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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// cm_trace.c - combined tracing
#include "cm_local.h"
static float RayCastPlacement(const NewtonBody* body, const float* normal, int collisionID, void* userData, float intersetParam )
float *paramPtr;
paramPtr = (float *)userData;
paramPtr[0] = intersetParam;
return intersetParam;
// find floor for character placement
float CM_FindFloor( vec3_t p0, float maxDist )
vec3_t p1;
float floor_dist = 1.2f;
VectorCopy( p0, p1 );
p1[1] -= maxDist;
// shot a vertical ray from a high altitude and collected the intersection parameter.
NewtonWorldRayCast( gWorld, &p0[0], &p1[0], RayCastPlacement, &floor_dist, NULL );
// the intersection is the interpolated value
return p0[1] - maxDist * floor_dist;
int CM_PointLeafnum_r( const vec3_t p, int num )
float d;
cnode_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
while(num >= 0)
node = cm.nodes + num;
plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)d = p[plane->type] - plane->dist;
else d = DotProduct (plane->normal, p) - plane->dist;
if (d < 0) num = node->children[1];
else num = node->children[0];
return -1 - num;
int CM_PointLeafnum( const vec3_t p )
// map not loaded
if ( !cm.numnodes ) return 0;
return CM_PointLeafnum_r(p, 0);
void CM_StoreLeafs( leaflist_t *ll, int nodenum )
int leafNum = -1 - nodenum;
// store the lastLeaf even if the list is overflowed
if ( cm.leafs[leafNum].cluster != -1 )
ll->lastleaf = leafNum;
if( ll->count >= ll->maxcount)
ll->overflowed = true;
ll->list[ll->count++] = leafNum;
void CM_StoreBrushes( leaflist_t *ll, int nodenum )
int i, k;
int leafnum;
int brushnum;
cleaf_t *leaf;
cbrush_t *b;
leafnum = -1 - nodenum;
leaf = &cm.leafs[leafnum];
for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numleafbrushes; k++ )
brushnum = cm.leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush + k];
b = &cm.brushes[brushnum];
// already checked this brush in another leaf
if( b->checkcount == cm.checkcount ) continue;
b->checkcount = cm.checkcount;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( b->bounds[0][i] >= ll->bounds[1][i] || b->bounds[1][i] <= ll->bounds[0][i] )
if( i != 3 ) continue;
if( ll->count >= ll->maxcount )
ll->overflowed = true;
((cbrush_t **)ll->list)[ll->count++] = b;
Fills in a list of all the leafs touched
void CM_BoxLeafnums_r( leaflist_t *ll, int nodenum )
cplane_t *plane;
cnode_t *node;
int s;
while( 1 )
if(nodenum < 0)
ll->storeleafs( ll, nodenum );
node = &cm.nodes[nodenum];
plane = node->plane;
s = BoxOnPlaneSide( ll->bounds[0], ll->bounds[1], plane );
if (s == 1)
nodenum = node->children[0];
else if (s == 2)
nodenum = node->children[1];
// go down both
CM_BoxLeafnums_r( ll, node->children[0] );
nodenum = node->children[1];
int CM_BoxLeafnums( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int *list, int listsize, int *lastleaf )
leaflist_t ll;
VectorCopy( mins, ll.bounds[0] );
VectorCopy( maxs, ll.bounds[1] );
ll.count = 0;
ll.maxcount = listsize;
ll.list = list;
ll.storeleafs = CM_StoreLeafs;
ll.lastleaf = 0;
ll.overflowed = false;
CM_BoxLeafnums_r( &ll, 0 );
if( lastleaf ) *lastleaf = ll.lastleaf;
return ll.count;
int CM_PointContents( const vec3_t p, cmodel_t *model )
int leafnum;
int i, k;
int brushnum;
cleaf_t *leaf;
cbrush_t *b;
cbrushside_t *side;
int contents;
float d;
if(!cm.numnodes) return 0; // map not loaded
if( model && model->type == mod_brush )
// ignore studio models
leaf = &model->leaf;
leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum_r (p, 0);
leaf = &cm.leafs[leafnum];
contents = 0;
for( k = 0; k < leaf->numleafbrushes; k++)
brushnum = cm.leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush + k];
b = &cm.brushes[brushnum];
// see if the point is in the brush
for( i = 0; i < b->numsides; i++ )
side = &cm.brushsides[b->firstbrushside + i];
d = DotProduct( p, side->plane->normal );
if( d > side->plane->dist ) break;
if( i == b->numsides ) contents |= b->contents;
return contents;
Handles offseting and rotation of the end points for moving and
rotating entities
int CM_TransformedPointContents( const vec3_t p, cmodel_t *model, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles )
vec3_t p_l;
vec3_t temp;
vec3_t forward, right, up;
// subtract origin offset
VectorSubtract( p, origin, p_l );
// rotate start and end into the models frame of reference
if(!VectorIsNull( angles ))
AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, up );
VectorCopy( p_l, temp );
p_l[0] = DotProduct( temp, forward );
p_l[1] = -DotProduct( temp, right );
p_l[2] = DotProduct( temp, up );
return CM_PointContents( p_l, model );