//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2009 © // sound.h - sndlib main header //======================================================================= #ifndef SOUND_H #define SOUND_H #include #include "launch_api.h" #include "qfiles_ref.h" #include "vsound_api.h" extern stdlib_api_t com; extern vsound_imp_t si; extern byte *sndpool; #include "mathlib.h" typedef struct { int left; int right; } portable_samplepair_t; typedef struct { int length; int loopstart; int speed; // not needed, because converted on load? int width; int stereo; byte data[1]; // variable sized } sfxcache_t; typedef struct sfx_s { string name; sfxcache_t *cache; int touchFrame; bool default_sound; uint hashValue; struct sfx_s *hashNext; } sfx_t; // a playsound_t will be generated by each call to S_StartSound, // when the mixer reaches playsound->begin, the playsound will // be assigned to a channel typedef struct playsound_s { struct playsound_s *prev, *next; sfx_t *sfx; float volume; float attenuation; int entnum; int entchannel; bool fixed_origin; // use origin field instead of entnum's origin bool use_loop; vec3_t origin; uint begin; // begin on this sample } playsound_t; typedef struct { int channels; int samples; // mono samples in buffer int submission_chunk; // don't mix less than this # int samplepos; // in mono samples int samplebits; int speed; byte *buffer; } dma_t; typedef struct { sfx_t *sfx; // sfx number int leftvol; // 0-255 volume int rightvol; // 0-255 volume int end; // end time in global paintsamples int pos; // sample position in sfx int basePitch; // base pitch percent (100% is normal pitch playback) float pitch; // real-time pitch after any modulation or shift by dynamic data int looping; // where to loop, -1 = no looping OBSOLETE? int entnum; // to allow overriding a specific sound int loopnum; // entity num that playing autosound int loopframe; // for stopping looping sounds int entchannel; // vec3_t origin; // only use if fixed_origin is set vec_t dist_mult; // distance multiplier (attenuation/clipK) int master_vol; // 0-255 master volume bool fixed_origin; // use origin instead of fetching entnum's origin bool autosound; // from an entity->sound, cleared each frame bool use_loop; // don't loop default and local sounds bool fsentence; // bit who indicated sentence bool use_delay; // delayed start } channel_t; typedef struct { int rate; int width; int channels; int loopstart; int samples; int dataofs; // chunk starts this many bytes from file start } wavinfo_t; typedef struct { string introName; string loopName; bool looping; file_t *file; int start; int rate; uint format; void *vorbisFile; } bg_track_t; /* ==================================================================== SYSTEM SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS ==================================================================== */ #define Host_Error com.error #define Z_Malloc( size ) Mem_Alloc( sndpool, size ) // initializes cycling through a DMA buffer and returns information on it bool SNDDMA_Init( void *hInst ); int SNDDMA_GetDMAPos( void ); void SNDDMA_Shutdown( void ); void SNDDMA_BeginPainting( void ); void SNDDMA_Submit( void ); //==================================================================== #define MAX_CHANNELS 64 #define MAX_RAW_SAMPLES 8192 extern portable_samplepair_t paintbuffer[]; extern channel_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS]; extern int total_channels; extern int paintedtime; extern int s_rawend; extern vec3_t listener_origin; extern vec3_t listener_forward; extern vec3_t listener_right; extern vec3_t listener_up; extern int listener_waterlevel; extern dma_t dma; extern playsound_t s_pendingplays; extern bool sound_started; extern cvar_t *s_check_errors; extern cvar_t *s_volume; extern cvar_t *s_nosound; extern cvar_t *s_loadas8bit; extern cvar_t *s_khz; extern cvar_t *s_show; extern cvar_t *s_mixahead; extern cvar_t *s_testsound; extern cvar_t *s_primary; extern portable_samplepair_t s_rawsamples[MAX_RAW_SAMPLES]; void S_InitScaletable( void ); sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound( sfx_t *sfx ); void S_IssuePlaysound( playsound_t *ps ); void S_PaintChannels( int endtime ); // s_load.c bool S_TestSoundChar( const char *pch, char c ); // s_dsp.c void SX_Init( void ); void SX_Free( void ); void SX_RoomFX( int endtime, int fFilter, int fTimefx ); bool S_Init( void *hInst ); void S_Shutdown( void ); void S_Activate( bool active ); void S_SoundList_f( void ); void S_SoundInfo_f( void ); // if origin is NULL, the sound will be dynamically sourced from the entity void S_StartSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, int chan, sound_t sfx, float vol, float attn, float pitch, int flags ); void S_StreamRawSamples( int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, const byte *data ); bool S_AddLoopingSound( int entnum, sound_t handle, float volume, float attn ); void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop ); channel_t *S_PickChannel( int entNum, int entChannel ); void S_FadeClientVolume( float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds ); int S_StartLocalSound( const char *name, float volume, float pitch, const float *org ); sfx_t *S_GetSfxByHandle( sound_t handle ); void S_StopBackgroundTrack( void ); void S_Update( ref_params_t *fd ); void S_StartStreaming( void ); void S_StopStreaming( void ); void S_StopAllSounds( void ); void S_FreeSounds( void ); void S_BeginRegistration( void ); sound_t S_RegisterSound( const char *sample ); void S_EndRegistration( void ); #endif//SOUND_H