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cvar.c - dynamic variable tracking
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
convar_t *cvar_vars; // head of list
convar_t *userinfo, *physinfo, *serverinfo, *renderinfo;
cvar_t *Cvar_GetList( void )
return (cvar_t *)cvar_vars;
char *Cvar_GetName( cvar_t *cvar )
return cvar->name;
static qboolean Cvar_ValidateString( const char *s, qboolean isvalue )
if( !s ) return false;
if( Q_strstr( s, "\\" ) && !isvalue )
return false;
if( Q_strstr( s, "\"" )) return false;
if( Q_strstr( s, ";" )) return false;
return true;
convar_t *Cvar_FindVar( const char *var_name )
convar_t *var;
for( var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next )
if( !Q_stricmp( var_name, var->name ))
return var;
return NULL;
float Cvar_VariableValue( const char *var_name )
convar_t *var;
var = Cvar_FindVar( var_name );
if( !var ) return 0;
return var->value;
int Cvar_VariableInteger( const char *var_name )
convar_t *var;
var = Cvar_FindVar( var_name );
if( !var ) return 0;
return var->integer;
char *Cvar_VariableString( const char *var_name )
convar_t *var;
var = Cvar_FindVar( var_name );
if( !var ) return "";
return var->string;
void Cvar_LookupVars( int checkbit, void *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback )
convar_t *cvar;
// nothing to process ?
if( !callback ) return;
// force checkbit to 0 for lookup all cvars
for( cvar = cvar_vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next )
if( checkbit && !( cvar->flags & checkbit ))
if( buffer )
callback( cvar->name, cvar->string, buffer, ptr );
// NOTE: dlls cvars doesn't have description
if( cvar->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
callback( cvar->name, cvar->string, "game cvar", ptr );
else callback( cvar->name, cvar->string, cvar->description, ptr );
If the variable already exists, the value will not be set
The flags will be or'ed in if the variable exists.
convar_t *Cvar_Get( const char *var_name, const char *var_value, int flags, const char *var_desc )
convar_t *var;
if( !var_name )
Sys_Error( "Cvar_Get: passed NULL name\n" );
return NULL;
if( !var_value ) var_value = "0"; // just apply default value
// all broadcast cvars must be passed this check
if( !Cvar_ValidateString( var_name, false ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "invalid info cvar name string %s\n", var_name );
return NULL;
if( !Cvar_ValidateString( var_value, true ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "invalid cvar value string: %s\n", var_value );
var_value = "0"; // just apply default value
// check for command coexisting
if( Cmd_Exists( var_name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cvar_Get: %s is a command\n", var_name );
return NULL;
var = Cvar_FindVar( var_name );
if( var )
// fast check for short cvars
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
var->flags |= flags;
return var;
// if the C code is now specifying a variable that the user already
// set a value for, take the new value as the reset value
if(( var->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED ) && !( flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED ) && var_value[0] )
var->flags &= ~CVAR_USER_CREATED;
Mem_Free( var->reset_string );
var->reset_string = copystring( var_value );
var->flags |= flags;
// only allow one non-empty reset string without a warning
if( !var->reset_string[0] )
// we don't have a reset string yet
Mem_Free( var->reset_string );
var->reset_string = copystring( var_value );
// if we have a latched string, take that value now
if( var->latched_string )
char *s = var->latched_string;
var->latched_string = NULL; // otherwise cvar_set2 would free it
Cvar_Set2( var_name, s, true );
Mem_Free( s );
if( var_desc )
// update description if needs
if( var->description ) Mem_Free( var->description );
var->description = copystring( var_desc );
return var;
// allocate a new cvar
var = Z_Malloc( sizeof( *var ));
var->name = copystring( var_name );
var->string = copystring( var_value );
var->reset_string = copystring( var_value );
if( var_desc ) var->description = copystring( var_desc );
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
var->integer = Q_atoi( var->string );
var->modified = true;
var->flags = flags;
// link the variable in
var->next = cvar_vars;
cvar_vars = var;
return var;
Adds a freestanding variable to the variable list.
void Cvar_RegisterVariable( cvar_t *var )
convar_t **prev, *cur = NULL;
convar_t *find;
ASSERT( var != NULL );
// check for overlap with a command
if( Cmd_Exists( var->name ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Cvar_Register: %s is a command\n", var->name );
// first check to see if it has already been defined
if(( cur = Cvar_FindVar( var->name )) != NULL )
// this cvar is already registered with Cvar_RegisterVariable
// so we can't replace it
if( cur->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "can't register variable %s, allready defined\n", var->name );
if( cur )
prev = &cvar_vars;
while( 1 )
find = *prev;
ASSERT( find != NULL );
if( cur == cvar_vars )
// relink at tail
cvar_vars = (convar_t *)var;
// search for previous cvar
if( cur != find->next )
prev = &find->next;
// link new variable
find->next = (convar_t *)var;
var->string = cur->string; // we already have right string
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
var->flags |= CVAR_EXTDLL; // all cvars passed this function are game cvars
var->next = (cvar_t *)cur->next;
// release current cvar (but keep string)
if( cur->name ) Mem_Free( cur->name );
if( cur->latched_string ) Mem_Free( cur->latched_string );
if( cur->reset_string ) Mem_Free( cur->reset_string );
if( cur->description ) Mem_Free( cur->description );
Mem_Free( cur );
// copy the value off, because future sets will Z_Free it
var->string = copystring( var->string );
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
var->flags |= CVAR_EXTDLL; // all cvars passed this function are game cvars
// link the variable in
var->next = (cvar_t *)cvar_vars;
cvar_vars = (convar_t *)var;
convar_t *Cvar_Set2( const char *var_name, const char *value, qboolean force )
convar_t *var;
const char *pszValue;
char szNew[MAX_SYSPATH];
qboolean dll_variable = false;
if( !Cvar_ValidateString( var_name, false ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "invalid cvar name string: %s\n", var_name );
return NULL;
var = Cvar_FindVar( var_name );
if( !var )
// create it
if( force ) return Cvar_Get( var_name, value, 0, NULL );
return Cvar_Get( var_name, value, CVAR_USER_CREATED, NULL );
// use this check to prevent acessing for unexisting fields
// for cvar_t: latched_string, description, etc
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
dll_variable = true;
if( !value )
if( dll_variable ) value = "0";
else value = var->reset_string;
if( !Q_strcmp( value, var->string ))
return var;
// any latched values not allowed for game cvars
if( dll_variable ) force = true;
if( !force )
if( var->flags & ( CVAR_READ_ONLY|CVAR_GLCONFIG ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s is read only.\n", var_name );
return var;
if( var->flags & CVAR_INIT )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s is write protected.\n", var_name );
return var;
if( var->flags & ( CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO ))
if( var->latched_string )
if(!Q_strcmp( value, var->latched_string ))
return var;
Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
if( !Q_strcmp( value, var->string ))
return var;
if( var->flags & CVAR_LATCH && Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_serverstate" ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s will be changed upon restarting.\n", var->name );
var->latched_string = copystring( value );
else if( var->flags & CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s will be changed upon restarting video.\n", var->name );
var->latched_string = copystring( value );
Mem_Free( var->string ); // free the old value string
var->string = copystring( value );
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
var->integer = Q_atoi( var->string );
var->modified = true;
return var;
if(( var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT ) && !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_cheats" ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s is cheat protected.\n", var_name );
return var;
if( !dll_variable && var->latched_string )
Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
var->latched_string = NULL;
pszValue = value;
// This cvar's string must only contain printable characters.
// Strip out any other crap.
// We'll fill in "empty" if nothing is left
if( var->flags & CVAR_PRINTABLEONLY )
const char *pS;
char *pD;
// clear out new string
szNew[0] = '\0';
pS = pszValue;
pD = szNew;
// step through the string, only copying back in characters that are printable
while( *pS )
if( ((byte)*pS) < 32 || ((byte)*pS) > 255 )
*pD++ = *pS++;
// terminate the new string
*pD = '\0';
// if it's empty, then insert a marker string
if( !Q_strlen( szNew ))
Q_strcpy( szNew, "default" );
// point the value here.
pszValue = szNew;
// nothing to change
if( !Q_strcmp( pszValue, var->string ))
return var;
if( var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO )
userinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
if( var->flags & CVAR_PHYSICINFO )
physinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
if( var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO )
serverinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
if( var->flags & CVAR_RENDERINFO )
renderinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
// free the old value string
Mem_Free( var->string );
var->string = copystring( pszValue );
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
if( !dll_variable )
var->integer = Q_atoi( var->string );
var->modified = true;
return var;
void Cvar_Set( const char *var_name, const char *value )
Cvar_Set2( var_name, value, true );
void Cvar_SetLatched( const char *var_name, const char *value )
Cvar_Set2( var_name, value, false );
void Cvar_FullSet( const char *var_name, const char *value, int flags )
convar_t *var;
qboolean dll_variable = false;
var = Cvar_FindVar( var_name );
if( !var )
// create it
Cvar_Get( var_name, value, flags, "" );
// use this check to prevent acessing for unexisting fields
// for cvar_t: latechd_string, description, etc
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
dll_variable = true;
if( var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO )
// transmit at next oportunity
userinfo->modified = true;
if( var->flags & CVAR_PHYSICINFO )
// transmit at next oportunity
physinfo->modified = true;
if( var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO )
// transmit at next oportunity
serverinfo->modified = true;
if( var->flags & CVAR_RENDERINFO )
// transmit at next oportunity
renderinfo->modified = true;
Mem_Free( var->string ); // free the old value string
var->string = copystring( value );
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
var->flags = flags;
if( dll_variable ) return; // below fields doesn't exist in cvar_t
var->integer = Q_atoi( var->string );
var->modified = true;
void Cvar_DirectSet( cvar_t *var, const char *value )
cvar_t *test;
const char *pszValue;
char szNew[MAX_SYSPATH];
if( !var ) return; // GET_CVAR_POINTER is failed ?
// make sure what is really pointer to the cvar
test = (cvar_t *)Cvar_FindVar( var->name );
ASSERT( var == test );
if( value && !Cvar_ValidateString( value, true ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "invalid cvar value string: %s\n", value );
value = "0";
if( !value ) value = "0";
// Cvar_DirectSet cannot change these cvars at all
if(( var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT ) && !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_cheats" ))
// cheats are disabled
pszValue = value;
// This cvar's string must only contain printable characters.
// Strip out any other crap.
// We'll fill in "empty" if nothing is left
if( var->flags & CVAR_PRINTABLEONLY )
const char *pS;
char *pD;
// clear out new string
szNew[0] = '\0';
pS = pszValue;
pD = szNew;
// step through the string, only copying back in characters that are printable
while( *pS )
if( *pS < 32 || *pS > 255 )
*pD++ = *pS++;
// terminate the new string
*pD = '\0';
// if it's empty, then insert a marker string
if( !Q_strlen( szNew ))
Q_strcpy( szNew, "default" );
// point the value here.
pszValue = szNew;
if( !Q_strcmp( pszValue, var->string ))
if( var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO )
userinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
if( var->flags & CVAR_PHYSICINFO )
physinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
if( var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO )
serverinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
if( var->flags & CVAR_RENDERINFO )
renderinfo->modified = true; // transmit at next oportunity
// free the old value string
Mem_Free( var->string );
var->string = copystring( pszValue );
var->value = Q_atof( var->string );
void Cvar_SetFloat( const char *var_name, float value )
char val[32];
if( value == (int)value )
Q_sprintf( val, "%i", (int)value );
else Q_sprintf( val, "%f", value );
Cvar_Set( var_name, val );
void Cvar_Reset( const char *var_name )
Cvar_Set2( var_name, NULL, false );
Any testing variables will be reset to the safe values
void Cvar_SetCheatState( void )
convar_t *var;
// set all default vars to the safe value
for( var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next )
// can't process dll cvars - missed latched_string, reset_string
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
if( var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT )
// the CVAR_LATCHED|CVAR_CHEAT vars might escape the reset here
// because of a different var->latched_string
if( var->latched_string )
Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
var->latched_string = NULL;
if( Q_strcmp( var->reset_string, var->string ))
Cvar_Set( var->name, var->reset_string );
Handles variable inspection and changing from the console
qboolean Cvar_Command( void )
convar_t *v;
// check variables
v = Cvar_FindVar( Cmd_Argv( 0 ));
if( !v ) return false;
// perform a variable print or set
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
if( v->flags & ( CVAR_INIT|CVAR_EXTDLL )) Msg( "%s: %s\n", v->name, v->string );
else Msg( "%s: %s ( ^3%s^7 )\n", v->name, v->string, v->reset_string );
return true;
// set the value if forcing isn't required
Cvar_Set2( v->name, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), false );
return true;
Toggles a cvar for easy single key binding
void Cvar_Toggle_f( void )
int v;
if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
Msg( "Usage: toggle <variable>\n" );
v = Cvar_VariableValue( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
v = !v;
Cvar_Set2( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), va( "%i", v ), false );
Allows setting and defining of arbitrary cvars from console, even if they
weren't declared in C code.
void Cvar_Set_f( void )
int i, c, l = 0, len;
char combined[MAX_CMD_TOKENS];
c = Cmd_Argc();
if( c < 3 )
Msg( "Usage: set <variable> <value>\n" );
combined[0] = 0;
for( i = 2; i < c; i++ )
len = Q_strlen( Cmd_Argv(i) + 1 );
if( l + len >= MAX_CMD_TOKENS - 2 )
Q_strcat( combined, Cmd_Argv( i ));
if( i != c-1 ) Q_strcat( combined, " " );
l += len;
Cvar_Set2( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), combined, false );
As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as userinfo
void Cvar_SetU_f( void )
convar_t *v;
if( Cmd_Argc() != 3 )
Msg( "Usage: setu <variable> <value>\n" );
v = Cvar_FindVar( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
if( !v ) return;
v->flags |= CVAR_USERINFO;
As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as physinfo
void Cvar_SetP_f( void )
convar_t *v;
if( Cmd_Argc() != 3 )
Msg( "Usage: setp <variable> <value>\n" );
v = Cvar_FindVar( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
if( !v ) return;
v->flags |= CVAR_PHYSICINFO;
As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as serverinfo
void Cvar_SetS_f( void )
convar_t *v;
if( Cmd_Argc() != 3 )
Msg( "Usage: sets <variable> <value>\n" );
v = Cvar_FindVar( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
if( !v ) return;
v->flags |= CVAR_SERVERINFO;
As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as archived
void Cvar_SetA_f( void )
convar_t *v;
if( Cmd_Argc() != 3 )
Msg( "Usage: seta <variable> <value>\n" );
v = Cvar_FindVar( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
if( !v ) return;
v->flags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE;
As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as renderinfo
void Cvar_SetR_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() != 3 )
Msg( "Usage: setr <variable> <value>\n" );
Cvar_FullSet( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ), CVAR_RENDERINFO );
As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as glconfig
void Cvar_SetGL_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() != 3 )
Msg( "Usage: setgl <variable> <value>\n" );
Cvar_FullSet( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ), CVAR_GLCONFIG );
void Cvar_Reset_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
Msg( "Usage: reset <variable>\n" );
Cvar_Reset( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
void Cvar_List_f( void )
convar_t *var;
char *match = NULL;
int i = 0, j = 0;
if( Cmd_Argc() > 1 )
match = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
for( var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next, i++ )
if( var->name[0] == '@' )
continue; // never shows system cvars
if( match && !Q_stricmpext( match, var->name ))
if( var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) Msg( "SV " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO ) Msg( "USER " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_PHYSICINFO ) Msg( "PHYS " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_READ_ONLY ) Msg( "READ " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_INIT ) Msg( "INIT " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_ARCHIVE ) Msg( "ARCH " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_LATCH ) Msg( "LATCH " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO ) Msg( "VIDEO " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_GLCONFIG ) Msg( "OPENGL" );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT ) Msg( "CHEAT " );
else Msg( " " );
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
Msg(" %s \"%s\" %s\n", var->name, var->string, "game cvar" );
else Msg(" %s \"%s\" %s\n", var->name, var->string, var->description );
Msg( "\n%i cvars\n", j );
Msg( "%i total cvars\n", i );
Resets all cvars to their hardcoded values
void Cvar_Restart_f( void )
convar_t *var;
convar_t **prev;
prev = &cvar_vars;
while( 1 )
var = *prev;
if( !var ) break;
// don't mess with rom values, or some inter-module
// communication will get broken (, etc)
prev = &var->next;
// throw out any variables the user created
if( var->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED )
*prev = var->next;
if( var->name ) Mem_Free( var->name );
if( var->string ) Mem_Free( var->string );
if( var->latched_string ) Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
if( var->reset_string ) Mem_Free( var->reset_string );
if( var->description ) Mem_Free( var->description );
Mem_Free( var );
Cvar_Set( var->name, var->reset_string );
prev = &var->next;
Now all latched strings is valid
void Cvar_Latched_f( void )
convar_t *var;
convar_t **prev;
prev = &cvar_vars;
while( 1 )
var = *prev;
if( !var ) break;
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
prev = &var->next;
if( var->flags & CVAR_LATCH && var->latched_string )
Cvar_FullSet( var->name, var->latched_string, var->flags );
Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
var->latched_string = NULL;
prev = &var->next;
Now all latched video strings is valid
void Cvar_LatchedVideo_f( void )
convar_t *var;
convar_t **prev;
prev = &cvar_vars;
while ( 1 )
var = *prev;
if( !var ) break;
if( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL )
prev = &var->next;
if( var->flags & CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO && var->latched_string )
Cvar_FullSet( var->name, var->latched_string, var->flags );
Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
var->latched_string = NULL;
prev = &var->next;
unlink all cvars with flag CVAR_EXTDLL
void Cvar_Unlink_f( void )
convar_t *var;
convar_t **prev;
int count = 0;
if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_gameloaded" ))
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "can't unlink cvars while game is loaded\n" );
prev = &cvar_vars;
while( 1 )
var = *prev;
if( !var ) break;
// ignore all non-game cvars
if( !( var->flags & CVAR_EXTDLL ))
prev = &var->next;
// throw out any variables the game created
*prev = var->next;
if( var->string ) Mem_Free( var->string );
unlink all cvars with flag CVAR_CLIENTDLL
void Cvar_Unlink( void )
convar_t *var;
convar_t **prev;
int count = 0;
if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "host_clientloaded" ))
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "can't unlink cvars while client is loaded\n" );
prev = &cvar_vars;
while( 1 )
var = *prev;
if( !var ) break;
// ignore all non-client cvars
if(!( var->flags & CVAR_CLIENTDLL ))
prev = &var->next;
// throw out any variables the game created
*prev = var->next;
if( var->name ) Mem_Free( var->name );
if( var->string ) Mem_Free( var->string );
if( var->latched_string ) Mem_Free( var->latched_string );
if( var->reset_string ) Mem_Free( var->reset_string );
if( var->description ) Mem_Free( var->description );
Mem_Free( var );
Reads in all archived cvars
void Cvar_Init( void )
cvar_vars = NULL;
userinfo = Cvar_Get( "@userinfo", "0", CVAR_READ_ONLY, "" ); // use ->modified value only
physinfo = Cvar_Get( "@physinfo", "0", CVAR_READ_ONLY, "" ); // use ->modified value only
serverinfo = Cvar_Get( "@serverinfo", "0", CVAR_READ_ONLY, "" ); // use ->modified value only
renderinfo = Cvar_Get( "@renderinfo", "0", CVAR_READ_ONLY, "" ); // use ->modified value only
Cmd_AddCommand ("toggle", Cvar_Toggle_f, "toggles a console variable's values (use for more info)" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("set", Cvar_Set_f, "create or change the value of a console variable" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("sets", Cvar_SetS_f, "create or change the value of a serverinfo variable" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("setu", Cvar_SetU_f, "create or change the value of a userinfo variable" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("setp", Cvar_SetP_f, "create or change the value of a physicinfo variable" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("setr", Cvar_SetR_f, "create or change the value of a renderinfo variable" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("setgl", Cvar_SetGL_f, "create or change the value of a opengl variable" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("seta", Cvar_SetA_f, "create or change the value of a console variable that will be saved to config.cfg" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("reset", Cvar_Reset_f, "reset any type variable to initial value" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("latch", Cvar_Latched_f, "apply latched values" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("vidlatch", Cvar_LatchedVideo_f, "apply latched values for video subsystem" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("cvarlist", Cvar_List_f, "display all console variables beginning with the specified prefix" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("unsetall", Cvar_Restart_f, "reset all console variables to their default values" );
Cmd_AddCommand ("@unlink", Cvar_Unlink_f, "unlink static cvars defined in gamedll" );