/* sys_win.c - platform dependent code Copyright (C) 2011 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "mathlib.h" qboolean error_on_exit = false; // arg for exit(); /* ================ Sys_DoubleTime ================ */ double Sys_DoubleTime( void ) { static LARGE_INTEGER g_PerformanceFrequency; static LARGE_INTEGER g_ClockStart; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; if( !g_PerformanceFrequency.QuadPart ) { QueryPerformanceFrequency( &g_PerformanceFrequency ); QueryPerformanceCounter( &g_ClockStart ); } QueryPerformanceCounter( &CurrentTime ); return (double)( CurrentTime.QuadPart - g_ClockStart.QuadPart ) / (double)( g_PerformanceFrequency.QuadPart ); } /* ================ Sys_GetClipboardData create buffer, that contain clipboard ================ */ char *Sys_GetClipboardData( void ) { char *data = NULL; char *cliptext; if( OpenClipboard( NULL ) != 0 ) { HANDLE hClipboardData; if(( hClipboardData = GetClipboardData( CF_TEXT )) != 0 ) { if(( cliptext = GlobalLock( hClipboardData )) != 0 ) { data = Z_Malloc( GlobalSize( hClipboardData ) + 1 ); Q_strcpy( data, cliptext ); GlobalUnlock( hClipboardData ); } } CloseClipboard(); } return data; } /* ================ Sys_SetClipboardData write screenshot into clipboard ================ */ void Sys_SetClipboardData( const byte *buffer, size_t size ) { EmptyClipboard(); if( OpenClipboard( NULL ) != 0 ) { HGLOBAL hResult = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, size ); byte *bufferCopy = (byte *)GlobalLock( hResult ); Q_memcpy( bufferCopy, buffer, size ); GlobalUnlock( hResult ); if( SetClipboardData( CF_DIB, hResult ) == NULL ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "unable to write screenshot\n" ); GlobalFree( hResult ); } CloseClipboard(); } } /* ================ Sys_Sleep freeze application for some time ================ */ void Sys_Sleep( int msec ) { msec = bound( 1, msec, 1000 ); Sleep( msec ); } /* ================ Sys_GetCurrentUser returns username for current profile ================ */ char *Sys_GetCurrentUser( void ) { static string s_userName; dword size = sizeof( s_userName ); if( !GetUserName( s_userName, &size ) || !s_userName[0] ) Q_strcpy( s_userName, "player" ); return s_userName; } /* ================= Sys_ShellExecute ================= */ void Sys_ShellExecute( const char *path, const char *parms, qboolean exit ) { ShellExecute( NULL, "open", path, parms, NULL, SW_SHOW ); if( exit ) Sys_Quit(); } /* ================== Sys_ParseCommandLine ================== */ void Sys_ParseCommandLine( LPSTR lpCmdLine ) { const char *blank = "censored"; static char commandline[MAX_SYSPATH]; int i; host.argc = 1; host.argv[0] = "exe"; Q_strncpy( commandline, lpCmdLine, Q_strlen( lpCmdLine ) + 1 ); lpCmdLine = commandline; // to prevent modify original commandline while( *lpCmdLine && ( host.argc < MAX_NUM_ARGVS )) { while( *lpCmdLine && *lpCmdLine <= ' ' ) lpCmdLine++; if( !*lpCmdLine ) break; if( *lpCmdLine == '\"' ) { // quoted string lpCmdLine++; host.argv[host.argc] = lpCmdLine; host.argc++; while( *lpCmdLine && ( *lpCmdLine != '\"' )) lpCmdLine++; } else { // unquoted word host.argv[host.argc] = lpCmdLine; host.argc++; while( *lpCmdLine && *lpCmdLine > ' ') lpCmdLine++; } if( *lpCmdLine ) { *lpCmdLine = 0; lpCmdLine++; } } if( !host.change_game ) return; for( i = 0; i < host.argc; i++ ) { // we wan't return to first game if( !Q_stricmp( "-game", host.argv[i] )) host.argv[i] = (char *)blank; // probably it's timewaster, because engine rejected second change if( !Q_stricmp( "+game", host.argv[i] )) host.argv[i] = (char *)blank; // you sure what is map exists in new game? if( !Q_stricmp( "+map", host.argv[i] )) host.argv[i] = (char *)blank; // just stupid action if( !Q_stricmp( "+load", host.argv[i] )) host.argv[i] = (char *)blank; // changelevel beetwen games? wow it's great idea! if( !Q_stricmp( "+changelevel", host.argv[i] )) host.argv[i] = (char *)blank; } } /* ================== Sys_MergeCommandLine ================== */ void Sys_MergeCommandLine( LPSTR lpCmdLine ) { const char *blank = "censored"; int i; if( !host.change_game ) return; for( i = 0; i < host.argc; i++ ) { // second call if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED && !Q_strnicmp( "+menu_", host.argv[i], 6 )) host.argv[i] = (char *)blank; } } /* ================ Sys_CheckParm Returns the position (1 to argc-1) in the program's argument list where the given parameter apears, or 0 if not present ================ */ int Sys_CheckParm( const char *parm ) { int i; for( i = 1; i < host.argc; i++ ) { if( !host.argv[i] ) continue; if( !Q_stricmp( parm, host.argv[i] )) return i; } return 0; } /* ================ Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine Returns the argument for specified parm ================ */ qboolean _Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( char *parm, char *out, size_t size ) { int argc = Sys_CheckParm( parm ); if( !argc ) return false; if( !out ) return false; if( !host.argv[argc + 1] ) return false; Q_strncpy( out, host.argv[argc+1], size ); return true; } void Sys_SendKeyEvents( void ) { MSG msg; while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE )) { if( !GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) Sys_Quit (); TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } } //======================================================================= // DLL'S MANAGER SYSTEM //======================================================================= qboolean Sys_LoadLibrary( dll_info_t *dll ) { const dllfunc_t *func; string errorstring; // check errors if( !dll ) return false; // invalid desc if( dll->link ) return true; // already loaded if( !dll->name || !*dll->name ) return false; // nothing to load MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading %s", dll->name ); if( dll->fcts ) { // lookup export table for( func = dll->fcts; func && func->name != NULL; func++ ) *func->func = NULL; } if( !dll->link ) dll->link = LoadLibrary ( dll->name ); // environment pathes // no DLL found if( !dll->link ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "Sys_LoadLibrary: couldn't load %s\n", dll->name ); goto error; } // Get the function adresses for( func = dll->fcts; func && func->name != NULL; func++ ) { if( !( *func->func = Sys_GetProcAddress( dll, func->name ))) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "Sys_LoadLibrary: %s missing or invalid function (%s)\n", dll->name, func->name ); goto error; } } MsgDev( D_NOTE, " - ok\n" ); return true; error: MsgDev( D_NOTE, " - failed\n" ); Sys_FreeLibrary( dll ); // trying to free if( dll->crash ) Sys_Error( errorstring ); else MsgDev( D_ERROR, errorstring ); return false; } void* Sys_GetProcAddress( dll_info_t *dll, const char* name ) { if( !dll || !dll->link ) // invalid desc return NULL; return (void *)GetProcAddress( dll->link, name ); } qboolean Sys_FreeLibrary( dll_info_t *dll ) { // invalid desc or alredy freed if( !dll || !dll->link ) return false; if( host.state == HOST_CRASHED ) { // we need to hold down all modules, while MSVC can find error MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_FreeLibrary: hold %s for debugging\n", dll->name ); return false; } else MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading %s\n", dll->name ); FreeLibrary( dll->link ); dll->link = NULL; return true; } /* ================ Sys_WaitForQuit wait for 'Esc' key will be hit ================ */ void Sys_WaitForQuit( void ) { MSG msg; Con_RegisterHotkeys(); msg.message = 0; // wait for the user to quit while( msg.message != WM_QUIT ) { if( PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE )) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } else Sys_Sleep( 20 ); } } long _stdcall Sys_Crash( PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pInfo ) { // save config if( host.state != HOST_CRASHED ) { // check to avoid recursive call error_on_exit = true; host.crashed = true; if( host.type == HOST_NORMAL ) CL_Crashed(); // tell client about crash else host.state = HOST_CRASHED; Msg( "Sys_Crash: call %p at address %p\n", pInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, pInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode ); if( host.developer <= 0 ) { // no reason to call debugger in release build - just exit Sys_Quit(); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } // all other states keep unchanged to let debugger find bug Con_DestroyConsole(); } if( host.oldFilter ) return host.oldFilter( pInfo ); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } /* ================ Sys_Error NOTE: we must prepare engine to shutdown before call this ================ */ void Sys_Error( const char *error, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[MAX_SYSPATH]; if( host.state == HOST_ERR_FATAL ) return; // don't multiple executes // make sure what console received last message if( host.change_game ) Sys_Sleep( 200 ); error_on_exit = true; host.state = HOST_ERR_FATAL; va_start( argptr, error ); Q_vsprintf( text, error, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); SV_SysError( text ); if( host.type == HOST_NORMAL ) { if( host.hWnd ) ShowWindow( host.hWnd, SW_HIDE ); VID_RestoreGamma(); } if( host.developer > 0 ) { Con_ShowConsole( true ); Con_DisableInput(); // disable input line for dedicated server Sys_Print( text ); // print error message Sys_WaitForQuit(); } else { Con_ShowConsole( false ); MSGBOX( text ); } Sys_Quit(); } /* ================ Sys_Break same as Error ================ */ void Sys_Break( const char *error, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[MAX_SYSPATH]; if( host.state == HOST_ERR_FATAL ) return; // don't multiple executes error_on_exit = true; host.state = HOST_ERR_FATAL; va_start( argptr, error ); Q_vsprintf( text, error, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); if( host.type == HOST_NORMAL ) { if( host.hWnd ) ShowWindow( host.hWnd, SW_HIDE ); VID_RestoreGamma(); } if( host.type != HOST_NORMAL || host.developer > 0 ) { Con_ShowConsole( true ); Con_DisableInput(); // disable input line for dedicated server Sys_Print( text ); Sys_WaitForQuit(); } else { Con_ShowConsole( false ); MSGBOX( text ); } Sys_Quit(); } /* ================ Sys_Quit ================ */ void Sys_Quit( void ) { Host_Shutdown(); exit( error_on_exit ); } /* ================ Sys_Print print into window console ================ */ void Sys_Print( const char *pMsg ) { const char *msg; char buffer[32768]; char logbuf[32768]; char *b = buffer; char *c = logbuf; int i = 0; if( host.type == HOST_NORMAL ) Con_Print( pMsg ); // if the message is REALLY long, use just the last portion of it if( Q_strlen( pMsg ) > sizeof( buffer ) - 1 ) msg = pMsg + Q_strlen( pMsg ) - sizeof( buffer ) + 1; else msg = pMsg; // copy into an intermediate buffer while( msg[i] && (( b - buffer ) < sizeof( buffer ) - 1 )) { if( msg[i] == '\n' && msg[i+1] == '\r' ) { b[0] = '\r'; b[1] = '\n'; c[0] = '\n'; b += 2, c++; i++; } else if( msg[i] == '\r' ) { b[0] = '\r'; b[1] = '\n'; b += 2; } else if( msg[i] == '\n' ) { b[0] = '\r'; b[1] = '\n'; c[0] = '\n'; b += 2, c++; } else if( msg[i] == '\35' || msg[i] == '\36' || msg[i] == '\37' ) { i++; // skip console pseudo graph } else if( IsColorString( &msg[i] )) { i++; // skip color prefix } else { *b = *c = msg[i]; b++, c++; } i++; } *b = *c = 0; // cutoff garbage Sys_PrintLog( logbuf ); Con_WinPrint( buffer ); } /* ================ Msg formatted message ================ */ void Msg( const char *pMsg, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[8192]; va_start( argptr, pMsg ); Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), pMsg, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); Sys_Print( text ); } /* ================ MsgDev formatted developer message ================ */ void MsgDev( int level, const char *pMsg, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[8192]; if( host.developer < level ) return; va_start( argptr, pMsg ); Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), pMsg, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); switch( level ) { case D_WARN: Sys_Print( va( "^3Warning:^7 %s", text )); break; case D_ERROR: Sys_Print( va( "^1Error:^7 %s", text )); break; case D_INFO: case D_NOTE: case D_AICONSOLE: Sys_Print( text ); break; } }