/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "extdll.h" #include "basemenu.h" #include "utils.h" #define UI_CREDITS_PATH "credits.txt" #define UI_CREDITS_MAXLINES 2048 static const char *uiCreditsDefault[] = { "", "Copyright XashXT Group 2011 (C)", 0 }; typedef struct { const char **credits; int startTime; int showTime; int fadeTime; int numLines; int active; int finalCredits; char *index[UI_CREDITS_MAXLINES]; char *buffer; menuFramework_s menu; } uiCredits_t; static uiCredits_t uiCredits; /* ================= UI_Credits_DrawFunc ================= */ static void UI_Credits_DrawFunc( void ) { int i, y; float speed = 40.0f; int w = UI_MED_CHAR_WIDTH; int h = UI_MED_CHAR_HEIGHT; int color = 0; // draw the background first if( !uiCredits.finalCredits && !CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "sv_background" )) UI_DrawPic( 0, 0, 1024 * uiStatic.scaleX, 768 * uiStatic.scaleY, uiColorWhite, ART_BACKGROUND ); else speed = 45.0f; // syncronize with final background track :-) // otherwise running on cutscene speed = 32.0f * (768.0f / ScreenHeight); // now draw the credits UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &w, &h ); y = ScreenHeight - (((gpGlobals->time * 1000) - uiCredits.startTime ) / speed ); // draw the credits for ( i = 0; i < uiCredits.numLines && uiCredits.credits[i]; i++, y += h ) { // skip not visible lines, but always draw end line if( y <= -h && i != uiCredits.numLines - 1 ) continue; if(( y < ( ScreenHeight - h ) / 2 ) && i == uiCredits.numLines - 1 ) { if( !uiCredits.fadeTime ) uiCredits.fadeTime = (gpGlobals->time * 1000); color = UI_FadeAlpha( uiCredits.fadeTime, uiCredits.showTime ); if( UnpackAlpha( color )) UI_DrawString( 0, ( ScreenHeight - h ) / 2, 1024 * uiStatic.scaleX, h, uiCredits.credits[i], color, true, w, h, 1, true ); } else UI_DrawString( 0, y, 1024 * uiStatic.scaleX, h, uiCredits.credits[i], uiColorWhite, false, w, h, 1, true ); } if( y < 0 && UnpackAlpha( color ) == 0 ) { uiCredits.active = false; // end of credits if( uiCredits.finalCredits ) HOST_ENDGAME( gMenu.m_gameinfo.title ); } if( !uiCredits.active ) UI_PopMenu(); } /* ================= UI_Credits_KeyFunc ================= */ static const char *UI_Credits_KeyFunc( int key, int down ) { if( !down ) return uiSoundNull; // final credits can't be intterupted if( uiCredits.finalCredits ) return uiSoundNull; uiCredits.active = false; return uiSoundNull; } /* ================= UI_Credits_Init ================= */ static void UI_Credits_Init( void ) { uiCredits.menu.drawFunc = UI_Credits_DrawFunc; uiCredits.menu.keyFunc = UI_Credits_KeyFunc; if( !uiCredits.buffer ) { int count; char *p; // load credits if needed uiCredits.buffer = (char *)LOAD_FILE( UI_CREDITS_PATH, &count ); if( count ) { if( uiCredits.buffer[count - 1] != '\n' && uiCredits.buffer[count - 1] != '\r' ) { char *tmp = (char *)MALLOC( count + 2 ); memcpy( tmp, uiCredits.buffer, count ); FREE_FILE( uiCredits.buffer ); uiCredits.buffer = tmp; strncpy( uiCredits.buffer + count, "\r", 1 ); // add terminator count += 2; // added "\r\0" } p = uiCredits.buffer; // convert customs credits to 'ideal' strings array for ( uiCredits.numLines = 0; uiCredits.numLines < UI_CREDITS_MAXLINES; uiCredits.numLines++ ) { uiCredits.index[uiCredits.numLines] = p; while ( *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' ) { p++; if ( --count == 0 ) break; } if ( *p == '\r' ) { *p++ = 0; if( --count == 0 ) break; } *p++ = 0; if( --count == 0 ) break; } uiCredits.index[++uiCredits.numLines] = 0; uiCredits.credits = (const char **)uiCredits.index; } else { // use built-in credits uiCredits.credits = uiCreditsDefault; uiCredits.numLines = ( sizeof( uiCreditsDefault ) / sizeof( uiCreditsDefault[0] )) - 1; // skip term } } // run credits uiCredits.startTime = (gpGlobals->time * 1000) + 500; // make half-seconds delay uiCredits.showTime = bound( 1000, strlen( uiCredits.credits[uiCredits.numLines - 1]) * 1000, 10000 ); uiCredits.fadeTime = 0; // will be determined later uiCredits.active = true; } void UI_DrawFinalCredits( void ) { if( uiCredits.finalCredits && uiCredits.active ) UI_Credits_DrawFunc (); } int UI_CreditsActive( void ) { return uiCredits.active && uiCredits.finalCredits; } /* ================= UI_Credits_Precache ================= */ void UI_Credits_Precache( void ) { PIC_Load( ART_BACKGROUND ); } /* ================= UI_Credits_Menu ================= */ void UI_Credits_Menu( void ) { UI_Credits_Precache(); UI_Credits_Init(); UI_PushMenu( &uiCredits.menu ); } void UI_FinalCredits( void ) { uiCredits.finalCredits = true; UI_Credits_Init(); }