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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// cm_model.c - collision model
#include "cm_local.h"
#include "matrix_lib.h"
#include "const.h"
( \
(a).lodgroup[0] == (b).lodgroup[0] && \
(a).lodgroup[1] == (b).lodgroup[1] && \
(a).lodgroup[2] == (b).lodgroup[2] && \
(a).lodgroup[3] == (b).lodgroup[3] && \
(a).lodgroup[4] == (b).lodgroup[4] && \
(a).lodgroup[5] == (b).lodgroup[5] \
typedef struct patchtess_s
patchinfo_t info;
// Auxiliary data used only by patch loading code in BSP_LoadSurfaces
int surface_id;
float lodgroup[6];
float *originalvertex3f;
} patchtess_t;
clipmap_t cm;
clipmap_static_t cms;
studio_t studio;
cvar_t *cm_noareas;
cmodel_t *loadmodel;
int registration_sequence = 0;
void CM_GetPoint( int index, vec3_t out )
CM_ConvertPositionToMeters( out, cm.vertices[index] );
void CM_GetPoint2( int index, vec3_t out )
CM_ConvertDimensionToMeters( out, cm.vertices[index] );
void CM_SnapVertices( int numcomponents, int numvertices, float *vertices, float snap )
int i;
double isnap = 1.0 / snap;
for( i = 0; i < numvertices * numcomponents; i++ )
vertices[i] = floor( vertices[i] * isnap ) * snap;
int CM_RemoveDegenerateTriangles( int numtriangles, const int *inelement3i, int *outelement3i, const float *vertex3f )
int i, outtriangles;
float edgedir1[3], edgedir2[3], temp[3];
// a degenerate triangle is one with no width (thickness, surface area)
// these are characterized by having all 3 points colinear (along a line)
// or having two points identical
// the simplest check is to calculate the triangle's area
for( i = 0, outtriangles = 0; i < numtriangles; i++, inelement3i += 3 )
// calculate first edge
VectorSubtract( vertex3f + inelement3i[1] * 3, vertex3f + inelement3i[0] * 3, edgedir1 );
VectorSubtract( vertex3f + inelement3i[2] * 3, vertex3f + inelement3i[0] * 3, edgedir2 );
CrossProduct( edgedir1, edgedir2, temp );
if( VectorLength2( temp ) < 0.001f )
continue; // degenerate triangle (no area)
// valid triangle (has area)
VectorCopy( inelement3i, outelement3i );
outelement3i += 3;
return outtriangles;
void CM_FreeModel( cmodel_t *mod )
Mem_FreePool( &mod->mempool );
Mem_Set( mod, 0, sizeof( *mod ));
mod = NULL;
const void *CM_VisData( void ) { return cm.pvs; }
int CM_NumTextures( void ) { return cm.numshaders; }
int CM_NumClusters( void ) { return cm.numclusters; }
int CM_NumInlineModels( void ) { return cms.numbmodels; }
script_t *CM_EntityScript( void ) { return cm.entityscript; }
const char *CM_TexName( int index ){ return cm.shaders[index].name; }
void BSP_CreateMeshBuffer( int modelnum )
csurface_t *m_surface;
int d, i, j, k;
int flags;
// ignore world or bsplib instance
if( app_name == HOST_BSPLIB || modelnum >= cms.numbmodels )
loadmodel = &cms.bmodels[modelnum];
if( modelnum ) loadmodel->type = mod_brush;
else loadmodel->type = mod_world; // level static geometry
loadmodel->TraceBox = CM_TraceBmodel;
loadmodel->PointContents = CM_PointContents;
// because world loading collision tree from LUMP_COLLISION
if( modelnum < 1 ) return;
studio.m_pVerts = &studio.vertices[0]; // using studio vertex buffer for bmodels too
studio.numverts = 0; // clear current count
for( d = 0, i = loadmodel->firstface; d < loadmodel->numfaces; i++, d++ )
m_surface = cm.surfaces + i;
flags = cm.shaders[m_surface->shadernum].flags;
k = m_surface->firstvertex;
// current implementation not supported meshes or patches
if( m_surface->surfaceType != MST_PLANAR ) continue;
// FIXME: sky is noclip for all physobjects
if( flags & SURF_SKY ) continue;
for( j = 0; j < m_surface->numvertices; j++ )
// because it's not a collision tree, just triangle mesh
CM_GetPoint2( k+j, studio.m_pVerts[studio.numverts] );
if( studio.numverts )
// grab vertices
loadmodel->col[loadmodel->numbodies] = (cmesh_t *)Mem_Alloc( loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(*loadmodel->col[0]));
loadmodel->col[loadmodel->numbodies]->verts = Mem_Alloc( loadmodel->mempool, studio.numverts * sizeof(vec3_t));
Mem_Copy( loadmodel->col[loadmodel->numbodies]->verts, studio.m_pVerts, studio.numverts * sizeof(vec3_t));
loadmodel->col[loadmodel->numbodies]->numverts = studio.numverts;
void BSP_LoadModels( lump_t *l )
dmodel_t *in;
cmodel_t *out;
int i, j, n, c, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadModels: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
if( count < 1 ) Host_Error( "Map %s without models\n", );
if( count > MAX_MODELS ) Host_Error( "Map %s has too many models\n", );
cms.numbmodels = count;
out = &cms.bmodels[0];
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// spread the mins / maxs by a pixel
out->mins[j] = LittleFloat(in->mins[j]) - 1;
out->maxs[j] = LittleFloat(in->maxs[j]) + 1;
out->firstface = n = LittleLong( in->firstsurface );
out->numfaces = c = LittleLong( in->numsurfaces );
// skip other stuff, not using for building collision tree
if( app_name == HOST_BSPLIB ) continue;
// FIXME: calc bounding box right
VectorCopy( out->mins, out->normalmins );
VectorCopy( out->maxs, out->normalmaxs );
VectorCopy( out->mins, out->rotatedmins );
VectorCopy( out->maxs, out->rotatedmaxs );
VectorCopy( out->mins, out->yawmins );
VectorCopy( out->maxs, out->yawmaxs );
if( n < 0 || n + c > cm.numsurfaces )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadModels: invalid face range %i : %i (%i faces)\n", n, n+c, cm.numsurfaces );
out->firstbrush = n = LittleLong( in->firstbrush );
out->numbrushes = c = LittleLong( in->numbrushes );
if( n < 0 || n + c > cm.numbrushes )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadModels: invalid brush range %i : %i (%i brushes)\n", n, n+c, cm.numsurfaces );
com.strncpy( out->name, va("*%i", i ), sizeof(out->name));
out->mempool = Mem_AllocPool( va("^2%s", out->name )); // difference with render and cm pools
BSP_CreateMeshBuffer( i ); // bsp physic
void BSP_LoadShaders( lump_t *l )
dshader_t *in;
cshader_t *out;
int i;
in = ( void * )(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadShaders: funny lump size\n" );
cm.numshaders = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
cm.shaders = out = (cshader_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numshaders * sizeof( *out ));
for( i = 0; i < cm.numshaders; i++, in++, out++)
com.strncpy( out->name, in->name, MAX_SHADERPATH );
out->contents = LittleLong( in->contentFlags );
out->flags = LittleLong( in->surfaceFlags );
void BSP_LoadNodes( lump_t *l )
dnode_t *in;
cnode_t *out;
int i, j, n, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadNodes: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
if( count < 1 ) Host_Error( "Map %s has no nodes\n", );
out = cm.nodes = (cnode_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numnodes = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, out++, in++ )
out->parent = NULL;
n = LittleLong( in->planenum );
if( n < 0 || n >= cm.numplanes)
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadNodes: invalid planenum %i (%i planes)\n", n, cm.numplanes );
out->plane = cm.planes + n;
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
n = LittleLong( in->children[j]);
if( n >= 0 )
if( n >= cm.numnodes )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadNodes: invalid child node index %i (%i nodes)\n", n, cm.numnodes );
out->children[j] = cm.nodes + n;
n = -1 - n;
if( n >= cm.numleafs )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadNodes: invalid child leaf index %i (%i leafs)\n", n, cm.numleafs );
out->children[j] = (cnode_t *)(cm.leafs + n);
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// yes the mins/maxs are ints
out->mins[j] = LittleLong( in->mins[j] ) - 1;
out->maxs[j] = LittleLong( in->maxs[j] ) + 1;
void BSP_LoadBrushes( lump_t *l )
dbrush_t *in;
cbrush_t *out;
int i, j, n, count, maxplanes = 0;
cplanef_t *planes = NULL;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadBrushes: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = cm.brushes = (cbrush_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, (count + 1) * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numbrushes = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, out++, in++ )
out->firstbrushside = LittleLong( in->firstside );
out->numsides = LittleLong( in->numsides );
n = LittleLong( in->shadernum );
if( n < 0 || n >= cm.numshaders )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadBrushes: invalid shader index %i (brush %i)\n", n, i );
out->contents = cm.shaders[n].contents;
// make a list of mplane_t structs to construct a colbrush from
if( maxplanes < out->numsides )
maxplanes = out->numsides;
planes = Mem_Realloc( cmappool, planes, sizeof(cplanef_t) * maxplanes );
for( j = 0; j < out->numsides; j++ )
VectorCopy( cm.brushsides[out->firstbrushside + j].plane->normal, planes[j].normal );
planes[j].dist = cm.brushsides[out->firstbrushside + j].plane->dist;
planes[j].surfaceflags = cm.brushsides[out->firstbrushside + j].shader->flags;
planes[j].surface = cm.brushsides[out->firstbrushside + j].surface;
// make the colbrush from the planes
out->colbrushf = CM_CollisionNewBrushFromPlanes( cmappool, out->numsides, planes, out->contents );
if( planes ) Mem_Free( planes );
void BSP_LoadLeafSurfaces( lump_t *l )
dleafface_t *in, *out;
int i, n, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadLeafFaces: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = cm.leafsurfaces = (dword *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numleafsurfaces = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
n = LittleLong( *in );
if( n < 0 || n >= cm.numsurfaces )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadLeafFaces: invalid face index %i (%i faces)\n", n, cm.numsurfaces );
*out = n;
void BSP_LoadLeafBrushes( lump_t *l )
dleafbrush_t *in, *out;
int i, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadLeafBrushes: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
if( count < 1 ) Host_Error( "Map %s with no leaf brushes\n", );
out = cm.leafbrushes = (dleafbrush_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numleafbrushes = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ ) *out = LittleLong( *in );
void BSP_LoadLeafs( lump_t *l )
dleaf_t *in;
cleaf_t *out;
int i, j, n, c, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadLeafs: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
if( count < 1 ) Host_Error( "Map %s with no leafs\n", );
out = cm.leafs = (cleaf_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof(*out));
cm.numclusters = 0;
cm.numleafs = count;
cm.numareas = 1;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
out->parent = NULL;
out->plane = NULL;
out->cluster = LittleLong( in->cluster );
out->area = LittleLong( in->area ) + 1;
if( out->cluster >= cm.numclusters )
cm.numclusters = out->cluster + 1;
if( out->area >= cm.numareas )
cm.numareas = out->area + 1;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// yes the mins/maxs are ints
out->mins[j] = LittleLong( in->mins[j] ) - 1;
out->maxs[j] = LittleLong( in->maxs[j] ) + 1;
n = LittleLong( in->firstleafsurface );
c = LittleLong( in->numleafsurfaces );
if( n < 0 || n + c > cm.numleafsurfaces )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadLeafs: invalid leafsurface range %i : %i (%i leafsurfaces)\n", n, n + c, cm.numleafsurfaces );
out->firstleafsurface = cm.leafsurfaces + n;
out->numleafsurfaces = c;
n = LittleLong( in->firstleafbrush );
c = LittleLong( in->numleafbrushes );
if( n < 0 || n + c > cm.numleafbrushes )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadLeafs: invalid leafbrush range %i : %i (%i leafbrushes)\n", n, n + c, cm.numleafbrushes );
out->firstleafbrush = cm.leafbrushes + n;
out->numleafbrushes = c;
cm.areas = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numareas * sizeof( *cm.areas ));
void BSP_LoadPlanes( lump_t *l )
dplane_t *in;
cplane_t *out;
int i, j, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadPlanes: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
if( count < 1 ) Host_Error( "Map %s with no planes\n", );
out = cm.planes = (cplane_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numplanes = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
out->normal[j] = LittleFloat(in->normal[j]);
out->dist = LittleFloat( in->dist );
PlaneClassify( out ); // automatic plane classify
void IBSP_LoadBrushSides( lump_t *l )
dbrushsideq_t *in;
cbrushside_t *out;
csurface_t *surf;
int i, j, shadernum, count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadBrushSides: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = cm.brushsides = (cbrushside_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numbrushsides = count;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
out->plane = cm.planes + LittleLong( in->planenum );
shadernum = bound( 0, LittleLong( in->shadernum ), cm.numshaders - 1 );
out->shader = cm.shaders + shadernum;
for( j = 0, surf = cm.surfaces; j < cm.numsurfaces; j++, surf++ )
if( surf->shadernum == shadernum )
// HACKHACK: only name matched, not vertices
out->surface = surf;
void RBSP_LoadBrushSides( lump_t *l )
dbrushsider_t *in;
cbrushside_t *out;
int i, j, num,count;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadBrushSides: funny lump size\n" );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = cm.brushsides = (cbrushside_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, count * sizeof( *out ));
cm.numbrushsides = count;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
num = LittleLong( in->planenum );
out->plane = cm.planes + num;
j = LittleLong( in->shadernum );
j = bound( 0, j, cm.numshaders - 1 );
out->shader = cm.shaders + j;
j = LittleLong( in->surfacenum );
j = bound( 0, j, cm.numsurfaces - 1 );
out->surface = cm.surfaces + j;
void BSP_LoadVisibility( lump_t *l )
byte *visbase;
cm.visdata_size = l->filelen;
if( !cm.visdata_size ) return;
visbase = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.visdata_size );
Mem_Copy( visbase, (void * )(cms.base + l->fileofs), cm.visdata_size );
cm.pvs = (dvis_t *)visbase;
cm.pvs->numclusters = LittleLong( cm.pvs->numclusters );
cm.pvs->rowsize = LittleLong( cm.pvs->rowsize );
if( cm.numclusters != cm.pvs->numclusters )
Host_Error( "BSP_LoadVisibility: mismatch vis and leaf clusters (%i should be %i)\n", cm.pvs->numclusters, cm.numclusters );
void BSP_LoadEntityString( lump_t *l )
byte *in;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
cm.entityscript = Com_OpenScript( LUMP_ENTITIES, in, l->filelen );
void IBSP_LoadVertexes( lump_t *l )
dvertexq_t *in;
vec3_t *out;
int i;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadVertexes: funny lump size\n" );
cm.numverts = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
cm.vertices = out = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numverts * sizeof( *out ));
for( i = 0; i < cm.numverts; i++, in++ )
out[i][0] = LittleFloat( in->point[0] );
out[i][1] = LittleFloat( in->point[1] );
out[i][2] = LittleFloat( in->point[2] );
void RBSP_LoadVertexes( lump_t *l )
dvertexr_t *in;
vec3_t *out;
int i;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadVertexes: funny lump size\n" );
cm.numverts = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
cm.vertices = out = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numverts * sizeof( *out ));
for( i = 0; i < cm.numverts; i++, in++ )
out[i][0] = LittleFloat( in->point[0] );
out[i][1] = LittleFloat( in->point[1] );
out[i][2] = LittleFloat( in->point[2] );
void IBSP_LoadSurfaces( lump_t *l )
dsurfaceq_t *in;
csurface_t *out;
int i, j;
int finalvertices, finaltriangles, patchsize[2], cxtess, cytess, finalwidth, finalheight;
int patchtesscount = 0;
float *originalvertex3f;
patchtess_t *patchtess = NULL;
bool again;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadSurfaces: funny lump size\n" );
cm.numsurfaces = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
cm.surfaces = out = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numsurfaces * sizeof( *out ));
if( cm.numsurfaces > 0 )
patchtess = (patchtess_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numsurfaces * sizeof( *patchtess ));
for( i = 0; i < cm.numsurfaces; i++, in++, out++)
out->surfaceType = LittleLong( in->facetype );
out->shadernum = LittleLong( in->shadernum );
switch( out->surfaceType )
break; // no processing necessary
patchsize[0] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[0] );
patchsize[1] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[1] );
if( LittleLong( in->numverts ) != (patchsize[0] * patchsize[1]) || patchsize[0] < 3 || patchsize[1] < 3 || !(patchsize[0] & 1) || !(patchsize[1] & 1) || patchsize[0] * patchsize[1] >= 4225 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "BSP_LoadSurfaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid patchsize %ix%i\n", i, CM_TexName( out->shadernum ), patchsize[0], patchsize[1]);
originalvertex3f = (float *)(cm.vertices + in->firstvert);
// convert patch to MST_TRISURF
cxtess = CM_PatchTesselationOnX( patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, 15.0f );
cytess = CM_PatchTesselationOnY( patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, 15.0f );
cxtess = bound( 0, cxtess, 1024 );
cytess = bound( 0, cytess, 1024 );
// store it for the LOD grouping step
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.xsize = patchsize[0];
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.ysize = patchsize[1];
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess = cxtess;
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess = cytess;
patchtess[patchtesscount].surface_id = i;
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[0] = in->mins[0];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[1] = in->mins[1];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[2] = in->mins[2];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[3] = in->maxs[0];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[4] = in->maxs[1];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[5] = in->maxs[2];
patchtess[patchtesscount].originalvertex3f = originalvertex3f;
// ignore collisions at all
// setup a bounding box
VectorCopy( in->mins, out->mins );
VectorCopy( in->maxs, out->maxs );
out->firstvertex = LittleLong( in->firstvert );
out->numvertices = LittleLong( in->numverts );
// fix patches tesselations so that they make no seams
again = false;
for( i = 0; i < patchtesscount; ++i )
for( j = i+1; j < patchtesscount; ++j )
if( !PATCHTESS_SAME_LODGROUP( patchtess[i], patchtess[j] ))
if( CM_PatchAdjustTesselation( 3, &patchtess[i].info, patchtess[i].originalvertex3f, &patchtess[j].info, patchtess[j].originalvertex3f ))
again = true;
} while( again );
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
for( i = 0, out = cm.surfaces; i < cm.numsurfaces; i++, in++, out++)
switch( out->surfaceType )
patchsize[0] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[0] );
patchsize[1] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[1] );
originalvertex3f = (float *)(cm.vertices + out->firstvertex);
cxtess = cytess = -1;
for( j = 0; j < patchtesscount; ++j )
if( patchtess[j].surface_id == i )
cxtess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess;
cytess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess;
if( cxtess == -1 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "patch %d isn't preprocessed?!?\n", i );
cxtess = cytess = 0;
// build the lower quality collision geometry
finalwidth = CM_PatchDimForTess( patchsize[0], cxtess );
finalheight = CM_PatchDimForTess( patchsize[1], cytess );
finalvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
finaltriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
out->vertices = (float *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, sizeof( float[3] ) * finalvertices );
out->indices = (int *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, sizeof( int[3] ) * finaltriangles );
out->numvertices = finalvertices;
out->numtriangles = finaltriangles;
CM_PatchTesselateFloat( 3, sizeof( float[3] ), out->vertices, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof( float[3] ), originalvertex3f, cxtess, cytess );
CM_PatchTriangleElements( out->indices, finalwidth, finalheight, 0 );
CM_SnapVertices( 3, out->numvertices, out->vertices, 1 );
out->numtriangles = CM_RemoveDegenerateTriangles( out->numtriangles, out->indices, out->indices, out->vertices );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "BSP_LoadSurfaces: face #%i: unknown face type %i\n", i, out->surfaceType );
if( patchtess ) Mem_Free( patchtess );
void RBSP_LoadSurfaces( lump_t *l )
dsurfacer_t *in;
csurface_t *out;
int i, j;
int finalvertices, finaltriangles, patchsize[2], cxtess, cytess, finalwidth, finalheight;
int patchtesscount = 0;
float *originalvertex3f;
patchtess_t *patchtess = NULL;
bool again;
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in )) Host_Error( "BSP_LoadSurfaces: funny lump size\n" );
cm.numsurfaces = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
cm.surfaces = out = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numsurfaces * sizeof( *out ));
if( cm.numsurfaces > 0 )
patchtess = (patchtess_t *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, cm.numsurfaces * sizeof( *patchtess ));
for( i = 0; i < cm.numsurfaces; i++, in++, out++)
out->surfaceType = LittleLong( in->facetype );
out->shadernum = LittleLong( in->shadernum );
switch( out->surfaceType )
break; // no processing necessary
patchsize[0] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[0] );
patchsize[1] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[1] );
if( LittleLong( in->numverts ) != (patchsize[0] * patchsize[1]) || patchsize[0] < 3 || patchsize[1] < 3 || !(patchsize[0] & 1) || !(patchsize[1] & 1) || patchsize[0] * patchsize[1] >= 4225 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "BSP_LoadSurfaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid patchsize %ix%i\n", i, CM_TexName( out->shadernum ), patchsize[0], patchsize[1]);
originalvertex3f = (float *)(cm.vertices + in->firstvert);
// convert patch to MST_TRISURF
cxtess = CM_PatchTesselationOnX( patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, 15.0f );
cytess = CM_PatchTesselationOnY( patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, 15.0f );
cxtess = bound( 0, cxtess, 1024 );
cytess = bound( 0, cytess, 1024 );
// store it for the LOD grouping step
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.xsize = patchsize[0];
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.ysize = patchsize[1];
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess = cxtess;
patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess = cytess;
patchtess[patchtesscount].surface_id = i;
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[0] = in->mins[0];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[1] = in->mins[1];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[2] = in->mins[2];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[3] = in->maxs[0];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[4] = in->maxs[1];
patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[5] = in->maxs[2];
patchtess[patchtesscount].originalvertex3f = originalvertex3f;
// ignore collisions at all
// setup a bounding box
VectorCopy( in->mins, out->mins );
VectorCopy( in->maxs, out->maxs );
out->firstvertex = LittleLong( in->firstvert );
out->numvertices = LittleLong( in->numverts );
// fix patches tesselations so that they make no seams
again = false;
for( i = 0; i < patchtesscount; ++i )
for( j = i+1; j < patchtesscount; ++j )
if( !PATCHTESS_SAME_LODGROUP( patchtess[i], patchtess[j] ))
if( CM_PatchAdjustTesselation( 3, &patchtess[i].info, patchtess[i].originalvertex3f, &patchtess[j].info, patchtess[j].originalvertex3f ))
again = true;
} while( again );
in = (void *)(cms.base + l->fileofs);
for( i = 0, out = cm.surfaces; i < cm.numsurfaces; i++, in++, out++)
switch( out->surfaceType )
patchsize[0] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[0] );
patchsize[1] = LittleLong( in->patch_cp[1] );
originalvertex3f = (float *)(cm.vertices + out->firstvertex);
cxtess = cytess = -1;
for( j = 0; j < patchtesscount; ++j )
if( patchtess[j].surface_id == i )
cxtess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess;
cytess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess;
if( cxtess == -1 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "patch %d isn't preprocessed?!?\n", i );
cxtess = cytess = 0;
// build the lower quality collision geometry
finalwidth = CM_PatchDimForTess( patchsize[0], cxtess );
finalheight = CM_PatchDimForTess( patchsize[1], cytess );
finalvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
finaltriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
out->vertices = (float *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, sizeof( float[3] ) * finalvertices );
out->indices = (int *)Mem_Alloc( cmappool, sizeof( int[3] ) * finaltriangles );
out->numvertices = finalvertices;
out->numtriangles = finaltriangles;
CM_PatchTesselateFloat( 3, sizeof( float[3] ), out->vertices, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof( float[3] ), originalvertex3f, cxtess, cytess );
CM_PatchTriangleElements( out->indices, finalwidth, finalheight, 0 );
CM_SnapVertices( 3, out->numvertices, out->vertices, 1 );
out->numtriangles = CM_RemoveDegenerateTriangles( out->numtriangles, out->indices, out->indices, out->vertices );
Msg( "Genarate patch with %i triangles\n", out->numtriangles );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "BSP_LoadSurfaces: face #%i: unknown face type %i\n", i, out->surfaceType );
if( patchtess ) Mem_Free( patchtess );
void BSP_LoadCollision( void )
string clipfile;
int map_checksum;
com.strncpy( clipfile,, MAX_STRING );
FS_StripExtension( clipfile );
FS_DefaultExtension( clipfile, ".cm" );
cms.world_tree = FS_Open( clipfile, "rb" );
if( !cms.world_tree ) return;
FS_Read( cms.world_tree, &map_checksum, sizeof( int ));
if( map_checksum != cm.checksum )
// failed checksum, needs to rebuild
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "BSP_LoadCollision: map %s changed, rebuild collision tree\n", );
FS_Close( cms.world_tree );
cms.world_tree = NULL;
static void BSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs( cnode_t *node )
int numleafs;
while( node->plane )
BSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs( node->children[0] );
node = node->children[1];
numleafs = ((cleaf_t *)node - cm.leafs) + 1;
if( cm.numleafs < numleafs ) // these never happens
Host_Error( "BSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs: invalid leafs count %i > %i\n", numleafs, cm.numleafs );
static void BSP_RecursiveSetParent( cnode_t *node, cnode_t *parent )
node->parent = parent;
if( node->plane )
// this is a node, recurse to children
BSP_RecursiveSetParent( node->children[0], node );
BSP_RecursiveSetParent( node->children[1], node );
// combine contents of children
node->contents = node->children[0]->contents | node->children[1]->contents;
cleaf_t *leaf = (cleaf_t *)node;
int i;
// if this is a leaf, calculate supercontents mask from all collidable
// primitives in the leaf (brushes and collision surfaces)
// also flag if the leaf contains any collision surfaces
leaf->contents = 0;
// combine the supercontents values of all brushes in this leaf
for( i = 0; i < leaf->numleafbrushes; i++ )
leaf->contents |= cm.brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].contents;
// check if this leaf contains any collision surfaces (patches)
for( i = 0; i < leaf->numleafsurfaces; i++ )
csurface_t *m_surface = cm.surfaces + leaf->firstleafsurface[i];
if( m_surface->numtriangles )
leaf->havepatches = true;
leaf->contents |= cm.shaders[m_surface->shadernum].contents;
void BSP_BeginBuildTree( void )
// create tree collision
cms.collision = NewtonCreateTreeCollision( gWorld, NULL );
NewtonTreeCollisionBeginBuild( cms.collision );
void BSP_AddCollisionFace( int facenum )
csurface_t *m_surface;
int j, k;
int flags;
if( facenum < 0 || facenum >= cm.numsurfaces )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "invalid face number %d, must be in range [0 == %d]\n", facenum, cm.numsurfaces - 1 );
m_surface = cm.surfaces + facenum;
flags = cm.shaders[m_surface->shadernum].flags;
k = m_surface->firstvertex;
// sky is noclip for all physobjects
if( flags & SURF_SKY ) return;
if( cm_use_triangles->integer )
// convert polygon to triangles
for( j = 0; j < m_surface->numvertices - 2; j++ )
vec3_t face[3]; // triangle
CM_GetPoint( k, face[0] );
CM_GetPoint( k+j+1, face[1] );
CM_GetPoint( k+j+2, face[2] );
NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace( cms.collision, 3, (float *)face[0], sizeof(vec3_t), 1 );
vec3_t *face = Mem_Alloc( cmappool, m_surface->numvertices * sizeof( vec3_t ));
for(j = 0; j < m_surface->numvertices; j++ ) CM_GetPoint( k+j, face[j] );
NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace( cms.collision, m_surface->numvertices, (float *)face[0], sizeof(vec3_t), 1);
if( face ) Mem_Free( face ); // polygons with 0 edges ?
void BSP_EndBuildTree( void )
if( app_name == HOST_BSPLIB ) Msg( "Optimize collision tree..." );
NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild( cms.collision, true );
if( app_name == HOST_BSPLIB ) Msg( " done\n" );
static void BSP_LoadTree( file_t* handle, void* buffer, size_t size )
FS_Read( handle, buffer, size );
void CM_LoadBSP( const void *buffer )
dheader_t header;
header = *(dheader_t *)buffer;
cms.base = (byte *)buffer;
// bsplib uses light version of loading
IBSP_LoadVertexes( &header.lumps[LUMP_VERTEXES] );
BSP_LoadShaders( &header.lumps[LUMP_SHADERS] );
IBSP_LoadSurfaces( &header.lumps[LUMP_SURFACES] );
BSP_LoadModels( &header.lumps[LUMP_MODELS] );
cms.loaded = true;
void CM_FreeBSP( void )
int i;
cmodel_t *mod;
for( i = 0, mod = cms.cmodels; i < cms.numcmodels; i++, mod++)
if( !mod->name[0] ) continue;
CM_FreeModel( mod );
static void CM_AddCollision( file_t *f, const void* buffer, size_t size )
FS_Write( f, buffer, size );
void CM_MakeCollisionTree( void )
int i, world = 0; // world index
string clipfile;
file_t *file;
if( !cms.loaded ) Host_Error( "CM_MakeCollisionTree: map not loaded\n" );
if( cms.collision ) return; // already generated
if( app_name == HOST_BSPLIB ) Msg( "Building collision tree...\n" );
// world firstface index always equal 0
if( app_name == HOST_BSPLIB )
RunThreadsOnIndividual( cms.bmodels[world].numfaces, true, BSP_AddCollisionFace );
else for( i = 0; i < cms.bmodels[world].numfaces; i++ ) BSP_AddCollisionFace( i );
com.strncpy( clipfile,, MAX_STRING );
FS_StripExtension( clipfile );
FS_DefaultExtension( clipfile, ".cm" );
file = FS_Open( clipfile, "wb" );
if( !file ) return;
FS_Write( file, &cm.checksum, sizeof( int )); // save current checksum
NewtonTreeCollisionSerialize( cms.collision, CM_AddCollision, file );
FS_Close( file );
void CM_SaveCollisionTree( file_t *f, cmsave_t callback )
CM_MakeCollisionTree(); // create if needed
NewtonTreeCollisionSerialize( cms.collision, callback, f );
void CM_LoadCollisionTree( void )
if( !cms.world_tree ) return;
cms.collision = NewtonCreateTreeCollisionFromSerialization( gWorld, NULL, BSP_LoadTree, cms.world_tree );
FS_Close( cms.world_tree );
void CM_LoadWorld( void )
vec3_t boxP0, boxP1;
vec3_t extra = { 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f };
if( cms.world_tree ) CM_LoadCollisionTree();
else CM_MakeCollisionTree(); // can be used for old maps or for product of alternative map compiler
cms.body = NewtonCreateBody( gWorld, cms.collision );
NewtonBodyGetMatrix( cms.body, &cm.matrix[0][0] ); // set the global position of this body
NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB( cms.collision, &cm.matrix[0][0], &boxP0[0], &boxP1[0] );
NewtonReleaseCollision( gWorld, cms.collision );
VectorSubtract( boxP0, extra, boxP0 );
VectorAdd( boxP1, extra, boxP1 );
NewtonSetWorldSize( gWorld, &boxP0[0], &boxP1[0] );
NewtonSetSolverModel( gWorld, cm_solver_model->integer );
NewtonSetFrictionModel( gWorld, cm_friction_model->integer );
void CM_FreeWorld( void )
int i;
cmodel_t *mod;
// free old stuff
if( cms.loaded )
if( cm.entityscript )
Com_CloseScript( cm.entityscript );
Mem_EmptyPool( cmappool );
Mem_Set( &cm, 0, sizeof( cm ));
for( i = 0, mod = cms.bmodels; i < cms.numbmodels; i++, mod++ )
CM_FreeModel( mod );
cms.numbmodels = 0;
if( cms.body )
// and physical body release too
NewtonDestroyBody( gWorld, cms.body );
cms.collision = NULL;
cms.body = NULL;
cms.loaded = false;
Loads in the map and all submodels
cmodel_t *CM_BeginRegistration( const char *name, bool clientload, uint *checksum )
uint *buf;
dheader_t *hdr;
size_t length;
bool extended;
if( !com.strlen( name ))
CM_FreeWorld(); // release old map
// cinematic servers won't have anything at all
cm.numleafs = cm.numclusters = cm.numareas = 1;
*checksum = 0;
return &cms.bmodels[0];
if( !com.strcmp(, name ) && cms.loaded )
// singleplayer mode: server already loading map
*checksum = cm.checksum;
if( !clientload )
// rebuild portals for server ...
Mem_Set( cm.areaportals, 0, sizeof( cm.areaportals ));
// ... and reset entity script
Com_ResetScript( cm.entityscript );
// still have the right version
return &cms.bmodels[0];
CM_FreeWorld(); // release old map
registration_sequence++; // all models are invalid
// load the newmap
buf = (uint *)FS_LoadFile( name, &length );
if( !buf ) Host_Error( "Couldn't load %s\n", name );
hdr = (dheader_t *)buf;
if( !hdr ) Host_Error( "CM_LoadMap: %s couldn't read header\n", name );
*checksum = cm.checksum = LittleLong( Com_BlockChecksum( buf, length ));
hdr = (dheader_t *)buf;
SwapBlock(( int *)hdr, sizeof( dheader_t ));
cms.base = (byte *)buf;
// call the apropriate loader
switch( LittleLong(*(uint *)buf ))
if( hdr->version == RFIDBSP_VERSION )
extended = true;
else Host_Error( "CM_LoadMap: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)\n", name, hdr->version, RFIDBSP_VERSION );
extended = false;
else Host_Error( "CM_LoadMap: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)\n", name, hdr->version, Q3IDBSP_VERSION );
Host_Error( "CM_LoadMap: %s is not a IBSP, RBSP or FBSP file\n", name );
com.strncpy(, name, MAX_STRING );
// load into heap
BSP_LoadEntityString( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_ENTITIES] );
BSP_LoadShaders( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_SHADERS] );
BSP_LoadPlanes( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_PLANES] );
if( extended )
RBSP_LoadVertexes( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_VERTEXES] );
RBSP_LoadSurfaces( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_SURFACES] ); // used only for generate NewtonCollisionTree
RBSP_LoadBrushSides( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_BRUSHSIDES] );
IBSP_LoadVertexes( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_VERTEXES] );
IBSP_LoadSurfaces( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_SURFACES] ); // used only for generate NewtonCollisionTree
IBSP_LoadBrushSides( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_BRUSHSIDES] );
BSP_LoadBrushes( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_BRUSHES] );
BSP_LoadLeafBrushes( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES] );
BSP_LoadLeafSurfaces( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_LEAFSURFACES] );
BSP_LoadLeafs( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS] );
BSP_LoadNodes( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_NODES] );
BSP_LoadVisibility( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_VISIBILITY] );
BSP_LoadModels( &hdr->lumps[LUMP_MODELS] );
cms.loaded = true;
BSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs( cm.nodes );
BSP_RecursiveSetParent( cm.nodes, NULL );
CM_LoadWorld(); // load physics collision
Mem_Free( buf ); // release map buffer
Mem_Set( cm.areaportals, 0, sizeof( cm.areaportals ));
CM_CalcPHS ();
return &cms.bmodels[0];
void CM_EndRegistration( void )
cmodel_t *mod;
int i;
for( i = 0, mod = &cms.cmodels[0]; i < cms.numcmodels; i++, mod++)
if(!mod->name[0]) continue;
if( mod->registration_sequence != registration_sequence )
CM_FreeModel( mod );
int CM_LeafContents( int leafnum )
if( leafnum < 0 || leafnum >= cm.numleafs )
Host_Error("CM_LeafContents: bad number %i >= %i\n", leafnum, cm.numleafs );
return cm.leafs[leafnum].contents;
int CM_LeafCluster( int leafnum )
if( leafnum < 0 || leafnum >= cm.numleafs )
Host_Error("CM_LeafCluster: bad number %i >= %i\n", leafnum, cm.numleafs );
return cm.leafs[leafnum].cluster;
int CM_LeafArea( int leafnum )
if( leafnum < 0 || leafnum >= cm.numleafs )
Host_Error("CM_LeafArea: bad number %i >= %i\n", leafnum, cm.numleafs );
return cm.leafs[leafnum].area;
void CM_ModelBounds( cmodel_t *cmod, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
if( cmod )
VectorCopy( cmod->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( cmod->maxs, maxs );
VectorSet( mins, -32, -32, -32 );
VectorSet( maxs, 32, 32, 32 );
MsgDev( D_WARN, "can't compute bounding box, use default size\n");
int CM_StudioExtractBbox( dstudiohdr_t *phdr, int sequence, float *mins, float *maxs )
dstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
pseqdesc = (dstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)phdr + phdr->seqindex);
if(sequence == -1) return 0;
VectorCopy( pseqdesc[sequence].bbmin, mins );
VectorCopy( pseqdesc[sequence].bbmax, maxs );
return 1;
void CM_GetBodyCount( void )
if( studio.hdr )
studio.bodypart = (dstudiobodyparts_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.hdr->bodypartindex);
studio.bodycount = studio.bodypart->nummodels;
else studio.bodycount = 0; // just reset it
void CM_StudioCalcBoneQuaterion( dstudiobone_t *pbone, float *q )
int i;
vec3_t angle1;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) angle1[i] = pbone->value[i+3];
AngleQuaternion( angle1, q );
void CM_StudioCalcBonePosition( dstudiobone_t *pbone, float *pos )
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) pos[i] = pbone->value[i];
void CM_StudioSetUpTransform ( void )
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t modelpos;
studio.numverts = studio.numtriangles = 0; // clear current count
CM_StudioExtractBbox( studio.hdr, 0, mins, maxs );// adjust model center
VectorAdd( mins, maxs, modelpos );
VectorScale( modelpos, -0.5, modelpos );
VectorSet( vec3_angles, 0.0f, -90.0f, 90.0f ); // rotate matrix for 90 degrees
AngleVectors( vec3_angles, studio.rotmatrix[0], studio.rotmatrix[2], studio.rotmatrix[1] );
studio.rotmatrix[0][3] = modelpos[0];
studio.rotmatrix[1][3] = modelpos[1];
studio.rotmatrix[2][3] = (fabs(modelpos[2]) > 0.25) ? modelpos[2] : mins[2]; // stupid newton bug
studio.rotmatrix[2][2] *= -1;
void CM_StudioCalcRotations ( float pos[][3], vec4_t *q )
dstudiobone_t *pbone = (dstudiobone_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.hdr->boneindex);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < studio.hdr->numbones; i++, pbone++ )
CM_StudioCalcBoneQuaterion( pbone, q[i] );
CM_StudioCalcBonePosition( pbone, pos[i]);
void CM_StudioSetupBones( void )
int i;
dstudiobone_t *pbones;
static float pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
static vec4_t q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
matrix4x4 bonematrix;
CM_StudioCalcRotations( pos, q );
pbones = (dstudiobone_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.hdr->boneindex);
for (i = 0; i < studio.hdr->numbones; i++)
Matrix4x4_FromOriginQuat( bonematrix, pos[i][0], pos[i][1], pos[i][2], q[i][0], q[i][1], q[i][2], q[i][3] );
if( pbones[i].parent == -1 ) Matrix4x4_ConcatTransforms( studio.bones[i], studio.rotmatrix, bonematrix );
else Matrix4x4_ConcatTransforms( studio.bones[i], studio.bones[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix );
void CM_StudioSetupModel ( int bodypart, int body )
int index;
if(bodypart > studio.hdr->numbodyparts) bodypart = 0;
studio.bodypart = (dstudiobodyparts_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.hdr->bodypartindex) + bodypart;
index = body / studio.bodypart->base;
index = index % studio.bodypart->nummodels;
studio.submodel = (dstudiomodel_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.bodypart->modelindex) + index;
void CM_StudioAddMesh( int mesh )
dstudiomesh_t *pmesh = (dstudiomesh_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.submodel->meshindex) + mesh;
short *ptricmds = (short *)((byte *)studio.hdr + pmesh->triindex);
int i;
while(i = *(ptricmds++))
for(i = abs(i); i > 0; i--, ptricmds += 4)
studio.m_pVerts[studio.numverts][0] = INCH2METER(studio.vtransform[ptricmds[0]][0]);
studio.m_pVerts[studio.numverts][1] = INCH2METER(studio.vtransform[ptricmds[0]][1]);
studio.m_pVerts[studio.numverts][2] = INCH2METER(studio.vtransform[ptricmds[0]][2]);
studio.numtriangles += pmesh->numtris;
void CM_StudioLookMeshes ( void )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < studio.submodel->nummesh; i++ )
CM_StudioAddMesh( i );
void CM_StudioGetVertices( void )
int i;
vec3_t *pstudioverts;
vec3_t *pstudionorms;
byte *pvertbone;
byte *pnormbone;
pvertbone = ((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.submodel->vertinfoindex);
pnormbone = ((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.submodel->norminfoindex);
pstudioverts = (vec3_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.submodel->vertindex);
pstudionorms = (vec3_t *)((byte *)studio.hdr + studio.submodel->normindex);
for( i = 0; i < studio.submodel->numverts; i++ )
Matrix4x4_Transform( studio.bones[pvertbone[i]], pstudioverts[i], studio.vtransform[i]);
for( i = 0; i < studio.submodel->numnorms; i++ )
Matrix4x4_Transform( studio.bones[pnormbone[i]], pstudionorms[i], studio.ntransform[i]);
void CM_CreateMeshBuffer( byte *buffer )
int i, j;
// setup global pointers
studio.hdr = (dstudiohdr_t *)buffer;
studio.m_pVerts = &studio.vertices[0];
for( i = 0; i < studio.bodycount; i++)
// already loaded
if( loadmodel->col[i] ) continue;
// lookup all bodies
for (j = 0; j < studio.hdr->numbodyparts; j++)
CM_StudioSetupModel( j, i );
if( studio.numverts )
loadmodel->col[i] = (cmesh_t *)Mem_Alloc( loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(*loadmodel->col[0]));
loadmodel->col[i]->verts = Mem_Alloc( loadmodel->mempool, studio.numverts * sizeof(vec3_t));
Mem_Copy( loadmodel->col[i]->verts, studio.m_pVerts, studio.numverts * sizeof(vec3_t));
loadmodel->col[i]->numtris = studio.numtriangles;
loadmodel->col[i]->numverts = studio.numverts;
bool CM_StudioModel( byte *buffer, uint filesize )
dstudiohdr_t *phdr;
dstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
phdr = (dstudiohdr_t *)buffer;
if( phdr->version != STUDIO_VERSION )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CM_StudioModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)", phdr->name, phdr->version, STUDIO_VERSION);
return false;
loadmodel->numbodies = 0;
loadmodel->type = mod_studio;
loadmodel->extradata = Mem_Alloc( loadmodel->mempool, filesize );
Mem_Copy( loadmodel->extradata, buffer, filesize );
// calcualte bounding box
pseqdesc = (dstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)phdr + phdr->seqindex);
VectorCopy( pseqdesc[0].bbmin, loadmodel->mins );
VectorCopy( pseqdesc[0].bbmax, loadmodel->maxs );
loadmodel->numframes = pseqdesc[0].numframes; // FIXME: get numframes from current sequence (not first)
// FIXME: calc bounding box right
VectorCopy( loadmodel->mins, loadmodel->normalmins );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->maxs, loadmodel->normalmaxs );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->mins, loadmodel->rotatedmins );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->maxs, loadmodel->rotatedmaxs );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->mins, loadmodel->yawmins );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->maxs, loadmodel->yawmaxs );
CM_CreateMeshBuffer( buffer ); // newton collision mesh
return true;
bool CM_SpriteModel( byte *buffer, uint filesize )
dsprite_t *phdr;
phdr = (dsprite_t *)buffer;
if( phdr->version != SPRITE_VERSION )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CM_SpriteModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)\n", loadmodel->name, phdr->version, SPRITE_VERSION );
return false;
loadmodel->type = mod_sprite;
loadmodel->numbodies = 0; // sprites don't have bodies
loadmodel->numframes = phdr->numframes;
loadmodel->mins[0] = loadmodel->mins[1] = -phdr->bounds[0] / 2;
loadmodel->maxs[0] = loadmodel->maxs[1] = phdr->bounds[0] / 2;
loadmodel->mins[2] = -phdr->bounds[1] / 2;
loadmodel->maxs[2] = phdr->bounds[1] / 2;
// FIXME: calc bounding box right
VectorCopy( loadmodel->mins, loadmodel->normalmins );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->maxs, loadmodel->normalmaxs );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->mins, loadmodel->rotatedmins );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->maxs, loadmodel->rotatedmaxs );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->mins, loadmodel->yawmins );
VectorCopy( loadmodel->maxs, loadmodel->yawmaxs );
return true;
bool CM_BrushModel( byte *buffer, uint filesize )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "CM_BrushModel: not implemented\n" );
return false;
cmodel_t *CM_RegisterModel( const char *name )
byte *buf;
int i, size;
cmodel_t *mod;
if( !name[0] ) return NULL;
if(name[0] == '*')
i = com.atoi( name + 1);
if( i < 1 || !cms.loaded || i >= cms.numbmodels)
MsgDev(D_WARN, "CM_InlineModel: bad submodel number %d\n", i );
return NULL;
// prolonge registration
cms.bmodels[i].registration_sequence = registration_sequence;
return &cms.bmodels[i];
for( i = 0; i < cms.numcmodels; i++ )
mod = &cms.cmodels[i];
if(!mod->name[0]) continue;
if(!com.strcmp( name, mod->name ))
// prolonge registration
mod->registration_sequence = registration_sequence;
return mod;
// find a free model slot spot
for( i = 0, mod = cms.cmodels; i < cms.numcmodels; i++, mod++)
if( !mod->name[0] ) break; // free spot
if( i == cms.numcmodels )
if( cms.numcmodels == MAX_MODELS )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CM_LoadModel: MAX_MODELS limit exceeded\n" );
return NULL;
com.strncpy( mod->name, name, sizeof(mod->name));
buf = FS_LoadFile( name, &size );
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "CM_LoadModel: %s not found\n", name );
Mem_Set(mod->name, 0, sizeof(mod->name));
return NULL;
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CM_LoadModel: load %s\n", name );
mod->mempool = Mem_AllocPool( va("^2%s^7", mod->name ));
loadmodel = mod;
// call the apropriate loader
switch(LittleLong(*(uint *)buf))
CM_StudioModel( buf, size );
CM_SpriteModel( buf, size );
CM_BrushModel( buf, size );//FIXME
Mem_Free( buf );
return mod;