17 Jan 2009

This commit is contained in:
g-cont 2009-01-17 00:00:00 +03:00 committed by Alibek Omarov
parent 1d61a8791a
commit e1dfeb7655
13 changed files with 279 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
<h1>Build Log</h1>
--------------------Configuration: client - Win32 Debug--------------------
<h3>Command Lines</h3>
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP5810.tmp" with contents
/nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /Gi /GX /ZI /Od /I "./" /I "../common" /I "global" /I "hud" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FR"..\temp\client\!debug/" /Fo"..\temp\client\!debug/" /Fd"..\temp\client\!debug/" /FD /c
Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP5810.tmp"
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP5811.tmp" with contents
msvcrtd.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:yes /pdb:"..\temp\client\!debug/client.pdb" /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libc.lib" /def:".\client.def" /out:"..\temp\client\!debug/client.dll" /implib:"..\temp\client\!debug/client.lib" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\common\libs"
Creating command line "link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP5811.tmp"
Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP5812.bat" with contents
@echo off
copy \Xash3D\src_main\temp\client\!debug\client.dll "D:\Xash3D\tmpQuArK\bin\client.dll"
Creating command line "C:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP5812.bat"
<h3>Output Window</h3>
Performing Custom Build Step on \Xash3D\src_main\temp\client\!debug\client.dll
‘ª®¯¨à®¢ ­® ä ©«®¢: 1.
client.dll - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
#define FREE( x ) (*g_engfuncs.pfnMemFree)( x, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
// screen handlers
#define LOAD_SHADER (*g_engfuncs.pfnLoadShader)
#define SPR_Load( x ) (*g_engfuncs.pfnLoadShader)( x, true )
#define TEX_Load( x ) (*g_engfuncs.pfnLoadShader)( x, false )
#define DrawImageExt (*g_engfuncs.pfnDrawImageExt)
#define SetColor (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetColor)
#define SetParms (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetParms)

View File

@ -119,9 +119,178 @@ void CL_ExplosionParticles( const Vector pos )
src.lengthVelocity = 0;
src.rotation = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 360 );
if( !g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_AllocParticle( &src, gHUD.m_hSmoke, flags ))
void CL_BubbleParticles( const Vector org, int count, float magnitude )
cparticle_t src;
int i;
if( !CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "cl_particles" ))
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
src.origin.x = org[0] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -magnitude, magnitude );
src.origin.y = org[1] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -magnitude, magnitude );
src.origin.z = org[2] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -magnitude, magnitude );
src.velocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT( -5, 5 );
src.velocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT( -5, 5 );
src.velocity.z = RANDOM_FLOAT( -5, 5 ) + (25 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -5, 5 ));
src.accel = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
src.color = Vector( 1, 1, 1 );
src.colorVelocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
src.alpha = 1.0;
src.alphaVelocity = -(0.4 + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, 0.2 ));
src.radius = 1 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.5, 0.5 );
src.radiusVelocity = 0;
src.length = 1;
src.lengthVelocity = 0;
src.rotation = 0;
if( !g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_AllocParticle( &src, gHUD.m_hBubble, PARTICLE_UNDERWATER ))
void CL_BulletParticles( const Vector org, const Vector dir )
cparticle_t src;
int flags;
int i, count;
if( !CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "cl_particles" ))
count = RANDOM_LONG( 3, 8 );
CL_BubbleParticles( org, count, 0 );
// sparks
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
src.origin.x = org[0] + dir[0] * 2 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 );
src.origin.y = org[1] + dir[1] * 2 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 );
src.origin.z = org[2] + dir[2] * 2 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 );
src.velocity.x = dir[0] * 180 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -60, 60 );
src.velocity.y = dir[1] * 180 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -60, 60 );
src.velocity.z = dir[2] * 180 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -60, 60 );
src.accel.x = src.accel.y = 0;
src.accel.z = -120 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -60, 60 );
src.color = Vector( 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0f );
src.colorVelocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
src.alpha = 1.0;
src.alphaVelocity = -8.0;
src.radius = 0.4 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.2, 0.2 );
src.radiusVelocity = 0;
src.length = 8 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -4, 4 );
src.lengthVelocity = 8 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -4, 4 );
src.rotation = 0;
src.bounceFactor = 0.2;
if( !g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_AllocParticle( &src, gHUD.m_hSparks, flags ))
// smoke
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
src.origin.x = org[0] + dir[0] * 5 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 );
src.origin.y = org[1] + dir[1] * 5 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 );
src.origin.z = org[2] + dir[2] * 5 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 );
src.velocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT( -2.5, 2.5 );
src.velocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT( -2.5, 2.5 );
src.velocity.z = RANDOM_FLOAT( -2.5, 2.5 ) + (25 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -5, 5 ));
src.accel = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
src.color = Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 );
src.colorVelocity = Vector( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 );
src.alpha = 0.5;
src.alphaVelocity = -(0.4 + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, 0.2 ));
src.radius = 3 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -1.5, 1.5 );
src.radiusVelocity = 5 + RANDOM_FLOAT( -2.5, 2.5 );
src.length = 1;
src.lengthVelocity = 0;
src.rotation = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 360 );
if( !g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_AllocParticle( &src, gHUD.m_hSmoke, flags ))
creates a particle box
void CL_TeleportParticles( const Vector org )
cparticle_t src;
vec3_t dir;
float vel, color;
int x, y, z;
if( !CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "cl_particles" ))
for( x = -16; x <= 16; x += 4 )
for( y = -16; y <= 16; y += 4 )
for( z = -16; z <= 32; z += 4 )
dir = Vector( y*8, x*8, z*8 );
vel = 50 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 64 );
color = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.1, 0.3 );
src.origin.x = org[0] + x + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 4 );
src.origin.y = org[1] + y + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 4 );
src.origin.z = org[2] + z + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 4 );
src.velocity[0] = dir[0] * vel;
src.velocity[1] = dir[1] * vel;
src.velocity[2] = dir[2] * vel;
src.accel[0] = 0;
src.accel[1] = 0;
src.accel[2] = -40;
src.color = Vector( color, color, color );
src.colorVelocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
src.alpha = 1.0;
src.alphaVelocity = -1.0 / (0.3 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 0.16 ));
src.radius = 2;
src.radiusVelocity = 0;
src.length = 1;
src.lengthVelocity = 0;
src.rotation = 0;
if( !g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_AllocParticle( &src, gHUD.m_hGlowParticle, 0 ))
void CL_PlaceDecal( Vector pos, Vector dir, float scale, HSPRITE hDecal )
@ -141,25 +310,67 @@ void CL_AllocDLight( Vector pos, float radius, float decay, float time )
void HUD_ParseTempEntity( void )
Vector pos, dir;
int flags;
Vector pos, dir, color;
float time, radius, decay;
int flags, scale;
switch( READ_BYTE() )
pos.x = READ_COORD();
pos.y = READ_COORD();
pos.z = READ_COORD();
CL_BulletParticles( pos, Vector( 0, 0, -1 ));
pos.x = READ_COORD();
pos.y = READ_COORD();
pos.z = READ_COORD();
READ_SHORT(); // FIXME: skip entindex
g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_FindExplosionPlane( pos, 10, dir );
CL_PlaceDecal( pos, dir, 10, g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_DecalIndex( READ_BYTE() ));
case TE_DECAL:
pos.x = READ_COORD();
pos.y = READ_COORD();
pos.z = READ_COORD();
g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_FindExplosionPlane( pos, 10, dir );
CL_PlaceDecal( pos, dir, 10, g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_DecalIndex( READ_BYTE() ));
READ_SHORT(); // FIXME: skip entindex
pos.x = READ_COORD();
pos.y = READ_COORD();
pos.z = READ_COORD();
READ_SHORT(); // FIXME: use sprite index as shader index
int scale = READ_BYTE();
scale = READ_BYTE();
READ_BYTE(); // FIXME: use framerate for shader
flags = READ_BYTE();
g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_FindExplosionPlane( pos, scale, dir );
if(!(flags & TE_EXPLFLAG_NOPARTICLES )) CL_ExplosionParticles( pos );
CL_PlaceDecal( pos, dir, scale, SPR_Load( "decals/{scorch" ));
if( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 1 ))
CL_PlaceDecal( pos, dir, scale, g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_DecalIndexFromName( "{scorch1" ));
else CL_PlaceDecal( pos, dir, scale, g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_DecalIndexFromName( "{scorch2" ));
if(!(flags & TE_EXPLFLAG_NODLIGHTS )) CL_AllocDLight( pos, 250.0f, 0.28f, 0.8f );
if(!(flags & TE_EXPLFLAG_NOSOUND )) CL_PlaySound( "weapons/explosde3.wav", 1.0f, pos );
if(!(flags & TE_EXPLFLAG_NOSOUND )) CL_PlaySound( "weapons/explode3.wav", 1.0f, pos );
pos.x = READ_COORD();
pos.y = READ_COORD();
pos.z = READ_COORD();
pos.x = READ_COORD();
pos.y = READ_COORD();
pos.z = READ_COORD();
radius = (float)READ_BYTE() * 10.0f;
color.x = (float)READ_BYTE() / 255.0f;
color.y = (float)READ_BYTE() / 255.0f;
color.z = (float)READ_BYTE() / 255.0f;
time = (float)READ_BYTE() * 0.1f;
decay = (float)READ_BYTE() * 0.1f;
g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDLight( pos, color, radius, decay, time, 0 );

View File

@ -149,12 +149,12 @@ void CHud :: VidInit( void )
m_hHudFont = GetSprite( GetSpriteIndex( "hud_font" ));
// loading TE shaders
m_hDefaultParticle = SPR_Load( "particles/default" );
m_hGlowParticle = SPR_Load( "particles/glow" );
m_hDroplet = SPR_Load( "particles/droplet" );
m_hBubble = SPR_Load( "particles/bubble" );
m_hSparks = SPR_Load( "particles/spark" );
m_hSmoke = SPR_Load( "particles/smoke" );
m_hDefaultParticle = TEX_Load( "particles/default" );
m_hGlowParticle = TEX_Load( "particles/glow" );
m_hDroplet = TEX_Load( "particles/droplet" );
m_hBubble = TEX_Load( "particles/bubble" );
m_hSparks = TEX_Load( "particles/spark" );
m_hSmoke = TEX_Load( "particles/smoke" );

View File

@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ extern float READ_ANGLE( void );
extern void END_READ( void );
// drawing stuff
#define SPR_Load( x ) LOAD_SHADER( x )
extern int SPR_Frames( HSPRITE hPic );
extern int SPR_Height( HSPRITE hPic, int frame );
extern int SPR_Width( HSPRITE hPic, int frame );

View File

@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ void V_RenderPlaque( void )
if( !strcmp( levelshot, "" )) levelshot = "<black>";
// logo that shows up while upload next level
DrawImageRectangle( LOAD_SHADER( levelshot ));
DrawImageRectangle( SPR_Load( levelshot ));
DrawImageBar( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "scr_loading" ), "m_loading" );
if( !CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "scr_download" )) return;
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ void V_RenderPlaque( void )
void V_RenderSplash( void )
DrawImageRectangle( LOAD_SHADER( "gfx/shell/splash" ));
DrawImageRectangle( SPR_Load( "gfx/shell/splash" ));
void SetScreenFade( Vector fadeColor, float alpha, float duration, float holdTime, int fadeFlags )

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ typedef struct cl_enginefuncs_s
void (*pfnMemFree)( void *mem, const char *filename, const int fileline );
// screen handlers
HSPRITE (*pfnLoadShader)( const char *szShaderName );
HSPRITE (*pfnLoadShader)( const char *szShaderName, int fShaderNoMip );
void (*pfnFillRGBA)( int x, int y, int width, int height, const float *color, float alpha );
void (*pfnDrawImageExt)( HSPRITE shader, float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2 );
void (*pfnSetColor)( float r, float g, float b, float a );

View File

@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ typedef struct efxapi_s
int (*R_AllocParticle)( cparticle_t *src, HSPRITE shader, int flags );
void (*R_SetDecal)( float *org, float *dir, float *rgba, float rot, float rad, HSPRITE hSpr, int flags );
void (*CL_AllocDLight)( const float *org, float *rgb, float rad, float decay, float time, int key );
void (*CL_FindExplosionPlane)( vec3_t origin, float radius, float *result );
void (*CL_FindExplosionPlane)( const float *origin, float radius, float *result );
int (*CL_DecalIndexFromName)( const char *szDecalName );
int (*CL_DecalIndex)( int id );
} efxapi_t;

View File

@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ pfnLoadShader
shader_t pfnLoadShader( const char *szShaderName )
shader_t pfnLoadShader( const char *szShaderName, int fShaderNoMip )
if( !re ) return 0; // render not initialized
if( !szShaderName || !*szShaderName )
@ -375,7 +375,10 @@ shader_t pfnLoadShader( const char *szShaderName )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_LoadShader: invalid shadername\n" );
return -1;
return re->RegisterShader( szShaderName, SHADER_NOMIP );
if( fShaderNoMip )
return re->RegisterShader( szShaderName, SHADER_NOMIP );
return re->RegisterShader( szShaderName, SHADER_GENERIC );
@ -1038,6 +1041,37 @@ static void pfnFindExplosionPlane( const float *origin, float radius, float *res
VectorCopy( dir, result );
static int pfnDecalIndexFromName( const char *szDecalName )
int i;
// look through the loaded sprite name list for SpriteName
for( i = 0; i < MAX_DECALS && cl.configstrings[CS_DECALS+i+1][0]; i++ )
if( !strcmp( szDecalName, cl.configstrings[CS_DECALS+i+1] ))
return cl.decal_shaders[i+1];
return 0; // invalid sprite
static int pfnDecalIndex( int id )
id = bound( 0, id, MAX_DECALS - 1 );
return cl.decal_shaders[id];
static triapi_t gTriApi =
sizeof( triapi_t ),
@ -1050,6 +1084,8 @@ static efxapi_t gEfxApi =
// engine callbacks

View File

@ -741,19 +741,19 @@ void CL_PrepVideo( void )
com.strncpy( name, cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+1+i], MAX_STRING );
re->RegisterModel( name, i+1 );
cl.models[i+1] = pe->RegisterModel( name );
Cvar_SetValue("scr_loading", scr_loading->value + 45.0f/mdlcount );
Cvar_SetValue("scr_loading", scr_loading->value + 45.0f / mdlcount );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_DECALS && cl.configstrings[CS_DECALS+i][0]; i++ )
for( i = 0; i < MAX_DECALS && cl.configstrings[CS_DECALS+1+i][0]; i++ )
com.strncpy( name, cl.configstrings[CS_DECALS+i], MAX_STRING );
// FIXME: register shaders
com.strncpy( name, cl.configstrings[CS_DECALS+1+i], MAX_STRING );
cl.decal_shaders[i+1] = re->RegisterShader( name, SHADER_GENERIC );
// setup sky and free unneeded stuff
re->EndRegistration( cl.configstrings[CS_SKYNAME] );
Cvar_SetValue("scr_loading", 100.0f ); // all done
Cvar_SetValue( "scr_loading", 100.0f ); // all done
Con_ClearNotify(); // clear any lines of console text

View File

@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void CL_ParseConfigString( sizebuf_t *msg )
else if( i >= CS_DECALS && i < CS_DECALS+MAX_DECALS && cl.video_prepped )
// FIXME: register decal shaders here
cl.decal_shaders[i-CS_DECALS] = re->RegisterShader( cl.configstrings[i], SHADER_GENERIC );

View File

@ -1993,7 +1993,9 @@ pfnWriteCoord
void pfnWriteCoord( float flValue )
_MSG_WriteBits( &sv.multicast, flValue, svgame.msg_name, NET_FLOAT, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
union { float f; int l; } dat;
dat.f = flValue;
_MSG_WriteBits( &sv.multicast, dat.l, svgame.msg_name, NET_FLOAT, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
svgame.msg_realsize += 4;

View File

@ -51,10 +51,11 @@ Beta 13.12.08
20.rename common.dll to xtools.dll OK
21.add missing builtins in enginefuncs_t OK
22.add missing builtins in cl_enginefuncs_t OK
23.first implement efxapi_t
23.first implement efxapi_t OK
24.ed_fields flags OK
25.install ALL missing models & sounds! OK
26.fixangle doesn't working correctly
27.fixup viewmodel drawing
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