/* sv_pmove.c - server-side player physic Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "server.h" #include "const.h" #include "pm_local.h" #include "event_flags.h" #include "studio.h" static qboolean has_update = false; void SV_ClearPhysEnts( void ) { svgame.pmove->numtouch = 0; svgame.pmove->numvisent = 0; svgame.pmove->nummoveent = 0; svgame.pmove->numphysent = 0; } void SV_ConvertPMTrace( trace_t *out, pmtrace_t *in, edict_t *ent ) { Q_memcpy( out, in, 48 ); // matched out->hitgroup = in->hitgroup; out->ent = ent; } void SV_ClipPMoveToEntity( physent_t *pe, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, pmtrace_t *tr ) { ASSERT( tr != NULL ); if( svgame.physFuncs.ClipPMoveToEntity != NULL ) { // do custom sweep test svgame.physFuncs.ClipPMoveToEntity( pe, start, mins, maxs, end, tr ); } else { // function is missed, so we didn't hit anything tr->allsolid = false; } } qboolean SV_CopyEdictToPhysEnt( physent_t *pe, edict_t *ed ) { model_t *mod = Mod_Handle( ed->v.modelindex ); if( !mod ) return false; pe->player = false; pe->info = NUM_FOR_EDICT( ed ); VectorCopy( ed->v.origin, pe->origin ); VectorCopy( ed->v.angles, pe->angles ); if( ed->v.flags & ( FL_CLIENT|FL_FAKECLIENT )) { // client or bot SV_GetTrueOrigin( svs.currentPlayer, (pe->info - 1), pe->origin ); Q_strncpy( pe->name, "player", sizeof( pe->name )); pe->player = pe->info; } else { // otherwise copy the modelname Q_strncpy( pe->name, mod->name, sizeof( pe->name )); } pe->model = pe->studiomodel = NULL; switch( ed->v.solid ) { case SOLID_NOT: case SOLID_BSP: pe->model = mod; VectorClear( pe->mins ); VectorClear( pe->maxs ); break; case SOLID_BBOX: if( mod && mod->type == mod_studio && mod->flags & STUDIO_TRACE_HITBOX ) pe->studiomodel = mod; VectorCopy( ed->v.mins, pe->mins ); VectorCopy( ed->v.maxs, pe->maxs ); break; case SOLID_CUSTOM: pe->model = (mod->type == mod_brush) ? mod : NULL; pe->studiomodel = (mod->type == mod_studio) ? mod : NULL; VectorCopy( ed->v.mins, pe->mins ); VectorCopy( ed->v.maxs, pe->maxs ); break; default: pe->studiomodel = (mod->type == mod_studio) ? mod : NULL; VectorCopy( ed->v.mins, pe->mins ); VectorCopy( ed->v.maxs, pe->maxs ); break; } pe->solid = ed->v.solid; pe->rendermode = ed->v.rendermode; pe->skin = ed->v.skin; pe->frame = ed->v.frame; pe->sequence = ed->v.sequence; Q_memcpy( &pe->controller[0], &ed->v.controller[0], 4 * sizeof( byte )); Q_memcpy( &pe->blending[0], &ed->v.blending[0], 2 * sizeof( byte )); pe->movetype = ed->v.movetype; pe->takedamage = ed->v.takedamage; pe->team = ed->v.team; pe->classnumber = ed->v.playerclass; pe->blooddecal = 0; // unused in GoldSrc // for mods pe->iuser1 = ed->v.iuser1; pe->iuser2 = ed->v.iuser2; pe->iuser3 = ed->v.iuser3; pe->iuser4 = ed->v.iuser4; pe->fuser1 = ed->v.fuser1; pe->fuser2 = ed->v.fuser2; pe->fuser3 = ed->v.fuser3; pe->fuser4 = ed->v.fuser4; VectorCopy( ed->v.vuser1, pe->vuser1 ); VectorCopy( ed->v.vuser2, pe->vuser2 ); VectorCopy( ed->v.vuser3, pe->vuser3 ); VectorCopy( ed->v.vuser4, pe->vuser4 ); return true; } void SV_GetTrueOrigin( sv_client_t *cl, int edictnum, vec3_t origin ) { if( !cl->local_weapons || !cl->lag_compensation || !sv_unlag->integer ) return; // don't allow unlag in singleplayer if( sv_maxclients->integer <= 1 ) return; if( cl->state < cs_connected || edictnum < 0 || edictnum >= sv_maxclients->integer ) return; if( !svgame.interp[edictnum].active || !svgame.interp[edictnum].moving ) return; VectorCopy( svgame.interp[edictnum].newpos, origin ); } void SV_GetTrueMinMax( sv_client_t *cl, int edictnum, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs ) { if( !cl->local_weapons || !cl->lag_compensation || !sv_unlag->integer ) return; // don't allow unlag in singleplayer if( sv_maxclients->integer <= 1 ) return; if( cl->state < cs_connected || edictnum < 0 || edictnum >= sv_maxclients->integer ) return; if( !svgame.interp[edictnum].active || !svgame.interp[edictnum].moving ) return; VectorCopy( svgame.interp[edictnum].mins, mins ); VectorCopy( svgame.interp[edictnum].maxs, maxs ); } /* ==================== SV_AddLinksToPmove collect solid entities ==================== */ void SV_AddLinksToPmove( areanode_t *node, const vec3_t pmove_mins, const vec3_t pmove_maxs ) { link_t *l, *next; edict_t *check, *pl; vec3_t mins, maxs; physent_t *pe; pl = EDICT_NUM( svgame.pmove->player_index + 1 ); ASSERT( SV_IsValidEdict( pl )); // touch linked edicts for( l = node->solid_edicts.next; l != &node->solid_edicts; l = next ) { next = l->next; check = EDICT_FROM_AREA( l ); if( check->v.groupinfo != 0 ) { if(( !svs.groupop && (check->v.groupinfo & pl->v.groupinfo ) == 0) || ( svs.groupop == 1 && ( check->v.groupinfo & pl->v.groupinfo ) != 0 )) continue; } if( check->v.owner == pl || check->v.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER ) continue; // player or player's own missile if( svgame.pmove->numvisent < MAX_PHYSENTS ) { pe = &svgame.pmove->visents[svgame.pmove->numvisent]; if( SV_CopyEdictToPhysEnt( pe, check )) svgame.pmove->numvisent++; } if( check->v.solid == SOLID_NOT && ( check->v.skin == CONTENTS_NONE || check->v.modelindex == 0 )) continue; // ignore monsterclip brushes if(( check->v.flags & FL_MONSTERCLIP ) && check->v.solid == SOLID_BSP ) continue; if( check == pl ) continue; // himself if((( check->v.flags & FL_CLIENT ) && check->v.health <= 0 ) || check->v.deadflag == DEAD_DEAD ) continue; // dead body if( VectorIsNull( check->v.size )) continue; VectorCopy( check->v.absmin, mins ); VectorCopy( check->v.absmax, maxs ); if( check->v.flags & FL_CLIENT ) { // trying to get interpolated values SV_GetTrueMinMax( svs.currentPlayer, ( NUM_FOR_EDICT( check ) - 1), mins, maxs ); } if( !BoundsIntersect( pmove_mins, pmove_maxs, mins, maxs )) continue; if( svgame.pmove->numphysent < MAX_PHYSENTS ) { pe = &svgame.pmove->physents[svgame.pmove->numphysent]; if( SV_CopyEdictToPhysEnt( pe, check )) svgame.pmove->numphysent++; } } // recurse down both sides if( node->axis == -1 ) return; if( pmove_maxs[node->axis] > node->dist ) SV_AddLinksToPmove( node->children[0], pmove_mins, pmove_maxs ); if( pmove_mins[node->axis] < node->dist ) SV_AddLinksToPmove( node->children[1], pmove_mins, pmove_maxs ); } /* ==================== SV_AddLaddersToPmove ==================== */ void SV_AddLaddersToPmove( areanode_t *node, const vec3_t pmove_mins, const vec3_t pmove_maxs ) { link_t *l, *next; edict_t *check; physent_t *pe; // get water edicts for( l = node->water_edicts.next; l != &node->water_edicts; l = next ) { next = l->next; check = EDICT_FROM_AREA( l ); if( check->v.solid != SOLID_NOT ) // disabled ? continue; // only brushes can have special contents if( Mod_GetType( check->v.modelindex ) != mod_brush ) continue; if( !BoundsIntersect( pmove_mins, pmove_maxs, check->v.absmin, check->v.absmax )) continue; if( svgame.pmove->nummoveent == MAX_MOVEENTS ) return; pe = &svgame.pmove->moveents[svgame.pmove->nummoveent]; if( SV_CopyEdictToPhysEnt( pe, check )) svgame.pmove->nummoveent++; } // recurse down both sides if( node->axis == -1 ) return; if( pmove_maxs[node->axis] > node->dist ) SV_AddLaddersToPmove( node->children[0], pmove_mins, pmove_maxs ); if( pmove_mins[node->axis] < node->dist ) SV_AddLaddersToPmove( node->children[1], pmove_mins, pmove_maxs ); } static void pfnParticle( float *origin, int color, float life, int zpos, int zvel ) { int v; if( !origin ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SV_StartParticle: NULL origin. Ignored\n" ); return; } BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, svc_particle ); BF_WriteBitVec3Coord( &sv.reliable_datagram, origin ); BF_WriteChar( &sv.reliable_datagram, 0 ); // no x-vel BF_WriteChar( &sv.reliable_datagram, 0 ); // no y-vel v = bound( -128, (zpos * zvel) * 16, 127 ); BF_WriteChar( &sv.reliable_datagram, v ); // write z-vel BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, 1 ); BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, color ); BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, bound( 0, life * 8, 255 )); } static int pfnTestPlayerPosition( float *pos, pmtrace_t *ptrace ) { return PM_TestPlayerPosition( svgame.pmove, pos, ptrace, NULL ); } static void pfnStuckTouch( int hitent, pmtrace_t *tr ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < svgame.pmove->numtouch; i++ ) { if( svgame.pmove->touchindex[i].ent == hitent ) break; } if( i != svgame.pmove->numtouch ) return; if( svgame.pmove->numtouch >= MAX_PHYSENTS ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "PM_StuckTouch: MAX_TOUCHENTS limit exceeded\n" ); return; } VectorCopy( svgame.pmove->velocity, tr->deltavelocity ); tr->ent = hitent; svgame.pmove->touchindex[svgame.pmove->numtouch++] = *tr; } static int pfnPointContents( float *p, int *truecontents ) { int cont, truecont; truecont = cont = SV_TruePointContents( p ); if( truecontents ) *truecontents = truecont; if( cont <= CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 && cont >= CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN ) cont = CONTENTS_WATER; return cont; } static int pfnTruePointContents( float *p ) { return SV_TruePointContents( p ); } static int pfnHullPointContents( struct hull_s *hull, int num, float *p ) { return PM_HullPointContents( hull, num, p ); } static pmtrace_t pfnPlayerTrace( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, int ignore_pe ) { return PM_PlayerTraceExt( svgame.pmove, start, end, traceFlags, svgame.pmove->numphysent, svgame.pmove->physents, ignore_pe, NULL ); } static pmtrace_t *pfnTraceLine( float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehull, int ignore_pe ) { static pmtrace_t tr; int old_usehull; old_usehull = svgame.pmove->usehull; svgame.pmove->usehull = usehull; switch( flags ) { case PM_TRACELINE_PHYSENTSONLY: tr = PM_PlayerTraceExt( svgame.pmove, start, end, 0, svgame.pmove->numphysent, svgame.pmove->physents, ignore_pe, NULL ); break; case PM_TRACELINE_ANYVISIBLE: tr = PM_PlayerTraceExt( svgame.pmove, start, end, 0, svgame.pmove->numvisent, svgame.pmove->visents, ignore_pe, NULL ); break; } svgame.pmove->usehull = old_usehull; return &tr; } static hull_t *pfnHullForBsp( physent_t *pe, float *offset ) { return PM_HullForBsp( pe, svgame.pmove, offset ); } static float pfnTraceModel( physent_t *pe, float *start, float *end, trace_t *trace ) { int old_usehull; vec3_t start_l, end_l; vec3_t offset, temp; qboolean rotated; matrix4x4 matrix; hull_t *hull; old_usehull = svgame.pmove->usehull; svgame.pmove->usehull = 2; hull = PM_HullForBsp( pe, svgame.pmove, offset ); svgame.pmove->usehull = old_usehull; if( pe->solid == SOLID_BSP && !VectorIsNull( pe->angles )) rotated = true; else rotated = false; if( rotated ) { Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( matrix, pe->angles, offset, 1.0f ); Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, start, start_l ); Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, end, end_l ); } else { VectorSubtract( start, offset, start_l ); VectorSubtract( end, offset, end_l ); } SV_RecursiveHullCheck( hull, hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, start_l, end_l, trace ); trace->ent = NULL; if( rotated ) { VectorCopy( trace->plane.normal, temp ); Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane( matrix, temp, trace->plane.dist, trace->plane.normal, &trace->plane.dist ); } VectorLerp( start, trace->fraction, end, trace->endpos ); return trace->fraction; } static const char *pfnTraceTexture( int ground, float *vstart, float *vend ) { physent_t *pe; if( ground < 0 || ground >= svgame.pmove->numphysent ) return NULL; // bad ground pe = &svgame.pmove->physents[ground]; return PM_TraceTexture( pe, vstart, vend ); } static void pfnPlaySound( int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch ) { edict_t *ent; ent = EDICT_NUM( svgame.pmove->player_index + 1 ); if( !SV_IsValidEdict( ent )) return; SV_StartSound( ent, channel, sample, volume, attenuation, fFlags, pitch ); } static void pfnPlaybackEventFull( int flags, int clientindex, word eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 ) { edict_t *ent; ent = EDICT_NUM( clientindex + 1 ); if( !SV_IsValidEdict( ent )) return; if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) flags |= FEV_NOTHOST; // no local clients for dedicated server SV_PlaybackEventFull( flags, ent, eventindex, delay, origin, angles, fparam1, fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2 ); } static pmtrace_t pfnPlayerTraceEx( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, pfnIgnore pmFilter ) { return PM_PlayerTraceExt( svgame.pmove, start, end, traceFlags, svgame.pmove->numphysent, svgame.pmove->physents, -1, pmFilter ); } static int pfnTestPlayerPositionEx( float *pos, pmtrace_t *ptrace, pfnIgnore pmFilter ) { return PM_TestPlayerPosition( svgame.pmove, pos, ptrace, pmFilter ); } static pmtrace_t *pfnTraceLineEx( float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehull, pfnIgnore pmFilter ) { static pmtrace_t tr; int old_usehull; old_usehull = svgame.pmove->usehull; svgame.pmove->usehull = usehull; switch( flags ) { case PM_TRACELINE_PHYSENTSONLY: tr = PM_PlayerTraceExt( svgame.pmove, start, end, 0, svgame.pmove->numphysent, svgame.pmove->physents, -1, pmFilter ); break; case PM_TRACELINE_ANYVISIBLE: tr = PM_PlayerTraceExt( svgame.pmove, start, end, 0, svgame.pmove->numvisent, svgame.pmove->visents, -1, pmFilter ); break; } svgame.pmove->usehull = old_usehull; return &tr; } /* =============== SV_InitClientMove =============== */ void SV_InitClientMove( void ) { int i; Pmove_Init (); svgame.pmove->server = true; svgame.pmove->movevars = &svgame.movevars; svgame.pmove->runfuncs = false; Mod_SetupHulls( svgame.player_mins, svgame.player_maxs ); // enumerate client hulls for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( svgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetHullBounds( i, svgame.player_mins[i], svgame.player_maxs[i] )) MsgDev( D_NOTE, "SV: hull%i, player_mins: %g %g %g, player_maxs: %g %g %g\n", i, svgame.player_mins[i][0], svgame.player_mins[i][1], svgame.player_mins[i][2], svgame.player_maxs[i][0], svgame.player_maxs[i][1], svgame.player_maxs[i][2] ); } Q_memcpy( svgame.pmove->player_mins, svgame.player_mins, sizeof( svgame.player_mins )); Q_memcpy( svgame.pmove->player_maxs, svgame.player_maxs, sizeof( svgame.player_maxs )); // common utilities svgame.pmove->PM_Info_ValueForKey = Info_ValueForKey; svgame.pmove->PM_Particle = pfnParticle; svgame.pmove->PM_TestPlayerPosition = pfnTestPlayerPosition; svgame.pmove->Con_NPrintf = Con_NPrintf; svgame.pmove->Con_DPrintf = Con_DPrintf; svgame.pmove->Con_Printf = Con_Printf; svgame.pmove->Sys_FloatTime = Sys_DoubleTime; svgame.pmove->PM_StuckTouch = pfnStuckTouch; svgame.pmove->PM_PointContents = pfnPointContents; svgame.pmove->PM_TruePointContents = pfnTruePointContents; svgame.pmove->PM_HullPointContents = pfnHullPointContents; svgame.pmove->PM_PlayerTrace = pfnPlayerTrace; svgame.pmove->PM_TraceLine = pfnTraceLine; svgame.pmove->RandomLong = Com_RandomLong; svgame.pmove->RandomFloat = Com_RandomFloat; svgame.pmove->PM_GetModelType = pfnGetModelType; svgame.pmove->PM_GetModelBounds = pfnGetModelBounds; svgame.pmove->PM_HullForBsp = pfnHullForBsp; svgame.pmove->PM_TraceModel = pfnTraceModel; svgame.pmove->COM_FileSize = COM_FileSize; svgame.pmove->COM_LoadFile = COM_LoadFile; svgame.pmove->COM_FreeFile = COM_FreeFile; svgame.pmove->memfgets = COM_MemFgets; svgame.pmove->PM_PlaySound = pfnPlaySound; svgame.pmove->PM_TraceTexture = pfnTraceTexture; svgame.pmove->PM_PlaybackEventFull = pfnPlaybackEventFull; svgame.pmove->PM_PlayerTraceEx = pfnPlayerTraceEx; svgame.pmove->PM_TestPlayerPositionEx = pfnTestPlayerPositionEx; svgame.pmove->PM_TraceLineEx = pfnTraceLineEx; // initalize pmove svgame.dllFuncs.pfnPM_Init( svgame.pmove ); } static void PM_CheckMovingGround( edict_t *ent, float frametime ) { if( svgame.physFuncs.SV_UpdatePlayerBaseVelocity != NULL ) { svgame.physFuncs.SV_UpdatePlayerBaseVelocity( ent ); } else { SV_UpdateBaseVelocity( ent ); } if(!( ent->v.flags & FL_BASEVELOCITY )) { // apply momentum (add in half of the previous frame of velocity first) VectorMA( ent->v.velocity, 1.0f + (frametime * 0.5f), ent->v.basevelocity, ent->v.velocity ); VectorClear( ent->v.basevelocity ); } ent->v.flags &= ~FL_BASEVELOCITY; } static void SV_SetupPMove( playermove_t *pmove, sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *ucmd, const char *physinfo ) { vec3_t absmin, absmax; edict_t *clent = cl->edict; int i; svgame.globals->frametime = (ucmd->msec * 0.001f); pmove->player_index = NUM_FOR_EDICT( clent ) - 1; pmove->multiplayer = (sv_maxclients->integer > 1) ? true : false; pmove->time = cl->timebase; // probably never used VectorCopy( clent->v.origin, pmove->origin ); VectorCopy( clent->v.v_angle, pmove->angles ); VectorCopy( clent->v.v_angle, pmove->oldangles ); VectorCopy( clent->v.velocity, pmove->velocity ); VectorCopy( clent->v.basevelocity, pmove->basevelocity ); VectorCopy( clent->v.view_ofs, pmove->view_ofs ); VectorClear( pmove->movedir ); pmove->flDuckTime = clent->v.flDuckTime; pmove->bInDuck = clent->v.bInDuck; pmove->usehull = (clent->v.flags & FL_DUCKING) ? 1 : 0; // reset hull pmove->flTimeStepSound = clent->v.flTimeStepSound; pmove->iStepLeft = clent->v.iStepLeft; pmove->flFallVelocity = clent->v.flFallVelocity; pmove->flSwimTime = clent->v.flSwimTime; VectorCopy( clent->v.punchangle, pmove->punchangle ); pmove->flSwimTime = clent->v.flSwimTime; pmove->flNextPrimaryAttack = 0.0f; // not used by PM_ code pmove->effects = clent->v.effects; pmove->flags = clent->v.flags; pmove->gravity = clent->v.gravity; pmove->friction = clent->v.friction; pmove->oldbuttons = clent->v.oldbuttons; pmove->waterjumptime = clent->v.teleport_time; pmove->dead = (clent->v.health <= 0.0f ) ? true : false; pmove->deadflag = clent->v.deadflag; pmove->spectator = 0; // spectator physic all execute on client pmove->movetype = clent->v.movetype; if( pmove->multiplayer ) pmove->onground = -1; pmove->waterlevel = clent->v.waterlevel; pmove->watertype = clent->v.watertype; pmove->maxspeed = svgame.movevars.maxspeed; pmove->clientmaxspeed = clent->v.maxspeed; pmove->iuser1 = clent->v.iuser1; pmove->iuser2 = clent->v.iuser2; pmove->iuser3 = clent->v.iuser3; pmove->iuser4 = clent->v.iuser4; pmove->fuser1 = clent->v.fuser1; pmove->fuser2 = clent->v.fuser2; pmove->fuser3 = clent->v.fuser3; pmove->fuser4 = clent->v.fuser4; VectorCopy( clent->v.vuser1, pmove->vuser1 ); VectorCopy( clent->v.vuser2, pmove->vuser2 ); VectorCopy( clent->v.vuser3, pmove->vuser3 ); VectorCopy( clent->v.vuser4, pmove->vuser4 ); pmove->cmd = *ucmd; // setup current cmds pmove->runfuncs = true; Q_strncpy( pmove->physinfo, physinfo, MAX_INFO_STRING ); // setup physents pmove->numvisent = 0; pmove->numphysent = 0; pmove->nummoveent = 0; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { absmin[i] = clent->v.origin[i] - 256; absmax[i] = clent->v.origin[i] + 256; } SV_CopyEdictToPhysEnt( &svgame.pmove->physents[0], &svgame.edicts[0] ); svgame.pmove->visents[0] = svgame.pmove->physents[0]; svgame.pmove->numphysent = 1; // always have world svgame.pmove->numvisent = 1; SV_AddLinksToPmove( sv_areanodes, absmin, absmax ); SV_AddLaddersToPmove( sv_areanodes, absmin, absmax ); } static void SV_FinishPMove( playermove_t *pmove, sv_client_t *cl ) { edict_t *clent = cl->edict; clent->v.teleport_time = pmove->waterjumptime; VectorCopy( pmove->origin, clent->v.origin ); VectorCopy( pmove->view_ofs, clent->v.view_ofs ); VectorCopy( pmove->velocity, clent->v.velocity ); VectorCopy( pmove->basevelocity, clent->v.basevelocity ); VectorCopy( pmove->punchangle, clent->v.punchangle ); clent->v.flFallVelocity = pmove->flFallVelocity; clent->v.oldbuttons = pmove->oldbuttons; clent->v.waterlevel = pmove->waterlevel; clent->v.watertype = pmove->watertype; clent->v.flTimeStepSound = pmove->flTimeStepSound; clent->v.flDuckTime = pmove->flDuckTime; clent->v.flSwimTime = pmove->flSwimTime; clent->v.iStepLeft = pmove->iStepLeft; clent->v.movetype = pmove->movetype; clent->v.friction = pmove->friction; clent->v.bInDuck = pmove->bInDuck; clent->v.gravity = pmove->gravity; clent->v.flags = pmove->flags; // copy back user variables clent->v.iuser1 = pmove->iuser1; clent->v.iuser2 = pmove->iuser2; clent->v.iuser3 = pmove->iuser3; clent->v.iuser4 = pmove->iuser4; clent->v.fuser1 = pmove->fuser1; clent->v.fuser2 = pmove->fuser2; clent->v.fuser3 = pmove->fuser3; clent->v.fuser4 = pmove->fuser4; VectorCopy( pmove->vuser1, clent->v.vuser1 ); VectorCopy( pmove->vuser2, clent->v.vuser2 ); VectorCopy( pmove->vuser3, clent->v.vuser3 ); VectorCopy( pmove->vuser4, clent->v.vuser4 ); if( svgame.pmove->onground == -1 ) { clent->v.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; } else if( pmove->onground >= 0 && pmove->onground < pmove->numphysent ) { clent->v.flags |= FL_ONGROUND; clent->v.groundentity = EDICT_NUM( svgame.pmove->physents[svgame.pmove->onground].info ); } // angles // show 1/3 the pitch angle and all the roll angle if( !clent->v.fixangle ) { VectorCopy( pmove->angles, clent->v.v_angle ); clent->v.angles[PITCH] = -( clent->v.v_angle[PITCH] / 3.0f ); clent->v.angles[ROLL] = clent->v.v_angle[ROLL]; clent->v.angles[YAW] = clent->v.v_angle[YAW]; } SV_SetMinMaxSize( clent, pmove->player_mins[pmove->usehull], pmove->player_maxs[pmove->usehull] ); // all next calls ignore footstep sounds pmove->runfuncs = false; } entity_state_t *SV_FindEntInPack( int index, client_frame_t *frame ) { entity_state_t *state; int i; for( i = 0; i < frame->num_entities; i++ ) { state = &svs.packet_entities[(frame->first_entity+i)%svs.num_client_entities]; if( state->number == index ) return state; } return NULL; } qboolean SV_UnlagCheckTeleport( vec3_t old_pos, vec3_t new_pos ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( fabs( old_pos[i] - new_pos[i] ) > 50 ) return true; } return false; } void SV_SetupMoveInterpolant( sv_client_t *cl ) { int i, j, clientnum; float finalpush, lerp_msec; float latency, temp, lerpFrac; client_frame_t *frame, *frame2; entity_state_t *state, *lerpstate; vec3_t curpos, newpos; sv_client_t *check; sv_interp_t *lerp; Q_memset( svgame.interp, 0, sizeof( svgame.interp )); has_update = false; // don't allow unlag in singleplayer if( sv_maxclients->integer <= 1 || cl->state != cs_spawned ) return; // unlag disabled by game request if( !svgame.dllFuncs.pfnAllowLagCompensation() || !sv_unlag->integer ) return; // unlag disabled for current client if( !cl->local_weapons || !cl->lag_compensation ) return; has_update = true; for( i = 0, check = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, check++ ) { if( check->state != cs_spawned || check == cl ) continue; lerp = &svgame.interp[i]; VectorCopy( check->edict->v.origin, lerp->oldpos ); VectorCopy( check->edict->v.absmin, lerp->mins ); VectorCopy( check->edict->v.absmax, lerp->maxs ); lerp->active = true; } if( cl->latency > 1.5f ) latency = 1.5f; else latency = cl->latency; temp = sv_maxunlag->value; if( temp > 0 && latency > temp ) latency = temp; lerp_msec = cl->lastcmd.lerp_msec * 0.001f; if( lerp_msec > 0.1f ) lerp_msec = 0.1f; if( lerp_msec < cl->cl_updaterate ) lerp_msec = cl->cl_updaterate; finalpush = sv_unlagpush->value + (( host.realtime - latency ) - lerp_msec ); if( finalpush > host.realtime ) finalpush = host.realtime; frame = NULL; for( frame2 = NULL, i = 0; i < SV_UPDATE_BACKUP; i++, frame2 = frame ) { frame = &cl->frames[(cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1) & SV_UPDATE_MASK]; for( j = 0; j < frame->num_entities; j++ ) { state = &svs.packet_entities[(frame->first_entity+j)%svs.num_client_entities]; if( state->number <= 0 || state->number >= sv_maxclients->integer ) continue; // you know, jge doesn't sound right given how the indexing normally works. lerp = &svgame.interp[state->number-1]; if( lerp->nointerp ) continue; if( state->health <= 0 || ( state->effects & EF_NOINTERP )) lerp->nointerp = true; if( !lerp->firstframe ) lerp->firstframe = true; else if( SV_UnlagCheckTeleport( state->origin, lerp->finalpos )) lerp->nointerp = true; VectorCopy( state->origin, lerp->finalpos ); } if( finalpush > frame->senttime ) break; } if( i == SV_UPDATE_BACKUP || finalpush - frame->senttime > 1.0 ) { Q_memset( svgame.interp, 0, sizeof( svgame.interp )); has_update = false; return; } if( !frame2 ) { frame2 = frame; lerpFrac = 0; } else { if( frame2->senttime - frame->senttime == 0.0 ) { lerpFrac = 0; } else { lerpFrac = (finalpush - frame->senttime) / (frame2->senttime - frame->senttime); lerpFrac = bound( 0.0f, lerpFrac, 1.0f ); } } for( i = 0; i < frame->num_entities; i++ ) { state = &svs.packet_entities[(frame->first_entity+i)%svs.num_client_entities]; if( state->number <= 0 || state->number >= sv_maxclients->integer ) continue; clientnum = state->number - 1; check = &svs.clients[clientnum]; if( check->state != cs_spawned || check == cl ) continue; lerp = &svgame.interp[clientnum]; if( !lerp->active || lerp->nointerp ) continue; lerpstate = SV_FindEntInPack( state->number, frame2 ); if( !lerpstate ) { VectorCopy( state->origin, curpos ); } else { VectorSubtract( lerpstate->origin, state->origin, newpos ); VectorMA( state->origin, lerpFrac, newpos, curpos ); } VectorCopy( curpos, lerp->curpos ); VectorCopy( curpos, lerp->newpos ); if( !VectorCompare( curpos, check->edict->v.origin )) { VectorCopy( curpos, check->edict->v.origin ); SV_LinkEdict( check->edict, false ); lerp->moving = true; } } } void SV_RestoreMoveInterpolant( sv_client_t *cl ) { sv_client_t *check; sv_interp_t *oldlerp; int i; if( !has_update ) { has_update = true; return; } // don't allow unlag in singleplayer if( sv_maxclients->integer <= 1 || cl->state != cs_spawned ) return; // unlag disabled by game request if( !svgame.dllFuncs.pfnAllowLagCompensation() || !sv_unlag->integer ) return; // unlag disabled for current client if( !cl->local_weapons || !cl->lag_compensation ) return; for( i = 0, check = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, check++ ) { if( check->state != cs_spawned || check == cl ) continue; oldlerp = &svgame.interp[i]; if( VectorCompare( oldlerp->oldpos, oldlerp->newpos )) continue; // they didn't actually move. if( !oldlerp->moving || !oldlerp->active ) return; if( VectorCompare( oldlerp->curpos, check->edict->v.origin )) { VectorCopy( oldlerp->oldpos, check->edict->v.origin ); SV_LinkEdict( check->edict, false ); } } } /* =========== SV_RunCmd =========== */ void SV_RunCmd( sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *ucmd, int random_seed ) { usercmd_t lastcmd; edict_t *clent, *touch; double frametime; int i, oldmsec; pmtrace_t *pmtrace; trace_t trace; vec3_t oldvel; clent = cl->edict; if( cl->next_movetime > host.realtime ) { cl->last_movetime += ( ucmd->msec * 0.001f ); return; } cl->next_movetime = 0.0; // chop up very long commands if( ucmd->msec > 50 ) { lastcmd = *ucmd; oldmsec = ucmd->msec; lastcmd.msec = oldmsec / 2; SV_RunCmd( cl, &lastcmd, random_seed ); lastcmd.msec = oldmsec / 2 + (oldmsec & 1); // give them back thier msec. lastcmd.impulse = 0; SV_RunCmd( cl, &lastcmd, random_seed ); return; } if( !cl->fakeclient ) { SV_SetupMoveInterpolant( cl ); } lastcmd = *ucmd; svgame.dllFuncs.pfnCmdStart( cl->edict, ucmd, random_seed ); frametime = ucmd->msec * 0.001; cl->timebase += frametime; cl->last_movetime += frametime; PM_CheckMovingGround( clent, frametime ); VectorCopy( clent->v.v_angle, svgame.pmove->oldangles ); // save oldangles if( !clent->v.fixangle ) VectorCopy( ucmd->viewangles, clent->v.v_angle ); VectorClear( clent->v.clbasevelocity ); // copy player buttons clent->v.button = ucmd->buttons; if( ucmd->impulse ) clent->v.impulse = ucmd->impulse; if( ucmd->impulse == 204 ) { // force client.dll update SV_RefreshUserinfo(); } svgame.globals->time = cl->timebase; svgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerPreThink( clent ); SV_PlayerRunThink( clent, frametime, cl->timebase ); // If conveyor, or think, set basevelocity, then send to client asap too. if( !VectorIsNull( clent->v.basevelocity )) VectorCopy( clent->v.basevelocity, clent->v.clbasevelocity ); // setup playermove state SV_SetupPMove( svgame.pmove, cl, ucmd, cl->physinfo ); // motor! svgame.dllFuncs.pfnPM_Move( svgame.pmove, true ); // copy results back to client SV_FinishPMove( svgame.pmove, cl ); // link into place and touch triggers SV_LinkEdict( clent, true ); VectorCopy( clent->v.velocity, oldvel ); // save velocity // touch other objects for( i = 0; i < svgame.pmove->numtouch; i++ ) { // never touch the objects when "playersonly" is active if( i == MAX_PHYSENTS || ( sv.hostflags & SVF_PLAYERSONLY )) break; pmtrace = &svgame.pmove->touchindex[i]; touch = EDICT_NUM( svgame.pmove->physents[pmtrace->ent].info ); if( touch == clent ) continue; VectorCopy( pmtrace->deltavelocity, clent->v.velocity ); SV_ConvertPMTrace( &trace, pmtrace, touch ); SV_Impact( touch, clent, &trace ); } // restore velocity VectorCopy( oldvel, clent->v.velocity ); svgame.pmove->numtouch = 0; svgame.globals->time = cl->timebase; svgame.globals->frametime = frametime; // run post-think svgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerPostThink( clent ); svgame.dllFuncs.pfnCmdEnd( clent ); if( !cl->fakeclient ) { SV_RestoreMoveInterpolant( cl ); } }