//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2007 © // wadlib.c.c - wad archive compiler //======================================================================= #include "xtools.h" #include "byteorder.h" #include "const.h" #include "utils.h" #include "mathlib.h" string wadoutname; bool wad_append = false; script_t *wadqc = NULL; wfile_t *handle = NULL; string lumpname; byte *wadpool; float linearpalette[256][3]; int color_used[256]; float maxdistortion; int colors_used; byte pixdata[256]; rgbdata_t *image = NULL; vec3_t d_color; byte Pal_AddColor( float r, float g, float b ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 255; i++ ) { if( !color_used[i] ) { linearpalette[i][0] = r; linearpalette[i][1] = g; linearpalette[i][2] = b; if( r < 0.0 ) r = 0.0; if( r > 1.0 ) r = 1.0; image->palette[i*3+0] = pow( r, 1.0 / 2.2) * 255; if( g < 0.0 ) g = 0.0; if( g > 1.0 ) g = 1.0; image->palette[i*3+1] = pow( g, 1.0 / 2.2) * 255; if( b < 0.0 ) b = 0.0; if( b > 1.0 ) b = 1.0; image->palette[i*3+2] = pow( b, 1.0 / 2.2) * 255; color_used[i] = 1; colors_used++; return i; } } return 0; } /* ============= Mip_AveragePixels FIXME: share this code by imglib someday ============= */ byte Mip_AveragePixels( int count ) { float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; int i, pix, vis = 0; float bestdistortion, distortion; int bestcolor; vec3_t color; for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { pix = pixdata[i]; r += linearpalette[pix][0]; g += linearpalette[pix][1]; b += linearpalette[pix][2]; } r /= count; g /= count; b /= count; r += d_color[0]; g += d_color[1]; b += d_color[2]; // find the best color bestdistortion = 3.0; bestcolor = -1; for( i = 0; i < 255; i++ ) { if( color_used[i] ) { pix = i; VectorSet( color, r-linearpalette[i][0], g-linearpalette[i][1], b-linearpalette[i][2]); distortion = DotProduct( color, color ); if( distortion < bestdistortion ) { if( !distortion ) { VectorClear( d_color ); // no distortion yet return pix; // perfect match } bestdistortion = distortion; bestcolor = pix; } } } if( bestdistortion > 0.001 && colors_used < 255 ) { bestcolor = Pal_AddColor( r, g, b ); VectorClear( d_color ); bestdistortion = 0; } else { // error diffusion d_color[0] = r - linearpalette[bestcolor][0]; d_color[1] = g - linearpalette[bestcolor][1]; d_color[2] = b - linearpalette[bestcolor][2]; } if( bestdistortion > maxdistortion ) maxdistortion = bestdistortion; // index in palette (new or completely matched) return bestcolor; } void Wad3_NewWad( void ) { if( wad_append ) handle = WAD_Open( wadoutname, "a+" ); else handle = WAD_Open( wadoutname, "wb" ); if( !handle ) Sys_Break( "Wad3_NewWad: can't create %s\n", wadoutname ); } /* =============== AddLump =============== */ void Wad3_AddLump( const byte *buffer, size_t lumpsize, int lump_type, bool compress ) { int result; if( !handle ) Wad3_NewWad(); // create wad file result = WAD_Write( handle, lumpname, buffer, lumpsize, lump_type, ( compress ? CMP_ZLIB : CMP_NONE )); if( result != -1 ) Msg("Add %s\t#%3i\n", lumpname, result ); // FIXME: align message } /* ============== Cmd_GrabMip $mipmap filename x y width height ============== */ void Cmd_GrabMip( void ) { int i, j, x, y, xl, yl, xh, yh, w, h; byte *plump, *plump_end, *screen_p, *source; int miplevel, mipstep, flags = 0; byte *lump, testpixel; int xx, yy, count; int linedelta; size_t plump_size; mip_t *mip; Com_ReadString( wadqc, SC_PARSE_GENERIC, lumpname ); // load mip image image = FS_LoadImage( lumpname, NULL, 0 ); if( !image ) { Com_SkipRestOfLine( wadqc ); // no fatal error, just ignore this image for adding into wad-archive MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_LoadMip: unable to loading %s\n", lumpname ); return; } flags |= IMAGE_PALTO24; if(Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &xl )) { Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &yl); Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &w ); Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &h ); } else { xl = yl = 0; w = image->width; h = image->height; } // reflood image with new size if(( w & 15) || (h & 15)) flags |= IMAGE_ROUNDFILLER; Image_Process( &image, 0, 0, flags ); if( flags & IMAGE_ROUNDFILLER ) { // updates image size w = image->width; h = image->height; } xh = xl + w; yh = yl + h; // mip_t + mipmap0[w>>0*h>>0] + mipmap1[w>>1*h>>1] + mipmap2[w>>2*h>>2] + mipmap3[w>>3*h>>3] // + numolors[short] + palette[768]; plump_size = (int)sizeof(*mip) + ((w * h * 85)>>6) + sizeof(short) + 768; plump = lump = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( wadpool, plump_size ); plump_end = plump + plump_size; // sentinel mip = (mip_t *)plump; mip->width = LittleLong( w ); mip->height = LittleLong( h ); com.strncpy( mip->name, lumpname, sizeof(mip->name)); plump = (byte *)&mip->offsets[4]; screen_p = image->buffer + yl * image->width + xl; linedelta = image->width - w; source = plump; mip->offsets[0] = LittleLong( plump - (byte *)mip ); // apply scissor to source for( y = yl; y < yh; y++ ) { for( x = xl; x < xh; x++ ) *plump++ = *screen_p++; screen_p += linedelta; } // calculate gamma corrected linear palette for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { // assume textures are done at 2.2, we want to remap them at 1.0 float f = image->palette[i*3+j] / 255.0; linearpalette[i][j] = pow( f, 2.2 ); } } maxdistortion = 0; if(!(image->flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA )) { // figure out what palette entries are actually used colors_used = 0; Mem_Set( color_used, 0, sizeof(int) * 256 ); for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) { for( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) { if(!color_used[source[y * w + x]]) { color_used[source[y * w + x]] = 1; colors_used++; } } } } else { // assume palette full if it's a transparent texture colors_used = 256; Mem_Set( color_used, 1, sizeof(int) * 256 ); } // subsample for greater mip levels for( miplevel = 1; miplevel < 4; miplevel++ ) { int pixTest; VectorClear( d_color ); // no distortion yet mip->offsets[miplevel] = LittleLong(plump - (byte *)mip); mipstep = 1<flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA ) || testpixel != 255) { pixdata[count] = testpixel; count++; } } } // solid pixels account for < 40% of this pixel, make it transparent if( count <= pixTest ) *plump++ = 255; else *plump++ = Mip_AveragePixels( count ); } } } *(word*)plump = 256; // palette size plump += sizeof( short ); // bounds checker if( plump + 768 == plump_end ) { Mem_Copy( plump, image->palette, 768 ); plump += 768; // write out and release intermediate buffers Wad3_AddLump( lump, plump_size, TYPE_MIPTEX, false ); } else MsgDev( D_WARN, "lump %s have invalid size, ignore\n", lumpname ); FS_FreeImage( image ); Mem_Free( lump ); } /* ============== Cmd_GrabPic $gfxpic filename x y width height ============== */ void Cmd_GrabPic( void ) { int x, y, xl, yl, xh, yh; byte *plump, *lump; size_t plump_size; lmp_t *pic; Com_ReadString( wadqc, SC_PARSE_GENERIC, lumpname ); // load lmp image image = FS_LoadImage( lumpname, NULL, 0 ); if( !image ) { Com_SkipRestOfLine( wadqc ); // no fatal error, just ignore this image for adding into wad-archive MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_LoadPic: unable to loading %s\n", lumpname ); return; } Image_Process( &image, 0, 0, IMAGE_PALTO24 ); // turn into 24-bit mode if(Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &xl )) { Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &yl); Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &x ); Com_ReadUlong( wadqc, false, &y ); xh = xl + x; yh = yl + y; } else { xl = yl = 0; xh = image->width; yh = image->height; } if( xh < xl || yh < yl || xl < 0 || yl < 0 ) { xl = yl = 0; xh = image->width; yh = image->height; } // lmp_t + picture[w*h] + numolors[short] + palette[768]; plump_size = (int)sizeof(*pic) + (xh * yh) + sizeof(short) + 768; plump = lump = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( wadpool, plump_size ); pic = (lmp_t *)plump; pic->width = LittleLong( xh - xl ); pic->height = LittleLong( yh - yl ); // apply scissor to source plump = (byte *)(pic + 1); for( y = yl; y < yh; y++ ) for( x = xl; x < xh; x++ ) *plump++ = (*(image->buffer + (y) * image->width + x)); *(word*)plump = 256; // palette size plump += sizeof(short); Mem_Copy( plump, image->palette, 768 ); plump += 768; // write out and release intermediate buffers Wad3_AddLump( lump, plump_size, TYPE_QPIC, false ); FS_FreeImage( image ); Mem_Free( lump ); } /* ============== Cmd_GrabScript $wadqc filename ============== */ void Cmd_GrabScript( void ) { byte *lump; size_t plump_size; Com_ReadString( wadqc, SC_PARSE_GENERIC, lumpname ); // load mip image or replaced with error.bmp lump = FS_LoadFile( lumpname, &plump_size ); if( !lump || !plump_size ) { Com_SkipRestOfLine( wadqc ); // no fatal error, just ignore this image for adding into wad-archive MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_LoadScript: unable to loading %s\n", lumpname ); return; } // write out and release intermediate buffers Wad3_AddLump( lump, plump_size, TYPE_SCRIPT, true ); // always compress text files Mem_Free( lump ); } /* ============== Cmd_GrabProgs $vprogs filename ============== */ void Cmd_GrabProgs( void ) { byte *lump; size_t plump_size; dprograms_t *hdr; Com_ReadString( wadqc, SC_PARSE_GENERIC, lumpname ); // load mip image or replaced with error.bmp lump = FS_LoadFile( lumpname, &plump_size ); if( !lump || !plump_size || plump_size < sizeof(dprograms_t)) { Com_SkipRestOfLine( wadqc ); // no fatal error, just ignore this image for adding into wad-archive MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_LoadProgs: unable to loading %s\n", lumpname ); return; } // validate progs hdr = (dprograms_t *)lump; if( hdr->ident != VPROGSHEADER32 || hdr->version != VPROGS_VERSION ) { // no fatal error, just ignore this image for adding into wad-archive MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cmd_LoadProgs: %s invalid progs version, ignore\n", lumpname ); Mem_Free( lump ); return; } // write out and release intermediate buffers Wad3_AddLump( lump, plump_size, TYPE_VPROGS, !hdr->flags ); // release progs may be already packed Mem_Free( lump ); } void Cmd_WadName( void ) { string parm; Com_ReadString( wadqc, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, wadoutname ); FS_StripExtension( wadoutname ); FS_DefaultExtension( wadoutname, ".wad" ); if( Com_ReadString( wadqc, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, parm )) if( !com.stricmp( parm, "append" )) wad_append = true; } /* ============== Cmd_WadUnknown syntax: "blabla" ============== */ void Cmd_WadUnknown( const char *token ) { MsgDev( D_WARN, "Cmd_WadUnknown: skip command \"%s\"\n", token ); Com_SkipRestOfLine( wadqc ); } void ResetWADInfo( void ) { FS_FileBase( gs_filename, wadoutname ); // kill path and ext FS_DefaultExtension( wadoutname, ".wad" ); // set new ext handle = NULL; } /* =============== ParseScript =============== */ bool ParseWADfileScript( void ) { token_t token; ResetWADInfo(); while( 1 ) { if(!Com_ReadToken( wadqc, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token )) break; if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "$wadname" )) Cmd_WadName(); else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "$mipmap" )) Cmd_GrabMip(); else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "$gfxpic" )) Cmd_GrabPic(); else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "$wadqc" )) Cmd_GrabScript(); else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "$vprogs" )) Cmd_GrabProgs(); else if( !Com_ValidScript( token.string, QC_WADLIB )) return false; else Cmd_WadUnknown( token.string ); } return true; } bool WriteWADFile( void ) { if( !handle ) return false; WAD_Close( handle ); Com_CloseScript( wadqc ); return true; } bool BuildCurrentWAD( const char *name ) { if( name ) com.strncpy( gs_filename, name, sizeof( gs_filename )); FS_DefaultExtension( gs_filename, ".qc" ); wadqc = Com_OpenScript( gs_filename, NULL, 0 ); if( wadqc ) { if(!ParseWADfileScript()) return false; return WriteWADFile(); } Msg( "%s not found\n", gs_filename ); return false; } bool CompileWad3Archive( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms ) { if( mempool ) wadpool = mempool; else { Msg( "Wadlib: can't allocate memory pool.\nAbort compilation\n" ); return false; } return BuildCurrentWAD( name ); }