//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2010 © // cl_menu.c - menu dlls interaction //======================================================================= #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "const.h" #include "gl_local.h" static void UI_UpdateUserinfo( void ); menu_static_t menu; void UI_UpdateMenu( float realtime ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnRedraw( realtime ); UI_UpdateUserinfo(); Con_DrawVersion(); } void UI_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnKeyEvent( key, down ); } void UI_MouseMove( int x, int y ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnMouseMove( x, y ); } void UI_SetActiveMenu( qboolean fActive ) { movie_state_t *cin_state; // don't touch menu state when video is restarted if( !menu.hInstance )//|| host.state == HOST_RESTART ) return; menu.drawLogo = fActive; menu.dllFuncs.pfnSetActiveMenu( fActive ); if( !fActive ) { // close logo when menu is shutdown cin_state = AVI_GetState( CIN_LOGO ); AVI_CloseVideo( cin_state ); } } void UI_AddServerToList( netadr_t adr, const char *info ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnAddServerToList( adr, info ); } void UI_GetCursorPos( int *pos_x, int *pos_y ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnGetCursorPos( pos_x, pos_y ); } void UI_SetCursorPos( int pos_x, int pos_y ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnSetCursorPos( pos_x, pos_y ); } void UI_ShowCursor( qboolean show ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnShowCursor( show ); } qboolean UI_CreditsActive( void ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return 0; return menu.dllFuncs.pfnCreditsActive(); } void UI_CharEvent( int key ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnCharEvent( key ); } qboolean UI_MouseInRect( void ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return 1; return menu.dllFuncs.pfnMouseInRect(); } qboolean UI_IsVisible( void ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return 0; return menu.dllFuncs.pfnIsVisible(); } static void UI_DrawLogo( const char *filename, float x, float y, float width, float height ) { static float cin_time; static int last_frame = -1; byte *cin_data = NULL; movie_state_t *cin_state; int cin_frame; qboolean redraw = false; if( !menu.drawLogo ) return; cin_state = AVI_GetState( CIN_LOGO ); if( !AVI_IsActive( cin_state )) { string path; const char *fullpath; // run cinematic if not com.snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "media/%s", filename ); FS_DefaultExtension( path, ".avi" ); fullpath = FS_GetDiskPath( path ); if( FS_FileExists( path ) && !fullpath ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "couldn't load %s from packfile. Please extract it\n", path ); menu.drawLogo = false; return; } AVI_OpenVideo( cin_state, fullpath, false, false, true ); if( !( AVI_GetVideoInfo( cin_state, &menu.logo_xres, &menu.logo_yres, &menu.logo_length ))) { AVI_CloseVideo( cin_state ); menu.drawLogo = false; return; } cin_time = 0.0f; last_frame = -1; } if( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) { // precache call, don't draw cin_time = 0.0f; last_frame = -1; return; } // advances cinematic time (ignores maxfps and host_framerate settings) cin_time += host.realframetime; // restarts the cinematic if( cin_time > menu.logo_length ) cin_time = 0.0f; // read the next frame cin_frame = AVI_GetVideoFrameNumber( cin_state, cin_time ); if( cin_frame != last_frame ) { cin_data = AVI_GetVideoFrame( cin_state, cin_frame ); last_frame = cin_frame; redraw = true; } pglDisable( GL_BLEND ); pglDepthMask( GL_FALSE ); pglDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST ); pglTexEnvi( GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE ); R_DrawStretchRaw( x, y, width, height, menu.logo_xres, menu.logo_yres, cin_data, redraw ); } static int UI_GetLogoWidth( void ) { return menu.logo_xres; } static int UI_GetLogoHeight( void ) { return menu.logo_yres; } static float UI_GetLogoLength( void ) { return menu.logo_length; } static void UI_UpdateUserinfo( void ) { player_info_t *player; if( !userinfo->modified ) return; player = &menu.playerinfo; com.strncpy( player->userinfo, Cvar_Userinfo(), sizeof( player->userinfo )); com.strncpy( player->name, Info_ValueForKey( player->userinfo, "name" ), sizeof( player->name )); com.strncpy( player->model, Info_ValueForKey( player->userinfo, "model" ), sizeof( player->model )); } void Host_Credits( void ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; menu.dllFuncs.pfnFinalCredits(); } static void UI_ConvertGameInfo( GAMEINFO *out, gameinfo_t *in ) { com.strncpy( out->gamefolder, in->gamefolder, sizeof( out->gamefolder )); com.strncpy( out->startmap, in->startmap, sizeof( out->startmap )); com.strncpy( out->trainmap, in->trainmap, sizeof( out->trainmap )); com.strncpy( out->title, in->title, sizeof( out->title )); com.strncpy( out->version, va( "%g", in->version ), sizeof( out->version )); com.strncpy( out->game_url, in->game_url, sizeof( out->game_url )); com.strncpy( out->update_url, in->update_url, sizeof( out->update_url )); com.strncpy( out->size, com.pretifymem( in->size, 0 ), sizeof( out->size )); com.strncpy( out->type, in->type, sizeof( out->type )); com.strncpy( out->date, in->date, sizeof( out->date )); out->gamemode = in->gamemode; } static qboolean PIC_Scissor( float *x, float *y, float *width, float *height, float *u0, float *v0, float *u1, float *v1 ) { float dudx, dvdy; // clip sub rect to sprite if(( width == 0 ) || ( height == 0 )) return false; if( *x + *width <= menu.ds.scissor_x ) return false; if( *x >= menu.ds.scissor_x + menu.ds.scissor_width ) return false; if( *y + *height <= menu.ds.scissor_y ) return false; if( *y >= menu.ds.scissor_y + menu.ds.scissor_height ) return false; dudx = (*u1 - *u0) / *width; dvdy = (*v1 - *v0) / *height; if( *x < menu.ds.scissor_x ) { *u0 += (menu.ds.scissor_x - *x) * dudx; *width -= menu.ds.scissor_x - *x; *x = menu.ds.scissor_x; } if( *x + *width > menu.ds.scissor_x + menu.ds.scissor_width ) { *u1 -= (*x + *width - (menu.ds.scissor_x + menu.ds.scissor_width)) * dudx; *width = menu.ds.scissor_x + menu.ds.scissor_width - *x; } if( *y < menu.ds.scissor_y ) { *v0 += (menu.ds.scissor_y - *y) * dvdy; *height -= menu.ds.scissor_y - *y; *y = menu.ds.scissor_y; } if( *y + *height > menu.ds.scissor_y + menu.ds.scissor_height ) { *v1 -= (*y + *height - (menu.ds.scissor_y + menu.ds.scissor_height)) * dvdy; *height = menu.ds.scissor_y + menu.ds.scissor_height - *y; } return true; } /* ==================== PIC_DrawGeneric draw hudsprite routine ==================== */ static void PIC_DrawGeneric( float x, float y, float width, float height, const wrect_t *prc ) { float s1, s2, t1, t2; if( width == -1 && height == -1 ) { int w, h; // assume we get sizes from image R_GetTextureParms( &w, &h, menu.ds.gl_texturenum ); width = w; height = h; } if( prc ) { // calc user-defined rectangle s1 = (float)prc->left / width; t1 = (float)prc->top / height; s2 = (float)prc->right / width; t2 = (float)prc->bottom / height; width = prc->right - prc->left; height = prc->bottom - prc->top; } else { s1 = t1 = 0.0f; s2 = t2 = 1.0f; } // pass scissor test if supposed if( menu.ds.scissor_test && !PIC_Scissor( &x, &y, &width, &height, &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2 )) return; R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, s1, t1, s2, t2, menu.ds.gl_texturenum ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* =============================================================================== MainUI Builtin Functions =============================================================================== */ /* ========= pfnPIC_Load ========= */ static HIMAGE pfnPIC_Load( const char *szPicName, const byte *image_buf, long image_size ) { if( !szPicName || !*szPicName ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CL_LoadImage: bad name!\n" ); return 0; } return GL_LoadTexture( szPicName, image_buf, image_size, TF_IMAGE ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_Free ========= */ static void pfnPIC_Free( const char *szPicName ) { GL_FreeImage( szPicName ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_Width ========= */ static int pfnPIC_Width( HIMAGE hPic ) { int picWidth; R_GetTextureParms( &picWidth, NULL, hPic ); return picWidth; } /* ========= pfnPIC_Height ========= */ static int pfnPIC_Height( HIMAGE hPic ) { int picHeight; R_GetTextureParms( NULL, &picHeight, hPic ); return picHeight; } /* ========= pfnPIC_Set ========= */ void pfnPIC_Set( HIMAGE hPic, int r, int g, int b, int a ) { menu.ds.gl_texturenum = hPic; r = bound( 0, r, 255 ); g = bound( 0, g, 255 ); b = bound( 0, b, 255 ); a = bound( 0, a, 255 ); pglColor4ub( r, g, b, a ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_Draw ========= */ void pfnPIC_Draw( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderNormal ); PIC_DrawGeneric( x, y, width, height, prc ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_DrawTrans ========= */ void pfnPIC_DrawTrans( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); PIC_DrawGeneric( x, y, width, height, prc ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_DrawHoles ========= */ void pfnPIC_DrawHoles( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAlpha ); PIC_DrawGeneric( x, y, width, height, prc ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_DrawAdditive ========= */ void pfnPIC_DrawAdditive( int x, int y, int width, int height, const wrect_t *prc ) { GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAdd ); PIC_DrawGeneric( x, y, width, height, prc ); } /* ========= pfnPIC_EnableScissor ========= */ static void pfnPIC_EnableScissor( int x, int y, int width, int height ) { // check bounds x = bound( 0, x, menu.globals->scrWidth ); y = bound( 0, y, menu.globals->scrHeight ); width = bound( 0, width, menu.globals->scrWidth - x ); height = bound( 0, height, menu.globals->scrHeight - y ); menu.ds.scissor_x = x; menu.ds.scissor_width = width; menu.ds.scissor_y = y; menu.ds.scissor_height = height; menu.ds.scissor_test = true; } /* ========= pfnPIC_DisableScissor ========= */ static void pfnPIC_DisableScissor( void ) { menu.ds.scissor_x = 0; menu.ds.scissor_width = 0; menu.ds.scissor_y = 0; menu.ds.scissor_height = 0; menu.ds.scissor_test = false; } /* ============= pfnFillRGBA ============= */ static void pfnFillRGBA( int x, int y, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b, int a ) { r = bound( 0, r, 255 ); g = bound( 0, g, 255 ); b = bound( 0, b, 255 ); a = bound( 0, a, 255 ); pglColor4ub( r, g, b, a ); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, cls.fillImage ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ============= pfnClientCmd ============= */ static void pfnClientCmd( int execute_now, const char *szCmdString ) { int when; if( execute_now ) when = EXEC_NOW; else when = EXEC_APPEND; // client command executes immediately Cbuf_ExecuteText( when, szCmdString ); } /* ============= pfnPlaySound ============= */ static void pfnPlaySound( const char *szSound ) { if( !szSound || !*szSound ) return; S_StartLocalSound( szSound ); } /* ============= pfnDrawCharacter quakefont draw character ============= */ static void pfnDrawCharacter( int x, int y, int width, int height, int ch, int ulRGBA, HIMAGE hFont ) { rgba_t color; float row, col, size; ch &= 255; if( ch == ' ' ) return; if( y < -height ) return; color[3] = (ulRGBA & 0xFF000000) >> 24; color[0] = (ulRGBA & 0xFF0000) >> 16; color[1] = (ulRGBA & 0xFF00) >> 8; color[2] = (ulRGBA & 0xFF) >> 0; pglColor4ubv( color ); col = (ch & 15) * 0.0625 + (0.5f / 256.0f); row = (ch >> 4) * 0.0625 + (0.5f / 256.0f); size = 0.0625f - (1.0f / 256.0f); GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, col, row, col + size, row + size, hFont ); pglColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } /* ============= pfnDrawConsoleString drawing string like a console string ============= */ static int pfnDrawConsoleString( int x, int y, const char *string ) { int drawLen; if( !string || !*string ) return 0; // silent ignore drawLen = Con_DrawString( x, y, string, menu.ds.textColor ); MakeRGBA( menu.ds.textColor, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); return drawLen; // exclude color prexfixes } /* ============= pfnDrawSetTextColor set color for anything ============= */ static void pfnDrawSetTextColor( int r, int g, int b, int alpha ) { // bound color and convert to byte menu.ds.textColor[0] = r; menu.ds.textColor[1] = g; menu.ds.textColor[2] = b; menu.ds.textColor[3] = alpha; } /* ==================== pfnGetPlayerModel for drawing playermodel previews ==================== */ static cl_entity_t* pfnGetPlayerModel( void ) { return &menu.playermodel; } /* ==================== pfnSetPlayerModel for drawing playermodel previews ==================== */ static void pfnSetPlayerModel( cl_entity_t *ent, const char *path ) { Mod_RegisterModel( path, MAX_MODELS - 1 ); ent->curstate.modelindex = MAX_MODELS - 1; ent->model = Mod_Handle( MAX_MODELS - 1 ); } /* ==================== pfnRenderScene for drawing playermodel previews ==================== */ static void pfnRenderScene( const ref_params_t *fd ) { if( !fd || fd->fov_x <= 0.0f || fd->fov_y <= 0.0f ) return; R_RenderFrame( fd, false ); } /* ==================== pfnClientJoin send client connect ==================== */ static void pfnClientJoin( const netadr_t adr ) { Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "connect %s\n", NET_AdrToString( adr ))); } /* ==================== pfnKeyGetOverstrikeMode get global key overstrike state ==================== */ static int pfnKeyGetOverstrikeMode( void ) { return host.key_overstrike; } /* ==================== pfnKeySetOverstrikeMode set global key overstrike mode ==================== */ static void pfnKeySetOverstrikeMode( int fActive ) { host.key_overstrike = fActive; } /* ==================== pfnKeyGetState returns kbutton struct if found ==================== */ static void *pfnKeyGetState( const char *name ) { if( clgame.dllFuncs.KB_Find ) return clgame.dllFuncs.KB_Find( name ); return NULL; } /* ========= pfnMemAlloc ========= */ static void *pfnMemAlloc( size_t cb, const char *filename, const int fileline ) { return com.malloc( menu.mempool, cb, filename, fileline ); } /* ========= pfnMemFree ========= */ static void pfnMemFree( void *mem, const char *filename, const int fileline ) { com.free( mem, filename, fileline ); } /* ========= pfnGetGameInfo ========= */ static int pfnGetGameInfo( GAMEINFO *pgameinfo ) { if( !pgameinfo ) return 0; *pgameinfo = menu.gameInfo; return 1; } /* ========= pfnGetGamesList ========= */ static GAMEINFO **pfnGetGamesList( int *numGames ) { if( numGames ) *numGames = SI->numgames; return menu.modsInfo; } /* ========= pfnGetFilesList release prev search on a next call ========= */ static char **pfnGetFilesList( const char *pattern, int *numFiles, int gamedironly ) { static search_t *t = NULL; if( t ) Mem_Free( t ); // release prev search t = FS_SearchExt( pattern, true, gamedironly ); if( !t ) { if( numFiles ) *numFiles = 0; return NULL; } if( numFiles ) *numFiles = t->numfilenames; return t->filenames; } /* ========= pfnGetClipboardData pointer must be released in call place ========= */ static char *pfnGetClipboardData( void ) { return Sys_GetClipboardData(); } /* ========= pfnCheckGameDll ========= */ int pfnCheckGameDll( void ) { void *hInst; if( SV_Active( )) return true; if(( hInst = FS_LoadLibrary( GI->game_dll, true )) != NULL ) { FS_FreeLibrary( hInst ); return true; } return false; } /* ========= pfnShellExecute ========= */ static void pfnShellExecute( const char *name, const char *args, qboolean closeEngine ) { Sys_ShellExecute( name, args, closeEngine ); } /* ========= pfnChangeInstance ========= */ static void pfnChangeInstance( const char *newInstance, const char *szFinalMessage ) { if( !szFinalMessage ) szFinalMessage = ""; if( !newInstance || !*newInstance ) return; Sys_NewInstance( newInstance, szFinalMessage ); } /* ========= pfnHostNewGame ========= */ static void pfnHostNewGame( const char *mapName ) { if( !mapName || !*mapName ) return; Host_NewGame( mapName, false ); } /* ========= pfnHostEndGame ========= */ static void pfnHostEndGame( const char *szFinalMessage ) { if( !szFinalMessage ) szFinalMessage = ""; Host_EndGame( szFinalMessage ); } // engine callbacks static ui_enginefuncs_t gEngfuncs = { pfnPIC_Load, pfnPIC_Free, pfnPIC_Width, pfnPIC_Height, pfnPIC_Set, pfnPIC_Draw, pfnPIC_DrawHoles, pfnPIC_DrawTrans, pfnPIC_DrawAdditive, pfnPIC_EnableScissor, pfnPIC_DisableScissor, pfnFillRGBA, pfnCvar_RegisterVariable, pfnCVarGetValue, pfnCVarGetString, pfnCVarSetString, pfnCVarSetValue, pfnAddCommand, pfnClientCmd, pfnDelCommand, pfnCmd_Argc, pfnCmd_Argv, pfnCmd_Args, Con_Printf, Con_DPrintf, pfnPlaySound, UI_DrawLogo, UI_GetLogoWidth, UI_GetLogoHeight, UI_GetLogoLength, pfnDrawCharacter, pfnDrawConsoleString, pfnDrawSetTextColor, Con_DrawStringLen, Con_DefaultColor, pfnGetPlayerModel, pfnSetPlayerModel, V_ClearScene, pfnRenderScene, CL_AddEntity, pfnLoadLibrary, pfnGetProcAddress, pfnFreeLibrary, Host_Error, pfnFileExists, pfnGetGameDir, VGui_GetPanel, VGui_ViewportPaintBackground, Cmd_CheckMapsList, CL_Active, pfnClientJoin, pfnLoadFile, COM_ParseFile, pfnFreeFile, Key_ClearStates, Key_SetKeyDest, Key_KeynumToString, Key_GetBinding, Key_SetBinding, Key_IsDown, pfnKeyGetOverstrikeMode, pfnKeySetOverstrikeMode, pfnKeyGetState, pfnMemAlloc, pfnMemFree, pfnGetGameInfo, pfnGetGamesList, pfnGetFilesList, SV_GetComment, CL_GetComment, pfnCheckGameDll, pfnGetClipboardData, pfnShellExecute, Host_WriteServerConfig, pfnChangeInstance, S_StartBackgroundTrack, pfnHostEndGame, pfnRandomFloat, pfnRandomLong, }; void UI_UnloadProgs( void ) { if( !menu.hInstance ) return; // deinitialize game menu.dllFuncs.pfnShutdown(); FS_FreeLibrary( menu.hInstance ); Mem_FreePool( &menu.mempool ); Mem_Set( &menu, 0, sizeof( menu )); } qboolean UI_LoadProgs( const char *name ) { static MENUAPI GetMenuAPI; static ui_enginefuncs_t gpEngfuncs; static ui_globalvars_t gpGlobals; int i; if( menu.hInstance ) UI_UnloadProgs(); // setup globals menu.globals = &gpGlobals; menu.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Menu Pool" ); menu.hInstance = FS_LoadLibrary( name, false ); if( !menu.hInstance ) return false; GetMenuAPI = (MENUAPI)FS_GetProcAddress( menu.hInstance, "GetMenuAPI" ); if( !GetMenuAPI ) { FS_FreeLibrary( menu.hInstance ); MsgDev( D_NOTE, "UI_LoadProgs: failed to get address of GetMenuAPI proc\n" ); menu.hInstance = NULL; return false; } // make local copy of engfuncs to prevent overwrite it with user dll Mem_Copy( &gpEngfuncs, &gEngfuncs, sizeof( gpEngfuncs )); if( !GetMenuAPI( &menu.dllFuncs, &gpEngfuncs, menu.globals )) { FS_FreeLibrary( menu.hInstance ); MsgDev( D_NOTE, "UI_LoadProgs: can't init client API\n" ); menu.hInstance = NULL; return false; } // setup gameinfo for( i = 0; i < SI->numgames; i++ ) { menu.modsInfo[i] = Mem_Alloc( menu.mempool, sizeof( GAMEINFO )); UI_ConvertGameInfo( menu.modsInfo[i], SI->games[i] ); } UI_ConvertGameInfo( &menu.gameInfo, SI->GameInfo ); // current gameinfo // setup globals menu.globals->developer = host.developer; // initialize game menu.dllFuncs.pfnInit(); return true; }