//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2007 © // host.c - dedicated and shared host //======================================================================= #include "common.h" #include "input.h" #define MAX_RENDERS 8 // max libraries to keep tracking #define MAX_SYSEVENTS 1024 // system events physic_exp_t *pe; render_exp_t *re; vsound_exp_t *se; host_parm_t host; // host parms stdlib_api_t com, newcom; char *buildstring = __TIME__ " " __DATE__; string video_dlls[MAX_RENDERS]; string audio_dlls[MAX_RENDERS]; string cphys_dlls[MAX_RENDERS]; int num_video_dlls; int num_audio_dlls; int num_cphys_dlls; dll_info_t render_dll = { "", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(render_exp_t), sizeof(stdlib_api_t) }; dll_info_t vsound_dll = { "", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(vsound_exp_t), sizeof(stdlib_api_t) }; dll_info_t physic_dll = { "", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(physic_exp_t), sizeof(stdlib_api_t) }; cvar_t *timescale; cvar_t *host_serverstate; cvar_t *host_cheats; cvar_t *host_maxfps; cvar_t *host_minfps; cvar_t *host_framerate; cvar_t *host_registered; cvar_t *host_video; cvar_t *host_audio; cvar_t *host_cphys; // these cvars will be duplicated on each client across network int Host_ServerState( void ) { return Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_serverstate" ); } int Host_CompareFileTime( long ft1, long ft2 ) { if( ft1 < ft2 ) { return -1; } else if( ft1 > ft2 ) { return 1; } return 0; } void Host_ShutdownServer( void ) { if( !SV_Active()) return; com.strncpy( host.finalmsg, "Server was killed\n", MAX_STRING ); SV_Shutdown( false ); } /* ================ Host_EndGame ================ */ void Host_EndGame( const char *message, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[MAX_MSGLEN]; va_start( argptr, message ); vsprintf( string, message, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); MsgDev( D_INFO, "Host_EndGame: %s\n", string ); if( SV_Active()) { com.strncpy( host.finalmsg, "Host_EndGame\n", MAX_STRING ); SV_Shutdown( false ); } if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) Sys_Break( "Host_EndGame: %s\n", string ); // dedicated servers exit if( CL_NextDemo( )); else CL_Disconnect(); Host_AbortCurrentFrame (); } static void Host_DrawDebug( cmdraw_t callback ) { if( pe ) pe->DrawCollision( callback ); } void Host_FreePhysic( void ) { if( physic_dll.link ) { pe->Shutdown(); Mem_Set( &pe, 0, sizeof( pe )); } Sys_FreeLibrary( &physic_dll ); } bool Host_InitPhysic( void ) { static physic_imp_t pi; launch_t CreatePhysic; bool result = false; // phys callback pi.api_size = sizeof( physic_imp_t ); Sys_LoadLibrary( host_cphys->string, &physic_dll ); if( physic_dll.link ) { CreatePhysic = (void *)physic_dll.main; pe = CreatePhysic( &newcom, &pi ); if( pe->Init( )) result = true; } // video system not started, shutdown refresh subsystem if( !result ) Host_FreePhysic(); return result; } void Host_FreeRender( void ) { if( render_dll.link ) { SCR_Shutdown (); re->Shutdown( true ); Mem_Set( &re, 0, sizeof( re )); } Sys_FreeLibrary( &render_dll ); } bool Host_InitRender( void ) { static render_imp_t ri; launch_t CreateRender; bool result = false; ri.api_size = sizeof( render_imp_t ); // studio callbacks ri.UpdateScreen = SCR_UpdateScreen; ri.StudioEvent = CL_StudioEvent; ri.StudioFxTransform = CL_StudioFxTransform; ri.ShowCollision = Host_DrawDebug; ri.GetAttachment = CL_GetAttachment; ri.SetAttachment = CL_SetAttachment; ri.GetClientEdict = CL_GetEdictByIndex; ri.GetStudioFrame = CL_GetStudioFrame; ri.GetMouthOpen = CL_GetMouthOpen; ri.GetLocalPlayer = CL_GetLocalPlayer; ri.GetMaxClients = CL_GetMaxClients; ri.GetLerpFrac = CL_GetLerpFrac; ri.DrawTriangles = Tri_DrawTriangles; ri.RoQ_ReadChunk = CIN_ReadChunk; ri.RoQ_ReadNextFrame = CIN_ReadNextFrame; ri.WndProc = IN_WndProc; Sys_LoadLibrary( host_video->string, &render_dll ); if( render_dll.link ) { CreateRender = (void *)render_dll.main; re = CreateRender( &newcom, &ri ); if( re->Init( true )) result = true; } // video system not started, shutdown refresh subsystem if( !result ) Host_FreeRender(); return result; } void Host_FreeSound( void ) { if( vsound_dll.link ) { se->Shutdown(); Mem_Set( &se, 0, sizeof( se )); } Sys_FreeLibrary( &vsound_dll ); } bool Host_InitSound( void ) { static vsound_imp_t si; launch_t CreateSound; bool result = false; // phys callback si.api_size = sizeof( vsound_imp_t ); si.GetSoundSpatialization = CL_GetEntitySoundSpatialization; si.PointContents = CL_PointContents; si.GetClientEdict = CL_GetEdictByIndex; si.AddLoopingSounds = CL_AddLoopingSounds; si.GetServerTime = CL_GetServerTime; Sys_LoadLibrary( host_audio->string, &vsound_dll ); if( vsound_dll.link ) { CreateSound = (void *)vsound_dll.main; se = CreateSound( &newcom, &si ); if( se->Init( host.hWnd )) result = true; } // audio system not started, shutdown sound subsystem if( !result ) Host_FreeSound(); return result; } void Host_CheckRestart( void ) { int num_changes; if( host_cphys->modified ) { // host.state = HOST_RESTART; S_StopAllSounds(); // don't let them loop during the restart SV_ForceMod(); CL_ForceVid(); } else return; num_changes = 0; // restart or change renderer while( host_cphys->modified ) { host_cphys->modified = false; Host_FreePhysic(); // release physic.dll if( !Host_InitPhysic( )) // load it again { if( num_changes > num_cphys_dlls ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "couldn't initialize physic system\n" ); return; } if( !com.strcmp( cphys_dlls[num_changes], host_cphys->string )) num_changes++; // already trying - failed Cvar_FullSet( "host_cphys", cphys_dlls[num_changes], CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ); num_changes++; } } } void Host_CheckChanges( void ) { int num_changes; if( host_video->modified || host_audio->modified ) { S_StopAllSounds(); // don't let them loop during the restart if( host_video->modified ) CL_ForceVid(); if( host_audio->modified ) CL_ForceSnd(); } else return; num_changes = 0; // restart or change renderer while( host_video->modified ) { host_video->modified = false; Host_FreeRender(); // release render.dll if( !Host_InitRender( )) // load it again { if( num_changes > num_video_dlls ) { Sys_NewInstance( va("#%s", GI->gamefolder ), "fallback to dedicated mode\n" ); return; } if( !com.strcmp( video_dlls[num_changes], host_video->string )) num_changes++; // already trying - failed Cvar_FullSet( "host_video", video_dlls[num_changes], CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ); num_changes++; } else SCR_Init (); } num_changes = 0; // restart or change sound engine while( host_audio->modified ) { host_audio->modified = false; Host_FreeSound(); // release sound.dll if( !Host_InitSound( )) // load it again { if( num_changes > num_audio_dlls ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "couldn't initialize sound system\n" ); return; } if( !com.strcmp( audio_dlls[num_changes], host_audio->string )) num_changes++; // already trying - failed Cvar_FullSet( "host_audio", audio_dlls[num_changes], CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ); num_changes++; } } } /* ================ Host_AbortCurrentFrame aborts the current host frame and goes on with the next one ================ */ void Host_AbortCurrentFrame( void ) { longjmp( host.abortframe, 1 ); } /* ================== Host_SetServerState ================== */ void Host_SetServerState( int state ) { Cvar_SetValue( "host_serverstate", state ); } /* ================= Host_VidRestart_f Restart the video subsystem ================= */ void Host_VidRestart_f( void ) { host_video->modified = true; } /* ================= Host_SndRestart_f Restart the audio subsystem ================= */ void Host_SndRestart_f( void ) { host_audio->modified = true; } /* ================= Host_PhyRestart_f Restart the physic subsystem ================= */ void Host_PhysRestart_f( void ) { host_cphys->modified = true; } void Host_ChangeGame_f( void ) { int i; if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Msg( "Usage: game \n" ); return; } // validate gamedir for( i = 0; i < SI->numgames; i++ ) { if( !com.stricmp( SI->games[i]->gamefolder, Cmd_Argv( 1 ))) break; } if( i == SI->numgames ) Msg( "%s not exist\n", Cmd_Argv( 1 )); else if( !com.stricmp( GI->gamefolder, Cmd_Argv( 1 ))) Msg( "%s already active\n", Cmd_Argv( 1 )); else Sys_NewInstance( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), "Host_ChangeGame\n" ); } void Host_Minimize_f( void ) { if( host.hWnd ) ShowWindow( host.hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE ); } /* ================= Host_InitEvents ================= */ void Host_InitEvents( void ) { Mem_Set( host.events, 0, sizeof( host.events )); host.events_head = 0; host.events_tail = 0; } /* ================= Host_PushEvent ================= */ void Host_PushEvent( sys_event_t *event ) { sys_event_t *ev; static bool overflow = false; ev = &host.events[host.events_head & (MAX_SYSEVENTS-1)]; if( host.events_head - host.events_tail >= MAX_SYSEVENTS ) { if( !overflow ) { MsgDev( D_WARN, "Host_PushEvent overflow\n" ); overflow = true; } if( ev->data ) Mem_Free( ev->data ); host.events_tail++; } else overflow = false; *ev = *event; host.events_head++; } /* ================= Host_GetEvent ================= */ sys_event_t Host_GetEvent( void ) { if( host.events_head > host.events_tail ) { host.events_tail++; return host.events[(host.events_tail - 1) & (MAX_SYSEVENTS-1)]; } return Sys_GetEvent(); } /* ================= Host_EventLoop Returns last event time ================= */ int Host_EventLoop( void ) { sys_event_t ev; while( 1 ) { ev = Sys_GetEvent(); switch( ev.type ) { case SE_NONE: return ev.time; case SE_KEY: Key_Event( ev.value[0], ev.value[1], ev.time ); break; case SE_CHAR: CL_CharEvent( ev.value[0] ); break; case SE_MOUSE: CL_MouseEvent( ev.value[0], ev.value[1] ); break; case SE_CONSOLE: Cbuf_AddText( va( "%s\n", ev.data )); break; default: Host_Error( "Host_EventLoop: bad event type %i", ev.type ); break; } if( ev.data ) Mem_Free( ev.data ); } return 0; // never reached } /* ================ Host_Milliseconds Can be used for profiling, but will be journaled accurately ================ */ int Host_Milliseconds( void ) { sys_event_t ev; // get events and push them until we get a null event with the current time do { ev = Sys_GetEvent(); if( ev.type != SE_NONE ) Host_PushEvent( &ev ); } while( ev.type != SE_NONE ); return ev.time; } /* ================ Host_ModifyTime ================ */ int Host_ModifyTime( int msec ) { int clamp_time; // modify time for debugging values if( host_framerate->value ) msec = host_framerate->value * 1000; else if( timescale->value ) msec *= timescale->value; if( msec < 1 && timescale->value ) msec = 1; if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) { // dedicated servers don't want to clamp for a much longer // period, because it would mess up all the client's views of time. if( msec > 500 ) MsgDev( D_WARN, "Host_ModifyTime: %i msec frame time\n", msec ); clamp_time = 5000; } else if( SV_Active( )) { // for local single player gaming // we may want to clamp the time to prevent players from // flying off edges when something hitches. clamp_time = 200; } else { // clients of remote servers do not want to clamp time, because // it would skew their view of the server's time temporarily clamp_time = 5000; } if( msec > clamp_time ) msec = clamp_time; return msec; } /* ================= Host_Frame ================= */ void Host_Frame( void ) { int time, min_time; static int last_time; if( setjmp( host.abortframe )) return; rand(); // keep the random time dependent // we may want to spin here if things are going too fast if( host.type != HOST_DEDICATED && host_maxfps->integer > 0 ) min_time = 1000 / host_maxfps->integer; else min_time = 1; do { host.frametime = Host_EventLoop(); if( last_time > host.frametime ) last_time = host.frametime; time = host.frametime - last_time; } while( time < min_time ); Cbuf_Execute(); last_time = host.frametime; time = Host_ModifyTime( time ); SV_Frame ( time ); // server frame CL_Frame ( time ); // client frame host.framecount++; } /* ================ Host_Print Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc All console printing must go through this in order to be logged to disk If no console is visible, the text will appear at the top of the game window ================ */ void Host_Print( const char *txt ) { if( host.rd.target ) { if(( com.strlen( txt ) + com.strlen( host.rd.buffer )) > ( host.rd.buffersize - 1 )) { if( host.rd.flush ) { host.rd.flush( host.rd.address, host.rd.target, host.rd.buffer ); *host.rd.buffer = 0; } } com.strcat( host.rd.buffer, txt ); return; } Con_Print( txt ); // echo to client console } /* ================= Host_Error ================= */ void Host_Error( const char *error, ... ) { static char hosterror1[MAX_MSGLEN]; static char hosterror2[MAX_MSGLEN]; static bool recursive = false; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, error ); com.vsprintf( hosterror1, error, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); if( host.framecount < 3 || host.state == HOST_SHUTDOWN ) { Msg( "Host_InitError: " ); com.error( hosterror1 ); } else if( host.framecount == host.errorframe ) { com.error( "Host_MultiError: %s", hosterror2 ); return; } else Msg( "Host_Error: %s", hosterror1 ); if( recursive ) { Msg( "Host_RecursiveError: %s", hosterror2 ); com.error( va( "%s", hosterror1 )); return; // don't multiple executes } recursive = true; com.strncpy( hosterror2, hosterror1, MAX_MSGLEN ); host.errorframe = host.framecount; // to avoid multply calls per frame com.sprintf( host.finalmsg, "Server crashed: %s\n", hosterror1 ); SV_Shutdown( false ); CL_Drop(); // drop clients recursive = false; Host_AbortCurrentFrame(); host.state = HOST_ERROR; } void Host_Error_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 ) Sys_Break( "\n" ); else Host_Error( "%s\n", Cmd_Argv( 1 )); } /* ================= Host_Crash_f ================= */ static void Host_Crash_f( void ) { *(int *)0 = 0xffffffff; } void Host_InitCommon( const int argc, const char **argv ) { char dev_level[4]; dll_info_t check_vid, check_snd, check_cms; search_t *dlls; int i; newcom = com; // overload some funcs newcom.error = Host_Error; // check developer mode if( FS_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-dev", dev_level )) host.developer = com.atoi( dev_level ); Host_InitEvents(); FS_LoadGameInfo( NULL ); Image_Init( GI->texmode, -1 ); host.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Zone Engine" ); IN_Init(); // initialize audio\video multi-dlls system num_video_dlls = num_audio_dlls = 0; host_video = Cvar_Get( "host_video", "vid_gl.dll", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "name of video rendering library" ); host_audio = Cvar_Get( "host_audio", "snd_al.dll", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "name of sound rendering library" ); host_cphys = Cvar_Get( "host_cphys", "cms_qf.dll", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "name of physic colision library" ); // make sure what global copy has no changed with any dll checking Mem_Copy( &check_vid, &render_dll, sizeof( dll_info_t )); Mem_Copy( &check_snd, &vsound_dll, sizeof( dll_info_t )); Mem_Copy( &check_cms, &physic_dll, sizeof( dll_info_t )); // checking dlls don't invoke crash! check_vid.crash = false; check_snd.crash = false; check_cms.crash = false; dlls = FS_Search( "*.dll", true ); // couldn't find any dlls, render is missing (but i'm don't know how laucnher find engine :) // probably this should never happen if( !dlls ) Sys_NewInstance( "©", "" ); for( i = 0; i < dlls->numfilenames; i++ ) { if(!com.strnicmp( "vid_", dlls->filenames[i], 4 )) { // make sure what found library is valid if( Sys_LoadLibrary( dlls->filenames[i], &check_vid )) { MsgDev( D_NOTE, "VideoLibrary[%i]: %s\n", num_video_dlls, dlls->filenames[i] ); com.strncpy( video_dlls[num_video_dlls], dlls->filenames[i], MAX_STRING ); Sys_FreeLibrary( &check_vid ); num_video_dlls++; } } else if(!com.strnicmp( "snd_", dlls->filenames[i], 4 )) { // make sure what found library is valid if( Sys_LoadLibrary( dlls->filenames[i], &check_snd )) { MsgDev( D_NOTE, "AudioLibrary[%i]: %s\n", num_audio_dlls, dlls->filenames[i] ); com.strncpy( audio_dlls[num_audio_dlls], dlls->filenames[i], MAX_STRING ); Sys_FreeLibrary( &check_snd ); num_audio_dlls++; } } else if(!com.strnicmp( "cms_", dlls->filenames[i], 4 )) { // make sure what found library is valid if( Sys_LoadLibrary( dlls->filenames[i], &check_cms )) { MsgDev( D_NOTE, "PhysicLibrary[%i]: %s\n", num_cphys_dlls, dlls->filenames[i] ); com.strncpy( cphys_dlls[num_cphys_dlls], dlls->filenames[i], MAX_STRING ); Sys_FreeLibrary( &check_cms ); num_cphys_dlls++; } } } Mem_Free( dlls ); } void Host_FreeCommon( void ) { IN_Shutdown(); Mem_FreePool( &host.mempool ); } /* ================= Host_Init ================= */ void Host_Init( const int argc, const char **argv ) { char *s; host.state = HOST_INIT; // initialzation started host.type = g_Instance(); Host_InitCommon( argc, argv ); Key_Init(); // get user configuration Cbuf_AddText( "exec keys.rc\n" ); Cbuf_AddText( "exec vars.rc\n" ); Cbuf_Execute(); // init commands and vars if( host.developer ) { Cmd_AddCommand ("error", Host_Error_f, "just throw a fatal error to test shutdown procedures" ); Cmd_AddCommand ("crash", Host_Crash_f, "a way to force a bus error for development reasons"); } host_cheats = Cvar_Get( "sv_cheats", "1", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "allow cheat variables to enable" ); host_minfps = Cvar_Get( "host_minfps", "10", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "host fps lower limit" ); host_maxfps = Cvar_Get( "host_maxfps", "100", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "host fps upper limit" ); host_framerate = Cvar_Get( "host_framerate", "0", 0, "locks frame timing to this value in seconds" ); host_serverstate = Cvar_Get( "host_serverstate", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "displays current server state" ); host_registered = Cvar_Get( "registered", "1", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "indicate shareware version of game" ); timescale = Cvar_Get( "timescale", "1.0", 0, "slow-mo timescale" ); s = va("^1Xash %g ^3%s", GI->version, buildstring ); Cvar_Get( "version", s, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_INIT, "engine current version" ); NET_Init(); Netchan_Init(); SV_Init(); CL_Init(); Host_WriteDefaultConfig (); if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) { Cmd_AddCommand( "quit", Sys_Quit, "quit the game" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "exit", Sys_Quit, "quit the game" ); } else { Cmd_AddCommand( "minimize", Host_Minimize_f, "minimize main window to tray" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "vid_restart", Host_VidRestart_f, "restarts video system" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "snd_restart", Host_SndRestart_f, "restarts audio system" ); } Cmd_AddCommand( "cmap_restart", Host_PhysRestart_f, "restarts physic system" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "game", Host_ChangeGame_f, "change game" ); // allow to change game from the console host.frametime = Host_Milliseconds(); host.errorframe = 0; } /* ================= Host_Main ================= */ void Host_Main( void ) { // main window message loop while( host.type != HOST_OFFLINE ) { IN_Frame(); Host_Frame(); } } /* ================= Host_Shutdown ================= */ void Host_Free( void ) { if( host.state == HOST_SHUTDOWN ) return; host.state = HOST_SHUTDOWN; // prepare host to normal shutdown com.strncpy( host.finalmsg, "Server shutdown\n", MAX_STRING ); SV_Shutdown( false ); CL_Shutdown(); Host_FreeRender(); NET_Shutdown(); Host_FreePhysic(); Host_FreeCommon(); } /* ================= Engine entry point ================= */ launch_exp_t DLLEXPORT *CreateAPI( stdlib_api_t *input, void *unused ) { static launch_exp_t Host; com = *input; Host.api_size = sizeof( launch_exp_t ); Host.com_size = sizeof( stdlib_api_t ); Host.Init = Host_Init; Host.Main = Host_Main; Host.Free = Host_Free; Host.CPrint = Host_Print; return &Host; }