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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// library.c - custom dlls loader
#include "launch.h"
#include "library.h"
static const byte dosdata[0x100] = // dos header (string 'This program cannot be run in DOS mode', etc)
Custom dlls loader
typedef struct
byte *codeBase;
void **modules;
int numModules;
int initialized;
// Protection flags for memory pages (Executable, Readable, Writeable)
static int ProtectionFlags[2][2][2] =
{ PAGE_NOACCESS, PAGE_WRITECOPY }, // not executable
static FIXED_SECTIONS FixedSections[] =
{ NULL, 0 }
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *DllEntryProc)( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved );
#define GET_HEADER_DICTIONARY( module, idx ) &(module)->headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[idx]
#define CALCULATE_ADDRESS( base, offset ) (((DWORD)(base)) + (offset))
static void CopySections( const byte *data, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS old_headers, PMEMORYMODULE module )
int i, size;
byte *dest;
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
for( i = 0; i < module->headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++ )
if( section->SizeOfRawData == 0 )
// section doesn't contain data in the dll itself, but may define
// uninitialized data
size = old_headers->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
if( size > 0 )
dest = (byte *)VirtualAlloc((byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS(codeBase, section->VirtualAddress), size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = (DWORD)dest;
Mem_Set( dest, 0, size );
// section is empty
// commit memory block and copy data from dll
dest = (byte *)VirtualAlloc((byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS(codeBase, section->VirtualAddress), section->SizeOfRawData, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
Mem_Copy( dest, (byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS(data, section->PointerToRawData), section->SizeOfRawData );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = (DWORD)dest;
static void FreeSections( PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS old_headers, PMEMORYMODULE module )
int i, size;
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
for( i = 0; i < module->headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++ )
if( section->SizeOfRawData == 0 )
size = old_headers->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
if( size > 0 )
VirtualFree( codeBase + section->VirtualAddress, size, MEM_DECOMMIT );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = 0;
VirtualFree( codeBase + section->VirtualAddress, section->SizeOfRawData, MEM_DECOMMIT );
section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = 0;
static void FinalizeSections( MEMORYMODULE *module )
int i;
// loop through all sections and change access flags
for( i = 0; i < module->headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++ )
DWORD protect, oldProtect, size;
int executable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) != 0;
int readable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) != 0;
int writeable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) != 0;
if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE )
// section is not needed any more and can safely be freed
VirtualFree((LPVOID)section->Misc.PhysicalAddress, section->SizeOfRawData, MEM_DECOMMIT);
// determine protection flags based on characteristics
protect = ProtectionFlags[executable][readable][writeable];
if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED )
protect |= PAGE_NOCACHE;
// determine size of region
size = section->SizeOfRawData;
if( size == 0 )
if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA )
size = module->headers->OptionalHeader.SizeOfInitializedData;
else if( section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA )
size = module->headers->OptionalHeader.SizeOfUninitializedData;
if( size > 0 )
// change memory access flags
if( !VirtualProtect((LPVOID)section->Misc.PhysicalAddress, size, protect, &oldProtect ))
Sys_Error( "Com_FinalizeSections: error protecting memory page\n" );
static void PerformBaseRelocation( MEMORYMODULE *module, DWORD delta )
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
if( directory->Size > 0 )
for( ; relocation->VirtualAddress > 0; )
byte *dest = (byte *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, relocation->VirtualAddress );
word *relInfo = (word *)((byte *)relocation + IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION );
for( i = 0; i<((relocation->SizeOfBlock-IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION) / 2); i++, relInfo++ )
DWORD *patchAddrHL;
int type, offset;
// the upper 4 bits define the type of relocation
type = *relInfo >> 12;
// the lower 12 bits define the offset
offset = *relInfo & 0xfff;
switch( type )
// skip relocation
// change complete 32 bit address
patchAddrHL = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( dest, offset );
*patchAddrHL += delta;
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "PerformBaseRelocation: unknown relocation: %d\n", type );
// advance to next relocation block
relocation = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( relocation, relocation->SizeOfBlock );
static FARPROC MemoryGetProcAddress( void *module, const char *name )
int idx = -1;
DWORD i, *nameRef;
WORD *ordinal;
byte *codeBase = ((PMEMORYMODULE)module)->codeBase;
if( directory->Size == 0 )
// no export table found
return NULL;
exports = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, directory->VirtualAddress );
if( exports->NumberOfNames == 0 || exports->NumberOfFunctions == 0 )
// DLL doesn't export anything
return NULL;
// search function name in list of exported names
nameRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, exports->AddressOfNames );
ordinal = (WORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, exports->AddressOfNameOrdinals );
for( i = 0; i < exports->NumberOfNames; i++, nameRef++, ordinal++ )
// GetProcAddress case insensative ?????
if( !com.stricmp( name, (const char *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, *nameRef )))
idx = *ordinal;
if( idx == -1 )
// exported symbol not found
return NULL;
if((DWORD)idx > exports->NumberOfFunctions )
// name <-> ordinal number don't match
return NULL;
// addressOfFunctions contains the RVAs to the "real" functions
return (FARPROC)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, *(DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, exports->AddressOfFunctions + (idx * 4)));
static int BuildImportTable( MEMORYMODULE *module )
int result=1;
byte *codeBase = module->codeBase;
if( directory->Size > 0 )
for( ; !IsBadReadPtr( importDesc, sizeof( IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR )) && importDesc->Name; importDesc++ )
DWORD *thunkRef, *funcRef;
LPCSTR libname;
void *handle;
libname = (LPCSTR)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->Name );
handle = Com_LoadLibraryExt( libname, false, true );
if( handle == NULL )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "couldn't load library %s\n", libname );
result = 0;
module->modules = (void *)Mem_Realloc( Sys.basepool, module->modules, (module->numModules + 1) * (sizeof( void* )));
module->modules[module->numModules++] = handle;
if( importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk )
thunkRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk );
funcRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->FirstThunk );
// no hint table
thunkRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->FirstThunk );
funcRef = (DWORD *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( codeBase, importDesc->FirstThunk );
for( ; *thunkRef; thunkRef++, funcRef++ )
if( IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( *thunkRef ))
LPCSTR funcName = (LPCSTR)IMAGE_ORDINAL( *thunkRef );
*funcRef = (DWORD)Com_GetProcAddress( handle, funcName );
LPCSTR funcName = (LPCSTR)&thunkData->Name;
*funcRef = (DWORD)Com_GetProcAddress( handle, funcName );
if( *funcRef == 0 )
result = 0;
if( !result ) break;
return result;
static void MemoryFreeLibrary( void *hInstance )
if( module != NULL )
int i;
if( module->initialized != 0 )
// notify library about detaching from process
DllEntryProc DllEntry = (DllEntryProc)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( module->codeBase, module->headers->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint );
(*DllEntry)((HINSTANCE)module->codeBase, DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, 0 );
module->initialized = 0;
if( module->modules != NULL )
// free previously opened libraries
for( i = 0; i < module->numModules; i++ )
if( module->modules[i] != NULL )
Com_FreeLibrary( module->modules[i] );
Mem_Free( module->modules ); // Mem_Realloc end
FreeSections( module->headers, module );
if( module->codeBase != NULL )
// release memory of library
VirtualFree( module->codeBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, module );
static void ImageFindTables( byte *base, DWORD baseoff, DWORD imagebase, DWORD *impoff, DWORD *impsz, DWORD *expoff, DWORD *expsz, DWORD *iatoff, DWORD *iatsz )
DWORD off, maxiat, maxoff;
byte *p;
int i;
*iatoff = 0xffffffff;
maxiat = maxoff = 0;
for( iid = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)(base + ( *impoff - baseoff )); iid->Name; iid++ )
if( iid->Name > maxoff )
maxoff = iid->Name;
if( iid->FirstThunk < *iatoff )
*iatoff = iid->FirstThunk;
for( itd = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)(base + iid->FirstThunk - ( baseoff - imagebase )); itd->u1.AddressOfData; itd++ )
off = (((byte *)( itd + 1 ) - base ) + ( baseoff - imagebase )) + 4;
if( off > maxiat ) maxiat = off;
if( !IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( itd->u1.Ordinal ))
off = itd->u1.Ordinal + 2;
if( off > maxoff ) maxoff = off;
*impsz = (byte *)iid - ( base + ( *impoff - baseoff ));
*iatsz = maxiat - *iatoff;
*iatoff += imagebase;
for( p = base + maxoff - (baseoff - imagebase); *p; p++ );
for( p++; !*p; p++ ); // we get the timestamp value of the export directory
p -= ( p - base ) & 3; // simple check of the alignment, enough
p -= 4; // skip the characteristics for finding the export table
*expoff = (p - base) + baseoff;
for( itd = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)( base + ied->AddressOfNames - ( baseoff - imagebase )), i = 0; i < ied->NumberOfNames; itd++, i++ )
if( !IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( itd->u1.Ordinal ))
off = itd->u1.Ordinal;
if( off > maxoff ) maxoff = off;
for( p = base + maxoff - ( baseoff - imagebase ); *p; p++ );
for( p++; ( p - base ) & 3; p++ );
*expsz = (( p - base ) + baseoff ) - *expoff;
// print some stats
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "DecryptImage: import table: %08x of %s\n", *impoff - baseoff, com_pretifymem( *impsz, 2 ));
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "DecryptImage: export table: %08x of %s\n", *expoff - baseoff, com_pretifymem( *expsz, 2 ));
static void *DecryptImage( byte *data, size_t size )
DOS_HEADER doshdr;
PE_HEADER pehdr;
DWORD i, tmp, len;
byte buff[IMAGE_ALIGN];
DWORD section_offset, import_rva, import_size;
DWORD export_rva, export_size, iat_rva, iat_size;
byte symbol, *newimage;
vfile_t *f;
data += 68; // skip all zeroes
size -= 68;
symbol = 'W';
// run XOR decryption
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
data[i] ^= symbol;
symbol += data[i] + 'W';
hlhdr = (void *)data;
hlsec = (void *)(data + sizeof( VALVE_HEADER ));
data -= 68; // restore all zeroes
size += 68;
// FIXME: convert Ident to properly Magic
hlhdr->copywhat ^= 0x7a32bc85;
hlhdr->ImageBase ^= 0x49c042d1;
hlhdr->ImportTable ^= 0x872c3d47;
hlhdr->EntryPoint -= 12;
// when all the section have been placed in memory
// hl.exe calls hlhdr->EntryPoint and then hlhdr->copywhat
// copying a zone of the dll in the hl.exe process
Mem_Set( &optional, 0, sizeof( optional ));
optional.MajorLinkerVersion = 6;
optional.MinorLinkerVersion = 0;
optional.AddressOfEntryPoint = hlhdr->EntryPoint - hlhdr->ImageBase;
optional.BaseOfCode = hlsec[0].rva - hlhdr->ImageBase; // .text
optional.BaseOfData = hlsec[1].rva - hlhdr->ImageBase; // .rdata
optional.ImageBase = hlhdr->ImageBase;
optional.SectionAlignment = IMAGE_ALIGN;
optional.FileAlignment = IMAGE_ALIGN;
optional.MajorOperatingSystemVersion = 4;
optional.MinorOperatingSystemVersion = 0;
optional.MajorImageVersion = 0;
optional.MinorImageVersion = 0;
optional.MajorSubsystemVersion = 4;
optional.MinorSubsystemVersion = 0;
optional.Win32VersionValue = 0;
optional.SizeOfHeaders = IMAGE_ALIGN; // it's ever less than the default alignment
optional.CheckSum = 0;
optional.DllCharacteristics = 0;
optional.SizeOfStackReserve = IMAGE_ALIGN * 256;
optional.SizeOfStackCommit = IMAGE_ALIGN;
optional.SizeOfHeapReserve = IMAGE_ALIGN * 256;
optional.SizeOfHeapCommit = IMAGE_ALIGN;
optional.LoaderFlags = 0;
for( i = 0; i < hlhdr->Sections; i++ )
tmp = ( i < 4 ) ? FixedSections[i].Characteristics : SECTION_DEF_CHARACTERISTIC;
optional.SizeOfImage += ALIGN( hlsec[i].rva_size );
if( tmp & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE ) optional.SizeOfCode += ALIGN( hlsec[i].rva_size );
if( tmp & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA ) optional.SizeOfInitializedData += ALIGN( hlsec[i].rva_size );
if( tmp & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA ) optional.SizeOfUninitializedData += ALIGN( hlsec[i].rva_size );
optional.SizeOfImage += optional.SizeOfHeaders;
import_rva = hlhdr->ImportTable;
ImageFindTables( data + hlsec[1].file_offset, hlsec[1].rva, hlhdr->ImageBase, &import_rva, &import_size, &export_rva, &export_size, &iat_rva, &iat_size );
optional.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress = export_rva - hlhdr->ImageBase;
optional.DataDirectory[0].Size = export_size;
optional.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress = import_rva - hlhdr->ImageBase;
optional.DataDirectory[1].Size = import_size;
if( hlhdr->Sections > 3 )
optional.DataDirectory[2].VirtualAddress = hlsec[3].rva - hlhdr->ImageBase;
optional.DataDirectory[2].Size = hlsec[3].rva_size;
optional.DataDirectory[12].VirtualAddress = iat_rva - hlhdr->ImageBase;
optional.DataDirectory[12].Size = iat_size;
f = VFS_Open( NULL, "wb" );
Mem_Set( &doshdr, 0, sizeof( doshdr ));
doshdr.e_magic = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE;
doshdr.e_cblp = 0x0090;
doshdr.e_cp = 0x0003;
doshdr.e_cparhdr = 0x0004;
doshdr.e_maxalloc = 0xffff;
doshdr.e_sp = 0x00b8;
doshdr.e_lfarlc = 0x0040;
doshdr.e_lfanew = sizeof( doshdr ) + sizeof( dosdata );
VFS_Write( f, &doshdr, sizeof( doshdr )); // write DOS header
VFS_Write( f, &dosdata, sizeof( dosdata )); // write default dos executable stub
Mem_Set( &pehdr, 0, sizeof( pehdr ));
pehdr.Machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386;
pehdr.NumberOfSections = hlhdr->Sections;
pehdr.TimeDateStamp = time( NULL );
pehdr.SizeOfOptionalHeader = sizeof( OPTIONAL_HEADER );
VFS_Write( f, &tmp, sizeof( int )); // write NT signature
VFS_Write( f, &pehdr, sizeof( pehdr )); // write PE header
// write optional header
VFS_Write( f, &optional, sizeof( optional ));
section_offset = optional.SizeOfHeaders;
// write section headers
for( i = 0; i < hlhdr->Sections; i++ )
Mem_Set( &section, 0, sizeof( section ));
if( i < 4 ) com.strncpy( section.Name, FixedSections[i].Name, IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME );
else com.snprintf( section.Name, IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME, "sec%u", i );
section.Misc.VirtualSize = hlsec[i].rva_size;
section.VirtualAddress = hlsec[i].rva - hlhdr->ImageBase;
section.SizeOfRawData = ALIGN( hlsec[i].file_size );
section.PointerToRawData = section_offset;
section.PointerToRelocations = hlsec[i].reloc_addr;
section.Characteristics = ( i < 4 ) ? FixedSections[i].Characteristics : SECTION_DEF_CHARACTERISTIC;
VFS_Write( f, &section, sizeof( section ));
section_offset += ALIGN( hlsec[i].file_size );
// write sections
VFS_Seek( f, optional.SizeOfHeaders, SEEK_SET );
for( i = 0; i < hlhdr->Sections; i++ )
if(( hlsec[i].file_offset + hlsec[i].file_size ) > size )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "DecryptImage: section %d is larger than source (%u %d)\n", i, (hlsec[i].file_offset + hlsec[i].file_size), size );
VFS_Write( f, data + hlsec[i].file_offset, size - hlsec[i].file_offset );
VFS_Seek( f, (hlsec[i].file_offset + hlsec[i].file_size) - size, SEEK_CUR );
else VFS_Write( f, data + hlsec[i].file_offset, hlsec[i].file_size );
// write sections alignment
tmp = ALIGN( hlsec[i].file_size ) - hlsec[i].file_size;
for( len = sizeof( buff ); tmp > 0; tmp -= len )
if( len > tmp ) len = tmp;
VFS_Write( f, buff, len );
VFS_Seek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
size = VFS_Tell( f );
// realloc image size if needs
newimage = Mem_Realloc( Sys.basepool, data, size );
Mem_Copy( newimage, VFS_GetBuffer( f ), size );
VFS_Close( f );
return newimage;
void *MemoryLoadLibrary( const char *name, qboolean encrypted )
byte *code, *headers;
DWORD locationDelta;
DllEntryProc DllEntry;
string errorstring;
qboolean successfull;
void *data = NULL;
size_t size;
data = FS_LoadFile( name, &size );
if( !data )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "couldn't load %s", name );
goto library_error;
// if this image encrypted we need decrypting it first
if( encrypted ) data = DecryptImage( data, size );
dos_header = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)data;
if( dos_header->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s it's not a valid executable file", name );
goto library_error;
old_header = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)&((const byte *)(data))[dos_header->e_lfanew];
if( old_header->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s missing PE header", name );
goto library_error;
// reserve memory for image of library
code = (byte *)VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)(old_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase), old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( code == NULL )
// try to allocate memory at arbitrary position
code = (byte *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( code == NULL )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s can't reserve memory", name );
goto library_error;
result = (MEMORYMODULE *)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof( MEMORYMODULE ));
result->codeBase = code;
result->numModules = 0;
result->modules = NULL;
result->initialized = 0;
// XXX: is it correct to commit the complete memory region at once?
// calling DllEntry raises an exception if we don't...
VirtualAlloc( code, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
// commit memory for headers
headers = (byte *)VirtualAlloc( code, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
// copy PE header to code
Mem_Copy( headers, dos_header, dos_header->e_lfanew + old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders );
result->headers = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)&((const byte *)(headers))[dos_header->e_lfanew];
// update position
result->headers->OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (DWORD)code;
// copy sections from DLL file block to new memory location
CopySections( data, old_header, result );
// adjust base address of imported data
locationDelta = (DWORD)(code - old_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
if( locationDelta != 0 ) PerformBaseRelocation( result, locationDelta );
// load required dlls and adjust function table of imports
if( !BuildImportTable( result ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s failed to build import table", name );
goto library_error;
// mark memory pages depending on section headers and release
// sections that are marked as "discardable"
FinalizeSections( result );
// get entry point of loaded library
if( result->headers->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint != 0 )
DllEntry = (DllEntryProc)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( code, result->headers->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint );
if( DllEntry == 0 )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s has no entry point", name );
goto library_error;
// notify library about attaching to process
successfull = (*DllEntry)((HINSTANCE)code, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0 );
if( !successfull )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "can't attach library %s", name );
goto library_error;
result->initialized = 1;
Mem_Free( data ); // release memory
return (void *)result;
// cleanup
if( data ) Mem_Free( data );
MemoryFreeLibrary( result );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "LoadLibrary: %s\n", errorstring );
return NULL;
Name for function stuff
static void FsGetString( file_t *f, char *str )
char ch;
while(( ch = FS_Getc( f )) != EOF )
*str++ = ch;
if( !ch ) break;
static void FreeNameFuncGlobals( dll_user_t *hInst )
int i;
if( !hInst ) return;
if( hInst->ordinals ) Mem_Free( hInst->ordinals );
if( hInst->funcs ) Mem_Free( hInst->funcs );
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
if( hInst->names[i] )
Mem_Free( hInst->names[i] );
hInst->num_ordinals = 0;
hInst->ordinals = NULL;
hInst->funcs = NULL;
char *GetMSVCName( const char *in_name )
char *pos, *out_name;
if( in_name[0] == '?' ) // is this a MSVC C++ mangled name?
if(( pos = com.strstr( in_name, "@@" )) != NULL )
int len = pos - in_name;
// strip off the leading '?'
out_name = com.stralloc( Sys.stringpool, in_name + 1, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
out_name[len-1] = 0; // terminate string at the "@@"
return out_name;
return com.stralloc( Sys.stringpool, in_name, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
qboolean LibraryLoadSymbols( dll_user_t *hInst )
file_t *f;
string errorstring;
DOS_HEADER dos_header;
LONG nt_signature;
PE_HEADER pe_header;
SECTION_HEADER section_header;
qboolean edata_found;
OPTIONAL_HEADER optional_header;
long edata_offset;
long edata_delta;
EXPORT_DIRECTORY export_directory;
long name_offset;
long ordinal_offset;
long function_offset;
string function_name;
dword *p_Names = NULL;
int i, index;
// can only be done for loaded libraries
if( !hInst ) return false;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
hInst->names[i] = NULL;
f = FS_Open( hInst->shortPath, "rb", false );
if( !f )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "couldn't load %s", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &dos_header, sizeof( dos_header )) != sizeof( dos_header ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s has corrupted EXE header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( dos_header.e_magic != DOS_SIGNATURE )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid dll signature", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Seek( f, dos_header.e_lfanew, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s error seeking for new exe header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &nt_signature, sizeof( nt_signature )) != sizeof( nt_signature ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s has corrupted NT header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( nt_signature != NT_SIGNATURE )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid NT signature", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &pe_header, sizeof( pe_header )) != sizeof( pe_header ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid PE header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( !pe_header.SizeOfOptionalHeader )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have an optional header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &optional_header, sizeof( optional_header )) != sizeof( optional_header ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s optional header probably corrupted", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
edata_found = false;
for( i = 0; i < pe_header.NumberOfSections; i++ )
if( FS_Read( f, &section_header, sizeof( section_header )) != sizeof( section_header ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading section header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( !com.strcmp((char *)section_header.Name, ".edata" ))
edata_found = true;
if( edata_found )
edata_offset = section_header.PointerToRawData;
edata_delta = section_header.VirtualAddress - section_header.PointerToRawData;
edata_offset = optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress;
edata_delta = 0;
if( FS_Seek( f, edata_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid exports section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
if( FS_Read( f, &export_directory, sizeof( export_directory )) != sizeof( export_directory ))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid optional header", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
hInst->num_ordinals = export_directory.NumberOfNames; // also number of ordinals
if( hInst->num_ordinals > MAX_LIBRARY_EXPORTS )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s too many exports", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
ordinal_offset = export_directory.AddressOfNameOrdinals - edata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, ordinal_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid ordinals section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
hInst->ordinals = Mem_Alloc( Sys.basepool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word ));
if( FS_Read( f, hInst->ordinals, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word )))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading ordinals table", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
function_offset = export_directory.AddressOfFunctions - edata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, function_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s does not have a valid export address section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
hInst->funcs = Mem_Alloc( Sys.basepool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword ));
if( FS_Read( f, hInst->funcs, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading export address section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
name_offset = export_directory.AddressOfNames - edata_delta;
if( FS_Seek( f, name_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s file does not have a valid names section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
p_Names = Mem_Alloc( Sys.basepool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword ));
if( FS_Read( f, p_Names, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )))
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during reading names table", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
name_offset = p_Names[i] - edata_delta;
if( name_offset != 0 )
if( FS_Seek( f, name_offset, SEEK_SET ) != -1 )
FsGetString( f, function_name );
hInst->names[i] = GetMSVCName( function_name );
else break;
if( i != hInst->num_ordinals )
com.sprintf( errorstring, "%s error during loading names section", hInst->shortPath );
goto table_error;
FS_Close( f );
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
if( !com.strcmp( "GiveFnptrsToDll", hInst->names[i] )) // main entry point for user dlls
void *fn_offset;
index = hInst->ordinals[i];
fn_offset = (void *)Com_GetProcAddress( hInst, "GiveFnptrsToDll" );
hInst->funcBase = (dword)(fn_offset) - hInst->funcs[index];
if( p_Names ) Mem_Free( p_Names );
return true;
// cleanup
if( f ) FS_Close( f );
if( p_Names ) Mem_Free( p_Names );
FreeNameFuncGlobals( hInst );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "LoadLibrary: %s\n", errorstring );
return false;
smart dll loader - can loading dlls from pack or wad files
void *Com_LoadLibraryExt( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table, qboolean directpath )
dll_user_t *hInst;
hInst = FS_FindLibrary( dllname, directpath );
if( !hInst ) return NULL; // nothing to load
if( hInst->custom_loader )
hInst->hInstance = MemoryLoadLibrary( hInst->fullPath, hInst->encrypted );
else hInst->hInstance = LoadLibrary( hInst->fullPath );
if( !hInst->hInstance )
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
Com_FreeLibrary( hInst );
return NULL;
// if not set - FunctionFromName and NameForFunction will not working
if( build_ordinals_table )
if( !LibraryLoadSymbols( hInst ))
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
Com_FreeLibrary( hInst );
return NULL;
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading %s - ok\n", dllname );
return hInst;
void *Com_LoadLibrary( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table )
return Com_LoadLibraryExt( dllname, build_ordinals_table, false );
void *Com_GetProcAddress( void *hInstance, const char *name )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return NULL;
if( hInst->custom_loader )
return MemoryGetProcAddress( hInst->hInstance, name );
return GetProcAddress( hInst->hInstance, name );
void Com_FreeLibrary( void *hInstance )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return; // already freed
if( Sys.app_state == SYS_CRASH )
// we need to hold down all modules, while MSVC can find error
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_FreeLibrary: hold %s for debugging\n", hInst->dllName );
else MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading %s\n", hInst->dllName );
if( hInst->custom_loader )
MemoryFreeLibrary( hInst->hInstance );
else FreeLibrary( hInst->hInstance );
hInst->hInstance = NULL;
if( hInst->num_ordinals )
FreeNameFuncGlobals( hInst );
Mem_Free( hInst ); // done
dword Com_FunctionFromName( void *hInstance, const char *pName )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
int i, index;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return 0;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
if( !com.strcmp( pName, hInst->names[i] ))
index = hInst->ordinals[i];
return hInst->funcs[index] + hInst->funcBase;
// couldn't find the function name to return address
return 0;
const char *Com_NameForFunction( void *hInstance, dword function )
dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance;
int i, index;
if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance )
return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ )
index = hInst->ordinals[i];
if(( function - hInst->funcBase ) == hInst->funcs[index] )
return hInst->names[i];
// couldn't find the function address to return name
return NULL;