/* client.h - primary header for client Copyright (C) 2009 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H #include "mathlib.h" #include "cdll_int.h" #include "menu_int.h" #include "cl_entity.h" #include "com_model.h" #include "mod_local.h" #include "pm_defs.h" #include "pm_movevars.h" #include "render_api.h" #include "screenfade.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "netchan.h" #include "net_api.h" #include "world.h" #define MAX_DEMOS 32 #define MAX_MOVIES 8 #define MAX_CDTRACKS 32 #define MAX_IMAGES 256 // SpriteTextures #define MAX_EFRAGS 1024 #define MAX_REQUESTS 32 // screenshot types #define VID_SCREENSHOT 0 #define VID_LEVELSHOT 1 #define VID_MINISHOT 2 #define VID_MAPSHOT 3 // special case for overview layer #define VID_SNAPSHOT 4 // save screenshot into root dir and no gamma correction typedef int sound_t; //============================================================================= typedef struct frame_s { // received from server double receivedtime; // time message was received, or -1 double latency; double time; // server timestamp local_state_t local; // local client state entity_state_t playerstate[MAX_CLIENTS]; int num_entities; int first_entity; // into the circular cl_packet_entities[] qboolean valid; // cleared if delta parsing was invalid } frame_t; #define CMD_BACKUP MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP // allow a lot of command backups for very fast systems #define CMD_MASK (CMD_BACKUP - 1) #define CL_UPDATE_MASK (CL_UPDATE_BACKUP - 1) extern int CL_UPDATE_BACKUP; // the client_t structure is wiped completely at every // server map change typedef struct { int timeoutcount; int servercount; // server identification for prespawns int validsequence; // this is the sequence number of the last good // world snapshot/update we got. If this is 0, we can't // render a frame yet int parsecount; // server message counter int parsecountmod; // modulo with network window qboolean video_prepped; // false if on new level or new ref dll qboolean audio_prepped; // false if on new level or new snd dll qboolean force_refdef; // vid has changed, so we can't use a paused refdef int delta_sequence; // acknowledged sequence number double mtime[2]; // the timestamp of the last two messages int last_incoming_sequence; qboolean force_send_usercmd; qboolean thirdperson; qboolean background; // not real game, just a background uint checksum; // for catching cheater maps client_data_t data; // some clientdata holds frame_t frame; // received from server int predictcount; // advances with next clientdata frame_t frames[MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP]; // alloced on svc_serverdata usercmd_t cmds[MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP]; // each mesage will send several old cmds local_state_t predict[MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP]; // local client state double time; // this is the time value that the client // is rendering at. always <= cls.realtime // a lerp point for other data double oldtime; // previous cl.time, time-oldtime is used // to decay light values and smooth step ups float lerpFrac; // interpolation value ref_params_t refdef; // shared refdef char serverinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; player_info_t players[MAX_CLIENTS]; event_state_t events; // predicting stuff vec3_t predicted_origin; // generated by CL_PredictMovement vec3_t predicted_viewofs; vec3_t predicted_velocity; // server state information int playernum; int maxclients; int movemessages; int num_custombeams; // server beams count char model_precache[MAX_MODELS][CS_SIZE]; char sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS][CS_SIZE]; char event_precache[MAX_EVENTS][CS_SIZE]; lightstyle_t lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; int sound_index[MAX_SOUNDS]; int decal_index[MAX_DECALS]; cl_entity_t *world; model_t *worldmodel; // pointer to world } client_t; /* ================================================================== the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number of server connections ================================================================== */ typedef enum { ca_uninitialized = 0, ca_disconnected, // not talking to a server ca_connecting, // sending request packets to the server ca_connected, // netchan_t established, waiting for svc_serverdata ca_active, // game views should be displayed ca_cinematic, // playing a cinematic, not connected to a server } connstate_t; typedef enum { scrshot_inactive, scrshot_normal, // in-game screenshot scrshot_snapshot, // in-game snapshot scrshot_plaque, // levelshot scrshot_savegame, // saveshot scrshot_demoshot, // for demos preview scrshot_envshot, // cubemap view scrshot_skyshot, // skybox view scrshot_mapshot // overview layer } scrshot_t; // client screen state typedef enum { CL_LOADING = 1, // draw loading progress-bar CL_ACTIVE, // draw normal hud CL_PAUSED, // pause when active CL_CHANGELEVEL, // draw 'loading' during changelevel } scrstate_t; typedef struct { char name[32]; int number; // svc_ number int size; // if size == -1, size come from first byte after svcnum pfnUserMsgHook func; // user-defined function } cl_user_message_t; typedef void (*pfnEventHook)( event_args_t *args ); typedef struct { char name[CS_SIZE]; word index; // event index pfnEventHook func; // user-defined function } cl_user_event_t; typedef struct { int hFontTexture; // handle to texture wrect_t fontRc[256]; // rectangles byte charWidths[256]; int charHeight; qboolean valid; // all rectangles are valid } cl_font_t; typedef struct { // temp handle const model_t *pSprite; // pointer to current SpriteTexture // scissor test int scissor_x; int scissor_y; int scissor_width; int scissor_height; qboolean scissor_test; qboolean adjust_size; // allow to adjust scale for fonts int cullMode; // override CULL FACE from TriAPI // holds text color rgba_t textColor; rgba_t spriteColor; rgba_t triColor; // crosshair members const model_t *pCrosshair; wrect_t rcCrosshair; rgba_t rgbaCrosshair; byte gammaTable[256]; } client_draw_t; typedef struct { int gl_texturenum; // this is a real texnum // scissor test int scissor_x; int scissor_y; int scissor_width; int scissor_height; qboolean scissor_test; // holds text color rgba_t textColor; } gameui_draw_t; typedef struct { // centerprint stuff float time; int y, lines; char message[2048]; int totalWidth; int totalHeight; } center_print_t; typedef struct { float time; float duration; float amplitude; float frequency; float next_shake; vec3_t offset; float angle; vec3_t applied_offset; float applied_angle; } screen_shake_t; typedef struct { struct mstudiotex_s *ptexture; // array of textures with local copy of remapped textures short numtextures; // textures count short topcolor; // cached value short bottomcolor; // cached value model_t *model; // for catch model changes } remap_info_t; // same as ref_params but for overview mode typedef struct { vec3_t origin; qboolean rotated; float xLeft; float xRight; float xTop; float xBottom; float zFar; float zNear; float flZoom; } ref_overview_t; typedef struct { net_response_t resp; net_api_response_func_t pfnFunc; double timeout; double timesend; // time when request was sended int flags; // FNETAPI_MULTIPLE_RESPONSE etc } net_request_t; typedef struct { int (*pfnInitialize)( cl_enginefunc_t *pEnginefuncs, int iVersion ); int (*pfnVidInit)( void ); void (*pfnInit)( void ); void (*pfnShutdown)( void ); int (*pfnRedraw)( float flTime, int intermission ); int (*pfnUpdateClientData)( client_data_t *cdata, float flTime ); void (*pfnReset)( void ); void (*pfnPlayerMove)( struct playermove_s *ppmove, int server ); void (*pfnPlayerMoveInit)( struct playermove_s *ppmove ); char (*pfnPlayerMoveTexture)( char *name ); int (*pfnConnectionlessPacket)( const netadr_t *net_from, const char *args, char *buffer, int *size ); int (*pfnGetHullBounds)( int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs ); void (*pfnFrame)( double time ); void (*pfnVoiceStatus)( int entindex, qboolean bTalking ); void (*pfnDirectorMessage)( int iSize, void *pbuf ); void (*pfnPostRunCmd)( local_state_t *from, local_state_t *to, usercmd_t *cmd, int runfuncs, double time, uint random_seed ); int (*pfnKey_Event)( int eventcode, int keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ); void (*pfnDemo_ReadBuffer)( int size, byte *buffer ); int (*pfnAddEntity)( int type, cl_entity_t *ent, const char *modelname ); void (*pfnCreateEntities)( void ); void (*pfnStudioEvent)( const struct mstudioevent_s *event, const cl_entity_t *entity ); void (*pfnTxferLocalOverrides)( entity_state_t *state, const clientdata_t *client ); void (*pfnProcessPlayerState)( entity_state_t *dst, const entity_state_t *src ); void (*pfnTxferPredictionData)( entity_state_t *ps, const entity_state_t *pps, clientdata_t *pcd, const clientdata_t *ppcd, weapon_data_t *wd, const weapon_data_t *pwd ); void (*pfnTempEntUpdate)( double frametime, double client_time, double cl_gravity, struct tempent_s **ppTempEntFree, struct tempent_s **ppTempEntActive, int ( *Callback_AddVisibleEntity )( cl_entity_t *pEntity ), void ( *Callback_TempEntPlaySound )( struct tempent_s *pTemp, float damp )); int (*pfnGetStudioModelInterface)( int version, struct r_studio_interface_s **ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s *pstudio ); void (*pfnChatInputPosition)( int *x, int *y ); void (*pfnDrawNormalTriangles)( void ); void (*pfnDrawTransparentTriangles)( void ); cl_entity_t *(*pfnGetUserEntity)( int index ); void *(*KB_Find)( const char *name ); void (*CAM_Think)( void ); // camera stuff int (*CL_IsThirdPerson)( void ); void (*CL_CreateMove)( float frametime, usercmd_t *cmd, int active ); void (*IN_ActivateMouse)( void ); void (*IN_DeactivateMouse)( void ); void (*IN_MouseEvent)( int mstate ); void (*IN_Accumulate)( void ); void (*IN_ClearStates)( void ); void (*pfnCalcRefdef)( ref_params_t *pparams ); int (*pfnGetRenderInterface)( int version, render_api_t *renderfuncs, render_interface_t *callback ); int (*pfnGetPlayerTeam)( int playerIndex ); void (*pfnClipMoveToEntity)( physent_t *pe, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, pmtrace_t *tr ); } HUD_FUNCTIONS; typedef struct { void *hInstance; // pointer to client.dll HUD_FUNCTIONS dllFuncs; // dll exported funcs render_interface_t drawFuncs; // custom renderer support byte *mempool; // client edicts pool string mapname; // map name string maptitle; // display map title string itemspath; // path to items description for auto-complete func cl_entity_t *entities; // dynamically allocated entity array cl_entity_t *static_entities; // dynamically allocated static entity array remap_info_t **remap_info; // store local copy of all remap textures for each entity int maxEntities; int maxRemapInfos; // maxEntities + cl.viewEnt; also used for catch entcount int numStatics; // actual static entity count // movement values from server movevars_t movevars; movevars_t oldmovevars; playermove_t *pmove; // pmove state int old_trace_hull; // used by PM_Push\Pop state int oldcount; // used by PM_Push\Pop state vec3_t player_mins[MAX_MAP_HULLS]; // 4 hulls allowed vec3_t player_maxs[MAX_MAP_HULLS]; // 4 hulls allowed cl_user_message_t msg[MAX_USER_MESSAGES]; // keep static to avoid fragment memory cl_user_event_t *events[MAX_EVENTS]; string cdtracks[MAX_CDTRACKS]; // 32 cd-tracks read from cdaudio.txt model_t sprites[MAX_IMAGES]; // client spritetextures int load_sequence; // for unloading unneeded sprites client_draw_t ds; // draw2d stuff (hud, weaponmenu etc) screenfade_t fade; // screen fade screen_shake_t shake; // screen shake center_print_t centerPrint; // centerprint variables SCREENINFO scrInfo; // actual screen info ref_overview_t overView; // overView params rgb_t palette[256]; // palette used for particle colors client_textmessage_t *titles; // title messages, not network messages int numTitles; net_request_t net_requests[MAX_REQUESTS]; // no reason to keep more efrag_t *free_efrags; // linked efrags cl_entity_t viewent; // viewmodel } clgame_static_t; typedef struct { void *hInstance; // pointer to client.dll UI_FUNCTIONS dllFuncs; // dll exported funcs byte *mempool; // client edicts pool cl_entity_t playermodel; // uiPlayerSetup drawing model player_info_t playerinfo; // local playerinfo gameui_draw_t ds; // draw2d stuff (menu images) GAMEINFO gameInfo; // current gameInfo GAMEINFO *modsInfo[MAX_MODS]; // simplified gameInfo for MainUI ui_globalvars_t *globals; qboolean drawLogo; // set to TRUE if logo.avi missed or corrupted long logo_xres; long logo_yres; float logo_length; } menu_static_t; typedef struct { connstate_t state; qboolean initialized; qboolean changelevel; // during changelevel qboolean changedemo; // during changedemo // screen rendering information float disable_screen; // showing loading plaque between levels // or changing rendering dlls // if time gets > 30 seconds ahead, break it int disable_servercount; // when we receive a frame and cl.servercount // > cls.disable_servercount, clear disable_screen qboolean draw_changelevel; // draw changelevel image 'Loading...' keydest_t key_dest; byte *mempool; // client premamnent pool: edicts etc int framecount; int quakePort; // a 16 bit value that allows quake servers // to work around address translating routers // g-cont. this port allow many copies of engine in multiplayer game // connection information string servername; // name of server from original connect double connect_time; // for connection retransmits sizebuf_t datagram; // unreliable stuff. gets sent in CL_Move about cl_cmdrate times per second. byte datagram_buf[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD]; netchan_t netchan; int serverProtocol; // in case we are doing some kind of version hack int challenge; // from the server to use for connecting float packet_loss; double packet_loss_recalc_time; float nextcmdtime; // when can we send the next command packet? int lastoutgoingcommand; // sequence number of last outgoing command // internal images int fillImage; // used for emulate FillRGBA to avoid wrong draw-sort int particleImage; // built-in particle and sparks image int pauseIcon; // draw 'paused' when game in-pause int loadingBar; // 'loading' progress bar int glowShell; // for renderFxGlowShell int tileImage; // for draw any areas not covered by the refresh HSPRITE hChromeSprite; // this is a really HudSprite handle, not texnum! cl_font_t creditsFont; // shared creditsfont int num_client_entities; // cl.maxclients * CL_UPDATE_BACKUP * MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES int next_client_entities; // next client_entity to use entity_state_t *packet_entities; // [num_client_entities] scrshot_t scrshot_request; // request for screen shot scrshot_t scrshot_action; // in-action const float *envshot_vieworg; // envshot position string shotname; // download info int downloadcount; int downloadfileid; // demo loop control int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos string demos[MAX_DEMOS]; // when not playing // movie playlist int movienum; string movies[MAX_MOVIES]; // demo recording info must be here, so it isn't clearing on level change qboolean demorecording; qboolean demoplayback; qboolean demowaiting; // don't record until a non-delta message is received qboolean timedemo; string demoname; // for demo looping file_t *demofile; file_t *demoheader; // contain demo startup info in case we record a demo on this level } client_static_t; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern client_t cl; extern client_static_t cls; extern clgame_static_t clgame; extern menu_static_t menu; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // // cvars // extern convar_t *cl_predict; extern convar_t *cl_smooth; extern convar_t *cl_showfps; extern convar_t *cl_envshot_size; extern convar_t *cl_timeout; extern convar_t *cl_nodelta; extern convar_t *cl_interp; extern convar_t *cl_crosshair; extern convar_t *cl_testlights; extern convar_t *cl_solid_players; extern convar_t *cl_idealpitchscale; extern convar_t *cl_allow_levelshots; extern convar_t *cl_lightstyle_lerping; extern convar_t *cl_draw_particles; extern convar_t *cl_levelshot_name; extern convar_t *cl_draw_beams; extern convar_t *scr_centertime; extern convar_t *scr_viewsize; extern convar_t *scr_download; extern convar_t *scr_loading; extern convar_t *scr_dark; // start from dark extern convar_t *userinfo; extern convar_t *hltv; //============================================================================= void CL_SetLightstyle( int style, const char* s ); void CL_RunLightStyles( void ); void CL_AddEntities( void ); void CL_DecayLights( void ); //================================================= void CL_PrepVideo( void ); void CL_PrepSound( void ); // // cl_cmds.c // void CL_Quit_f( void ); void CL_ScreenShot_f( void ); void CL_SnapShot_f( void ); void CL_PlayCDTrack_f( void ); void CL_EnvShot_f( void ); void CL_SkyShot_f( void ); void CL_SaveShot_f( void ); void CL_DemoShot_f( void ); void CL_LevelShot_f( void ); void CL_SetSky_f( void ); void SCR_Viewpos_f( void ); void SCR_TimeRefresh_f( void ); // // cl_main.c // void CL_Init( void ); void CL_SendCommand( void ); void CL_Disconnect_f( void ); void CL_ProcessFile( qboolean successfully_received, const char *filename ); void CL_WriteUsercmd( sizebuf_t *msg, int from, int to ); void CL_GetChallengePacket( void ); void CL_PingServers_f( void ); void CL_ClearState( void ); // // cl_demo.c // void CL_StartupDemoHeader( void ); void CL_DrawDemoRecording( void ); void CL_WriteDemoUserCmd( int cmdnumber ); void CL_WriteDemoMessage( qboolean startup, int start, sizebuf_t *msg ); void CL_WriteDemoUserMessage( const byte *buffer, size_t size ); qboolean CL_DemoReadMessage( byte *buffer, size_t *length ); void CL_WriteDemoJumpTime( void ); void CL_CloseDemoHeader( void ); void CL_StopPlayback( void ); void CL_StopRecord( void ); void CL_PlayDemo_f( void ); void CL_StartDemos_f( void ); void CL_Demos_f( void ); void CL_DeleteDemo_f( void ); void CL_Record_f( void ); void CL_Stop_f( void ); void CL_FreeDemo( void ); // // cl_events.c // void CL_ParseEvent( sizebuf_t *msg ); void CL_ParseReliableEvent( sizebuf_t *msg ); void CL_SetEventIndex( const char *szEvName, int ev_index ); void CL_QueueEvent( int flags, int index, float delay, event_args_t *args ); void CL_PlaybackEvent( int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, word eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 ); void CL_RegisterEvent( int lastnum, const char *szEvName, pfnEventHook func ); word CL_EventIndex( const char *name ); const char *CL_IndexEvent( word index ); void CL_ResetEvent( event_info_t *ei ); void CL_FireEvents( void ); // // cl_game.c // void CL_UnloadProgs( void ); qboolean CL_LoadProgs( const char *name ); void CL_ParseUserMessage( sizebuf_t *msg, int svc_num ); void CL_LinkUserMessage( char *pszName, const int svc_num, int iSize ); void CL_ParseTextMessage( sizebuf_t *msg ); void CL_DrawHUD( int state ); void CL_InitEdicts( void ); void CL_FreeEdicts( void ); void CL_ClearWorld( void ); void CL_DrawCenterPrint( void ); void CL_FreeEntity( cl_entity_t *pEdict ); void CL_CenterPrint( const char *text, float y ); void CL_TextMessageParse( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize ); client_textmessage_t *CL_TextMessageGet( const char *pName ); int pfnDecalIndexFromName( const char *szDecalName ); int pfnIndexFromTrace( struct pmtrace_s *pTrace ); int CL_FindModelIndex( const char *m ); HSPRITE pfnSPR_Load( const char *szPicName ); HSPRITE pfnSPR_LoadExt( const char *szPicName, uint texFlags ); void TextAdjustSize( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h ); void PicAdjustSize( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h ); void CL_PlayerTrace( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, int ignore_pe, pmtrace_t *tr ); void CL_PlayerTraceExt( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, int (*pfnIgnore)( physent_t *pe ), pmtrace_t *tr ); void CL_SetTraceHull( int hull ); _inline cl_entity_t *CL_EDICT_NUM( int n ) { if(( n >= 0 ) && ( n < clgame.maxEntities )) return clgame.entities + n; Host_Error( "CL_EDICT_NUM: bad number %i\n", n ); return NULL; } // // cl_parse.c // extern const char *svc_strings[256]; void CL_ParseServerMessage( sizebuf_t *msg ); void CL_ParseTempEntity( sizebuf_t *msg ); qboolean CL_DispatchUserMessage( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); // // cl_scrn.c // void SCR_VidInit( void ); void SCR_TileClear( void ); void SCR_AddDirtyPoint( int x, int y ); void SCR_InstallParticlePalette( void ); void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque( void ); void SCR_RebuildGammaTable( void ); void SCR_RegisterTextures( void ); void SCR_LoadCreditsFont( void ); void SCR_MakeScreenShot( void ); void SCR_MakeLevelShot( void ); void SCR_NetSpeeds( void ); void SCR_RSpeeds( void ); void SCR_DrawFPS( void ); // // cl_view.c // void V_Init (void); void V_Shutdown( void ); qboolean V_PreRender( void ); void V_PostRender( void ); void V_RenderView( void ); void V_SetupOverviewState( void ); void V_ProcessOverviewCmds( usercmd_t *cmd ); void V_MergeOverviewRefdef( ref_params_t *fd ); void V_ProcessShowTexturesCmds( usercmd_t *cmd ); void V_WriteOverviewScript( void ); // // cl_pmove.c // void CL_SetSolidEntities( void ); void CL_SetSolidPlayers( int playernum ); void CL_InitClientMove( void ); void CL_PredictMovement( void ); void CL_CheckPredictionError( void ); qboolean CL_IsPredicted( void ); int CL_TruePointContents( const vec3_t p ); int CL_PointContents( const vec3_t p ); int CL_WaterEntity( const float *rgflPos ); cl_entity_t *CL_GetWaterEntity( const float *rgflPos ); void CL_SetupPMove( playermove_t *pmove, clientdata_t *cd, entity_state_t *state, usercmd_t *ucmd ); pmtrace_t CL_TraceLine( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int flags ); void CL_ClearPhysEnts( void ); // // cl_studio.c // void CL_InitStudioAPI( void ); // // cl_frame.c // void CL_ParsePacketEntities( sizebuf_t *msg, qboolean delta ); qboolean CL_AddVisibleEntity( cl_entity_t *ent, int entityType ); void CL_UpdateStudioVars( cl_entity_t *ent, entity_state_t *newstate, qboolean noInterp ); qboolean CL_GetEntitySpatialization( int entnum, vec3_t origin, float *pradius ); void CL_UpdateEntityFields( cl_entity_t *ent ); qboolean CL_IsPlayerIndex( int idx ); // // cl_remap.c // remap_info_t *CL_GetRemapInfoForEntity( cl_entity_t *e ); void CL_AllocRemapInfo( int topcolor, int bottomcolor ); void CL_FreeRemapInfo( remap_info_t *info ); void R_StudioSetRemapColors( int top, int bottom ); void CL_UpdateRemapInfo( int topcolor, int bottomcolor ); void CL_ClearAllRemaps( void ); // // cl_tent.c // int CL_AddEntity( int entityType, cl_entity_t *pEnt ); void CL_WeaponAnim( int iAnim, int body ); void CL_ClearEffects( void ); void CL_TestLights( void ); void CL_DrawParticlesExternal( const float *vieworg, const float *fwd, const float *rt, const float *up, uint clipFlags ); void CL_DecalShoot( int textureIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, float *pos, int flags ); void CL_PlayerDecal( int textureIndex, int entityIndex, float *pos ); void CL_InitParticles( void ); void CL_ClearParticles( void ); void CL_FreeParticles( void ); void CL_DrawParticles( void ); void CL_InitTempEnts( void ); void CL_ClearTempEnts( void ); void CL_FreeTempEnts( void ); void CL_AddTempEnts( void ); void CL_InitViewBeams( void ); void CL_ClearViewBeams( void ); void CL_FreeViewBeams( void ); void CL_DrawBeams( int fTrans ); void CL_AddCustomBeam( cl_entity_t *pEnvBeam ); void CL_KillDeadBeams( cl_entity_t *pDeadEntity ); void CL_ParseViewBeam( sizebuf_t *msg, int beamType ); void CL_RegisterMuzzleFlashes( void ); void CL_ReadPointFile_f( void ); void CL_ReadLineFile_f( void ); // // console.c // extern convar_t *con_fontsize; qboolean Con_Visible( void ); void Con_Init( void ); void Con_VidInit( void ); void Con_ToggleConsole_f( void ); void Con_ClearNotify( void ); void Con_DrawDebug( void ); void Con_RunConsole( void ); void Con_DrawConsole( void ); void Con_DrawVersion( void ); void Con_DrawStringLen( const char *pText, int *length, int *height ); int Con_DrawString( int x, int y, const char *string, rgba_t setColor ); int Con_DrawCharacter( int x, int y, int number, rgba_t color ); void Con_DrawCharacterLen( int number, int *width, int *height ); void Con_DefaultColor( int r, int g, int b ); void Con_InvalidateFonts( void ); void Con_SetFont( int fontNum ); void Con_CharEvent( int key ); void Con_RestoreFont( void ); void Key_Console( int key ); void Key_Message( int key ); void Con_Close( void ); // // s_main.c // void S_StreamRawSamples( int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, const byte *data ); void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop, long position ); void S_StopBackgroundTrack( void ); void S_StreamSetPause( int pause ); void S_StartStreaming( void ); void S_StopStreaming( void ); void S_BeginRegistration( void ); sound_t S_RegisterSound( const char *sample ); void S_EndRegistration( void ); void S_RestoreSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, int chan, sound_t handle, float fvol, float attn, int pitch, int flags, double sample, double end, int wordIndex ); void S_StartSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, int chan, sound_t sfx, float vol, float attn, int pitch, int flags ); void S_AmbientSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, sound_t handle, float fvol, float attn, int pitch, int flags ); void S_FadeClientVolume( float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds ); void S_StartLocalSound( const char *name ); void S_RenderFrame( struct ref_params_s *fd ); void S_ExtraUpdate( void ); // // cl_menu.c // void UI_UnloadProgs( void ); qboolean UI_LoadProgs( void ); void UI_UpdateMenu( float realtime ); void UI_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down ); void UI_MouseMove( int x, int y ); void UI_SetActiveMenu( qboolean fActive ); void UI_AddServerToList( netadr_t adr, const char *info ); void UI_GetCursorPos( int *pos_x, int *pos_y ); void UI_SetCursorPos( int pos_x, int pos_y ); void UI_ShowCursor( qboolean show ); qboolean UI_CreditsActive( void ); void UI_CharEvent( int key ); qboolean UI_MouseInRect( void ); qboolean UI_IsVisible( void ); void pfnPIC_Set( HIMAGE hPic, int r, int g, int b, int a ); void pfnPIC_Draw( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ); void pfnPIC_DrawTrans( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ); void pfnPIC_DrawHoles( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ); void pfnPIC_DrawAdditive( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ); // // cl_video.c // void SCR_InitCinematic( void ); void SCR_FreeCinematic( void ); qboolean SCR_PlayCinematic( const char *name ); qboolean SCR_DrawCinematic( void ); void SCR_RunCinematic( void ); void SCR_StopCinematic( void ); void CL_PlayVideo_f( void ); #endif//CLIENT_H