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459 lines
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#include "bsplib.h"
#include "const.h"
#define MAX_SURFACE_INFO 4096
int numShaderInfo = 0;
bsp_shader_t shaderInfo[MAX_SURFACE_INFO];
typedef struct
const char *name;
int surfaceFlags;
int contents;
bool clearSolid;
} infoParm_t;
infoParm_t infoParms[] =
// server relevant contents
{"water", 0, CONTENTS_WATER, 1},
{"slime", 0, CONTENTS_SLIME, 1}, // mildly damaging
{"lava", 0, CONTENTS_LAVA, 1}, // very damaging
{"playerclip", 0, CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, 1},
{"monsterclip", 0, CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP, 1},
{"clip", 0, CONTENTS_CLIP, 1},
{"nonsolid", 0, 0, 1}, // just clears the solid flag
// utility relevant attributes
{"origin", 0, CONTENTS_ORIGIN, 1}, // center of rotating brushes
{"trans", 0, CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT, 0}, // don't eat contained surfaces
{"detail", 0, CONTENTS_DETAIL, 0}, // carves surfaces entering
{"world", 0, CONTENTS_STRUCTURAL, 0}, // force into world even if trans
{"areaportal", 0, CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL, 1},
{"fog", 0, CONTENTS_FOG, 1}, // carves surfaces entering
{"sky", SURF_SKY, 0, 0}, // emit light from environment map
{"skyroom", SURF_SKYROOM, 0, 0}, // env_sky surface
{"lightfilter", SURF_LIGHTFILTER, 0, 0}, // filter light going through it
{"alphashadow", SURF_ALPHASHADOW, 0, 0}, // test light on a per-pixel basis
{"hint", SURF_HINT, 0, 0}, // use as a primary splitter
{"skip", SURF_NODRAW, 0, 0}, // use as a secondary splitter
{"null", SURF_NODRAW, 0, 0}, // don't generate a drawsurface
{"nodraw", SURF_NODRAW, 0, 0}, // don't generate a drawsurface
// server attributes
{"slick", 0, SURF_SLICK, 0},
{"noimpact", 0, SURF_NOIMPACT, 0}, // no impact explosions or marks
{"nomarks", 0, SURF_NOMARKS, 0}, // no impact marks, but explodes
{"ladder", 0, CONTENTS_LADDER, 0},
{"nodamage", SURF_NODAMAGE, 0, 0},
{"nosteps", SURF_NOSTEPS, 0, 0},
// drawsurf attributes
{"nolightmap", SURF_NOLIGHTMAP, 0, 0}, // don't generate a lightmap
{"nodlight", SURF_NODLIGHT, 0, 0}, // don't ever add dynamic lights
{"alpha", SURF_ALPHA, CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT, 0}, // alpha surface preset
{"additive", SURF_ADDITIVE, CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT, 0}, // additive surface preset
{"blend", SURF_BLEND, CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT, 0}, // blend surface preset
{"mirror", SURF_PORTAL, 0, 0}, // mirror surface
{"portal", SURF_PORTAL, 0, 0}, // portal surface
static bsp_shader_t *AllocShaderInfo( void )
bsp_shader_t *si;
if ( numShaderInfo == MAX_SURFACE_INFO ) Sys_Error( "MAX_SURFACE_INFO" );
si = &shaderInfo[numShaderInfo];
// set defaults
memset( si, 0, sizeof( *si ));
si->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
return si;
static void LoadShaderImage( bsp_shader_t *si )
if( !si ) return;
if( !com.stricmp( si->name, "default" ))
if( !si->pixels )
int i, count;
vec3_t color;
rgbdata_t *pic;
if( si->lightimage[0] )
pic = FS_LoadImage( si->lightimage, NULL, 0 );
else if( si->editorimage[0] )
pic = FS_LoadImage( si->editorimage, NULL, 0 );
else pic = FS_LoadImage( si->name, NULL, 0 ); // last chance
if( !pic )
si->width = 64;
si->height = 64;
return; // not found
count = pic->width * pic->height;
si->width = pic->width;
si->height = pic->height;
VectorClear( color );
if( pic->type == PF_RGBA_32 )
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
color[0] += pic->buffer[i*4+0];
color[1] += pic->buffer[i*4+1];
color[2] += pic->buffer[i*4+2];
ColorNormalize( color, si->color );
VectorScale( color, 1.0 / count, si->averageColor );
si->pixels = BSP_Malloc( pic->size );
Mem_Copy( si->pixels, pic->buffer, pic->size );
FS_FreeImage( pic ); // release pic
else MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s have type %s\n", si->name, PFDesc( pic->type )->name );
static void ParseShaderFile( char *filename )
int i, numInfoParms = sizeof(infoParms) / sizeof(infoParms[0]);
string name;
bsp_shader_t *si;
bool load = Com_LoadScript( filename, NULL, 0 );
if( load )
FS_FileBase( filename, name );
MsgDev(D_INFO, "Adding shader: %s.txt\n", name );
while( load )
if ( !Com_GetToken( true )) break;
si = AllocShaderInfo();
com.strcpy( si->name, com_token );
Com_GetToken( true );
if(!Com_MatchToken( "{" ))
Msg("ParseShaderFile: shader %s without opening brace!\n", si->name );
while ( 1 )
if ( !Com_GetToken( true ) )break;
if ( !strcmp( com_token, "}" ) ) break;
// skip internal braced sections
if ( !strcmp( com_token, "{" ) )
si->hasStages = true;
while ( 1 )
if ( !Com_GetToken( true )) break;
if ( !strcmp( com_token, "}" )) break;
if( Com_MatchToken( "surfaceparm" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
for ( i = 0; i < numInfoParms; i++ )
if( Com_MatchToken( infoParms[i].name ))
si->surfaceFlags |= infoParms[i].surfaceFlags;
si->contents |= infoParms[i].contents;
if ( infoParms[i].clearSolid )
si->contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID;
// qer_editorimage <image>
if( Com_MatchToken( "qer_editorimage" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
com.strncpy( si->editorimage, com_token, MAX_STRING );
// q3map_lightimage <image>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_lightimage" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
com.strncpy( si->lightimage, com_token, MAX_STRING );
// q3map_surfacelight <value>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_surfacelight" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
si->value = com.atoi( com_token );
// q3map_lightsubdivide <value>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_lightsubdivide" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
si->lightSubdivide = com.atoi( com_token );
// q3map_lightmapsamplesize <value>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_lightmapsamplesize" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
si->lightmapSampleSize = com.atoi( com_token );
// q3map_tracelight
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_tracelight" ))
si->forceTraceLight = true;
// q3map_vlight
if ( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_vlight" ))
si->forceVLight = true;
// q3map_forcesunlight
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_forcesunlight" ))
si->forceSunLight = true;
// q3map_vertexscale
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_vertexscale" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
si->vertexScale = com.atof( com_token );
// q3map_notjunc
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_notjunc" ))
si->notjunc = true;
// q3map_globaltexture
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_globaltexture" ))
si->globalTexture = true;
// q3map_backsplash <percent> <distance>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_backsplash" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
si->backsplashFraction = com.atof( com_token ) * 0.01f;
Com_GetToken( false );
si->backsplashDistance = com.atof( com_token );
// q3map_backshader <shader>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_backshader" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
com.strncpy( si->backShader, com_token, MAX_STRING );
// q3map_flare <shader>
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_flare" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
com.strncpy( si->flareShader, com_token, MAX_STRING );
// light <value>
// old style flare specification
if( Com_MatchToken( "light" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
com.strncpy( si->flareShader, "flareshader", MAX_STRING );
// q3map_sun <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <elivation>
// color will be normalized, so it doesn't matter what range you use
// intensity falls off with angle but not distance 100 is a fairly bright sun
// degree of 0 = from the east, 90 = north, etc. altitude of 0 = sunrise/set, 90 = noon
if( Com_MatchToken( "q3map_sun" ))
float a, b;
Com_GetToken( false );
si->sunLight[0] = com.atof( com_token );
Com_GetToken( false );
si->sunLight[1] = com.atof( com_token );
Com_GetToken( false );
si->sunLight[2] = com.atof( com_token );
VectorNormalize( si->sunLight );
Com_GetToken( false );
a = com.atof( com_token );
VectorScale( si->sunLight, a, si->sunLight );
Com_GetToken( false );
a = com.atof( com_token );
a = a / 180 * M_PI;
Com_GetToken( false );
b = com.atof( com_token );
b = b / 180 * M_PI;
si->sunDirection[0] = cos( a ) * cos( b );
si->sunDirection[1] = sin( a ) * cos( b );
si->sunDirection[2] = sin( b );
si->surfaceFlags |= SURF_SKY;
// tesssize is used to force liquid surfaces to subdivide
if( Com_MatchToken( "tesssize" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
si->subdivisions = com.atof( com_token );
// cull none will set twoSided
if( Com_MatchToken( "cull" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
if(Com_MatchToken( "twoSided" )) si->twoSided = true;
if(Com_MatchToken( "disable" )) si->twoSided = true;
if(Com_MatchToken( "none" )) si->twoSided = true;
// deformVertexes autosprite[2]
// we catch this so autosprited surfaces become point
// lights instead of area lights
if( Com_MatchToken( "deformVertexes" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
if( !strnicmp( com_token, "autosprite", 10 ))
si->autosprite = true;
si->contents = CONTENTS_DETAIL;
if( Com_MatchToken( "sort" ))
Com_GetToken( false );
// ignore all other com_tokens on the line
while( Com_TryToken());
bsp_shader_t *FindShader( const char *textureName )
string shader;
bsp_shader_t *si;
int i;
// strip off extension
com.strncpy( shader, textureName, MAX_STRING );
FS_StripExtension( shader ); // cut off extension
com.strlwr( shader, shader ); // convert to lower case
// look for it
for( i = 0, si = shaderInfo; i < numShaderInfo; i++, si++ )
if( !com.stricmp( shader, si->name ))
if( !si->width || !si->height )
LoadShaderImage( si );
return si;
// create a new one
si = AllocShaderInfo();
com.strncpy( si->name, shader, MAX_STRING );
LoadShaderImage( si );
return si;
int LoadShaderInfo( void )
search_t *search;
int i, numShaderFiles;
numShaderFiles = 0;
search = FS_Search("scripts/shaders/*.txt", true );
if (!search) return 0;
for( i = 0; i < search->numfilenames; i++ )
ParseShaderFile( search->filenames[i] );
Mem_Free( search );
return numShaderInfo;