_t;
.PCX image format (ZSoft Paintbrush)
typedef struct
char manufacturer;
char version;
char encoding;
char bits_per_pixel;
word xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
word hres,vres;
byte palette[48];
char reserved;
char color_planes;
word bytes_per_line;
word palette_type;
char filler[58];
} pcx_t;
.WAL image format (Wally textures)
typedef struct wal_s
char name[32];
uint width, height;
uint offsets[4]; // four mip maps stored
char animname[32]; // next frame in animation chain
int flags;
int contents;
int value;
} wal_t;
.LMP image format (Quake1 gfx lumps)
typedef struct flat_s
short width;
short height;
short desc[2]; // probably not used
} flat_t;
.BMP image format
typedef struct
char id[2]; //bmfh.bfType
dword fileSize; //bmfh.bfSize
dword reserved0; //bmfh.bfReserved1 + bmfh.bfReserved2
dword bitmapDataOffset; //bmfh.bfOffBits
dword bitmapHeaderSize; //bmih.biSize
dword width; //bmih.biWidth
dword height; //bmih.biHeight
word planes; //bmih.biPlanes
word bitsPerPixel; //bmih.biBitCount
dword compression; //bmih.biCompression
dword bitmapDataSize; //bmih.biSizeImage
dword hRes; //bmih.biXPelsPerMeter
dword vRes; //bmih.biYPelsPerMeter
dword colors; //bmih.biClrUsed
dword importantColors; //bmih.biClrImportant
byte palette[256][4]; //RGBQUAD palette
} bmp_t;
.TGA image format (Truevision Targa)
typedef struct tga_s
byte id_length;
byte colormap_type;
byte image_type;
word colormap_index;
word colormap_length;
byte colormap_size;
word x_origin;
word y_origin;
word width;
word height;
byte pixel_size;
byte attributes;
} tga_t;
.JPG image format
typedef struct huffman_table_s
// Huffman coding tables
byte bits[16];
byte hval[256];
byte size[256];
word code[256];
} huffman_table_t;
typedef struct jpg_s
// not a real header
file_t *file; // file
byte *buffer; // jpg buffer
int width; // width image
int height; // height image
byte *data; // image
int data_precision; // bit per component
int num_components; // number component
int restart_interval; // restart interval
bool progressive_mode; // progressive format
int id; // identifier
int h; // horizontal sampling factor
int v; // vertical sampling factor
int t; // quantization table selector
int td; // DC table selector
int ta; // AC table selector
} component_info[3]; // RGB (alpha not supported)
huffman_table_t hac[4]; // AC table
huffman_table_t hdc[4]; // DC table
int qtable[4][64]; // quantization table
int ss,se; // progressive jpeg spectral selection
int ah,al; // progressive jpeg successive approx
} scan;
int dc[3];
int curbit;
byte curbyte;
} jpg_t;
.DDS image format
#define DDSHEADER ((' '<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DDS "
// various four-cc types
#define TYPE_DXT1 (('1'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT1"
#define TYPE_DXT2 (('2'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT2"
#define TYPE_DXT3 (('3'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT3"
#define TYPE_DXT4 (('4'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT4"
#define TYPE_DXT5 (('5'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT5"
#define TYPE_ATI1 (('1'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'A') // little-endian "ATI1"
#define TYPE_ATI2 (('2'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'A') // little-endian "ATI2"
#define TYPE_RXGB (('B'<<24)+('G'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'R') // little-endian "RXGB" doom3 normalmaps
#define TYPE_$ (('\0'<<24)+('\0'<<16)+('\0'<<8)+'$') // little-endian "$"
#define TYPE_t (('\0'<<24)+('\0'<<16)+('\0'<<8)+'t') // little-endian "t"
#define DDS_CAPS 0x00000001L
#define DDS_HEIGHT 0x00000002L
#define DDS_WIDTH 0x00000004L
#define DDS_RGB 0x00000040L
#define DDS_PIXELFORMAT 0x00001000L
#define DDS_LUMINANCE 0x00020000L
#define DDS_ALPHAPIXELS 0x00000001L
#define DDS_ALPHA 0x00000002L
#define DDS_FOURCC 0x00000004L
#define DDS_PITCH 0x00000008L
#define DDS_COMPLEX 0x00000008L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP 0x00000200L
#define DDS_TEXTURE 0x00001000L
#define DDS_MIPMAPCOUNT 0x00020000L
#define DDS_LINEARSIZE 0x00080000L
#define DDS_VOLUME 0x00200000L
#define DDS_MIPMAP 0x00400000L
#define DDS_DEPTH 0x00800000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX 0x00000400L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX 0x00000800L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY 0x00001000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY 0x00002000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ 0x00004000L
#define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ 0x00008000L
typedef struct dds_pf_s
uint dwSize;
uint dwFlags;
uint dwFourCC;
uint dwRGBBitCount;
uint dwRBitMask;
uint dwGBitMask;
uint dwBBitMask;
uint dwABitMask;
} dds_pixf_t;
typedef struct dds_caps_s
uint dwCaps1;
uint dwCaps2;
uint dwCaps3;
uint dwCaps4;
} dds_caps_t;
typedef struct dds_s
uint dwIdent; // must matched with DDSHEADER
uint dwSize;
uint dwFlags; // determines what fields are valid
uint dwHeight;
uint dwWidth;
uint dwLinearSize; // Formless late-allocated optimized surface size
uint dwDepth; // depth if a volume texture
uint dwMipMapCount; // number of mip-map levels requested
uint dwAlphaBitDepth; // depth of alpha buffer requested
uint dwReserved1[10]; // reserved for future expansions
dds_pixf_t dsPixelFormat;
dds_caps_t dsCaps;
uint dwTextureStage;
} dds_t;
.VTF image format (Half-Life 2 dxt wrapper)
#define VTFHEADER (('\0'<<24)+('F'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'V')
#define VTF_VERSION 7
#define VTF_SUBVERSION1 1 // some old textures from beta
#define VTF_SUBVERSION2 2 // current subversion
typedef enum
VTF_UNKNOWN = -1, // image absent
VTF_RGBA8888 = 0, // PF_RGBA_32
VTF_ABGR8888, // unsupported
VTF_RGB888, // PF_RGB_24
VTF_BGR888, // unsupported
VTF_RGB565, // unsupported
VTF_P8, // PF_INDEXED_24 ??
VTF_A8, // unsupported
VTF_RGB888_BLUESCREEN, // PF_RGB_24 - just fill alpha pixels with (0 0 255) color
VTF_BGR888_BLUESCREEN, // unsupported
VTF_ARGB8888, // PF_ARGB_32
VTF_BGRA8888, // unsupported
VTF_BGRX8888, // unsupported
VTF_BGR565, // unsupported
VTF_BGRX5551, // unsupported
VTF_BGRA4444, // unsupported
VTF_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA, // PF_DXT1 - loader automatically detected alpha bits
VTF_BGRA5551, // unsupported
VTF_UV88, // unsupported
VTF_UVWQ8888, // unsupported
VTF_RGBA16161616F, // PF_ABGR_64_F ??
VTF_RGBA16161616, // unsupported
VTF_UVLX8888, // unsupported
} vtf_format_t;
typedef enum
// flags from the *.txt config file
// these are automatically generated by vtex from the texture data.
// newer flags from the *.txt config file
} vtf_flags_t;
// dirty Valve tricks with compiler features...
#pragma pack( 1 )
__declspec(align( 16 )) typedef struct vtf_s
int ident; // must matched with VTFHEADER
int ver_major; // current version is 7
int ver_minor; // 1 or 2
int hdr_size; // ver 7.1 == 64 bytes, ver 7.2 == 80 bytes
word width; // maxwidth 2048
word height; // maxheight 2048
uint flags; // misc image flags
int num_frames; // sprite frames
int start_frame; // ???
vec4_t reflectivity; // vrad precomputed texcolor
float bumpScale; // ovverided from vmt file
vtf_format_t imageFormat; // see vtf_format_t for details
byte numMipLevels; // never reached 255 mipLevels
// probably it's used for WorldCraft texture explorer
vtf_format_t lowResImageFormat;
byte lowResImageWidth; // maxWidth = 256
byte lowResImageHeight; // maxHeight = 256
// 20 additonal bytes for subversion 2 probably used for HDR settings
int unknown[4];
} vtf_t;
#pragma pack()
// imagelib definitions
#define IMAGE_MAXWIDTH 4096
#define IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT 4096
#define LUMP_MAXWIDTH 1024 // WorldCraft limits
#define LUMP_MAXHEIGHT 1024
#define TRANS_THRESHOLD 10 // in pixels
extern imglib_t image;
extern cvar_t *img_oldformats;
extern cvar_t *fs_wadsupport;
extern byte *fs_mempool;
extern const bpc_desc_t PFDesc[];
void Image_RoundDimensions( int *scaled_width, int *scaled_height );
byte *Image_ResampleInternal( const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight, int intype );
byte *Image_FlipInternal( const byte *in, int *srcwidth, int *srcheight, int type, int flags );
void Image_FreeImage( rgbdata_t *pack );
void Image_Save( const char *filename, rgbdata_t *pix );
size_t Image_DXTGetLinearSize( int type, int width, int height, int depth, int rgbcount );
rgbdata_t *Image_Load(const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t buffsize );
bool Image_Copy8bitRGBA( const byte *in, byte *out, int pixels );
bool FS_AddMipmapToPack( const byte *in, int width, int height );
void Image_SetPixelFormat( int width, int height, int depth );
void Image_ConvertPalTo24bit( rgbdata_t *pic );
void Image_DecompressDDS( const byte *buffer, uint target );
void Image_GetPaletteLMP( const byte *pal, int rendermode );
void Image_GetPalettePCX( const byte *pal );
void Image_CopyPalette24bit( void );
void Image_CopyPalette32bit( void );
uint Image_ShortToFloat( word y );
void Image_GetPaletteQ2( void );
void Image_GetPaletteQ1( void );
void Image_GetPaletteD1( void ); // doom 2 on TNT :)
// formats load
bool Image_LoadMIP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadMDL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadSPR( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadTGA( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadDDS( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadBMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadJPG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadVTF( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadPNG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadPCX( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadLMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadWAL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadFLT( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
bool Image_LoadPAL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
// formats save
bool Image_SaveTGA( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SaveDDS( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SaveBMP( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SavePNG( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
bool Image_SavePCX( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat );
// img_utils.c
byte *Image_Copy( size_t size );
bool Image_ValidSize( const char *name );
bool Image_LumpValidSize( const char *name );

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_bmp.c - bmp format load & save
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"

View File

@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
// img_dds.c - dds format load & save
#include "launch.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
// TODO: tune this ?
#define REDWEIGHT 4
@ -1506,6 +1504,7 @@ bool Image_DecompressDXT( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uin
w = width;
h = height;
size = width * height * image.curdepth * 4;
fout = Mem_Realloc( Sys.imagepool, image.tempbuffer, size );
@ -1975,6 +1974,7 @@ bool Image_DecompressRGBA( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, ui
byte *fin, *fout;
int i, size;
color16 *col;
if( !data ) return false;
fin = (byte *)data;
@ -1984,6 +1984,15 @@ bool Image_DecompressRGBA( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, ui
switch( PFDesc[intformat].format )
case PF_RGB_16:
for( i = 0, col = (color16 *)fin; i < width * height; i++, col += sizeof( color16 ))
fout[(i<<2)+0] = col->r;
fout[(i<<2)+1] = col->g;
fout[(i<<2)+2] = col->b;
fout[(i<<2)+3] = 255;
case PF_RGB_24:
for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++ )
@ -1993,9 +2002,19 @@ bool Image_DecompressRGBA( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, ui
fout[(i<<2)+3] = 255;
case PF_BGR_24:
for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++ )
fout[(i<<2)+0] = fin[i+2];
fout[(i<<2)+1] = fin[i+1];
fout[(i<<2)+2] = fin[i+0];
fout[(i<<2)+3] = 255;
case PF_RGBA_32:
Mem_Copy( fout, fin, size );
case PF_BGRA_32:
case PF_ABGR_64:
for( i = 0; i < width * height; i++ )
@ -2026,6 +2045,7 @@ void Image_DecompressDDS( const byte *buffer, uint target )
case PF_RGB_24:
case PF_RGBA_32:
case PF_BGRA_32:
case PF_ABGR_64: image.decompress = Image_DecompressRGBA; break;
@ -2048,7 +2068,7 @@ void Image_DecompressDDS( const byte *buffer, uint target )
case PF_UNKNOWN: break;
for( i = 0; i < image.num_mips; i++, buffer += size )
for( i = 0; i < image.cur_mips; i++, buffer += size )
Image_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
size = image.SizeOfFile;
@ -2076,6 +2096,15 @@ bool Image_ForceDecompress( void )
// extract cubemap side from complex image
if( image.hint != IL_HINT_NO )
return true;
// FIXME: load it properly with gl loader
switch( image.type )
case PF_RXGB: return true; // g-cont. test it with GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT ?
case PF_ATI1N: return true; // hey, how called your OpenGL extension, ATI ?
case PF_ATI2N: return true;
return false;
@ -2141,6 +2170,9 @@ bool Image_LoadDDS( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
if( image.flags & IMAGE_CUBEMAP ) numsides = 6;
Image_SetPixelFormat( image.width, image.height, image.num_layers ); // setup
image.size = image.ptr = 0;
if( image.cmd_flags & IL_IGNORE_MIPS )
image.cur_mips = 1;
else image.cur_mips = image.num_mips;
image.num_mips = 1;
for( i = 0, offset = 0; i < numsides; i++, buf += offset )

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_jpg.c - jpg format load & save
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
jpg_t jpg_file; // jpeg read struct

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_load.c - load various image formats
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
// global image variables
@ -62,6 +60,45 @@ static const cubepack_t load_cubemap[] =
// soul of ImageLib - table of image format constants
const bpc_desc_t PFDesc[] =
{PF_UNKNOWN, "raw", 0x1908, 0x1401, 0, 0, 0 },
{PF_INDEXED_24, "pal 24", 0x1908, 0x1401, 1, 1, 0 }, // expand data to RGBA buffer
{PF_INDEXED_32, "pal 32", 0x1908, 0x1401, 1, 1, 0 },
{PF_RGBA_32, "RGBA 32",0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_BGRA_32, "BGRA 32",0x80E1, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_ARGB_32, "ARGB 32",0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_ABGR_64, "ABGR 64",0x80E1, 0x1401, 4, 2, -8 },
{PF_RGB_24, "RGB 24", 0x1908, 0x1401, 3, 1, -3 },
{PF_BGR_24, "BGR 24", 0x80E0, 0x1401, 3, 1, -3 },
{PF_RGB_16, "RGB 16", 0x8054, 0x8364, 3, 2, 16 }, // FIXME: do revision
{PF_DXT1, "DXT1", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 8 },
{PF_DXT2, "DXT2", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT3, "DXT3", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT4, "DXT4", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT5, "DXT5", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_RXGB, "RXGB", 0x1908, 0x1401, 3, 1, 16 },
{PF_ATI1N, "ATI1N", 0x1908, 0x1401, 1, 1, 8 },
{PF_ATI2N, "3DC", 0x1908, 0x1401, 3, 1, 16 },
{PF_LUMINANCE, "LUM 8", 0x1909, 0x1401, 1, 1, -1 },
{PF_LUMINANCE_16, "LUM 16", 0x1909, 0x1401, 2, 2, -2 },
{PF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA,"LUM A", 0x190A, 0x1401, 2, 1, -2 },
{PF_R_16F, "R 16f", 0x8884, 0x1406, 1, 4, -2 }, // FIXME: these NV extension, reinstall for ATI
{PF_R_32F, "R 32f", 0x8885, 0x1406, 1, 4, -4 },
{PF_GR_32F, "GR 32f", 0x8886, 0x1406, 2, 4, -4 },
{PF_GR_64F, "GR 64f", 0x8887, 0x1406, 2, 4, -8 },
{PF_ABGR_64F, "ABGR64f",0x888A, 0x1406, 4, 2, -8 },
{PF_ABGR_128F, "ABGR128",0x888B, 0x1406, 4, 4, -16},
{PF_RGBA_GN, "system", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
bpc_desc_t *Image_GetPixelFormat( pixformat_t type )
type = bound( PF_UNKNOWN, type, PF_TOTALCOUNT - 1 );
return (bpc_desc_t *)&PFDesc[type];
void Image_Reset( void )
// reset global variables
@ -200,7 +237,7 @@ loading and unpack to rgba any known image
rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
const char *ext = FS_FileExtension( filename );
string path, loadname, texname, sidename;
string path, loadname, sidename;
bool anyformat = !com_stricmp( ext, "" ) ? true : false;
bool dds_installed = false; // current loadformats list supported dds
int i, filesize = 0;
@ -212,13 +249,12 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
if( !buffer || !buffsize ) buffer = (char *)florr1_2_jpg, buffsize = sizeof(florr1_2_jpg);
Image_Reset(); // clear old image
com.strncpy( loadname, filename, sizeof( loadname ));
FS_StripExtension( loadname ); // remove extension if needed
// HACKHACK: skip any checks, load file from buffer
if( filename[0] == '#' && buffer && size ) goto load_internal;
com.strncpy( loadname, filename, sizeof( loadname ));
FS_StripExtension( loadname ); // remove extension if needed
// developer warning
if( !anyformat ) MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Note: %s will be loading only with ext .%s\n", loadname, ext );
@ -231,11 +267,9 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
com_sprintf( path, format->formatstring, loadname, "", format->ext );
image.hint = format->hint;
f = FS_LoadFile( path, &filesize );
if(f && filesize > 0)
if( f && filesize > 0 )
// this name will be used only for tell user about problems
FS_FileBase( path, texname );
if( format->loadfunc( texname, f, filesize ))
if( format->loadfunc( path, f, filesize ))
Mem_Free(f); // release buffer
return ImagePack(); // loaded
@ -265,8 +299,7 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
if( f && filesize > 0 )
// this name will be used only for tell user about problems
FS_FileBase( path, texname );
if( Image_LoadDDS( texname, f, filesize ))
if( Image_LoadDDS( path, f, filesize ))
Mem_Free(f); // release buffer
return ImagePack(); // loaded
@ -299,8 +332,7 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
if( f && filesize > 0 )
// this name will be used only for tell user about problems
FS_FileBase( path, texname );
if( format->loadfunc( texname, f, filesize ))
if( format->loadfunc( path, f, filesize ))
com_snprintf( sidename, MAX_STRING, "%s%s.%s", loadname, cmap->type[i].suf, format->ext );
if( FS_AddSideToPack( sidename, cmap->type[i].flags )) // process flags to flip some sides
@ -336,9 +368,6 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
// last chanse: try to load image from internal buffer
com.strncpy( texname, filename, sizeof( texname ));
for( format = image.loadformats; format && format->formatstring; format++ )
if( anyformat || !com_stricmp( ext, format->ext ))
@ -346,9 +375,7 @@ load_internal:
image.hint = format->hint;
if( buffer && size > 0 )
// this name will be used only for tell user about problems
FS_FileBase( texname, texname );
if( format->loadfunc( texname, buffer, size ))
if( format->loadfunc( loadname, buffer, size ))
return ImagePack(); // loaded
@ -357,7 +384,7 @@ load_internal:
if( !image.loadformats || image.loadformats->ext == NULL )
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "FS_LoadImage: imagelib offline\n" );
else if(!com_stristr( filename, "#internal" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "FS_LoadImage: couldn't load \"%s\"\n", texname );
MsgDev( D_WARN, "FS_LoadImage: couldn't load \"%s\"\n", loadname );
return NULL;

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_pcx.c - pcx format load & save
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"

View File

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#define PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING "1.2.4"

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_tga.c - tga format load & save
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_utils.c - image common tools
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
cvar_t *image_profile;
@ -182,7 +180,8 @@ static const loadformat_t load_hl1[] =
// version7 - using only Half-Life 2 images
static const loadformat_t load_hl2[] =
// FIXME: implement
{ "materials/%s%s.%s", "vtf", Image_LoadVTF, IL_HINT_NO }, // hl2 dds wrapper
{ "%s%s.%s", "vtf", Image_LoadVTF, IL_HINT_NO },

launch/imagelib/img_vtf.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// img_vtf.c - vtf format load & save
#include "imagelib.h"
pixformat_t Image_VTFFormat( vtf_format_t srcFormat )
switch( srcFormat )
case VTF_RGBA8888:
return PF_RGBA_32;
case VTF_RGB888:
return PF_RGB_24;
case VTF_BGR888:
return PF_BGR_24;
case VTF_RGB565:
return PF_RGB_16;
case VTF_I8:
case VTF_IA88:
case VTF_P8:
return PF_INDEXED_24;
case VTF_ARGB8888:
return PF_ARGB_32;
case VTF_DXT1:
return PF_DXT1;
case VTF_DXT3:
return PF_DXT3;
case VTF_DXT5:
return PF_DXT5;
case VTF_BGRA8888:
return PF_BGRA_32;
case VTF_RGBA16161616F:
return PF_ABGR_64F;
default: return PF_UNKNOWN;
size_t Image_VTFCalcImageSize( vtf_t *hdr, int numFrames )
size_t mipsize;
int numSides = 1;
if( image.flags & IMAGE_CUBEMAP ) numSides = 6;
mipsize = Image_DXTGetLinearSize( image.type, hdr->width, hdr->height, 1, 0 );
return mipsize * numFrames * numSides;
stupid idea - last miplevel (1x1) put at begin of buffer
or DX8 format requries it, i'm don't know...
size_t Image_VTFCalcMipmapSize( vtf_t *hdr, int startMip, int numFrames )
size_t buffsize = 0;
int numSides = 1;
int w, h, i, mipsize = 0;
if( image.flags & IMAGE_CUBEMAP ) numSides = 6;
// now correct buffer size
for( i = image.num_mips - 1; i > startMip; --i )
w = max( 1, (hdr->width)>>i);
h = max( 1, (hdr->height)>>i);
mipsize = Image_DXTGetLinearSize( image.type, w, h, 1, 0 );
buffsize += mipsize * numFrames * numSides;
return buffsize;
size_t Image_VTFCalcLowResSize( vtf_t *hdr )
size_t buffsize = 0;
int w, h, format;
format = Image_VTFFormat( LittleLong( hdr->lowResImageFormat ));
// missing lowRes image for -1 value
if( format != VTF_UNKNOWN )
w = hdr->lowResImageWidth;
h = hdr->lowResImageHeight;
buffsize = Image_DXTGetLinearSize( format, w, h, 1, 0 );
return buffsize;
bool Image_LoadVTF( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
vtf_t vtf;
byte *fin;
string shortname;
int i, flags, numFrames, vtfFormat;
uint hdrSize, resSize, mipSize, lowResSize;
fin = (byte *)buffer;
Mem_Copy( &vtf, fin, sizeof( vtf ));
hdrSize = LittleLong( vtf.hdr_size );
if( LittleLong( vtf.ident ) != VTFHEADER ) return false; // it's not a dds file, just skip it
FS_FileBase( name, shortname );
// bounds check
i = LittleLong( vtf.ver_major );
if( i != VTF_VERSION )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Image_LoadVTF: %s has wrong ver (%i should be %i)\n", shortname, i, VTF_VERSION );
return false;
i = LittleLong( vtf.ver_minor );
if( i == VTF_SUBVERSION1 && vtf.hdr_size == 64 )
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Image_LoadVTF: ver 7.1 without HDR\n" );
else if( i == VTF_SUBVERSION2 && vtf.hdr_size == sizeof( vtf_t ))
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Image_LoadVTF: ver 7.2 with HDR\n" );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Image_LoadVTF: file (%s) has wrong subversion %i\n", shortname, i );
return false;
image.width = LittleShort( vtf.width );
image.height = LittleShort( vtf.height );
if(!Image_ValidSize( name )) return false;
// translate VF_flags into IMAGE_flags
flags = LittleLong( vtf.flags );
if((flags & VF_ONEBITALPHA) || (flags & VF_EIGHTBITALPHA))
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAVE_ALPHA;
if( flags & VF_ENVMAP ) image.flags |= IMAGE_CUBEMAP;
vtfFormat = LittleLong( vtf.imageFormat );
numFrames = LittleLong( vtf.num_frames );
image.type = Image_VTFFormat( vtfFormat );
image.num_mips = LittleLong( vtf.numMipLevels );
lowResSize = Image_VTFCalcLowResSize( &vtf );
resSize = Image_VTFCalcImageSize( &vtf, numFrames );
mipSize = Image_VTFCalcMipmapSize( &vtf, 0, numFrames );
image.size = hdrSize + lowResSize + mipSize + resSize;
fin += hdrSize + lowResSize + mipSize;
image.num_layers = 1;
if( image.type == PF_UNKNOWN )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Image_LoadVTF: file (%s) has unknown format %i\n", shortname, vtfFormat );
return false;
else if( image.size == filesize )
int offset, numsides = 1;
uint target = 1;
byte *buf = fin;
// if hardware loader is absent or image not power of two
// or user want load current side from cubemap we run software decompressing
if( image.flags & IMAGE_CUBEMAP ) numsides = 6;
Image_SetPixelFormat( image.width, image.height, image.num_layers ); // setup
image.size = image.ptr = 0;
if( image.cmd_flags & IL_IGNORE_MIPS )
image.cur_mips = 1;
else image.cur_mips = image.num_mips;
image.num_mips = 1; // defaulting to one mip
for( i = 0, offset = 0; i < numsides; i++, buf += offset )
Image_SetPixelFormat( image.curwidth, image.curheight, image.curdepth );
offset = image.SizeOfFile; // move pointer
Image_DecompressDDS( buf, target + i );
// now we can change type to RGBA
if( image.hint != IL_HINT_NO ) image.flags &= ~IMAGE_CUBEMAP; // side extracted
image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
MsgDev( D_WARN, "wrong vtf size: %i, calc size %i\n", filesize, image.size );
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
// img_mip.c - hl1 q1 image mips
#include "launch.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ RSC=rc.exe
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 1
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "LAUNCH_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "./" /I "../public" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "./" /I "./imagelib" /I "../public" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD /c
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /opt:nowin98
# ADD LINK32 zlib.lib png.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /dll /pdb:none /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /opt:nowin98
# ADD LINK32 zlib.lib png.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /dll /pdb:none /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /libpath:"./imagelib" /opt:nowin98
# Begin Custom Build
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ SOURCE="$(InputPath)"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 1
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "LAUNCH_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /Gi /GX /ZI /Od /I "./" /I "../public" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FR /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /Gi /GX /ZI /Od /I "./" /I "./imagelib" /I "../public" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FR /FD /GZ /c
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
# ADD LINK32 zlib.lib png.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /pdbtype:sept
# ADD LINK32 zlib.lib png.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"./imagelib"
# Begin Custom Build
@ -140,39 +140,43 @@ SOURCE=.\filesystem.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File

View File

@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ bool FS_WriteFile (const char *filename, const void *data, fs_offset_t len);
rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t size );
void FS_SaveImage( const char *name, int format, rgbdata_t *image );
void Image_Process( rgbdata_t **pix, int w, int h, uint flags );
bpc_desc_t *Image_GetPixelFormat( pixformat_t type );
void FS_FreeImage( rgbdata_t *pack );
search_t *FS_Search(const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive );

View File

@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ void Sys_GetStdAPI( void )
com.ImageSave = FS_SaveImage; // save image into specified format
com.ImageFree = FS_FreeImage; // release image buffer
com.ImglibSetup = Image_Setup; // set imagelib global features
com.ImagePFDesc = Image_GetPixelFormat; // get some info about current fmt
com.ImageConvert = Image_Process; // flip, rotate, resample etc
com.Com_RandomLong = Com_RandomLong;

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ typedef struct physragdoll_s NewtonRagDoll;
typedef struct physmaterial_s NewtonMaterial;
typedef struct physcolision_s NewtonCollision;
typedef struct physragbone_s NewtonRagDollBone;
typedef void (*cmread_t) (void* handle, void* buffer, size_t size);
extern physic_imp_t pi;
extern stdlib_api_t com;

View File

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
#pragma warning(disable : 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch
#pragma warning(disable : 4305) // truncation from const double to float (probably not needed)
#define MAX_QPATH 64 // get rid of this
#define MAX_QPATH 64 // FIXME: get rid of this
#define MAX_STRING 256
#define MAX_SYSPATH 1024
#define MAX_MSGLEN 32768 // max length of network message
typedef enum{ false, true } bool;
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;
typedef unsigned long dword;
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ typedef int model_t;
typedef int video_t;
typedef int string_t;
typedef int shader_t;
typedef float vec_t;
typedef float vec_t; // FIXME: remove
typedef vec_t vec2_t[2];
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
typedef vec_t vec4_t[4];
typedef vec_t matrix3x3[3][3];
typedef vec_t matrix3x4[3][4];
typedef vec_t matrix4x3[4][3];
typedef vec_t matrix3x4[3][4]; // FIXME: remove
typedef vec_t matrix4x3[4][3]; // FIXME: remove
typedef vec_t matrix4x4[4][4];
typedef vec_t gl_matrix[16]; // linear array
typedef char string[MAX_STRING];

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#ifndef LAUNCH_APH_H
#define LAUNCH_APH_H
// platform states
// platform instances
typedef enum
HOST_OFFLINE = 0, // host_init( g_Instance ) same much as:
@ -22,4 +22,747 @@ typedef enum
HOST_COUNTS, // terminator
} instance_t;
enum dev_level
D_INFO = 1, // "-dev 1", shows various system messages
D_WARN, // "-dev 2", shows not critical system warnings
D_ERROR, // "-dev 3", shows critical warnings
D_LOAD, // "-dev 4", show messages about loading resources
D_NOTE, // "-dev 5", show system notifications for engine develeopers
D_MEMORY, // "-dev 6", writes to log memory allocation
D_STRING, // "-dev 7", writes to log tempstrings allocation
typedef long fs_offset_t;
typedef struct cvar_s cvar_t;
typedef struct file_s file_t; // normal file
typedef struct vfile_s vfile_t; // virtual file
typedef struct wfile_s wfile_t; // wad file
typedef struct { const char *name; void **func; } dllfunc_t; // Sys_LoadLibrary stuff
typedef struct { int numfilenames; char **filenames; char *filenamesbuffer; } search_t;
typedef void ( *setpair_t )( const char *key, const char *value, void *buffer, void *numpairs );
typedef enum { NS_CLIENT, NS_SERVER } netsrc_t;
typedef void ( *xcommand_t )( void );
// command buffer modes
// timestamp modes
// cvar flags
typedef enum
CVAR_ARCHIVE = BIT(0), // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc
CVAR_USERINFO = BIT(1), // added to userinfo when changed
CVAR_SERVERINFO = BIT(2), // added to serverinfo when changed
CVAR_SYSTEMINFO = BIT(3), // don't changed from console, saved into config.dll
CVAR_INIT = BIT(4), // don't allow change from console at all, but can be set from the command line
CVAR_LATCH = BIT(5), // save changes until server restart
CVAR_READ_ONLY = BIT(6), // display only, cannot be set by user at all
CVAR_USER_CREATED = BIT(7), // created by a set command (prvm used)
CVAR_TEMP = BIT(8), // can be set even when cheats are disabled, but is not archived
CVAR_CHEAT = BIT(9), // can not be changed if cheats are disabled
CVAR_NORESTART = BIT(10),// do not clear when a cvar_restart is issued
} cvar_flags_t;
typedef struct
netadrtype_t type;
byte ip[4];
byte ipx[10];
word port;
} netadr_t;
typedef struct sizebuf_s // FIXME: rename to netbuf
bool overflowed; // set to true if the buffer size failed
byte *data;
int maxsize;
int cursize;
int readcount;
} sizebuf_t;
keep console cmds, network messages, mouse reletives and key buttons
typedef enum
SE_NONE = 0, // ev.time is still valid
SE_KEY, // ev.value[0] is a key code, ev.value[1] is the down flag
SE_CHAR, // ev.value[0] is an ascii char
SE_MOUSE, // ev.value[0] and ev.value[1] are reletive signed x / y moves
SE_CONSOLE, // ev.data is a char*
SE_PACKET // ev.data is a netadr_t followed by data bytes to ev.length
} ev_type_t;
typedef struct
dword time;
ev_type_t type;
int value[2];
void *data;
size_t length;
} sys_event_t;
internal shared gameinfo structure (readonly for engine parts)
typedef struct gameinfo_s
// filesystem info
string basedir;
string gamedir;
string startmap;
string title;
string username; // OS current username
float version; // engine or mod version
int viewmode;
int gamemode;
// shared system info
int cpunum; // count of cpu's
int64 tickcount; // cpu frequency in 'ticks'
float cpufreq; // cpu frequency in MHz
bool rdtsc; // rdtsc support (profiler stuff)
string vprogs_dir; // default progs directory
string source_dir; // default source directory
string gamedirs[128]; // environment folders (for change game from menu)
int numgamedirs;
char TXcommand; // FIXME: quark .map comment
char instance; // global engine instance
} gameinfo_t;
internal dll's loader
two main types - native dlls and other win32 libraries will be recognized automatically
NOTE: never change this structure because all dll descriptions in xash code
writes into struct by offsets not names
typedef struct dll_info_s
// generic interface
const char *name; // library name
const dllfunc_t *fcts; // list of dll exports
const char *entry; // entrypoint name (internal libs only)
void *link; // hinstance of loading library
// xash interface
void *(*main)( void*, void* );
bool crash; // crash if dll not found
size_t api_size; // interface size
} dll_info_t;
internal image format
typically expanded to rgba buffer
typedef enum
PF_INDEXED_24, // inflated palette (768 bytes)
PF_INDEXED_32, // deflated palette (1024 bytes)
PF_RGBA_32, // normal rgba buffer
PF_BGRA_32, // big endian RGBA (MacOS)
PF_ARGB_32, // uncompressed dds image
PF_ABGR_64, // uint image
PF_RGB_24, // uncompressed dds or another 24-bit image
PF_BGR_24, // big-endian RGB (MacOS)
PF_RGB_16, // 5-6-5 weighted image
PF_DXT1, // nvidia DXT1 format
PF_DXT2, // nvidia DXT2 format
PF_DXT3, // nvidia DXT3 format
PF_DXT4, // nvidia DXT5 format
PF_DXT5, // nvidia DXT5 format
PF_RXGB, // doom3 normal maps
PF_ATI1N, // ati 1N texture
PF_ATI2N, // ati 2N texture
PF_LUMINANCE, // b&w dds image
PF_LUMINANCE_16, // b&w hi-res image
PF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, // b&w dds image with alpha channel
PF_R_16F, // red channel half-float image
PF_R_32F, // red channel float image
PF_GR_32F, // Green-Red channels half-float image (dudv maps)
PF_GR_64F, // Green-Red channels float image (dudv maps)
PF_ABGR_64F, // ABGR half-float image
PF_ABGR_128F, // ABGR float image
PF_RGBA_GN, // internal generated texture
PF_TOTALCOUNT, // must be last
} pixformat_t;
typedef struct bpc_desc_s
int format; // pixelformat
char name[16]; // used for debug
uint glmask; // RGBA mask
uint gltype; // pixel size (byte, short etc)
int bpp; // channels (e.g. rgb = 3, rgba = 4)
int bpc; // sizebytes (byte, short, float)
int block; // blocksize < 0 needs alternate calc
} bpc_desc_t;
// imagelib global settings
typedef enum
IL_DDS_HARDWARE = BIT(0), // instance have dds hardware support (disable software unpacker)
IL_ATI_FLOAT_EXT = BIT(1), // reinstall float images glmask for ati extensions
IL_NV_FLOAT_EXT = BIT(2), // reinstall float images glmask for nv extensions
IL_USE_LERPING = BIT(3), // lerping images during resample
IL_KEEP_8BIT = BIT(4), // don't expand paletted images
IL_ALLOW_OVERWRITE = BIT(5), // allow to overwrite stored images
IL_IGNORE_MIPS = BIT(6), // ignore mip-levels to loading
} ilFlags_t;
// rgbdata output flags
typedef enum
// rgbdata->flags
IMAGE_CUBEMAP = BIT(0), // it's 6-sides cubemap buffer
IMAGE_HAVE_ALPHA = BIT(1), // image contain alpha-channel
IMAGE_COLORINDEX = BIT(2), // all colors in palette is gradients of last color (decals)
IMAGE_PREMULT = BIT(3), // need to premultiply alpha (DXT2, DXT4)
IMAGE_S3 = BIT(4), // s&3 image
// Image_Process manipulation flags
IMAGE_FLIP_X = BIT(16), // flip the image by width
IMAGE_FLIP_Y = BIT(17), // flip the image by height
IMAGE_ROT_90 = BIT(18), // flip from upper left corner to down right corner
IMAGE_ROUND = BIT(19), // round image to nearest Pow2
IMAGE_RESAMPLE = BIT(20), // resample image to specified dims
IMAGE_PALTO24 = BIT(21), // turn 32-bit palette into 24-bit mode (only for indexed images)
IMAGE_DXTTO32 = BIT(22), // force to use software dds loader (render requires for some reasons)
} imgFlags_t;
typedef struct rgbdata_s
int width; // image width
int height; // image height
byte numLayers; // multi-layer volume
byte numMips; // mipmap count
byte bitsCount; // RGB bits count
word numFrames; // SPR or VTF framecount
byte type; // compression type
uint flags; // misc image flags
byte *palette; // palette if present
byte *buffer; // image buffer
size_t size; // for bounds checking
} rgbdata_t;
typedef struct stdilib_api_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(stdlib_api_t)
gameinfo_t *GameInfo; // user game info (filled by engine)
// base events
void (*instance)( const char *name, const char *fmsg ); // restart engine with new instance
void (*print)( const char *msg ); // basic text message
void (*printf)( const char *msg, ... ); // formatted text message
void (*dprintf)( int level, const char *msg, ...); // developer text message
void (*error)( const char *msg, ... ); // abnormal termination with message
void (*abort)( const char *msg, ... ); // normal tremination with message
void (*exit)( void ); // normal silent termination
void (*sleep)( int msec ); // sleep for some msec
char *(*clipboard)( void ); // get clipboard data
void (*queevent)( dword time, ev_type_t type, int value, int value2, int length, void *ptr );
sys_event_t (*getevent)( void ); // get system events
// crclib.c funcs
void (*crc_init)(word *crcvalue); // set initial crc value
word (*crc_block)(byte *start, int count); // calculate crc block
void (*crc_process)(word *crcvalue, byte data); // process crc byte
byte (*crc_sequence)(byte *base, int length, int sequence); // calculate crc for sequence
uint (*crc_blockchecksum)(void *buffer, int length); // map checksum
uint (*crc_blockchecksumkey)(void *buf, int len, int key); // process key checksum
// memlib.c funcs
void (*memcpy)(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*memset)(void *dest, int set, size_t size, const char *filename, int fileline);
void *(*realloc)(byte *pool, void *mem, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*move)(byte *pool, void **dest, void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line); // not a memmove
void *(*malloc)(byte *pool, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*free)(void *data, const char *file, int line);
// xash memlib extension - memory pools
byte *(*mallocpool)(const char *name, const char *file, int line);
void (*freepool)(byte **poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*clearpool)(byte *poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*memcheck)(const char *file, int line); // check memory pools for consistensy
// xash memlib extension - memory arrays
byte *(*newarray)( byte *pool, size_t elementsize, int count, const char *file, int line );
void (*delarray)( byte *array, const char *file, int line );
void *(*newelement)( byte *array, const char *file, int line );
void (*delelement)( byte *array, void *element, const char *file, int line );
void *(*getelement)( byte *array, size_t index );
size_t (*arraysize)( byte *arrayptr );
// network.c funcs
void (*NET_Init)( void );
void (*NET_Shutdown)( void );
void (*NET_ShowIP)( void );
void (*NET_Config)( bool net_enable );
char *(*NET_AdrToString)( netadr_t a );
bool (*NET_IsLANAddress)( netadr_t adr );
bool (*NET_StringToAdr)( const char *s, netadr_t *a );
void (*NET_SendPacket)( int length, const void *data, netadr_t to );
// common functions
void (*Com_InitRootDir)( char *path ); // init custom rootdir
void (*Com_LoadGameInfo)( const char *filename ); // gate game info from script file
void (*Com_AddGameHierarchy)(const char *dir); // add base directory in search list
int (*Com_CheckParm)( const char *parm ); // check parm in cmdline
bool (*Com_GetParm)( char *parm, char *out ); // get parm from cmdline
void (*Com_FileBase)(const char *in, char *out); // get filename without path & ext
bool (*Com_FileExists)(const char *filename); // return true if file exist
long (*Com_FileSize)(const char *filename); // same as Com_FileExists but return filesize
long (*Com_FileTime)(const char *filename); // same as Com_FileExists but return filetime
const char *(*Com_FileExtension)(const char *in); // return extension of file
const char *(*Com_RemovePath)(const char *in); // return file without path
void (*Com_StripExtension)(char *path); // remove extension if present
void (*Com_StripFilePath)(const char* const src, char* dst);// get file path without filename.ext
void (*Com_DefaultExtension)(char *path, const char *ext ); // append extension if not present
void (*Com_ClearSearchPath)( void ); // delete all search pathes
void (*Com_CreateThread)(int, bool, void(*fn)(int)); // run individual thread
void (*Com_ThreadLock)( void ); // lock current thread
void (*Com_ThreadUnlock)( void ); // unlock numthreads
int (*Com_NumThreads)( void ); // returns count of active threads
bool (*Com_LoadScript)(const char *name,char *buf,int size);// load script into stack from file or bufer
bool (*Com_AddScript)(const char *name,char *buf, int size);// include script from file or buffer
void (*Com_ResetScript)( void ); // reset current script state
void (*Com_PushScript)( const char **data_p ); // save script to stack
void (*Com_PopScript)( const char **data_p ); // restore script from stack
void (*Com_SkipBracedSection)( char **data_p, int depth ); // skip braced section
char *(*Com_ReadToken)( bool newline ); // get next token on a line or newline
bool (*Com_TryToken)( void ); // return 1 if have token on a line
void (*Com_FreeToken)( void ); // free current token to may get it again
void (*Com_SkipToken)( void ); // skip current token and jump into newline
bool (*Com_MatchToken)( const char *match ); // compare current token with user keyword
bool (*Com_ParseToken_Simple)(const char **data_p); // basic parse (can't handle single characters)
char *(*Com_ParseToken)(const char **data, bool newline ); // parse token from char buffer
char *(*Com_ParseWord)( const char **data, bool newline ); // parse word from char buffer
search_t *(*Com_Search)(const char *pattern, int casecmp ); // returned list of found files
bool (*Com_Filter)(char *filter, char *name, int casecmp ); // compare keyword by mask with filter
uint (*Com_HashKey)( const char *string, uint hashSize ); // returns hash key for a string
byte *(*Com_LoadRes)( const char *filename, size_t *size ); // find internal resource in baserc.dll
long com_scriptline; // contains current scriptline
char *com_token; // contains current token
// console variables
cvar_t *(*Cvar_Get)(const char *name, const char *value, int flags, const char *desc);
void (*Cvar_LookupVars)( int checkbit, void *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*Cvar_SetString)( const char *name, const char *value );
void (*Cvar_SetLatched)( const char *name, const char *value);
void (*Cvar_FullSet)( char *name, char *value, int flags );
void (*Cvar_SetValue )( const char *name, float value);
float (*Cvar_GetValue )(const char *name);
char *(*Cvar_GetString)(const char *name);
cvar_t *(*Cvar_FindVar)(const char *name);
bool userinfo_modified; // tell to client about userinfo modified
// console commands
void (*Cmd_Exec)(int exec_when, const char *text); // process cmd buffer
uint (*Cmd_Argc)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Args)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Argv)( uint arg );
void (*Cmd_LookupCmds)( char *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*Cmd_AddCommand)(const char *name, xcommand_t function, const char *desc);
void (*Cmd_TokenizeString)(const char *text_in);
void (*Cmd_DelCommand)(const char *name);
// real filesystem
file_t *(*fopen)(const char* path, const char* mode); // same as fopen
int (*fclose)(file_t* file); // same as fclose
long (*fwrite)(file_t* file, const void* data, size_t datasize); // same as fwrite
long (*fread)(file_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // same as fread, can see trough pakfile
int (*fprint)(file_t* file, const char *msg); // printed message into file
int (*fprintf)(file_t* file, const char* format, ...); // same as fprintf
int (*fgets)(file_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // like a fgets, but can return EOF
int (*fseek)(file_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
bool (*fremove)( const char *path ); // remove sepcified file
long (*ftell)(file_t* file); // like a ftell
// virtual filesystem
vfile_t *(*vfcreate)( const byte *buffer, size_t buffsize ); // create virtual stream
vfile_t *(*vfopen)(file_t *handle, const char* mode); // virtual fopen
file_t *(*vfclose)(vfile_t* file); // free buffer or write dump
long (*vfwrite)(vfile_t* file, const void* buf, size_t datasize); // write into buffer
long (*vfread)(vfile_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // read from buffer
int (*vfgets)(vfile_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // read text line
int (*vfprint)(vfile_t* file, const char *msg); // write message
int (*vfprintf)(vfile_t* file, const char* format, ...); // write formatted message
int (*vfseek)(vfile_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
bool (*vfunpack)( void* comp, size_t size1, void **buf, size_t size2);// deflate zipped buffer
byte *(*vfbuffer)( vfile_t *file ); // get pointer to virtual filebuff
long (*vftell)(vfile_t* file); // like a ftell
bool (*vfeof)( vfile_t* file); // like a feof
// wadstorage filesystem
int (*wfcheck)( const char *filename ); // validate container
wfile_t *(*wfopen)( const char *filename, const char *mode ); // open wad file or create new
void (*wfclose)( wfile_t *wad ); // close wadfile
long (*wfwrite)( wfile_t *wad, const char *lump, const void* data, size_t datasize, char type, char cmp );
byte *(*wfread)( wfile_t *wad, const char *lump, size_t *lumpsizeptr, const char type );
// filesystem simply user interface
byte *(*Com_LoadFile)(const char *path, long *filesize ); // load file into heap
bool (*Com_WriteFile)(const char *path, const void *data, long len ); // write file into disk
bool (*Com_LoadLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // load library
bool (*Com_FreeLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // free library
void*(*Com_GetProcAddress)( dll_info_t *dll, const char* name ); // gpa
double (*Com_DoubleTime)( void ); // hi-res timer
dword (*Com_Milliseconds)( void ); // hi-res timer
// built-in imagelib functions
void (*ImglibSetup)( const char *formats, const uint flags ); // set main attributes
rgbdata_t *(*ImageLoad)( const char *, const byte *, size_t ); // load image from disk or buffer
void (*ImageSave)( const char *name, int format, rgbdata_t *image ); // save image into specified format
void (*ImageConvert)( rgbdata_t **pix, int w, int h, uint flags ); // image manipulations
bpc_desc_t *(*ImagePFDesc)( pixformat_t imagetype ); // get const info about specified fmt
void (*ImageFree)( rgbdata_t *pack ); // release image buffer
// random generator
long (*Com_RandomLong)( long lMin, long lMax ); // returns random integer
float (*Com_RandomFloat)( float fMin, float fMax ); // returns random float
// stdlib.c funcs
void (*strnupr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strnlwr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out); // convert string to lower case
void (*strupr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strlwr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to lower case
int (*strlen)( const char *string ); // returns string real length
int (*cstrlen)( const char *string ); // strlen that stripped color prefixes
char (*toupper)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to upper case
char (*tolower)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to lower case
size_t (*strncat)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strcat)(char *dst, const char *src); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // copy string to existing buffer
size_t (*strcpy)(char *dst, const char *src); // copy string to existing buffer
char *(*stralloc)(byte *mp,const char *in,const char *file,int line); // create buffer and copy string here
int (*atoi)(const char *str); // convert string to integer
float (*atof)(const char *str); // convert string to float
void (*atov)( float *dst, const char *src, size_t n ); // convert string to vector
char *(*strchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster at start of string
char *(*strrchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster at end of string
int (*strnicmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*stricmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*strncmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case sensative
int (*strcmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case sensative
char *(*stristr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case insensative
char *(*strstr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case sensative
size_t (*strpack)( byte *buf, size_t pos, char *s1, int n ); // put string at end ofbuffer
size_t (*strunpack)( byte *buf, size_t pos, char *s1 ); // extract string from buffer
int (*vsprintf)(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*sprintf)(char *buffer, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
char *(*va)(const char *format, ...); // print into temp buffer
int (*vsnprintf)(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*snprintf)(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
const char* (*timestamp)( int format ); // returns current time stamp
// stringtable system
int (*st_create)( const char *name, size_t max_strings );
const char *(*st_getstring)( int handle, string_t index );
string_t (*st_setstring)( int handle, const char *string );
int (*st_load)( wfile_t *wad, const char *name );
bool (*st_save)( int h, wfile_t *wad );
void (*st_remove)( int handle );
} stdlib_api_t;
#ifndef LAUNCH_DLL
don't add aliases for launch.dll because it may be conflicted with real names
console variables
external and internal cvars struct have some differences
typedef struct cvar_s
char *name;
char *string; // normal string
float value; // com.atof( string )
int integer; // com.atoi( string )
bool modified; // set each time the cvar is changed
} cvar_t;
memory manager funcs
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size) com.malloc(pool, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Realloc(pool, ptr, size) com.realloc(pool, ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Move(pool, ptr, data, size) com.move(pool, ptr, data, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Free(mem) com.free(mem, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocPool(name) com.mallocpool(name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_FreePool(pool) com.freepool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_EmptyPool(pool) com.clearpool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Copy(dest, src, size ) com.memcpy(dest, src, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Set(dest, val, size ) com.memcpy(dest, val, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Check() com.memcheck(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_CreateArray( p, s, n ) com.newarray( p, s, n, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_RemoveArray( array ) com.delarray( array, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocElement( array ) com.newelement( array, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_FreeElement( array, el ) com.delelement( array, el, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_GetElement( array, idx ) com.getelement( array, idx )
#define Mem_ArraySize( array ) com.arraysize( array )
parsing manager funcs
#define Com_ParseToken com.Com_ParseToken
#define Com_ParseWord com.Com_ParseWord
#define Com_SimpleGetToken com.Com_ParseToken_Simple
#define Com_SkipBracedSection com.Com_SkipBracedSection
#define Com_Filter com.Com_Filter
#define Com_HashKey com.Com_HashKey
#define Com_LoadScript com.Com_LoadScript
#define Com_IncludeScript com.Com_AddScript
#define Com_ResetScript com.Com_ResetScript
#define Com_GetToken com.Com_ReadToken
#define Com_TryToken com.Com_TryToken
#define Com_FreeToken com.Com_FreeToken
#define Com_SkipToken com.Com_SkipToken
#define Com_MatchToken com.Com_MatchToken
#define Com_PushScript com.Com_PushScript
#define Com_PopScript com.Com_PopScript
#define com_token com.com_token
#define scriptline com.com_scriptline
#define g_TXcommand com.GameInfo->TXcommand
#define g_Instance com.GameInfo->instance
filesystem manager
#define FS_AddGameHierarchy com.Com_AddGameHierarchy
#define FS_LoadGameInfo com.Com_LoadGameInfo
#define FS_InitRootDir com.Com_InitRootDir
#define FS_LoadFile com.Com_LoadFile
#define FS_Search com.Com_Search
#define FS_WriteFile com.Com_WriteFile
#define FS_Open( path, mode ) com.fopen( path, mode )
#define FS_Read( file, buffer, size ) com.fread( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_Write( file, buffer, size ) com.fwrite( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_StripExtension( path ) com.Com_StripExtension( path )
#define FS_ExtractFilePath( src, dest) com.Com_StripFilePath( src, dest )
#define FS_DefaultExtension com.Com_DefaultExtension
#define FS_FileExtension( ext ) com.Com_FileExtension( ext )
#define FS_FileExists( file ) com.Com_FileExists( file )
#define FS_FileSize( file ) com.Com_FileSize( file )
#define FS_FileTime( file ) com.Com_FileTime( file )
#define FS_Close( file ) com.fclose( file )
#define FS_FileBase( x, y ) com.Com_FileBase( x, y )
#define FS_LoadInternal( x, y ) com.Com_LoadRes( x, y )
#define FS_Printf com.fprintf
#define FS_Print com.fprint
#define FS_Seek com.fseek
#define FS_Tell com.ftell
#define FS_Gets com.fgets
#define FS_Gamedir com.GameInfo->gamedir
#define FS_Title com.GameInfo->title
#define FS_ClearSearchPath com.Com_ClearSearchPath
#define FS_CheckParm com.Com_CheckParm
#define FS_GetParmFromCmdLine com.Com_GetParm
network messages
#define NET_Init com.NET_Init
#define NET_Shutdown com.NET_Shutdown
#define NET_ShowIP com.NET_ShowIP
#define NET_Config com.NET_Config
#define NET_AdrToString com.NET_AdrToString
#define NET_IsLANAddress com.NET_IsLANAddress
#define Sys_StringToAdr com.NET_StringToAdr
#define Sys_SendPacket com.NET_SendPacket
console variables
#define Cvar_Get com.Cvar_Get
#define Cvar_LookupVars com.Cvar_LookupVars
#define Cvar_Set com.Cvar_SetString
#define Cvar_FullSet com.Cvar_FullSet
#define Cvar_SetLatched com.Cvar_SetLatched
#define Cvar_SetValue com.Cvar_SetValue
#define Cvar_VariableValue com.Cvar_GetValue
#define Cvar_VariableString com.Cvar_GetString
#define Cvar_FindVar com.Cvar_FindVar
#define userinfo_modified com.userinfo_modified
console commands
#define Cbuf_ExecuteText com.Cmd_Exec
#define Cbuf_AddText( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_APPEND, text )
#define Cmd_ExecuteString( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, text )
#define Cbuf_InsertText( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_INSERT, text )
#define Cbuf_Execute() com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, NULL )
#define Cmd_Argc com.Cmd_Argc
#define Cmd_Args com.Cmd_Args
#define Cmd_Argv com.Cmd_Argv
#define Cmd_TokenizeString com.Cmd_TokenizeString
#define Cmd_LookupCmds com.Cmd_LookupCmds
#define Cmd_AddCommand com.Cmd_AddCommand
#define Cmd_RemoveCommand com.Cmd_DelCommand
virtual filesystem manager
#define VFS_Create com.vfcreate
#define VFS_GetBuffer com.vfbuffer
#define VFS_Open com.vfopen
#define VFS_Write com.vfwrite
#define VFS_Read com.vfread
#define VFS_Print com.vfprint
#define VFS_Printf com.vfprintf
#define VFS_Gets com.vfgets
#define VFS_Seek com.vfseek
#define VFS_Tell com.vftell
#define VFS_Eof com.vfeof
#define VFS_Close com.vfclose
#define VFS_Unpack com.vfunpack
wadstorage filesystem manager
#define WAD_Open com.wfopen
#define WAD_Check com.wfcheck
#define WAD_Close com.wfclose
#define WAD_Write com.wfwrite
#define WAD_Read com.wfread
crclib manager
#define CRC_Init com.crc_init
#define CRC_Block com.crc_block
#define CRC_ProcessByte com.crc_process
#define CRC_Sequence com.crc_sequence
#define Com_BlockChecksum com.crc_blockchecksum
#define Com_BlockChecksumKey com.crc_blockchecksumkey
imglib manager
#define FS_LoadImage com.ImageLoad
#define FS_SaveImage com.ImageSave
#define FS_FreeImage com.ImageFree
#define Image_Init com.ImglibSetup
#define PFDesc( x ) com.ImagePFDesc( x )
#define Image_Process com.ImageConvert
misc utils
#define GI com.GameInfo
#define Msg com.printf
#define MsgDev com.dprintf
#define Sys_LoadLibrary com.Com_LoadLibrary
#define Sys_FreeLibrary com.Com_FreeLibrary
#define Sys_GetProcAddress com.Com_GetProcAddress
#define Sys_NewInstance com.instance
#define Sys_Sleep com.sleep
#define Sys_Print com.print
#define Sys_GetEvent com.getevent
#define Sys_QueEvent com.queevent
#define Sys_GetClipboardData com.clipboard
#define Sys_Quit com.exit
#define Sys_Break com.abort
#define Sys_DoubleTime com.Com_DoubleTime
#define Sys_Milliseconds com.Com_Milliseconds
#define GetNumThreads com.Com_NumThreads
#define ThreadLock com.Com_ThreadLock
#define ThreadUnlock com.Com_ThreadUnlock
#define RunThreadsOnIndividual com.Com_CreateThread
#define Com_RandomLong com.Com_RandomLong
#define Com_RandomFloat com.Com_RandomFloat
#define StringTable_Create com.st_create
#define StringTable_Delete com.st_remove
#define StringTable_GetString com.st_getstring
#define StringTable_SetString com.st_setstring
#define StringTable_Load com.st_load
#define StringTable_Save com.st_save
stdlib function names that not across with windows stdlib
#define timestamp com.timestamp
#define copystring( str ) com.stralloc( NULL, str, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define va com.va

View File

@ -21,38 +21,16 @@
#define bound(min, num, max) ((num) >= (min) ? ((num) < (max) ? (num) : (max)) : (min))
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
typedef long fs_offset_t;
typedef enum { NS_CLIENT, NS_SERVER } netsrc_t;
typedef struct { uint b:5; uint g:6; uint r:5; } color16;
typedef struct { byte r:8; byte g:8; byte b:8; } color24;
typedef struct { byte r; byte g; byte b; byte a; } color32;
typedef struct { const char *name; void **func; } dllfunc_t; // Sys_LoadLibrary stuff
typedef struct { int ofs; int type; const char *name; } fields_t; // prvm custom fields
typedef void (*cmread_t) (void* handle, void* buffer, size_t size);
typedef enum { mod_bad, mod_world, mod_brush, mod_studio, mod_sprite } modtype_t;
typedef void (*cmsave_t) (void* handle, const void* buffer, size_t size);
typedef void (*cmdraw_t)( int color, int numpoints, const float *points );
typedef struct { int numfilenames; char **filenames; char *filenamesbuffer; } search_t;
typedef void (*setpair_t)(const char *key, const char *value, void *buffer, void *numpairs );
typedef struct
netadrtype_t type;
byte ip[4];
byte ipx[10];
word port;
} netadr_t;
typedef struct sizebuf_s
bool overflowed; // set to true if the buffer size failed
byte *data;
int maxsize;
int cursize;
int readcount;
} sizebuf_t;
typedef struct edict_s edict_t;
typedef struct sv_edict_s sv_edict_t;
@ -65,11 +43,6 @@ typedef struct sv_globalvars_s sv_globalvars_t;
typedef struct cl_globalvars_s cl_globalvars_t;
typedef struct ui_globalvars_s ui_globalvars_t;
typedef struct physbody_s physbody_t;
typedef struct cvar_s cvar_t;
typedef struct file_s file_t; // normal file
typedef struct vfile_s vfile_t; // virtual file
typedef struct wfile_s wfile_t; // wad file
typedef void (*xcommand_t) (void);
typedef enum
@ -204,721 +177,6 @@ typedef struct usercmd_s
keep console cmds, network messages, mouse reletives and key buttons
typedef enum
SE_NONE = 0, // ev.time is still valid
SE_KEY, // ev.value is a key code, ev.value2 is the down flag
SE_CHAR, // ev.value is an ascii char
SE_MOUSE, // ev.value and ev.value2 are reletive signed x / y moves
SE_CONSOLE, // ev.data is a char*
SE_PACKET // ev.data is a netadr_t followed by data bytes to ev.length
} ev_type_t;
typedef struct
dword time;
ev_type_t type;
int value[2];
void *data;
size_t length;
} sys_event_t;
internal shared gameinfo structure (readonly for engine parts)
typedef struct gameinfo_s
// filesystem info
string basedir;
string gamedir;
string startmap;
string title;
string username; // OS current user
float version; // engine or mod version
int viewmode;
int gamemode;
// shared system info
int cpunum; // count of cpu's
int64 tickcount; // cpu frequency in 'ticks'
float cpufreq; // cpu frequency in MHz
bool rdtsc; // rdtsc support (profiler stuff)
string vprogs_dir; // default progs directory
string source_dir; // default source directory
string gamedirs[128]; // environment folders
int numgamedirs;
char TXcommand; // quark .map comment
char instance; // global engine instance
} gameinfo_t;
internal dll's loader
two main types - native dlls and other win32 libraries will be recognized automatically
typedef struct dll_info_s
// generic interface
const char *name; // library name
const dllfunc_t *fcts; // list of dll exports
const char *entry; // entrypoint name (internal libs only)
void *link; // hinstance of loading library
// xash interface
void *(*main)( void*, void* );
bool crash; // crash if dll not found
size_t api_size; // interface size
} dll_info_t;
internal image format
typically expanded to rgba buffer
enum comp_format
PF_INDEXED_24, // studio model skins
PF_INDEXED_32, // sprite 32-bit palette
PF_RGBA_32, // already prepared ".bmp", ".tga" or ".jpg" image
PF_ARGB_32, // uncompressed dds image
PF_ABGR_64, // uint image
PF_RGB_24, // uncompressed dds or another 24-bit image
PF_DXT1, // nvidia DXT1 format
PF_DXT2, // nvidia DXT2 format
PF_DXT3, // nvidia DXT3 format
PF_DXT4, // nvidia DXT5 format
PF_DXT5, // nvidia DXT5 format
PF_RXGB, // doom3 normal maps
PF_ATI1N, // ati 1N texture
PF_ATI2N, // ati 2N texture
PF_LUMINANCE, // b&w dds image
PF_LUMINANCE_16, // b&w hi-res image
PF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, // b&w dds image with alpha channel
PF_R_16F, // red channel half-float image
PF_R_32F, // red channel float image
PF_GR_32F, // Green-Red channels half-float image (dudv maps)
PF_GR_64F, // Green-Red channels float image (dudv maps)
PF_ABGR_64F, // ABGR half-float image
PF_ABGR_128F, // ABGR float image
PF_RGBA_GN, // internal generated texture
PF_TOTALCOUNT, // must be last
typedef struct bpc_desc_s
int format; // pixelformat
char name[8]; // used for debug
uint glmask; // RGBA mask
uint gltype; // pixel size (byte, short etc)
int bpp; // channels (e.g. rgb = 3, rgba = 4)
int bpc; // sizebytes (byte, short, float)
int block; // blocksize < 0 needs alternate calc
} bpc_desc_t;
static const bpc_desc_t PFDesc[] =
{PF_UNKNOWN, "raw", 0x1908, 0x1401, 0, 0, 0 },
{PF_INDEXED_24, "pal 24", 0x1908, 0x1401, 1, 1, 0 }, // expand data to RGBA buffer
{PF_INDEXED_32, "pal 32", 0x1908, 0x1401, 1, 1, 0 },
{PF_RGBA_32, "RGBA 32",0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_ARGB_32, "ARGB 32",0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_ABGR_64, "ABGR 64",0x80E1, 0x1401, 4, 2, -8 },
{PF_RGB_24, "RGB 24", 0x1908, 0x1401, 3, 1, -3 },
{PF_DXT1, "DXT1", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 8 },
{PF_DXT2, "DXT2", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT3, "DXT3", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT4, "DXT4", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT5, "DXT5", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_RXGB, "RXGB", 0x1908, 0x1401, 3, 1, 16 },
{PF_ATI1N, "ATI1N", 0x1908, 0x1401, 1, 1, 8 },
{PF_ATI2N, "3DC", 0x1908, 0x1401, 3, 1, 16 },
{PF_LUMINANCE, "LUM 8", 0x1909, 0x1401, 1, 1, -1 },
{PF_LUMINANCE_16, "LUM 16", 0x1909, 0x1401, 2, 2, -2 },
{PF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA,"LUM A", 0x190A, 0x1401, 2, 1, -2 },
{PF_R_16F, "R 16f", 0x8884, 0x1406, 1, 4, -2 }, // FIXME: these NV extension, reinstall for ATI
{PF_R_32F, "R 32f", 0x8885, 0x1406, 1, 4, -4 },
{PF_GR_32F, "GR 32f", 0x8886, 0x1406, 2, 4, -4 },
{PF_GR_64F, "GR 64f", 0x8887, 0x1406, 2, 4, -8 },
{PF_ABGR_64F, "ABGR64f",0x888A, 0x1406, 4, 2, -8 },
{PF_ABGR_128F, "ABGR128",0x888B, 0x1406, 4, 4, -16},
{PF_RGBA_GN, "system", 0x1908, 0x1401, 4, 1, -4 },
typedef enum
IL_DDS_HARDWARE = BIT(0), // instance have dds hardware support (disable software unpacker)
IL_ATI_FLOAT_EXT = BIT(1), // reinstall float images glmask for ati extensions
IL_NV_FLOAT_EXT = BIT(2), // reinstall float images glmask for nv extensions
IL_USE_LERPING = BIT(3), // lerping images during resample
IL_KEEP_8BIT = BIT(4), // don't expand paletted images
IL_ALLOW_OVERWRITE = BIT(5), // allow to overwrite stored images
} ilFlags_t;
// rgbdata output flags
typedef enum
// rgbdata->flags
IMAGE_CUBEMAP = BIT(0), // it's 6-sides cubemap buffer
IMAGE_HAVE_ALPHA = BIT(1), // image contain alpha-channel
IMAGE_COLORINDEX = BIT(2), // all colors in palette is gradients of last color (decals)
IMAGE_PREMULT = BIT(3), // need to premultiply alpha (DXT2, DXT4)
IMAGE_S3 = BIT(4), // s&3 image
// manipulation flags
IMAGE_FLIP_X = BIT(16), // flip the image by width
IMAGE_FLIP_Y = BIT(17), // flip the image by height
IMAGE_ROT_90 = BIT(18), // flip from upper left corner to down right corner
IMAGE_ROUND = BIT(19), // round image to nearest Pow2
IMAGE_RESAMPLE = BIT(20), // resample image to specified dims
IMAGE_PALTO24 = BIT(21), // turn 32-bit palette into 24-bit mode (only for indexed images)
IMAGE_DXTTO32 = BIT(22), // force to use software dds loader (render requires for some reasons)
} imgFlags_t;
typedef struct rgbdata_s
int width; // image width
int height; // image height
byte numLayers; // multi-layer volume
byte numMips; // mipmap count
byte bitsCount; // RGB bits count
uint type; // compression type
uint flags; // misc image flags
byte *palette; // palette if present
byte *buffer; // image buffer
size_t size; // for bounds checking
} rgbdata_t;
enum dev_level
D_INFO = 1, // "-dev 1", shows various system messages
D_WARN, // "-dev 2", shows not critical system warnings
D_ERROR, // "-dev 3", shows critical warnings
D_LOAD, // "-dev 4", show messages about loading resources
D_NOTE, // "-dev 5", show system notifications for engine develeopers
D_MEMORY, // "-dev 6", show memory allocation
D_STRING, // "-dev 7", show tempstrings allocation
typedef struct stdilib_api_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(stdlib_api_t)
// base events
void (*instance)( const char *name, const char *fmsg ); // restart engine with new instance
void (*print)( const char *msg ); // basic text message
void (*printf)( const char *msg, ... ); // formatted text message
void (*dprintf)( int level, const char *msg, ...); // developer text message
void (*error)( const char *msg, ... ); // abnormal termination with message
void (*abort)( const char *msg, ... ); // normal tremination with message
void (*exit)( void ); // normal silent termination
void (*sleep)( int msec ); // sleep for some msec
char *(*clipboard)( void ); // get clipboard data
void (*queevent)( dword time, ev_type_t type, int value, int value2, int length, void *ptr );
sys_event_t (*getevent)( void ); // get system events
// crclib.c funcs
void (*crc_init)(word *crcvalue); // set initial crc value
word (*crc_block)(byte *start, int count); // calculate crc block
void (*crc_process)(word *crcvalue, byte data); // process crc byte
byte (*crc_sequence)(byte *base, int length, int sequence); // calculate crc for sequence
uint (*crc_blockchecksum)(void *buffer, int length); // map checksum
uint (*crc_blockchecksumkey)(void *buf, int len, int key); // process key checksum
// memlib.c funcs
void (*memcpy)(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*memset)(void *dest, int set, size_t size, const char *filename, int fileline);
void *(*realloc)(byte *pool, void *mem, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*move)(byte *pool, void **dest, void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line); // not a memmove
void *(*malloc)(byte *pool, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*free)(void *data, const char *file, int line);
// xash memlib extension - memory pools
byte *(*mallocpool)(const char *name, const char *file, int line);
void (*freepool)(byte **poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*clearpool)(byte *poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*memcheck)(const char *file, int line); // check memory pools for consistensy
// xash memlib extension - memory arrays
byte *(*newarray)( byte *pool, size_t elementsize, int count, const char *file, int line );
void (*delarray)( byte *array, const char *file, int line );
void *(*newelement)( byte *array, const char *file, int line );
void (*delelement)( byte *array, void *element, const char *file, int line );
void *(*getelement)( byte *array, size_t index );
size_t (*arraysize)( byte *arrayptr );
// network.c funcs
void (*NET_Init)( void );
void (*NET_Shutdown)( void );
void (*NET_ShowIP)( void );
void (*NET_Config)( bool net_enable );
char *(*NET_AdrToString)( netadr_t a );
bool (*NET_IsLANAddress)( netadr_t adr );
bool (*NET_StringToAdr)( const char *s, netadr_t *a );
void (*NET_SendPacket)( int length, const void *data, netadr_t to );
// common functions
void (*Com_InitRootDir)( char *path ); // init custom rootdir
void (*Com_LoadGameInfo)( const char *filename ); // gate game info from script file
void (*Com_AddGameHierarchy)(const char *dir); // add base directory in search list
int (*Com_CheckParm)( const char *parm ); // check parm in cmdline
bool (*Com_GetParm)( char *parm, char *out ); // get parm from cmdline
void (*Com_FileBase)(const char *in, char *out); // get filename without path & ext
bool (*Com_FileExists)(const char *filename); // return true if file exist
long (*Com_FileSize)(const char *filename); // same as Com_FileExists but return filesize
long (*Com_FileTime)(const char *filename); // same as Com_FileExists but return filetime
const char *(*Com_FileExtension)(const char *in); // return extension of file
const char *(*Com_RemovePath)(const char *in); // return file without path
void (*Com_StripExtension)(char *path); // remove extension if present
void (*Com_StripFilePath)(const char* const src, char* dst);// get file path without filename.ext
void (*Com_DefaultExtension)(char *path, const char *ext ); // append extension if not present
void (*Com_ClearSearchPath)( void ); // delete all search pathes
void (*Com_CreateThread)(int, bool, void(*fn)(int)); // run individual thread
void (*Com_ThreadLock)( void ); // lock current thread
void (*Com_ThreadUnlock)( void ); // unlock numthreads
int (*Com_NumThreads)( void ); // returns count of active threads
bool (*Com_LoadScript)(const char *name,char *buf,int size);// load script into stack from file or bufer
bool (*Com_AddScript)(const char *name,char *buf, int size);// include script from file or buffer
void (*Com_ResetScript)( void ); // reset current script state
void (*Com_PushScript)( const char **data_p ); // save script to stack
void (*Com_PopScript)( const char **data_p ); // restore script from stack
void (*Com_SkipBracedSection)( char **data_p, int depth ); // skip braced section
char *(*Com_ReadToken)( bool newline ); // get next token on a line or newline
bool (*Com_TryToken)( void ); // return 1 if have token on a line
void (*Com_FreeToken)( void ); // free current token to may get it again
void (*Com_SkipToken)( void ); // skip current token and jump into newline
bool (*Com_MatchToken)( const char *match ); // compare current token with user keyword
bool (*Com_ParseToken_Simple)(const char **data_p); // basic parse (can't handle single characters)
char *(*Com_ParseToken)(const char **data, bool newline ); // parse token from char buffer
char *(*Com_ParseWord)( const char **data, bool newline ); // parse word from char buffer
search_t *(*Com_Search)(const char *pattern, int casecmp ); // returned list of found files
bool (*Com_Filter)(char *filter, char *name, int casecmp ); // compare keyword by mask with filter
uint (*Com_HashKey)( const char *string, uint hashSize ); // returns hash key for a string
byte *(*Com_LoadRes)( const char *filename, size_t *size ); // find internal resource in baserc.dll
long com_scriptline; // contains current scriptline
char *com_token; // contains current token
// console variables
cvar_t *(*Cvar_Get)(const char *name, const char *value, int flags, const char *desc);
void (*Cvar_LookupVars)( int checkbit, void *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*Cvar_SetString)( const char *name, const char *value );
void (*Cvar_SetLatched)( const char *name, const char *value);
void (*Cvar_FullSet)( char *name, char *value, int flags );
void (*Cvar_SetValue )( const char *name, float value);
float (*Cvar_GetValue )(const char *name);
char *(*Cvar_GetString)(const char *name);
cvar_t *(*Cvar_FindVar)(const char *name);
bool userinfo_modified; // tell to client about userinfo modified
// console commands
void (*Cmd_Exec)(int exec_when, const char *text); // process cmd buffer
uint (*Cmd_Argc)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Args)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Argv)( uint arg );
void (*Cmd_LookupCmds)( char *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*Cmd_AddCommand)(const char *name, xcommand_t function, const char *desc);
void (*Cmd_TokenizeString)(const char *text_in);
void (*Cmd_DelCommand)(const char *name);
// real filesystem
file_t *(*fopen)(const char* path, const char* mode); // same as fopen
int (*fclose)(file_t* file); // same as fclose
long (*fwrite)(file_t* file, const void* data, size_t datasize); // same as fwrite
long (*fread)(file_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // same as fread, can see trough pakfile
int (*fprint)(file_t* file, const char *msg); // printed message into file
int (*fprintf)(file_t* file, const char* format, ...); // same as fprintf
int (*fgets)(file_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // like a fgets, but can return EOF
int (*fseek)(file_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
bool (*fremove)( const char *path ); // remove sepcified file
long (*ftell)(file_t* file); // like a ftell
// virtual filesystem
vfile_t *(*vfcreate)( const byte *buffer, size_t buffsize ); // create virtual stream
vfile_t *(*vfopen)(file_t *handle, const char* mode); // virtual fopen
file_t *(*vfclose)(vfile_t* file); // free buffer or write dump
long (*vfwrite)(vfile_t* file, const void* buf, size_t datasize); // write into buffer
long (*vfread)(vfile_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // read from buffer
int (*vfgets)(vfile_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // read text line
int (*vfprint)(vfile_t* file, const char *msg); // write message
int (*vfprintf)(vfile_t* file, const char* format, ...); // write formatted message
int (*vfseek)(vfile_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
bool (*vfunpack)( void* comp, size_t size1, void **buf, size_t size2);// deflate zipped buffer
byte *(*vfbuffer)( vfile_t *file ); // get pointer to virtual filebuff
long (*vftell)(vfile_t* file); // like a ftell
bool (*vfeof)( vfile_t* file); // like a feof
// wadstorage filesystem
int (*wfcheck)( const char *filename ); // validate container
wfile_t *(*wfopen)( const char *filename, const char *mode ); // open wad file or create new
void (*wfclose)( wfile_t *wad ); // close wadfile
long (*wfwrite)( wfile_t *wad, const char *lump, const void* data, size_t datasize, char type, char cmp );
byte *(*wfread)( wfile_t *wad, const char *lump, size_t *lumpsizeptr, const char type );
// filesystem simply user interface
byte *(*Com_LoadFile)(const char *path, long *filesize ); // load file into heap
bool (*Com_WriteFile)(const char *path, const void *data, long len ); // write file into disk
bool (*Com_LoadLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // load library
bool (*Com_FreeLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // free library
void*(*Com_GetProcAddress)( dll_info_t *dll, const char* name ); // gpa
double (*Com_DoubleTime)( void ); // hi-res timer
dword (*Com_Milliseconds)( void ); // hi-res timer
// built-in imagelib functions
void (*ImglibSetup)( const char *formats, const uint flags ); // set main attributes
rgbdata_t *(*ImageLoad)( const char *, const byte *, size_t ); // load image from disk or buffer
void (*ImageSave)( const char *name, int format, rgbdata_t *image ); // save image into specified format
void (*ImageConvert)( rgbdata_t **pix, int w, int h, uint flags ); // image manipulations
void (*ImageFree)( rgbdata_t *pack ); // release image buffer
// random generator
long (*Com_RandomLong)( long lMin, long lMax ); // returns random integer
float (*Com_RandomFloat)( float fMin, float fMax ); // returns random float
// stdlib.c funcs
void (*strnupr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strnlwr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out); // convert string to lower case
void (*strupr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strlwr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to lower case
int (*strlen)( const char *string ); // returns string real length
int (*cstrlen)( const char *string ); // return string length without color prefixes
char (*toupper)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to upper case
char (*tolower)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to lower case
size_t (*strncat)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strcat)(char *dst, const char *src); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // copy string to existing buffer
size_t (*strcpy)(char *dst, const char *src); // copy string to existing buffer
char *(*stralloc)(byte *mp,const char *in,const char *file,int line); // create buffer and copy string here
int (*atoi)(const char *str); // convert string to integer
float (*atof)(const char *str); // convert string to float
void (*atov)( float *dst, const char *src, size_t n ); // convert string to vector
char *(*strchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster in string at left side
char *(*strrchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster in string at right side
int (*strnicmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*stricmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*strncmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case sensative
int (*strcmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case sensative
char *(*stristr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case insensative
char *(*strstr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case sensative
size_t (*strpack)( byte *buf, size_t pos, char *s1, int n ); // include string into buffer (same as strncat)
size_t (*strunpack)( byte *buf, size_t pos, char *s1 ); // extract string from buffer
int (*vsprintf)(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*sprintf)(char *buffer, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
char *(*va)(const char *format, ...); // print into temp buffer
int (*vsnprintf)(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*snprintf)(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
const char* (*timestamp)( int format ); // returns current time stamp
// stringtable system
int (*st_create)( const char *name, size_t max_strings );
const char *(*st_getstring)( int handle, string_t index );
string_t (*st_setstring)( int handle, const char *string );
int (*st_load)( wfile_t *wad, const char *name );
bool (*st_save)( int h, wfile_t *wad );
void (*st_remove)( int handle );
// misc utils
gameinfo_t *GameInfo; // user game info (filled by engine)
} stdlib_api_t;
// command buffer modes
#define EXEC_NOW 0
#define EXEC_INSERT 1
#define EXEC_APPEND 2
// timestamp modes
#define TIME_FULL 0
#define TIME_DATE_ONLY 1
#define TIME_TIME_ONLY 2
// cvar flags
#define CVAR_ARCHIVE 1 // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc
#define CVAR_USERINFO 2 // added to userinfo when changed
#define CVAR_SERVERINFO 4 // added to serverinfo when changed
#define CVAR_SYSTEMINFO 8 // don't changed from console, saved into config.dll
#define CVAR_INIT 16 // don't allow change from console at all, but can be set from the command line
#define CVAR_LATCH 32 // save changes until server restart
#define CVAR_READ_ONLY 64 // display only, cannot be set by user at all
#define CVAR_USER_CREATED 128 // created by a set command (prvm used)
#define CVAR_TEMP 256 // can be set even when cheats are disabled, but is not archived
#define CVAR_CHEAT 512 // can not be changed if cheats are disabled
#define CVAR_NORESTART 1024 // do not clear when a cvar_restart is issued
#define CVAR_MAXFLAGSVAL 2047 // maximum number of flags
#ifndef LAUNCH_DLL
don't add aliases for launch.dll so it will be conflicted width real names
memory manager funcs
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size) com.malloc(pool, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Realloc(pool, ptr, size) com.realloc(pool, ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Move(pool, ptr, data, size) com.move(pool, ptr, data, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Free(mem) com.free(mem, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocPool(name) com.mallocpool(name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_FreePool(pool) com.freepool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_EmptyPool(pool) com.clearpool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Copy(dest, src, size ) com.memcpy(dest, src, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Set(dest, val, size ) com.memcpy(dest, val, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Check() com.memcheck(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_CreateArray( p, s, n ) com.newarray( p, s, n, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_RemoveArray( array ) com.delarray( array, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocElement( array ) com.newelement( array, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_FreeElement( array, el ) com.delelement( array, el, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_GetElement( array, idx ) com.getelement( array, idx )
#define Mem_ArraySize( array ) com.arraysize( array )
parsing manager funcs
#define Com_ParseToken com.Com_ParseToken
#define Com_ParseWord com.Com_ParseWord
#define Com_SimpleGetToken com.Com_ParseToken_Simple
#define Com_SkipBracedSection com.Com_SkipBracedSection
#define Com_Filter com.Com_Filter
#define Com_HashKey com.Com_HashKey
#define Com_LoadScript com.Com_LoadScript
#define Com_IncludeScript com.Com_AddScript
#define Com_ResetScript com.Com_ResetScript
#define Com_GetToken com.Com_ReadToken
#define Com_TryToken com.Com_TryToken
#define Com_FreeToken com.Com_FreeToken
#define Com_SkipToken com.Com_SkipToken
#define Com_MatchToken com.Com_MatchToken
#define Com_PushScript com.Com_PushScript
#define Com_PopScript com.Com_PopScript
#define com_token com.com_token
#define scriptline com.com_scriptline
#define g_TXcommand com.GameInfo->TXcommand
#define g_Instance com.GameInfo->instance
filesystem manager
#define FS_AddGameHierarchy com.Com_AddGameHierarchy
#define FS_LoadGameInfo com.Com_LoadGameInfo
#define FS_InitRootDir com.Com_InitRootDir
#define FS_LoadFile com.Com_LoadFile
#define FS_Search com.Com_Search
#define FS_WriteFile com.Com_WriteFile
#define FS_Open( path, mode ) com.fopen( path, mode )
#define FS_Read( file, buffer, size ) com.fread( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_Write( file, buffer, size ) com.fwrite( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_StripExtension( path ) com.Com_StripExtension( path )
#define FS_ExtractFilePath( src, dest) com.Com_StripFilePath( src, dest )
#define FS_DefaultExtension com.Com_DefaultExtension
#define FS_FileExtension( ext ) com.Com_FileExtension( ext )
#define FS_FileExists( file ) com.Com_FileExists( file )
#define FS_FileSize( file ) com.Com_FileSize( file )
#define FS_FileTime( file ) com.Com_FileTime( file )
#define FS_Close( file ) com.fclose( file )
#define FS_FileBase( x, y ) com.Com_FileBase( x, y )
#define FS_LoadInternal( x, y ) com.Com_LoadRes( x, y )
#define FS_Printf com.fprintf
#define FS_Print com.fprint
#define FS_Seek com.fseek
#define FS_Tell com.ftell
#define FS_Gets com.fgets
#define FS_Gamedir com.GameInfo->gamedir
#define FS_Title com.GameInfo->title
#define FS_ClearSearchPath com.Com_ClearSearchPath
#define FS_CheckParm com.Com_CheckParm
#define FS_GetParmFromCmdLine com.Com_GetParm
network messages
#define NET_Init com.NET_Init
#define NET_Shutdown com.NET_Shutdown
#define NET_ShowIP com.NET_ShowIP
#define NET_Config com.NET_Config
#define NET_AdrToString com.NET_AdrToString
#define NET_IsLANAddress com.NET_IsLANAddress
#define Sys_StringToAdr com.NET_StringToAdr
#define Sys_SendPacket com.NET_SendPacket
console variables
#define Cvar_Get com.Cvar_Get
#define Cvar_LookupVars com.Cvar_LookupVars
#define Cvar_Set com.Cvar_SetString
#define Cvar_FullSet com.Cvar_FullSet
#define Cvar_SetLatched com.Cvar_SetLatched
#define Cvar_SetValue com.Cvar_SetValue
#define Cvar_VariableValue com.Cvar_GetValue
#define Cvar_VariableString com.Cvar_GetString
#define Cvar_FindVar com.Cvar_FindVar
#define userinfo_modified com.userinfo_modified
console commands
#define Cbuf_ExecuteText com.Cmd_Exec
#define Cbuf_AddText( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_APPEND, text )
#define Cmd_ExecuteString( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, text )
#define Cbuf_InsertText( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_INSERT, text )
#define Cbuf_Execute() com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, NULL )
#define Cmd_Argc com.Cmd_Argc
#define Cmd_Args com.Cmd_Args
#define Cmd_Argv com.Cmd_Argv
#define Cmd_TokenizeString com.Cmd_TokenizeString
#define Cmd_LookupCmds com.Cmd_LookupCmds
#define Cmd_AddCommand com.Cmd_AddCommand
#define Cmd_RemoveCommand com.Cmd_DelCommand
virtual filesystem manager
#define VFS_Create com.vfcreate
#define VFS_GetBuffer com.vfbuffer
#define VFS_Open com.vfopen
#define VFS_Write com.vfwrite
#define VFS_Read com.vfread
#define VFS_Print com.vfprint
#define VFS_Printf com.vfprintf
#define VFS_Gets com.vfgets
#define VFS_Seek com.vfseek
#define VFS_Tell com.vftell
#define VFS_Eof com.vfeof
#define VFS_Close com.vfclose
#define VFS_Unpack com.vfunpack
wadstorage filesystem manager
#define WAD_Open com.wfopen
#define WAD_Check com.wfcheck
#define WAD_Close com.wfclose
#define WAD_Write com.wfwrite
#define WAD_Read com.wfread
crclib manager
#define CRC_Init com.crc_init
#define CRC_Block com.crc_block
#define CRC_ProcessByte com.crc_process
#define CRC_Sequence com.crc_sequence
#define Com_BlockChecksum com.crc_blockchecksum
#define Com_BlockChecksumKey com.crc_blockchecksumkey
imglib manager
#define FS_LoadImage com.ImageLoad
#define FS_SaveImage com.ImageSave
#define FS_FreeImage com.ImageFree
#define Image_Init com.ImglibSetup
#define Image_Process com.ImageConvert
misc utils
#define GI com.GameInfo
#define Msg com.printf
#define MsgDev com.dprintf
#define Sys_LoadLibrary com.Com_LoadLibrary
#define Sys_FreeLibrary com.Com_FreeLibrary
#define Sys_GetProcAddress com.Com_GetProcAddress
#define Sys_NewInstance com.instance
#define Sys_Sleep com.sleep
#define Sys_Print com.print
#define Sys_GetEvent com.getevent
#define Sys_QueEvent com.queevent
#define Sys_GetClipboardData com.clipboard
#define Sys_Quit com.exit
#define Sys_Break com.abort
#define Sys_DoubleTime com.Com_DoubleTime
#define Sys_Milliseconds com.Com_Milliseconds
#define GetNumThreads com.Com_NumThreads
#define ThreadLock com.Com_ThreadLock
#define ThreadUnlock com.Com_ThreadUnlock
#define RunThreadsOnIndividual com.Com_CreateThread
#define Com_RandomLong com.Com_RandomLong
#define Com_RandomFloat com.Com_RandomFloat
#define StringTable_Create com.st_create
#define StringTable_Delete com.st_remove
#define StringTable_GetString com.st_getstring
#define StringTable_SetString com.st_setstring
#define StringTable_Load com.st_load
#define StringTable_Save com.st_save
stdlib function names that not across with windows stdlib
#define timestamp com.timestamp
#define copystring( str ) com.stralloc( NULL, str, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define va com.va
internal physic data
hold linear and angular velocity, current position stored too
@ -939,27 +197,6 @@ typedef struct physdata_s
physbody_t *body; // ptr to physic body
} physdata_t;
console variables
external and internal cvars struct have some differences
#ifndef LAUNCH_DLL
typedef struct cvar_s
char *name;
char *string; // normal string
float value; // atof( string )
int integer; // atoi( string )
bool modified; // set each time the cvar is changed
} cvar_t;
// euler angle order
#define PITCH 0
#define YAW 1

public/vprogs_api.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// vprogs_api.h - xash virtual machine
#ifndef VPROGS_API_H
#define VPROGS_API_H

View File

@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ typedef struct
GLuint glTarget;
GLuint glSamples;
// image loader
bool (*texImage)( GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLuint, GLuint, GLint, GLuint, const GLvoid* );
uint tflags; // TF_ flags
uint flags; // IMAGE_ flags
byte *pal;
@ -232,7 +235,7 @@ void R_TextureList_f( void )
Msg( "%4i: ", i );
Msg( "%4i %4i ", texture->width, texture->height );
Msg("%3s", PFDesc[texture->type].name );
Msg("%3s", PFDesc( texture->type )->name );
switch( texture->target )
@ -406,12 +409,12 @@ void R_SetPixelFormat( int width, int height, int depth )
int BlockSize;
BlockSize = PFDesc[image_desc.format].block;
image_desc.bpp = PFDesc[image_desc.format].bpp;
image_desc.bpc = PFDesc[image_desc.format].bpc;
BlockSize = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->block;
image_desc.bpp = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->bpp;
image_desc.bpc = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->bpc;
image_desc.glMask = PFDesc[image_desc.format].glmask;
image_desc.glType = PFDesc[image_desc.format].gltype;
image_desc.glMask = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->glmask;
image_desc.glType = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->gltype;
image_desc.numLayers = depth;
image_desc.width = width;
@ -439,69 +442,60 @@ bool R_GetPixelFormat( rgbdata_t *pic, uint tex_flags, float bumpScale )
if( !pic || !pic->buffer ) return false;
Mem_EmptyPool( r_imagepool ); // flush buffers
memset( &image_desc + MAX_STRING, 0, sizeof(image_desc) - MAX_STRING );
for(i = 0; i < PF_TOTALCOUNT; i++)
memset( &image_desc + MAX_STRING, 0, sizeof(image_desc) - MAX_STRING ); // FIXME
BlockSize = PFDesc( pic->type )->block;
image_desc.bpp = PFDesc( pic->type )->bpp;
image_desc.bpc = PFDesc( pic->type )->bpc;
image_desc.glMask = PFDesc( pic->type )->glmask;
image_desc.glType = PFDesc( pic->type )->gltype;
image_desc.format = pic->type;
image_desc.numLayers = d = pic->numLayers;
image_desc.width = w = pic->width;
image_desc.height = h = pic->height;
image_desc.flags = pic->flags;
image_desc.tflags = tex_flags;
image_desc.bps = image_desc.width * image_desc.bpp * image_desc.bpc;
image_desc.SizeOfPlane = image_desc.bps * image_desc.height;
image_desc.SizeOfData = image_desc.SizeOfPlane * image_desc.numLayers;
image_desc.BitsCount = pic->bitsCount;
image_desc.bumpScale = bumpScale;
// now correct buffer size
for( i = 0; i < pic->numMips; i++, totalsize += mipsize )
if(pic->type == PFDesc[i].format)
BlockSize = PFDesc[i].block;
image_desc.bpp = PFDesc[i].bpp;
image_desc.bpc = PFDesc[i].bpc;
image_desc.glMask = PFDesc[i].glmask;
image_desc.glType = PFDesc[i].gltype;
image_desc.format = pic->type;
mipsize = R_GetImageSize( BlockSize, w, h, d, image_desc.bpp, image_desc.BitsCount / 8 );
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1;
if( i != PF_TOTALCOUNT ) // make sure what match found
if( tex_flags & ( TF_IMAGE2D|TF_SKYSIDE ))
image_desc.numLayers = d = pic->numLayers;
image_desc.width = w = pic->width;
image_desc.height = h = pic->height;
image_desc.flags = pic->flags;
image_desc.tflags = tex_flags;
image_desc.bps = image_desc.width * image_desc.bpp * image_desc.bpc;
image_desc.SizeOfPlane = image_desc.bps * image_desc.height;
image_desc.SizeOfData = image_desc.SizeOfPlane * image_desc.numLayers;
image_desc.BitsCount = pic->bitsCount;
image_desc.bumpScale = bumpScale;
// now correct buffer size
for( i = 0; i < pic->numMips; i++, totalsize += mipsize )
mipsize = R_GetImageSize( BlockSize, w, h, d, image_desc.bpp, image_desc.BitsCount / 8 );
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1;
if( tex_flags & ( TF_IMAGE2D|TF_SKYSIDE ))
// don't build mips for sky and hud pics
image_desc.tflags &= ~TF_GEN_MIPMAPS;
image_desc.MipCount = 1; // and ignore it to load
else if( pic->numMips > 1 )
// .dds, .wal or .mip image
image_desc.tflags &= ~TF_GEN_MIPMAPS;
image_desc.MipCount = pic->numMips;
image_desc.tflags |= TF_MIPMAPS;
// so it normal texture without mips
image_desc.tflags |= (TF_MIPMAPS|TF_GEN_MIPMAPS);
image_desc.MipCount = pic->numMips;
if( image_desc.MipCount < 1 ) image_desc.MipCount = 1;
image_desc.pal = pic->palette;
// check for permanent images
if( image_desc.format == PF_RGBA_GN ) image_desc.tflags |= TF_STATIC;
if( tex_flags & TF_IMAGE2D ) image_desc.tflags |= TF_STATIC;
// don't build mips for sky and hud pics
image_desc.tflags &= ~TF_GEN_MIPMAPS;
image_desc.MipCount = 1; // and ignore it to load
else if( pic->numMips > 1 )
// .dds, .wal or .mip image
image_desc.tflags &= ~TF_GEN_MIPMAPS;
image_desc.MipCount = pic->numMips;
image_desc.tflags |= TF_MIPMAPS;
// so it normal texture without mips
image_desc.tflags |= (TF_MIPMAPS|TF_GEN_MIPMAPS);
image_desc.MipCount = pic->numMips;
if( image_desc.MipCount < 1 ) image_desc.MipCount = 1;
image_desc.pal = pic->palette;
// check for permanent images
if( image_desc.format == PF_RGBA_GN ) image_desc.tflags |= TF_STATIC;
if( tex_flags & TF_IMAGE2D ) image_desc.tflags |= TF_STATIC;
// restore temp dimensions
w = image_desc.width;
@ -903,7 +897,7 @@ void GL_GenerateMipmaps( int width, int height )
// g-cont. because i'm don't know how to generate miplevels for GL_FLOAT or GL_SHORT_REV_1_bla_bla
// ok, please show me videocard which don't supported GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS ...
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_GenerateMipmaps: software mip generator failed on %s\n", PFDesc[image_desc.format].name );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_GenerateMipmaps: software mip generator failed on %s\n", PFDesc( image_desc.format )->name );
@ -920,349 +914,21 @@ void GL_GenerateMipmaps( int width, int height )
cpu version of decompress dds
bool qrsCompressedTexImage2D( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
bool R_LoadImageDXT( GLuint target, GLint level, GLint intformat, GLuint width, GLuint height, GLint border, GLuint imageSize, const GLvoid* data )
color32 colours[4], *col;
uint bits, bitmask, Offset;
int scaled_width, scaled_height;
word sAlpha, sColor0, sColor1;
byte *fin, *fout = image_desc.source;
byte alphas[8], *alpha, *alphamask;
int w, h, x, y, z, i, j, k, Select;
uint *scaled = (uint *)image_desc.scaled;
bool has_alpha = false;
GLuint dxtformat;
if (!data) return false;
fin = (byte *)data;
w = width;
h = height;
switch( internalformat )
switch( intformat )
case PF_DXT1:
colours[0].a = 0xFF;
colours[1].a = 0xFF;
colours[2].a = 0xFF;
for (z = 0; z < image_desc.numLayers; z++)
for (y = 0; y < h; y += 4)
for (x = 0; x < w; x += 4)
sColor0 = *((word*)fin);
sColor0 = LittleShort(sColor0);
sColor1 = *((word*)(fin + 2));
sColor1 = LittleShort(sColor1);
R_DXTReadColor(sColor0, colours);
R_DXTReadColor(sColor1, colours + 1);
bitmask = ((uint*)fin)[1];
bitmask = LittleLong( bitmask );
fin += 8;
if (sColor0 > sColor1)
// Four-color block: derive the other two colors.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2, 11 = color_3
// These 2-bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
colours[2].b = (2 * colours[0].b + colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[2].g = (2 * colours[0].g + colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[2].r = (2 * colours[0].r + colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
colours[3].b = (colours[0].b + 2 * colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[3].g = (colours[0].g + 2 * colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[3].r = (colours[0].r + 2 * colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
colours[3].a = 0xFF;
// Three-color block: derive the other color.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2,
// 11 = transparent.
// These 2-bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
colours[2].b = (colours[0].b + colours[1].b) / 2;
colours[2].g = (colours[0].g + colours[1].g) / 2;
colours[2].r = (colours[0].r + colours[1].r) / 2;
colours[3].b = (colours[0].b + 2 * colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[3].g = (colours[0].g + 2 * colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[3].r = (colours[0].r + 2 * colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
colours[3].a = 0x00;
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, k++)
Select = (bitmask & (0x03 << k*2)) >> k*2;
col = &colours[Select];
if (((x + i) < w) && ((y + j) < h))
uint ofs = z * image_desc.SizeOfPlane + (y + j) * image_desc.bps + (x + i) * image_desc.bpp;
fout[ofs + 0] = col->r;
fout[ofs + 1] = col->g;
fout[ofs + 2] = col->b;
fout[ofs + 3] = col->a;
if(col->a == 0) has_alpha = true;
case PF_DXT3:
for (z = 0; z < image_desc.numLayers; z++)
for (y = 0; y < h; y += 4)
for (x = 0; x < w; x += 4)
alpha = fin;
fin += 8;
R_DXTReadColors(fin, colours);
bitmask = ((uint*)fin)[1];
bitmask = LittleLong(bitmask);
fin += 8;
// Four-color block: derive the other two colors.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2, 11 = color_3
// These 2-bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
colours[2].b = (2 * colours[0].b + colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[2].g = (2 * colours[0].g + colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[2].r = (2 * colours[0].r + colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
colours[3].b = (colours[0].b + 2 * colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[3].g = (colours[0].g + 2 * colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[3].r = (colours[0].r + 2 * colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
k = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, k++)
Select = (bitmask & (0x03 << k*2)) >> k*2;
col = &colours[Select];
if (((x + i) < w) && ((y + j) < h))
Offset = z * image_desc.SizeOfPlane + (y + j) * image_desc.bps + (x + i) * image_desc.bpp;
fout[Offset + 0] = col->r;
fout[Offset + 1] = col->g;
fout[Offset + 2] = col->b;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
sAlpha = alpha[2*j] + 256*alpha[2*j+1];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (((x + i) < w) && ((y + j) < h))
Offset = z * image_desc.SizeOfPlane + (y + j) * image_desc.bps + (x + i) * image_desc.bpp + 3;
fout[Offset] = sAlpha & 0x0F;
fout[Offset] = fout[Offset] | (fout[Offset]<<4);
if(sAlpha == 0) has_alpha = true;
sAlpha >>= 4;
case PF_DXT5:
for (z = 0; z < image_desc.numLayers; z++)
for (y = 0; y < h; y += 4)
for (x = 0; x < w; x += 4)
if (y >= h || x >= w) break;
alphas[0] = fin[0];
alphas[1] = fin[1];
alphamask = fin + 2;
fin += 8;
R_DXTReadColors(fin, colours);
bitmask = ((uint*)fin)[1];
bitmask = LittleLong(bitmask);
fin += 8;
// Four-color block: derive the other two colors.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2, 11 = color_3
// These 2-bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
colours[2].b = (2 * colours[0].b + colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[2].g = (2 * colours[0].g + colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[2].r = (2 * colours[0].r + colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
colours[3].b = (colours[0].b + 2 * colours[1].b + 1) / 3;
colours[3].g = (colours[0].g + 2 * colours[1].g + 1) / 3;
colours[3].r = (colours[0].r + 2 * colours[1].r + 1) / 3;
k = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, k++)
Select = (bitmask & (0x03 << k*2)) >> k*2;
col = &colours[Select];
// only put pixels out < width or height
if (((x + i) < w) && ((y + j) < h))
Offset = z * image_desc.SizeOfPlane + (y + j) * image_desc.bps + (x + i) * image_desc.bpp;
fout[Offset + 0] = col->r;
fout[Offset + 1] = col->g;
fout[Offset + 2] = col->b;
// 8-alpha or 6-alpha block?
if (alphas[0] > alphas[1])
// 8-alpha block: derive the other six alphas.
// Bit code 000 = alpha_0, 001 = alpha_1, others are interpolated.
alphas[2] = (6 * alphas[0] + 1 * alphas[1] + 3) / 7; // bit code 010
alphas[3] = (5 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1] + 3) / 7; // bit code 011
alphas[4] = (4 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1] + 3) / 7; // bit code 100
alphas[5] = (3 * alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1] + 3) / 7; // bit code 101
alphas[6] = (2 * alphas[0] + 5 * alphas[1] + 3) / 7; // bit code 110
alphas[7] = (1 * alphas[0] + 6 * alphas[1] + 3) / 7; // bit code 111
// 6-alpha block.
// Bit code 000 = alpha_0, 001 = alpha_1, others are interpolated.
alphas[2] = (4 * alphas[0] + 1 * alphas[1] + 2) / 5; // Bit code 010
alphas[3] = (3 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1] + 2) / 5; // Bit code 011
alphas[4] = (2 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1] + 2) / 5; // Bit code 100
alphas[5] = (1 * alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1] + 2) / 5; // Bit code 101
alphas[6] = 0x00; // Bit code 110
alphas[7] = 0xFF; // Bit code 111
// Note: Have to separate the next two loops,
// it operates on a 6-byte system.
// First three bytes
bits = (alphamask[0]) | (alphamask[1] << 8) | (alphamask[2] << 16);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// only put pixels out < width or height
if (((x + i) < w) && ((y + j) < h))
Offset = z * image_desc.SizeOfPlane + (y + j) * image_desc.bps + (x + i) * image_desc.bpp + 3;
fout[Offset] = alphas[bits & 0x07];
bits >>= 3;
// Last three bytes
bits = (alphamask[3]) | (alphamask[4] << 8) | (alphamask[5] << 16);
for (j = 2; j < 4; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// only put pixels out < width or height
if (((x + i) < w) && ((y + j) < h))
Offset = z * image_desc.SizeOfPlane + (y + j) * image_desc.bps + (x + i) * image_desc.bpp + 3;
fout[Offset] = alphas[bits & 0x07];
if(bits & 0x07) has_alpha = true;
bits >>= 3;
MsgDev(D_WARN, "qrsCompressedTexImage2D: invalid compression type: %s\n", PFDesc[internalformat].name );
return false;
case PF_DXT1: dxtformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break;
case PF_DXT3: dxtformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break;
case PF_DXT5: dxtformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break;
default: return false;
scaled_width = w;
scaled_height = h;
R_RoundImageDimensions(&scaled_width, &scaled_height );
// upload base image or miplevel
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_COMPRESS )
image_desc.glSamples = (has_alpha) ? GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB : GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB;
else image_desc.glSamples = (has_alpha) ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB;
R_ResampleTexture ((uint *)fout, w, h, scaled, scaled_width, scaled_height);
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( scaled_width, scaled_height ); // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D ( target, level, image_desc.glSamples, scaled_width, scaled_height, border, image_desc.glMask, image_desc.glType, (byte *)scaled );
if(pglGetError()) return false;
return true;
bool CompressedTexImage2D( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
uint dxtformat = 0;
uint pixformat = PFDesc[intformat].format;
switch( pixformat )
case PF_DXT1: dxtformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break;
case PF_DXT3: dxtformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break;
case PF_DXT5: dxtformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break;
default: use_gl_extension = false; break;
else use_gl_extension = false;
if( use_gl_extension )
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( width, height ); // generate mips if needed
pglCompressedTexImage2DARB( target, level, dxtformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data );
if(!pglGetError()) return true;
// otherwise try loading with software unpacker
return qrsCompressedTexImage2D( target, level, pixformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data );
bool R_LoadImageDXT( byte *data, GLuint target )
int i, size = 0;
int w = image_desc.width;
int h = image_desc.height;
int d = image_desc.numLayers;
double time;
time = Sys_DoubleTime();
for( i = 0; i < image_desc.MipCount; i++, data += size )
R_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
size = image_desc.SizeOfFile;
if(!CompressedTexImage2D( target, i, image_desc.format, w, h, 0, size, data ))
break; // there were errors
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1; //calc size of next mip
totalTime += Sys_DoubleTime() - time;
return true;
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( width, height ); // generate mips if needed
pglCompressedTexImage2DARB( target, level, dxtformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data );
return !pglGetError();
@ -1272,7 +938,7 @@ qrsDecompressedTexImage2D
cpu version of loading non paletted rgba buffer
bool qrsDecompressedTexImage2D( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
bool R_LoadImageRGBA( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
byte *fin;
int i, p;
@ -1286,7 +952,7 @@ bool qrsDecompressedTexImage2D( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint
scaled_width = width;
scaled_height = height;
switch( PFDesc[internalformat].format )
switch( intformat )
case PF_INDEXED_24:
if( image_desc.flags & IMAGE_HAVE_ALPHA )
@ -1342,7 +1008,7 @@ bool qrsDecompressedTexImage2D( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint
fout = fin; // nothing to process
MsgDev(D_WARN, "qrsDecompressedTexImage2D: invalid compression type: %s\n", PFDesc[internalformat].name );
MsgDev(D_WARN, "qrsDecompressedTexImage2D: invalid compression type: %s\n", PFDesc( intformat )->name );
return false;
@ -1354,131 +1020,14 @@ bool qrsDecompressedTexImage2D( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( scaled_width, scaled_height ); // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D( target, level, image_desc.glSamples, scaled_width, scaled_height, border, image_desc.glMask, image_desc.glType, (byte *)scaled );
if(pglGetError()) return false;
return true;
return !pglGetError();
bool R_LoadImageRGBA( byte *data, GLuint target )
bool R_LoadImageARGB( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
int i, size = 0;
int w = image_desc.width;
int h = image_desc.height;
int d = image_desc.numLayers; // ABGR_64 may using some layers
uint argbformat, datatype;
for( i = 0; i < image_desc.MipCount; i++, data += size )
R_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
size = image_desc.SizeOfFile;
if(!qrsDecompressedTexImage2D( target, i, image_desc.format, w, h, 0, size, data ))
break; // there were errors
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1; // calc size of next mip
return true;
bool qrsDecompressImageARGB( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
uint ReadI = 0, TempBpp;
uint RedL, RedR, GreenL, GreenR, BlueL, BlueR, AlphaL, AlphaR;
uint r_bitmask, g_bitmask, b_bitmask, a_bitmask;
uint *scaled = (unsigned *)image_desc.scaled;
byte *fin, *fout = image_desc.source;
bool has_alpha = false;
int scaled_width, scaled_height;
int i, w, h;
if (!data) return false;
byte *pal = image_desc.pal; // copy ptr
r_bitmask = BuffLittleLong( pal ); pal += 4;
g_bitmask = BuffLittleLong( pal ); pal += 4;
b_bitmask = BuffLittleLong( pal ); pal += 4;
a_bitmask = BuffLittleLong( pal ); pal += 4;
MsgDev(D_ERROR, "R_StoreImageARGB: can't get RGBA bitmask\n" );
return false;
R_GetBitsFromMask(r_bitmask, &RedL, &RedR);
R_GetBitsFromMask(g_bitmask, &GreenL, &GreenR);
R_GetBitsFromMask(b_bitmask, &BlueL, &BlueR);
R_GetBitsFromMask(a_bitmask, &AlphaL, &AlphaR);
fin = (byte *)data;
w = width;
h = height;
TempBpp = image_desc.BitsCount / 8;
for( i = 0; i < image_desc.SizeOfData; i += image_desc.bpp )
// TODO: This is SLOOOW...
// but the old version crashed in release build under
// winxp (and xp is right to stop this code - I always
// wondered that it worked the old way at all)
if( image_desc.SizeOfData - i < 4 )
// less than 4 byte to write?
if( TempBpp == 1 ) ReadI = *((byte*)fin);
else if( TempBpp == 2 ) ReadI = BuffLittleShort( fin );
else if( TempBpp == 3 ) ReadI = BuffLittleLong( fin );
else ReadI = BuffLittleLong( fin );
fin += TempBpp;
fout[i] = ((ReadI & r_bitmask)>> RedR) << RedL;
if( image_desc.bpp >= 3 )
fout[i+1] = ((ReadI & g_bitmask) >> GreenR) << GreenL;
fout[i+2] = ((ReadI & b_bitmask) >> BlueR) << BlueL;
if (image_desc.bpp == 4)
fout[i+3] = ((ReadI & a_bitmask) >> AlphaR) << AlphaL;
if (AlphaL >= 7) fout[i+3] = fout[i+3] ? 0xFF : 0x00;
else if (AlphaL >= 4) fout[i+3] = fout[i+3] | (fout[i+3] >> 4);
else if (image_desc.bpp == 2)
fout[i+1] = ((ReadI & a_bitmask) >> AlphaR) << AlphaL;
if (AlphaL >= 7) fout[i+1] = fout[i+1] ? 0xFF : 0x00;
else if (AlphaL >= 4) fout[i+1] = fout[i+1] | (fout[i+3] >> 4);
scaled_width = w;
scaled_height = h;
R_RoundImageDimensions( &scaled_width, &scaled_height );
// upload base image or miplevel
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_COMPRESS )
image_desc.glSamples = (has_alpha) ? GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB : GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB;
else image_desc.glSamples = (has_alpha) ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB;
R_ResampleTexture ((uint *)fout, w, h, scaled, scaled_width, scaled_height);
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( scaled_width, scaled_height ); // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D ( target, level, image_desc.glSamples, scaled_width, scaled_height, border, image_desc.glMask, image_desc.glType, (byte *)scaled );
if(pglGetError()) return false;
return true;
bool DecompressImageARGB( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
uint argbformat = 0;
uint datatype = 0;
uint pixformat = PFDesc[intformat].format;
switch( pixformat )
switch( intformat )
case PF_ARGB_32:
@ -1487,93 +1036,37 @@ bool DecompressImageARGB( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uin
argbformat = GL_RGB5_A1;
datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
default: use_gl_extension = false; break;
default: return false;
if( use_gl_extension )
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( width, height ); // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D( target, level, argbformat, width, height, border, image_desc.glMask, datatype, data );
if(!pglGetError()) return true;
// otherwise try loading with software unpacker
return qrsDecompressImageARGB(target, level, pixformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data );
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( width, height ); // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D( target, level, argbformat, width, height, border, image_desc.glMask, datatype, data );
return !pglGetError();
bool R_LoadImageARGB( byte *data, GLuint target )
bool R_LoadImageFloat( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
int i, size = 0;
int w = image_desc.width;
int h = image_desc.height;
int d = image_desc.numLayers;
uint floatformat, datatype;
for( i = 0; i < image_desc.MipCount; i++, data += size )
R_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
size = image_desc.SizeOfFile;
if(!DecompressImageARGB( target, i, image_desc.format, w, h, 0, size, data ))
break; //there were errors
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1; // calc size of next mip
return true;
bool qrsDecompressImageFloat( uint target, int level, int internalformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
// not implemented
return false;
bool DecompressImageFloat( uint target, int level, int intformat, uint width, uint height, int border, uint imageSize, const void* data )
uint floatformat = 0;
uint datatype = 0;
uint pixformat = PFDesc[intformat].format;
switch( pixformat )
switch( intformat )
case PF_R_16F:
case PF_R_32F:
case PF_GR_32F:
case PF_GR_64F:
case PF_ABGR_64F:
case PF_ABGR_128F:
floatformat = GL_FLOAT;
datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV;
default: use_gl_extension = false; break;
default: return false;
if( use_gl_extension )
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( width, height ); // generate mips if needed // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D( target, level, floatformat, width, height, border, image_desc.glMask, datatype, data );
if(!pglGetError()) return true;
// otherwise try loading with software unpacker
return qrsDecompressImageFloat( target, level, pixformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data );
if( !level ) GL_GenerateMipmaps( width, height ); // generate mips if needed // generate mips if needed
pglTexImage2D( target, level, floatformat, width, height, border, image_desc.glMask, datatype, data );
return !pglGetError();
bool R_LoadImageFloat( byte *data, GLuint target )
int i, size = 0;
int w = image_desc.width;
int h = image_desc.height;
int d = image_desc.numLayers;
for( i = 0; i < image_desc.MipCount; i++, data += size )
R_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
size = image_desc.SizeOfFile;
if(!DecompressImageFloat( target, i, image_desc.format, w, h, 0, size, data ))
break; // there were errors
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1; // calc size of next mip
return true;
@ -1619,28 +1112,45 @@ texture_t *R_FindCubeMapTexture( const char *name, uint flags, float bumpScale )
bool R_UploadTexture( byte *buffer, int type, GLuint target )
bool iResult;
int i, size = 0;
int w = image_desc.width;
int h = image_desc.height;
int d = image_desc.numLayers;
switch( type )
case PF_RGB_24:
case PF_ABGR_64:
case PF_RGBA_32:
case PF_RGBA_GN:
case PF_INDEXED_24:
case PF_INDEXED_32: iResult = R_LoadImageRGBA( buffer, target ); break;
case PF_ABGR_64:
case PF_RGBA_GN: image_desc.texImage = R_LoadImageRGBA; break;
case PF_ARGB_32: iResult = R_LoadImageARGB( buffer, target ); break;
case PF_ARGB_32: image_desc.texImage = R_LoadImageARGB; break;
case PF_DXT1:
case PF_DXT3:
case PF_DXT5: iResult = R_LoadImageDXT( buffer, target ); break;
case PF_ABGR_128F: iResult = R_LoadImageFloat( buffer, target ); break;
case PF_UNKNOWN: iResult = false; break;
case PF_DXT5: image_desc.texImage = R_LoadImageDXT; break;
case PF_R_16F:
case PF_R_32F:
case PF_GR_32F:
case PF_GR_64F:
case PF_ABGR_64F:
case PF_ABGR_128F: image_desc.texImage = R_LoadImageFloat; break;
default: return false;
return iResult;
for( i = 0; i < image_desc.MipCount; i++, buffer += size )
R_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
size = image_desc.SizeOfFile;
if( !image_desc.texImage( target, i, image_desc.format, w, h, 0, size, buffer ))
return false; // there were errors
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1; // calc size of next mip
return true;
@ -1724,9 +1234,9 @@ texture_t *R_LoadTexture( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, uint flags, float bu
offset = image_desc.SizeOfFile; // move pointer
if( numsides == 6 )
MsgDev( D_LOAD, "%s[%i] [%s] \n", name, i, PFDesc[image_desc.format].name );
else MsgDev( D_LOAD, "%s [%s] \n", name, PFDesc[image_desc.format].name );
R_UploadTexture( buf, pic->type, target + i );
MsgDev( D_LOAD, "%s[%i] [%s] \n", name, i, PFDesc( image_desc.format )->name );
else MsgDev( D_LOAD, "%s [%s] \n", name, PFDesc( image_desc.format )->name );
iResult = R_UploadTexture( buf, pic->type, target + i );
// check for errors
if( !iResult )
@ -1798,7 +1308,7 @@ bool VID_ScreenShot( const char *filename, bool levelshot )
r_shot->width = r_width->integer;
r_shot->height = r_height->integer;
r_shot->type = PF_RGB_24;
r_shot->size = r_shot->width * r_shot->height * PFDesc[r_shot->type].bpp;
r_shot->size = r_shot->width * r_shot->height * PFDesc( r_shot->type )->bpp;
r_shot->palette = NULL;
r_shot->numLayers = 1;
r_shot->numMips = 1;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "ripper.h"
#include "qc_gen.h"
#define VDBSPMODHEADER (('P'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('B'<<8)+'V') // little-endian "VBSP" hl2 bsp's
#define IDIWADHEADER (('D'<<24)+('A'<<16)+('W'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IWAD" doom1 game wad
#define IDPWADHEADER (('D'<<24)+('A'<<16)+('W'<<8)+'P') // little-endian "PWAD" doom1 game wad
#define IDWAD2HEADER (('2'<<24)+('D'<<16)+('A'<<8)+'W') // little-endian "WAD2" quake1 gfx.wad
@ -138,10 +139,6 @@ bool Conv_CheckMap( const char *mapname )
case IDBSPMODHEADER: // continue checking
switch( hdr.version )
case 18:
game_family = GAME_HALFLIFE2_BETA;
FS_Close( f );
return true;
case 38:
game_family = GAME_QUAKE2;
FS_Close( f );
@ -159,6 +156,19 @@ bool Conv_CheckMap( const char *mapname )
FS_Close( f );
return true;
case VDBSPMODHEADER: // continue checking
switch( hdr.version )
case 18:
game_family = GAME_HALFLIFE2_BETA;
FS_Close( f );
return true;
case 19:
case 20:
game_family = GAME_HALFLIFE2;
FS_Close( f );
return true;
game_family = GAME_GENERIC;
FS_Close( f );

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ string gs_searchmask;
#define MAX_SEARCHMASK 128
string searchmask[MAX_SEARCHMASK];
int num_searchmask = 0;
bool write_qscsript;
int game_family;
typedef struct convformat_s
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ convformat_t convert_formats[] =
{"%s.%s", "mip", ConvMIP}, // Quake1/Half-Life textures
{"%s.%s", "lmp", ConvLMP}, // Quake1/Half-Life gfx
{"%s.%s", "wal", ConvWAL}, // Quake2 textures
{"%s.%s", "vtf", ConvVTF}, // Half-Life 2 materials
{"%s.%s", "skn", ConvSKN}, // doom1 sprite models
{"%s.%s", "bsp", ConvBSP}, // Quake1\Half-Life map textures
{"%s.%s", "mus", ConvMID}, // Quake1\Half-Life map textures
@ -51,22 +53,21 @@ bool ConvertResource( const char *filename )
convformat_t *format;
const char *ext = FS_FileExtension( filename );
char path[128], convname[128], basename[128];
bool anyformat = !com.stricmp(ext, "") ? true : false;
string path, convname, basename;
int filesize = 0;
byte *buffer = NULL;
com.strncpy( convname, filename, sizeof(convname)-1);
com.strncpy( convname, filename, sizeof( convname ));
FS_StripExtension( convname ); // remove extension if needed
// now try all the formats in the selected list
for (format = convert_formats; format->formatstring; format++)
for( format = convert_formats; format->formatstring; format++ )
if( anyformat || !com.stricmp( ext, format->ext ))
com.sprintf( path, format->formatstring, convname, format->ext );
buffer = FS_LoadFile( path, &filesize );
FS_FileBase( path, basename );
if( buffer && filesize > 0 )
// this path may contains wadname: wadfile/lumpname
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ bool ConvertResource( const char *filename )
if( buffer ) Mem_Free( buffer ); // release buffer
FS_FileBase( convname, basename );
MsgDev(D_WARN, "ConvertResource: couldn't load \"%s\"\n", basename );
return false;
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
search_t *search;
string errorstring;
int i, j, numConvertedRes = 0;
int i, j, imageflags, numConvertedRes = 0;
cvar_t *fs_defaultdir = Cvar_Get( "fs_defaultdir", "tmpQuArK", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, NULL );
memset( errorstring, 0, MAX_STRING );
@ -168,6 +170,8 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
if( game_family ) Msg("Game: %s family\n", game_names[game_family] );
write_qscsript = false;
switch( game_family )
@ -195,6 +199,9 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
AddMask( "*.snd" ); // Doom1 sounds
AddMask( "*.mus" ); // Doom1 music
imageflags |= IL_KEEP_8BIT;
Image_Init( "Doom1", imageflags );
write_qscsript = true;
@ -210,6 +217,9 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
AddMask( "*.sp32");
AddMask( "*.spr" );
AddMask( "*.mip" );
imageflags |= IL_KEEP_8BIT;
write_qscsript = true;
Image_Init( "Quake1", imageflags );
search = FS_Search("textures/*", true );
@ -226,13 +236,53 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
AddMask( "sprites/*.sp2" ); // Quake2 sprites
AddMask( "pics/*.pcx"); // Quake2 pics
AddMask( "env/*.pcx" ); // Quake2 skyboxes
imageflags |= IL_KEEP_8BIT;
write_qscsript = true;
Image_Init( "Quake2", imageflags );
search = FS_Search("textures/*", true );
if( search )
// find subdirectories
for( i = 0; i < search->numfilenames; i++ )
AddMask(va("%s/*.jpg", search->filenames[i]));
Mem_Free( search );
else AddMask( "*.jpg" ); // Quake3 textures
search = FS_Search("gfx/*", true );
if( search )
// find subdirectories
for( i = 0; i < search->numfilenames; i++ )
AddMask(va("%s/*.jpg", search->filenames[i]));
Mem_Free( search );
else AddMask( "gfx/*.jpg" ); // Quake3 hud pics
AddMask( "sprites/*.jpg" ); // Quake3 sprite frames
Image_Init( "Quake3", imageflags );
Sys_Break("Sorry, nothing to decompile (not implemeneted yet)\n" );
search = FS_Search("materials/*", true );
// hl2 like using double included sub-dirs
for( i = 0; search && i < search->numfilenames; i++ )
search_t *search2 = FS_Search( va("%s/*", search->filenames[i] ), true );
for( j = 0; search2 && j < search2->numfilenames; j++ )
AddMask(va("%s/*.vtf", search2->filenames[j]));
if( search2 ) Mem_Free( search2 );
if( search ) Mem_Free( search );
else AddMask( "*.jpg" ); // Quake3 textures
Image_Init( "Half-Life 2", imageflags );
// i'm lazy today and i'm forget textures representation of IdTech4 :)
Sys_Break( "Sorry, nothing to decompile (not implemeneted yet)\n" );
Image_Init( "Quake4", imageflags );
search = FS_Search("*.wad", true );
@ -254,11 +304,17 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
AddMask( "maps/*.bsp" ); // textures from bsp
AddMask( "sprites/*.spr" ); // Half-Life sprites
imageflags |= IL_KEEP_8BIT;
write_qscsript = true;
Image_Init( "Half-Life", imageflags );
Sys_Break("Sorry, but a can't decompile himself\n" );
Sys_Break("Sorry, but i'm can't decompile himself\n" );
Image_Init( "Xash3D", imageflags );
Image_Init( "Generic", imageflags ); // everything else
default: break;
// using custom mask
@ -267,14 +323,14 @@ void RunConvertor( void )
ClrMask(); // clear all previous masks
AddMask( gs_searchmask ); // custom mask
else if(!game_family ) Sys_Break( "Sorry, game family not recognized\n" );
else if( !game_family ) Sys_Break( "Sorry, game family not recognized\n" );
// directory to extract
com.strncpy( gs_gamedir, fs_defaultdir->string, sizeof(gs_gamedir));
Msg( "Converting ...\n\n" );
// search by mask
for( i = 0; i < num_searchmask; i++)
for( i = 0; i < num_searchmask; i++ )
// skip blank mask
if(!com.strlen(searchmask[i])) continue;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ void Conv_RoundDimensions( int *scaled_width, int *scaled_height )
bool Conv_WriteShader( const char *shaderpath, const char *imagepath, rgbdata_t *p, float *rad, float scale, int flags, int contents )
file_t *f;
file_t *f = NULL;
string wadname;
string qcname, qcpath;
string temp, lumpname;
@ -37,21 +37,24 @@ bool Conv_WriteShader( const char *shaderpath, const char *imagepath, rgbdata_t
FS_DefaultExtension( wadname, ".wad" ); // check for wad later
com.snprintf( qcpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s/%s", gs_gamedir, temp, qcname );
if(FS_FileExists( qcpath ))
if( write_qscsript )
// already exist, search for current name
f = FS_Open( qcpath, "a" ); // append
FS_StripExtension( qcname ); // no need anymore
f = FS_Open( qcpath, "w" ); // new file
// write description
FS_Print(f,"//\t\t\tCopyright XashXT Group 2007 ©\n");
FS_Print(f,"//\t\t\twritten by Xash Miptex Decompiler\n");
FS_Printf(f,"$wadname\t%s.wad\n\n", qcname );
if(FS_FileExists( qcpath ))
// already exist, search for current name
f = FS_Open( qcpath, "a" ); // append
FS_StripExtension( qcname ); // no need anymore
f = FS_Open( qcpath, "w" ); // new file
// write description
FS_Print(f,"//\t\t\tCopyright XashXT Group 2007 ©\n");
FS_Print(f,"//\t\t\twritten by Xash Miptex Decompiler\n");
FS_Printf(f,"$wadname\t%s.wad\n\n", qcname );
if( f && p )

ripper/conv_vtfimage.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// conv_vtfimage.c - convert vtf materials
#include "ripper.h"
#include "qc_gen.h"
bool ConvVTF( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize )
rgbdata_t *pic;
FS_StripExtension((char *)name );
pic = FS_LoadImage( va( "#%s.vtf", name ), buffer, filesize );
if( pic )
FS_SaveImage( va("%s/%s.tga", gs_gamedir, name ), PF_RGBA_32, pic ); // save converted image
Conv_CreateShader( name, pic, "vtf", NULL, 0, 0 );
FS_FreeImage( pic ); // release buffer
Msg( "%s.vtf\n", name ); // echo to console about current pic
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ SOURCE=.\conv_sprite2.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ extern string gs_gamedir;
#define Sys_Error com.error
extern vprogs_exp_t *PRVM;
extern uint app_name;
extern bool write_qscsript;
extern int game_family;
typedef enum
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ bool ConvMIP( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Quake1, Half-Li
bool ConvLMP( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Quake1, Half-Life lump images
bool ConvFNT( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Half-Life system fonts
bool ConvWAL( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Quake2 textures
bool ConvVTF( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Quake2 textures
bool ConvSKN( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Doom1 sprite models
bool ConvBSP( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // Extract textures from bsp (q1\hl)
bool ConvSND( const char *name, char *buffer, int filesize ); // not implemented

View File

@ -23,8 +23,13 @@ GLOBAL:
2. Загрузка спрайтов\моделей при помощи ImageLib OK
3. Софтверный загрузчик DDS OK
4. Правильная растановка сторон для dds OK
5. переместить PFDesc в launch.dll
5. Полная отладка ImageLib
5. переместить PFDesc в launch.dll OK
6. запрос для принудительной распаковки DXT
7. поддержка vtf - файлов
8. поддержка BGRA - форматов (VTF)
9. Полная отладка ImageLib
10. Отладка extragen
11. дописать Image_SaveDDS
По умолчанию все картинки распаковываются в RGBA_32.
Однако, если выставить флаг IL_DDS_HARDWARE, to DDS картинки разжиматься не будут, оставляя работу для