//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2007 © // r_draw.c - draw 2d pictures //======================================================================= #include "r_local.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "matrix_lib.h" #include "triangle_api.h" static vec4_t pic_xyz[4] = { {0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,1} }; static vec2_t pic_st[4]; static rgba_t pic_colors[4]; static mesh_t pic_mesh = { 4, 6, pic_xyz, pic_xyz, NULL, NULL, pic_st, NULL, pic_colors, NULL, NULL }; meshbuffer_t pic_mbuffer; /* =============== R_DrawSetColor =============== */ void R_DrawSetColor( const rgba_t color ) { if( color ) Vector4Copy( color, glState.draw_color ); else Vector4Set( glState.draw_color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* =============== R_DrawStretchPic =============== */ void R_DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, shader_t handle ) { int bcolor; ref_shader_t *shader; static int oldframe; if( handle < 0 || handle > MAX_SHADERS || !(shader = &r_shaders[handle])) return; // lower-left Vector2Set( pic_xyz[0], x, y ); Vector2Set( pic_st[0], s1, t1 ); Vector4Copy( glState.draw_color, pic_colors[0] ); bcolor = *(int *)pic_colors[0]; // lower-right Vector2Set( pic_xyz[1], x+w, y ); Vector2Set( pic_st[1], s2, t1 ); *(int *)pic_colors[1] = bcolor; // upper-right Vector2Set( pic_xyz[2], x+w, y+h ); Vector2Set( pic_st[2], s2, t2 ); *(int *)pic_colors[2] = bcolor; // upper-left Vector2Set( pic_xyz[3], x, y+h ); Vector2Set( pic_st[3], s1, t2 ); *(int *)pic_colors[3] = bcolor; if( pic_mbuffer.shaderkey != (int)shader->sortkey || -pic_mbuffer.infokey-1+4 > MAX_ARRAY_VERTS ) { if( pic_mbuffer.shaderkey ) { pic_mbuffer.infokey = -1; R_RenderMeshBuffer( &pic_mbuffer ); } } tr.iRenderMode = glState.draw_rendermode; pic_mbuffer.shaderkey = shader->sortkey; pic_mbuffer.infokey -= 4; R_PushMesh( &pic_mesh, MF_TRIFAN|shader->features | ( r_shownormals->integer ? MF_NORMALS : 0 )); if( oldframe != glState.draw_frame ) { if( pic_mbuffer.shaderkey != shader->sortkey ) { // will be rendering on next call oldframe = glState.draw_frame; return; } if( pic_mbuffer.shaderkey ) { pic_mbuffer.infokey = -1; R_RenderMeshBuffer( &pic_mbuffer ); } oldframe = glState.draw_frame; } } /* ================= R_ResampleRaw ================= */ static byte *R_ResampleRaw( const byte *source, int inWidth, int inHeight, int outWidth, int outHeight ) { uint frac, fracStep; uint *in = (uint *)source; uint p1[0x1000], p2[0x1000]; byte *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4; uint *inRow1, *inRow2, *out; static byte *resampled = NULL; int i, x, y; // clean frames doesn't contain raw buffer if( !source ) return NULL; resampled = Mem_Realloc( r_temppool, resampled, outWidth * outHeight * 4 ); out = (uint *)resampled; fracStep = inWidth * 0x10000 / outWidth; frac = fracStep >> 2; for( i = 0; i < outWidth; i++ ) { p1[i] = 4 * (frac >> 16); frac += fracStep; } frac = (fracStep >> 2) * 3; for( i = 0; i < outWidth; i++ ) { p2[i] = 4 * (frac >> 16); frac += fracStep; } for( y = 0; y < outHeight; y++, out += outWidth ) { inRow1 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.25) * inHeight/outHeight); inRow2 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.75) * inHeight/outHeight); for( x = 0; x < outWidth; x++ ) { pix1 = (byte *)inRow1 + p1[x]; pix2 = (byte *)inRow1 + p2[x]; pix3 = (byte *)inRow2 + p1[x]; pix4 = (byte *)inRow2 + p2[x]; ((byte *)(out+x))[0] = (pix1[0] + pix2[0] + pix3[0] + pix4[0]) >> 2; ((byte *)(out+x))[1] = (pix1[1] + pix2[1] + pix3[1] + pix4[1]) >> 2; ((byte *)(out+x))[2] = (pix1[2] + pix2[2] + pix3[2] + pix4[2]) >> 2; ((byte *)(out+x))[3] = (pix1[3] + pix2[3] + pix3[3] + pix4[3]) >> 2; } } return resampled; } /* ============= R_DrawStretchRaw ============= */ void R_DrawStretchRaw( float x, float y, float w, float h, int cols, int rows, const byte *data, bool dirty ) { byte *raw; if( !GL_Support( R_ARB_TEXTURE_NPOT_EXT )) { int width = 1, height = 1; // check the dimensions while( width < cols ) width <<= 1; while( height < rows ) height <<= 1; if( cols != width || rows != height ) { raw = R_ResampleRaw( data, cols, rows, width, height ); cols = width; rows = height; } } else { raw = (byte *)data; } if( cols > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ) Host_Error( "R_DrawStretchRaw: size exceeds hardware limits (%i > %i)\n", cols, glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ); if( rows > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ) Host_Error( "R_DrawStretchRaw: size exceeds hardware limits (%i > %i)\n", rows, glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ); // draw logo may be called between two draw pic calls. // so we need flush it here if( pic_mbuffer.infokey != -1 ) { R_RenderMeshBuffer( &pic_mbuffer ); pic_mbuffer.infokey = -1; } GL_Bind( 0, tr.cinTexture ); if( cols == tr.cinTexture->width && rows == tr.cinTexture->height ) { if( dirty ) pglTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, cols, rows, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, raw ); } else { tr.cinTexture->width = cols; tr.cinTexture->height = rows; if( dirty ) pglTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, cols, rows, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, raw ); } R_CheckForErrors(); pglBegin( GL_QUADS ); pglTexCoord2f( 0, 0 ); pglVertex2f( x, y ); pglTexCoord2f( 1, 0 ); pglVertex2f( x + w, y ); pglTexCoord2f( 1, 1 ); pglVertex2f( x + w, y + h ); pglTexCoord2f( 0, 1 ); pglVertex2f( x, y + h ); pglEnd(); } void R_DrawGetParms( int *w, int *h, int *f, int frame, shader_t handle ) { ref_shader_t *shader; int cur = 0; if( !w && !h && !f ) return; // assume error if( w ) *w = 0; if( h ) *h = 0; if( f ) *f = 1; if( handle < 0 || handle > MAX_SHADERS || !(shader = &r_shaders[handle])) return; if( !shader->num_stages || !shader->stages[0].textures[0] ) return; if( shader->stages[0].textures[0] && shader->stages[0].num_textures && frame > 0 ) cur = bound( 0, frame, shader->stages[0].num_textures ); if( w ) *w = (int)shader->stages[0].textures[cur]->srcWidth; if( h ) *h = (int)shader->stages[0].textures[cur]->srcHeight; if( f ) *f = (int)shader->stages[0].num_textures; } void R_DrawSetParms( shader_t handle, kRenderMode_t rendermode, int frame ) { ref_shader_t *shader; if( handle < 0 || handle > MAX_SHADERS || !(shader = &r_shaders[handle]) || !shader->num_stages ) return; if( glState.draw_rendermode != rendermode ) { if( pic_mbuffer.shaderkey ) { pic_mbuffer.infokey = -1; R_RenderMeshBuffer( &pic_mbuffer ); } } glState.draw_rendermode = rendermode; if( !shader->stages[0].num_textures ) return; // change frame if need if( shader->stages[0].flags & SHADERSTAGE_FRAMES ) { // make sure what frame inbound glState.draw_frame = bound( 0, frame, shader->stages[0].num_textures - 1 ); } } /* ============================================================= TRIAPI IMPLEMENTATION ============================================================= */ #define MAX_TRIVERTS 1024 #define MAX_TRIELEMS MAX_TRIVERTS * 6 #define MAX_TRIANGLES MAX_TRIELEMS / 3 static vec4_t tri_vertex[MAX_TRIVERTS]; static vec4_t tri_normal[MAX_TRIVERTS]; static vec2_t tri_coords[MAX_TRIVERTS]; static rgba_t tri_colors[MAX_TRIVERTS]; static elem_t tri_elems[MAX_TRIELEMS]; static mesh_t tri_mesh; static bool tri_caps[3]; meshbuffer_t tri_mbuffer; tristate_t triState; static void Tri_ClearBounds( void ) { // clear bounds that uses for polygon lighting VectorClear( triState.lightingOrigin ); ClearBounds( triState.mins, triState.maxs ); } static void Tri_DrawPolygon( void ) { ref_shader_t *shader; static int i, oldframe; if( tri_caps[TRI_SHADER] ) shader = &r_shaders[triState.currentShader]; else shader = tr.fillShader; tri_mesh.numVerts = triState.numVertex; tri_mesh.numElems = triState.numIndex; if( triState.hasNormals ) tri_mesh.normalsArray = tri_normal; else tri_mesh.normalsArray = NULL; // no normals if( triState.numColor == 1 ) { // global color for all vertexes for( i = 0; i < triState.numVertex - 1; i++ ) Vector4Copy( tri_colors[0], tri_colors[i+1] ); } // compute lightingOrigin VectorAverage( triState.mins, triState.maxs, triState.lightingOrigin ); tri_mesh.vertexArray = tri_vertex; tri_mesh.stCoordArray = tri_coords; tri_mesh.colorsArray = tri_colors; tri_mesh.elems = tri_elems; if( tri_mbuffer.shaderkey != (int)shader->sortkey || -tri_mbuffer.infokey-1+256 > MAX_ARRAY_VERTS ) { if( tri_mbuffer.shaderkey ) { tri_mbuffer.infokey = -1; R_RenderMeshBuffer( &tri_mbuffer ); Tri_ClearBounds(); } } tr.iRenderMode = triState.currentRenderMode; tri_mbuffer.shaderkey = shader->sortkey; tri_mbuffer.infokey -= triState.numVertex; triState.features = shader->features; triState.features |= MF_COLORS; if( r_shownormals->integer || triState.hasNormals ) triState.features |= MF_NORMALS; if( triState.noCulling ) triState.features |= MF_NOCULL; R_PushMesh( &tri_mesh, triState.features ); if( oldframe != glState.draw_frame ) { if( tri_mbuffer.shaderkey != shader->sortkey ) { // will be rendering on next call oldframe = glState.draw_frame; return; } if( tri_mbuffer.shaderkey ) { tri_mbuffer.infokey = -1; R_RenderMeshBuffer( &tri_mbuffer ); Tri_ClearBounds(); } oldframe = glState.draw_frame; } triState.numVertex = triState.numIndex = triState.numColor = 0; } static void Tri_CheckOverflow( int numIndices, int numVertices ) { if( numIndices > MAX_TRIELEMS ) Host_Error( "Tri_Overflow: %i > MAX_TRIELEMS\n", numIndices ); if( numVertices > MAX_TRIVERTS ) Host_Error( "Tri_Overflow: %i > MAX_TRIVERTS\n", numVertices ); if( triState.numIndex + numIndices <= MAX_TRIELEMS && triState.numVertex + numVertices <= MAX_TRIVERTS ) return; Tri_DrawPolygon(); } void Tri_Fog( float flFogColor[3], float flStart, float flEnd, int bOn ) { // ignore fog calls from TriApi callbacks // to avoid strange artefacts and other issues if( triState.fActive ) return; // change fog params triState.fogColor[0] = bound( 0.0f, flFogColor[0], 1.0f ); triState.fogColor[1] = bound( 0.0f, flFogColor[1], 1.0f ); triState.fogColor[2] = bound( 0.0f, flFogColor[2], 1.0f ); triState.fogColor[3] = 1.0f; triState.fogStartDist = min( flStart, flEnd ); triState.fogEndDist = max( flStart, flEnd ); triState.fogEnabled = bOn; } void Tri_CullFace( int mode ) { if( mode == TRI_FRONT ) triState.noCulling = false; else if( mode == TRI_NONE ) triState.noCulling = true; } void Tri_RenderMode( const kRenderMode_t mode ) { triState.currentRenderMode = mode; } void Tri_Vertex3f( const float x, const float y, const float z ) { uint oldIndex = triState.numIndex; switch( triState.drawMode ) { case TRI_LINES: tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; if( triState.vertexState++ == 1 ) { Tri_Vertex3f( x + 1, y + 1, z + 1 ); triState.vertexState = 0; triState.checkFlush = true; // flush for long sequences of quads. } break; case TRI_TRIANGLES: tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; if( triState.vertexState++ == 2 ) { triState.vertexState = 0; triState.checkFlush = true; // flush for long sequences of triangles. } break; case TRI_QUADS: if( triState.vertexState++ < 3 ) { tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; } else { // we've already done triangle (0, 1, 2), now draw (2, 3, 0) tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 1; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 3; triState.vertexState = 0; triState.checkFlush = true; // flush for long sequences of quads. } break; case TRI_TRIANGLE_STRIP: if( triState.numVertex + triState.vertexState > MAX_TRIVERTS ) { // This is a strip that's too big for us to buffer. // (We can't just flush the buffer because we have to keep // track of the last two vertices. Host_Error( "Tri_Vertex3f: overflow: %i > MAX_TRIVERTS\n", triState.numVertex + triState.vertexState ); } if( triState.numIndex > MAX_TRIELEMS ) { // This is a strip that's too big for us to buffer. // (We can't just flush the buffer because we have to keep // track of the last two vertices. Host_Error( "Tri_Vertex3f: overflow: %i > MAX_TRIELEMS\n", triState.numIndex ); } if( triState.vertexState++ < 3 ) { tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; } else { // flip triangles between clockwise and counter clockwise if( triState.vertexState & 1 ) { // draw triangle [n-2 n-1 n] tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 2; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 1; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; } else { // draw triangle [n-1 n-2 n] tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 1; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 2; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; } } break; case TRI_POLYGON: case TRI_TRIANGLE_FAN: // same as polygon if( triState.numVertex + triState.vertexState > MAX_TRIVERTS ) { // This is a polygon or fan that's too big for us to buffer. // (We can't just flush the buffer because we have to keep // track of the starting vertex. Host_Error( "Tri_Vertex3f: overflow: %i > MAX_TRIVERTS\n", triState.numVertex + triState.vertexState ); } if( triState.vertexState++ < 3 ) { tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; } else { // draw triangle [0 n-1 n] tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - ( triState.vertexState - 1 ); tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex - 1; tri_elems[triState.numIndex++] = triState.numVertex; } break; default: Host_Error( "Tri_SetVertex: unknown mode: %i\n", triState.drawMode ); break; } // copy current vertex tri_vertex[triState.numVertex][0] = x; tri_vertex[triState.numVertex][1] = y; tri_vertex[triState.numVertex][2] = z; tri_vertex[triState.numVertex][3] = 1; // for compute lighting origin AddPointToBounds( tri_vertex[triState.numVertex], triState.mins, triState.maxs ); triState.numVertex++; // flush buffer if needed if( triState.checkFlush ) Tri_CheckOverflow( triState.numIndex - oldIndex, triState.vertexState ); } void Tri_Color4ub( const byte r, const byte g, const byte b, const byte a ) { tri_colors[triState.numVertex][0] = r; tri_colors[triState.numVertex][1] = g; tri_colors[triState.numVertex][2] = b; tri_colors[triState.numVertex][3] = a; triState.numColor++; } void Tri_Normal3f( const float x, const float y, const float z ) { triState.hasNormals = true; // curstate has normals tri_normal[triState.numVertex][0] = x; tri_normal[triState.numVertex][1] = y; tri_normal[triState.numVertex][2] = z; tri_normal[triState.numVertex][3] = 1; } void Tri_TexCoord2f( const float u, const float v ) { tri_coords[triState.numVertex][0] = u; tri_coords[triState.numVertex][1] = v; } void Tri_Bind( shader_t handle, int frame ) { ref_shader_t *shader; if( handle < 0 || handle > MAX_SHADERS || !(shader = &r_shaders[handle])) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "TriBind: bad shader %i\n", handle ); return; } if( !shader->num_stages || !shader->stages[0].textures[0] ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "TriBind: bad shader %i\n", handle ); return; } triState.currentShader = handle; // FIXME: scan stages while( frame < stage->num_textures ) ? if( shader->stages[0].textures[0] && shader->stages[0].num_textures && frame > 0 ) glState.draw_frame = bound( 0, frame, shader->stages[0].num_textures ); } void Tri_Enable( int cap ) { if( cap < 0 || cap > TRI_MAXCAPS ) return; tri_caps[cap] = true; } void Tri_Disable( int cap ) { if( cap < 0 || cap > TRI_MAXCAPS ) return; tri_caps[cap] = false; } void Tri_Begin( int mode ) { triState.drawMode = mode; triState.vertexState = 0; triState.checkFlush = false; triState.hasNormals = false; } void Tri_End( void ) { if( triState.numIndex ) Tri_DrawPolygon(); } void Tri_RenderCallback( int fTrans ) { if( RI.refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) return; triState.fActive = true; if( fTrans ) GL_SetState( GLSTATE_NO_DEPTH_TEST ); R_LoadIdentity (); Tri_ClearBounds (); pglColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); RI.currententity = RI.previousentity = NULL; RI.currentmodel = NULL; tri_mbuffer.infokey = -1; tri_mbuffer.shaderkey = 0; triState.numColor = 0; ri.DrawTriangles( fTrans ); // fulsh remaining tris if( tri_mbuffer.infokey != -1 ) { R_RenderMeshBuffer( &tri_mbuffer ); tri_mbuffer.infokey = -1; } triState.fActive = false; } /* =============== R_Set2DMode =============== */ void R_Set2DMode( bool enable ) { if( enable ) { if( glState.in2DMode ) return; // set 2D virtual screen size pglScissor( 0, 0, glState.width, glState.height ); pglViewport( 0, 0, glState.width, glState.height ); pglMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); pglLoadIdentity(); pglOrtho( 0, glState.width, glState.height, 0, -99999, 99999 ); pglMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); pglLoadIdentity(); GL_Cull( 0 ); GL_SetState( GLSTATE_NO_DEPTH_TEST ); pglColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); glState.in2DMode = true; RI.currententity = RI.previousentity = NULL; RI.currentmodel = NULL; pic_mbuffer.infokey = -1; pic_mbuffer.shaderkey = 0; // reset TriApi state too in case we want use it in 2d mode Tri_ClearBounds (); tri_mbuffer.infokey = -1; tri_mbuffer.shaderkey = 0; triState.numColor = 0; triState.fActive = true; } else { if( pic_mbuffer.infokey != -1 ) { R_RenderMeshBuffer( &pic_mbuffer ); pic_mbuffer.infokey = -1; } // fulsh remaining tris if( tri_mbuffer.infokey != -1 ) { R_RenderMeshBuffer( &tri_mbuffer ); tri_mbuffer.infokey = -1; } triState.fActive = false; glState.in2DMode = false; } }