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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// utils.h - shared engine utility
#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H
#include <time.h>
wavefile in memory representation
using with darkplaces video encoder-decoder
typedef struct wavefile_s
file_t *file; // file this is reading from
uint info_format; // these settings are read directly from the wave format (1 is uncompressed PCM)
uint info_rate; // how many samples per second
uint info_channels; // how many channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 6 = 5.1 audio?)
uint info_bits; // how many bits per channel (8 or 16)
// these settings are generated from the wave format
// how many bytes in a sample (which may be one or two channels,
// thus 1 or 2 or 2 or 4, depending on info_bytesperchannel)
uint info_bytespersample;
// how many bytes in channel (1 for 8bit, or 2 for 16bit)
uint info_bytesperchannel;
uint length; // how many samples in the wave file
uint datalength; // how large the data chunk is
uint dataposition; // beginning of data in data chunk
uint position; // current position in stream (in samples)
uint bufferlength; // these are private to the wave file functions, just used for processing size of *buffer
void *buffer; // buffer is reallocated if caller asks for more than fits
} wavefile_t;
// bsplib compile flags
#define BSP_ONLYENTS 0x01
#define BSP_ONLYVIS 0x02
#define BSP_ONLYRAD 0x04
#define BSP_FULLCOMPILE 0x08
#define ALIGN( a ) a = (byte *)((int)((byte *)a + 3) & ~ 3)
extern int com_argc;
extern char **com_argv;
extern byte *basepool;
extern byte *zonepool;
extern stdlib_api_t com;
extern vprogs_exp_t *PRVM;
#define Sys_Error com.error
#define Malloc(size) Mem_Alloc(basepool, size)
#define BSP_Realloc(ptr, size) Mem_Realloc(basepool, ptr, size)
#define BSP_Malloc(size) Mem_Alloc(basepool, size)
#define Z_Malloc(size) Mem_Alloc(zonepool, size)
extern string gs_filename;
extern char gs_basedir[ MAX_SYSPATH ];
extern byte *error_bmp;
extern size_t error_bmp_size;
extern byte *studiopool;
bool Com_ValidScript( int scripttype );
// misc
bool CompileStudioModel ( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms );
bool CompileSpriteModel ( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms );
bool ConvertImagePixels ( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms );
bool CompileWad3Archive ( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms );
bool CompileROQVideo( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms );
bool PrepareBSPModel ( const char *dir, const char *name, byte params );
bool CompileBSPModel ( void );