//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2009 © // cl_video.c - avi video player //======================================================================= #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include // video for windows /* ================================================================= AVI PLAYING ================================================================= */ cvar_t *vid_gamma; static long xres, yres; static float video_duration; static float cin_time; static int cin_frame; static wavdata_t cin_audio; static movie_state_t *cin_state; void SCR_RebuildGammaTable( void ) { float g; int i; g = bound( 0.5f, vid_gamma->value, 2.3f ); // screenshots gamma for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { if( g == 1 ) clgame.ds.gammaTable[i] = i; else clgame.ds.gammaTable[i] = bound( 0, pow( i * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ), g ) * 255.0f, 255 ); } } /* ================== SCR_NextMovie Called when a demo or cinematic finishes If the "nextmovie" cvar is set, that command will be issued ================== */ bool SCR_NextMovie( void ) { string str; S_StopAllSounds(); SCR_StopCinematic(); if( cls.movienum == -1 ) return false; // don't play movies if( !cls.movies[cls.movienum][0] || cls.movienum == MAX_MOVIES ) { cls.movienum = -1; return false; } com.snprintf( str, MAX_STRING, "movie %s full\n", cls.movies[cls.movienum] ); Cbuf_InsertText( str ); cls.movienum++; return true; } void SCR_CreateStartupVids( void ) { file_t *f; f = FS_Open( "media/StartupVids.txt", "w" ); if( !f ) return; // make standard video playlist: sierra, valve FS_Print( f, "media/sierra.avi\n" ); FS_Print( f, "media/valve.avi\n" ); FS_Close( f ); } void SCR_CheckStartupVids( void ) { int c = 0; script_t *vidlist = NULL; string token; if( host.developer >= 2 ) { // don't run movies where we in developer-mode cls.movienum = -1; return; } if( !FS_FileExists( "media/StartupVids.txt" )) { SCR_CreateStartupVids(); } vidlist = Com_OpenScript( "media/StartupVids.txt", NULL, 0 ); if( !vidlist ) return; // something bad happens while( Com_ReadString( vidlist, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, token )) { com.strncpy( cls.movies[c], token, sizeof( cls.movies[0] )); if( ++c > MAX_MOVIES - 1 ) { MsgDev( D_WARN, "Host_StartMovies: max %i movies in StartupVids\n", MAX_DEMOS ); break; } } Com_CloseScript( vidlist ); // run cinematic if( !SV_Active() && cls.movienum != -1 && cls.state != ca_cinematic ) { cls.movienum = 0; SCR_NextMovie (); } else cls.movienum = -1; } /* ================== SCR_RunCinematic ================== */ void SCR_RunCinematic( void ) { if( !AVI_IsActive( cin_state )) return; if( vid_gamma->modified ) { SCR_RebuildGammaTable(); vid_gamma->modified = false; } // advances cinematic time (ignores maxfps and host_framerate settings) cin_time += host.realframetime; // stop the video after it finishes if( cin_time > video_duration + 0.1f ) { SCR_NextMovie( ); return; } // read the next frame cin_frame = AVI_GetVideoFrameNumber( cin_state, cin_time ); } /* ================== SCR_DrawCinematic Returns true if a cinematic is active, meaning the view rendering should be skipped ================== */ bool SCR_DrawCinematic( void ) { static int last_frame = -1; bool redraw = false; byte *frame = NULL; if( !re || cin_time <= 0.0f ) return false; if( cin_frame != last_frame ) { frame = AVI_GetVideoFrame( cin_state, cin_frame ); last_frame = cin_frame; redraw = true; } re->DrawStretchRaw( 0, 0, scr_width->integer, scr_height->integer, xres, yres, frame, redraw ); return true; } /* ================== SCR_PlayCinematic ================== */ bool SCR_PlayCinematic( const char *arg ) { string path; const char *fullpath; fullpath = FS_GetDiskPath( arg ); if( FS_FileExists( arg ) && !fullpath ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "couldn't load %s from packfile. Please extract it\n", path ); return false; } AVI_OpenVideo( cin_state, fullpath, true, true, false ); if( !AVI_IsActive( cin_state )) { AVI_CloseVideo( cin_state ); return false; } if( !( AVI_GetVideoInfo( cin_state, &xres, &yres, &video_duration ))) // couldn't open this at all. { AVI_CloseVideo( cin_state ); return false; } if( AVI_GetAudioInfo( cin_state, &cin_audio )) { // begin streaming S_StopAllSounds(); S_StartStreaming(); } UI_SetActiveMenu( false ); SCR_RebuildGammaTable(); cls.state = ca_cinematic; cin_time = 0.0f; return true; } long SCR_GetAudioChunk( char *rawdata, long length ) { int r; r = AVI_GetAudioChunk( cin_state, rawdata, cin_audio.loopStart, length ); cin_audio.loopStart += r; // advance play position return r; } wavdata_t *SCR_GetMovieInfo( void ) { if( AVI_IsActive( cin_state )) return &cin_audio; return NULL; } /* ================== SCR_StopCinematic ================== */ void SCR_StopCinematic( void ) { if( cls.state != ca_cinematic ) return; AVI_CloseVideo( cin_state ); S_StopStreaming(); cin_time = 0.0f; cls.state = ca_disconnected; UI_SetActiveMenu( true ); } /* ================== SCR_InitCinematic ================== */ void SCR_InitCinematic( void ) { AVIFileInit(); // used for movie gamma correction vid_gamma = Cvar_Get( "vid_gamma", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "gamma amount" ); cin_state = AVI_GetState( CIN_MAIN ); } /* ================== SCR_FreeCinematic ================== */ void SCR_FreeCinematic( void ) { AVIFileExit(); }