//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2008 © // imagelib.h - engine image lib //======================================================================= #ifndef IMAGELIB_H #define IMAGELIB_H #include "launch.h" #include "byteorder.h" // skyorder_q2[6] = { 2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 5, }; // Quake, Half-Life skybox ordering // skyorder_ms[6] = { 4, 5, 1, 0, 2, 3 }; // Microsoft DDS ordering (reverse) typedef enum { IL_HINT_NO = 0, // dds cubemap hints ( Microsoft sides order ) IL_HINT_POSX, IL_HINT_NEGX, IL_HINT_POSZ, IL_HINT_NEGZ, IL_HINT_POSY, IL_HINT_NEGY, // palette choosing IL_HINT_Q1, IL_HINT_Q2, IL_HINT_HL, } image_hint_t; typedef struct loadformat_s { const char *formatstring; const char *ext; bool (*loadfunc)( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); image_hint_t hint; } loadformat_t; typedef struct saveformat_s { const char *formatstring; const char *ext; bool (*savefunc)( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat ); } saveformat_t; typedef struct imglib_s { const loadformat_t *loadformats; const saveformat_t *saveformats; // current 2d image state int width; int height; byte num_layers; // num layers in byte num_mips; // build mipmaps uint type; // main type switcher uint flags; // additional image flags byte bits_count; // bits per RGBA size_t size; // image rgba size (for bounds checking) uint ptr; // safe image pointer byte *rgba; // image pointer (see image_type for details) // current cubemap state int source_width; // locked cubemap dims (all wrong sides will be automatically resampled) int source_height; uint source_type; // shared image type for all mipmaps or cubemap sides int num_sides; // how much sides is loaded byte *cubemap; // cubemap pack // indexed images state uint *d_currentpal; // installed version of internal palette int d_rendermode; // palette rendermode byte *palette; // palette pointer // global parms int curwidth; // cubemap side, layer or mipmap width int curheight; // cubemap side, layer or mipmap height int curdepth; // current layer number int cur_mips; // number of mips int bpp; // PFDesc[type].bpp int bpc; // PFDesc[type].bpc int bps; // width * bpp * bpc int SizeOfPlane; // bps * height int SizeOfData; // SizeOfPlane * bps int SizeOfFile; // Image_DxtGetSize bool (*decompress)( uint, int, int, uint, uint, uint, const void* ); image_hint_t hint; // hint for some loaders byte *tempbuffer; // for convert operations int cmd_flags; } imglib_t; /* ======================================================================== .PCX image format (ZSoft Paintbrush) ======================================================================== */ typedef struct { char manufacturer; char version; char encoding; char bits_per_pixel; word xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; word hres,vres; byte palette[48]; char reserved; char color_planes; word bytes_per_line; word palette_type; char filler[58]; } pcx_t; /* ======================================================================== .WAL image format (Wally textures) ======================================================================== */ typedef struct wal_s { char name[32]; uint width, height; uint offsets[4]; // four mip maps stored char animname[32]; // next frame in animation chain int flags; int contents; int value; } wal_t; /* ======================================================================== .LMP image format (Quake1 gfx lumps) ======================================================================== */ typedef struct flat_s { short width; short height; short desc[2]; // probably not used } flat_t; /* ======================================================================== .BMP image format ======================================================================== */ typedef struct { char id[2]; //bmfh.bfType dword fileSize; //bmfh.bfSize dword reserved0; //bmfh.bfReserved1 + bmfh.bfReserved2 dword bitmapDataOffset; //bmfh.bfOffBits dword bitmapHeaderSize; //bmih.biSize dword width; //bmih.biWidth dword height; //bmih.biHeight word planes; //bmih.biPlanes word bitsPerPixel; //bmih.biBitCount dword compression; //bmih.biCompression dword bitmapDataSize; //bmih.biSizeImage dword hRes; //bmih.biXPelsPerMeter dword vRes; //bmih.biYPelsPerMeter dword colors; //bmih.biClrUsed dword importantColors; //bmih.biClrImportant byte palette[256][4]; //RGBQUAD palette } bmp_t; /* ======================================================================== .TGA image format (Truevision Targa) ======================================================================== */ typedef struct tga_s { byte id_length; byte colormap_type; byte image_type; word colormap_index; word colormap_length; byte colormap_size; word x_origin; word y_origin; word width; word height; byte pixel_size; byte attributes; } tga_t; /* ======================================================================== .JPG image format ======================================================================== */ typedef struct huffman_table_s { // Huffman coding tables byte bits[16]; byte hval[256]; byte size[256]; word code[256]; } huffman_table_t; typedef struct jpg_s { // not a real header file_t *file; // file byte *buffer; // jpg buffer int width; // width image int height; // height image byte *data; // image int data_precision; // bit per component int num_components; // number component int restart_interval; // restart interval bool progressive_mode; // progressive format struct { int id; // identifier int h; // horizontal sampling factor int v; // vertical sampling factor int t; // quantization table selector int td; // DC table selector int ta; // AC table selector } component_info[3]; // RGB (alpha not supported) huffman_table_t hac[4]; // AC table huffman_table_t hdc[4]; // DC table int qtable[4][64]; // quantization table struct { int ss,se; // progressive jpeg spectral selection int ah,al; // progressive jpeg successive approx } scan; int dc[3]; int curbit; byte curbyte; } jpg_t; /* ======================================================================== .DDS image format ======================================================================== */ #define DDSHEADER ((' '<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DDS " // various four-cc types #define TYPE_DXT1 (('1'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT1" #define TYPE_DXT2 (('2'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT2" #define TYPE_DXT3 (('3'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT3" #define TYPE_DXT4 (('4'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT4" #define TYPE_DXT5 (('5'<<24)+('T'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'D') // little-endian "DXT5" #define TYPE_ATI1 (('1'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'A') // little-endian "ATI1" #define TYPE_ATI2 (('2'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'A') // little-endian "ATI2" #define TYPE_RXGB (('B'<<24)+('G'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'R') // little-endian "RXGB" doom3 normalmaps #define TYPE_$ (('\0'<<24)+('\0'<<16)+('\0'<<8)+'$') // little-endian "$" #define TYPE_t (('\0'<<24)+('\0'<<16)+('\0'<<8)+'t') // little-endian "t" #define DDS_CAPS 0x00000001L #define DDS_HEIGHT 0x00000002L #define DDS_WIDTH 0x00000004L #define DDS_RGB 0x00000040L #define DDS_PIXELFORMAT 0x00001000L #define DDS_LUMINANCE 0x00020000L #define DDS_ALPHAPIXELS 0x00000001L #define DDS_ALPHA 0x00000002L #define DDS_FOURCC 0x00000004L #define DDS_PITCH 0x00000008L #define DDS_COMPLEX 0x00000008L #define DDS_CUBEMAP 0x00000200L #define DDS_TEXTURE 0x00001000L #define DDS_MIPMAPCOUNT 0x00020000L #define DDS_LINEARSIZE 0x00080000L #define DDS_VOLUME 0x00200000L #define DDS_MIPMAP 0x00400000L #define DDS_DEPTH 0x00800000L #define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX 0x00000400L #define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX 0x00000800L #define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY 0x00001000L #define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY 0x00002000L #define DDS_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ 0x00004000L #define DDS_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ 0x00008000L typedef struct dds_pf_s { uint dwSize; uint dwFlags; uint dwFourCC; uint dwRGBBitCount; uint dwRBitMask; uint dwGBitMask; uint dwBBitMask; uint dwABitMask; } dds_pixf_t; // DDCAPS2 typedef struct dds_caps_s { uint dwCaps1; uint dwCaps2; uint dwCaps3; uint dwCaps4; } dds_caps_t; typedef struct dds_s { uint dwIdent; // must matched with DDSHEADER uint dwSize; uint dwFlags; // determines what fields are valid uint dwHeight; uint dwWidth; uint dwLinearSize; // Formless late-allocated optimized surface size uint dwDepth; // depth if a volume texture uint dwMipMapCount; // number of mip-map levels requested uint dwAlphaBitDepth; // depth of alpha buffer requested uint dwReserved1[10]; // reserved for future expansions dds_pixf_t dsPixelFormat; dds_caps_t dsCaps; uint dwTextureStage; } dds_t; /* ======================================================================== .VTF image format (Half-Life 2 dxt wrapper) ======================================================================== */ #define VTFHEADER (('\0'<<24)+('F'<<16)+('T'<<8)+'V') #define VTF_VERSION 7 #define VTF_SUBVERSION1 1 // some old textures from beta #define VTF_SUBVERSION2 2 // current subversion typedef enum { VTF_UNKNOWN = -1, // image absent VTF_RGBA8888 = 0, // PF_RGBA_32 VTF_ABGR8888, // unsupported VTF_RGB888, // PF_RGB_24 VTF_BGR888, // unsupported VTF_RGB565, // unsupported VTF_I8, // PF_LUMINANCE VTF_IA88, // PF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA VTF_P8, // PF_INDEXED_24 ?? VTF_A8, // unsupported VTF_RGB888_BLUESCREEN, // PF_RGB_24 - just fill alpha pixels with (0 0 255) color VTF_BGR888_BLUESCREEN, // unsupported VTF_ARGB8888, // PF_ARGB_32 VTF_BGRA8888, // unsupported VTF_DXT1, // PF_DXT1 VTF_DXT3, // PF_DXT3 VTF_DXT5, // PF_DXT5 VTF_BGRX8888, // unsupported VTF_BGR565, // unsupported VTF_BGRX5551, // unsupported VTF_BGRA4444, // unsupported VTF_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA, // PF_DXT1 - loader automatically detected alpha bits VTF_BGRA5551, // unsupported VTF_UV88, // unsupported VTF_UVWQ8888, // unsupported VTF_RGBA16161616F, // PF_ABGR_64_F ?? VTF_RGBA16161616, // unsupported VTF_UVLX8888, // unsupported VTF_TOTALCOUNT } vtf_format_t; typedef enum { // flags from the *.txt config file VF_POINTSAMPLE = BIT(0), VF_TRILINEAR = BIT(1), VF_CLAMPS = BIT(2), VF_CLAMPT = BIT(3), VF_ANISOTROPIC = BIT(4), VF_HINT_DXT5 = BIT(5), VF_NOCOMPRESS = BIT(6), VF_NORMAL = BIT(7), VF_NOMIP = BIT(8), VF_NOLOD = BIT(9), VF_MINMIP = BIT(10), VF_PROCEDURAL = BIT(11), // these are automatically generated by vtex from the texture data. VF_ONEBITALPHA = BIT(12), VF_EIGHTBITALPHA = BIT(13), // newer flags from the *.txt config file VF_ENVMAP = BIT(14), VF_RENDERTARGET = BIT(15), VF_DEPTHRENDERTARGET= BIT(16), VF_NODEBUGOVERRIDE = BIT(17), VF_SINGLECOPY = BIT(18), VF_ONEALPHAMIP = BIT(19), VF_PREMULTCOLOR = BIT(20), VF_NORMALTODUDV = BIT(21), VF_ALPHATESTMIPGEN = BIT(22), VF_NODEPTHBUFFER = BIT(23), VF_NICEFILTERED = BIT(24), VF_LASTFLAG = BIT(24), } vtf_flags_t; // dirty Valve tricks with compiler features... #pragma pack( 1 ) __declspec(align( 16 )) typedef struct vtf_s { int ident; // must matched with VTFHEADER int ver_major; // current version is 7 int ver_minor; // 1 or 2 int hdr_size; // ver 7.1 == 64 bytes, ver 7.2 == 80 bytes word width; // maxwidth 2048 word height; // maxheight 2048 uint flags; // misc image flags int num_frames; // sprite frames int start_frame; // ??? vec4_t reflectivity; // vrad precomputed texcolor float bumpScale; // ovverided from vmt file vtf_format_t imageFormat; // see vtf_format_t for details byte numMipLevels; // never reached 255 mipLevels // probably it's used for WorldCraft texture explorer vtf_format_t lowResImageFormat; byte lowResImageWidth; // maxWidth = 256 byte lowResImageHeight; // maxHeight = 256 // 20 additonal bytes for subversion 2 probably used for HDR settings int unknown[4]; } vtf_t; #pragma pack() // imagelib definitions #define IMAGE_MAXWIDTH 4096 #define IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT 4096 #define LUMP_MAXWIDTH 1024 // WorldCraft limits #define LUMP_MAXHEIGHT 1024 #define TRANS_THRESHOLD 10 // in pixels enum { LUMP_NORMAL = 0, LUMP_TRANSPARENT, LUMP_DECAL, LUMP_QFONT }; extern imglib_t image; extern cvar_t *img_oldformats; extern cvar_t *fs_wadsupport; extern byte *fs_mempool; extern const bpc_desc_t PFDesc[]; void Image_RoundDimensions( int *scaled_width, int *scaled_height ); byte *Image_ResampleInternal( const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight, int intype ); byte *Image_FlipInternal( const byte *in, int *srcwidth, int *srcheight, int type, int flags ); void Image_FreeImage( rgbdata_t *pack ); void Image_Save( const char *filename, rgbdata_t *pix ); size_t Image_DXTGetLinearSize( int type, int width, int height, int depth, int rgbcount ); rgbdata_t *Image_Load(const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t buffsize ); bool Image_Copy8bitRGBA( const byte *in, byte *out, int pixels ); bool FS_AddMipmapToPack( const byte *in, int width, int height ); void Image_SetPixelFormat( int width, int height, int depth ); void Image_ConvertPalTo24bit( rgbdata_t *pic ); void Image_DecompressDDS( const byte *buffer, uint target ); void Image_GetPaletteLMP( const byte *pal, int rendermode ); void Image_GetPalettePCX( const byte *pal ); void Image_CopyPalette24bit( void ); void Image_CopyPalette32bit( void ); uint Image_ShortToFloat( word y ); void Image_GetPaletteQ2( void ); void Image_GetPaletteQ1( void ); void Image_GetPaletteD1( void ); // doom 2 on TNT :) // // formats load // bool Image_LoadMIP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadMDL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadSPR( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadTGA( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadDDS( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadBMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadJPG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadVTF( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadPNG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadPCX( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadLMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadWAL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadFLT( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); bool Image_LoadPAL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize ); // // formats save // bool Image_SaveTGA( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat ); bool Image_SaveDDS( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat ); bool Image_SaveBMP( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat ); bool Image_SavePNG( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat ); bool Image_SavePCX( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix, int saveformat ); // // img_utils.c // byte *Image_Copy( size_t size ); bool Image_ValidSize( const char *name ); bool Image_LumpValidSize( const char *name ); #endif//IMAGELIB_H