/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef CONST_H #define CONST_H // const.h -- included first by ALL program modules #include "materials.h" #ifdef _WIN32 // unknown pragmas are SUPPOSED to be ignored, but.... #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS #pragma warning(disable : 4136) // X86 #pragma warning(disable : 4051) // ALPHA #pragma warning(disable : 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch #pragma warning(disable : 4305) // truncation from const double to float #endif // MSVC has a different name for several standard functions #ifdef WIN32 # define strcasecmp stricmp # define strncasecmp strnicmp #endif #if (defined _M_IX86 || defined __i386__) && !defined C_ONLY && !defined __sun__ #define id386 1 #else #define id386 0 #endif #if defined _M_ALPHA && !defined C_ONLY #define idaxp 1 #else #define idaxp 0 #endif #define MAX_STRING_CHARS 1024 // max length of a string passed to Cmd_TokenizeString #define MAX_STRING_TOKENS 80 // max tokens resulting from Cmd_TokenizeString #define MAX_TOKEN_CHARS 128 // max length of an individual token #define MAX_QPATH 64 // max length of a quake game pathname #define MAX_OSPATH 128 // max length of a filesystem pathname // // per-level limits // #define MAX_CLIENTS 256 // absolute limit #define MAX_EDICTS 1024 // must change protocol to increase more #define MAX_LIGHTSTYLES 256 #define MAX_MODELS 256 // these are sent over the net as bytes #define MAX_SOUNDS 256 // so they cannot be blindly increased #define MAX_IMAGES 256 #define MAX_ITEMS 256 #define MAX_GENERAL (MAX_CLIENTS*2) // general config strings // game print flags #define PRINT_LOW 0 // pickup messages #define PRINT_MEDIUM 1 // death messages #define PRINT_HIGH 2 // critical messages #define PRINT_CHAT 3 // chat messages #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_EASY 0x00000100 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_MEDIUM 0x00000200 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_HARD 0x00000400 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH 0x00000800 // entity_state_t->renderfx flags #define RF_MINLIGHT 1 // allways have some light (viewmodel) #define RF_VIEWERMODEL 2 // don't draw through eyes, only mirrors #define RF_WEAPONMODEL 4 // only draw through eyes #define RF_FULLBRIGHT 8 // allways draw full intensity #define RF_DEPTHHACK 16 // for view weapon Z crunching #define RF_TRANSLUCENT 32 #define RF_FRAMELERP 64 #define RF_BEAM 128 #define RF_CUSTOMSKIN 256 // skin is an index in image_precache #define RF_GLOW 512 // pulse lighting for bonus items #define RF_SHELL_RED 1024 #define RF_SHELL_GREEN 2048 #define RF_SHELL_BLUE 4096 #define RF_IR_VISIBLE 0x00008000 // 32768 #define RF_SHELL_DOUBLE 0x00010000 // 65536 #define RF_SHELL_HALF_DAM 0x00020000 #define RF_USE_DISGUISE 0x00040000 //lazarus #define RF_VAMPIRE 0x00080000 // 524288 // player_state_t->refdef flags #define RDF_UNDERWATER 1 // warp the screen as apropriate #define RDF_NOWORLDMODEL 2 // used for player configuration screen #define RDF_IRGOGGLES 4 #define RDF_UVGOGGLES 8 #define RDF_BLOOM 32 #define RDF_PAIN 64 #define RDF_WATER 128 #define RDF_LAVA 256 #define RDF_SLIME 512 // edict->movetype values // edict->flags #define FL_CLIENT (1<<0) // this is client #define FL_MONSTER (1<<1) // this is npc #define FL_DEADMONSTER (1<<2) // dead npc or dead player #define FL_WORLDBRUSH (1<<3) // Not moveable/removeable brush entity #define FL_DORMANT (1<<4) // Entity is dormant, no updates to client #define FL_FRAMETHINK (1<<5) // entity will be thinking every frame #define FL_GRAPHED (1<<6) // worldgraph has this ent listed as something that blocks a connection #define FL_FLOAT (1<<7) // this entity can be floating. FIXME: remove this ? #define FL_TRACKTRAIN (1<<8) // old stuff... typedef enum { DAMAGE_NO, DAMAGE_YES, // will take damage if hit DAMAGE_AIM // auto targeting recognizes this } damage_t; typedef enum { WEAPON_READY, WEAPON_ACTIVATING, WEAPON_DROPPING, WEAPON_FIRING } weaponstate_t; #define MOVETYPE_NONE 0 // never moves #define MOVETYPE_NOCLIP 1 // origin and angles change with no interaction #define MOVETYPE_PUSH 2 // no clip to world, push on box contact #define MOVETYPE_STOP 3 // no clip to world, stops on box contact #define MOVETYPE_WALK 4 // gravity #define MOVETYPE_STEP 5 // gravity, special edge handling #define MOVETYPE_FLY 6 #define MOVETYPE_TOSS 7 // gravity #define MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE 8 // extra size to monsters #define MOVETYPE_BOUNCE 9 #define MOVETYPE_FOLLOW 10 // attached models #define MOVETYPE_VEHICLE 11 #define MOVETYPE_PUSHABLE 12 #define MOVETYPE_DEBRIS 13 // non-solid debris that can still hurt you #define MOVETYPE_RAIN 14 // identical to MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE, but doesn't cause splash noises when touching water. #define MOVETYPE_PENDULUM 15 // same as MOVETYPE_PUSH, but used only for pendulums to grab special-case problems #define MOVETYPE_CONVEYOR 16 /* ============================================================== MATHLIB ============================================================== */ typedef int fixed4_t; typedef int fixed8_t; typedef int fixed16_t; #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 // matches value in gcc v2 math.h #endif struct cplane_s; extern vec3_t vec3_origin; #define nanmask (255<<23) #define IS_NAN(x) (((*(int *)&x)&nanmask)==nanmask) // microsoft's fabs seems to be ungodly slow... #define Q_ftol( f ) ( long ) (f) #define DotProduct(x,y) (x[0]*y[0]+x[1]*y[1]+x[2]*y[2]) void ClearBounds (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs); void AddPointToBounds (vec3_t v, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs); void CrossProduct (vec3_t v1, vec3_t v2, vec3_t cross); vec_t VectorNormalize (vec3_t v); // returns vector length vec_t VectorNormalize2 (vec3_t v, vec3_t out); void VectorInverse (vec3_t v); int Q_log2(int val); void R_ConcatRotations (float in1[3][3], float in2[3][3], float out[3][3]); void R_ConcatTransforms (float in1[3][4], float in2[3][4], float out[3][4]); float LerpAngle (float a1, float a2, float frac); void ProjectPointOnPlane( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t p, const vec3_t normal ); void PerpendicularVector( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t src ); void RotatePointAroundVector( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t dir, const vec3_t point, float degrees ); void Com_PageInMemory (byte *buffer, int size); //============================================= // // key / value info strings // char *Info_ValueForKey (char *s, char *key); void Info_RemoveKey (char *s, char *key); void Info_SetValueForKey (char *s, char *key, char *value); bool Info_Validate (char *s); /* ============================================================== COLLISION DETECTION ============================================================== */ // content masks #define MASK_ALL (-1) #define MASK_SOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_WINDOW) #define MASK_PLAYERSOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_MONSTER) #define MASK_DEADSOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_WINDOW) #define MASK_MONSTERSOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_MONSTER) #define MASK_WATER (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME) #define MASK_OPAQUE (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_LAVA) #define MASK_SHOT (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTER|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER) #define MASK_CURRENT (CONTENTS_CURRENT_0|CONTENTS_CURRENT_90|CONTENTS_CURRENT_180|CONTENTS_CURRENT_270|CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP|CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN) // gi.BoxEdicts() can return a list of either solid or trigger entities // FIXME: eliminate AREA_ distinction? #define AREA_SOLID 1 #define AREA_TRIGGERS 2 // a trace is returned when a box is swept through the world typedef struct { bool allsolid; // if true, plane is not valid bool startsolid; // if true, the initial point was in a solid area float fraction; // time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything vec3_t endpos; // final position cplane_t plane; // surface normal at impact csurface_t *surface; // surface hit int contents; // contents on other side of surface hit edict_t *ent; // not set by CM_*() functions } trace_t; // pmove_state_t is the information necessary for client side movement // prediction typedef enum { // can accelerate and turn PM_NORMAL, PM_SPECTATOR, // no acceleration or turning PM_DEAD, PM_GIB, // different bounding box PM_FREEZE } pmtype_t; // pmove->pm_flags #define PMF_DUCKED 1 #define PMF_JUMP_HELD 2 #define PMF_ON_GROUND 4 #define PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP 8 // pm_time is waterjump #define PMF_TIME_LAND 16 // pm_time is time before rejump #define PMF_TIME_TELEPORT 32 // pm_time is non-moving time #define PMF_NO_PREDICTION 64 // temporarily disables prediction (used for grappling hook) // this structure needs to be communicated bit-accurate // from the server to the client to guarantee that // prediction stays in sync, so no floats are used. // if any part of the game code modifies this struct, it // will result in a prediction error of some degree. typedef struct { pmtype_t pm_type; short origin[3]; // 12.3 short velocity[3]; // 12.3 byte pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc byte pm_time; // each unit = 8 ms short gravity; short delta_angles[3]; // add to command angles to get view direction // changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters } pmove_state_t; // // button bits // // // button bits // #define BUTTON_ATTACK 1 #define BUTTON_USE 2 #define BUTTON_ATTACK2 4 #define BUTTONS_ATTACK (BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_ATTACK2) #define BUTTON_ANY 128 // any key whatsoever // usercmd_t is sent to the server each client frame typedef struct usercmd_s { byte msec; byte buttons; short angles[3]; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; byte impulse; // remove? byte lightlevel; // light level the player is standing on } usercmd_t; #define MAXTOUCH 32 typedef struct { // state (in / out) pmove_state_t s; // command (in) usercmd_t cmd; bool snapinitial; // if s has been changed outside pmove // results (out) int numtouch; edict_t *touchents[MAXTOUCH]; vec3_t viewangles; // clamped float viewheight; vec3_t mins, maxs; // bounding box size edict_t *groundentity; int watertype; int waterlevel; // callbacks to test the world trace_t (*trace) (vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end); int (*pointcontents) (vec3_t point); } pmove_t; // entity_state_t->effects // Effects are things handled on the client side (lights, particles, frame animations) // that happen constantly on the given entity. // An entity that has effects will be sent to the client // even if it has a zero index model. #define EF_ROTATE 0x00000001 // rotate (bonus items) #define EF_GIB 0x00000002 // leave a trail #define EF_BLASTER 0x00000008 // redlight + trail #define EF_ROCKET 0x00000010 // redlight + trail #define EF_GRENADE 0x00000020 #define EF_HYPERBLASTER 0x00000040 #define EF_BFG 0x00000080 #define EF_COLOR_SHELL 0x00000100 #define EF_POWERSCREEN 0x00000200 #define EF_ANIM01 0x00000400 // automatically cycle between frames 0 and 1 at 2 hz #define EF_ANIM23 0x00000800 // automatically cycle between frames 2 and 3 at 2 hz #define EF_ANIM_ALL 0x00001000 // automatically cycle through all frames at 2hz #define EF_ANIM_ALLFAST 0x00002000 // automatically cycle through all frames at 10hz #define EF_FLIES 0x00004000 #define EF_QUAD 0x00008000 #define EF_PENT 0x00010000 #define EF_TELEPORTER 0x00020000 // particle fountain #define EF_FLAG1 0x00040000 #define EF_FLAG2 0x00080000 // RAFAEL #define EF_IONRIPPER 0x00100000 #define EF_GREENGIB 0x00200000 #define EF_BLUEHYPERBLASTER 0x00400000 #define EF_SPINNINGLIGHTS 0x00800000 #define EF_PLASMA 0x01000000 #define EF_TRAP 0x02000000 // // muzzle flashes / player effects // #define MZ_BLASTER 0 #define MZ_MACHINEGUN 1 #define MZ_SHOTGUN 2 #define MZ_CHAINGUN1 3 #define MZ_CHAINGUN2 4 #define MZ_CHAINGUN3 5 #define MZ_RAILGUN 6 #define MZ_ROCKET 7 #define MZ_GRENADE 8 #define MZ_LOGIN 9 #define MZ_LOGOUT 10 #define MZ_RESPAWN 11 #define MZ_BFG 12 #define MZ_SSHOTGUN 13 #define MZ_HYPERBLASTER 14 #define MZ_ITEMRESPAWN 15 // RAFAEL #define MZ_IONRIPPER 16 #define MZ_BLUEHYPERBLASTER 17 #define MZ_PHALANX 18 #define MZ_SILENCED 128 // bit flag ORed with one of the above numbers // // monster muzzle flashes // #define MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_1 1 #define MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_2 2 #define MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_3 3 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_1 4 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_2 5 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_3 6 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_4 7 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_5 8 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_6 9 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_7 10 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_8 11 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_9 12 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_10 13 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_11 14 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_12 15 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_13 16 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_14 17 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_15 18 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_16 19 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_17 20 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_18 21 #define MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_19 22 #define MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_1 23 #define MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_2 24 #define MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_3 25 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_1 26 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_2 27 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_3 28 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_4 29 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_5 30 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_6 31 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_7 32 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_8 33 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_9 34 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_10 35 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_11 36 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_12 37 #define MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_13 38 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_1 39 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_2 40 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_1 41 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_2 42 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_1 43 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_2 44 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_1 45 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_2 46 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_3 47 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_4 48 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_5 49 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_6 50 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_7 51 #define MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_8 52 #define MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_1 53 #define MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_2 54 #define MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_3 55 #define MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_4 56 #define MZ2_CHICK_ROCKET_1 57 #define MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_1 58 #define MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_2 59 #define MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_1 60 #define MZ2_GLADIATOR_RAILGUN_1 61 #define MZ2_HOVER_BLASTER_1 62 #define MZ2_ACTOR_MACHINEGUN_1 63 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_1 64 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_2 65 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_3 66 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_4 67 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_5 68 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_6 69 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_1 70 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_2 71 #define MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_3 72 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L1 73 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L2 74 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L3 75 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L4 76 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L5 77 #define MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_1 78 #define MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_2 79 #define MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_3 80 #define MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_4 81 #define MZ2_FLOAT_BLASTER_1 82 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_3 83 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_3 84 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_3 85 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_4 86 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_4 87 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_4 88 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_5 89 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_5 90 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_5 91 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_6 92 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_6 93 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_6 94 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_7 95 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_7 96 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_7 97 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_8 98 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_8 99 #define MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_8 100 // --- Xian shit below --- #define MZ2_MAKRON_BFG 101 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_1 102 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_2 103 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_3 104 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_4 105 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_5 106 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_6 107 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_7 108 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_8 109 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_9 110 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_10 111 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_11 112 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_12 113 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_13 114 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_14 115 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_15 116 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_16 117 #define MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_17 118 #define MZ2_MAKRON_RAILGUN_1 119 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L1 120 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L2 121 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L3 122 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L4 123 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L5 124 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L6 125 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R1 126 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R2 127 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R3 128 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R4 129 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R5 130 #define MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R6 131 #define MZ2_JORG_BFG_1 132 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R1 133 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R2 134 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R3 135 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R4 136 #define MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R5 137 extern vec3_t monster_flash_offset []; // temp entity events // // Temp entity events are for things that happen // at a location seperate from any existing entity. // Temporary entity messages are explicitly constructed // and broadcast. typedef enum { TE_GUNSHOT, TE_BLOOD, TE_BLASTER, TE_RAILTRAIL, TE_SHOTGUN, TE_EXPLOSION1, TE_EXPLOSION2, TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION, TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION, TE_SPARKS, TE_SPLASH, TE_BUBBLETRAIL, TE_SCREEN_SPARKS, TE_SHIELD_SPARKS, TE_BULLET_SPARKS, TE_LASER_SPARKS, TE_PARASITE_ATTACK, TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION_WATER, TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION_WATER, TE_MEDIC_CABLE_ATTACK, TE_BFG_EXPLOSION, TE_BFG_BIGEXPLOSION, TE_BOSSTPORT, // used as '22' in a map, so DON'T RENUMBER!!! TE_BFG_LASER, TE_GRAPPLE_CABLE, TE_WELDING_SPARKS, TE_GREENBLOOD, TE_BLUEHYPERBLASTER, TE_PLASMA_EXPLOSION, TE_TUNNEL_SPARKS, TE_FLASHLIGHT, TE_DEBUGTRAIL, } temp_event_t; #define SPLASH_UNKNOWN 0 #define SPLASH_SPARKS 1 #define SPLASH_BLUE_WATER 2 #define SPLASH_BROWN_WATER 3 #define SPLASH_SLIME 4 #define SPLASH_LAVA 5 #define SPLASH_BLOOD 6 // sound channels // channel 0 never willingly overrides // other channels (1-7) allways override a playing sound on that channel #define CHAN_AUTO 0 #define CHAN_WEAPON 1 #define CHAN_VOICE 2 #define CHAN_ITEM 3 #define CHAN_BODY 4 #define CHAN_GIZMO 5 // modifier flags #define CHAN_NO_PHS_ADD 8 // send to all clients, not just ones in PHS (ATTN 0 will also do this) #define CHAN_RELIABLE 16 // send by reliable message, not datagram // sound attenuation values #define ATTN_NONE 0 // full volume the entire level #define ATTN_NORM 1 #define ATTN_IDLE 2 #define ATTN_STATIC 3 // diminish very rapidly with distance // player_state->stats[] indexes #define STAT_HEALTH_ICON 0 #define STAT_HEALTH 1 #define STAT_AMMO_ICON 2 #define STAT_AMMO 3 #define STAT_ARMOR_ICON 4 #define STAT_ARMOR 5 #define STAT_SELECTED_ICON 6 #define STAT_PICKUP_ICON 7 #define STAT_PICKUP_STRING 8 #define STAT_TIMER_ICON 9 #define STAT_TIMER 10 #define STAT_HELPICON 11 #define STAT_SELECTED_ITEM 12 #define STAT_LAYOUTS 13 #define STAT_FRAGS 14 #define STAT_FLASHES 15 // cleared each frame, 1 = health, 2 = armor #define STAT_CHASE 16 #define STAT_SPECTATOR 17 #define STAT_SPEED 22 #define STAT_ZOOM 23 #define MAX_STATS 32 // dmflags->value flags #define DF_NO_HEALTH 0x00000001 // 1 #define DF_NO_ITEMS 0x00000002 // 2 #define DF_WEAPONS_STAY 0x00000004 // 4 #define DF_NO_FALLING 0x00000008 // 8 #define DF_INSTANT_ITEMS 0x00000010 // 16 #define DF_SAME_LEVEL 0x00000020 // 32 #define DF_SKINTEAMS 0x00000040 // 64 #define DF_MODELTEAMS 0x00000080 // 128 #define DF_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE 0x00000100 // 256 #define DF_SPAWN_FARTHEST 0x00000200 // 512 #define DF_FORCE_RESPAWN 0x00000400 // 1024 #define DF_NO_ARMOR 0x00000800 // 2048 #define DF_ALLOW_EXIT 0x00001000 // 4096 #define DF_INFINITE_AMMO 0x00002000 // 8192 #define DF_QUAD_DROP 0x00004000 // 16384 #define DF_FIXED_FOV 0x00008000 // 32768 // RAFAEL #define DF_QUADFIRE_DROP 0x00010000 // 65536 /* ========================================================== ELEMENTS COMMUNICATED ACROSS THE NET ========================================================== */ #define ANGLE2SHORT(x) ((int)((x)*65536/360) & 65535) #define SHORT2ANGLE(x) ((x)*(360.0/65536)) // // config strings are a general means of communication from // the server to all connected clients. // Each config string can be at most MAX_QPATH characters. // #define CS_NAME 0 #define CS_CDTRACK 1 #define CS_SKY 2 #define CS_SKYAXIS 3 // %f %f %f format #define CS_SKYROTATE 4 #define CS_STATUSBAR 5 // display program string #define CS_AIRACCEL 29 // air acceleration control #define CS_MAXCLIENTS 30 #define CS_MAPCHECKSUM 31 // for catching cheater maps #define CS_MODELS 32 #define CS_SOUNDS (CS_MODELS+MAX_MODELS) #define CS_IMAGES (CS_SOUNDS+MAX_SOUNDS) #define CS_LIGHTS (CS_IMAGES+MAX_IMAGES) #define CS_ITEMS (CS_LIGHTS+MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) #define CS_PLAYERSKINS (CS_ITEMS+MAX_ITEMS) #define CS_GENERAL (CS_PLAYERSKINS+MAX_CLIENTS) #define MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS (CS_GENERAL+MAX_GENERAL) //============================================== // entity_state_t->event values // ertity events are for effects that take place reletive // to an existing entities origin. Very network efficient. // All muzzle flashes really should be converted to events... typedef enum { EV_NONE, EV_ITEM_RESPAWN, EV_FOOTSTEP, EV_FALLSHORT, EV_FALL, EV_FALLFAR, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT, EV_OTHER_TELEPORT } entity_event_t; // entity_state_t is the information conveyed from the server // in an update message about entities that the client will // need to render in some way typedef struct entity_state_s { int number; // edict index vec3_t origin; vec3_t angles; vec3_t old_origin; // for lerping animation int modelindex; int weaponmodel; short skin; // skin for studiomodels short frame; // % playback position in animation sequences (0..512) byte body; // sub-model selection for studiomodels byte sequence; // animation sequence (0 - 255) uint effects; // PGM - we're filling it, so it needs to be unsigned int renderfx; int solid; // for client side prediction, 8*(bits 0-4) is x/y radius // 8*(bits 5-9) is z down distance, 8(bits10-15) is z up // gi.linkentity sets this properly int sound; // for looping sounds, to guarantee shutoff int event; // impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc // events only go out for a single frame, they // are automatically cleared each frame float alpha; // alpha value } entity_state_t; //============================================== // player_state_t is the information needed in addition to pmove_state_t // to rendered a view. There will only be 10 player_state_t sent each second, // but the number of pmove_state_t changes will be reletive to client // frame rates typedef struct { pmove_state_t pmove; // for prediction // these fields do not need to be communicated bit-precise vec3_t viewangles; // for fixed views vec3_t viewoffset; // add to pmovestate->origin vec3_t kick_angles; // add to view direction to get render angles // set by weapon kicks, pain effects, etc vec3_t gunangles; vec3_t gunoffset; int gunindex; int gunframe; // studio frame int sequence; // stuido animation sequence int gunbody; int gunskin; float blend[4]; // rgba full screen effect float fov; // horizontal field of view int rdflags; // refdef flags short stats[MAX_STATS]; // fast status bar updates } player_state_t; typedef enum { FOOTSTEP_METAL1, FOOTSTEP_METAL2, FOOTSTEP_METAL3, FOOTSTEP_METAL4, FOOTSTEP_DIRT1, FOOTSTEP_DIRT2, FOOTSTEP_DIRT3, FOOTSTEP_DIRT4, FOOTSTEP_VENT1, FOOTSTEP_VENT2, FOOTSTEP_VENT3, FOOTSTEP_VENT4, FOOTSTEP_GRATE1, FOOTSTEP_GRATE2, FOOTSTEP_GRATE3, FOOTSTEP_GRATE4, FOOTSTEP_TILE1, FOOTSTEP_TILE2, FOOTSTEP_TILE3, FOOTSTEP_TILE4, FOOTSTEP_GRASS1, FOOTSTEP_GRASS2, FOOTSTEP_GRASS3, FOOTSTEP_GRASS4, FOOTSTEP_SNOW1, FOOTSTEP_SNOW2, FOOTSTEP_SNOW3, FOOTSTEP_SNOW4, FOOTSTEP_CARPET1, FOOTSTEP_CARPET2, FOOTSTEP_CARPET3, FOOTSTEP_CARPET4, FOOTSTEP_FORCE1, FOOTSTEP_FORCE2, FOOTSTEP_FORCE3, FOOTSTEP_FORCE4, FOOTSTEP_SLOSH1, FOOTSTEP_SLOSH2, FOOTSTEP_SLOSH3, FOOTSTEP_SLOSH4, FOOTSTEP_LADDER1, FOOTSTEP_LADDER2, FOOTSTEP_LADDER3, FOOTSTEP_LADDER4 } footstep_t; typedef enum { ENTITY_DONT_USE_THIS_ONE, ENTITY_ITEM_HEALTH, ENTITY_ITEM_HEALTH_SMALL, ENTITY_ITEM_HEALTH_LARGE, ENTITY_ITEM_HEALTH_MEGA, ENTITY_INFO_PLAYER_START, ENTITY_INFO_PLAYER_DEATHMATCH, ENTITY_INFO_PLAYER_COOP, ENTITY_INFO_PLAYER_INTERMISSION, ENTITY_FUNC_PLAT, ENTITY_FUNC_BUTTON, ENTITY_FUNC_DOOR, ENTITY_FUNC_DOOR_SECRET, ENTITY_FUNC_DOOR_ROTATING, ENTITY_FUNC_ROTATING, ENTITY_FUNC_TRAIN, ENTITY_FUNC_WATER, ENTITY_FUNC_CONVEYOR, ENTITY_FUNC_AREAPORTAL, ENTITY_FUNC_CLOCK, ENTITY_FUNC_WALL, ENTITY_FUNC_OBJECT, ENTITY_FUNC_TIMER, ENTITY_FUNC_EXPLOSIVE, ENTITY_FUNC_KILLBOX, ENTITY_TARGET_ACTOR, ENTITY_TARGET_ANIMATION, ENTITY_TARGET_BLASTER, ENTITY_TARGET_CHANGELEVEL, ENTITY_TARGET_CHARACTER, ENTITY_TARGET_CROSSLEVEL_TARGET, ENTITY_TARGET_CROSSLEVEL_TRIGGER, ENTITY_TARGET_EARTHQUAKE, ENTITY_TARGET_EXPLOSION, ENTITY_TARGET_GOAL, ENTITY_TARGET_HELP, ENTITY_TARGET_LASER, ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHTRAMP, ENTITY_TARGET_SECRET, ENTITY_TARGET_SPAWNER, ENTITY_TARGET_SPEAKER, ENTITY_TARGET_SPLASH, ENTITY_TARGET_STRING, ENTITY_TARGET_TEMP_ENTITY, ENTITY_TRIGGER_ALWAYS, ENTITY_TRIGGER_COUNTER, ENTITY_TRIGGER_ELEVATOR, ENTITY_TRIGGER_GRAVITY, ENTITY_TRIGGER_HURT, ENTITY_TRIGGER_KEY, ENTITY_TRIGGER_ONCE, ENTITY_TRIGGER_MONSTERJUMP, ENTITY_TRIGGER_MULTIPLE, ENTITY_TRIGGER_PUSH, ENTITY_TRIGGER_RELAY, ENTITY_VIEWTHING, ENTITY_WORLDSPAWN, ENTITY_LIGHT, ENTITY_LIGHT_MINE1, ENTITY_LIGHT_MINE2, ENTITY_INFO_NOTNULL, ENTITY_PATH_CORNER, ENTITY_POINT_COMBAT, ENTITY_MISC_EXPLOBOX, ENTITY_MISC_BANNER, ENTITY_MISC_SATELLITE_DISH, ENTITY_MISC_ACTOR, ENTITY_MISC_GIB_ARM, ENTITY_MISC_GIB_LEG, ENTITY_MISC_GIB_HEAD, ENTITY_MISC_INSANE, ENTITY_MISC_DEADSOLDIER, ENTITY_MISC_VIPER, ENTITY_MISC_VIPER_BOMB, ENTITY_MISC_BIGVIPER, ENTITY_MISC_STROGG_SHIP, ENTITY_MISC_TELEPORTER, ENTITY_MISC_TELEPORTER_DEST, ENTITY_MISC_BLACKHOLE, ENTITY_MISC_EASTERTANK, ENTITY_MISC_EASTERCHICK, ENTITY_MISC_EASTERCHICK2, ENTITY_MONSTER_BERSERK, ENTITY_MONSTER_GLADIATOR, ENTITY_MONSTER_GUNNER, ENTITY_MONSTER_INFANTRY, ENTITY_MONSTER_SOLDIER_LIGHT, ENTITY_MONSTER_SOLDIER, ENTITY_MONSTER_SOLDIER_SS, ENTITY_MONSTER_TANK, ENTITY_MONSTER_MEDIC, ENTITY_MONSTER_FLIPPER, ENTITY_MONSTER_CHICK, ENTITY_MONSTER_PARASITE, ENTITY_MONSTER_FLYER, ENTITY_MONSTER_BRAIN, ENTITY_MONSTER_FLOATER, ENTITY_MONSTER_HOVER, ENTITY_MONSTER_MUTANT, ENTITY_MONSTER_SUPERTANK, ENTITY_MONSTER_BOSS2, ENTITY_MONSTER_BOSS3_STAND, ENTITY_MONSTER_JORG, ENTITY_MONSTER_COMMANDER_BODY, ENTITY_TURRET_BREACH, ENTITY_TURRET_BASE, ENTITY_TURRET_DRIVER, ENTITY_CRANE_BEAM, ENTITY_CRANE_HOIST, ENTITY_CRANE_HOOK, ENTITY_CRANE_CONTROL, ENTITY_CRANE_RESET, ENTITY_FUNC_BOBBINGWATER, ENTITY_FUNC_DOOR_SWINGING, ENTITY_FUNC_FORCE_WALL, ENTITY_FUNC_MONITOR, ENTITY_FUNC_PENDULUM, ENTITY_FUNC_PIVOT, ENTITY_FUNC_PUSHABLE, ENTITY_FUNC_REFLECT, ENTITY_FUNC_TRACKCHANGE, ENTITY_FUNC_TRACKTRAIN, ENTITY_FUNC_TRAINBUTTON, ENTITY_FUNC_VEHICLE, ENTITY_HINT_PATH, ENTITY_INFO_TRAIN_START, ENTITY_MISC_LIGHT, ENTITY_MODEL_SPAWN, ENTITY_MODEL_TRAIN, ENTITY_MODEL_TURRET, ENTITY_MONSTER_MAKRON, ENTITY_PATH_TRACK, ENTITY_TARGET_ANGER, ENTITY_TARGET_ATTRACTOR, ENTITY_TARGET_CD, ENTITY_TARGET_CHANGE, ENTITY_TARGET_CLONE, ENTITY_TARGET_EFFECT, ENTITY_TARGET_FADE, ENTITY_TARGET_FAILURE, ENTITY_TARGET_FOG, ENTITY_TARGET_FOUNTAIN, ENTITY_TARGET_LIGHTSWITCH, ENTITY_TARGET_LOCATOR, ENTITY_TARGET_LOCK, ENTITY_TARGET_LOCK_CLUE, ENTITY_TARGET_LOCK_CODE, ENTITY_TARGET_LOCK_DIGIT, ENTITY_TARGET_MONITOR, ENTITY_TARGET_MONSTERBATTLE, ENTITY_TARGET_MOVEWITH, ENTITY_TARGET_PRECIPITATION, ENTITY_TARGET_ROCKS, ENTITY_TARGET_ROTATION, ENTITY_TARGET_SET_EFFECT, ENTITY_TARGET_SKILL, ENTITY_TARGET_SKY, ENTITY_TARGET_PLAYBACK, ENTITY_TARGET_TEXT, ENTITY_THING, ENTITY_TREMOR_TRIGGER_MULTIPLE, ENTITY_TRIGGER_BBOX, ENTITY_TRIGGER_DISGUISE, ENTITY_TRIGGER_FOG, ENTITY_TRIGGER_INSIDE, ENTITY_TRIGGER_LOOK, ENTITY_TRIGGER_MASS, ENTITY_TRIGGER_SCALES, ENTITY_TRIGGER_SPEAKER, ENTITY_TRIGGER_SWITCH, ENTITY_TRIGGER_TELEPORTER, ENTITY_TRIGGER_TRANSITION, ENTITY_BOLT, ENTITY_DEBRIS, ENTITY_GIB, ENTITY_GIBHEAD, ENTITY_GRENADE, ENTITY_HANDGRENADE, ENTITY_ROCKET, ENTITY_CHASECAM, ENTITY_CAMPLAYER, ENTITY_PLAYER_NOISE } entity_id; #define DEG2RAD( a ) ( a * M_PI ) / 180.0F #ifdef __LCC__ #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define _mkdir mkdir #endif #endif//CONST_H