//======================================================================= // Copyright XashXT Group 2007 © // host.c - dedicated and shared host //======================================================================= #include #include #include #include "engine.h" physic_exp_t *Phys; host_parm_t host; // host parms stdlib_api_t std; byte *zonepool; int ActiveApp; bool Minimized; char *buildstring = __TIME__ " " __DATE__; void Key_Init (void); HINSTANCE global_hInstance; dll_info_t physic_dll = { "physic.dll", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, true, sizeof(physic_exp_t) }; cvar_t *timescale; cvar_t *fixedtime; stdlib_api_t Host_GetStdio( bool crash_on_error ) { static stdlib_api_t io; io = std; // overload some funcs io.print = Com_Print; io.printf = Com_Printf; io.dprintf = Com_DPrintf; io.wprintf = Com_DWarnf; if(crash_on_error) io.error = Sys_Error; else io.error = Host_Error; return io; } void Host_InitCommon( uint funcname, int argc, char **argv ) { // TODO: init basedir here FS_LoadGameInfo("gameinfo.txt"); zonepool = Mem_AllocPool("Zone Engine"); } void Host_FreeCommon( void ) { Mem_FreePool( &zonepool ); } void Host_InitPhysic( void ) { static physic_imp_t pi; launch_t CreatePhys; stdlib_api_t io = Host_GetStdio( false ); // phys callback pi.api_size = sizeof(physic_imp_t); pi.Transform = SV_Transform; Sys_LoadLibrary( &physic_dll ); CreatePhys = (void *)physic_dll.main; Phys = CreatePhys( &io, &pi ); Phys->Init(); } void Host_FreePhysic( void ) { if(physic_dll.link) { Phys->Shutdown(); } Sys_FreeLibrary( &physic_dll ); } /* ================ Host_AbortCurrentFrame aborts the current host frame and goes on with the next one ================ */ void Host_AbortCurrentFrame( void ) { longjmp(host.abortframe, 1); } /* ================= Host_Init ================= */ void Host_Init (uint funcname, int argc, char **argv) { char *s; host.state = HOST_INIT; //initialzation started global_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle( NULL ); host.type = funcname; srand(time(NULL)); // init random generator Host_InitCommon( funcname, argc, argv ); // loading common.dll Cmd_Init( argc, argv ); Cvar_Init(); Key_Init(); PRVM_Init(); // get default configuration #if 1 Cbuf_AddText("exec keys.rc\n"); Cbuf_AddText("exec vars.rc\n"); #else Cbuf_AddText("exec default.cfg\n"); Cbuf_AddText("exec config.cfg\n"); #endif Cbuf_Execute(); // init commands and vars Cmd_AddCommand ("error", Host_Error_f); host_speeds = Cvar_Get ("host_speeds", "0", 0); host_frametime = Cvar_Get ("host_frametime", "0.01", 0); timescale = Cvar_Get ("timescale", "1", 0); fixedtime = Cvar_Get ("fixedtime", "0", 0); if(host.type == HOST_DEDICATED) dedicated = Cvar_Get ("dedicated", "1", CVAR_INIT); else dedicated = Cvar_Get ("dedicated", "0", CVAR_INIT); s = va("Xash %g (%s)", XASH_VERSION, BUILDSTRING); Cvar_Get ("version", s, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_INIT); if (dedicated->value) Cmd_AddCommand ("quit", Sys_Quit); NET_Init(); Netchan_Init(); Host_InitPhysic(); SV_Init(); CL_Init(); Cbuf_AddText("exec init.rc\n"); Cbuf_Execute(); // if stuffcmds wasn't run, then init.rc is probably missing, use default if(!host.stuffcmdsrun) Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, "stuffcmds\n" ); Sys_DoubleTime(); // initialize timer } /* ================= Host_Frame ================= */ void Host_Frame (double time) { char *s; static double time_before, time_between, time_after; if (setjmp(host.abortframe)) return; rand(); // keep the random time dependent // get new key events Sys_SendKeyEvents(); do { s = Sys_ConsoleInput (); if(s) Cbuf_AddText (va("%s\n",s)); } while (s); Cbuf_Execute(); // if at a full screen console, don't update unless needed if (Minimized || host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) { Sys_Sleep (1); } if (host_speeds->value) time_before = Sys_DoubleTime(); SV_Frame (time); if (host_speeds->value) time_between = Sys_DoubleTime(); CL_Frame (time); if (host_speeds->value) time_after = Sys_DoubleTime(); if (host_speeds->value) { double all, sv, gm, cl, rf; all = time_after - time_before; sv = time_between - time_before; cl = time_after - time_between; gm = time_after_game - time_before_game; rf = time_after_ref - time_before_ref; sv -= gm; cl -= rf; Msg ("all:%.3f sv:%.3f gm:%.3f cl:%.3f rf:%.3f\n", all, sv, gm, cl, rf); } host.framecount++; } /* ================= Host_Main ================= */ void Host_Main( void ) { static double time, oldtime, newtime; oldtime = host.realtime; // main window message loop while (host.type != HOST_OFFLINE) { oldtime = newtime; newtime = Sys_DoubleTime(); time = newtime - oldtime; Host_Frame (time); // engine frame } host.state = HOST_SHUTDOWN; } /* ================= Host_Shutdown ================= */ void Host_Free (void) { SV_Shutdown ("Server shutdown\n", false); CL_Shutdown (); NET_Shutdown(); Host_FreePhysic(); Host_FreeCommon(); } /* ================= Host_Error ================= */ void Host_Error( const char *error, ... ) { static char hosterror1[MAX_INPUTLINE]; static char hosterror2[MAX_INPUTLINE]; static bool recursive = false; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, error ); vsprintf( hosterror1, error, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); if (host.framecount < 3 || host.state == HOST_SHUTDOWN) Sys_Error ("%s", hosterror1 ); else Msg("Host_Error: %s", hosterror1); if(recursive) { Msg("Host_Error: recursive %s", hosterror2); Sys_Error ("%s", hosterror1); } recursive = true; strncpy(hosterror2, hosterror1, sizeof(hosterror2)); SV_Shutdown (va("Server crashed: %s", hosterror1), false); CL_Drop(); // drop clients recursive = false; Host_AbortCurrentFrame(); host.state = HOST_ERROR; } void Host_Error_f( void ) { Host_Error( "%s\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); }