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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// hud_utils.cpp - client game utilities code
#include "extdll.h"
#include "hud_iface.h"
#include "hud.h"
// NOTE: modify these functions with caution
typedef struct
char *name;
byte *buf;
int size;
int read;
BOOL badRead;
char string[2048]; // using for store strings
} user_message_t;
static user_message_t gMsg;
void BEGIN_READ( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pBuf )
memset( &gMsg, 0, sizeof( gMsg ));
gMsg.size = iSize;
gMsg.buf = (byte *)pBuf;
void END_READ( void )
if( gMsg.badRead )
ALERT( at_console, "%s was received with errors\n", );
int READ_CHAR( void )
int c;
if( + 1 > gMsg.size )
gMsg.badRead = true;
return -1;
c = (signed char)gMsg.buf[];;
return c;
int READ_BYTE( void )
int c;
if( > gMsg.size )
gMsg.badRead = true;
return -1;
c = (unsigned char)gMsg.buf[];;
return c;
int READ_SHORT( void )
int c;
if( + 2 > gMsg.size )
gMsg.badRead = true;
return -1;
c = (short)( gMsg.buf[] + ( gMsg.buf[] << 8 )); += 2;
return c;
int READ_WORD( void ) { return READ_SHORT(); }
int READ_LONG( void )
int c;
if( + 4 > gMsg.size )
gMsg.badRead = true;
return -1;
c = gMsg.buf[]+(gMsg.buf[]<<8)+(gMsg.buf[]<<16)+(gMsg.buf[]<<24); += 4;
return c;
float READ_FLOAT( void )
union { float f; int l; } dat;
dat.l = READ_LONG();
return dat.f;
char* READ_STRING( void )
int l, c;
gMsg.string[0] = 0;
l = 0;
if( > gMsg.size ) break; // no more characters
c = READ_CHAR();
if( c == -1 || c == '\0' )
// translate all fmt spec to avoid crash bugs
if( c == '%' ) c = '.';
gMsg.string[l] = c;
} while( l < sizeof( gMsg.string ) - 1 );
gMsg.string[l] = 0; // terminator
return gMsg.string;
// Xash3D network specs. Don't modify!
float READ_COORD( void )
return READ_FLOAT();
float READ_ANGLE( void )
return READ_FLOAT();
float READ_ANGLE16( void )
return (float)(READ_SHORT() * (360.0 / 65536));
// Sprites draw stuff
typedef struct
// temp handle
HSPRITE hSprite;
// crosshair members
HSPRITE hCrosshair;
wrect_t rcCrosshair;
Vector rgbCrosshair;
} draw_stuff_t;
typedef struct
float fadeSpeed; // How fast to fade (tics / second) (+ fade in, - fade out)
float fadeEnd; // When the fading hits maximum
float fadeTotalEnd; // Total End Time of the fade (used for FFADE_OUT)
float fadeReset; // When to reset to not fading (for fadeout and hold)
Vector fadeColor;
float fadealpha;
int fadeFlags; // Fading flags
} screenfade_t;
static draw_stuff_t ds;
static screenfade_t sf;
int SPR_Frames( HSPRITE hPic )
// FIXME: engfuncs GetImageFrames
return 1;
int SPR_Height( HSPRITE hPic, int frame )
int Height;
GetImageSize( NULL, &Height, hPic );
return Height;
int SPR_Width( HSPRITE hPic, int frame )
int Width;
GetImageSize( &Width, NULL, hPic );
return Width;
void SPR_Set( HSPRITE hPic, int r, int g, int b )
ds.hSprite = hPic;
SetColor((r / 255.0f), (g / 255.0f), (b / 255.0f), 1.0f );
void SPR_Draw( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prc )
// FIXME: switch rendermode
DrawImage( ds.hSprite, x, y, prc->right, prc->bottom, frame );
void SPR_Draw( int frame, int x, int y, int width, int height )
// FIXME: switch rendermode
DrawImage( ds.hSprite, x, y, width, height, frame );
void SPR_DrawHoles( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prc )
// FIXME: switch rendermode
DrawImage( ds.hSprite, x, y, prc->right, prc->bottom, frame );
void SPR_DrawHoles( int frame, int x, int y, int width, int height )
// FIXME: switch rendermode
DrawImage( ds.hSprite, x, y, width, height, frame );
void SPR_DrawAdditive( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prc )
// FIXME: switch rendermode
DrawImage( ds.hSprite, x, y, prc->right, prc->bottom, frame );
void SetCrosshair( HSPRITE hspr, wrect_t rc, int r, int g, int b )
ds.rgbCrosshair.x = (float)(r / 255.0f);
ds.rgbCrosshair.y = (float)(g / 255.0f);
ds.rgbCrosshair.z = (float)(b / 255.0f);
ds.hCrosshair = hspr;
ds.rcCrosshair = rc;
void DrawCrosshair( void )
if( ds.hCrosshair == 0 ) return;
// find center of screen
int x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - ds.rcCrosshair.right) / 2;
int y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - ds.rcCrosshair.bottom) / 2;
// FIXME: apply crosshair angles
SetColor( ds.rgbCrosshair.x, ds.rgbCrosshair.y, ds.rgbCrosshair.z, 1.0f );
DrawImage( ds.hCrosshair, x, y, ds.rcCrosshair.right, ds.rcCrosshair.bottom, 0 );
void SetScreenFade( Vector fadeColor, float alpha, float duration, float holdTime, int fadeFlags )
sf.fadeColor = fadeColor;
sf.fadealpha = alpha;
sf.fadeFlags = fadeFlags;
sf.fadeEnd = gHUD.m_flTime + duration;
sf.fadeTotalEnd = sf.fadeEnd + holdTime;
sf.fadeSpeed = duration / gHUD.m_flTimeDelta;
void DrawScreenFade( void )
// FIXME: implement
Sys LoadGameDLL
BOOL Sys_LoadLibrary( const char* dllname, dllhandle_t* handle, const dllfunction_t *fcts )
const dllfunction_t *gamefunc;
char dllpath[256], gamedir[256];
dllhandle_t dllhandle = 0;
if( handle == NULL ) return false;
// Initializations
for( gamefunc = fcts; gamefunc && gamefunc->name != NULL; gamefunc++ )
*gamefunc->funcvariable = NULL;
GET_GAME_DIR( gamedir );
sprintf( dllpath, "%s/bin/%s", gamedir, dllname );
dllhandle = LoadLibrary( dllpath );
// No DLL found
if( !dllhandle ) return false;
// Get the function adresses
for( gamefunc = fcts; gamefunc && gamefunc->name != NULL; gamefunc++ )
if(!( *gamefunc->funcvariable = (void *) Sys_GetProcAddress( dllhandle, gamefunc->name )))
Sys_UnloadLibrary( &dllhandle );
return false;
ALERT( at_loading, "%s loaded succesfully!\n", dllname );
*handle = dllhandle;
return true;
void Sys_UnloadLibrary( dllhandle_t *handle )
if( handle == NULL || *handle == NULL )
FreeLibrary( *handle );
*handle = NULL;
void* Sys_GetProcAddress( dllhandle_t handle, const char* name )
return (void *)GetProcAddress( handle, name );
does a varargs printf into a temp buffer, so I don't need to have
varargs versions of all text functions.
FIXME: make this buffer size safe someday
char *va( const char *format, ... )
va_list argptr;
static char string[16][1024], *s;
static int stringindex = 0;
s = string[stringindex];
stringindex = (stringindex + 1) & 15;
va_start( argptr, format );
_vsnprintf( s, sizeof( string[0] ), format, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
return s;