//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2007 © // r_light.c - scene lighting //======================================================================= #include "r_local.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "matrix_lib.h" #include "const.h" /* ================= R_LightNormalizeColor ================= */ void R_LightNormalizeColor( vec3_t in, rgba_t out ) { float max; // catch negative colors if( in[0] < 0 ) in[0] = 0; if( in[1] < 0 ) in[1] = 0; if( in[2] < 0 ) in[2] = 0; // determine the brightest of the three color components max = in[0]; if( max < in[1] ) max = in[1]; if( max < in[2] ) max = in[2]; // rescale all the color components if the intensity of the greatest // channel exceeds 1.0 if( max > 1.0f ) { max = 255 * (1.0f / max); out[0] = in[0] * max; out[1] = in[1] * max; out[2] = in[2] * max; } else { out[0] = in[0] * 255; out[1] = in[1] * 255; out[2] = in[2] * 255; } out[3] = 255; } /* ======================================================================= DYNAMIC LIGHTS ======================================================================= */ /* ================= R_RecursiveLightNode ================= */ static void R_RecursiveLightNode( node_t *node, dlight_t *dl, int bit ) { surface_t *surf; cplane_t *plane; float dist; int i; if( node->contents != -1 ) return; if( node->visFrame != r_visFrameCount ) return; // Find which side of the node we are on plane = node->plane; if( plane->type < 3 )dist = dl->origin[plane->type] - plane->dist; else dist = DotProduct( dl->origin, plane->normal ) - plane->dist; // Go down the appropriate sides if( dist > dl->intensity ) { R_RecursiveLightNode( node->children[0], dl, bit ); return; } if( dist < -dl->intensity ) { R_RecursiveLightNode( node->children[1], dl, bit ); return; } // Mark the surfaces surf = r_worldModel->surfaces + node->firstSurface; for( i = 0; i < node->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ ) { if( !BoundsAndSphereIntersect( surf->mins, surf->maxs, dl->origin, dl->intensity )) continue; // No intersection if( surf->dlightFrame != r_frameCount ) { surf->dlightFrame = r_frameCount; surf->dlightBits = bit; } else surf->dlightBits |= bit; } // recurse down the children R_RecursiveLightNode( node->children[0], dl, bit ); R_RecursiveLightNode( node->children[1], dl, bit ); } /* ================= R_MarkLights ================= */ void R_MarkLights( void ) { dlight_t *dl; int l; if( !r_dynamiclights->integer || !r_numDLights ) return; r_stats.numDLights += r_numDLights; for( l = 0, dl = r_dlights; l < r_numDLights; l++, dl++ ) { if( R_CullSphere( dl->origin, dl->intensity, MAX_CLIPFLAGS )) continue; R_RecursiveLightNode( r_worldModel->nodes, dl, 1<contents != -1 ) return false; // didn't hit anything // Calculate mid point plane = node->plane; if( plane->type < 3 ) { front = start[plane->type] - plane->dist; back = end[plane->type] - plane->dist; } else { front = DotProduct( start, plane->normal ) - plane->dist; back = DotProduct( end, plane->normal ) - plane->dist; } side = front < 0; if((back < 0) == side ) return R_RecursiveLightPoint( node->children[side], start, end ); frac = front / (front - back); mid[0] = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0]) * frac; mid[1] = start[1] + (end[1] - start[1]) * frac; mid[2] = start[2] + (end[2] - start[2]) * frac; // Go down front side if( R_RecursiveLightPoint( node->children[side], start, mid )) return true; // hit something if((back < 0) == side ) return false; // didn't hit anything // check for impact on this node surf = r_worldModel->surfaces + node->firstSurface; for( i = 0; i < node->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ ) { tex = surf->texInfo; if( tex->surfaceFlags & (SURF_SKY|SURF_3DSKY|SURF_WARP|SURF_NODRAW|SURF_NOLIGHTMAP)) continue; // no lightmaps s = DotProduct(mid, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3] - surf->textureMins[0]; t = DotProduct(mid, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3] - surf->textureMins[1]; if((s < 0 || s > surf->extents[0]) || (t < 0 || t > surf->extents[1])) continue; s >>= 4; t >>= 4; if( !surf->lmSamples ) return true; VectorClear( r_pointColor ); lm = surf->lmSamples + 3 * (t * surf->lmWidth + s); size = surf->lmWidth * surf->lmHeight * 3; for( map = 0; map < surf->numStyles; map++ ) { VectorScale( r_lightStyles[surf->styles[map]].rgb, r_modulate->value, scale ); r_pointColor[0] += lm[0] * scale[0]; r_pointColor[1] += lm[1] * scale[1]; r_pointColor[2] += lm[2] * scale[2]; lm += size; // skip to next lightmap } return true; } // go down back side return R_RecursiveLightPoint( node->children[!side], mid, end ); } /* ================= R_LightForPoint ================= */ void R_LightForPoint( const vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight ) { dlight_t *dl; vec3_t end, dir; float dist, add; int l; // Set to full bright if no light data if( !r_worldModel || !r_worldModel->lightData ) { VectorSet( ambientLight, 1, 1, 1 ); return; } // Get lighting at this point VectorSet( end, point[0], point[1], point[2] - MAX_WORLD_COORD ); VectorSet( r_pointColor, 1, 1, 1 ); R_RecursiveLightPoint( r_worldModel->nodes, point, end ); VectorCopy( r_pointColor, ambientLight ); // add dynamic lights if( r_dynamiclights->integer ) { for( l = 0, dl = r_dlights; l < r_numDLights; l++, dl++ ) { VectorSubtract(dl->origin, point, dir); dist = VectorLength(dir); if( !dist || dist > dl->intensity ) continue; add = (dl->intensity - dist) * (1.0/255); VectorMA( ambientLight, add, dl->color, ambientLight ); } } } /* ================= R_ReadLightGrid ================= */ static void R_ReadLightGrid( const vec3_t origin, vec3_t lightDir ) { vec3_t vf1, vf2; float scale[8]; int vi[3], index[4]; int i; if( !r_worldModel->lightGrid ) { if( m_pCurrentEntity && m_pCurrentEntity->effects & EF_INVLIGHT ) VectorSet( lightDir, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); else VectorSet( lightDir, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f ); return; } for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { vf1[i] = (origin[i] - r_worldModel->gridMins[i]) / r_worldModel->gridSize[i]; vi[i] = (int)vf1[i]; vf1[i] = vf1[i] - floor(vf1[i]); vf2[i] = 1.0 - vf1[i]; } index[0] = vi[2] * r_worldModel->gridBounds[3] + vi[1] * r_worldModel->gridBounds[0] + vi[0]; index[1] = index[0] + r_worldModel->gridBounds[0]; index[2] = index[0] + r_worldModel->gridBounds[3]; index[3] = index[2] + r_worldModel->gridBounds[0]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( index[i] < 0 || index[i] >= r_worldModel->numGridPoints - 1 ) { VectorSet( lightDir, 1, 0, -1 ); return; } } scale[0] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2]; scale[1] = vf1[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2]; scale[2] = vf2[0] * vf1[1] * vf2[2]; scale[3] = vf1[0] * vf1[1] * vf2[2]; scale[4] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf1[2]; scale[5] = vf1[0] * vf2[1] * vf1[2]; scale[6] = vf2[0] * vf1[1] * vf1[2]; scale[7] = vf1[0] * vf1[1] * vf1[2]; VectorClear(lightDir); for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { VectorMA( lightDir, scale[i*2+0], r_worldModel->lightGrid[index[i]+0].lightDir, lightDir ); VectorMA( lightDir, scale[i*2+1], r_worldModel->lightGrid[index[i]+1].lightDir, lightDir ); } } /* ================= R_LightDir ================= */ void R_LightDir( const vec3_t origin, vec3_t lightDir ) { dlight_t *dl; vec3_t dir; float dist; int l; // Get light direction from light grid R_ReadLightGrid( origin, lightDir ); // Add dynamic lights if( r_dynamiclights->integer ) { for( l = 0, dl = r_dlights; l < r_numDLights; l++, dl++ ) { VectorSubtract( dl->origin, origin, dir ); dist = VectorLength( dir ); if( !dist || dist > dl->intensity ) continue; VectorAdd( lightDir, dir, lightDir ); } } } /* ================= R_LightingAmbient ================= */ void R_LightingAmbient( void ) { dlight_t *dl; vec3_t end, dir; float add, dist, radius; int i, l; vec4_t ambientLight; rgba_t color; // Set to full bright if no light data if( r_refdef.onlyClientDraw || !r_worldModel->lightData || !m_pCurrentEntity ) { for( i = 0; i < ref.numVertex; i++ ) { ref.colorArray[i][0] = 255; ref.colorArray[i][1] = 255; ref.colorArray[i][2] = 255; ref.colorArray[i][3] = 255; } return; } // Get lighting at this point VectorSet( end, m_pCurrentEntity->origin[0], m_pCurrentEntity->origin[1], m_pCurrentEntity->origin[2] - WORLD_SIZE ); VectorSet( r_pointColor, 1, 1, 1 ); R_RecursiveLightPoint( r_worldModel->nodes, m_pCurrentEntity->origin, end ); VectorScale( r_pointColor, r_ambientscale->value, ambientLight ); // always have some light if( m_pCurrentEntity->effects & EF_MINLIGHT ) { for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( ambientLight[i] > 0.1 ) break; } if( i == 3 ) VectorSet( ambientLight, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ); } // add dynamic lights if( r_dynamiclights->integer ) { if( m_pCurrentEntity->model && m_pCurrentEntity->ent_type == ED_NORMAL ) radius = m_pCurrentEntity->model->radius; else radius = m_pCurrentEntity->radius; for( l = 0, dl = r_dlights; l < r_numDLights; l++, dl++ ) { VectorSubtract( dl->origin, m_pCurrentEntity->origin, dir ); dist = VectorLength( dir ); if( !dist || dist > dl->intensity + radius ) continue; add = (dl->intensity - dist); VectorMA( ambientLight, add, dl->color, ambientLight ); } } // normalize R_LightNormalizeColor( ambientLight, color ); for( i = 0; i < ref.numVertex; i++ ) { Vector4Copy( ambientLight, ref.colorArray[i] ); } } /* ================= R_LightingDiffuse ================= */ void R_LightingDiffuse( void ) { dlight_t *dl; int i, l; vec3_t end, dir; float add, dot, dist, intensity, radius; vec3_t ambientLight, directedLight, lightDir; // Set to full bright if no light data if( r_refdef.onlyClientDraw || !r_worldModel->lightData ) { for( i = 0; i < ref.numVertex; i++ ) { ref.colorArray[i][0] = 255; ref.colorArray[i][1] = 255; ref.colorArray[i][2] = 255; ref.colorArray[i][3] = 255; } return; } // get lighting at this point VectorSet( end, m_pCurrentEntity->origin[0], m_pCurrentEntity->origin[1], m_pCurrentEntity->origin[2] - MAX_WORLD_COORD ); VectorSet( r_pointColor, 1, 1, 1 ); R_RecursiveLightPoint( r_worldModel->nodes, m_pCurrentEntity->origin, end ); VectorScale( r_pointColor, r_ambientscale->value, ambientLight ); VectorScale( r_pointColor, r_directedscale->value, directedLight ); R_ReadLightGrid( m_pCurrentEntity->origin, lightDir ); // always have some light if( m_pCurrentEntity->effects & EF_MINLIGHT ) { for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( ambientLight[i] > 0.1 ) break; } if( i == 3 ) VectorSet( ambientLight, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ); } // Compute lighting at each vertex Matrix3x3_Transform( m_pCurrentEntity->matrix, lightDir, dir ); VectorNormalizeFast( dir ); for( i = 0; i < ref.numVertex; i++ ) { dot = DotProduct( ref.normalArray[i], dir ); if( dot <= 0 ) { VectorCopy( ambientLight, r_lightColors[i] ); continue; } VectorMA( ambientLight, dot, directedLight, r_lightColors[i] ); } // add dynamic lights if( r_dynamiclights->integer ) { if( m_pCurrentEntity->ent_type == ED_NORMAL && m_pCurrentEntity->model ) radius = m_pCurrentEntity->model->radius; else radius = m_pCurrentEntity->radius; for( l = 0, dl = r_dlights; l < r_numDLights; l++, dl++ ) { VectorSubtract( dl->origin, m_pCurrentEntity->origin, dir ); dist = VectorLength( dir ); if( !dist || dist > dl->intensity + radius ) continue; Matrix3x3_Transform( m_pCurrentEntity->matrix, dir, lightDir ); intensity = dl->intensity * 8; // compute lighting at each vertex for( i = 0; i < ref.numVertex; i++ ) { VectorSubtract( lightDir, ref.vertexArray[i], dir ); add = DotProduct( ref.normalArray[i], dir ); if( add <= 0 ) continue; dot = DotProduct( dir, dir ); add *= (intensity / dot) * rsqrt( dot ); VectorMA( r_lightColors[i], add, dl->color, r_lightColors[i] ); } } } // normalize and convert to byte for( i = 0; i < ref.numVertex; i++ ) R_LightNormalizeColor( r_lightColors[i], ref.colorArray[i] ); } /* ======================================================================= LIGHT SAMPLING ======================================================================= */ static vec3_t r_blockLights[LM_SIZE*LM_SIZE]; /* ================= R_SetCacheState ================= */ static void R_SetCacheState( surface_t *surf ) { int map; for( map = 0; map < surf->numStyles; map++ ) surf->cachedLight[map] = r_lightStyles[surf->styles[map]].white; } /* ================= R_AddDynamicLights ================= */ static void R_AddDynamicLights( surface_t *surf ) { int l; int s, t, sd, td; float sl, tl, sacc, tacc; float dist, rad, scale; cplane_t *plane; vec3_t origin, tmp, impact; texInfo_t *tex = surf->texInfo; dlight_t *dl; float *bl; for( l = 0, dl = r_dlights; l < r_numDLights; l++, dl++ ) { if(!(surf->dlightBits & (1<matrix, matrix3x3_identity )) { VectorSubtract( dl->origin, m_pCurrentEntity->origin, tmp ); Matrix3x3_Transform( m_pCurrentEntity->matrix, tmp, origin ); } else VectorSubtract( dl->origin, m_pCurrentEntity->origin, origin ); plane = surf->plane; if( plane->type < 3 ) dist = origin[plane->type] - plane->dist; else dist = DotProduct( origin, plane->normal ) - plane->dist; // rad is now the highest intensity on the plane rad = dl->intensity - fabs(dist); if( rad < 0 ) continue; if( plane->type < 3 ) { VectorCopy( origin, impact ); impact[plane->type] -= dist; } else VectorMA( origin, -dist, plane->normal, impact ); sl = DotProduct(impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3] - surf->textureMins[0]; tl = DotProduct(impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3] - surf->textureMins[1]; bl = (float *)r_blockLights; for( t = 0, tacc = 0; t < surf->lmHeight; t++, tacc += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE ) { td = tl - tacc; if( td < 0 ) td = -td; for( s = 0, sacc = 0; s < surf->lmWidth; s++, sacc += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE ) { sd = sl - sacc; if( sd < 0 ) sd = -sd; if( sd > td ) dist = sd + (td >> 1); else dist = td + (sd >> 1); if( dist < rad ) { scale = rad - dist; bl[0] += dl->color[0] * scale; bl[1] += dl->color[1] * scale; bl[2] += dl->color[2] * scale; } bl += 3; } } } } /* ================= R_BuildLightmap Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the floating format in r_blockLights ================= */ static void R_BuildLightmap( surface_t *surf, byte *dest, int stride ) { int i, map, size, s, t; vec3_t scale; float *bl, max; byte *lm; lm = surf->lmSamples; size = surf->lmWidth * surf->lmHeight; if( !lm ) { // set to full bright if no light data for( i = 0, bl = (float *)r_blockLights; i < size; i++, bl += 3 ) { bl[0] = 255; bl[1] = 255; bl[2] = 255; } } else { // add all the lightmaps VectorScale( r_lightStyles[surf->styles[0]].rgb, r_modulate->value, scale ); for( i = 0, bl = (float *)r_blockLights; i < size; i++, bl += 3, lm += 3 ) { bl[0] = lm[0] * scale[0]; bl[1] = lm[1] * scale[1]; bl[2] = lm[2] * scale[2]; } if( surf->numStyles > 1 ) { for( map = 1; map < surf->numStyles; map++ ) { VectorScale( r_lightStyles[surf->styles[map]].rgb, r_modulate->value, scale ); for( i = 0, bl = (float *)r_blockLights; i < size; i++, bl += 3, lm += 3 ) { bl[0] += lm[0] * scale[0]; bl[1] += lm[1] * scale[1]; bl[2] += lm[2] * scale[2]; } } } // add all the dynamic lights if( surf->dlightFrame == r_frameCount ) R_AddDynamicLights( surf ); } // put into texture format stride -= (surf->lmWidth<<2); bl = (float *)r_blockLights; for( t = 0; t < surf->lmHeight; t++ ) { for( s = 0; s < surf->lmWidth; s++ ) { // catch negative lights if( bl[0] < 0 ) bl[0] = 0; if( bl[1] < 0 ) bl[1] = 0; if( bl[2] < 0 ) bl[2] = 0; // determine the brightest of the three color components max = bl[0]; if( max < bl[1] ) max = bl[1]; if( max < bl[2] ) max = bl[2]; // rescale all the color components if the intensity of the // greatest channel exceeds 255 if( max > 255.0 ) { max = 255.0 / max; dest[0] = bl[0] * max; dest[1] = bl[1] * max; dest[2] = bl[2] * max; dest[3] = 255; } else { dest[0] = bl[0]; dest[1] = bl[1]; dest[2] = bl[2]; dest[3] = 255; } bl += 3; dest += 4; } dest += stride; } } /* ======================================================================= LIGHTMAP ALLOCATION ======================================================================= */ typedef struct { int currentNum; int allocated[LM_SIZE]; byte buffer[LM_SIZE*LM_SIZE*4]; } lmState_t; static lmState_t r_lmState; /* ================= R_UploadLightmap ================= */ static void R_UploadLightmap( void ) { string name; texture_t *lightmap = r_lightmapTextures[r_lmState.currentNum]; if( r_lmState.currentNum == MAX_LIGHTMAPS ) Host_Error( "R_UploadLightmap: MAX_LIGHTMAPS limit exceeded\n" ); if( lightmap ) R_FreeImage( lightmap ); // free old lightmap com.snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "*lightmap%i", r_lmState.currentNum ); lightmap = R_CreateImage( va("*lightmap%d", r_lmState.currentNum ), (byte *)r_lmState.buffer, LM_SIZE, LM_SIZE, TF_LIGHTMAP, TF_LINEAR, TW_CLAMP ); r_lightmapTextures[r_lmState.currentNum++] = lightmap; // reset Mem_Set( r_lmState.allocated, 0, sizeof( r_lmState.allocated )); Mem_Set( r_lmState.buffer, 255, sizeof( r_lmState.buffer )); } /* ================= R_AllocLightmapBlock ================= */ static byte *R_AllocLightmapBlock( int width, int height, int *s, int *t ) { int i, j; int best1, best2; best1 = LM_SIZE; for( i = 0; i < LM_SIZE - width; i++ ) { best2 = 0; for( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if( r_lmState.allocated[i+j] >= best1 ) break; if( r_lmState.allocated[i+j] > best2 ) best2 = r_lmState.allocated[i+j]; } if( j == width ) { // this is a valid spot *s = i; *t = best1 = best2; } } if( best1 + height > LM_SIZE ) return NULL; for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) r_lmState.allocated[*s + i] = best1 + height; return r_lmState.buffer + ((*t * LM_SIZE + *s) * 4); } /* ================= R_BeginBuildingLightmaps ================= */ void R_BeginBuildingLightmaps( void ) { int i; // setup the base lightstyles so the lightmaps // won't have to be regenerated the first time they're seen for( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; i++ ) { r_lightStyles[i].white = 3; r_lightStyles[i].rgb[0] = 1; r_lightStyles[i].rgb[1] = 1; r_lightStyles[i].rgb[2] = 1; } r_lmState.currentNum = -1; Mem_Set( r_lmState.allocated, 0, sizeof( r_lmState.allocated )); Mem_Set( r_lmState.buffer, 255, sizeof( r_lmState.buffer )); } /* ================= R_EndBuildingLightmaps ================= */ void R_EndBuildingLightmaps( void ) { if( r_lmState.currentNum == -1 ) return; R_UploadLightmap(); } /* ================= R_BuildSurfaceLightmap ================= */ void R_BuildSurfaceLightmap( surface_t *surf ) { byte *base; if(!(surf->texInfo->shader->flags & SHADER_HASLIGHTMAP)) return; // no lightmaps base = R_AllocLightmapBlock( surf->lmWidth, surf->lmHeight, &surf->lmS, &surf->lmT ); if( !base ) { if( r_lmState.currentNum != -1 ) R_UploadLightmap(); base = R_AllocLightmapBlock( surf->lmWidth, surf->lmHeight, &surf->lmS, &surf->lmT ); if( !base ) Host_Error( "R_BuildSurfaceLightmap: couldn't allocate lightmap block (%i x %i)\n", surf->lmWidth, surf->lmHeight ); } if( r_lmState.currentNum == -1 ) r_lmState.currentNum = 0; surf->lmNum = r_lmState.currentNum; R_SetCacheState( surf ); R_BuildLightmap( surf, base, LM_SIZE * 4 ); } /* ================= R_UpdateSurfaceLightmap ================= */ void R_UpdateSurfaceLightmap( surface_t *surf ) { if( surf->dlightFrame == r_frameCount ) GL_BindTexture( r_dlightTexture ); else { GL_BindTexture( r_lightmapTextures[surf->lmNum] ); R_SetCacheState( surf ); } R_BuildLightmap( surf, r_lmState.buffer, surf->lmWidth * 4 ); pglTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, surf->lmS, surf->lmT, surf->lmWidth, surf->lmHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, r_lmState.buffer ); }