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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// common.h - definitions common between client and server
#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "launch_api.h"
#include "engine_api.h"
#include "render_api.h"
#include "vsound_api.h"
#include "com_export.h"
#include "com_model.h"
#define MIN_FPS 0.1 // host minimum fps value for maxfps.
#define MAX_FPS 1000.0 // upper limit for maxfps.
#define MAX_FRAMETIME 0.1
#define MIN_FRAMETIME 0.001
#define MAX_RENDERS 8 // max libraries to keep tracking
#define MAX_ENTNUMBER 99999 // for server and client parsing
#define MAX_HEARTBEAT -99999 // connection time
#define CIN_MAIN 0
#define CIN_LOGO 1
// config strings are a general means of communication from
// the server to all connected clients.
// each config string can be at most CS_SIZE characters.
#define CS_SIZE 64 // size of one config string
#define CS_TIME 16 // size of time string
// FIXME: eliminate this. Configstrings must be started from CS_MODELS
#define CS_NAME 0 // map name
#define CS_MAPCHECKSUM 1 // level checksum (for catching cheater maps)
#define CS_BACKGROUND_TRACK 3 // basename of background track
// 8 - 32 it's a reserved strings
#define CS_MODELS 8 // configstrings starts here
#define CS_SOUNDS (CS_MODELS+MAX_MODELS) // sound names
#define CS_DECALS (CS_SOUNDS+MAX_SOUNDS) // server decal indexes
#define CS_EVENTS (CS_DECALS+MAX_DECALNAMES) // queue events
#define CS_GENERICS (CS_EVENTS+MAX_EVENTS) // generic resources (e.g. color decals)
#define CS_LIGHTSTYLES (CS_GENERICS+MAX_GENERICS) // lightstyle patterns
#ifdef _DEBUG
void DBG_AssertFunction( bool fExpr, const char* szExpr, const char* szFile, int szLine, const char* szMessage );
#define Assert( f ) DBG_AssertFunction( f, #f, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL )
#define Assert( f )
extern cvar_t *scr_width;
extern cvar_t *scr_height;
extern cvar_t *scr_download;
extern cvar_t *allow_download;
extern cvar_t *host_limitlocal;
extern cvar_t *host_maxfps;
typedef enum
HOST_INIT = 0, // initalize operations
HOST_FRAME, // host running
HOST_SHUTDOWN, // shutdown operations
HOST_ERROR, // host stopped by error
HOST_SLEEP, // sleeped by different reason, e.g. minimize window
HOST_NOFOCUS, // same as HOST_FRAME, but disable mouse
HOST_RESTART, // during the changes video mode
HOST_CRASHED // an exception handler called
} host_state;
typedef enum
RD_NONE = 0,
} rdtype_t;
// game print level
typedef enum
PRINT_LOW, // pickup messages
PRINT_MEDIUM, // death messages
PRINT_HIGH, // critical messages
PRINT_CHAT, // chat messages
} messagelevel_t;
typedef struct host_redirect_s
rdtype_t target;
char *buffer;
int buffersize;
netadr_t address;
void (*flush)( netadr_t adr, rdtype_t target, char *buffer );
} host_redirect_t;
typedef struct host_parm_s
host_state state; // global host state
uint type; // running at
jmp_buf abortframe; // abort current frame
dword errorframe; // to avoid each-frame host error
byte *mempool; // static mempool for misc allocations
string finalmsg; // server shutdown final message
host_redirect_t rd; // remote console
double realtime; // host.curtime
double frametime; // time between engine frames
double realframetime; // for some system events, e.g. console animations
uint framecount; // global framecount
int events_head;
int events_tail;
sys_event_t events[MAX_EVENTS];
HWND hWnd; // main window
int developer; // show all developer's message
bool key_overstrike; // key overstrike mode
// for IN_MouseMove() easy access
int window_center_x;
int window_center_y;
// renderers info
char *video_dlls[MAX_RENDERS];
char *audio_dlls[MAX_RENDERS];
int num_video_dlls;
int num_audio_dlls;
decallist_t *decalList; // used for keep decals, when renderer is restarted or changed
int numdecals;
soundlist_t *soundList; // used for keep ambient sounds, when renderer or sound is restarted
int numsounds;
} host_parm_t;
extern host_parm_t host;
// build.c
int com_buildnum( void );
// host.c
void Host_Init( const int argc, const char **argv );
void Host_Main( void );
void Host_Free( void );
void Host_SetServerState( int state );
int Host_ServerState( void );
int Host_CompareFileTime( long ft1, long ft2 );
bool Host_NewGame( const char *mapName, bool loadGame );
void Host_EndGame( const char *message, ... );
void Host_AbortCurrentFrame( void );
void Host_WriteServerConfig( const char *name );
void Host_WriteOpenGLConfig( void );
void Host_WriteConfig( void );
bool Host_IsLocalGame( void );
void Host_ShutdownServer( void );
void Host_CheckChanges( void );
void Host_Print( const char *txt );
void Host_Error( const char *error, ... );
void Host_Credits( void );
void CL_Init( void );
void CL_Shutdown( void );
void Host_ClientFrame( void );
bool CL_Active( void );
void SV_Init( void );
void SV_Shutdown( bool reconnect );
void Host_ServerFrame( void );
bool SV_Active( void );
cvar_t *pfnCVarRegister( const char *szName, const char *szValue, int flags, const char *szDesc );
char *pfnMemFgets( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize, int *filePos, char *pBuffer, int bufferSize );
byte* pfnLoadFile( const char *filename, int *pLength );
void pfnCVarSetString( const char *szName, const char *szValue );
void pfnCVarSetValue( const char *szName, float flValue );
float pfnCVarGetValue( const char *szName );
char* pfnCVarGetString( const char *szName );
cvar_t *pfnCVarGetPointer( const char *szVarName );
void pfnFreeFile( void *buffer );
int pfnFileExists( const char *filename );
void *pfnLoadLibrary( const char *name );
void *pfnGetProcAddress( void *hInstance, const char *name );
void pfnFreeLibrary( void *hInstance );
long pfnRandomLong( long lLow, long lHigh );
float pfnRandomFloat( float flLow, float flHigh );
void pfnAddCommand( const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t func, const char *cmd_desc );
void pfnDelCommand( const char *cmd_name );
void *Cache_Check( byte *mempool, struct cache_user_s *c );
edict_t* pfnPEntityOfEntIndex( int iEntIndex );
void pfnGetGameDir( char *szGetGameDir );
const char *pfnCmd_Args( void );
const char *pfnCmd_Argv( int argc );
void Con_DPrintf( char *fmt, ... );
void Con_Printf( char *szFmt, ... );
int pfnCmd_Argc( void );
int pfnIsInGame( void );
float pfnTime( void );
#define Z_Malloc(size) Mem_Alloc( host.mempool, size )
#define Z_Realloc( ptr, size ) Mem_Realloc( host.mempool, ptr, size )
#define Z_Free( ptr ) if( ptr ) Mem_Free( ptr )
// keys.c
bool Key_IsDown( int keynum );
const char *Key_IsBind( int keynum );
void Key_Event( int key, bool down );
void Key_Init( void );
void Key_WriteBindings( file_t *f );
const char *Key_GetBinding( int keynum );
void Key_SetBinding( int keynum, const char *binding );
void Key_ClearStates( void );
const char *Key_KeynumToString( int keynum );
int Key_StringToKeynum( const char *str );
int Key_GetKey( const char *binding );
void Key_EnumCmds_f( void );
void Key_SetKeyDest( int key_dest );
// avikit.c
typedef struct movie_state_s movie_state_t;
long AVI_GetVideoFrameNumber( movie_state_t *Avi, float time );
byte *AVI_GetVideoFrame( movie_state_t *Avi, long frame );
bool AVI_GetVideoInfo( movie_state_t *Avi, long *xres, long *yres, float *duration );
bool AVI_GetAudioInfo( movie_state_t *Avi, wavdata_t *snd_info );
fs_offset_t AVI_GetAudioChunk( movie_state_t *Avi, char *audiodata, long offset, long length );
void AVI_OpenVideo( movie_state_t *Avi, const char *filename, bool load_audio, bool ignore_hwgamma, bool quiet );
void AVI_CloseVideo( movie_state_t *Avi );
bool AVI_IsActive( movie_state_t *Avi );
movie_state_t *AVI_GetState( int num );
// shared calls
bool CL_IsInGame( void );
bool CL_IsInMenu( void );
float CL_GetServerTime( void );
void CL_CharEvent( int key );
void Tri_DrawTriangles( int fTrans );
int CL_PointContents( const vec3_t point );
char *COM_ParseFile( char *data, char *token );
void CL_StudioFxTransform( struct cl_entity_s *ent, float transform[4][4] );
bool CL_GetEntitySpatialization( int entnum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity );
void CL_StudioEvent( struct mstudioevent_s *event, struct cl_entity_s *ent );
bool CL_GetComment( const char *demoname, char *comment );
struct pmtrace_s *PM_TraceLine( float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehull, int ignore_pe );
void SV_StartSound( edict_t *ent, int chan, const char *sample, float vol, float attn, int flags, int pitch );
struct cl_entity_s *CL_GetEntityByIndex( int index );
struct cl_entity_s *CL_GetLocalPlayer( void );
struct player_info_s *CL_GetPlayerInfo( int playerIndex );
void CL_ExtraUpdate( void );
int CL_GetMaxClients( void );
bool CL_IsPlaybackDemo( void );
bool SV_GetComment( const char *savename, char *comment );
bool SV_NewGame( const char *mapName, bool loadGame );
void SV_SysError( const char *error_string );
void SV_InitGameProgs( void );
void SV_ForceError( void );
void CL_WriteMessageHistory( void );
void CL_MouseEvent( int mx, int my );
void CL_SendCmd( void );
void CL_Disconnect( void );
bool CL_NextDemo( void );
void CL_Drop( void );
void CL_ForceVid( void );
void CL_ForceSnd( void );
void SCR_Init( void );
void SCR_UpdateScreen( void );
void SCR_CheckStartupVids( void );
long SCR_GetAudioChunk( char *rawdata, long length );
wavdata_t *SCR_GetMovieInfo( void );
void SCR_Shutdown( void );
void Con_Print( const char *txt );
void Con_NPrintf( int idx, char *fmt, ... );
void Con_NXPrintf( struct con_nprint_s *info, char *fmt, ... );
char *Info_ValueForKey( const char *s, const char *key );
void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys( char *start, char prefix );
bool Info_RemoveKey( char *s, const char *key );
bool Info_SetValueForKey( char *s, const char *key, const char *value );
bool Info_Validate( const char *s );
void Info_Print( const char *s );
char *Cvar_Userinfo( void );
char *Cvar_Serverinfo( void );
void Cmd_WriteVariables( file_t *f );
bool Cmd_CheckMapsList( bool fRefresh );
void Cmd_ForwardToServer( void );
void Cmd_AutoComplete( char *complete_string );
typedef struct autocomplete_list_s
const char *name;
bool (*func)( const char *s, char *name, int length );
} autocomplete_list_t;
extern autocomplete_list_t cmd_list[];