/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // server.h #ifndef SERVER_H #define SERVER_H #include "mathlib.h" #include "sv_edict.h" //============================================================================= #define AREA_SOLID 1 #define AREA_TRIGGERS 2 #define MAX_MASTERS 8 // max recipients for heartbeat packets #define LATENCY_COUNTS 16 #define MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS 16 #define DF_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE 0x00000001 // FIXME: move to server.dat // classic quake flags #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_EASY 0x00000100 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_MEDIUM 0x00000200 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_HARD 0x00000400 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH 0x00000800 #define AI_FLY BIT(0) // monster is flying #define AI_SWIM BIT(1) // swimming monster #define AI_ONGROUND BIT(2) // monster is onground #define AI_PARTIALONGROUND BIT(3) // monster is partially onground #define AI_GODMODE BIT(4) // monster don't give damage at all #define AI_NOTARGET BIT(5) // monster will no searching enemy's #define AI_NOSTEP BIT(6) // Lazarus stuff #define AI_DUCKED BIT(7) // monster (or player) is ducked #define AI_JUMPING BIT(8) // monster (or player) is jumping #define AI_FROZEN BIT(9) // stop moving, but continue thinking #define AI_ACTOR BIT(10) // disable ai for actor #define AI_DRIVER BIT(11) // npc or player driving vehcicle or train #define AI_SPECTATOR BIT(12) // spectator mode for clients #define AI_WATERJUMP BIT(13) // npc or player take out of water typedef enum { ss_dead, // no map loaded ss_loading, // spawning level edicts ss_active // actively running } sv_state_t; typedef enum { cs_free = 0, // can be reused for a new connection cs_zombie, // client has been disconnected, but don't reuse connection for a couple seconds cs_connected, // has been assigned to a sv_client_t, but not in game yet cs_spawned // client is fully in game } cl_state_t; typedef struct server_s { sv_state_t state; // precache commands are only valid during load bool loadgame; // client begins should reuse existing entity float time; // always sv.framenum * 50 msec float frametime; int framenum; int net_framenum; string name; // map name, or cinematic name cmodel_t *models[MAX_MODELS]; cmodel_t *worldmodel; char configstrings[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS][CS_SIZE]; // the multicast buffer is used to send a message to a set of clients // it is only used to marshall data until SV_Message is called sizebuf_t multicast; byte multicast_buf[MAX_MSGLEN]; int lastchecktime; int lastcheck; bool autosaved; } server_t; typedef struct { entity_state_t ps; byte areabits[MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES]; // portalarea visibility bits int areabits_size; int num_entities; int first_entity; // into the circular sv_packet_entities[] int msg_sent; // time the message was transmitted int msg_size; // used to rate drop packets int latency; // message latency time int index; // client edict index } client_frame_t; typedef struct sv_client_s { cl_state_t state; char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // name, etc int lastframe; // for delta compression usercmd_t lastcmd; // for filling in big drops usercmd_t cmd; // current user commands vec3_t fix_angles; // q1 legacy bool fixangle; int ping; int rate; int surpressCount; // number of messages rate supressed int sendtime; // time before send next packet edict_t *edict; // EDICT_NUM(clientnum+1) char name[32]; // extracted from userinfo, high bits masked int messagelevel; // for filtering printed messages // The datagram is written to by sound calls, prints, temp ents, etc. // It can be harmlessly overflowed. sizebuf_t datagram; byte datagram_buf[MAX_MSGLEN]; client_frame_t frames[UPDATE_BACKUP]; // updates can be delta'd from here byte *download; // file being downloaded int downloadsize; // total bytes (can't use EOF because of paks) int downloadcount; // bytes sent int skipframes; // client synchronyze with phys frame int lastmessage; // sv.framenum when packet was last received int lastconnect; int challenge; // challenge of this user, randomly generated netchan_t netchan; } sv_client_t; // link_t is only used for entity area links now typedef struct link_s { struct link_s *prev; struct link_s *next; int entnum; // PRVM_EDICT_NUM } link_t; struct sv_edict_s { // generic_edict_t (don't move these fields!) bool free; float freetime; // sv.time when the object was freed // sv_private_edict_t link_t area; // linked to a division node or leaf struct sv_client_s *client; // filled for player ents int clipmask; // trace info int headnode; // unused if num_clusters != -1 int linkcount; int num_clusters; // if -1, use headnode instead int clusternums[MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS]; int framenum; // update framenumber int areanum, areanum2; bool forceupdate; // physic_push force update bool suspended; // suspended in air toss object bool linked; // passed through SV_LinkEdict vec3_t water_origin; // step old origin vec3_t moved_origin; // push old origin vec3_t moved_angles; // push old angles int serialnumber; // unical entity #id int solid; // see entity_state_t for details physbody_t *physbody; // ptr to phys body // baselines entity_state_t s; // this is a player_state too }; /* ============================================================================= a client can leave the server in one of four ways: dropping properly by quiting or disconnecting timing out if no valid messages are received for timeout.value seconds getting kicked off by the server operator a program error, like an overflowed reliable buffer ============================================================================= */ // MAX_CHALLENGES is made large to prevent a denial // of service attack that could cycle all of them // out before legitimate users connected #define MAX_CHALLENGES 1024 typedef struct { netadr_t adr; int challenge; int time; bool connected; } challenge_t; typedef struct { bool initialized; // sv_init has completed dword realtime; // always increasing, no clamping, etc dword timeleft; string mapcmd; // ie: *intro.cin+base string comment; // map name, e.t.c. int spawncount; // incremented each server start // used to check late spawns sv_client_t *clients; // [host_maxclients->integer] int num_client_entities; // host_maxclients->integer*UPDATE_BACKUP*MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES int next_client_entities; // next client_entity to use entity_state_t *client_entities; // [num_client_entities] entity_state_t *baselines; // [host.max_edicts] func_t ClientMove; // qc client physic int last_heartbeat; challenge_t challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES]; // to prevent invalid IPs from connecting } server_static_t; //============================================================================= extern netadr_t master_adr[MAX_MASTERS]; // address of the master server extern const char *ed_name[]; extern server_static_t svs; // persistant server info extern server_t sv; // local server extern cvar_t *sv_paused; extern cvar_t *sv_noreload; // don't reload level state when reentering extern cvar_t *sv_airaccelerate; // don't reload level state when reentering extern cvar_t *sv_accelerate; extern cvar_t *sv_friction; extern cvar_t *sv_maxvelocity; extern cvar_t *sv_gravity; extern cvar_t *sv_fps; // running server at extern cvar_t *sv_enforcetime; extern cvar_t *sv_reconnect_limit; extern cvar_t *allow_download; extern cvar_t *rcon_password; extern cvar_t *hostname; extern cvar_t *sv_stepheight; extern cvar_t *sv_playersonly; extern cvar_t *sv_rollangle; extern cvar_t *sv_rollspeed; extern cvar_t *sv_maxspeed; extern cvar_t *host_frametime; extern sv_client_t *sv_client; //=========================================================== // // sv_main.c // void SV_FinalMessage (char *message, bool reconnect); void SV_DropClient (sv_client_t *drop); int SV_ModelIndex (const char *name); int SV_SoundIndex (const char *name); int SV_ClassIndex (const char *name); void SV_WriteClientdataToMessage (sv_client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg); void SV_ExecuteUserCommand (char *s); void SV_InitOperatorCommands( void ); void SV_KillOperatorCommands( void ); void SV_SendServerinfo (sv_client_t *client); void SV_UserinfoChanged (sv_client_t *cl); void Master_Heartbeat (void); void Master_Packet (void); // // sv_init.c // void SV_InitGame (void); void SV_Map( char *levelstring, char *savename ); void SV_SpawnServer( const char *server, const char *savename ); int SV_FindIndex (const char *name, int start, int end, bool create); void SV_ClassifyEdict( edict_t *ent ); void SV_VM_Begin( void ); void SV_VM_End( void ); // // sv_phys.c // void SV_Physics( void ); void SV_PlayerMove( sv_edict_t *ed ); void SV_DropToFloor( edict_t *ent ); void SV_CheckGround( edict_t *ent ); bool SV_UnstickEntity( edict_t *ent ); int SV_ContentsMask( const edict_t *passedict ); bool SV_MoveStep (edict_t *ent, vec3_t move, bool relink); void SV_Physics_ClientMove( sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *cmd ); void SV_CheckVelocity (edict_t *ent); bool SV_CheckBottom (edict_t *ent); // // sv_move.c // void SV_Transform( sv_edict_t *ed, matrix4x3 transform ); void SV_PlaySound( sv_edict_t *ed, float volume, const char *sample ); bool SV_movestep( edict_t *ent, vec3_t move, bool relink, bool noenemy, bool settrace ); // // sv_send.c // void SV_SendClientMessages (void); void SV_AmbientSound( edict_t *entity, int soundindex, float volume, float attenuation ); void SV_StartSound (vec3_t origin, edict_t *entity, int channel, int index, float vol, float attn, float timeofs); void SV_ClientPrintf (sv_client_t *cl, int level, char *fmt, ...); void SV_BroadcastPrintf (int level, char *fmt, ...); void SV_BroadcastCommand (char *fmt, ...); // // sv_client.c // char *SV_StatusString( void ); void SV_GetChallenge( netadr_t from ); void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ); void SV_PutClientInServer( edict_t *ent ); void SV_ClientThink( sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *cmd ); void SV_ExecuteClientMessage( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg ); void SV_ConnectionlessPacket( netadr_t from, sizebuf_t *msg ); // // sv_ccmds.c // void SV_Status_f( void ); void SV_Newgame_f( void ); // // sv_ents.c // void SV_WriteFrameToClient (sv_client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg); void SV_BuildClientFrame (sv_client_t *client); void SV_UpdateEntityState( edict_t *ent); void SV_Error (char *error, ...); // // sv_game.c // void SV_InitServerProgs( void ); void SV_FreeServerProgs( void ); void SV_InitEdict (edict_t *e); void SV_ConfigString (int index, const char *val); void SV_SetModel (edict_t *ent, const char *name); void SV_CreatePhysBody( edict_t *ent ); void SV_SetPhysForce( edict_t *ent ); void SV_SetMassCentre( edict_t *ent); float SV_AngleMod( float ideal, float current, float speed ); // // sv_studio.c // cmodel_t *SV_GetModelPtr( edict_t *ent ); float *SV_GetModelVerts( sv_edict_t *ent, int *numvertices ); int SV_StudioExtractBbox( dstudiohdr_t *phdr, int sequence, float *mins, float *maxs ); bool SV_CreateMeshBuffer( edict_t *in, cmodel_t *out ); // // sv_spawn.c // void SV_SpawnEntities( const char *mapname, const char *entities ); void SV_StartParticle (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count); void SV_FreeEdict (edict_t *ed); void SV_InitEdict (edict_t *e); edict_t *SV_Spawn (void); bool SV_ClientConnect (edict_t *ent, char *userinfo); void SV_TouchTriggers (edict_t *ent); // // sv_save.c // void SV_WriteSaveFile( const char *name ); void SV_ReadSaveFile( const char *name ); void SV_ReadLevelFile( const char *name ); //============================================================ // // high level object sorting to reduce interaction tests // void SV_ClearWorld (void); // called after the world model has been loaded, before linking any entities void SV_UnlinkEdict (edict_t *ent); // call before removing an entity, and before trying to move one, // so it doesn't clip against itself void SV_LinkEdict (edict_t *ent); // Needs to be called any time an entity changes origin, mins, maxs, // or solid. Automatically unlinks if needed. // sets ent->v.absmin and ent->v.absmax // sets ent->leafnums[] for pvs determination even if the entity // is not solid int SV_AreaEdicts( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, edict_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype ); // fills in a table of edict pointers with edicts that have bounding boxes // that intersect the given area. It is possible for a non-axial bmodel // to be returned that doesn't actually intersect the area on an exact // test. // returns the number of pointers filled in // ??? does this always return the world? //=================================================================== // // functions that interact with everything apropriate // int SV_PointContents( const vec3_t p ); // returns the CONTENTS_* value from the world at the given point. // Quake 2 extends this to also check entities, to allow moving liquids trace_t SV_Trace(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t min, const vec3_t max, const vec3_t end, int t, edict_t *e, int mask); trace_t SV_TraceToss( edict_t *tossent, edict_t *ignore ); // mins and maxs are relative // if the entire move stays in a solid volume, trace.allsolid will be set, // trace.startsolid will be set, and trace.fraction will be 0 // if the starting point is in a solid, it will be allowed to move out // to an open area // passedict is explicitly excluded from clipping checks (normally NULL) #endif//SERVER_H