//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2007 © // common.h - definitions common between client and server //======================================================================= #ifndef COMMON_H #define COMMON_H #include #include #include #include #include "basetypes.h" #include "stdapi.h" #include "stdref.h" #include "basefiles.h" #include "dllapi.h" #include "net_msg.h" #include "screen.h" // linked interfaces extern stdlib_api_t com; extern physic_exp_t *pe; extern vprogs_exp_t *vm; extern vsound_exp_t *se; /* ============================================================== INPUT ============================================================== */ typedef enum e_keycodes { // keyboard K_TAB = 9, K_ENTER = 13, K_ESCAPE = 27, K_SPACE = 32, K_BACKSPACE = 127, K_COMMAND = 128, K_CAPSLOCK, K_POWER, K_PAUSE, K_UPARROW, K_DOWNARROW, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_ALT, K_CTRL, K_SHIFT, K_INS, K_DEL, K_PGDN, K_PGUP, K_HOME, K_END, K_F1, K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, K_F6, K_F7, K_F8, K_F9, K_F10, K_F11, K_F12, K_F13, K_F14, K_F15, K_KP_HOME, K_KP_UPARROW, K_KP_PGUP, K_KP_LEFTARROW, K_KP_5, K_KP_RIGHTARROW, K_KP_END, K_KP_DOWNARROW, K_KP_PGDN, K_KP_ENTER, K_KP_INS, K_KP_DEL, K_KP_SLASH, K_KP_MINUS, K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_NUMLOCK, K_KP_STAR, K_KP_EQUALS, // mouse K_MOUSE1, K_MOUSE2, K_MOUSE3, K_MOUSE4, K_MOUSE5, K_MWHEELDOWN, K_MWHEELUP, K_LAST_KEY // this had better be < 256! } keyNum_t; static byte scan_to_key[128] = { 0,27,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','=',K_BACKSPACE,9, 'q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p','[',']', 13 , K_CTRL, 'a','s','d','f','g','h','j','k','l',';','\'','`', K_SHIFT,'\\','z','x','c','v','b','n','m',',','.','/',K_SHIFT, '*',K_ALT,' ',K_CAPSLOCK, K_F1,K_F2,K_F3,K_F4,K_F5,K_F6,K_F7,K_F8,K_F9,K_F10, K_PAUSE,0,K_HOME,K_UPARROW,K_PGUP,K_KP_MINUS,K_LEFTARROW,K_KP_5, K_RIGHTARROW,K_KP_PLUS,K_END,K_DOWNARROW,K_PGDN,K_INS,K_DEL, 0,0,0,K_F11,K_F12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; // mouse support void M_Activate( void ); void M_Event( int mstate ); #define WM_MOUSEWHEEL (WM_MOUSELAST + 1) // message that will be supported by the OS extern int mouse_x, mouse_y, old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y, mx_accum, my_accum; // cvars extern cvar_t *dedicated; extern cvar_t *host_serverstate; extern cvar_t *host_frametime; extern cvar_t *cm_paused; /* ============================================================== HOST INTERFACE ============================================================== */ typedef enum { HOST_INIT = 0, // initalize operations HOST_FRAME, // host running HOST_SHUTDOWN, // shutdown operations HOST_ERROR, // host stopped by error HOST_SLEEP, // sleeped by different reason, e.g. minimize window HOST_NOFOCUS, // same as HOST_FRAME, but disable mouse } host_state; typedef struct host_redirect_s { int target; char *buffer; int buffersize; void (*flush)(int target, char *buffer); } host_redirect_t; typedef struct host_parm_s { host_state state; // global host state uint type; // running at host_redirect_t rd; // remote console jmp_buf abortframe; // abort current frame string finalmsg; // server shutdown final message dword framecount; // global framecount double realtime; // host realtime float frametime; // frametime (default 0.1) uint sv_timer; // SV_Input msg time uint cl_timer; // CL_Input msg time HWND hWnd; // main window bool debug; // show all warnings mode int developer; // show all developer's message bool paused; // freeze server bool stuffcmdsrun; // sturtup script } host_parm_t; extern host_parm_t host; long Host_WndProc( void *hWnd, uint uMsg, uint wParam, long lParam ); void Host_Init ( uint funcname, int argc, char **argv ); void Host_Main ( void ); void Host_Free ( void ); void Host_SetServerState( int state ); int Host_ServerState( void ); void Host_AbortCurrentFrame( void ); // message functions void Host_Print(const char *txt); void Host_Error( const char *error, ... ); // host dlls managment void Host_FreeRender( void ); void Host_SndRestart_f( void ); // host cmds void Host_Error_f( void ); /* ============================================================== CLIENT / SERVER SYSTEMS ============================================================== */ void CL_Init( void ); void CL_Shutdown( void ); void CL_Frame( float time ); void SV_Init( void ); void SV_Shutdown( bool reconnect ); void SV_Frame( float time ); /* ============================================================== PRVM INTERACTIONS ============================================================== */ #define prog vm->prog // global callback to vprogs.dll _inline edict_t *PRVM_EDICT_NUM( int n ) { if((n >= 0) && (n < prog->max_edicts)) return prog->edicts + n; prog->error_cmd( "PRVM_EDICT_NUM: %s: bad number %i (called at %s:%i)\n", prog->name, n, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return NULL; } #define PRVM_Begin #define PRVM_End prog = 0 #define PRVM_NAME (prog->name ? prog->name : "unnamed.dat") #define PRVM_ERROR if( prog ) prog->error_cmd #define PRVM_NUM_FOR_EDICT(e) ((int)((edict_t *)(e) - prog->edicts)) #define PRVM_NEXT_EDICT(e) ((e) + 1) #define PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(e) (PRVM_NUM_FOR_EDICT(e)) #define PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(n) (PRVM_EDICT_NUM(n)) #define PRVM_PUSH_GLOBALS prog->pev_save = prog->globals.sv->pev, prog->other_save = prog->globals.sv->other #define PRVM_POP_GLOBALS prog->globals.sv->pev = prog->pev_save, prog->globals.sv->other = prog->other_save #define PRVM_G_FLOAT(o) (prog->globals.gp[o]) #define PRVM_G_INT(o) (*(int *)&prog->globals.gp[o]) #define PRVM_G_EDICT(o) (PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(*(int *)&prog->globals.gp[o])) #define PRVM_G_EDICTNUM(o) PRVM_NUM_FOR_EDICT(PRVM_G_EDICT(o)) #define PRVM_G_VECTOR(o) (&prog->globals.gp[o]) #define PRVM_G_STRING(o) (PRVM_GetString(*(string_t *)&prog->globals.gp[o])) #define PRVM_G_FUNCTION(o) (*(func_t *)&prog->globals.gp[o]) #define VM_RETURN_EDICT(e) (((int *)prog->globals.gp)[OFS_RETURN] = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(e)) #define e10 NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL // helper common functions const char *VM_VarArgs( int start_arg ); bool VM_ValidateArgs( const char *builtin, int num_argc ); void VM_ValidateString( const char *s ); void VM_Cmd_Init( void ); void VM_Cmd_Reset( void ); #define PRVM_GetString vm->GetString #define PRVM_SetEngineString vm->SetEngineString #define PRVM_AllocString vm->AllocString #define PRVM_FreeString vm->FreeString #define PRVM_SetProg vm->SetProg #define PRVM_InitProg vm->InitProg #define PRVM_ResetProg vm->ResetProg #define PRVM_LoadProgs vm->LoadProgs #define PRVM_ExecuteProgram vm->ExecuteProgram #define PRVM_ED_LoadFromFile vm->LoadFromFile #define PRVM_ED_ParseGlobals vm->ParseGlobals #define PRVM_ED_WriteGlobals vm->WriteGlobals #define PRVM_ED_Print vm->PrintEdict #define PRVM_ED_Write vm->WriteEdict #define PRVM_ED_ParseEdict vm->ParseEdict #define PRVM_ED_Alloc vm->AllocEdict #define PRVM_ED_Free vm->FreeEdict #define PRVM_MEM_IncreaseEdicts vm->IncreaseEdicts #define PRVM_StackTrace vm->StackTrace #define VM_Warning vm->Warning #define PRVM_Crash vm->Crash #define VM_Error vm->Error #define PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset vm->FindFieldOffset #define PRVM_ED_FindGlobalOffset vm->FindGlobalOffset #define PRVM_ED_FindFunctionOffset vm->FindFunctionOffset #define PRVM_ED_FindField vm->FindField #define PRVM_ED_FindGlobal vm->FindGlobal #define PRVM_ED_FindFunction vm->FindFunction // builtins and other general functions void VM_ConPrintf( void ); void VM_ConDPrintf( void ); void VM_HostError( void ); void VM_EdictError( void ); void VM_SysExit( void ); void VM_CmdArgv( void ); void VM_CmdArgc( void ); void VM_ComTrace( void ); void VM_ComFileExists( void ); void VM_ComFileSize( void ); void VM_ComFileTime( void ); void VM_ComLoadScript( void ); void VM_ComResetScript( void ); void VM_ComReadToken( void ); void VM_ComFilterToken( void ); void VM_ComSearchFiles( void ); void VM_ComSearchNames( void ); void VM_RandomLong( void ); void VM_RandomFloat( void ); void VM_RandomVector( void ); void VM_CvarRegister( void ); void VM_CvarSetValue( void ); void VM_CvarGetValue( void ); void VM_CvarSetString( void ); void VM_ComVA( void ); void VM_ComStrlen( void ); void VM_TimeStamp( void ); void VM_LocalCmd( void ); void VM_SpawnEdict( void ); void VM_RemoveEdict( void ); void VM_NextEdict( void ); void VM_CopyEdict( void ); void VM_FindEdict( void ); void VM_FindField( void ); void VM_FS_Open( void ); void VM_FS_Close( void ); void VM_FS_Gets( void ); void VM_FS_Puts( void ); void VM_min( void ); void VM_max( void ); void VM_bound( void ); void VM_mod( void ); void VM_pow( void ); void VM_sin( void ); void VM_cos( void ); void VM_tan( void ); void VM_asin( void ); void VM_acos( void ); void VM_atan( void ); void VM_sqrt( void ); void VM_rint( void ); void VM_floor( void ); void VM_ceil( void ); void VM_fabs( void ); void VM_VectorNormalize( void ); void VM_VectorLength( void ); /* ============================================================== MISC COMMON FUNCTIONS ============================================================== */ // client printf level enum e_clprint { PRINT_CONSOLE = 0, // normal messages PRINT_CENTER, // centerprint PRINT_CHAT, // chat messages (with sound) }; extern byte *zonepool; #define Z_Malloc(size) Mem_Alloc( zonepool, size ) void CL_GetEntitySoundSpatialization( int ent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity ); void SV_Transform( sv_edict_t *ed, matrix4x3 transform ); int CL_PMpointcontents( vec3_t point ); void CL_AddLoopingSounds( void ); void CL_RegisterSounds( void ); float CL_GetTime( void ); void CL_Drop( void ); char *Info_ValueForKey( char *s, char *key ); void Info_RemoveKey( char *s, char *key ); void Info_SetValueForKey( char *s, char *key, char *value ); bool Info_Validate( char *s ); void Info_Print( char *s ); void Cmd_ForwardToServer( void ); // client callback char *Cvar_Userinfo( void ); char *Cvar_Serverinfo( void ); void Cmd_WriteVariables( file_t *f ); bool Cmd_GetMapList (const char *s, char *completedname, int length ); bool Cmd_GetFontList (const char *s, char *completedname, int length ); bool Cmd_GetDemoList(const char *s, char *completedname, int length ); bool Cmd_GetMovieList(const char *s, char *completedname, int length); void Sys_Error( const char *msg, ... ); void Sys_SendKeyEvents( void ); // get rid of this float frand(void); // 0 to 1 float crand(void); // -1 to 1 #endif//COMMON_H