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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// facebsp.c - generate bsp faces
#include "bsplib.h"
#include "const.h"
#define BLOCK_SIZE 1024
int hintsplit;
int c_faceleafs;
bspface_t *AllocBspFace( void )
return BSP_Malloc(sizeof( bspface_t ));
void FreeBspFace( bspface_t *f )
if( f->w ) FreeWinding( f->w );
Mem_Free( f );
int SelectSplitPlaneNum( node_t *node, bspface_t *list )
bspface_t *split;
bspface_t *check;
bspface_t *bestSplit;
int splits, facing, front, back;
int side;
plane_t *plane;
int i, value, bestValue;
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
int planenum;
hintsplit = false;
// if it is crossing a 1k block boundary, force a split
for( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
dist = BLOCK_SIZE * ( floor( node->mins[i] / BLOCK_SIZE ) + 1 );
if( node->maxs[i] > dist )
VectorClear( normal );
normal[i] = 1;
planenum = FindFloatPlane( normal, dist );
return planenum;
// pick one of the face planes
bestValue = -99999;
bestSplit = list;
for( split = list; split; split = split->next )
split->checked = false;
for( split = list; split; split = split->next )
if( split->checked ) continue;
plane = &mapplanes[split->planenum];
splits = facing = front = back = 0;
for( check = list ; check ; check = check->next )
if( check->planenum == split->planenum )
check->checked = true; // won't need to test this plane again
side = WindingOnPlaneSide( check->w, plane->normal, plane->dist );
if( side == SIDE_CROSS ) splits++;
else if( side == SIDE_FRONT ) front++;
else if( side == SIDE_BACK ) back++;
value = 5 * facing - 5 * splits; // - abs( front - back );
if( plane->type < 3 ) value += 5; // axial is better
value += split->priority; // prioritize hints higher
if( value > bestValue )
bestValue = value;
bestSplit = split;
if( bestValue == -99999 )
return -1;
if( bestSplit->hint )
hintsplit = true;
return bestSplit->planenum;
int CountFaceList( bspface_t *list )
int c;
for( c = 0; list; list = list->next )
return c;
void BuildFaceTree_r( node_t *node, bspface_t *list )
bspface_t *split;
bspface_t *next;
int i, side;
plane_t *plane;
bspface_t *newFace;
bspface_t *childLists[2];
winding_t *frontWinding, *backWinding;
int splitPlaneNum;
i = CountFaceList( list );
splitPlaneNum = SelectSplitPlaneNum( node, list );
// if we don't have any more faces, this is a node
if( splitPlaneNum == -1 )
node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF;
// partition the list
node->planenum = splitPlaneNum;
node->hint = hintsplit;
plane = &mapplanes[splitPlaneNum];
childLists[0] = NULL;
childLists[1] = NULL;
for( split = list; split; split = next )
next = split->next;
if( split->planenum == node->planenum )
FreeBspFace( split );
side = WindingOnPlaneSide( split->w, plane->normal, plane->dist );
if( side == SIDE_CROSS )
ClipWindingEpsilon( split->w, plane->normal, plane->dist, ON_EPSILON * 2, &frontWinding, &backWinding );
if( frontWinding )
newFace = AllocBspFace();
newFace->w = frontWinding;
newFace->next = childLists[0];
newFace->planenum = split->planenum;
newFace->priority = split->priority;
newFace->hint = split->hint;
childLists[0] = newFace;
if( backWinding )
newFace = AllocBspFace();
newFace->w = backWinding;
newFace->next = childLists[1];
newFace->planenum = split->planenum;
newFace->priority = split->priority;
newFace->hint = split->hint;
childLists[1] = newFace;
FreeBspFace( split );
else if( side == SIDE_FRONT )
split->next = childLists[0];
childLists[0] = split;
else if( side == SIDE_BACK )
split->next = childLists[1];
childLists[1] = split;
// recursively process children
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
node->children[i] = AllocNode();
node->children[i]->parent = node;
VectorCopy( node->mins, node->children[i]->mins );
VectorCopy( node->maxs, node->children[i]->maxs );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( plane->normal[i] == 1 )
node->children[0]->mins[i] = plane->dist;
node->children[1]->maxs[i] = plane->dist;
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) BuildFaceTree_r( node->children[i], childLists[i] );
List will be freed before returning
tree_t *FaceBSP( bspface_t *list )
tree_t *tree;
bspface_t *face;
int i, count = 0;
Msg( "--- FaceBSP ---\n" );
tree = AllocTree();
for( face = list; face; face = face->next )
for( i = 0; i < face->w->numpoints; i++ )
AddPointToBounds( face->w->p[i], tree->mins, tree->maxs );
Msg( "%5i faces\n", count );
tree->headnode = AllocNode();
VectorCopy( tree->mins, tree->headnode->mins );
VectorCopy( tree->maxs, tree->headnode->maxs );
c_faceleafs = 0;
BuildFaceTree_r( tree->headnode, list );
Msg( "%5i leafs\n", c_faceleafs );
return tree;
bspface_t *BspFaceForPortal( portal_t *p )
bspface_t *f;
f = AllocBspFace();
f->w = CopyWinding( p->winding );
f->planenum = p->onnode->planenum & ~1;
return f;
bspface_t *MakeStructuralBspFaceList( bspbrush_t *list )
bspbrush_t *b;
int i;
side_t *s;
winding_t *w;
bspface_t *f, *flist = NULL;
for( b = list; b; b = b->next )
if( b->detail ) continue;
for( i = 0; i < b->numsides; i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
w = s->winding;
if( !w ) continue;
f = AllocBspFace();
f->w = CopyWinding( w );
f->planenum = s->planenum & ~1;
f->next = flist;
if( s->surfaceFlags & SURF_HINT )
f->hint = true;
flist = f;
return flist;
bspface_t *MakeVisibleBspFaceList( bspbrush_t *list )
bspbrush_t *b;
int i;
side_t *s;
winding_t *w;
bspface_t *f, *flist = NULL;
for( b = list; b; b = b->next )
if( b->detail ) continue;
for( i = 0; i < b->numsides; i++ )
s = &b->sides[i];
w = s->visibleHull;
if( !w ) continue;
f = AllocBspFace();
f->w = CopyWinding( w );
f->planenum = s->planenum & ~1;
f->next = flist;
if( s->surfaceFlags & SURF_HINT )
f->hint = true;
flist = f;
return flist;