build 3886 Client: fixup processing russian leter 'ÿ' in READ_STRING() Client: fixup russian leters support in VGUI Engine: add support for Arguire QBSP 'broken' clipnodes (engine is need to rebuilt with broken binary compatibility) Engine: add support of Darkplaces BSP2 format (engine is need to rebuilt with broken binary compatibility) Engine: re-organize model_t structures for easy acess to custom user data Engine: full implementation of Quake1 alias models (this is usefull for my new project that called QWrap) Engine: kRenderWorldGlow is no longer supported and removed Engine: re-organize cvar system for better consistency, replace variable 'modified' with same flag to get acess from user dlls Engine: some expansion of event_api_t Engine: HD-textures is no longer supported and removed Engine: global revision for engine feature flags Engine: client beams code was totally rewrited Render: tracers code was rewrited Engine: for custom renderering from client-side was created new interface struct that called ref_viewpass_t. ref_params_t now is macthed with GoldSrc Engine: RenderAPI version was updated to 36. Render: hardware gamma in no longer supported and completely changed to software gamma like in GoldSrc. FS: get support of quake WAD2 file format Engine: allow to save cvars at game-side into config.cfg and properly restore them Render: new frustum culling code (come from P2:Savior renderer) GameUI: allow menu request video-res list from the engine instead of keep copy of array into the menu code (this may cause potentital mismatch trouble) Render: full implementation of Quake1 sprites and LordHavoc spr32 file format (this is usefull for my new project that called QWrap) Render: studio model renderer was rewrited to get more compatibility with GoldSrc. Render: studio shadows now using light direction (instead of fixed vector) Render: studio boneweighting implementation (for new P2:Savior mdl format extesion) Sound: musicvolume was renamed to MP3Volume to match same name in GoldSrc Client: demo playing is now using viewangle interpolation and movement predicting Client: rewrite client-side events queue and playing code Client: rewrite client frame delta-compression Client: rewrite client predicting Client: rewrite client interpolation Client: fix old trouble with beam follow that tends to glueing with new unsupposed entity Sound: fix sound origin for rotating bmodels Client: reorganize client frame for better compatibility Network: protocol was updatetd to version 49 (this is not match with GoldSrc just same number) Client: rewrite handling of client-only models Engine: rewrite conception of network user variables (info strings) Network: fix network message fragmentation Console: now in-game console can displayed all the message from engine starts and nothing to skip Network: rewrite net graph code, optimize Newtork: adds the debugging tools fakelag and fakeloss Client: rewrite client trace allow to collide with pmove->visents properly Client: loading quake-style icons for "loading" and "paused" images. Client: get support for quake1 fixed fonts Client: rewrite temp entities, tune effects constants and other things Client: cull tempentities with PVS Render: change fog handle to prevent some troubles in mods that based on SoHL. Render: decals on translucent surfaces is now properly sorted from backside view Render: optimize water waves (perfomance) Render: merge decals into batches on world geometry (perfomance) Render: add a new cvar r_lightmap_nearest to show unsmoothed lightmaps (debugging thing) Render: apply box filter to 1-bit alpha channel (remove ugly borders) Render: get support with func_details that contain alpha-test textures Render: rewrite sorting of translucent entities and brushfaces Render: new code for lighting studio and alias models Render: handle typical gl-errors while gl_check_errors is set to 1 Render: particles code was rewrited Render: now tracers uses external texture sprites/dot.spr instead of procedural particle (same as in GoldSrc) Render: some fixes for random tiled textures Render: rewrite sprite lerping between frames, fixup some errors Render: interpolate attachment origin for attached sprites in case a parent doesn't have a real attachment points Render: studio glow-shells was rewritten, fix broken shell normals (old GoldSrc bug) Render: allow model scale on studio models culling (cause problems in SoHL-based mods) Render: compute true min-max for all studio models automagically (this useful on client trace for pmove->visents) Render: remove picmip and skymip code Render: disable GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias on all Intel cards (this cause problems) Render: handle skybox images for Quake1 and Half-Life rules (underline suffix issues) Render: render stub texture for missed skyboxes Sound: rewrite sound PHS occlusion, fixup some errors Input: fix old bug where buttons automatically unpressed during changelevel Engine: totaly rewritten code for system of config executes, eliminate re-executing etc Console: cmd "mapstats" now displayed map compiler name (if available) Console: commandline option -oldfont is cause to load console font from gfx.wad (like in GoldSrc) FS: allow to place wad-files into pak-files (and keep right acess order) FS: rewriting games analyze on engine startup (missing gameinfo, empty mod folders and other problems) Engine: clipping hull sizes is now shared across network Server: disable extended pusher physics as default (it will activated with feature ENGINE_PHYSICS_PUSHER_EXT) Engine: rewrited dedicated server code (restarting and cmdline) Engine: load colored lighting from external file mapname.lit (quake feature) ImageLib: allow to interpret masked textures as colored decals (GoldSrc can too) SoundLib: update mpeglib version to avoid glitches and crashes on mp3-seeking. Server: remember last issued map and restart from them (cvar hostmap) Server: properly handle of func_monsterclip tracelines Server: disable PAS for singleplayer (same as in GoldSrc) Server: fix error with user message overflows (thx albatross) Server: allow to spawn unnamed entity with class "custom" Server: new code of velocity normalization GameUI: fixup menu buttons loader (0-entries palettes) Engine: many small fixes and other improvements that i can't to list all them here build 3597 Engine: implemenantion of generic extension of BSP file format. Some extra lumps used by mods to get a new features like terrains, improved lighting etc Engine: rewrite PVS system for variable PVS radius that can be used as FAT pvs or FAT phs without recalculating vis-array Engine: starting to implement a new global feature that called HOST_FIXED_FRAMERATE to get client and server with constant fps (xash-based mods only) Render: some unsed funcs from RenderAPI was replaced with usefully funcs. Backward compatibility stay keep on Render: added few function in RenderAPI for SDLash3D by Albatross request Render: get support for loading multi-layered textures (for potential landscape implemenantion) Client: added two funcs into engine interface for custom interpolation on the client Server: allow to write map lums on a server to store userdata (physic collision, ai nodegraph as example). Works with extended BSP format only Server: physic interface was updated and expanded to get more control over player and entities simulation Client: demo protocol was changed to 2 ( allow comment in demo header) Client: demo playing is now using interpolation of client view angles Client: fixup some issues on demo playback Client: fix broken parametric entities (rockets in TFC as example) in multiplayer Client: net graph implementation like in GoldSrc Client: fixup ugly "un-duck" effect while after changing level (see for example transition from c0a0b to c0a0c) Client: clean-up and rewrite predicting code to get more compatibility for original prediction Client: handle colon separately for client version of COM_ParseFile (like in goldsrc) Client: finalize NETAPI. Now it can handle servers list from a master server (and display on a built-in client browser of course) GameUI: fixup color-strings that sended across network as server names or player names Client: texturebrower and overview mode now is not affected to player moving in world Client: accumulate pmove entities right after handling delta's not after world rendering Client: change master server address and request to actual Client: exclude dead bodies from solid objects in pmove processing Engine: fixup wad parsing from "wad" string in worldspawn settings (broken in previous version) Client: new style of displaying FPS counter Network: remove compression routine (very low efficiency) Client: fix muzzleflashes decoding from an studio animation event Engine: fix crash\hanging while trying to play AVI-file when codec is not-installed Client: change color handle for viewbeams (remove color normalization) Render: rewrite waves on water surfaces, uses table sin, increase speed and look close GoldSrc Render: completely rewrite texture loader, remove obsolete code, added support for multi-layered textures and float textures, fix errors Render: now "gl_texturemode" is obsolete and removed. Use "gl_texture_nearest" cvar instead Render: improved doble-cloud layering sky for Quake. reduce parallax distorsion Render: completely rewrite OpenGL loader. Remove obsolete extensions, fixup some errors Render: moved lightstyle animation from render frame loop to client frame loop (to prevent execute lightstyle animation on multipass viewing) Client: fixup studio culling on models with non-default scaling (large models in SoHL) Sound: change DSP code to get DSP effects like in original GoldSrc Sound: rewite sound PHS code. Now it can be useful Sound: first implenantion of raw-channels manager (in future this will be used for a custom video playing in xash-based mods and voice stream) Sound: sentence sounds now can be freed after playing (and saves some memory) Client: get VGUI backend to implement of lastest version of vgui.dll Engine: sort commands and cvars in alpha-bethical order. Include scripting functions from SDLash3D Console: now map list show an extension or type of various map and mapstats check level for transparent water support Console: replace the console buffer with effectively circular buffer (up to 1mb messages) FS: do complete revision of filesystem code, remove WAD2 support ImageLib: fix crash in quantizer while image is completely black Server: ignore sounds from pmove code when prediction is enabled Server: change userinfo handling, fixup info send to all the clients Server: fixup player animtion timings Server: enable cl_msglevel to filter up unneeded messages Server: restart server right if circular buffer pointer was exceeded 32-bit limit value Server: fixup player think timings build 3366 Render: get support for custom DXT encoding (custom renderers only) Render: remove image program stuff (just not used) Engine: adding support for new wad filetypes (like DDS images) and wad imagetypes (normalmap, glossmap etc) Render: implement tiling on the studiomodels Client: do revision of predicting implementation, fix errors, more clean code Client: implement prediction error to avoid ugly blinking view on moving platforms when predicting is enabled Render: fixup the DDS loading code (invalid calc for mip-sizes) Client: fixup parser of detailtextures when texturename contain symbol '{' Render: added experimental hint for Nvidia drivers for force select Nvidia videocard when engine is running Engine: rewrote condition to calculate level CRC (singleplayer or multiplayer) Engine: added cvar r_wadtextures like in HL. First load textures from the wad, then from BSP Server: fix bug with cl_updaterate variable (always get default values if not changed by user) Server: recalc the ping time correctly Server: fix bug with too long player name GameUI: fix bug with 4-bit bmps buttons (image cutter) build 3224 Client: make players solid for prediction code Client: change out of band request to make compatibility with custom master-servers Client: reject triggers and other like things for prediction code Client: fix the potential crash in prediction code Render: fix the potential crash in image loader Client: fix thirdperson camera culling Console: experimental fix for console problems with word-wrapping Network: fix bug in BF_WriteBitAngle function (thx mittorn) Network: rewrite clamping bounds for delta-variables (it was incorrectly) Network: change address of master server (now master is working) Server: some changes for client connection\disconnection to prevent possible errors or crash the server build 3153 Render: RenderAPI update. New parm PARM_REBUILD_GAMMA to differentiate from map restart or change level when called from GL_BuildLightmaps GameUI: increased slots for savedgames\multiplayer maps up to 900 build 3145 Engine: add support for studiomodels with fixed texcoords multiplier (a studiomodel format extension) Engine: first experimental implementation of client movement predicting code (thx SovietCoder) Engine: first experimental implementation of client movement interpolation code (thx SovietCoder) Engine: some small bugfixes build 3030 Client: remove demoheader.tmp while engine is shutting down Render: allow .dds format for detail textures Render: get support up to 16384 verts per submodel for studio models Render: disable vertical sync while level is loading ImageLib: allow support big textures up to 8192x8192 ImageLib: rewrited code for detecting alpha in DXT3, DXT5 formats build 3000 Render: new render info parm PARM_TEX_GLFORMAT for getting a real format for a given texture Server: added a engine memory allocations through internal mempool and function GetTextureData (a part of tracing alpha-textures) Client: clamping client pmove time if fps is too high Client: new fps counter-style that showing min and max values (cl_showfps 2 to enable) Render: get support for DDS textures (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5 and ARGB is allowed) Render: get support for floating depth-buffer texture (high prescision depth-buffer) Render: added VSDCT internal texture Render: add support for seamless cubemaps Render: fullscreen resolution auto-detect on first launch Render: added resolution 1600x900 Render: new command line option -gldebug (enable internal GL-driver debug info) Engine: fix bug with CRC calculation on BSP31 format (thx [WPMG]PRoSToTeM@) FS: additional check to prevent error "Mem_Free: not allocated or double freed (free at filesystem.c:1489)" FS: fix FS_Eof function (thx [WPMG]PRoSToTeM@) VGUI: handle ESC key while VGUI is shown Engine: allows to load "deluxedata" from base folder even if a map placed in game folder (probably it was a stupid limitation) Server: replace Host_Error "ED_Alloc: no free edicts" with Sys_Error to prevent possible troubles build 2900 Console: add detection for Paranoia 2 maps (show message in console) Engine: fix playing video when fps_max is 0 and framerate too high Engine: add function TraceSurface into pmove, EventAPI and PhysicAPI interfaces build 2867 Client: another extension for EventAPI: function EV_SoundForIndex to get soundpath from soundindex Render: RenderAPI update. New flag TF_NOCOMPARE to disable comparing for depth-textures and PARM_CLIENT_ACTIVE (self-explanatory) Server: PhysicAPI update. Add support for file searching. Client: fix a little bug in CL_AddVisibleEntity Client: check rectangles right for hud.txt Client: fix demoplaying in background mode (changelevel etc) Client: fix SOLID_CUSTOM support in client trace Render: create debug context for powerful OpenGL debugging Render: fix bug with kRenderWorldGlow Sound: add two new cmds: spk and speak like in GoldSrc GameUI: fix buttons bmp loader build 2664 Engine: restore right ordering of arguments of SV_StudioSetupBones export Render: a some cosmetic changes in RenderAPI Client: make levelshots for background demos Client: now cmd 'startdemos' invoke to play demos sequence like as background map Client: increase demo auto-naming from 100 up to 10000 Client: fix bug with inverted PITCH of non-local playermodel Client: added FireCustomDecal into EfxAPI (was missed) GameUI: fix some crashes after end the background map (like call of trigger_endsection) Client: eliminate muzzleflash copy from mirror reflection in normal view Render: fix bug with max_texture_units clamping Render: completely remove glScissor calls (just unused) Render: update thirdperson code for mirrors Render: rewrite viewport setup code Render: fix software gamma adjustment bug while flashlight is enabled Render: reset vid_displayfrequency if current value isn't support by user display. Throw warning message Engine: allow new param in gameinfo.txt who called soundclip_dist . Default is 1000. Sound: new cmd 'playvol' like in GoldSrc Server: fix crash in 'Gunman Chronicles' at map end1.bsp Engine: show more infos with cmd 'mapstats' Network: fix bug with DT_TIMEWINDOW_8 Server: fix bug with triggers with 'liquid' textures Server: fix some bugs in PVS calculation on server GameUI: enable auto-refresh of actual multiplayer maps list GameUI: update 3D playermodel preview for 16:9 screen aspect build 2636 Engine: added internal loader for deluxemap data (.dlit file that produces VHLT) Engine: msurfmesh_t was reorganized to complex vertex data instead of single arrays (VBO-ready) Engine: decal_t now contain msurfmesh_t with all vertices and texcoords Render: RenderAPI interface updated to version 35 Render: get support for float textures format (GL_ARB_texture_float is required) Render: implementation of image program preprocessor, like in Doom3, syntax: AddNormals( texture1.tga, texture2.tga ); Render: get acess to internal tesselator through RenderAPI Server: a little update for PhysicInterface: get support for custom decal save\restore Client: separate levelshots for wide-screen and normal screen Client: revert parametric rocket implementation (previous was lost between two backups) Client: fix a potentially crash when calling function IsSpectateOnly Client: now 'ESC' button while playing video invoke jump to next video in list (instead of completely stopping video) Client: fix bug when demo ends up (Connection Problem) Client: now compensate screenshot gamma is toggleable (cvar "gl_compensate_gamma_screenshots") Render: optimize decal code, remove unused functions Render: now all the lightmaps stored into 1024x1024 texture Render: add cvar "gl_detailscale" for customize _detail.txt generation Render: fix some errors with studiomodels lighting Sound: increase maximum count of words in sentence up to 64 (from 29) Engine: fix broken recursion in Cmd_CheckMapLis_R (potentially crash) Client: passed keyup event through HUD_KeyEvent callback Network: change delta params for skycolor_* variables (in some cases color value was incorrect received) Network: fixed TIMEWINDOW_BIG mode Engine: add engine build number into console log build 2463 Engine: reorganize data in texture_t. Release one variable for mod-makers Engine: change decal_t structure get compatibility with GoldSrc Engine: expanded mextrasurf_t reserved fields up 32 Engine: update player_info_t (added customization_t like in SDK 2.3) Engine: increase local_state_t->weapondata up 64 slots Engine: update IVoiceTweak interface Engine: new lightstyle system with local time and custom interpolation Engine: fix bug with lightstyle save\restore (only first 64 symbols of pattern was saved) Engine: update r_efx_api_t interface Engine: update engine_studio_api_t, remove uncompatible function StudioGetTexture, added three new (thats came from CS:CZ) Engine: added ref_overview to support custom overview implementation Engine: render interface is outdated now. New render interface has version 30 (too much changed) Engine: update triangleapi_t interface Engine: update cl_dll interface (also added support for signle export that called 'F') Engine: a lttle update for enginefuncs_t (server interface) Client: fixed crash on shutdown when custom renderer uses AVI-files Engine: applaying scale for decals on brushmodels or world geometry Engine: update model_state_t thats keep info about studiomodels for studio decals. Include body and skin Engine: get support for custom studiocache on static and tempents Engine: write R_Srpite_WallPuff from pEfxAPI Client: fix bug with beam sorting (solid beams was drawing in translucent pass) Render: add special flag for decals thats indicated local space (any decal after first shoot) Render: apply emboss filter on studiomodel textures Render: rewrite client event system for studiomodels. Get more predictable results Network: write existing decals and static entities into new demo Network: protocol was changed to 48 ImageLib: fix old bug with save non-aligned 8-bit bmp files Server: fix bug with reloading hl.dll when map was changed every time Server: a client part of save-file is outdated. New version is 0.68 build 2402 Engine: added new feature flag for compensate stupid quake bug Client: update the render interface, added usefully function GL_TextureTarget Render: get support for GL_RECTANGLE textures Client: fix playerangles in event receive (Paranoia bug with decals) Render: fixed mipmap generation for normalmaps (TF_NORMALMAP) Render: added two built-in textures: *blankbump and *whiteCube (self-explanatory names) Engine: made better check for Half-Life alpha maps (version 29 with colored lighting) build 2271 Client: fix message TE_GLOWSPRITE. The gaussgun in Xash Mod is properly worked now. Client: restore studio check for missed models and ignore them instead of call the Sys_Error Server: fix crash in Gunman Chronicles (scorcher issues) build 2223 Engine: added option "nomodels" for liblist.gam (disallow user to choose playermodel) Client: a new callback for render interface who called R_DrawCubemapView. This fixes cmd "envshot" for XashXT Client: store screenshots into root of folder "scrshots" instead of "scrshots\mapname" Client: engine using callback CL_CameraOffset now Client: fix angles for cmd "envshot" Render: rename a miss cvar "r_anisotropy" to real name "gl_anisotropy" Render: now "r_speeds 4" displays an actual count of "real" static entities that was created by call of MAKE_STATIC function Render: fix bug with blinking Quake Sky while autosave in progress Render: keep actual hardware gamma for multiple instances of application Engine: get support for Half-Life alpha maps (that has version 29) Server: fix the client rejection mechanism Server: using the pfnClientDisconnect callback Server: some changes in physics code (for MOVETYPE_PUSH) build 2153 Render: added cvar "gl_nosort" that disables sorting of translucent surfaces build 2148 Engine: implement support of new BSP format that called BSP31 Engine: added new feature - big lightmaps 256x256 instead of 128x128. This is used for new BSP format 31 Render: new texture viewer implemented (navigate pages with arrow keys) Engine: added cvar gl_keeptjunctions from Quake (removes a collinear points, economy some vertexes) Sound: test thing: release sentence sounds after playing Engine: rewrited code for anti (_-=ZhekA=-_) system Console: don't moving cursor if autocomplete was failed on second or all next arguments Engine: release all elements of client game cvar (was potential memory leak) Engine: allow change game for dedicated servers Server: added default case for Studio Blending Interface while server is not loaded (e.g. remote connection). Was here a potential crashpoint. Engine: parse "wad" field from entity string and use wad ordering for loading textures that may have matched names but placed in different wads Network: change protocol to 47. Old demos will stop working. Network: rewrite delta-comparing code. In theory this may reduce a network traffic Server: fix crash for fast switching between singleplayer and multiplayer Server: optimize MOVETYPE_COMPOUND code Server: added missed flag FL_FAKECLIENT for bots build 2112 Engine: fix bug with ambient sounds that won't writes into demo Client: allow plaque 'loading' between demos change Client: make work fade flag FFADE_MODULATE Render: fixed underwater fog recursive leaf search code (thx XaeroX) Render: replace all 'random' calls in CL_RocketTrail code from RANDOM_LONG to rand() to get more compatibility with original quake particles Render: adding default studiomodel bbox for right culling client static entities Sound: add info about background track state into console command "s_info" Sound: increase static channels count up to 128 Client: write background track state into demo Engine: fix crash when typing 'cvarlist' into console FS: allows lookup system files into root directory (e.g. vgui.dll etc) Engine: added new command 'modellist" (prints list about all loaded models) Engine: add terminator for entity string to be guranteed have valid end of the entity string Engine: purge all fake bmodels from previous map when server is changed Memory: increase check for filename debug length from 32 to 128 characters Server: background track which will be specfied from worldpsawn settings now are looped Engine: fix bug with recorded demos in Quake Remake after changelevel GameUI: 'gamestartup.mp3' now are looped Server: fix the SV_StudioSetupBones interface declaration error (thx maricool) Render: change MAXSTUDIOTEXTURES limit from 128 to 256 Client: change passed argument for HUD_Frame callback from cl.time to host.frametime (thx XWider) Client: remove screen align to prevent deform on resolution 1366x768 FS: do check what mod folder is really existed (this helps avoid to creating empty folder) GameUI: replace checkbox "Allow Software" with "Vertical Sync" in menu "Video Modes" build 2015 Server: fix the sound problem with weapons Render: added rendermode kRenderWorldGlow (6) like in HL2 Server: added new callback into PhysicsInterface that named SV_TriggerTouch Client: kill a little jitter for monsters that standing on elevators Client: fix very old bug (initially comes from Quake1) with efrags relinking on a static client entities Sound: got rid of message "S_PickChannel: no free channels" when breakble objects were broken. Engine: ignore to load HD-textures when dedicated server is running Client: count of static entities increased up to 512 Render: fixed bug with wrong clamping on 3D textures Render: added a new one internal texture - gray cubemap that named as "*grayCube" without quotes Render: disable depth mask on studiomodels when render mode is "additive" (original HL rules) Sound: added a new untested feature for cull sounds by PAS on the client. Cvar "s_phs". Sound: add save\restore for all dynamic sounds in-game Sound: add save\restore for background track Engine: added two new cvars called "build" and "ver" for more info Engine: get support for loading game dlls from packfile Engine: get support for transparent conveyor belts. Texture name must starting from "{scroll" Sound: fix bug in wav-streaming code Server: add save\restore for client static entities (engine function MAKE_STATIC is now useful!) Server: remove command "map_backgound" in dedicated server mode Server: disable "Touch" function when playersonly-mode is active GameUI: don't draw logo.avi from root folder with user mods Client: added partially HD-textures support for sprites Server: now custom message code check all the visible portals (Xash-mod feature) Server: add quake-style for BSP hulls selection (cvar sv_quakehulls set to 1) Engine: remove jpeg image support (just unneeded) Server: remove ugly movement delay after map loaging in singleplayer Render: check studio skins for negative values to prevent possible crashes Console: fixup negative values for "scr_conspeed" variable Render: fix interpolation bug for studiomodels on internal studio renderer Physic: transform trace BBox into local space of bmodel Engine: implement new system of engine features that can be enabled by Mod-Maker request Engine: build BSP surface meshes for Mod-Makers. e.g. for build collision tree of VBO\VA custom rendering Engine: allow support of large maps up to +\- 16384 units (need to edit delta.lst and enable feature in the engine) Engine: rewrite MOVETYPE_TOSS, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE etc Client: implement new draw type TRI_POINTS for TriAPI Client: changed snapshot name from mapnameXXXX.bmp to mapname_XXXX.bmp (by Qwertyus request) Client: write experimental code for interpolate bmodels movement (pev->animtime must not equal 0 for enable) GameUI: allow scissor for enginefunc pfnDrawCharacter Network: protocol changed. replace obsolete message svc_frame with message svc_restoresound Client: remove pieces that stuck in the walls for TE_BREAKMODEL message Render: fix mode r_lighting_extended 1 for prevent permanently black lighting in some cases Render: global fog update. get the uniform color for all the underwater objects (thx n00b) Render: fix issues with conveyor HD-textures (it can moves slower than physical conveyor speed) Render: added support for HD-textures for normal sprite frames (non-HUD sprites) Render: sorting meshes for studiomodel surfaces (draw "adiitive" surfaces at end of the list) Render: release GL-context when engine is shutting down Render: set gl_allow_static to zero as default Sound: set s_cull to zero as default Input: fix problems with call WC_SYSMENU instead of user-defined command when ALT is pressed Console: add a new command that called "mapstats" and works like bspinfo.exe Physic: added new meta-type SOLID_CUSTOM that could be traced in game dlls with physic API Pmove: get to work PM_CheckStuck on a server-side Server: added a new cvar that called a "sv_validate_changelevel" for skip any checks with changelevel problems Server: make check for recursive changelevel (and ignore it) Server: fix the problem with non-sended events when a player sight cross-line contents Server: rewrite MOVETYPE_STEP and MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP physics Server: allow to MOVETYEP_PUSH blocking by dead bodies Server: fix bug with MOVETYPE_FOLLOW Server: added TriAPI through Server_PhysicsInterface for debug purposes GameUI: replace broken letter '¸' with 'å' GameUI: don't draw logo.avi for mods without this file in gamedir GameUI: fix buttons loader bug GameUI: enable scissor for all ScrollList menus GameUI: restore the menu buttons control from keyboard Client: get walk animation support for 'wrong' player models that uses different skeleton Server: ignore savegame during intermission (used for Quake remake) Render: merge mirrors with same plane into one pass (perfomance option) Render: fix errors in function GL_CleanupTextureUnits (it was cause problems in XashXT) Render: allow decals on 'Solid" surfaces: grates, ladders etc (thx n00b) Render: rewrite "r_lighting_extended 2" mode Render: add optional texture sorting for models with Additive and Transparent textures (r_studio_sort_textures cvar) Engine: makes AABB transform trace an option for switchable engine features Engine: allow studiomodel textures up to 4096x4096 (for indexed images) Server: merge PVS for looking for client through portal cameras Server: fix bug with collect savegame info from basedir (e.g. valve) build 1905 Physic: fix trace bug when model is missing Client: implement function TriScreenToWorld Server: add local times for all the clients Server: implement unlag system Client: added ex_interp variable GameUI: added support for playermodel images (preview thumbnails) Engine: fix potentially crash in menu after calling Host_Error Engine: fix crash on Cry Of Fear modification (memory corrupts) Engine: first implementation of HLTV Render: fix a little bug with engine mirrors Sound: implement separate volume controls for background track and game sounds Sound: fix wrong position for dynamic sounds in case parent entity never has updates on the client Client: first implementation of extended engineinterface. Server: fix bug with update movevars after the server initialization. Input: cancel mouse movement while switches between menu\console and game Render: added function R_EntityRemoveDecals into RendererInterface Render: fixed bug with crash engine on custom resolutions while makes a screenshot (e.g. 1366x768) build 1850 Physic: add check for liquid brushes that has only hull0 Render: draw decals without culling on the transparent surfaces Engine: fix decal transition bug on global entities Client: fix "r_drawentities 5" debug code in client.dll Render: rewrited detail texture code for using detail scale for each diffuse texture instead of each detail texture Render: custom render interface is changed to version 26 Engine: added custom studio decals serializtaion Server: fixed check for russian letters in the commands "say" and "say_team" Server: physics interface is changed to version 6 Client: allow console in multiplayer even while dev-mode is disabled Engine: added new message SVC_STUDIODECAL that passed through engine and call function in extended rendered interface Engine: hook PrintScreen and manually writing screenshot into clipboard Render: fix decals drawing when rendermode is TransColor Render: add support for cubemaps, 1D and 3D textures Render: added some new internal textures that using by Xash-Mod 0.5 Render: fix reflection for Glow-Sprites and follow beams Studio: fix poly-counter for studio models Engine: add support for userconfig Engine: allow letter '¸' in console and chat-mode Engine: fix REG_USER_MSG for messages that registering in-game Server: clear savedir when new game is started GameUI: loading maps.lst from basedir while mod doesn't contain multiplayer maps Network: implemented QueryCvarValue and QueryCvarValue2 Physic: new pm-trace code, new server trace code, new studio hitbox trace code Client: rewrite demo record and playback Render: add support for STUDIO_NF_FULLBRIGHT Physic: fix pmove trace bug build 1770 Client: add command "on"-"off" for virtual CD-player Client: add command "snapshot" that save screenshots into root folder Client: add studiomodel missed flags like in Quake (EF_ROTATE, EF_ROCKET, EF_GIB etc) Sound: clear LOOP flag for engine funcs PlaySoundByIndex and PlaySoundAtLocation Render: fix r_wateralpha, move cvar to server and allow save-restore it Render: fix old bug with surface->flags Render: fix crash when studiomodel isn't loaded but trying to draw Render: remove cvar gl_texturebits Render: allow 16-bit color mode when decktop has same Render: rename "vid_gamma" to "gamma", make backward compatibility with GoldSource config Sound: get support for automatic ambient sounds like in Quake Sound: add cvar "s_combine_channels" that trying to combine mutilpe channels with same sounds into one Engine: add "secure" option support for both liblist.gam and gameinfo.txt Engine: fix bug determine current directory Server: fix bug when some sound messages can't be sended to client (e.g. not vised map) Render: allow to load hi-res quake sky (two layers called as sky_solid and sky_alpha) Physic: fix trace bug when bbox mins are 0 0 0 and bbox maxs are positive values (like quake boxes) GameUI: add checkbox "allow materials" in menu Video Options. Client: implement "viewsize" cvar GameUI: add new function to inteface called as pfnProcessImage Client: add support for default studiomodel flags like quake effects (light, smoke, blood etc) Render: add engine mirrors (can be set on map with texture "decals.wad\reflect1") Client: rewrite client font system to allow support for "hud_scale" feature Client: re-enable client static entities (see engine function MAKE_STATIC for details) Sound: clear "loop" flags for client engine functions PlaySoundByName and PlaySoundByIndex Client: fix potentially crash in StudioRemap code Client: finalize 'GlowShell' effect on StudioModels Render: implement software gamma control that based on lightmap adjusting (gl_ignorehwgamma 1) Render: restore projection and modelview matrices before call V_CalcRefdef to avoid errors on custom rendering (e.g. HLFX 0.5, Trinity Renderers) Render: remove all stuff for 3dfx gamma control Render: add missing function R_ScreenToWorld Engine: add "icon" option support for both liblist.gam and gameinfo.txt Render: get support for rotational skybox that can be saved and restored with current angle Engine: fix bug with incorrect detecting Blue-Shift maps in some rare cases Engine: add autocomplete for 'entpatch' command Engine: fix Host_Error issues Network: add IPX and IPX_BROADCAST for backward compatibility with GoldSrc Engine: do revision for 'allow_studio_scale' cvar in trace code GameUI: added support for Steam backgrounds GameUI: hide input symbols for "password" field in "create server" menu page Client: initial implementation of NetAPI Render: clear decals code. Add transparent rendering for 'glass' decals GameUI: added new argument for pfnPIC_Load. GameUI: fix loading flipped Steam background images Client: remove gravity for R_Implosion effect Sound: add SND_MoveMouth16 for support 16-bit sounds lip-sync Engine: fix potentially crash during parsing titles.txt when file is empty Engine: increase MAX_VALUE field up to 2048 characters Console: rename con_gamemaps to con_mapfilter Sound: add check by PVS for dynamic entity channels Sound: add sound culling by geometry (cvar 's_cull' for enable or disable) Server: fix changelevel bug Engine: fix sound pathes with backward slash Engine: rewrite COM_LoadFile and LoadFileForMe for use malloc instead of engine Mem_Alloc Server: check date for entitypatch to avoid loading too old pathes (when map is never than path) Server: bug fixed in CreateNamedEntity (on create not existed entities). Server: rewrite engine func pfnAlertMessage to avoid crash in AM:Rebrith Server: align memory for edicts by 4 (this help to avoid crash in Poke646) Render: bugfixed with rotational brush culling (perfomance) Server: changelevel bug fixed (accumulate global entities) Server: changelevel bug when entitypath on new level is too old (new level is never than him entitypath) Server: physical inetrface for custom physic implementation is updated to version 5 Physic: fix bug with MOVETYPE_COMPOUND Server: fix bug with force_retouch on start the level (to avoid crash in Todesangst2 on t2e1m10) Render: fix rendering for FACE_UPRIGHT sprite types (doom-like sprite monsters) Protocol: shifted up additional EF_ flags to avoid collisions with Trinity Renderers Render: now hardware gamma-control is fixed Client: implement new render interface for custom renderer implementation (current version is 12) Client: added two new funcstions into event API (IndexForEvent and EventForIndex) Client: added new function into IEngineStudio interface (StudioGetTexture) for custom rendering implementation Client: passed server beam entity through client function HUD_AddEntity, make force to add menu entity (player setup) Client: passed static client entities through client function HUD_AddEntity Physic: add support for rotational water and triggers build 1662 Client: implement StudioRemapColors function Client: add simple shadows for stduiomodels (disabled like in GoldSrc) Client: fix some Paranoia bugs when custom renderer is disabled Client: implement overview tool (dev_overview) Client: add debug commands linefile and pointfile Client: get support for full-color external textures (tga format) - world, studiomodels and decals Client: fixed some HLFX 0.6 bugs Client: fixed follow studiomodels (like flags in CTF) Server: add pfnGetApproxWavePlayLen Sound: get support for mp3's with wav header Server: fixed FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS Server: fixed PlaybackEvent, use camera PVS point when client see in Render: enable lightmaps on a transparent surfaces like windows (r_lighting_extended 2) Server: func_pushable can push players which standing on (sv_fix_pushstep) Render: partially fix for underwater fog (temporary solution) build 1613 Client: fix drawing beams for 'solid' mode Image: fix BMP loader for 4-bit color bmp's Client: fix lightlevel calculating for local client (remove 'ambient' base from final value) GameUI: first implementation of custom strings and support 'strings.lst' parsing GameUI: replace unneeded button 'credits' with button 'previews' Render: fix sprite interpolation Render: fix angled sprites offset Render: implement detail textures like in Steam Half-Life (thx n00b) Client: rework env_funnel effect Engine: get full support for input, processing and drawing russian letters Console: add console commands 'messagemode' and 'messagemode2' Console: fix bug with autocomplete (enable sort for found cmds) Client: added HUD_ChatInputPosition for CS 1.6 build 1598 Client: fix crosshair drawing Sound: change libmad mp3 decoder on a mpg123 Client: fix gibs randomization for TE_BREAKMODEL Engine: fix modelloader bug (engine crash after not found map) Video: add resolution 1366x768 GameUI: fix skill select Network: change 'svc_setangle' message, include rollangle Render: fix chrome rendering on a studiomodels Render: added video memory economy mode - cvar 'gl_luminance_textures' GameDLL: first implementation of extended engineinterface. Metamod is supported now build 1557 Sound: fixed wrong sound angles when client see in the camera Render: fix crash on change gl_texturemode and gl_anisotropy. Client: change relationsip for GetLocalPlayer. Now it's always valid. Server: rewrite SV_Multicast for correct work with custom user cameras Server: rewrite FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS like in QW build 1540 Fixed many-many small and large bugs before final release build 1529 FS: add "fallback_dir" option Server: fix func_pushable interaction with movers. Add new cvar "sv_allow_rotate_pushables" Server: added support for 'SV_SaveGameComment' export Server: fixed backup for quick.sav and (quick01.sav and autosave01.sav) Client: add commandline option "-nointro" to skip start movies Pmove: add sv_clienttrace that shared across network Render: implement "envshot" and "skyshot" commands for make cubemaps or skyboxes Server: fix remote connection (rcon) Render: add glare reduction option in menu Server: fix FindEntityInSphere bug (satchel issues in multiplayer) GameUI: added to scrollbar in srcoll lists (thx ADAMIX) build 1516 Engine: fix Sys_Error blowout GameUI: implement new credits effect in Half-Life (when game is end) GameUI: use system cursor instead of emulated build 1515 Engine: fix some bugs build 1507 Console: implement Con_NPrintf and Con_NXPrintf Render: adding better lighting for studiomodels (right lighting for long sequences e.g. forklift.mdl) Network: clamp all integer values to prevent them out of range Client: VGUI implementation Render: fix decals loading Server: fix NAN error on a crossbow launch build 1488 Render: fix invisible sprites when game is paused Render: implement new better sprites lighting GameUI: HL-style buttons (old good menu form WON version) Render: fix some rendering bugs build 1482 Engine: fixed critical bug Launch: remove all built-in tools Engine: add underwater fog Engine: add cvar to control studio model scaling (enable or disable) Engine: fixed bug with mouse in multiplayer (not work in menu) Engine: fixed lag on rpg laserspot Engine: added weapon and movement prediction (may be bugly, use with caution) GameUI: added pfnRandomLong and pfnRandomFloat built-ins (and keep compatibility with old versions) Engine: added map_background (special command for loading background maps like in Source Engine) GameUI: added support for chaptermapbackground.txt script-file (random choose background maps) Render: fix some rendering bugs for mods with custom renderer (Paranoia, HLFX etc) build 1433 Engine: rework hitbox trace Engine: implement new check for blue-shift map format Engine: fix PointContents for custom contents checking (spirit) Engine: fix "angle" field on maps (typically for gearbox) GameUI: implement 'mouse look' checkbox build 1430 Engine: fix crash with invalid room_type set (more than 60) Engine: fix stuck on elevators or tracktrains for clients build 1428 Engine: fix trigger_camera serialization bug Engine: many-many physics bugs fixed Engine: reworking monster's movement and path finding Engine: hlfx 0.6 is now working FS: fix bug with game and base directory dectecting when they matches FS: watch for changes in liblist.gam and update gameinfo.txt (feature) Engine: fix some rendering bugs GameUI: added 'suitvolume' control GameUI: rewrite playeyrmodel drawing, so you can shows changes when hi\low resolution button is toggled GameUI: remove choosing audio and video library (interface changed!) Engine: fix train startup sound on new level build 1422 Render: fix decals serialization bug Engine: fix movie plaback bug (black screen) Engine: fix crash on loading encrypted client.dll GameUI: now recalc resolution when vid_mode is changed Sound: fix musicvolume bug Image: fix indexalpha palette bug Physic: fix stuck on some items (weapons, ammo) build 1418 Tools: move all tools into launch.dll Sound: moving snd_dx.dll into engine.dll Sound: implement CDAudio emulator with support mp3 tracks from original Half-Life Sound: implement mp3 support GameUI: GameUI.dll renamed to MainUI.dll to avoid conflict with original valve's GameUI.dll Engine: support for StartupVids.txt Engine: get full compatibility with hl.dll FS: recode wad resource management (now support lumps from wads with same name) Engine: trigger_camera is now correctly saved and restored Render: add sorting for translucent surfaces Render: make support for 'static' models (any opaque non-moving brushes engine automatically make as part of world) Render: correct serialization for decals on bmodels build 1338 Engine: fix a broken demos recording\playing GameUI: get support for internal resources (built-in) GameUI: make font.bmp, cursor.bmp and typing.bmp as part of GameUI.dll GameUI: remove demo menus heads. build 1334 Engine: prevent auto-repeat for most keys in-game Engine: implement AVI movies support (instead of RoQ support) Engine: enable logo.avi in main menu (see GameUI source for details) build 1313 Launch: code revision, remove dead code, implement some missed functions Sound: fix some errors and crash Sound: implement music volume Sound: reworking sound mixer Sound: implement DSP Engine: add support for five mouse extra-buttons Engine: fix some physics bugs SDK: add blue-shift game source to SDK (combined with main game source) build 1305 Engine: implement bit-stream network buffer Engine: implement custom delta-encoding with user defined script (delta.lst) Engine: reworking client entity for get more compatibility with original HL client Engine: make SDK compatible with HLSDK 2.3 on the server-side Engine: fixup across transition time-bug Engine: completely rewrite server trace Engine: rewrite hitbox trace Engine: rewrite SV_PointContents Engine: implement a new movetype: compound for gluing two entities together (like movewith in spirit) Engine: fix toss entities on conveyors Engine: rewrite MOVETYPE_PUSH Engine: rewrite monsters movement code Engine: reworking client and game interfaces Engine: fix camera bugs (no sounds when client see in the camera) SDK: fix many-many small HL bugs in original sdk code Engine: fix trigger retouching system Engine: adjust beam visibility build 1271 Engine: enable server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, mapcycle.txt etc Engine: got to work mapcycle.txt GameUI: implement redefine keys menu Engine: added autocomplete for cmd 'exec' Engine: added version info in menu build 1270 SDK: Shared launcher code Engine: Partially fix bmodel interpolation Engine: use standard .cfg files instead of .rc files build 1269 Render: cut invisible water polygons Render: implement EF_NOWATERCSG for control func_water backface culling Tools: fix wadlib and spritegen round bugs FS: implement binary search for wadlumps Engine: revert low-res timer Network: fixup userinfo fields 'model' and 'name' Sound: implement custom pause for various sources Input: disable mouse events when level is loading GameUI: adding some missed dialogs Render: fix interpolation on flying monsters Render: fix wrong sprite attachments Render: fix invalid frustum culling for studiomodels ( e.g. barnacle.mdl ) Physic: fix trace for rotating bmodels Engine: fixup physinfo save\restore bug build 1262 Engine: add 'allow_levelshots' cvar (disabled by default) to switch between custom levelshots and normal 'loading' screen Client: remove fmod.dll implementation Engine: implement variable-sized fonts (console, menu hints) Sound: added support for stereo wavs plays (menu sounds) Render: enable custom game icons (game.ico in mod folder) Engine: move menu code into new user dll called GameUI.dll (based on original q2e 0.40 menu code) FS: implement simple converter liblist.gam to gameinfo.txt build 1254 SoundLib: ogg loop points (LOOP_START comment) Client: recalc fov y for more matched with original HL Bshift: fix env_laser entity Client: fix fadeout for break model pieces Gfx: replace default.bmp font with fixed alpha-channel (thx LokiMb) Render: fix invisible beams behind glass Render: fix glow-sprites drawing through walls (see also r_cullflares cvar) FS: implement filter wadlumps by wadname (e.g. gfx.wad/backtile) Render: implement kRenderTransColor Engine: completely moving particle code into the client.dll Client: implement tracers for sparks, garg streaks and bullets build 1249 ImageLib: added support for 4-bits and monochrome uncompressed BMPs. ImageLib: fix data align for NPOT textures in menu (e.g. slider.bmp). StdLib: skip empty symbols in numerical string for atoi and atof. Render: implement LoadSprite for custom client sprites (e.g. hud) Sound: fixed bug with background music looping Fonts: implement Half-Life creditfonts Client: move client.dll to valve folder