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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// cm_trace.c - combined tracing
#include "cm_local.h"
#include "cm_utils.h"
// keep 1/8 unit away to keep the position valid before network snapping
// and to avoid various numeric issues
#define DIST_EPSILON (0.125) // 1/8 epsilon to keep floating point happy
#define RADIUS_EPSILON 1.0f
#define Square(x) ((x)*(x))
void RotatePoint(vec3_t point, const vec3_t matrix[3])
vec3_t tvec;
VectorCopy( point, tvec );
point[0] = DotProduct( matrix[0], tvec );
point[1] = DotProduct( matrix[1], tvec );
point[2] = DotProduct( matrix[2], tvec );
void TransposeMatrix( const vec3_t matrix[3], vec3_t transpose[3])
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
transpose[i][j] = matrix[j][i];
void CreateRotationMatrix(const vec3_t angles, vec3_t matrix[3])
AngleVectors(angles, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2]);
VectorNegate( matrix[1], matrix[1] );
void CM_ProjectPointOntoVector( vec3_t point, vec3_t vStart, vec3_t vDir, vec3_t vProj )
vec3_t pVec;
VectorSubtract( point, vStart, pVec );
// project onto the directional vector for this segment
VectorMA( vStart, DotProduct( pVec, vDir ), vDir, vProj );
float CM_DistanceFromLineSquared(vec3_t p, vec3_t lp1, vec3_t lp2, vec3_t dir)
vec3_t proj, t;
int j;
CM_ProjectPointOntoVector( p, lp1, dir, proj );
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if ((proj[j] > lp1[j] && proj[j] > lp2[j]) || (proj[j] < lp1[j] && proj[j] < lp2[j]))
if( j < 3 )
if(fabs(proj[j] - lp1[j]) < fabs(proj[j] - lp2[j]))
VectorSubtract(p, lp1, t);
VectorSubtract(p, lp2, t);
return VectorLength2(t);
VectorSubtract(p, proj, t);
return VectorLength2(t);
float CM_VectorDistanceSquared( vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2 )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract(p2, p1, dir);
return VectorLength2(dir);
float SquareRootFloat( float number )
long i;
float x, y;
const float f = 1.5F;
x = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = *(long*)&y;
i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1);
y = *(float *)&i;
y = y*(f-(x*y*y));
y = y*(f-(x*y*y));
return number*y;
void CM_TestBoxInBrush( tracework_t *tw, cbrush_t *brush )
cplane_t *plane;
float t, dist, d1;
cbrushside_t *side;
vec3_t startp;
int i;
if(!brush->numsides) return;
// special test for axial
if ( tw->bounds[0][0] > brush->bounds[1][0] || tw->bounds[0][1] > brush->bounds[1][1]
|| tw->bounds[0][2] > brush->bounds[1][2] || tw->bounds[1][0] < brush->bounds[0][0]
|| tw->bounds[1][1] < brush->bounds[0][1] || tw->bounds[1][2] < brush->bounds[0][2] )
if( tw->sphere.use )
// the first six planes are the axial planes, so we only
// need to test the remainder
for( i = 6; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
side = &cm.brushsides[brush->firstbrushside + i];
plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for radius
dist = plane->dist + tw->sphere.radius;
// find the closest point on the capsule to the plane
t = DotProduct( plane->normal, tw->sphere.offset );
if( t > 0 )
VectorSubtract( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startp );
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startp );
d1 = DotProduct( startp, plane->normal ) - dist;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection
if( d1 > 0 ) return;
// the first six planes are the axial planes, so we only
// need to test the remainder
for( i = 6; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
side = &cm.brushsides[brush->firstbrushside + i];
plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
dist = plane->dist - DotProduct( tw->offsets[plane->signbits], plane->normal );
d1 = DotProduct( tw->start, plane->normal ) - dist;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection
if ( d1 > 0 ) return;
// inside this brush
tw->result.startsolid = tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
tw->result.contents = brush->contents;
void CM_TestInLeaf( tracework_t *tw, cleaf_t *leaf )
int k;
int brushnum;
cbrush_t *b;
if(!(leaf->contents & maptrace.contents)) return;
// test box position against all brushes in the leaf
for (k = 0; k < leaf->numleafbrushes; k++)
brushnum = cm.leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush + k];
b = &cm.brushes[brushnum];
// already checked this brush in another leaf
if (b->checkcount == cm.checkcount) continue;
b->checkcount = cm.checkcount;
if(!(b->contents & tw->contents)) continue;
CM_TestBoxInBrush( tw, b );
if( tw->result.allsolid ) return;
capsule inside capsule check
void CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( tracework_t *tw, cmodel_t *model )
int i;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t top, bottom;
vec3_t p1, p2, tmp;
vec3_t offset, symetricSize[2];
float radius, halfwidth, halfheight, offs, r;
CM_ModelBounds( model, mins, maxs );
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, top );
VectorSubtract( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, bottom );
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
halfwidth = symetricSize[1][0];
halfheight = symetricSize[1][2];
radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
offs = halfheight - radius;
r = Square(tw->sphere.radius + radius);
// check if any of the spheres overlap
VectorCopy(offset, p1);
p1[2] += offs;
VectorSubtract(p1, top, tmp);
if ( VectorLength2(tmp) < r )
tw->result.startsolid = tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
VectorSubtract(p1, bottom, tmp);
if ( VectorLength2(tmp) < r )
tw->result.startsolid = tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
VectorCopy(offset, p2);
p2[2] -= offs;
VectorSubtract(p2, top, tmp);
if ( VectorLength2(tmp) < r )
tw->result.startsolid = tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
VectorSubtract(p2, bottom, tmp);
if ( VectorLength2(tmp) < r )
tw->result.startsolid = tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
// if between cylinder up and lower bounds
if((top[2] >= p1[2] && top[2] <= p2[2]) || (bottom[2] >= p1[2] && bottom[2] <= p2[2]))
top[2] = p1[2] = 0; // 2d coordinates
VectorSubtract(top, p1, tmp); // if the cylinders overlap
if( VectorLength2(tmp) < r )
tw->result.startsolid = tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
bounding box inside capsule check
void CM_TestBoundingBoxInCapsule( tracework_t *tw, cmodel_t *model )
vec3_t mins, maxs, offset, size[2];
cmodel_t *cmod;
int i;
// mins maxs of the capsule
CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);
// offset for capsule center
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
size[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
size[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
tw->start[i] -= offset[i];
tw->end[i] -= offset[i];
// replace the bounding box with the capsule
tw->sphere.use = true;
tw->sphere.radius = ( maxs[0] > maxs[2] ) ? maxs[2]: maxs[0];
tw->sphere.halfheight = maxs[2];
VectorSet( tw->sphere.offset, 0, 0, maxs[2] - tw->sphere.radius );
// replace the capsule with the bounding box
cmod = CM_TempBoxModel( tw->mins, tw->maxs, false );
// calculate collision
CM_TestInLeaf( tw, &cmod->leaf );
void CM_PositionTest( tracework_t *tw )
int i;
leaflist_t ll;
// identify the leafs we are touching
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->mins, ll.bounds[0] );
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->maxs, ll.bounds[1] );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
ll.bounds[0][i] -= 1;
ll.bounds[1][i] += 1;
ll.count = 0;
ll.maxcount = MAX_POSITION_LEAFS;
ll.list = leafs;
ll.storeleafs = CM_StoreLeafs;
ll.lastleaf = 0;
ll.overflowed = false;
CM_BoxLeafnums_r( &ll, 0 );
// test the contents of the leafs
for( i = 0; i < ll.count; i++)
CM_TestInLeaf( tw, &cm.leafs[leafs[i]] );
if( tw->result.allsolid )
void CM_TraceThroughBrush( tracework_t *tw, cbrush_t *brush )
int i;
cplane_t *plane, *clipplane;
float dist;
float enterFrac, leaveFrac;
float t, f, d1, d2;
bool getout, startout;
cbrushside_t *side, *leadside;
vec3_t startp, endp;
enterFrac = -1.0;
leaveFrac = 1.0;
clipplane = NULL;
if( !brush->numsides ) return;
getout = false;
startout = false;
leadside = NULL;
if ( tw->sphere.use )
// compare the trace against all planes of the brush
// find the latest time the trace crosses a plane towards the interior
// and the earliest time the trace crosses a plane towards the exterior
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
side = &cm.brushsides[brush->firstbrushside + i];
plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for radius
dist = plane->dist + tw->sphere.radius;
// find the closest point on the capsule to the plane
t = DotProduct( plane->normal, tw->sphere.offset );
if ( t > 0 )
VectorSubtract( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startp );
VectorSubtract( tw->end, tw->sphere.offset, endp );
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startp );
VectorAdd( tw->end, tw->sphere.offset, endp );
d1 = DotProduct( startp, plane->normal ) - dist;
d2 = DotProduct( endp, plane->normal ) - dist;
if( d2 > 0 ) getout = true; // endpoint is not in solid
if( d1 > 0 ) startout = true;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection with the entire brush
if( d1 > 0 && ( d2 >= DIST_EPSILON || d2 >= d1 ))
// if it doesn't cross the plane, the plane isn't relevent
if( d1 <= 0 && d2 <= 0 ) continue;
// crosses face
if( d1 > d2 )
{ // enter
f = (d1 - DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2);
if( f < 0 ) f = 0;
if( f > enterFrac )
enterFrac = f;
clipplane = plane;
leadside = side;
{ // leave
f = (d1 + DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2);
if( f > 1 ) f = 1;
if( f < leaveFrac ) leaveFrac = f;
// compare the trace against all planes of the brush
// find the latest time the trace crosses a plane towards the interior
// and the earliest time the trace crosses a plane towards the exterior
for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
side = &cm.brushsides[brush->firstbrushside + i];
plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
dist = plane->dist - DotProduct( tw->offsets[ plane->signbits ], plane->normal );
d1 = DotProduct( tw->start, plane->normal ) - dist;
d2 = DotProduct( tw->end, plane->normal ) - dist;
if( d2 > 0 ) getout = true; // endpoint is not in solid
if( d1 > 0 ) startout = true;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection with the entire brush
if(d1 > 0 && ( d2 >= DIST_EPSILON || d2 >= d1 ) )
// if it doesn't cross the plane, the plane isn't relevent
if( d1 <= 0 && d2 <= 0 ) continue;
// crosses face
if( d1 > d2 )
// enter
f = (d1 - DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2);
if( f < 0 ) f = 0;
if( f > enterFrac )
enterFrac = f;
clipplane = plane;
leadside = side;
// leave
f = (d1 + DIST_EPSILON) / (d1-d2);
if( f > 1 ) f = 1;
if( f < leaveFrac )
leaveFrac = f;
// all planes have been checked, and the trace was not
// completely outside the brush
// original point was inside brush
tw->result.startsolid = true;
tw->result.allsolid = true;
tw->result.fraction = 0;
tw->result.contents = brush->contents;
if( enterFrac < leaveFrac )
if( enterFrac > -1 && enterFrac < tw->result.fraction )
if( enterFrac < 0 ) enterFrac = 0;
tw->result.fraction = enterFrac;
tw->result.plane = *clipplane;
tw->result.flags = leadside->surface->flags;
tw->result.surface = leadside->surface;
tw->result.contents = brush->contents;
void CM_TraceThroughLeaf( tracework_t *tw, cleaf_t *leaf )
int k;
int brushnum;
cbrush_t *b;
// trace line against all brushes in the leaf
for( k = 0; k < leaf->numleafbrushes; k++ )
brushnum = cm.leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush + k];
b = &cm.brushes[brushnum];
// already checked this brush in another leaf
if( b->checkcount == cm.checkcount ) continue;
b->checkcount = cm.checkcount;
if(!(b->contents & tw->contents)) continue;
CM_TraceThroughBrush( tw, b );
if( !tw->result.fraction ) return;
get the first intersection of the ray with the sphere
void CM_TraceThroughSphere( tracework_t *tw, vec3_t origin, float radius, vec3_t start, vec3_t end )
float l1, l2, length, scale, fraction;
float a, b, c, d, sqrtd;
vec3_t v1, dir, intersection;
// if inside the sphere
VectorSubtract( start, origin, dir );
l1 = VectorLength2(dir);
if (l1 < Square(radius))
tw->result.fraction = 0;
tw->result.startsolid = true;
// test for allsolid
VectorSubtract(end, origin, dir);
l1 = VectorLength2(dir);
if(l1 < Square(radius))
tw->result.allsolid = true;
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
length = VectorNormalize(dir);
l1 = CM_DistanceFromLineSquared(origin, start, end, dir);
VectorSubtract(end, origin, v1);
l2 = VectorLength2(v1);
// if no intersection with the sphere and the end point is at least an epsilon away
if(l1 >= Square(radius) && l2 > Square(radius + DIST_EPSILON))
// | origin - (start + t * dir) | = radius
// a = dir[0]^2 + dir[1]^2 + dir[2]^2;
// b = 2 * (dir[0] * (start[0] - origin[0]) + dir[1] * (start[1] - origin[1]) + dir[2] * (start[2] - origin[2]));
// c = (start[0] - origin[0])^2 + (start[1] - origin[1])^2 + (start[2] - origin[2])^2 - radius^2;
VectorSubtract( start, origin, v1 );
a = 1.0f; // dir is normalized so a = 1
b = 2.0f * (dir[0] * v1[0] + dir[1] * v1[1] + dir[2] * v1[2]);
c = v1[0] * v1[0] + v1[1] * v1[1] + v1[2] * v1[2] - (radius + RADIUS_EPSILON) * (radius + RADIUS_EPSILON);
d = b * b - 4.0f * c;
if( d > 0 )
sqrtd = SquareRootFloat( d );
fraction = (- b - sqrtd) * 0.5f;
if( fraction < 0 ) fraction = 0;
else fraction /= length;
if( fraction < tw->result.fraction )
tw->result.fraction = fraction;
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
VectorMA(start, fraction, dir, intersection);
VectorSubtract( intersection, origin, dir );
scale = 1 / (radius + RADIUS_EPSILON);
VectorScale( dir, scale, dir );
VectorCopy(dir, tw->result.plane.normal);
VectorAdd( tw->origin, intersection, intersection);
tw->result.plane.dist = DotProduct(tw->result.plane.normal, intersection);
tw->result.contents = CONTENTS_MONSTER;
else if (d == 0)
// slide along the sphere
// no intersection at all
get the first intersection of the ray with the cylinder
the cylinder extends halfheight above and below the origin
void CM_TraceThroughVerticalCylinder( tracework_t *tw, vec3_t origin, float radius, float halfheight, vec3_t start, vec3_t end )
float length, scale, fraction, l1, l2;
float a, b, c, d, sqrtd;
vec3_t v1, dir, start2d, end2d, org2d, intersection;
// 2d coordinates
VectorSet(start2d, start[0], start[1], 0);
VectorSet(end2d, end[0], end[1], 0);
VectorSet(org2d, origin[0], origin[1], 0);
// if between lower and upper cylinder bounds
if( start[2] <= origin[2] + halfheight && start[2] >= origin[2] - halfheight )
// if inside the cylinder
VectorSubtract(start2d, org2d, dir);
l1 = VectorLength2(dir);
if( l1 < Square(radius))
tw->result.fraction = 0;
tw->result.startsolid = true;
VectorSubtract(end2d, org2d, dir);
l1 = VectorLength2(dir);
if(l1 < Square(radius))
tw->result.allsolid = true;
VectorSubtract( end2d, start2d, dir );
length = VectorNormalize( dir );
l1 = CM_DistanceFromLineSquared( org2d, start2d, end2d, dir );
VectorSubtract(end2d, org2d, v1);
l2 = VectorLength2(v1);
// if no intersection with the cylinder and the end point is at least an epsilon away
if( l1 >= Square(radius) && l2 > Square(radius + DIST_EPSILON))
// (start[0] - origin[0] - t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + (start[1] - origin[1] - t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2
// (v1[0] + t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + (v1[1] + t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2;
// v1[0] ^ 2 + 2 * v1[0] * t * dir[0] + (t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + v1[1] ^ 2 + 2 * v1[1] * t * dir[1] + (t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2
// t ^ 2 * (dir[0] ^ 2 + dir[1] ^ 2) + t * (2 * v1[0] * dir[0] + 2 * v1[1] * dir[1]) + v1[0] ^ 2 + v1[1] ^ 2 - radius ^ 2 = 0
VectorSubtract( start, origin, v1 );
a = 1.0f; // dir is normalized so we can use a = 1
b = 2.0f * (v1[0] * dir[0] + v1[1] * dir[1]);
c = v1[0] * v1[0] + v1[1] * v1[1] - (radius + RADIUS_EPSILON) * (radius + RADIUS_EPSILON);
d = b * b - 4.0f * c;
if( d > 0 )
sqrtd = SquareRootFloat(d);
fraction = (- b - sqrtd) * 0.5f;// / (2.0f * a);
if( fraction < 0 ) fraction = 0;
else fraction /= length;
if( fraction < tw->result.fraction )
VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
VectorMA( start, fraction, dir, intersection );
// if the intersection is between the cylinder lower and upper bound
if( intersection[2] <= origin[2] + halfheight && intersection[2] >= origin[2] - halfheight )
tw->result.fraction = fraction;
VectorSubtract(intersection, origin, dir);
dir[2] = 0;
scale = 1 / (radius + RADIUS_EPSILON);
VectorScale( dir, scale, dir );
VectorCopy(dir, tw->result.plane.normal);
VectorAdd( tw->origin, intersection, intersection );
tw->result.plane.dist = DotProduct( tw->result.plane.normal, intersection );
tw->result.contents = CONTENTS_MONSTER;
else if( d == 0 )
// slide along the cylinder
// no intersection at all
capsule vs. capsule collision (not rotated)
void CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule( tracework_t *tw, cmodel_t *model )
int i;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t top, bottom, starttop, startbottom, endtop, endbottom;
vec3_t offset, symetricSize[2];
float radius, halfwidth, halfheight, offs, h;
CM_ModelBounds( model, mins, maxs );
// test trace bounds vs. capsule bounds
if ( tw->bounds[0][0] > maxs[0] + RADIUS_EPSILON || tw->bounds[0][1] > maxs[1] + RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[0][2] > maxs[2] + RADIUS_EPSILON || tw->bounds[1][0] < mins[0] - RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[1][1] < mins[1] - RADIUS_EPSILON || tw->bounds[1][2] < mins[2] - RADIUS_EPSILON )
// top origin and bottom origin of each sphere at start and end of trace
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, starttop );
VectorSubtract( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startbottom );
VectorAdd( tw->end, tw->sphere.offset, endtop );
VectorSubtract( tw->end, tw->sphere.offset, endbottom );
// calculate top and bottom of the capsule spheres to collide with
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5f;
symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
halfwidth = symetricSize[1][0];
halfheight = symetricSize[1][2];
radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
offs = halfheight - radius;
VectorCopy( offset, top );
top[2] += offs;
VectorCopy(offset, bottom);
bottom[2] -= offs;
// expand radius of spheres
radius += tw->sphere.radius;
// if there is horizontal movement
if( tw->start[0] != tw->end[0] || tw->start[1] != tw->end[1] )
// height of the expanded cylinder is the height of both cylinders minus the radius of both spheres
h = halfheight + tw->sphere.halfheight - radius;
// if the cylinder has a height
if( h > 0 )
// test for collisions between the cylinders
CM_TraceThroughVerticalCylinder(tw, offset, radius, h, tw->start, tw->end);
// test for collision between the spheres
CM_TraceThroughSphere( tw, top, radius, startbottom, endbottom );
CM_TraceThroughSphere( tw, bottom, radius, starttop, endtop );
bounding box vs. capsule collision
void CM_TraceBoundingBoxThroughCapsule( tracework_t *tw, cmodel_t *model )
vec3_t mins, maxs, offset, size[2];
cmodel_t *cmod;
int i;
// mins maxs of the capsule
CM_ModelBounds( model, mins, maxs );
// offset for capsule center
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5f;
size[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
size[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
tw->start[i] -= offset[i];
tw->end[i] -= offset[i];
// replace the bounding box with the capsule
tw->sphere.use = true;
tw->sphere.radius = ( size[1][0] > size[1][2] ) ? size[1][2]: size[1][0];
tw->sphere.halfheight = size[1][2];
VectorSet( tw->sphere.offset, 0, 0, size[1][2] - tw->sphere.radius );
// replace the capsule with the bounding box
cmod = CM_TempBoxModel(tw->mins, tw->maxs, false);
// calculate collision
CM_TraceThroughLeaf( tw, &cmod->leaf );
Traverse all the contacted leafs from the start to the end position.
If the trace is a point, they will be exactly in order, but for larger
trace volumes it is possible to hit something in a later leaf with
a smaller intercept fraction.
void CM_TraceThroughTree( tracework_t *tw, int num, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2 )
cnode_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
float t1, t2, offset;
float idist, frac, frac2;
vec3_t mid;
int side;
float midf;
if(tw->result.fraction <= p1f)
return; // already hit something nearer
// if < 0, we are in a leaf node
if (num < 0)
CM_TraceThroughLeaf( tw, &cm.leafs[-1-num] );
// find the point distances to the seperating plane
// and the offset for the size of the box
node = cm.nodes + num;
plane = node->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
if ( plane->type < 3 )
t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
offset = tw->extents[plane->type];
t1 = DotProduct(plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct(plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
if ( tw->ispoint ) offset = 0;
else offset = 2048; //WTF ?
// see which sides we need to consider
if( t1 >= offset + 1 && t2 >= offset + 1 )
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2 );
if( t1 < -offset - 1 && t2 < -offset - 1 )
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2 );
// put the crosspoint DIST_EPSILON pixels on the near side
if( t1 < t2 )
idist = 1.0/(t1-t2);
side = 1;
frac2 = (t1 + offset + DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
frac = (t1 - offset + DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
else if( t1 > t2 )
idist = 1.0/(t1-t2);
side = 0;
frac2 = (t1 - offset - DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
frac = (t1 + offset + DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
side = 0;
frac = 1;
frac2 = 0;
// move up to the node
if( frac < 0 ) frac = 0;
if( frac > 1 ) frac = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f) * frac;
mid[0] = p1[0] + frac*(p2[0] - p1[0]);
mid[1] = p1[1] + frac*(p2[1] - p1[1]);
mid[2] = p1[2] + frac*(p2[2] - p1[2]);
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid );
// go past the node
if( frac2 < 0 ) frac2 = 0;
if( frac2 > 1 ) frac2 = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f)*frac2;
mid[0] = p1[0] + frac2*(p2[0] - p1[0]);
mid[1] = p1[1] + frac2*(p2[1] - p1[1]);
mid[2] = p1[2] + frac2*(p2[2] - p1[2]);
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, node->children[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2 );
void CM_Trace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, cmodel_t *mod, const vec3_t origin, int brushmask, bool capsule, sphere_t *sphere )
int i;
tracework_t tw;
vec3_t offset;
cm.checkcount++; // for multi-check avoidance
// fill in a default trace
memset( &tw, 0, sizeof(tw) );
tw.result.fraction = 1; // assume it goes the entire distance until shown otherwise
tw.result.surface = &(cm.nullsurface);
VectorCopy( origin, tw.origin );
*results = tw.result;
return; // map not loaded, shouldn't happen
// allow NULL to be passed in for 0,0,0
if ( !mins ) mins = vec3_origin;
if ( !maxs ) maxs = vec3_origin;
// set basic parms
tw.contents = brushmask;
// adjust so that mins and maxs are always symetric, which
// avoids some complications with plane expanding of rotated
// bmodels
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5f;
tw.mins[i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
tw.maxs[i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
tw.start[i] = start[i] + offset[i];
tw.end[i] = end[i] + offset[i];
// if a sphere is already specified
if( sphere )
tw.sphere = *sphere;
tw.sphere.use = capsule;
tw.sphere.radius = ( tw.maxs[0] > tw.maxs[2] ) ? tw.maxs[2]: tw.maxs[0];
tw.sphere.halfheight = tw.maxs[2];
VectorSet( tw.sphere.offset, 0, 0, tw.maxs[2] - tw.sphere.radius );
tw.maxOffset = tw.maxs[0] + tw.maxs[1] + tw.maxs[2];
// tw.offsets[signbits] = vector to apropriate corner from origin
tw.offsets[0][0] = tw.mins[0];
tw.offsets[0][1] = tw.mins[1];
tw.offsets[0][2] = tw.mins[2];
tw.offsets[1][0] = tw.maxs[0];
tw.offsets[1][1] = tw.mins[1];
tw.offsets[1][2] = tw.mins[2];
tw.offsets[2][0] = tw.mins[0];
tw.offsets[2][1] = tw.maxs[1];
tw.offsets[2][2] = tw.mins[2];
tw.offsets[3][0] = tw.maxs[0];
tw.offsets[3][1] = tw.maxs[1];
tw.offsets[3][2] = tw.mins[2];
tw.offsets[4][0] = tw.mins[0];
tw.offsets[4][1] = tw.mins[1];
tw.offsets[4][2] = tw.maxs[2];
tw.offsets[5][0] = tw.maxs[0];
tw.offsets[5][1] = tw.mins[1];
tw.offsets[5][2] = tw.maxs[2];
tw.offsets[6][0] = tw.mins[0];
tw.offsets[6][1] = tw.maxs[1];
tw.offsets[6][2] = tw.maxs[2];
tw.offsets[7][0] = tw.maxs[0];
tw.offsets[7][1] = tw.maxs[1];
tw.offsets[7][2] = tw.maxs[2];
// calculate bounds
if( tw.sphere.use )
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( tw.start[i] < tw.end[i] )
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.start[i] - fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) - tw.sphere.radius;
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.end[i] + fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) + tw.sphere.radius;
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.end[i] - fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) - tw.sphere.radius;
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.start[i] + fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) + tw.sphere.radius;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
if ( tw.start[i] < tw.end[i] )
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.mins[i];
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.maxs[i];
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.mins[i];
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.maxs[i];
// check for position test special case
if( VectorCompare( start, end ))
if( mod )
if( !com.strcmp( mod->name, "*4094" )) // capsule
if( tw.sphere.use ) CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( &tw, mod );
else CM_TestBoundingBoxInCapsule( &tw, mod );
else CM_TestInLeaf( &tw, &mod->leaf );
else CM_PositionTest( &tw );
// check for point special case
if( VectorIsNull( tw.mins ))
tw.ispoint = true;
VectorClear( tw.extents );
tw.ispoint = false;
tw.extents[0] = tw.maxs[0];
tw.extents[1] = tw.maxs[1];
tw.extents[2] = tw.maxs[2];
// general sweeping through world
if( mod )
if( !com.strcmp( mod->name, "*4094" )) // capsule
if( tw.sphere.use ) CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule( &tw, mod );
else CM_TraceBoundingBoxThroughCapsule( &tw, mod );
else CM_TraceThroughLeaf( &tw, &mod->leaf );
else CM_TraceThroughTree( &tw, 0, 0, 1, tw.start, tw.end );
// generate endpos from the original, unmodified start/end
if ( tw.result.fraction == 1 )
VectorCopy (end, tw.result.endpos);
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
tw.result.endpos[i] = start[i] + tw.result.fraction * (end[i] - start[i]);
// If allsolid is set (was entirely inside something solid), the plane is not valid.
// If fraction == 1.0, we never hit anything, and thus the plane is not valid.
// Otherwise, the normal on the plane should have unit length
*results = tw.result;
trace_t CM_BoxTrace( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, cmodel_t *model, int brushmask, bool capsule )
CM_Trace( &cm.trace, start, end, mins, maxs, model, vec3_origin, brushmask, capsule, NULL );
return cm.trace;
Handles offseting and rotation of the end points for moving and
rotating entities
trace_t CM_TransformedBoxTrace( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, cmodel_t *model, int brushmask, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int capsule )
vec3_t start_l, end_l;
vec3_t offset;
vec3_t symetricSize[2];
vec3_t matrix[3], transpose[3];
float t, halfwidth, halfheight;
sphere_t sphere;
bool rotated;
int i;
if( !mins ) mins = vec3_origin;
if( !maxs ) maxs = vec3_origin;
// adjust so that mins and maxs are always symetric, which
// avoids some complications with plane expanding of rotated
// bmodels
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5f;
symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
start_l[i] = start[i] + offset[i];
end_l[i] = end[i] + offset[i];
// subtract origin offset
VectorSubtract( start_l, origin, start_l );
VectorSubtract( end_l, origin, end_l );
// rotate start and end into the models frame of reference
if(com.strcmp( model->name, "*4095" ) && !VectorIsNull( angles )) rotated = true;
else rotated = false;
halfwidth = symetricSize[1][0];
halfheight = symetricSize[1][2];
sphere.use = capsule;
sphere.radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
sphere.halfheight = halfheight;
t = halfheight - sphere.radius;
if( rotated )
// rotation on trace line (start-end) instead of rotating the bmodel
// NOTE: This is still incorrect for bounding boxes because the actual bounding
// box that is swept through the model is not rotated. We cannot rotate
// the bounding box or the bmodel because that would make all the brush
// bevels invalid.
// However this is correct for capsules since a capsule itself is rotated too.
CreateRotationMatrix( angles, matrix );
RotatePoint( start_l, matrix );
RotatePoint( end_l, matrix );
// rotated sphere offset for capsule
sphere.offset[0] = matrix[0][2] * t;
sphere.offset[1] = -matrix[1][2] * t;
sphere.offset[2] = matrix[2][2] * t;
VectorSet( sphere.offset, 0, 0, t );
// sweep the box through the model
CM_Trace( &cm.trace, start_l, end_l, symetricSize[0], symetricSize[1], model, origin, brushmask, capsule, &sphere );
// if the bmodel was rotated and there was a collision
if( rotated && cm.trace.fraction != 1.0 )
// rotation of bmodel collision plane
TransposeMatrix( matrix, transpose );
RotatePoint( cm.trace.plane.normal, transpose );
// re-calculate the end position of the trace because the trace.endpos
// calculated by CM_Trace could be rotated and have an offset
cm.trace.endpos[0] = start[0] + cm.trace.fraction * (end[0] - start[0]);
cm.trace.endpos[1] = start[1] + cm.trace.fraction * (end[1] - start[1]);
cm.trace.endpos[2] = start[2] + cm.trace.fraction * (end[2] - start[2]);
return cm.trace;