//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2010 © // gl_image.c - texture uploading and processing //======================================================================= #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "gl_local.h" #define TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE 64 static int r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; static int r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR; static gltexture_t r_textures[MAX_TEXTURES]; static gltexture_t *r_texturesHashTable[TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE]; static int r_numTextures; static byte data2D[256*256*4]; // intermediate texbuffer static rgbdata_t r_image; // generic pixelbuffer used for internal textures // internal tables static vec3_t r_luminanceTable[256]; // RGB to luminance /* ================= GL_Bind ================= */ void GL_Bind( GLenum tmu, GLenum texnum ) { gltexture_t *texture; GL_SelectTexture( tmu ); // performance evaluation option if( gl_nobind->integer ) texnum = tr.defaultTexture; ASSERT( texnum >= 0 && texnum < MAX_TEXTURES ); texture = &r_textures[texnum]; if( glState.currentTextures[tmu] == texture->texnum ) return; glState.currentTextures[tmu] = texture->texnum; pglBindTexture( texture->target, texture->texnum ); } /* ================= R_GetTexture ================= */ gltexture_t *R_GetTexture( GLenum texnum ) { ASSERT( texnum >= 0 && texnum < MAX_TEXTURES ); return &r_textures[texnum]; } /* ================= GL_TexFilter ================= */ void GL_TexFilter( gltexture_t *tex, qboolean update ) { // set texture filter if( tex->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP ) { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); if( GL_Support( GL_ANISOTROPY_EXT )) pglTexParameterf( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, 1.0f ); } else if( tex->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP ) { if( tex->flags & TF_NEAREST ) { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST ); } else { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); } } else { if( tex->flags & TF_NEAREST ) { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST ); } else { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r_textureMinFilter ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, r_textureMagFilter ); } // set texture anisotropy if available if( GL_Support( GL_ANISOTROPY_EXT )) pglTexParameterf( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, gl_texture_anisotropy->value ); // set texture LOD bias if available if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_LODBIAS )) pglTexParameterf( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT, gl_texture_lodbias->value ); } if( update ) return; // set texture wrap if( tex->flags & TF_CLAMP ) { if(GL_Support( GL_CLAMPTOEDGE_EXT )) { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ) pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); } else { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP ); if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ) pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP ); } } else { pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT ); pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT ); if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ) pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_REPEAT ); } } /* ================= R_SetTextureParameters ================= */ void R_SetTextureParameters( void ) { gltexture_t *texture; int i; if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_NEAREST" )) { r_textureMinFilter = GL_NEAREST; r_textureMagFilter = GL_NEAREST; } else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_LINEAR" )) { r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR; r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR; } else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" )) { r_textureMinFilter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST; r_textureMagFilter = GL_NEAREST; } else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" )) { r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR; } else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" )) { r_textureMinFilter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; r_textureMagFilter = GL_NEAREST; } else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" )) { r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR; } else { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "gl_texturemode invalid mode %s, defaulting to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR\n", gl_texturemode->string ); Cvar_Set( "gl_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" ); r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR; } gl_texturemode->modified = false; if( GL_Support( GL_ANISOTROPY_EXT )) { if( gl_texture_anisotropy->value > glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy ) Cvar_SetFloat( "r_anisotropy", glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy ); else if( gl_texture_anisotropy->value < 1.0f ) Cvar_SetFloat( "r_anisotropy", 1.0f ); } gl_texture_anisotropy->modified = false; if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_LODBIAS )) { if( gl_texture_lodbias->value > glConfig.max_texture_lodbias ) Cvar_SetFloat( "r_texture_lodbias", glConfig.max_texture_lodbias ); else if( gl_texture_lodbias->value < -glConfig.max_texture_lodbias ) Cvar_SetFloat( "r_texture_lodbias", -glConfig.max_texture_lodbias ); } gl_texture_lodbias->modified = false; // change all the existing mipmapped texture objects for( i = 0, texture = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, texture++ ) { if( !texture->texnum ) continue; // free slot GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, texture->texnum ); GL_TexFilter( texture, true ); } } /* =============== R_TextureList_f =============== */ void R_TextureList_f( void ) { gltexture_t *image; int i, texCount, bytes = 0; Msg( "\n" ); Msg(" -w-- -h-- -size- -fmt- type -filter -wrap-- -name--------\n" ); for( i = texCount = 0, image = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, image++ ) { if( !image->texnum ) continue; bytes += image->size; texCount++; Msg( "%4i: ", i ); Msg( "%4i %4i ", image->width, image->height ); Msg( "%5ik ", image->size >> 10 ); switch( image->format ) { case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB: Msg( "CRGBA " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB: Msg( "CRGB " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB: Msg( "CLA " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB: Msg( "CL " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA_ARB: Msg( "CA " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY_ARB: Msg( "CI " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: Msg( "DXT1 " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: Msg( "DXT3 " ); break; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: Msg( "DXT5 " ); break; case GL_RGBA: Msg( "RGBA " ); break; case GL_RGBA8: Msg( "RGBA8 " ); break; case GL_RGBA4: Msg( "RGBA4 " ); break; case GL_RGB: Msg( "RGB " ); break; case GL_RGB8: Msg( "RGB8 " ); break; case GL_RGB5: Msg( "RGB5 " ); break; case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: Msg( "L8A8 " ); break; case GL_LUMINANCE8: Msg( "L8 " ); break; case GL_ALPHA8: Msg( "A8 " ); break; case GL_INTENSITY8: Msg( "I8 " ); break; default: Msg( "????? " ); break; } switch( image->target ) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: Msg( " 2D " ); break; case GL_TEXTURE_3D: Msg( " 3D " ); break; case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB: Msg( "CUBE " ); break; default: Msg( "???? " ); break; } if( image->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP ) Msg( "linear " ); if( image->flags & TF_NEAREST ) Msg( "nearest" ); else Msg( "default" ); if( image->flags & TF_CLAMP ) Msg( " clamp " ); else Msg( " repeat " ); Msg( " %s\n", image->name ); } Msg( "---------------------------------------------------------\n" ); Msg( "%i total textures\n", texCount ); Msg( "%s total memory used\n", memprint( bytes )); Msg( "\n" ); } /* ================ GL_CalcTextureSamples ================ */ int GL_CalcTextureSamples( int flags ) { if( flags & IMAGE_HAS_COLOR ) return (flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA) ? 4 : 3; return (flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA) ? 2 : 1; } /* ================ GL_RoundImageDimensions ================ */ void GL_RoundImageDimensions( word *width, word *height, texFlags_t flags, qboolean force ) { int scaledWidth, scaledHeight; scaledWidth = *width; scaledHeight = *height; if( force || !GL_Support( GL_ARB_TEXTURE_NPOT_EXT )) { // find nearest power of two, rounding down if desired scaledWidth = NearestPOW( scaledWidth, gl_round_down->integer ); scaledHeight = NearestPOW( scaledHeight, gl_round_down->integer ); } if( flags & TF_SKYSIDE ) { // let people sample down the sky textures for speed scaledWidth >>= gl_skymip->integer; scaledHeight >>= gl_skymip->integer; } else if(!( flags & TF_NOPICMIP )) { // let people sample down the world textures for speed scaledWidth >>= gl_picmip->integer; scaledHeight >>= gl_picmip->integer; } if( flags & TF_CUBEMAP ) { while( scaledWidth > glConfig.max_cubemap_size || scaledHeight > glConfig.max_cubemap_size ) { scaledWidth >>= 1; scaledHeight >>= 1; } } else { while( scaledWidth > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size || scaledHeight > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ) { scaledWidth >>= 1; scaledHeight >>= 1; } } if( scaledWidth < 1 ) scaledWidth = 1; if( scaledHeight < 1 ) scaledHeight = 1; *width = scaledWidth; *height = scaledHeight; } /* =============== GL_TextureFormat =============== */ static GLenum GL_TextureFormat( gltexture_t *tex, int samples ) { qboolean compress; GLenum format; // check if it should be compressed if( !gl_compress_textures->integer || ( tex->flags & TF_UNCOMPRESSED )) compress = false; else compress = GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_EXT ); // set texture format if( tex->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP ) { format = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT; tex->flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY; } else if( compress ) { switch( samples ) { case 1: format = GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB; break; case 2: format = GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB; break; case 3: format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB; break; case 4: format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB; break; } if( tex->flags & TF_INTENSITY ) format = GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY_ARB; tex->flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY; } else { int bits = gl_texturebits->integer; switch( samples ) { case 1: format = GL_LUMINANCE8; break; case 2: format = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; break; case 3: switch( bits ) { case 16: format = GL_RGB5; break; case 32: format = GL_RGB8; break; default: format = GL_RGB; break; } break; case 4: default: switch( bits ) { case 16: format = GL_RGBA4; break; case 32: format = GL_RGBA8; break; default: format = GL_RGBA; break; } break; } if( tex->flags & TF_INTENSITY ) format = GL_INTENSITY8; tex->flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY; } return format; } /* ================= GL_ResampleTexture Assume input buffer is RGBA ================= */ byte *GL_ResampleTexture( const byte *source, int inWidth, int inHeight, int outWidth, int outHeight, qboolean isNormalMap ) { static byte *scaledImage = NULL; uint frac, fracStep; uint *in = (uint *)source; uint p1[0x1000], p2[0x1000]; byte *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4; uint *out, *inRow1, *inRow2; vec3_t normal; int i, x, y; scaledImage = Mem_Realloc( r_temppool, scaledImage, outWidth * outHeight * 4 ); fracStep = inWidth * 0x10000 / outWidth; out = (uint *)scaledImage; frac = fracStep >> 2; for( i = 0; i < outWidth; i++ ) { p1[i] = 4 * (frac >> 16); frac += fracStep; } frac = (fracStep >> 2) * 3; for( i = 0; i < outWidth; i++ ) { p2[i] = 4 * (frac >> 16); frac += fracStep; } if( isNormalMap ) { for( y = 0; y < outHeight; y++, out += outWidth ) { inRow1 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.25) * inHeight/outHeight); inRow2 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.75) * inHeight/outHeight); for( x = 0; x < outWidth; x++ ) { pix1 = (byte *)inRow1 + p1[x]; pix2 = (byte *)inRow1 + p2[x]; pix3 = (byte *)inRow2 + p1[x]; pix4 = (byte *)inRow2 + p2[x]; normal[0] = (pix1[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0); normal[1] = (pix1[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0); normal[2] = (pix1[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0); if( !VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); ((byte *)(out+x))[0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]); ((byte *)(out+x))[1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]); ((byte *)(out+x))[2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]); ((byte *)(out+x))[3] = 255; } } } else { for( y = 0; y < outHeight; y++, out += outWidth ) { inRow1 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.25) * inHeight/outHeight); inRow2 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.75) * inHeight/outHeight); for( x = 0; x < outWidth; x++ ) { pix1 = (byte *)inRow1 + p1[x]; pix2 = (byte *)inRow1 + p2[x]; pix3 = (byte *)inRow2 + p1[x]; pix4 = (byte *)inRow2 + p2[x]; ((byte *)(out+x))[0] = (pix1[0] + pix2[0] + pix3[0] + pix4[0]) >> 2; ((byte *)(out+x))[1] = (pix1[1] + pix2[1] + pix3[1] + pix4[1]) >> 2; ((byte *)(out+x))[2] = (pix1[2] + pix2[2] + pix3[2] + pix4[2]) >> 2; ((byte *)(out+x))[3] = (pix1[3] + pix2[3] + pix3[3] + pix4[3]) >> 2; } } } return scaledImage; } /* ================= GL_BuildMipMap Operates in place, quartering the size of the texture ================= */ static void GL_BuildMipMap( byte *in, int width, int height, qboolean isNormalMap ) { byte *out = in; vec3_t normal; int x, y; width <<= 2; height >>= 1; if( isNormalMap ) { for( y = 0; y < height; y++, in += width ) { for( x = 0; x < width; x += 8, in += 8, out += 4 ) { normal[0] = (in[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[4] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+4] * (1.0/127) - 1.0); normal[1] = (in[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[5] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+5] * (1.0/127) - 1.0); normal[2] = (in[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[6] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+6] * (1.0/127) - 1.0); if( !VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); out[0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]); out[1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]); out[2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]); out[3] = 255; } } } else { for( y = 0; y < height; y++, in += width ) { for( x = 0; x < width; x += 8, in += 8, out += 4 ) { out[0] = (in[0] + in[4] + in[width+0] + in[width+4]) >> 2; out[1] = (in[1] + in[5] + in[width+1] + in[width+5]) >> 2; out[2] = (in[2] + in[6] + in[width+2] + in[width+6]) >> 2; out[3] = (in[3] + in[7] + in[width+3] + in[width+7]) >> 2; } } } } /* =============== GL_GenerateMipmaps sgis generate mipmap =============== */ void GL_GenerateMipmaps( byte *buffer, rgbdata_t *pic, gltexture_t *tex, GLenum glTarget, GLenum inFormat, int side, qboolean subImage ) { int mipLevel; int w, h; // not needs if( tex->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP ) return; if( GL_Support( GL_SGIS_MIPMAPS_EXT )) { pglHint( GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT_SGIS, GL_NICEST ); pglTexParameteri( glTarget, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS, GL_TRUE ); if( pglGetError()) MsgDev( D_WARN, "GL_GenerateMipmaps: %s can't create mip levels\n", tex->name ); else return; // falltrough to software mipmap generating } if( pic->type != PF_RGBA_32 && pic->type != PF_RGBA_GN ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_GenerateMipmaps: failed on %s\n", PFDesc( pic->type )->name ); return; } mipLevel = 0; w = tex->width; h = tex->height; // software mipmap generator while( w > 1 || h > 1 ) { // build the mipmap GL_BuildMipMap( buffer, w, h, ( tex->flags & TF_NORMALMAP )); w = (w+1)>>1; h = (h+1)>>1; mipLevel++; if( subImage ) pglTexSubImage2D( tex->target + side, mipLevel, 0, 0, w, h, inFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer ); else pglTexImage2D( tex->target + side, mipLevel, tex->format, w, h, 0, inFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer ); } } /* ================= GL_MakeLuminance Converts the given image to luminance ================= */ void GL_MakeLuminance( rgbdata_t *in ) { byte luminance; float r, g, b; int x, y; for( y = 0; y < in->height; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < in->width; x++ ) { r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*in->width+x)+0]][0]; g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*in->width+x)+1]][1]; b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*in->width+x)+2]][2]; luminance = (byte)(r + g + b); in->buffer[4*(y*in->width+x)+0] = luminance; in->buffer[4*(y*in->width+x)+1] = luminance; in->buffer[4*(y*in->width+x)+2] = luminance; } } } /* =============== GL_UploadTexture upload texture into video memory =============== */ static void GL_UploadTexture( rgbdata_t *pic, gltexture_t *tex, qboolean subImage ) { byte *buf, *data; const byte *bufend; GLenum outFormat, inFormat, glTarget; uint i, s, numSides, offset = 0; int texsize = 0, img_flags = 0, samples; ASSERT( pic != NULL && tex != NULL ); tex->srcWidth = tex->width = pic->width; tex->srcHeight = tex->height = pic->height; s = tex->srcWidth * tex->srcHeight; GL_RoundImageDimensions( &tex->width, &tex->height, tex->flags, false ); if( s&3 ) { // will be resample, just tell me for debug targets MsgDev( D_NOTE, "GL_Upload: %s s&3 [%d x %d]\n", tex->name, tex->srcWidth, tex->srcHeight ); } // copy flag about luma pixels if( pic->flags & IMAGE_HAS_LUMA ) tex->flags |= TF_HAS_LUMA; // create luma texture from quake texture if( tex->flags & TF_MAKELUMA ) { img_flags |= IMAGE_MAKE_LUMA; tex->flags &= ~TF_MAKELUMA; } // we need to expand image into RGBA buffer if( pic->type == PF_INDEXED_24 || pic->type == PF_INDEXED_32 ) img_flags |= IMAGE_FORCE_RGBA; // processing image before uploading (force to rgba, make luma etc) Image_Process( &pic, 0, 0, img_flags ); if( tex->flags & TF_LUMINANCE ) { GL_MakeLuminance( pic ); tex->flags &= ~TF_LUMINANCE; pic->flags &= ~IMAGE_HAS_COLOR; } samples = GL_CalcTextureSamples( pic->flags ); // determine format inFormat = PFDesc( pic->type )->glFormat; outFormat = GL_TextureFormat( tex, samples ); tex->format = outFormat; // determine target tex->target = glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D; numSides = 1; if( tex->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP ) { inFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT; } else if( tex->flags & TF_CUBEMAP ) { if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURECUBEMAP_EXT )) { if( pic->flags & IMAGE_CUBEMAP ) { numSides = 6; glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB; tex->target = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB; } else { MsgDev( D_WARN, "GL_UploadTexture: %s it's not a cubemap image\n", tex->name ); tex->flags &= ~TF_CUBEMAP; } } else { MsgDev( D_WARN, "GL_UploadTexture: cubemaps isn't supported, %s ignored\n", tex->name ); tex->flags &= ~TF_CUBEMAP; } } GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, tex->texnum ); buf = pic->buffer; bufend = pic->buffer + pic->size; offset = pic->width * pic->height * PFDesc( pic->type )->bpp; // FIXME: probably this code relies when gl_compressed_textures is enabled texsize = tex->width * tex->height * samples; // uploading texture into video memory for( i = 0; i < numSides; i++ ) { if( buf >= bufend ) Host_Error( "GL_UploadTexture: %s image buffer overflow\n", tex->name ); // copy or resample the texture if( tex->width == tex->srcWidth && tex->height == tex->srcHeight ) { data = buf; } else { data = GL_ResampleTexture( buf, tex->srcWidth, tex->srcHeight, tex->width, tex->height, ( tex->flags & TF_NORMALMAP )); } if( GL_Support( GL_SGIS_MIPMAPS_EXT )) GL_GenerateMipmaps( data, pic, tex, glTarget, inFormat, i, subImage ); if( subImage ) pglTexSubImage2D( tex->target + i, 0, 0, 0, tex->width, tex->height, inFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data ); else pglTexImage2D( tex->target + i, 0, outFormat, tex->width, tex->height, 0, inFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data ); if( !GL_Support( GL_SGIS_MIPMAPS_EXT )) GL_GenerateMipmaps( data, pic, tex, glTarget, inFormat, i, subImage ); if( numSides > 1 ) buf += offset; tex->size += texsize; GL_CheckForErrors(); } } /* ================ GL_LoadTexture ================ */ int GL_LoadTexture( const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, int flags ) { gltexture_t *tex; rgbdata_t *pic; uint i, hash; if( !name || !name[0] ) return 0; if( com.strlen( name ) >= sizeof( r_textures->name )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_LoadTexture: too long name %s\n", name, sizeof( r_textures->name )); return 0; } // see if already loaded hash = Com_HashKey( name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); for( tex = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; tex != NULL; tex = tex->nextHash ) { if( tex->flags & TF_CUBEMAP ) continue; if( !com.stricmp( tex->name, name )) return tex->texnum; } pic = FS_LoadImage( name, buf, size ); if( !pic ) return 0; // couldn't loading image // find a free texture slot if( r_numTextures == MAX_TEXTURES ) Host_Error( "GL_LoadTexture: MAX_TEXTURES limit exceeds\n" ); // find a free texture_t slot for( i = 0, tex = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, tex++ ) if( !tex->name[0] ) break; if( i == r_numTextures ) { if( r_numTextures == MAX_TEXTURES ) Host_Error( "GL_LoadTexture: MAX_TEXTURES limit exceeds\n" ); r_numTextures++; } tex = &r_textures[i]; com.strncpy( tex->name, name, sizeof( tex->name )); tex->texnum = i; // texnum is used for fast acess into r_textures array too tex->flags = flags; GL_UploadTexture( pic, tex, false ); GL_TexFilter( tex, false ); // update texture filter, wrap etc // add to hash table hash = Com_HashKey( tex->name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); tex->nextHash = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; r_texturesHashTable[hash] = tex; return tex->texnum; } /* ================ GL_LoadTextureInternal ================ */ int GL_LoadTextureInternal( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, texFlags_t flags, qboolean update ) { gltexture_t *tex; uint i, hash; if( !name || !name[0] ) return 0; if( com.strlen( name ) >= sizeof( r_textures->name )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_LoadTexture: too long name %s\n", name, sizeof( r_textures->name )); return 0; } // see if already loaded hash = Com_HashKey( name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); for( tex = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; tex != NULL; tex = tex->nextHash ) { if( tex->flags & TF_CUBEMAP ) continue; if( !com.stricmp( tex->name, name ) && !update ) return tex->texnum; } if( !pic ) return 0; // couldn't loading image if( update && !tex ) { Host_Error( "Couldn't find texture %s for update\n", name ); } // find a free texture slot if( r_numTextures == MAX_TEXTURES ) Host_Error( "GL_LoadTexture: MAX_TEXTURES limit exceeds\n" ); if( !update ) { // find a free texture_t slot for( i = 0, tex = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, tex++ ) if( !tex->name[0] ) break; if( i == r_numTextures ) { if( r_numTextures == MAX_TEXTURES ) Host_Error( "GL_LoadTexture: MAX_TEXTURES limit exceeds\n" ); r_numTextures++; } tex = &r_textures[i]; hash = Com_HashKey( name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); com.strncpy( tex->name, name, sizeof( tex->name )); tex->texnum = i; // texnum is used for fast acess into r_textures array too tex->flags = flags; } else { tex->flags |= flags; } GL_UploadTexture( pic, tex, update ); GL_TexFilter( tex, update ); // update texture filter, wrap etc if( !update ) { // add to hash table hash = Com_HashKey( tex->name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); tex->nextHash = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; r_texturesHashTable[hash] = tex; } return tex->texnum; } /* ================ GL_FreeImage Frees image by name ================ */ void GL_FreeImage( const char *name ) { gltexture_t *tex; uint hash; if( !name || !name[0] ) return; if( com.strlen( name ) >= sizeof( r_textures->name )) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_FreeImage: too long name %s\n", name, sizeof( r_textures->name )); return; } // see if already loaded hash = Com_HashKey( name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); for( tex = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; tex != NULL; tex = tex->nextHash ) { if( tex->flags & TF_CUBEMAP ) continue; if( !com.stricmp( tex->name, name )) { Msg( "Free image %s\n", name ); GL_FreeTexture( tex->texnum ); return; } } } /* ================ GL_FreeTexture ================ */ void GL_FreeTexture( GLenum texnum ) { uint hash; gltexture_t *image; gltexture_t *cur; gltexture_t **prev; ASSERT( texnum >= 0 && texnum < MAX_TEXTURES ); image = &r_textures[texnum]; // remove from hash table hash = Com_HashKey( image->name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); prev = &r_texturesHashTable[hash]; while( 1 ) { cur = *prev; if( !cur ) break; if( cur == image ) { *prev = cur->nextHash; break; } prev = &cur->nextHash; } pglDeleteTextures( 1, &image->texnum ); Mem_Set( image, 0, sizeof( *image )); } /* ============================================================================== INTERNAL TEXTURES ============================================================================== */ /* ================== R_InitDefaultTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitDefaultTexture( texFlags_t *flags ) { int x, y; // also use this for bad textures, but without alpha r_image.width = r_image.height = 16; r_image.buffer = data2D; r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR; r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32; r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4; *flags = 0; // emo-texture from quake1 for( y = 0; y < 16; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < 16; x++ ) { if(( y < 8 ) ^ ( x < 8 )) ((uint *)&data2D)[y*16+x] = 0xFFFF00FF; else ((uint *)&data2D)[y*16+x] = 0xFF000000; } } return &r_image; } /* ================== R_InitParticleTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitParticleTexture( texFlags_t *flags ) { int x, y; int dx2, dy, d; // particle texture r_image.width = r_image.height = 16; r_image.buffer = data2D; r_image.flags = (IMAGE_HAS_COLOR|IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA); r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32; r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4; *flags = TF_NOPICMIP|TF_NOMIPMAP; for( x = 0; x < 16; x++ ) { dx2 = x - 8; dx2 = dx2 * dx2; for( y = 0; y < 16; y++ ) { dy = y - 8; d = 255 - 35 * com.sqrt( dx2 + dy * dy ); data2D[( y*16 + x ) * 4 + 3] = bound( 0, d, 255 ); } } return &r_image; } /* ================== R_InitSkyTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitSkyTexture( texFlags_t *flags ) { int i; // skybox texture for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) ((uint *)&data2D)[i] = 0xFFFFDEB5; *flags = TF_NOPICMIP|TF_UNCOMPRESSED; r_image.buffer = data2D; r_image.width = r_image.height = 16; r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4; r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR; r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32; return &r_image; } /* ================== R_InitCinematicTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitCinematicTexture( texFlags_t *flags ) { r_image.width = r_image.height = 256; r_image.buffer = data2D; r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32; r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR|IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA; r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4; *flags = TF_NOMIPMAP|TF_NOPICMIP|TF_UNCOMPRESSED|TF_CLAMP; return &r_image; } /* ================== R_InitSolidColorTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitSolidColorTexture( texFlags_t *flags, int color ) { // solid color texture r_image.width = r_image.height = 1; r_image.buffer = data2D; r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR; r_image.type = PF_RGB_24; r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 3; *flags = TF_NOPICMIP|TF_UNCOMPRESSED; data2D[0] = data2D[1] = data2D[2] = color; return &r_image; } /* ================== R_InitWhiteTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitWhiteTexture( texFlags_t *flags ) { return R_InitSolidColorTexture( flags, 255 ); } /* ================== R_InitBlackTexture ================== */ static rgbdata_t *R_InitBlackTexture( texFlags_t *flags ) { return R_InitSolidColorTexture( flags, 0 ); } /* ================== R_InitBuiltinTextures ================== */ static void R_InitBuiltinTextures( void ) { rgbdata_t *pic; texFlags_t flags; const struct { char *name; int *texnum; rgbdata_t *(*init)( texFlags_t *flags ); } textures[] = { { "*default", &tr.defaultTexture, R_InitDefaultTexture }, { "*sky", &tr.skyTexture, R_InitSkyTexture }, { "*white", &tr.whiteTexture, R_InitWhiteTexture }, { "*black", &tr.blackTexture, R_InitBlackTexture }, { "*particle", &tr.particleTexture, R_InitParticleTexture }, { "*cintexture", &tr.cinTexture, R_InitCinematicTexture }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; size_t i, num_builtin_textures = sizeof( textures ) / sizeof( textures[0] ) - 1; for( i = 0; i < num_builtin_textures; i++ ) { Mem_Set( &r_image, 0, sizeof( rgbdata_t )); Mem_Set( data2D, 0xFF, sizeof( data2D )); pic = textures[i].init( &flags ); if( pic == NULL ) continue; *textures[i].texnum = GL_LoadTextureInternal( textures[i].name, pic, flags, false ); } } /* =============== R_InitImages =============== */ void R_InitImages( void ) { uint i, hash; float f; r_numTextures = 0; Mem_Set( r_textures, 0, sizeof( r_textures )); Mem_Set( r_texturesHashTable, 0, sizeof( r_texturesHashTable )); // create unused 0-entry com.strncpy( r_textures->name, "*unused*", sizeof( r_textures->name )); hash = Com_HashKey( r_textures->name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE ); r_textures->nextHash = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; r_texturesHashTable[hash] = r_textures; // build luminance table for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { f = (float)i; r_luminanceTable[i][0] = f * 0.299; r_luminanceTable[i][1] = f * 0.587; r_luminanceTable[i][2] = f * 0.114; } // set texture parameters R_SetTextureParameters(); R_InitBuiltinTextures(); } /* =============== R_ShutdownImages =============== */ void R_ShutdownImages( void ) { gltexture_t *image; int i; if( !glw_state.initialized ) return; for( i = MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( i >= glConfig.max_texture_units ) continue; GL_SelectTexture( i ); pglBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 ); pglBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, 0 ); } for( i = 0, image = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, image++ ) { if( !image->texnum ) continue; GL_FreeTexture( image->texnum ); } Mem_Set( tr.lightmapTextures, 0, sizeof( tr.lightmapTextures )); Mem_Set( r_texturesHashTable, 0, sizeof( r_texturesHashTable )); Mem_Set( r_textures, 0, sizeof( r_textures )); r_numTextures = 0; }