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// 02/08/02 November235: Particle System
#pragma once
#include "r_main.h"
class ParticleType;
class ParticleSystem;
void CreateAurora( int idx, char *file ); //make new partsystem
struct particle
particle* nextpart;
particle* m_pOverlay; // for making multi-layered particles
ParticleType *pType;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t velocity;
vec3_t accel;
vec3_t m_vecWind;
int m_iEntIndex; // if non-zero, this particle is tied to the given entity
float m_fRed;
float m_fGreen;
float m_fBlue;
float m_fRedStep;
float m_fGreenStep;
float m_fBlueStep;
float m_fAlpha;
float m_fAlphaStep;
float frame;
float m_fFrameStep;
float m_fAngle;
float m_fAngleStep;
float m_fSize;
float m_fSizeStep;
float m_fDrag;
float age;
float age_death;
float age_spray;
class RandomRange
RandomRange() { m_fMin = m_fMax = 0; m_bDefined = false; }
RandomRange(float fValue) { m_fMin = m_fMax = fValue; m_bDefined = true; }
RandomRange(float fMin, float fMax) { m_fMin = fMin; m_fMax = fMax; m_bDefined = true; }
RandomRange( char *szToken );
float m_fMax;
float m_fMin;
bool m_bDefined;
float GetInstance()
{ return gEngfuncs.pfnRandomFloat(m_fMin, m_fMax); }
float GetOffset(float fBasis)
{ return GetInstance()-fBasis; }
bool IsDefined()
{ return m_bDefined; } //(m_fMin == 0 && m_fMax == 0); }
#define MAX_TYPENAME 30
class ParticleType
ParticleType( ParticleType *pNext = NULL );
ParticleType(char *szFilename);
bool m_bIsDefined; // is this ParticleType just a placeholder?
int m_iRenderMode;
int m_iDrawCond;
int m_iCollision;
RandomRange m_Bounce;
RandomRange m_BounceFriction;
bool m_bBouncing;
RandomRange m_Life;
RandomRange m_StartAlpha;
RandomRange m_EndAlpha;
RandomRange m_StartRed;
RandomRange m_EndRed;
RandomRange m_StartGreen;
RandomRange m_EndGreen;
RandomRange m_StartBlue;
RandomRange m_EndBlue;
RandomRange m_StartSize;
RandomRange m_SizeDelta;
RandomRange m_EndSize;
RandomRange m_StartFrame;
RandomRange m_EndFrame;
RandomRange m_FrameRate; // incompatible with EndFrame
bool m_bEndFrame;
RandomRange m_StartAngle;
RandomRange m_AngleDelta;
RandomRange m_SprayRate;
RandomRange m_SprayForce;
RandomRange m_SprayPitch;
RandomRange m_SprayYaw;
RandomRange m_SprayRoll;
ParticleType *m_pSprayType;
RandomRange m_Gravity;
RandomRange m_WindStrength;
RandomRange m_WindYaw;
HSPRITE m_hSprite;
ParticleType *m_pOverlayType;
RandomRange m_Drag;
ParticleType *m_pNext;
char m_szName[MAX_TYPENAME];
// here is a particle system. Add a (set of) particles according to this type, and initialise their values.
particle* CreateParticle(ParticleSystem *pSys);//particle *pPart);
// initialise this particle. Does not define velocity or age.
void InitParticle(particle *pPart, ParticleSystem *pSys);
class ParticleSystem
ParticleSystem( int entindex, char *szFilename );
~ParticleSystem( void );
void AllocateParticles( int iParticles );
void CalculateDistance();
ParticleType *GetType( const char *szName );
ParticleType *AddPlaceholderType( const char *szName );
ParticleType *ParseType( char *&szFile );
cl_entity_t *GetEntity() { return UTIL_GetClientEntityWithServerIndex(m_iEntIndex); }
static float c_fCosTable[360 + 90];
static bool c_bCosTableInit;
// General functions
bool UpdateSystem( float frametime ); //If this function returns false, the manager deletes the system
void DrawSystem();
particle *ActivateParticle(); // adds one of the free particles to the active list, and returns it for initialisation.
static float CosLookup(int angle) { return angle < 0? c_fCosTable[angle+360]: c_fCosTable[angle]; }
static float SinLookup(int angle) { return angle < -90? c_fCosTable[angle+450]: c_fCosTable[angle+90]; }
// returns false if the particle has died
bool UpdateParticle( particle *part, float frametime );
void DrawParticle( particle* part, vec3_t &right, vec3_t &up );
// Utility functions that have to be public
bool ParticleIsVisible( particle* part );
// Pointer to next system for linked list structure
ParticleSystem* m_pNextSystem;
particle* m_pActiveParticle;
float m_fViewerDist;
int m_iEntIndex;
int m_iEntAttachment;
int m_iKillCondition;
int enable;
// the block of allocated particles
particle* m_pAllParticles;
// First particles in the linked list for the active particles and the dead particles
particle* m_pFreeParticle;
particle* m_pMainParticle; // the "source" particle.
ParticleType *m_pFirstType;
ParticleType *m_pMainType;
class ParticleSystemManager
ParticleSystemManager( void );
~ParticleSystemManager( void );
ParticleSystem *FindSystem( cl_entity_t* pEntity );
void AddSystem( ParticleSystem* );
void UpdateSystems( void );
void ClearSystems( void );
ParticleSystem* m_pFirstSystem;
extern ParticleSystemManager* g_pParticleSystems;