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// Copyright XashXT Group 2010 ©
// r_partsystem.cpp - particle manager
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "triangle_api.h"
#include "r_efx.h"
#include "pm_movevars.h"
#include "ev_hldm.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "r_particle.h"
#include "r_tempents.h"
// particle velocities
static const float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3] =
#include "anorms.h"
// particle ramps
static int ramp1[8] = { 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x6b, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x63, 0x61 };
static int ramp2[8] = { 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0x6a, 0x68, 0x66 };
static int ramp3[6] = { 0x6d, 0x6b, 6, 5, 4, 3 };
static int gTracerColors[][3] =
{ 255, 255, 255 }, // White
{ 255, 0, 0 }, // Red
{ 0, 255, 0 }, // Green
{ 0, 0, 255 }, // Blue
{ 0, 0, 0 }, // Tracer default, filled in from cvars, etc.
{ 255, 167, 17 }, // Yellow-orange sparks
{ 255, 130, 90 }, // Yellowish streaks (garg)
{ 55, 60, 144 }, // Blue egon streak
{ 255, 130, 90 }, // More Yellowish streaks (garg)
{ 255, 140, 90 }, // More Yellowish streaks (garg)
{ 200, 130, 90 }, // More red streaks (garg)
{ 255, 120, 70 }, // Darker red streaks (garg)
static int gSparkRamp[SPARK_COLORCOUNT][3] =
{ 255, 255, 255 },
{ 255, 247, 199 },
{ 255, 243, 147 },
{ 255, 243, 27 },
{ 239, 203, 31 },
{ 223, 171, 39 },
{ 207, 143, 43 },
{ 127, 59, 43 },
{ 35, 19, 7 }
CParticleSystem *g_pParticles = NULL;
CParticleSystem :: CParticleSystem( void )
memset( m_pParticles, 0, sizeof( CBaseParticle ) * MAX_PARTICLES );
m_pFreeParticles = m_pParticles;
m_pActiveParticles = NULL;
CParticleSystem :: ~CParticleSystem( void )
void CParticleSystem :: Clear( void )
m_pFreeParticles = m_pParticles;
m_pActiveParticles = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
m_pParticles[i].m_pNext = &m_pParticles[i+1];
m_pParticles[MAX_PARTICLES-1].m_pNext = NULL;
// this is used for EF_BRIGHTFIELD
for( i = 0; i < NUMVERTEXNORMALS; i++ )
m_vecAvelocities[i][0] = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 255 ) * 0.01f;
m_vecAvelocities[i][1] = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 255 ) * 0.01f;
m_vecAvelocities[i][2] = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 255 ) * 0.01f;
// also build avertexnormals
m_vecAvertexNormals[i] = Vector( r_avertexnormals[i] );
// build the local copy of particle palette
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
float entry[3];
CL_GetPaletteColor( i, entry );
m_uchPalette[i][0] = (byte)entry[0];
m_uchPalette[i][1] = (byte)entry[1];
m_uchPalette[i][2] = (byte)entry[2];
// NOTE: shader nomip automatically create default shader
// with allow change rendermodes
m_hDefaultParticle = TEX_LoadNoMip( "*particle" );
void CParticleSystem :: FreeParticle( CBaseParticle *pCur )
if( pCur->GetType( ) == pt_clientcustom && pCur->pfnDeathFunc )
// call the deathfunc func before die
pCur->pfnDeathFunc( pCur );
pCur->m_pNext = m_pFreeParticles;
m_pFreeParticles = pCur;
CBaseParticle *CParticleSystem :: AllocParticle( HSPRITE m_hSpr )
CBaseParticle *pAlloc;
// never alloc particles when we not in game
if ( IN_GAME() == 0 )
return NULL;
if( !m_pFreeParticles )
Con_Printf( "Overflow %d particles\n", MAX_PARTICLES );
return NULL;
pAlloc = m_pFreeParticles;
m_pFreeParticles = pAlloc->m_pNext;
pAlloc->m_pNext = m_pActiveParticles;
m_pActiveParticles = pAlloc;
// clear old particle
pAlloc->SetType( pt_static );
pAlloc->m_hSprite = m_hSpr;
pAlloc->m_Velocity = g_vecZero;
pAlloc->m_Pos = g_vecZero;
pAlloc->m_Ramp = 0;
return pAlloc;
void CParticleSystem :: DrawParticle( HSPRITE hSprite, const Vector &pos, const byte color[4], float size )
// draw the particle
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Enable( TRI_SHADER );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode( kRenderTransTexture );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4ub( color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Bind( hSprite, 0 );
if ( hSprite == m_hDefaultParticle )
// HACKHACK a scale up to keep particles from disappearing
size += (pos.x - m_vecOrigin.x) * m_vecForward.x;
size += (pos.y - m_vecOrigin.y) * m_vecForward.y;
size += (pos.z - m_vecOrigin.z) * m_vecForward.z;
if( size < 20.0f ) size = 1.0f;
else size = 1.0f + size * 0.004f;
Vector right, up;
// scale the axes by radius
right = m_vecRight * size;
up = m_vecUp * size;
// Add the 4 corner vertices.
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin( TRI_QUADS );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f ( 0.0f, 1.0f );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv ( pos - right + up );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv ( pos + right + up );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f ( 1.0f, 0.0f );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv ( pos + right - up );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f ( 1.0f, 1.0f );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv ( pos - right - up );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Disable( TRI_SHADER );
void CParticleSystem :: SimulateAndRender( CBaseParticle *pParticle )
float ft = GetTimeDelta();
float time3 = 15.0 * ft;
float time2 = 10.0 * ft;
float time1 = 5.0 * ft;
float dvel = 4 * ft;
float grav = ft * gpMovevars->gravity * 0.05f;
int iRamp;
switch( pParticle->GetType( ))
case pt_static:
case pt_clientcustom:
if( pParticle->pfnCallback )
pParticle->pfnCallback( pParticle, ft );
case pt_fire:
pParticle->m_Ramp += (word)( time1 * ( 1 << SIMSHIFT ));
iRamp = pParticle->m_Ramp >> SIMSHIFT;
if( iRamp >= 6 )
pParticle->m_flLifetime = -1;
pParticle->SetColor( ramp3[iRamp] );
pParticle->m_Velocity[2] += grav;
case pt_explode:
pParticle->m_Ramp += (word)(time2 * ( 1 << SIMSHIFT));
iRamp = pParticle->m_Ramp >> SIMSHIFT;
if( iRamp >= 8 )
pParticle->m_flLifetime = -1;
pParticle->SetColor( ramp1[iRamp] );
pParticle->m_Velocity = pParticle->m_Velocity + pParticle->m_Velocity * dvel;
pParticle->m_Velocity.z -= grav;
case pt_explode2:
pParticle->m_Ramp += (word)(time3 * ( 1 << SIMSHIFT ));
iRamp = pParticle->m_Ramp >> SIMSHIFT;
if( iRamp >= 8 )
pParticle->m_flLifetime = -1;
pParticle->SetColor( ramp2[iRamp] );
pParticle->m_Velocity = pParticle->m_Velocity - pParticle->m_Velocity * ft;
pParticle->m_Velocity.z -= grav;
case pt_grav:
pParticle->m_Velocity.z -= grav * 20;
case pt_slowgrav:
pParticle->m_Velocity.z = grav;
case pt_vox_grav:
pParticle->m_Velocity.z -= grav * 8;
case pt_vox_slowgrav:
pParticle->m_Velocity.z -= grav * 4;
case pt_blob:
case pt_blob2:
pParticle->m_Ramp += (word)( time2 * ( 1 << SIMSHIFT ));
iRamp = pParticle->m_Ramp >> SIMSHIFT;
pParticle->m_Ramp = 0;
iRamp = 0;
pParticle->SetColor( gSparkRamp[iRamp] );
pParticle->m_Velocity[0] -= pParticle->m_Velocity[0] * 0.5f * ft;
pParticle->m_Velocity[1] -= pParticle->m_Velocity[1] * 0.5f * ft;
pParticle->m_Velocity[2] -= grav * 5;
if ( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 3 ))
pParticle->SetType( pt_blob );
pParticle->SetType( pt_blob2 );
pParticle->SetAlpha( 255.9f );
HSPRITE hTexture = pParticle->m_hSprite;
if( hTexture <= 0 )
hTexture = m_hDefaultParticle;
// render particle now
DrawParticle( hTexture, pParticle->m_Pos, pParticle->m_Color, 1.5f );
// update position.
pParticle->m_Pos = pParticle->m_Pos + pParticle->m_Velocity * ft;
void CParticleSystem :: Update( void )
CBaseParticle *pCur, *pKill;
m_fOldTime = m_flTime;
m_flTime = GetClientTime();
if( !cl_particles->integer ) return;
cl_entity_t *m_pPlayer = GetLocalPlayer();
if( !m_pPlayer ) return;
Vector view_ofs;
// calc vectors
AngleVectors( gHUD.m_vecAngles, m_vecForward, m_vecRight, m_vecUp );
// calc vieworg
gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_LocalPlayerViewheight( view_ofs );
m_vecOrigin[0] = gHUD.m_vecOrigin[0] + view_ofs.x;
m_vecOrigin[1] = gHUD.m_vecOrigin[1] + view_ofs.y;
m_vecOrigin[2] = gHUD.m_vecOrigin[2] + view_ofs.z;
while( 1 )
// free time-expired particles
pKill = m_pActiveParticles;
if ( pKill && pKill->GetLifetime() < GetClientTime() )
m_pActiveParticles = pKill->m_pNext;
FreeParticle( pKill );
for( pCur = m_pActiveParticles; pCur; pCur = pCur->m_pNext )
while( 1 )
pKill = pCur->m_pNext;
if ( pKill && pKill->GetLifetime() < GetClientTime() )
pCur->m_pNext = pKill->m_pNext;
FreeParticle( pKill );
SimulateAndRender( pCur );
void CParticleSystem :: EntityParticles( cl_entity_t *ent )
float angle;
float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy;
float dist = 64, beamlength = 16;
Vector m_vecForward, m_vecPos;
CBaseParticle *p;
for( int i = 0; i < NUMVERTEXNORMALS; i++ )
p = AllocParticle ();
if( !p ) return;
angle = GetClientTime() * m_vecAvelocities[i].x;
SinCos( angle, &sy, &cy );
angle = GetClientTime() * m_vecAvelocities[i].y;
SinCos( angle, &sp, &cp );
angle = GetClientTime() * m_vecAvelocities[i].z;
SinCos( angle, &sr, &cr );
m_vecForward.Init( cp * cy, cp * sy, -sp );
p->SetLifetime( 0.01f );
p->SetColor( 111 ); // yellow
p->SetType( pt_explode );
p->m_Pos = ent->origin + m_vecAvertexNormals[i] * dist + m_vecForward * beamlength;
void CParticleSystem :: ParticleEffect( const Vector org, const Vector dir, int color, int count )
CBaseParticle *p;
if( count == 1024 )
// Quake hack: count == 255 it's a RocketExplode
ParticleExplosion( org );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.1, 0.5 ));
p->SetColor(( color & ~7 ) + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 8 ));
p->SetType( pt_slowgrav );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = org[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
p->m_Velocity[j] = dir[j] * 15;
void CParticleSystem :: ParticleExplosion( const Vector org )
CBaseParticle *p;
for( int i = 0; i < 1024; i++ )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( 5.0 );
p->SetColor( ramp1[0] );
p->m_Ramp = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 4 );
if( i & 1 )
p->SetType( pt_explode );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = org[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
p->m_Velocity[j] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 256 );
p->SetType( pt_explode2 );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = org[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
p->m_Velocity[j] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 256 );
void CParticleSystem :: ParticleExplosion2( const Vector org, int colorStart, int colorLength )
int colorMod = 0;
CBaseParticle *p;
for( int i = 0; i < 512; i++ )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime ( 0.3f );
p->SetColor( colorStart + ( colorMod % colorLength ));
p->SetType( pt_blob );
for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = org[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
p->m_Velocity[j] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 256 );
void CParticleSystem :: BlobExplosion( const Vector org )
CBaseParticle *p;
for( int i = 0; i < 1024; i++ )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( 1.0f + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, 0.4f ));
if( i & 1 )
p->SetType( pt_blob );
p->SetColor( 66 + rand() % 6 );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = org[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
p->m_Velocity[j] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 256 );
p->SetType( pt_blob2 );
p->SetColor( 150 + rand() % 6 );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = org[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
p->m_Velocity[j] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 256 );
void CParticleSystem :: LavaSplash( const Vector org )
CBaseParticle *p;
float vel;
Vector dir;
for ( int i = -16; i < 16; i++ )
for ( int j = -16; j <16; j++ )
for ( int k = 0; k < 1; k++ )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( 2.0f + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.0f, 0.65f ));
p->SetColor( 224 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 8 ));
p->SetType( pt_slowgrav );
dir[0] = j * 8 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 8 );
dir[1] = i * 8 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 8 );
dir[2] = 256;
p->m_Pos[0] = org[0] + dir[0];
p->m_Pos[1] = org[1] + dir[1];
p->m_Pos[2] = org[2] + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 64 );
dir = dir.Normalize();
vel = 50 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 64 );
p->m_Velocity = dir * vel;
void CParticleSystem :: TeleportSplash( const Vector org )
CBaseParticle *p;
Vector dir;
for( int i = -16; i < 16; i+=4 )
for( int j = -16; j < 16; j += 4 )
for( int k = -24; k < 32; k += 4 )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.2f, 0.36f ));
p->SetColor( RANDOM_LONG( 7, 14 ));
p->SetType( pt_slowgrav );
dir[0] = j * 8;
dir[1] = i * 8;
dir[2] = k * 8;
p->m_Pos[0] = org[0] + i + RANDOM_FLOAT( -4, 4 );
p->m_Pos[1] = org[1] + j + RANDOM_FLOAT( -4, 4 );
p->m_Pos[2] = org[2] + k + RANDOM_FLOAT( -4, 4 );
dir = dir.Normalize();
p->m_Velocity = dir * RANDOM_LONG( 50, 114 );
void CParticleSystem :: RocketTrail( const Vector org, const Vector end, int type )
vec3_t vec, start;
float len;
CBaseParticle *p;
int j, dec;
static int tracercount;
start = org;
vec = end - start;
len = vec.Length();
vec = vec.Normalize();
if( type < 128 )
dec = 3;
dec = 1;
type -= 128;
while( len > 0 )
len -= dec;
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( 2.0f );
switch( type )
case 0: // rocket trail
p->m_Ramp = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 4 );
p->SetColor( ramp3[p->m_Ramp] );
p->SetType( pt_fire );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = start[j] + ((rand()%6)-3);
case 1: // smoke smoke
p->m_Ramp = RANDOM_LONG( 2, 6 );
p->SetColor( ramp3[p->m_Ramp] );
p->SetType( pt_fire );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = start[j] + ((rand() % 6) - 3);
case 2: // blood
p->SetType( pt_grav );
p->SetColor( RANDOM_LONG( 67, 71 ));
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = start[j] + ((rand() % 6) - 3);
case 3:
case 5: // tracer
p->SetLifetime( 0.5f );
p->SetType( pt_static );
if( type == 3 )
p->SetColor( 52 + (( tracercount & 4 )<<1 ));
else p->SetColor( 230 + (( tracercount & 4 )<<1 ));
p->m_Pos = start;
if( tracercount & 1 )
p->m_Velocity[0] = 30 * vec[1];
p->m_Velocity[1] = 30 * -vec[0];
p->m_Velocity[0] = 30 * -vec[1];
p->m_Velocity[1] = 30 * vec[0];
case 4: // slight blood
p->SetType( pt_grav );
p->SetColor( RANDOM_LONG( 67, 71 ));
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = start[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -3, 3 );
len -= 3;
case 6: // voor trail
p->SetColor( RANDOM_LONG( 152, 156 ));
p->SetType( pt_static );
p->SetLifetime( 0.3f );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = start[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -16, 16 );
start += vec;
static void pfnSparkTracerDraw( CBaseParticle *pPart, float frametime )
float lifePerc = ( pPart->m_flLifetime - GetClientTime() );
float scale = pPart->m_flLength;
Vector delta = pPart->m_Velocity;
float flLength = ( pPart->m_Velocity * scale ).Length();
float flWidth = ( flLength < pPart->m_flWidth ) ? flLength : pPart->m_flWidth;
g_pParticles->DrawTracer(pPart->m_hSprite, pPart->m_Pos, delta * scale, flWidth, pPart->m_Color, 0.0f, 0.8f);
float grav = frametime * gpMovevars->gravity * 0.05f;
pPart->m_Velocity.z -= grav * 8; // use vox gravity
pPart->m_Pos = pPart->m_Pos + pPart->m_Velocity * frametime;
if( lifePerc < 0.5 ) pPart->SetAlpha( lifePerc * 2 ); // fade alpha
void CParticleSystem :: SparkleTracer( const Vector& pos, const Vector& dir )
CBaseParticle *p;
p = AllocParticle( m_hDefaultParticle );
if( !p ) return;
p->SetType( pt_clientcustom );
p->SetLifetime( RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.5f, 1.0f ));
p->SetColor( gTracerColors[5] ); // Yellow-Orange
p->m_Pos = pos;
p->m_flWidth = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.35f, 0.5f );
p->m_flLength = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.05f, 0.08f );
p->pfnCallback = pfnSparkTracerDraw;
void CParticleSystem :: StreakTracer( const Vector& pos, const Vector& velocity, int color )
CBaseParticle *p;
p = AllocParticle( m_hDefaultParticle );
if( !p ) return;
p->SetType( pt_clientcustom );
p->SetLifetime( RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.5f, 1.0f ));
p->SetColor( gTracerColors[color] ); // Yellow-Orange
p->m_Pos = pos;
p->m_flWidth = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.45f, 0.65f );
p->m_flLength = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.05f, 0.08f );
p->m_Velocity = velocity;
p->pfnCallback = pfnSparkTracerDraw;
static void pfnBulletTracerDraw( CBaseParticle *pPart, float frametime )
Vector delta = pPart->m_Velocity * pPart->m_flLength;
g_pParticles->DrawTracer(pPart->m_hSprite, pPart->m_Pos, delta, pPart->m_flWidth, pPart->m_Color, 0.0f, 0.8f);
pPart->m_Pos = pPart->m_Pos + pPart->m_Velocity * frametime;
void CParticleSystem :: BulletTracer( const Vector& start, const Vector& end )
CBaseParticle *p;
p = AllocParticle( m_hDefaultParticle );
if( !p ) return;
float vel = ((end - start).Length()) * 16;
Vector dir = ( end - start ).Normalize();
p->SetType( pt_clientcustom );
p->SetLifetime( 0.5f ); // const
p->SetColor( gTracerColors[0] ); // White tracer
p->m_Pos = start;
p->m_flWidth = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.8f, 1.0f );
p->m_flLength = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.05f, 0.06f );
p->m_Velocity = dir * vel;
p->pfnCallback = pfnBulletTracerDraw;
void CParticleSystem :: BulletImpactParticles( const Vector &pos )
CBaseParticle *p;
// uncomment this to enable texture based particle
// HSPRITE sprtex = SPR_Load("sprites/debris/debris_concrete01.spr");
g_pTempEnts->SparkShower( pos ); // Sparks
for( int i = 0; i < 25; i++ )
p = AllocParticle();
if( !p ) return;
p->SetLifetime( 2.0 );
p->SetColor( 0, 0, 0 ); // 0,0,0 = black
p->SetAlpha( 255 );
//p->SetTexture ( sprtex ) ; // Uncomment to enable texture based particle
if( i & 1 )
p->SetType( pt_grav );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
p->m_Pos[j] = pos[j] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -2, 3 ); // distance between particles
p->m_Velocity[j] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -70, 70 ); // speed, velocity of particles