//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2008 © // cl_game.c - client dlls interaction //======================================================================= #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "const.h" #include "triangleapi.h" #include "r_efx.h" #include "net_api.h" #include "demo_api.h" #include "event_flags.h" #include "ivoicetweak.h" #include "pm_local.h" #include "cl_tent.h" #include "input.h" #include "shake.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "gl_local.h" #include "library.h" #define MAX_TEXTCHANNELS 8 // must be power of two (GoldSrc uses 4 channel) #define TEXT_MSGNAME "TextMessage%i" char cl_textbuffer[MAX_TEXTCHANNELS][512]; client_textmessage_t cl_textmessage[MAX_TEXTCHANNELS]; static dllfunc_t cdll_exports[] = { { "Initialize", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnInitialize }, { "HUD_VidInit", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnVidInit }, { "HUD_Init", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnInit }, { "HUD_Shutdown", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnShutdown }, { "HUD_Redraw", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnRedraw }, { "HUD_UpdateClientData", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnUpdateClientData }, { "HUD_Reset", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnReset }, { "HUD_PlayerMove", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMove }, { "HUD_PlayerMoveInit", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMoveInit }, { "HUD_PlayerMoveTexture", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMoveTexture }, { "HUD_ConnectionlessPacket", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnConnectionlessPacket }, { "HUD_GetHullBounds", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetHullBounds }, { "HUD_Frame", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnFrame }, { "HUD_PostRunCmd", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPostRunCmd }, { "HUD_Key_Event", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnKey_Event }, { "HUD_AddEntity", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnAddEntity }, { "HUD_CreateEntities", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnCreateEntities }, { "HUD_StudioEvent", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnStudioEvent }, { "HUD_TxferLocalOverrides", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTxferLocalOverrides }, { "HUD_ProcessPlayerState", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnProcessPlayerState }, { "HUD_TxferPredictionData", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTxferPredictionData }, { "HUD_TempEntUpdate", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTempEntUpdate }, { "HUD_DrawNormalTriangles", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDrawNormalTriangles }, { "HUD_DrawTransparentTriangles", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDrawTransparentTriangles }, { "HUD_GetUserEntity", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetUserEntity }, { "Demo_ReadBuffer", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDemo_ReadBuffer }, { "CAM_Think", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.CAM_Think }, { "CL_IsThirdPerson", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.CL_IsThirdPerson }, { "CL_CreateMove", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.CL_CreateMove }, { "IN_ActivateMouse", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ActivateMouse }, { "IN_DeactivateMouse", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.IN_DeactivateMouse }, { "IN_MouseEvent", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.IN_MouseEvent }, { "IN_Accumulate", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.IN_Accumulate }, { "IN_ClearStates", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ClearStates }, { "V_CalcRefdef", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnCalcRefdef }, { "KB_Find", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.KB_Find }, { NULL, NULL } }; static dllfunc_t cdll_new_exports[] = // allowed only in SDK 2.3 { { "HUD_GetStudioModelInterface", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetStudioModelInterface }, { "HUD_DirectorMessage", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDirectorMessage }, { "HUD_VoiceStatus", (void **)&clgame.dllFuncs.pfnVoiceStatus }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* ==================== CL_GetEntityByIndex Render callback for studio models ==================== */ cl_entity_t *CL_GetEntityByIndex( int index ) { if( !clgame.entities ) return NULL; if( index < 0 ) return clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetUserEntity( abs( index )); if( index >= clgame.maxEntities ) return NULL; return EDICT_NUM( index ); } /* ==================== CL_GetServerTime don't clamped time that come from server ==================== */ float CL_GetServerTime( void ) { return sv_time(); } /* ==================== CL_GetLerpFrac returns current lerp fraction ==================== */ float CL_GetLerpFrac( void ) { return cl.lerpFrac; } /* ==================== CL_IsThirdPerson returns true if thirdperson is enabled ==================== */ qboolean CL_IsThirdPerson( void ) { return cl.thirdperson; } /* ==================== CL_GetPlayerInfo get player info by render request ==================== */ player_info_t *CL_GetPlayerInfo( int playerIndex ) { if( playerIndex < 0 || playerIndex >= cl.maxclients ) return NULL; return &cl.players[playerIndex]; } /* ==================== CL_CreatePlaylist Create a default valve playlist ==================== */ void CL_CreatePlaylist( const char *filename ) { file_t *f; f = FS_Open( filename, "w", false ); if( !f ) return; // make standard cdaudio playlist FS_Print( f, "blank\n" ); // #1 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life01.mp3\n" ); // #2 FS_Print( f, "Prospero01.mp3\n" ); // #3 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life12.mp3\n" ); // #4 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life07.mp3\n" ); // #5 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life10.mp3\n" ); // #6 FS_Print( f, "Suspense01.mp3\n" ); // #7 FS_Print( f, "Suspense03.mp3\n" ); // #8 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life09.mp3\n" ); // #9 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life02.mp3\n" ); // #10 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life13.mp3\n" ); // #11 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life04.mp3\n" ); // #12 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life15.mp3\n" ); // #13 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life14.mp3\n" ); // #14 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life16.mp3\n" ); // #15 FS_Print( f, "Suspense02.mp3\n" ); // #16 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life03.mp3\n" ); // #17 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life08.mp3\n" ); // #18 FS_Print( f, "Prospero02.mp3\n" ); // #19 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life05.mp3\n" ); // #20 FS_Print( f, "Prospero04.mp3\n" ); // #21 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life11.mp3\n" ); // #22 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life06.mp3\n" ); // #23 FS_Print( f, "Prospero03.mp3\n" ); // #24 FS_Print( f, "Half-Life17.mp3\n" ); // #25 FS_Print( f, "Prospero05.mp3\n" ); // #26 FS_Print( f, "Suspense05.mp3\n" ); // #27 FS_Print( f, "Suspense07.mp3\n" ); // #28 FS_Close( f ); } /* ==================== CL_InitCDAudio Initialize CD playlist ==================== */ void CL_InitCDAudio( const char *filename ) { char *afile, *pfile; string token; int c = 0; if( !FS_FileExists( filename, false )) { // create a default playlist CL_CreatePlaylist( filename ); } afile = FS_LoadFile( filename, NULL, false ); if( !afile ) return; pfile = afile; // format: trackname\n [num] while(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token )) != NULL ) { if( !Q_stricmp( token, "blank" )) token[0] = '\0'; Q_strncpy( clgame.cdtracks[c], token, sizeof( clgame.cdtracks[0] )); if( ++c > MAX_CDTRACKS - 1 ) { MsgDev( D_WARN, "CD_Init: too many tracks %i in %s\n", filename, MAX_CDTRACKS ); break; } } Mem_Free( afile ); } /* ==================== CL_PointContents Return contents for point ==================== */ int CL_PointContents( const vec3_t p ) { int cont = CL_TruePointContents( p ); if( cont <= CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 && cont >= CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN ) cont = CONTENTS_WATER; return cont; } /* ==================== StudioEvent Event callback for studio models ==================== */ void CL_StudioEvent( struct mstudioevent_s *event, cl_entity_t *pEdict ) { clgame.dllFuncs.pfnStudioEvent( event, pEdict ); } /* ================ CL_FadeAlpha ================ */ void CL_FadeAlpha( int starttime, int endtime, byte *alpha ) { int time, fade_time; if( !starttime ) { *alpha = 255; return; } time = (cl.time * 1000) - starttime; if( time >= endtime ) { *alpha = 0; return; } // fade time is 1/4 of endtime fade_time = endtime / 4; fade_time = bound( 300, fade_time, 10000 ); // fade out if(( endtime - time ) < fade_time ) *alpha = bound( 0, (( endtime - time ) * ( 1.0f / fade_time )) * 255, 255 ); else *alpha = 255; } /* ============= CL_AdjustXPos adjust text by x pos ============= */ static int CL_AdjustXPos( float x, int width, int totalWidth ) { int xPos; if( x == -1 ) { xPos = ( clgame.scrInfo.iWidth - width ) * 0.5f; } else { if ( x < 0 ) xPos = (1.0 + x) * clgame.scrInfo.iWidth - totalWidth; // Alight right else // align left xPos = x * clgame.scrInfo.iWidth; } if( xPos + width > clgame.scrInfo.iWidth ) xPos = clgame.scrInfo.iWidth - width; else if( xPos < 0 ) xPos = 0; return xPos; } /* ============= CL_AdjustYPos adjust text by y pos ============= */ static int CL_AdjustYPos( float y, int height ) { int yPos; if( y == -1 ) // centered? { yPos = ( clgame.scrInfo.iHeight - height ) * 0.5f; } else { // Alight bottom? if( y < 0 ) yPos = (1.0 + y) * clgame.scrInfo.iHeight - height; // Alight bottom else // align top yPos = y * clgame.scrInfo.iHeight; } if( yPos + height > clgame.scrInfo.iHeight ) yPos = clgame.scrInfo.iHeight - height; else if( yPos < 0 ) yPos = 0; return yPos; } /* ============= CL_CenterPrint print centerscreen message ============= */ void CL_CenterPrint( const char *text, float y ) { char *s; int width = 0; int length = 0; clgame.centerPrint.lines = 1; clgame.centerPrint.totalWidth = 0; clgame.centerPrint.time = cl.mtime[0] * 1000; // allow pause for centerprint Q_strncpy( clgame.centerPrint.message, text, sizeof( clgame.centerPrint.message )); s = clgame.centerPrint.message; // count the number of lines for centering while( *s ) { if( *s == '\n' ) { clgame.centerPrint.lines++; if( width > clgame.centerPrint.totalWidth ) clgame.centerPrint.totalWidth = width; width = 0; } else width += clgame.scrInfo.charWidths[*s]; s++; length++; } clgame.centerPrint.totalHeight = ( clgame.centerPrint.lines * clgame.scrInfo.iCharHeight ); clgame.centerPrint.y = CL_AdjustYPos( y, clgame.centerPrint.totalHeight ); } /* ==================== SPR_AdjustSize draw hudsprite routine ==================== */ static void SPR_AdjustSize( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h ) { float xscale, yscale; if( !x && !y && !w && !h ) return; // scale for screen sizes xscale = scr_width->integer / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iWidth; yscale = scr_height->integer / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iHeight; if( x ) *x *= xscale; if( y ) *y *= yscale; if( w ) *w *= xscale; if( h ) *h *= yscale; } static qboolean SPR_Scissor( float *x, float *y, float *width, float *height, float *u0, float *v0, float *u1, float *v1 ) { float dudx, dvdy; // clip sub rect to sprite if(( width == 0 ) || ( height == 0 )) return false; if( *x + *width <= clgame.ds.scissor_x ) return false; if( *x >= clgame.ds.scissor_x + clgame.ds.scissor_width ) return false; if( *y + *height <= clgame.ds.scissor_y ) return false; if( *y >= clgame.ds.scissor_y + clgame.ds.scissor_height ) return false; dudx = (*u1 - *u0) / *width; dvdy = (*v1 - *v0) / *height; if( *x < clgame.ds.scissor_x ) { *u0 += (clgame.ds.scissor_x - *x) * dudx; *width -= clgame.ds.scissor_x - *x; *x = clgame.ds.scissor_x; } if( *x + *width > clgame.ds.scissor_x + clgame.ds.scissor_width ) { *u1 -= (*x + *width - (clgame.ds.scissor_x + clgame.ds.scissor_width)) * dudx; *width = clgame.ds.scissor_x + clgame.ds.scissor_width - *x; } if( *y < clgame.ds.scissor_y ) { *v0 += (clgame.ds.scissor_y - *y) * dvdy; *height -= clgame.ds.scissor_y - *y; *y = clgame.ds.scissor_y; } if( *y + *height > clgame.ds.scissor_y + clgame.ds.scissor_height ) { *v1 -= (*y + *height - (clgame.ds.scissor_y + clgame.ds.scissor_height)) * dvdy; *height = clgame.ds.scissor_y + clgame.ds.scissor_height - *y; } return true; } /* ==================== SPR_DrawGeneric draw hudsprite routine ==================== */ static void SPR_DrawGeneric( int frame, float x, float y, float width, float height, const wrect_t *prc ) { float s1, s2, t1, t2; int texnum; if( width == -1 && height == -1 ) { int w, h; // assume we get sizes from image R_GetSpriteParms( &w, &h, NULL, frame, clgame.ds.pSprite ); width = w; height = h; } if( prc ) { wrect_t rc; rc = *prc; // Sigh! some stupid modmakers set wrong rectangels in hud.txt if( rc.left <= 0 || rc.left > width ) rc.left = 0; if( rc.top <= 0 || rc.top > height ) rc.top = 0; if( rc.right <= 0 || rc.right > width ) rc.right = width; if( rc.bottom <= 0 || rc.bottom > height ) rc.bottom = height; // calc user-defined rectangle s1 = (float)rc.left / width; t1 = (float)rc.top / height; s2 = (float)rc.right / width; t2 = (float)rc.bottom / height; width = rc.right - rc.left; height = rc.bottom - rc.top; } else { s1 = t1 = 0.0f; s2 = t2 = 1.0f; } // pass scissor test if supposed if( clgame.ds.scissor_test && !SPR_Scissor( &x, &y, &width, &height, &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2 )) return; // scale for screen sizes SPR_AdjustSize( &x, &y, &width, &height ); texnum = R_GetSpriteTexture( clgame.ds.pSprite, frame ); pglColor4ubv( clgame.ds.spriteColor ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, s1, t1, s2, t2, texnum ); } /* ============= CL_DrawCenterPrint called each frame ============= */ static void CL_DrawCenterPrint( void ) { char *pText; int i, j, x, y; int width, lineLength; byte line[80]; byte alpha; if( !clgame.centerPrint.time ) return; CL_FadeAlpha( clgame.centerPrint.time, scr_centertime->value * 1000, &alpha ); if( !alpha ) { // faded out clgame.centerPrint.time = 0; return; } pText = clgame.centerPrint.message; y = clgame.centerPrint.y; // start y for( i = 0; i < clgame.centerPrint.lines; i++ ) { lineLength = 0; width = 0; while( *pText && *pText != '\n' ) { byte c = *pText; line[lineLength] = c; width += clgame.scrInfo.charWidths[c]; lineLength++; pText++; } pText++; // Skip LineFeed line[lineLength] = 0; x = CL_AdjustXPos( -1, width, clgame.centerPrint.totalWidth ); for( j = 0; j < lineLength; j++ ) { int ch = line[j]; int next = x + clgame.scrInfo.charWidths[ch]; if( x >= 0 && y >= 0 && next <= clgame.scrInfo.iWidth ) { pfnPIC_Set( cls.creditsFont.hFontTexture, 255, 255, 255, alpha ); pfnPIC_DrawAdditive( x, y, -1, -1, &cls.creditsFont.fontRc[ch] ); } x = next; } y += clgame.scrInfo.iCharHeight; } } /* ============= CL_DrawScreenFade fill screen with specfied color can be modulated ============= */ void CL_DrawScreenFade( void ) { screenfade_t *sf = &clgame.fade; int iFadeAlpha; // keep pushing reset time out indefinitely if( sf->fadeFlags & FFADE_STAYOUT ) sf->fadeReset = cl.time + 0.1f; if( sf->fadeReset == 0.0f && sf->fadeEnd == 0.0f ) return; // inactive // all done? if(( cl.time > sf->fadeReset ) && ( cl.time > sf->fadeEnd )) { Q_memset( &clgame.fade, 0, sizeof( clgame.fade )); return; } // fading... if( sf->fadeFlags == FFADE_STAYOUT ) { iFadeAlpha = sf->fadealpha; } else { iFadeAlpha = sf->fadeSpeed * ( sf->fadeEnd - cl.time ); if( sf->fadeFlags & FFADE_OUT ) iFadeAlpha += sf->fadealpha; iFadeAlpha = bound( 0, iFadeAlpha, sf->fadealpha ); } pglColor4ub( sf->fader, sf->fadeg, sf->fadeb, iFadeAlpha ); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, scr_width->integer, scr_height->integer, 0, 0, 1, 1, cls.fillImage ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ==================== CL_InitTitles parse all messages that declared in titles.txt and hold them into permament memory pool ==================== */ static void CL_InitTitles( const char *filename ) { size_t fileSize; byte *pMemFile; int i; // initialize text messages (game_text) for( i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTCHANNELS; i++ ) { cl_textmessage[i].pName = _copystring( clgame.mempool, va( TEXT_MSGNAME, i ), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); cl_textmessage[i].pMessage = cl_textbuffer[i]; } // clear out any old data that's sitting around. if( clgame.titles ) Mem_Free( clgame.titles ); clgame.titles = NULL; clgame.numTitles = 0; pMemFile = FS_LoadFile( filename, &fileSize, false ); if( !pMemFile ) return; CL_TextMessageParse( pMemFile, fileSize ); Mem_Free( pMemFile ); } /* ==================== CL_ParseTextMessage Parse TE_TEXTMESSAGE ==================== */ void CL_ParseTextMessage( sizebuf_t *msg ) { static int msgindex = 0; client_textmessage_t *text; int channel; // read channel ( 0 - auto) channel = BF_ReadByte( msg ); if( channel <= 0 || channel > ( MAX_TEXTCHANNELS - 1 )) { // invalid channel specified, use internal counter if( channel != 0 ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "HudText: invalid channel %i\n", channel ); channel = msgindex; msgindex = (msgindex + 1) & (MAX_TEXTCHANNELS - 1); } // grab message channel text = &cl_textmessage[channel]; text->x = (float)(BF_ReadShort( msg ) / 8192.0f); text->y = (float)(BF_ReadShort( msg ) / 8192.0f); text->effect = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->r1 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->g1 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->b1 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->a1 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->r2 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->g2 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->b2 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->a2 = BF_ReadByte( msg ); text->fadein = (float)(BF_ReadShort( msg ) / 256.0f ); text->fadeout = (float)(BF_ReadShort( msg ) / 256.0f ); text->holdtime = (float)(BF_ReadShort( msg ) / 256.0f ); if( text->effect == 2 ) text->fxtime = (float)(BF_ReadShort( msg ) / 256.0f ); else text->fxtime = 0.0f; // to prevent grab too long messages Q_strncpy( (char *)text->pMessage, BF_ReadString( msg ), 512 ); // NOTE: a "HudText" message contain only 'string' with message name, so we // don't needs to use MSG_ routines here, just directly write msgname into netbuffer CL_DispatchUserMessage( "HudText", Q_strlen( text->pName ) + 1, (void *)text->pName ); } /* ==================== CL_BadMessage Default method to invoke host error ==================== */ int CL_BadMessage( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { Host_Error( "svc_bad\n" ); return 0; } /* ==================== CL_GetLocalPlayer Render callback for studio models ==================== */ cl_entity_t *CL_GetLocalPlayer( void ) { if( cls.state >= ca_connected ) { cl_entity_t *player; player = EDICT_NUM( cl.playernum + 1 ); ASSERT( player != NULL ); return player; } return NULL; } /* ==================== CL_GetMaxlients Render callback for studio models ==================== */ int CL_GetMaxClients( void ) { return cl.maxclients; } void CL_DrawCrosshair( void ) { int x, y, width, height; cl_entity_t *pPlayer; if( !clgame.ds.pCrosshair || cl.refdef.crosshairangle[2] || !cl_crosshair->integer ) return; pPlayer = CL_GetLocalPlayer(); if( cl.frame.local.client.deadflag != DEAD_NO || cl.frame.local.client.flags & FL_FROZEN ) return; // any camera on if( cl.refdef.viewentity != pPlayer->index ) return; // get crosshair dimension width = clgame.ds.rcCrosshair.right - clgame.ds.rcCrosshair.left; height = clgame.ds.rcCrosshair.bottom - clgame.ds.rcCrosshair.top; x = clgame.scrInfo.iWidth / 2; y = clgame.scrInfo.iHeight / 2; // g-cont - cl.refdef.crosshairangle is the autoaim angle. // if we're not using autoaim, just draw in the middle of the screen if( !VectorIsNull( cl.refdef.crosshairangle )) { vec3_t angles; vec3_t forward; vec3_t point, screen; VectorAdd( cl.refdef.viewangles, cl.refdef.crosshairangle, angles ); AngleVectors( angles, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorAdd( cl.refdef.vieworg, forward, point ); R_WorldToScreen( point, screen ); x += 0.5f * screen[0] * scr_width->integer + 0.5f; y += 0.5f * screen[1] * scr_height->integer + 0.5f; } clgame.ds.pSprite = clgame.ds.pCrosshair; GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAlpha ); *(int *)clgame.ds.spriteColor = *(int *)clgame.ds.rgbaCrosshair; SPR_DrawGeneric( 0, x - 0.5f * width, y - 0.5f * height, -1, -1, &clgame.ds.rcCrosshair ); } /* ============= CL_DrawLoading draw loading progress bar ============= */ static void CL_DrawLoading( float percent ) { int x, y, width, height, right; float xscale, yscale, step, s2; R_GetTextureParms( &width, &height, cls.loadingBar ); x = ( clgame.scrInfo.iWidth - width ) >> 1; y = ( clgame.scrInfo.iHeight - height) >> 1; xscale = scr_width->integer / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iWidth; yscale = scr_height->integer / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iHeight; x *= xscale; y *= yscale; width *= xscale; height *= yscale; pglColor4ub( 128, 128, 128, 255 ); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, cls.loadingBar ); step = (float)width / 100.0f; right = (int)ceil( percent * step ); s2 = (float)right / width; width = right; pglColor4ub( 208, 152, 0, 255 ); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, s2, 1, cls.loadingBar ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ============= CL_DrawPause draw pause sign ============= */ static void CL_DrawPause( void ) { int x, y, width, height; float xscale, yscale; R_GetTextureParms( &width, &height, cls.pauseIcon ); x = ( clgame.scrInfo.iWidth - width ) >> 1; y = ( clgame.scrInfo.iHeight - height) >> 1; xscale = scr_width->integer / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iWidth; yscale = scr_height->integer / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iHeight; x *= xscale; y *= yscale; width *= xscale; height *= yscale; pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, cls.pauseIcon ); } void CL_DrawHUD( int state ) { if( state == CL_ACTIVE && !cl.video_prepped ) state = CL_LOADING; if( state == CL_ACTIVE && cl.refdef.paused ) state = CL_PAUSED; switch( state ) { case CL_ACTIVE: CL_DrawScreenFade (); CL_DrawCrosshair (); CL_DrawCenterPrint (); clgame.dllFuncs.pfnRedraw( cl_time(), false ); break; case CL_PAUSED: CL_DrawScreenFade (); CL_DrawCrosshair (); CL_DrawCenterPrint (); clgame.dllFuncs.pfnRedraw( cl_time(), false ); CL_DrawPause(); break; case CL_LOADING: CL_DrawLoading( scr_loading->value ); break; case CL_CHANGELEVEL: if( cls.draw_changelevel ) { CL_DrawLoading( 100.0f ); cls.draw_changelevel = false; } break; } } void CL_LinkUserMessage( char *pszName, const int svc_num, int iSize ) { int i; if( !pszName || !*pszName ) Host_Error( "CL_LinkUserMessage: bad message name\n" ); if( svc_num < svc_lastmsg ) Host_Error( "CL_LinkUserMessage: tired to hook a system message \"%s\"\n", svc_strings[svc_num] ); // see if already hooked for( i = 0; i < MAX_USER_MESSAGES && clgame.msg[i].name[0]; i++ ) { // NOTE: no check for DispatchFunc, check only name if( !Q_strcmp( clgame.msg[i].name, pszName )) { clgame.msg[i].number = svc_num; clgame.msg[i].size = iSize; return; } } if( i == MAX_USER_MESSAGES ) { Host_Error( "CL_LinkUserMessage: MAX_USER_MESSAGES hit!\n" ); return; } // register new message without DispatchFunc, so we should parse it properly Q_strncpy( clgame.msg[i].name, pszName, sizeof( clgame.msg[i].name )); clgame.msg[i].number = svc_num; clgame.msg[i].size = iSize; } static void CL_RegisterEvent( int lastnum, const char *szEvName, pfnEventHook func ) { user_event_t *ev; if( lastnum == MAX_EVENTS ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_RegisterEvent: MAX_EVENTS hit!\n" ); return; } ev = clgame.events[lastnum]; // clear existing or allocate new one if( ev ) Q_memset( ev, 0, sizeof( *ev )); else ev = clgame.events[lastnum] = Mem_Alloc( cls.mempool, sizeof( *ev )); Q_strncpy( ev->name, szEvName, CS_SIZE ); ev->func = func; // ev->index will be set later } void CL_SetEventIndex( const char *szEvName, int ev_index ) { user_event_t *ev; int i; if( !szEvName || !*szEvName ) return; // ignore blank names // search event by name to link with for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++ ) { ev = clgame.events[i]; if( !ev ) break; if( !Q_strcmp( ev->name, szEvName )) { ev->index = ev_index; return; } } } /* =============== CL_ResetEvent =============== */ void CL_ResetEvent( event_info_t *ei ) { Q_memset( ei, 0, sizeof( *ei )); } /* ============= CL_EventIndex ============= */ word CL_EventIndex( const char *name ) { int i; if( !name || !name[0] ) return 0; for( i = 1; i < MAX_EVENTS && cl.event_precache[i][0]; i++ ) if( !Q_stricmp( cl.event_precache[i], name )) return i; return 0; } /* ============= CL_FireEvent ============= */ qboolean CL_FireEvent( event_info_t *ei ) { user_event_t *ev; const char *name; int i, idx; if( !ei || !ei->index ) return false; // get the func pointer for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++ ) { ev = clgame.events[i]; if( !ev ) { idx = bound( 1, ei->index, MAX_EVENTS ); MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_FireEvent: %s not precached\n", cl.event_precache[idx] ); break; } if( ev->index == ei->index ) { if( ev->func ) { ev->func( &ei->args ); return true; } name = cl.event_precache[ei->index]; MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_FireEvent: %s not hooked\n", name ); break; } } return false; } /* ============= CL_FireEvents called right before draw frame ============= */ void CL_FireEvents( void ) { int i; event_state_t *es; event_info_t *ei; qboolean success; es = &cl.events; for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_QUEUE; i++ ) { ei = &es->ei[i]; if( ei->index == 0 ) continue; if( cls.state == ca_disconnected ) { CL_ResetEvent( ei ); continue; } // delayed event! if( ei->fire_time && ( ei->fire_time > cl.time )) continue; success = CL_FireEvent( ei ); // zero out the remaining fields CL_ResetEvent( ei ); } } /* ============= CL_FindEvent find first empty event ============= */ event_info_t *CL_FindEmptyEvent( void ) { int i; event_state_t *es; event_info_t *ei; es = &cl.events; // look for first slot where index is != 0 for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_QUEUE; i++ ) { ei = &es->ei[i]; if( ei->index != 0 ) continue; return ei; } // no slots available return NULL; } /* ============= CL_FindEvent replace only unreliable events ============= */ event_info_t *CL_FindUnreliableEvent( void ) { int i; event_state_t *es; event_info_t *ei; es = &cl.events; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_QUEUE; i++ ) { ei = &es->ei[i]; if( ei->index != 0 ) { // it's reliable, so skip it if( ei->flags & FEV_RELIABLE ) continue; } return ei; } // this should never happen return NULL; } /* ============= CL_QueueEvent ============= */ void CL_QueueEvent( int flags, int index, float delay, event_args_t *args ) { qboolean unreliable = (flags & FEV_RELIABLE) ? false : true; event_info_t *ei; // find a normal slot ei = CL_FindEmptyEvent(); if( !ei && unreliable ) { return; } // okay, so find any old unreliable slot if( !ei ) { ei = CL_FindUnreliableEvent(); if( !ei ) return; } ei->index = index; ei->fire_time = delay ? (cl.time + delay) : 0.0f; ei->flags = flags; // copy in args event data Q_memcpy( &ei->args, args, sizeof( ei->args )); } /* ============= CL_PlaybackEvent ============= */ void CL_PlaybackEvent( int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, word eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 ) { event_args_t args; int invokerIndex = 0; // first check event for out of bounds if( eventindex < 1 || eventindex > MAX_EVENTS ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_PlaybackEvent: invalid eventindex %i\n", eventindex ); return; } // check event for precached if( !CL_EventIndex( cl.event_precache[eventindex] )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_PlaybackEvent: event %i was not precached\n", eventindex ); return; } flags |= FEV_CLIENT; // it's a client event flags &= ~(FEV_NOTHOST|FEV_HOSTONLY|FEV_GLOBAL); if( delay < 0.0f ) delay = 0.0f; // fixup negative delays invokerIndex = cl.playernum + 1; args.flags = 0; args.entindex = invokerIndex; VectorCopy( origin, args.origin ); VectorCopy( angles, args.angles ); args.fparam1 = fparam1; args.fparam2 = fparam2; args.iparam1 = iparam1; args.iparam2 = iparam2; args.bparam1 = bparam1; args.bparam2 = bparam2; if( flags & FEV_RELIABLE ) { args.ducking = 0; VectorClear( args.velocity ); } else if( invokerIndex ) { // get up some info from invoker VectorCopy( cl.data.origin, args.origin ); VectorCopy( cl.data.viewangles, args.angles ); VectorCopy( cl.frame.local.playerstate.velocity, args.velocity ); args.ducking = cl.frame.local.playerstate.usehull; } CL_QueueEvent( flags, eventindex, delay, &args ); } void CL_FreeEntity( cl_entity_t *pEdict ) { ASSERT( pEdict ); R_RemoveEfrags( pEdict ); CL_KillDeadBeams( pEdict ); } void CL_ClearWorld( void ) { cl_entity_t *ent; ent = EDICT_NUM( 0 ); ent->index = NUM_FOR_EDICT( ent ); ent->curstate.modelindex = 1; // world model ent->curstate.solid = SOLID_BSP; ent->curstate.movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH; ent->model = cl.worldmodel; } void CL_InitEdicts( void ) { ASSERT( clgame.entities == NULL ); CL_UPDATE_BACKUP = ( cl.maxclients == 1 ) ? SINGLEPLAYER_BACKUP : MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP; cls.num_client_entities = CL_UPDATE_BACKUP * 64; cls.packet_entities = Z_Realloc( cls.packet_entities, sizeof( entity_state_t ) * cls.num_client_entities ); clgame.entities = Mem_Alloc( clgame.mempool, sizeof( cl_entity_t ) * clgame.maxEntities ); } void CL_FreeEdicts( void ) { if( clgame.entities ) Mem_Free( clgame.entities ); clgame.entities = NULL; if( cls.packet_entities ) Z_Free( cls.packet_entities ); cls.packet_entities = NULL; cls.num_client_entities = 0; cls.next_client_entities = 0; } /* =============================================================================== CGame Builtin Functions =============================================================================== */ static qboolean CL_LoadHudSprite( const char *szSpriteName, model_t *m_pSprite, qboolean mapSprite ) { byte *buf; size_t size; ASSERT( m_pSprite != NULL ); buf = FS_LoadFile( szSpriteName, &size, false ); if( !buf ) return false; Q_strncpy( m_pSprite->name, szSpriteName, sizeof( m_pSprite->name )); m_pSprite->flags |= SPRITE_HUD; if( mapSprite ) Mod_LoadMapSprite( m_pSprite, buf, size ); else Mod_LoadSpriteModel( m_pSprite, buf ); Mem_Free( buf ); if( m_pSprite->type != mod_sprite ) { Q_memset( m_pSprite, 0, sizeof( *m_pSprite )); return false; } return true; } /* ========= pfnSPR_Load ========= */ HSPRITE pfnSPR_Load( const char *szPicName ) { int i, j; char name[64]; if( !szPicName || !*szPicName ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_LoadSprite: bad name!\n" ); return 0; } // eliminate '!' symbol (i'm doesn't know what this doing) for( i = j = 0; i < Q_strlen( szPicName ); i++ ) { if( szPicName[i] == '!' ) continue; else if( szPicName[i] == '\\' ) name[j] = '/'; else name[j] = Q_tolower( szPicName[i] ); j++; } name[j] = '\0'; // slot 0 isn't used for( i = 1; i < MAX_IMAGES; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( clgame.sprites[i].name, name )) { // prolonge registration clgame.sprites[i].needload = clgame.load_sequence; return i; } } // find a free model slot spot for( i = 1; i < MAX_IMAGES; i++ ) if( !clgame.sprites[i].name[0] ) break; // this is a valid spot if( i == MAX_IMAGES ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SPR_Load: can't load %s, MAX_HSPRITES limit exceeded\n", szPicName ); return 0; } // load new model if( CL_LoadHudSprite( name, &clgame.sprites[i], false )) { clgame.sprites[i].needload = clgame.load_sequence; return i; } return 0; } /* ============= CL_GetSpritePointer ============= */ const model_t *CL_GetSpritePointer( HSPRITE hSprite ) { if( hSprite <= 0 || hSprite > ( MAX_IMAGES - 1 )) return 0; // bad image return &clgame.sprites[hSprite]; } /* ========= pfnSPR_Frames ========= */ static int pfnSPR_Frames( HSPRITE hPic ) { int numFrames; R_GetSpriteParms( NULL, NULL, &numFrames, 0, CL_GetSpritePointer( hPic )); return numFrames; } /* ========= pfnSPR_Height ========= */ static int pfnSPR_Height( HSPRITE hPic, int frame ) { int sprHeight; R_GetSpriteParms( NULL, &sprHeight, NULL, frame, CL_GetSpritePointer( hPic )); return sprHeight; } /* ========= pfnSPR_Width ========= */ static int pfnSPR_Width( HSPRITE hPic, int frame ) { int sprWidth; R_GetSpriteParms( &sprWidth, NULL, NULL, frame, CL_GetSpritePointer( hPic )); return sprWidth; } /* ========= pfnSPR_Set ========= */ static void pfnSPR_Set( HSPRITE hPic, int r, int g, int b ) { clgame.ds.pSprite = CL_GetSpritePointer( hPic ); clgame.ds.spriteColor[0] = bound( 0, r, 255 ); clgame.ds.spriteColor[1] = bound( 0, g, 255 ); clgame.ds.spriteColor[2] = bound( 0, b, 255 ); clgame.ds.spriteColor[3] = 255; } /* ========= pfnSPR_Draw ========= */ static void pfnSPR_Draw( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAdd ); SPR_DrawGeneric( frame, x, y, -1, -1, prc ); } /* ========= pfnSPR_DrawHoles ========= */ static void pfnSPR_DrawHoles( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAlpha ); SPR_DrawGeneric( frame, x, y, -1, -1, prc ); } /* ========= pfnSPR_DrawAdditive ========= */ static void pfnSPR_DrawAdditive( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAdd ); SPR_DrawGeneric( frame, x, y, -1, -1, prc ); } /* ========= pfnSPR_EnableScissor ========= */ static void pfnSPR_EnableScissor( int x, int y, int width, int height ) { // check bounds x = bound( 0, x, clgame.scrInfo.iWidth ); y = bound( 0, y, clgame.scrInfo.iHeight ); width = bound( 0, width, clgame.scrInfo.iWidth - x ); height = bound( 0, height, clgame.scrInfo.iHeight - y ); clgame.ds.scissor_x = x; clgame.ds.scissor_width = width; clgame.ds.scissor_y = y; clgame.ds.scissor_height = height; clgame.ds.scissor_test = true; } /* ========= pfnSPR_DisableScissor ========= */ static void pfnSPR_DisableScissor( void ) { clgame.ds.scissor_x = 0; clgame.ds.scissor_width = 0; clgame.ds.scissor_y = 0; clgame.ds.scissor_height = 0; clgame.ds.scissor_test = false; } /* ========= pfnSPR_GetList for parsing half-life scripts - hud.txt etc ========= */ static client_sprite_t *pfnSPR_GetList( char *psz, int *piCount ) { client_sprite_t *pList; int index, numSprites = 0; char *afile, *pfile; string token; byte *pool; if( piCount ) *piCount = 0; if( !clgame.itemspath[0] ) FS_ExtractFilePath( psz, clgame.itemspath ); afile = FS_LoadFile( psz, NULL, false ); if( !afile ) return NULL; pfile = afile; pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); numSprites = Q_atoi( token ); if( !cl.video_prepped ) pool = cls.mempool; else pool = com_studiocache; // temporary // name, res, pic, x, y, w, h // NOTE: we must use com_studiocache because it will be purge on next restart or change map pList = Mem_Alloc( pool, sizeof( client_sprite_t ) * numSprites ); for( index = 0; index < numSprites; index++ ) { if(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token )) == NULL ) break; Q_strncpy( pList[index].szName, token, sizeof( pList[index].szName )); // read resolution pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); pList[index].iRes = Q_atoi( token ); // read spritename pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); Q_strncpy( pList[index].szSprite, token, sizeof( pList[index].szSprite )); // parse rectangle pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); pList[index].rc.left = Q_atoi( token ); pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); pList[index].rc.top = Q_atoi( token ); pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); pList[index].rc.right = pList[index].rc.left + Q_atoi( token ); pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); pList[index].rc.bottom = pList[index].rc.top + Q_atoi( token ); if( piCount ) (*piCount)++; } if( index < numSprites ) MsgDev( D_WARN, "SPR_GetList: unexpected end of %s (%i should be %i)\n", psz, numSprites, index ); Mem_Free( afile ); return pList; } /* ============= pfnFillRGBA ============= */ static void pfnFillRGBA( int x, int y, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b, int a ) { r = bound( 0, r, 255 ); g = bound( 0, g, 255 ); b = bound( 0, b, 255 ); a = bound( 0, a, 255 ); pglColor4ub( r, g, b, a ); SPR_AdjustSize( (float *)&x, (float *)&y, (float *)&width, (float *)&height ); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, cls.fillImage ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ============= pfnGetScreenInfo get actual screen info ============= */ static int pfnGetScreenInfo( SCREENINFO *pscrinfo ) { // setup screen info clgame.scrInfo.iSize = sizeof( clgame.scrInfo ); if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "hud_scale" )) { if( scr_width->integer < 640 ) { // virtual screen space 320x200 clgame.scrInfo.iWidth = 320; clgame.scrInfo.iHeight = 200; } else { // virtual screen space 640x480 clgame.scrInfo.iWidth = 640; clgame.scrInfo.iHeight = 480; } clgame.scrInfo.iFlags |= SCRINFO_STRETCHED; } else { clgame.scrInfo.iWidth = scr_width->integer; clgame.scrInfo.iHeight = scr_height->integer; clgame.scrInfo.iFlags &= ~SCRINFO_STRETCHED; } if( !pscrinfo ) return 0; if( pscrinfo->iSize != clgame.scrInfo.iSize ) clgame.scrInfo.iSize = pscrinfo->iSize; // copy screeninfo out Q_memcpy( pscrinfo, &clgame.scrInfo, clgame.scrInfo.iSize ); return 1; } /* ============= pfnSetCrosshair setup auto-aim crosshair ============= */ static void pfnSetCrosshair( HSPRITE hspr, wrect_t rc, int r, int g, int b ) { clgame.ds.rgbaCrosshair[0] = (byte)r; clgame.ds.rgbaCrosshair[1] = (byte)g; clgame.ds.rgbaCrosshair[2] = (byte)b; clgame.ds.rgbaCrosshair[3] = (byte)0xFF; clgame.ds.pCrosshair = CL_GetSpritePointer( hspr ); clgame.ds.rcCrosshair = rc; } /* ============= pfnHookUserMsg ============= */ static int pfnHookUserMsg( const char *pszName, pfnUserMsgHook pfn ) { int i; // ignore blank names or invalid callbacks if( !pszName || !*pszName || !pfn ) return 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_USER_MESSAGES && clgame.msg[i].name[0]; i++ ) { // see if already hooked if( !Q_strcmp( clgame.msg[i].name, pszName )) return 1; } if( i == MAX_USER_MESSAGES ) { Host_Error( "HookUserMsg: MAX_USER_MESSAGES hit!\n" ); return 0; } // hook new message Q_strncpy( clgame.msg[i].name, pszName, sizeof( clgame.msg[i].name )); clgame.msg[i].func = pfn; return 1; } /* ============= pfnServerCmd ============= */ static int pfnServerCmd( const char *szCmdString ) { string buf; if( !szCmdString || !szCmdString[0] ) return 0; // just like the client typed "cmd xxxxx" at the console Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ) - 1, "cmd %s\n", szCmdString ); Cbuf_AddText( buf ); return 1; } /* ============= pfnClientCmd ============= */ static int pfnClientCmd( const char *szCmdString ) { if( !szCmdString || !szCmdString[0] ) return 0; Cbuf_AddText( szCmdString ); Cbuf_AddText( "\n" ); return 1; } /* ============= pfnGetPlayerInfo ============= */ static void pfnGetPlayerInfo( int ent_num, hud_player_info_t *pinfo ) { player_info_t *player; cl_entity_t *ent; qboolean spec = false; ent = CL_GetEntityByIndex( ent_num ); ent_num -= 1; // player list if offset by 1 from ents if( ent_num >= cl.maxclients || ent_num < 0 || !cl.players[ent_num].name[0] ) { Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( *pinfo )); return; } player = &cl.players[ent_num]; pinfo->thisplayer = ( ent_num == cl.playernum ) ? true : false; if( ent ) spec = ent->curstate.spectator; pinfo->name = player->name; pinfo->model = player->model; pinfo->spectator = spec; pinfo->ping = player->ping; pinfo->packetloss = player->packet_loss; pinfo->topcolor = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( player->userinfo, "topcolor" )); pinfo->bottomcolor = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( player->userinfo, "bottomcolor" )); } /* ============= pfnPlaySoundByName ============= */ static void pfnPlaySoundByName( const char *szSound, float volume ) { int hSound = S_RegisterSound( szSound ); S_StartSound( NULL, cl.refdef.viewentity, CHAN_AUTO, hSound, volume, ATTN_NORM, PITCH_NORM, 0 ); } /* ============= pfnPlaySoundByIndex ============= */ static void pfnPlaySoundByIndex( int iSound, float volume ) { int hSound; // make sure what we in-bounds iSound = bound( 0, iSound, MAX_SOUNDS ); hSound = cl.sound_index[iSound]; if( !hSound ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_PlaySoundByIndex: invalid sound handle %i\n", iSound ); return; } S_StartSound( NULL, cl.refdef.viewentity, CHAN_AUTO, hSound, volume, ATTN_NORM, PITCH_NORM, 0 ); } /* ============= pfnTextMessageGet returns specified message from titles.txt ============= */ client_textmessage_t *CL_TextMessageGet( const char *pName ) { int i; // first check internal messages for( i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTCHANNELS; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( pName, va( TEXT_MSGNAME, i ))) return cl_textmessage + i; } // find desired message for( i = 0; i < clgame.numTitles; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( pName, clgame.titles[i].pName )) return clgame.titles + i; } return NULL; // found nothing } /* ============= pfnDrawCharacter returns drawed chachter width (in real screen pixels) ============= */ static int pfnDrawCharacter( int x, int y, int number, int r, int g, int b ) { if( !cls.creditsFont.valid ) return 0; number &= 255; if( number < 32 ) return 0; if( y < -clgame.scrInfo.iCharHeight ) return 0; pfnPIC_Set( cls.creditsFont.hFontTexture, r, g, b, 255 ); pfnPIC_DrawAdditive( x, y, -1, -1, &cls.creditsFont.fontRc[number] ); return clgame.scrInfo.charWidths[number]; } /* ============= pfnDrawConsoleString drawing string like a console string ============= */ static int pfnDrawConsoleString( int x, int y, char *string ) { int drawLen; if( !string || !*string ) return 0; // silent ignore drawLen = Con_DrawString( x, y, string, clgame.ds.textColor ); MakeRGBA( clgame.ds.textColor, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); return (x + drawLen); // exclude color prexfixes } /* ============= pfnDrawSetTextColor set color for anything ============= */ static void pfnDrawSetTextColor( float r, float g, float b ) { // bound color and convert to byte clgame.ds.textColor[0] = (byte)bound( 0, r * 255, 255 ); clgame.ds.textColor[1] = (byte)bound( 0, g * 255, 255 ); clgame.ds.textColor[2] = (byte)bound( 0, b * 255, 255 ); clgame.ds.textColor[3] = (byte)0xFF; } /* ============= pfnConsolePrint prints dirctly into console (can skip notify) ============= */ static void pfnConsolePrint( const char *string ) { if( !string || !*string ) return; if( *string != 1 ) Msg( string ); // show notify else Msg( string + 1 ); // skip notify } /* ============= pfnCenterPrint holds and fade message at center of screen like trigger_multiple message in q1 ============= */ static void pfnCenterPrint( const char *string ) { if( !string || !*string ) return; // someone stupid joke CL_CenterPrint( string, -1 ); } /* ========= GetWindowCenterX ========= */ static int pfnGetWindowCenterX( void ) { return host.window_center_x; } /* ========= GetWindowCenterY ========= */ static int pfnGetWindowCenterY( void ) { return host.window_center_y; } /* ============= pfnGetViewAngles return interpolated angles from previous frame ============= */ static void pfnGetViewAngles( float *angles ) { if( angles ) VectorCopy( cl.refdef.cl_viewangles, angles ); } /* ============= pfnSetViewAngles return interpolated angles from previous frame ============= */ static void pfnSetViewAngles( float *angles ) { if( angles ) VectorCopy( angles, cl.refdef.cl_viewangles ); } /* ============= pfnPhysInfo_ValueForKey ============= */ static const char* pfnPhysInfo_ValueForKey( const char *key ) { return Info_ValueForKey( cl.frame.local.client.physinfo, key ); } /* ============= pfnServerInfo_ValueForKey ============= */ static const char* pfnServerInfo_ValueForKey( const char *key ) { return Info_ValueForKey( cl.serverinfo, key ); } /* ============= pfnGetClientMaxspeed value that come from server ============= */ static float pfnGetClientMaxspeed( void ) { return cl.frame.local.client.maxspeed; } /* ============= pfnCheckParm ============= */ static int pfnCheckParm( char *parm, char **ppnext ) { static char str[64]; if( Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( parm, str )) { // get the pointer on cmdline param if( ppnext ) *ppnext = str; return 1; } return 0; } /* ============= pfnGetMousePosition ============= */ static void pfnGetMousePosition( int *mx, int *my ) { POINT curpos; GetCursorPos( &curpos ); if( mx ) *mx = curpos.x; if( my ) *my = curpos.y; } /* ============= pfnIsNoClipping ============= */ int pfnIsNoClipping( void ) { cl_entity_t *pl = CL_GetLocalPlayer(); if( !pl ) return false; return pl->curstate.movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; } /* ============= pfnGetViewModel ============= */ static cl_entity_t* pfnGetViewModel( void ) { return &clgame.viewent; } /* ============= pfnGetEntityByIndex Client.dll safe version ============= */ static cl_entity_t *pfnGetEntityByIndex( int index ) { if( !clgame.entities ) return NULL; if( index < 0 ) return clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetUserEntity( abs( index )); if( index >= clgame.maxEntities ) return NULL; return EDICT_NUM( index ); } /* ============= pfnGetClientTime ============= */ static float pfnGetClientTime( void ) { return cl_time(); } /* ============= pfnCalcShake ============= */ void pfnCalcShake( void ) { int i; float fraction, freq; float localAmp; if( clgame.shake.time == 0 ) return; if(( cl.time > clgame.shake.time ) || clgame.shake.amplitude <= 0 || clgame.shake.frequency <= 0 ) { Q_memset( &clgame.shake, 0, sizeof( clgame.shake )); return; } if( cl.time > clgame.shake.next_shake ) { // higher frequency means we recalc the extents more often and perturb the display again clgame.shake.next_shake = cl.time + ( 1.0f / clgame.shake.frequency ); // compute random shake extents (the shake will settle down from this) for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) clgame.shake.offset[i] = Com_RandomFloat( -clgame.shake.amplitude, clgame.shake.amplitude ); clgame.shake.angle = Com_RandomFloat( -clgame.shake.amplitude * 0.25, clgame.shake.amplitude * 0.25 ); } // ramp down amplitude over duration (fraction goes from 1 to 0 linearly with slope 1/duration) fraction = ( clgame.shake.time - cl.time ) / clgame.shake.duration; // ramp up frequency over duration if( fraction ) { freq = ( clgame.shake.frequency / fraction ); } else { freq = 0; } // square fraction to approach zero more quickly fraction *= fraction; // Sine wave that slowly settles to zero fraction = fraction * sin( cl.time * freq ); // add to view origin VectorScale( clgame.shake.offset, fraction, clgame.shake.applied_offset ); // add to roll clgame.shake.applied_angle = clgame.shake.angle * fraction; // drop amplitude a bit, less for higher frequency shakes localAmp = clgame.shake.amplitude * ( host.frametime / ( clgame.shake.duration * clgame.shake.frequency )); clgame.shake.amplitude -= localAmp; } /* ============= pfnApplyShake ============= */ void pfnApplyShake( float *origin, float *angles, float factor ) { if( origin ) VectorMA( origin, factor, clgame.shake.applied_offset, origin ); if( angles ) angles[ROLL] += clgame.shake.applied_angle * factor; } /* ============= pfnIsSpectateOnly ============= */ static int pfnIsSpectateOnly( void ) { // TODO: check for proxie and dev_overview 2 return 0; } /* ============= pfnPointContents ============= */ static int pfnPointContents( const float *p, int *truecontents ) { int cont, truecont; truecont = cont = CL_TruePointContents( p ); if( truecontents ) *truecontents = truecont; if( cont <= CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 && cont >= CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN ) cont = CONTENTS_WATER; return cont; } /* ============= pfnTraceLine ============= */ static pmtrace_t *pfnTraceLine( float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehull, int ignore_pe ) { static pmtrace_t tr; tr = PM_PlayerTrace( clgame.pmove, start, end, flags, usehull, ignore_pe, NULL ); return &tr; } static void pfnPlaySoundByNameAtLocation( char *szSound, float volume, float *origin ) { int hSound = S_RegisterSound( szSound ); S_StartSound( origin, 0, CHAN_AUTO, hSound, volume, ATTN_NORM, PITCH_NORM, 0 ); } /* ============= pfnPrecacheEvent ============= */ static word pfnPrecacheEvent( int type, const char* psz ) { return CL_EventIndex( psz ); } /* ============= pfnHookEvent ============= */ static void pfnHookEvent( const char *name, pfnEventHook pfn ) { word event_index = CL_EventIndex( name ); user_event_t *ev; int i; // ignore blank names if( !name || !*name ) return; // second call can change EventFunc for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++ ) { ev = clgame.events[i]; if( !ev ) break; if( !Q_strcmp( name, ev->name )) { if( ev->func != pfn ) ev->func = pfn; return; } } CL_RegisterEvent( i, name, pfn ); } /* ============= pfnKillEvent ============= */ static void pfnKillEvents( int entnum, const char *eventname ) { int i; event_state_t *es; event_info_t *ei; int eventIndex = CL_EventIndex( eventname ); if( eventIndex < 0 || eventIndex >= MAX_EVENTS ) return; if( entnum < 0 || entnum > clgame.maxEntities ) return; es = &cl.events; // find all events with specified index and kill it for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_QUEUE; i++ ) { ei = &es->ei[i]; if( ei->index != eventIndex || ei->entity_index != entnum ) continue; CL_ResetEvent( ei ); } } /* ============= pfnPlaySound ============= */ void pfnPlaySound( int ent, float *org, int chan, const char *samp, float vol, float attn, int flags, int pitch ) { S_StartSound( org, ent, chan, S_RegisterSound( samp ), vol, attn, pitch, flags ); } /* ============= pfnStopSound ============= */ void pfnStopSound( int ent, int channel, const char *sample ) { S_StopSound( ent, channel, sample ); } /* ============= CL_FindModelIndex ============= */ int CL_FindModelIndex( const char *m ) { int i; if( !m || !m[0] ) return 0; for( i = 1; i < MAX_MODELS && cl.model_precache[i][0]; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( cl.model_precache[i], m )) return i; } if( cls.state == ca_active && Q_strnicmp( m, "models/player/", 14 )) { // tell user about problem (but don't spam console about playermodel) MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CL_ModelIndex: %s not precached\n", m ); } return 0; } /* ============= pfnIsLocal ============= */ int pfnIsLocal( int playernum ) { if( playernum == cl.playernum ) return true; return false; } /* ============= pfnLocalPlayerDucking ============= */ int pfnLocalPlayerDucking( void ) { return cl.frame.local.client.bInDuck; } /* ============= pfnLocalPlayerViewheight ============= */ void pfnLocalPlayerViewheight( float *view_ofs ) { // predicted or smoothed if( view_ofs ) VectorCopy( cl.predicted_viewofs, view_ofs ); } /* ============= pfnLocalPlayerBounds ============= */ void pfnLocalPlayerBounds( int hull, float *mins, float *maxs ) { if( hull >= 0 && hull < 4 ) { if( mins ) VectorCopy( clgame.pmove->player_mins[hull], mins ); if( maxs ) VectorCopy( clgame.pmove->player_maxs[hull], maxs ); } } /* ============= pfnIndexFromTrace ============= */ int pfnIndexFromTrace( struct pmtrace_s *pTrace ) { if( pTrace->ent >= 0 && pTrace->ent < clgame.pmove->numphysent ) { // return cl.entities number return clgame.pmove->physents[pTrace->ent].info; } return -1; } /* ============= pfnGetPhysent ============= */ physent_t *pfnGetPhysent( int idx ) { if( idx >= 0 && idx < clgame.pmove->numphysent ) { // return physent return &clgame.pmove->physents[idx]; } return NULL; } /* ============= pfnSetUpPlayerPrediction ============= */ void pfnSetUpPlayerPrediction( int dopred, int bIncludeLocalClient ) { // TODO: implement } /* ============= pfnPushPMStates ============= */ void pfnPushPMStates( void ) { clgame.oldcount = clgame.pmove->numphysent; } /* ============= pfnPopPMStates ============= */ void pfnPopPMStates( void ) { clgame.pmove->numphysent = clgame.oldcount; } /* ============= pfnSetTraceHull ============= */ void pfnSetTraceHull( int hull ) { clgame.trace_hull = bound( 0, hull, 3 ); } /* ============= pfnPlayerTrace ============= */ static void pfnPlayerTrace( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, int ignore_pe, pmtrace_t *tr ) { if( !tr ) return; *tr = PM_PlayerTrace( clgame.pmove, start, end, traceFlags, clgame.trace_hull, ignore_pe, NULL ); } /* ============= pfnTraceTexture ============= */ static const char *pfnTraceTexture( int ground, float *vstart, float *vend ) { physent_t *pe; if( ground < 0 || ground >= clgame.pmove->numphysent ) return NULL; // bad ground pe = &clgame.pmove->physents[ground]; return PM_TraceTexture( pe, vstart, vend ); } /* ============= pfnStopAllSounds ============= */ void pfnStopAllSounds( int ent, int entchannel ) { S_StopSound( ent, entchannel, NULL ); } /* ============= pfnBoxVisible ============= */ static qboolean pfnBoxVisible( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs ) { return Mod_BoxVisible( mins, maxs, Mod_GetCurrentVis( )); } /* ============= CL_LoadModel ============= */ model_t *CL_LoadModel( const char *modelname, int *index ) { int idx; idx = CL_FindModelIndex( modelname ); if( !idx ) return NULL; if( index ) *index = idx; return Mod_Handle( idx ); } int CL_AddEntity( int entityType, cl_entity_t *pEnt ) { if( !pEnt ) return false; // let the render reject entity without model return CL_AddVisibleEntity( pEnt, entityType ); } /* ============= pfnGetGameDirectory ============= */ const char *pfnGetGameDirectory( void ) { static char szGetGameDir[MAX_SYSPATH]; Q_sprintf( szGetGameDir, "%s/%s", host.rootdir, GI->gamedir ); return szGetGameDir; } /* ============= Key_LookupBinding ============= */ const char *Key_LookupBinding( const char *pBinding ) { return Key_KeynumToString( Key_GetKey( pBinding )); } /* ============= pfnGetLevelName ============= */ static const char *pfnGetLevelName( void ) { static char mapname[64]; if( cls.state >= ca_connected ) Q_snprintf( mapname, sizeof( mapname ), "maps/%s.bsp", clgame.mapname ); else mapname[0] = '\0'; // not in game return mapname; } /* ============= pfnGetScreenFade ============= */ static void pfnGetScreenFade( struct screenfade_s *fade ) { if( fade ) *fade = clgame.fade; } /* ============= pfnSetScreenFade ============= */ static void pfnSetScreenFade( struct screenfade_s *fade ) { if( fade ) clgame.fade = *fade; } /* ============= pfnLoadMapSprite ============= */ model_t *pfnLoadMapSprite( const char *filename ) { int i, j; char name[64]; if( !filename || !*filename ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_LoadMapSprite: bad name!\n" ); return NULL; } // eliminate '!' symbol (i'm doesn't know what this doing) for( i = j = 0; i < Q_strlen( filename ); i++ ) { if( filename[i] == '!' ) continue; else if( filename[i] == '\\' ) name[j] = '/'; else name[j] = Q_tolower( filename[i] ); j++; } name[j] = '\0'; // slot 0 isn't used for( i = 1; i < MAX_IMAGES; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( clgame.sprites[i].name, name )) { // prolonge registration clgame.sprites[i].needload = clgame.load_sequence; return &clgame.sprites[i]; } } // find a free model slot spot for( i = 1; i < MAX_IMAGES; i++ ) if( !clgame.sprites[i].name[0] ) break; // this is a valid spot if( i == MAX_IMAGES ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "LoadMapSprite: can't load %s, MAX_HSPRITES limit exceeded\n", filename ); return NULL; } // load new map sprite if( CL_LoadHudSprite( name, &clgame.sprites[i], true )) { clgame.sprites[i].needload = clgame.load_sequence; return &clgame.sprites[i]; } return NULL; } /* ============= PlayerInfo_ValueForKey ============= */ const char *PlayerInfo_ValueForKey( int playerNum, const char *key ) { // find the player if(( playerNum > cl.maxclients ) || ( playerNum < 1 )) return NULL; if(( cl.players[playerNum-1].name == NULL ) || (*(cl.players[playerNum-1].name) == 0 )) return NULL; return Info_ValueForKey( cl.players[playerNum-1].userinfo, key ); } /* ============= PlayerInfo_SetValueForKey ============= */ void PlayerInfo_SetValueForKey( const char *key, const char *value ) { // TODO: implement } /* ============= pfnGetPlayerUniqueID ============= */ qboolean pfnGetPlayerUniqueID( int iPlayer, char playerID[16] ) { // TODO: implement return false; } /* ============= pfnGetTrackerIDForPlayer ============= */ int pfnGetTrackerIDForPlayer( int playerSlot ) { playerSlot -= 1; // make into a client index if( !cl.players[playerSlot].userinfo[0] || !cl.players[playerSlot].name[0] ) return 0; return Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl.players[playerSlot].userinfo, "*tracker" )); } /* ============= pfnGetPlayerForTrackerID ============= */ int pfnGetPlayerForTrackerID( int trackerID ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !cl.players[i].userinfo[0] || !cl.players[i].name[0] ) continue; if( Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl.players[i].userinfo, "*tracker" )) == trackerID ) { // make into a player slot return (i+1); } } return 0; } /* ============= pfnServerCmdUnreliable ============= */ int pfnServerCmdUnreliable( char *szCmdString ) { if( !szCmdString || !*szCmdString ) return 0; BF_WriteByte( &cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd ); BF_WriteString( &cls.netchan.message, szCmdString ); return 1; } /* ============= pfnGetMousePos ============= */ void pfnGetMousePos( struct tagPOINT *ppt ) { ASSERT( ppt != NULL ); // find mouse movement GetCursorPos( ppt ); ScreenToClient( host.hWnd, ppt ); } /* ============= pfnSetMousePos ============= */ void pfnSetMousePos( int mx, int my ) { POINT pt; pt.x = mx; pt.y = my; ClientToScreen( host.hWnd, &pt ); SetCursorPos( pt.x, pt.y ); } /* ============= pfnSetMouseEnable ============= */ void pfnSetMouseEnable( qboolean fEnable ) { if( fEnable ) IN_ActivateMouse( false ); else IN_DeactivateMouse(); } /* =============================================================================== EffectsAPI Builtin Functions =============================================================================== */ /* ================= pfnEnvShot ================= */ static void pfnEnvShot( const float *vieworg, const char *name, int skyshot ) { static vec3_t viewPoint; if( !name ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "R_%sShot: bad name\n", skyshot ? "Sky" : "Env" ); return; } if( cls.scrshot_action != scrshot_inactive ) { if( cls.scrshot_action != scrshot_skyshot && cls.scrshot_action != scrshot_envshot ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "R_%sShot: subsystem is busy, try later.\n", skyshot ? "Sky" : "Env" ); return; } cls.envshot_vieworg = NULL; // use client view Q_strncpy( cls.shotname, name, sizeof( cls.shotname )); if( vieworg ) { // make sure what viewpoint don't temporare VectorCopy( vieworg, viewPoint ); cls.envshot_vieworg = viewPoint; } // make request for envshot if( skyshot ) cls.scrshot_action = scrshot_skyshot; else cls.scrshot_action = scrshot_envshot; } /* ================= TriApi implementation ================= */ /* ============= TriBegin begin triangle sequence ============= */ void TriBegin( int mode ) { switch( mode ) { case TRI_TRIANGLES: mode = GL_TRIANGLES; break; case TRI_TRIANGLE_FAN: mode = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; break; case TRI_QUADS: mode = GL_QUADS; break; case TRI_LINES: mode = GL_LINES; break; case TRI_TRIANGLE_STRIP: mode = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; break; case TRI_QUAD_STRIP: mode = GL_QUAD_STRIP; break; case TRI_POLYGON: default: mode = GL_POLYGON; break; } pglBegin( mode ); } /* ============= TriEnd draw triangle sequence ============= */ void TriEnd( void ) { pglEnd(); pglDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST ); } /* ============= TriColor4f ============= */ void TriColor4f( float r, float g, float b, float a ) { rgba_t rgba; rgba[0] = (byte)bound( 0, (r * 255.0f), 255 ); rgba[1] = (byte)bound( 0, (g * 255.0f), 255 ); rgba[2] = (byte)bound( 0, (b * 255.0f), 255 ); rgba[3] = (byte)bound( 0, (a * 255.0f), 255 ); pglColor4ub( rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3] ); } /* ============= TriColor4ub ============= */ void TriColor4ub( byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a ) { pglColor4ub( r, g, b, a ); } /* ============= TriTexCoord2f ============= */ void TriTexCoord2f( float u, float v ) { pglTexCoord2f( u, v ); } /* ============= TriVertex3fv ============= */ void TriVertex3fv( const float *v ) { pglVertex3fv( v ); } /* ============= TriVertex3f ============= */ void TriVertex3f( float x, float y, float z ) { pglVertex3f( x, y, z ); } /* ============= TriBrightness ============= */ void TriBrightness( float brightness ) { int color; color = brightness * 255; pglColor4ub( color, color, color, 255 ); } /* ============= TriCullFace ============= */ void TriCullFace( TRICULLSTYLE mode ) { switch( mode ) { case TRI_FRONT: mode = GL_FRONT; break; default: mode = GL_NONE; break; } GL_Cull( mode ); } /* ============= TriSpriteTexture bind current texture ============= */ int TriSpriteTexture( model_t *pSpriteModel, int frame ) { int gl_texturenum; msprite_t *psprite; if(( gl_texturenum = R_GetSpriteTexture( pSpriteModel, frame )) == 0 ) return 0; psprite = pSpriteModel->cache.data; if( psprite->texFormat == SPR_ALPHTEST ) { pglEnable( GL_ALPHA_TEST ); pglAlphaFunc( GL_GREATER, 0.0f ); } GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, gl_texturenum ); return 1; } /* ============= TriWorldToScreen convert world coordinates (x,y,z) into screen (x, y) ============= */ int TriWorldToScreen( float *world, float *screen ) { int retval = 0; if( !world || !screen ) return retval; retval = R_WorldToScreen( world, screen ); screen[0] = 0.5f * screen[0] * (float)cl.refdef.viewport[2]; screen[1] = -0.5f * screen[1] * (float)cl.refdef.viewport[3]; screen[0] += 0.5f * (float)cl.refdef.viewport[2]; screen[1] += 0.5f * (float)cl.refdef.viewport[3]; return retval; } /* ============= TriFog enables global fog on the level ============= */ void TriFog( float flFogColor[3], float flStart, float flEnd, int bOn ) { if( RI.fogEnabled ) return; RI.fogCustom = true; if( !bOn ) { pglDisable( GL_FOG ); return; } // copy fog params RI.fogColor[0] = flFogColor[0] / 255.0f; RI.fogColor[1] = flFogColor[1] / 255.0f; RI.fogColor[2] = flFogColor[2] / 255.0f; RI.fogStart = flStart; RI.fogDensity = 0.0f; RI.fogEnd = flEnd; if( VectorIsNull( RI.fogColor )) { pglDisable( GL_FOG ); return; } pglEnable( GL_FOG ); pglFogi( GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR ); pglFogf( GL_FOG_START, RI.fogStart ); pglFogf( GL_FOG_END, RI.fogEnd ); pglFogfv( GL_FOG_COLOR, RI.fogColor ); pglHint( GL_FOG_HINT, GL_NICEST ); } /* ============= TriScreenToWorld convert screen coordinates (x,y) into world (x, y, z) ============= */ void TriScreenToWorld( float *screen, float *world ) { R_ScreenToWorld( screen, world ); } /* ================= DemoApi implementation ================= */ /* ================= Demo_IsRecording ================= */ static int Demo_IsRecording( void ) { return cls.demorecording; } /* ================= Demo_IsPlayingback ================= */ static int Demo_IsPlayingback( void ) { return cls.demoplayback; } /* ================= Demo_IsTimeDemo ================= */ static int Demo_IsTimeDemo( void ) { return cls.timedemo; } /* ================= Demo_WriteBuffer ================= */ static void Demo_WriteBuffer( int size, byte *buffer ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= NetworkApi implementation ================= */ /* ================= NetAPI_InitNetworking ================= */ void NetAPI_InitNetworking( void ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= NetAPI_InitNetworking ================= */ void NetAPI_Status( net_status_t *status ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= NetAPI_SendRequest ================= */ void NetAPI_SendRequest( int context, int request, int flags, double timeout, netadr_t *remote_address, net_api_response_func_t response ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= NetAPI_CancelRequest ================= */ void NetAPI_CancelRequest( int context ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= NetAPI_CancelAllRequests ================= */ void NetAPI_CancelAllRequests( void ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= NetAPI_AdrToString ================= */ char *NetAPI_AdrToString( netadr_t *a ) { return NET_AdrToString( *a ); } /* ================= NetAPI_CompareAdr ================= */ int NetAPI_CompareAdr( netadr_t *a, netadr_t *b ) { return NET_CompareAdr( *a, *b ); } /* ================= NetAPI_StringToAdr ================= */ int NetAPI_StringToAdr( char *s, netadr_t *a ) { return NET_StringToAdr( s, a ); } /* ================= NetAPI_ValueForKey ================= */ const char *NetAPI_ValueForKey( const char *s, const char *key ) { return Info_ValueForKey( s, key ); } /* ================= NetAPI_RemoveKey ================= */ void NetAPI_RemoveKey( char *s, const char *key ) { Info_RemoveKey( s, key ); } /* ================= NetAPI_SetValueForKey ================= */ void NetAPI_SetValueForKey( char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize ) { if( maxsize > MAX_INFO_STRING ) return; Info_SetValueForKey( s, key, value ); } /* ================= IVoiceTweak implementation ================= */ /* ================= Voice_StartVoiceTweakMode ================= */ int Voice_StartVoiceTweakMode( void ) { // UNDONE: wait for voice implementation in snd_dx.dll // g-cont. may be move snd_dx.dll back into the engine ? return 0; } /* ================= Voice_EndVoiceTweakMode ================= */ void Voice_EndVoiceTweakMode( void ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= Voice_SetControlFloat ================= */ void Voice_SetControlFloat( VoiceTweakControl iControl, float value ) { // TODO: implement } /* ================= Voice_GetControlFloat ================= */ float Voice_GetControlFloat( VoiceTweakControl iControl ) { // TODO: implement return 1.0f; } static triangleapi_t gTriApi = { TRI_API_VERSION, GL_SetSpriteRenderMode, TriBegin, TriEnd, TriColor4f, TriColor4ub, TriTexCoord2f, TriVertex3fv, TriVertex3f, TriBrightness, TriCullFace, TriSpriteTexture, TriWorldToScreen, TriFog, R_ScreenToWorld, }; static efx_api_t gEfxApi = { CL_AllocParticle, CL_BlobExplosion, CL_Blood, CL_BloodSprite, CL_BloodStream, CL_BreakModel, CL_Bubbles, CL_BubbleTrail, CL_BulletImpactParticles, CL_EntityParticles, CL_Explosion, CL_FizzEffect, CL_FireField, CL_FlickerParticles, CL_FunnelSprite, CL_Implosion, CL_Large_Funnel, CL_LavaSplash, CL_MultiGunshot, CL_MuzzleFlash, CL_ParticleBox, CL_ParticleBurst, CL_ParticleExplosion, CL_ParticleExplosion2, CL_ParticleLine, CL_PlayerSprites, CL_Projectile, CL_RicochetSound, CL_RicochetSprite, CL_RocketFlare, CL_RocketTrail, CL_RunParticleEffect, CL_ShowLine, CL_SparkEffect, CL_SparkShower, CL_SparkStreaks, CL_Spray, CL_Sprite_Explode, CL_Sprite_Smoke, CL_Sprite_Spray, CL_Sprite_Trail, CL_Sprite_WallPuff, CL_StreakSplash, CL_TracerEffect, CL_UserTracerParticle, CL_TracerParticles, CL_TeleportSplash, CL_TempSphereModel, CL_TempModel, CL_DefaultSprite, CL_TempSprite, CL_DecalIndex, CL_DecalIndexFromName, CL_DecalShoot, CL_AttachTentToPlayer, CL_KillAttachedTents, CL_BeamCirclePoints, CL_BeamEntPoint, CL_BeamEnts, CL_BeamFollow, CL_BeamKill, CL_BeamLightning, CL_BeamPoints, CL_BeamRing, CL_AllocDlight, CL_AllocElight, CL_TempEntAlloc, CL_TempEntAllocNoModel, CL_TempEntAllocHigh, CL_TempEntAllocCustom, CL_GetPackedColor, CL_LookupColor, CL_DecalRemoveAll, }; static event_api_t gEventApi = { EVENT_API_VERSION, pfnPlaySound, pfnStopSound, CL_FindModelIndex, pfnIsLocal, pfnLocalPlayerDucking, pfnLocalPlayerViewheight, pfnLocalPlayerBounds, pfnIndexFromTrace, pfnGetPhysent, pfnSetUpPlayerPrediction, pfnPushPMStates, pfnPopPMStates, CL_SetSolidPlayers, pfnSetTraceHull, pfnPlayerTrace, CL_WeaponAnim, pfnPrecacheEvent, CL_PlaybackEvent, pfnTraceTexture, pfnStopAllSounds, pfnKillEvents, }; static demo_api_t gDemoApi = { Demo_IsRecording, Demo_IsPlayingback, Demo_IsTimeDemo, Demo_WriteBuffer, }; static net_api_t gNetApi = { NetAPI_InitNetworking, NetAPI_Status, NetAPI_SendRequest, NetAPI_CancelRequest, NetAPI_CancelAllRequests, NetAPI_AdrToString, NetAPI_CompareAdr, NetAPI_StringToAdr, NetAPI_ValueForKey, NetAPI_RemoveKey, NetAPI_SetValueForKey, }; static IVoiceTweak gVoiceApi = { Voice_StartVoiceTweakMode, Voice_EndVoiceTweakMode, Voice_SetControlFloat, Voice_GetControlFloat, }; // engine callbacks static cl_enginefunc_t gEngfuncs = { pfnSPR_Load, pfnSPR_Frames, pfnSPR_Height, pfnSPR_Width, pfnSPR_Set, pfnSPR_Draw, pfnSPR_DrawHoles, pfnSPR_DrawAdditive, pfnSPR_EnableScissor, pfnSPR_DisableScissor, pfnSPR_GetList, pfnFillRGBA, pfnGetScreenInfo, pfnSetCrosshair, pfnCvar_RegisterVariable, pfnCVarGetValue, pfnCVarGetString, pfnAddClientCommand, pfnHookUserMsg, pfnServerCmd, pfnClientCmd, pfnGetPlayerInfo, pfnPlaySoundByName, pfnPlaySoundByIndex, AngleVectors, CL_TextMessageGet, pfnDrawCharacter, pfnDrawConsoleString, pfnDrawSetTextColor, Con_DrawStringLen, pfnConsolePrint, pfnCenterPrint, pfnGetWindowCenterX, pfnGetWindowCenterY, pfnGetViewAngles, pfnSetViewAngles, CL_GetMaxClients, pfnCVarSetValue, pfnCmd_Argc, pfnCmd_Argv, Con_Printf, Con_DPrintf, Con_NPrintf, Con_NXPrintf, pfnPhysInfo_ValueForKey, pfnServerInfo_ValueForKey, pfnGetClientMaxspeed, pfnCheckParm, Key_Event, pfnGetMousePosition, pfnIsNoClipping, CL_GetLocalPlayer, pfnGetViewModel, pfnGetEntityByIndex, pfnGetClientTime, pfnCalcShake, pfnApplyShake, pfnPointContents, CL_WaterEntity, pfnTraceLine, CL_LoadModel, CL_AddEntity, CL_GetSpritePointer, pfnPlaySoundByNameAtLocation, pfnPrecacheEvent, CL_PlaybackEvent, CL_WeaponAnim, Com_RandomFloat, Com_RandomLong, pfnHookEvent, Con_Visible, pfnGetGameDirectory, pfnCVarGetPointer, Key_LookupBinding, pfnGetLevelName, pfnGetScreenFade, pfnSetScreenFade, VGui_GetPanel, VGui_ViewportPaintBackground, COM_LoadFile, COM_ParseFile, COM_FreeFile, &gTriApi, &gEfxApi, &gEventApi, &gDemoApi, &gNetApi, &gVoiceApi, pfnIsSpectateOnly, pfnLoadMapSprite, COM_AddAppDirectoryToSearchPath, COM_ExpandFilename, PlayerInfo_ValueForKey, PlayerInfo_SetValueForKey, pfnGetPlayerUniqueID, pfnGetTrackerIDForPlayer, pfnGetPlayerForTrackerID, pfnServerCmdUnreliable, pfnGetMousePos, pfnSetMousePos, pfnSetMouseEnable, }; void CL_UnloadProgs( void ) { if( !clgame.hInstance ) return; CL_FreeEdicts(); CL_FreeTempEnts(); CL_FreeViewBeams(); CL_FreeParticles(); VGui_Shutdown(); clgame.dllFuncs.pfnShutdown(); Com_FreeLibrary( clgame.hInstance ); Mem_FreePool( &cls.mempool ); Mem_FreePool( &clgame.mempool ); Q_memset( &clgame, 0, sizeof( clgame )); Cvar_Unlink(); Cmd_Unlink(); } qboolean CL_LoadProgs( const char *name ) { static playermove_t gpMove; const dllfunc_t *func; if( clgame.hInstance ) CL_UnloadProgs(); // setup globals cl.refdef.movevars = &clgame.movevars; // initialize PlayerMove clgame.pmove = &gpMove; cls.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Client Static Pool" ); clgame.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Client Edicts Zone" ); clgame.entities = NULL; // NOTE: important stuff! // vgui must startup BEFORE loading client.dll to avoid get error ERROR_NOACESS // during LoadLibrary VGui_Startup (); clgame.hInstance = Com_LoadLibrary( name, false ); if( !clgame.hInstance ) return false; // clear exports for( func = cdll_exports; func && func->name; func++ ) *func->func = NULL; for( func = cdll_exports; func && func->name != NULL; func++ ) { // functions are cleared before all the extensions are evaluated if(!( *func->func = (void *)Com_GetProcAddress( clgame.hInstance, func->name ))) { MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CL_LoadProgs: failed to get address of %s proc\n", func->name ); Com_FreeLibrary( clgame.hInstance ); clgame.hInstance = NULL; return false; } } // clear new exports for( func = cdll_new_exports; func && func->name; func++ ) *func->func = NULL; for( func = cdll_new_exports; func && func->name != NULL; func++ ) { // functions are cleared before all the extensions are evaluated // NOTE: new exports can be missed without stop the engine if(!( *func->func = (void *)Com_GetProcAddress( clgame.hInstance, func->name ))) MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CL_LoadProgs: failed to get address of %s proc\n", func->name ); } if( !clgame.dllFuncs.pfnInitialize( &gEngfuncs, CLDLL_INTERFACE_VERSION )) { Com_FreeLibrary( clgame.hInstance ); MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CL_LoadProgs: can't init client API\n" ); clgame.hInstance = NULL; return false; } Cvar_Get( "cl_lw", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_USERINFO, "enable client weapon predicting" ); clgame.maxEntities = GI->max_edicts; // merge during loading CL_InitCDAudio( "media/cdaudio.txt" ); CL_InitTitles( "titles.txt" ); CL_InitParticles (); CL_InitViewBeams (); CL_InitTempEnts (); CL_InitClientMove(); // initialize pm_shared // initialize game clgame.dllFuncs.pfnInit(); if( !CL_InitStudioAPI( )) { Com_FreeLibrary( clgame.hInstance ); MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CL_LoadProgs: can't init studio API\n" ); clgame.hInstance = NULL; return false; } return true; }