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// Copyright (C) XashXT Group 2006
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "baseweapon.h"
// func_trigger - volume, that fire target when player in or out
#define SF_TRIGGER_ALLOWMONSTERS 1 // monsters allowed to fire this trigger
#define SF_TRIGGER_NOCLIENTS 2 // players not allowed to fire this trigger
#define SF_TRIGGER_PUSHABLES 4 // only pushables can fire this trigger
class CBaseTrigger;
class CInOutRegister : public CPointEntity
BOOL IsRegistered ( CBaseEntity *pValue );
CInOutRegister *Prune( void );
CInOutRegister *Add( CBaseEntity *pValue );
BOOL IsEmpty( void ) { return m_pNext ? FALSE:TRUE; };
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
CBaseTrigger *m_pField;
CInOutRegister *m_pNext;
EHANDLE m_hValue;
class CBaseTrigger : public CBaseLogic
void Spawn( void );
void EXPORT Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
void EXPORT Update( void );
void EXPORT Remove( void ); //generic method for right delete trigger class
virtual void FireOnEntry( CBaseEntity *pOther ){}
virtual void FireOnLeave( CBaseEntity *pOther ){}
BOOL CanTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
STATE GetState() { return m_pRegister->IsEmpty()? STATE_OFF : STATE_ON; }
CInOutRegister *m_pRegister;
TYPEDESCRIPTION CBaseTrigger::m_SaveData[] =
{ DEFINE_FIELD( CBaseTrigger, m_pRegister, FIELD_CLASSPTR ), };
TYPEDESCRIPTION CInOutRegister::m_SaveData[] =
{ DEFINE_FIELD( CInOutRegister, m_pField, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CInOutRegister, m_hValue, FIELD_EHANDLE ),
}; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE(CInOutRegister,CPointEntity);
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( zoneent, CInOutRegister );
BOOL CInOutRegister::IsRegistered ( CBaseEntity *pValue )
if (m_hValue == pValue) return TRUE;
else if (m_pNext) return m_pNext->IsRegistered( pValue );
else return FALSE;
CInOutRegister *CInOutRegister::Add( CBaseEntity *pValue )
if (m_hValue == pValue)
// it's already in the list, don't need to do anything
return this;
else if (m_pNext)
// keep looking
m_pNext = m_pNext->Add( pValue );
return this;
// reached the end of the list; add the new entry, and trigger
CInOutRegister *pResult = GetClassPtr( (CInOutRegister*)NULL );
pResult->m_hValue = pValue;
pResult->m_pNext = this;
pResult->m_pField = m_pField;
pResult->pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("zoneent");
m_pField->FireOnEntry( pValue );
return pResult;
CInOutRegister *CInOutRegister::Prune( void )
if ( m_hValue )
ASSERTSZ(m_pNext != NULL, "invalid InOut registry terminator\n");
if ( m_pField->Intersects(m_hValue) )
// this entity is still inside the field, do nothing
m_pNext = m_pNext->Prune();
return this;
// this entity has just left the field, trigger
m_pField->FireOnLeave( m_hValue );
SetThink( Remove );
SetNextThink( 0.1 );
return m_pNext->Prune();
{ // this register has a missing or null value
if (m_pNext)
// this is an invalid list entry, remove it
SetThink( Remove );
SetNextThink( 0.1 );
return m_pNext->Prune();
// this is the list terminator, leave it.
return this;
void CBaseTrigger::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "offtarget"))
pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "modifier"))
pev->armorvalue = atof(pkvd->szValue) / 100.0;
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "roomtype")) //for soundfx
pev->button = atoi( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CBaseTrigger :: Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
UTIL_SetModel( ENT( pev ), pev->model ); // set size and link into world
SetObjectClass( ED_TRIGGER );
// create a null-terminator for the registry
m_pRegister = GetClassPtr(( CInOutRegister *)NULL );
m_pRegister->m_hValue = NULL;
m_pRegister->m_pNext = NULL;
m_pRegister->m_pField = this;
m_pRegister->pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("zoneent");
m_pRegister->SetObjectClass( ED_STATIC );
SetThink( Update );
BOOL CBaseTrigger :: CanTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if ( gpGlobals->time < pev->dmgtime) return FALSE;
pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time + m_flWait;
// Only touch clients, monsters, or pushables (depending on flags)
if (pOther->pev->flags & FL_CLIENT) return !(pev->spawnflags & SF_TRIGGER_NOCLIENTS);
else if (pOther->pev->flags & FL_MONSTER) return pev->spawnflags & SF_TRIGGER_ALLOWMONSTERS;
else if (pOther->IsPushable()) return pev->spawnflags & SF_TRIGGER_PUSHABLES;
return FALSE;
void CBaseTrigger :: Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if (!CanTouch(pOther)) return;
m_hActivator = pOther; //save activator;
m_pRegister = m_pRegister->Add(pOther);
if (m_fNextThink <= 0 && !m_pRegister->IsEmpty())SetNextThink( 0.1 );
void CBaseTrigger :: Update( void )
// Prune handles all Intersects tests and fires targets as appropriate
m_pRegister = m_pRegister->Prune();
if (m_pRegister->IsEmpty()) DontThink();
else SetNextThink( 0.1 );
void CBaseTrigger :: Remove( void )
UTIL_Remove( m_pRegister );
UTIL_Remove( this );
// trigger_mutiple - classic QUAKE trigger
class CTriggerMulti : public CBaseTrigger
void FireOnEntry( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if(!IsLockedByMaster(pOther)) FireTargets();
void FireOnLeave( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if (!IsLockedByMaster(pOther))
UTIL_FireTargets(pev->netname, pOther, this, USE_TOGGLE );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_multiple, CTriggerMulti );
// trigger_once - classic QUAKE trigger
class CTriggerOnce : public CBaseTrigger
void FireOnEntry( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if ( !IsLockedByMaster(pOther))
SetThink( Remove );
SetNextThink( 0 );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_once, CTriggerOnce );
// trigger_autosave - game autosave
class CTriggerSave : public CBaseTrigger
void FireOnEntry( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { SERVER_COMMAND( "autosave\n" ); }
void FireOnLeave( CBaseEntity *pOther )
SetThink( Remove );
SetNextThink( 0 );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_autosave, CTriggerSave );
// func_friction - game autosave
class CChangeFriction : public CBaseTrigger
void Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetModel(ENT(pev), pev->model );
void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if ( pOther->pev->movetype != 11 && pOther->pev->movetype != 10 )
pOther->pev->friction = pev->armorvalue;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_friction, CChangeFriction );
// trigger_push - triger that pushes player
class CTriggerPush : public CBaseTrigger
void Spawn( void )
if ( pev->angles == g_vecZero ) pev->angles.y = 360;
if (pev->speed == 0) pev->speed = 100;
UTIL_LinearVector( this );
if ( FBitSet (pev->spawnflags, 2) ) pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
else pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetModel(ENT(pev), pev->model );
SetBits( pev->effects, EF_NODRAW );
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
void Use ( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
if( pev->solid == SOLID_NOT )
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
pev->contents = CONTENTS_TRIGGER;
else pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
switch( pOther->pev->movetype )
if ( pOther->pev->solid != SOLID_NOT && pOther->pev->solid != SOLID_BSP )
// Instant trigger, just transfer velocity and remove
if (FBitSet(pev->spawnflags, 1))
pOther->pev->velocity = pOther->pev->velocity + (pev->speed * pev->movedir);
if ( pOther->pev->velocity.z > 0 ) pOther->pev->flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
UTIL_Remove( this );
Vector vecPush = (pev->speed * pev->movedir);
vecPush = vecPush + pOther->pev->velocity;
pOther->pev->velocity = vecPush;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_push, CTriggerPush );
// trigger_gravity - classic HALF_LIFE gravity modifier
class CTriggerGravity : public CBaseTrigger
void FireOnEntry( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { pOther->pev->gravity = pev->gravity; }
//void FireOnLeave( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { pOther->pev->gravity = EARTH_GRAVITY;}
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_gravity, CTriggerGravity);
// trigger_sound - a DSP zone, brush prototype of env_sound
class CTriggerSound : public CBaseTrigger
void FireOnEntry( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if (!pOther->IsPlayer()) return;
pev->impulse = ((CBasePlayer *)pOther)->m_iSndRoomtype; //save old dsp sound
((CBasePlayer *)pOther)->m_iSndRoomtype = pev->button; //set new dsp
((CBasePlayer *)pOther)->hearNeedsUpdate = 1;
void FireOnLeave( CBaseEntity *pOther )
if (!pOther->IsPlayer()) return;
((CBasePlayer *)pOther)->m_iSndRoomtype = pev->impulse; //restore old dsp
((CBasePlayer *)pOther)->hearNeedsUpdate = 1;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_sound, CTriggerSound );
// trigger_relay
class CTriggerRelay : public CBaseLogic
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
void Spawn( void ){ m_iState = STATE_OFF; }
void Think ( void );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_relay, CTriggerRelay );
void CTriggerRelay::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "triggerstate"))
int type = atoi( pkvd->szValue );
switch( type )
case 0: pev->impulse = USE_OFF; break;
case 2: pev->impulse = USE_TOGGLE; break;
case 3: pev->impulse = USE_SET; break;
default: pev->impulse = USE_ON; break;
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "locktarget"))
pev->message = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CTriggerRelay::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
m_hActivator = pActivator; //save activator
if(pev->impulse) pev->button = pev->impulse;
else pev->button = (int)useType; //save use type
pev->frags = value; //save our value
if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
Msg( "target is %s, locktarget %s\n", STRING(pev->target), STRING(pev->message));
Msg( "new value %g\n", pev->frags );
else //activate target
m_iState = STATE_ON;
void CTriggerRelay::Think ( void )
if (IsLockedByMaster()) UTIL_FireTargets( pev->message, m_hActivator, this, (USE_TYPE)pev->button, pev->frags );
UTIL_FireTargets( pev->target, m_hActivator, this, (USE_TYPE)pev->button, pev->frags );
UTIL_FireTargets( m_iszKillTarget, m_hActivator, this, USE_REMOVE );
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
DontThink();//just in case
if ( pev->spawnflags & 1 ) UTIL_Remove( this );
// trigger_auto
class CAutoTrigger : public CBaseLogic
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
void PostActivate( void );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_auto, CAutoTrigger );
void CAutoTrigger::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "triggerstate"))
int type = atoi( pkvd->szValue );
switch( type )
case 0: pev->impulse = USE_OFF; break;
case 2: pev->impulse = USE_TOGGLE; break;
case 3: pev->impulse = USE_SET; break;
default: pev->impulse = USE_ON; break;
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CAutoTrigger::PostActivate( void )
if ( !m_globalstate || gGlobalState.EntityGetState( m_globalstate ) == GLOBAL_ON )
FireTargets( (USE_TYPE)pev->impulse );
if ( pev->spawnflags & 1 ) UTIL_Remove( this );
// trigger_changetarget
class CChangeTarget : public CBaseLogic
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_changetarget, CChangeTarget );
void CChangeTarget::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "newtarget") || FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "m_iszNewTarget"))
pev->message = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CChangeTarget::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
CBaseEntity *pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( pev->target ), pActivator );
if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
Msg( "Current target %s, new target %s\n", STRING(pev->target), STRING(pev->message) );
Msg( "target entity is: %s, current target: %s\n", STRING(pTarget->pev->classname), STRING(pTarget->pev->target));
if (pTarget)
if (FStrEq(STRING(pev->message), "*this"))
if (pActivator) pTarget->pev->target = pActivator->pev->targetname;
else ALERT(at_error, "util_settarget \"%s\" requires a self pointer!\n", STRING(pev->targetname));
if(pTarget->IsFuncScreen()) pTarget->ChangeCamera( pev->message );
else pTarget->pev->target = pev->message;
CBaseMonster *pMonster = pTarget->MyMonsterPointer( );
if (pMonster) pMonster->m_pGoalEnt = NULL;
// multi_manager
#define FL_CLONE 0x80000000
class CMultiManager : public CBaseLogic
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
void Spawn ( void );
void Think ( void );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
BOOL HasTarget( string_t targetname );
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
int m_cTargets; // the total number of targets in this manager's fire list.
int m_index; // Current target
float m_startTime; // Time we started firing
int m_iTargetName [ MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ];// list if indexes into global string array
float m_flTargetDelay [ MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ];// delay (in seconds)
inline BOOL IsClone( void ) { return (pev->spawnflags & FL_CLONE) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline BOOL ShouldClone( void )
if ( IsClone() )return FALSE;
//work in progress and calling again ?
return (m_iState == STATE_ON) ? TRUE : FALSE;
CMultiManager *Clone( void );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( multi_manager, CMultiManager );
// Global Savedata for multi_manager
TYPEDESCRIPTION CMultiManager::m_SaveData[] =
{ DEFINE_FIELD( CMultiManager, m_cTargets, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CMultiManager, m_index, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CMultiManager, m_startTime, FIELD_TIME ),
void CMultiManager :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if ( m_cTargets < MAX_MULTI_TARGETS )
char tmp[128];
UTIL_StripToken( pkvd->szKeyName, tmp );
m_iTargetName [ m_cTargets ] = ALLOC_STRING( tmp );
m_flTargetDelay [ m_cTargets ] = RandomRange((char *)STRING(ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue))).Random();
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
void CMultiManager :: Spawn( void )
// Sort targets
// Quick and dirty bubble sort
int swapped = 1;
while ( swapped )
swapped = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < m_cTargets; i++ )
if ( m_flTargetDelay[i] < m_flTargetDelay[i-1] )
// Swap out of order elements
int name = m_iTargetName[i];
float delay = m_flTargetDelay[i];
m_iTargetName[i] = m_iTargetName[i-1];
m_flTargetDelay[i] = m_flTargetDelay[i-1];
m_iTargetName[i-1] = name;
m_flTargetDelay[i-1] = delay;
swapped = 1;
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
m_index = 0;
BOOL CMultiManager::HasTarget( string_t targetname )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_cTargets; i++ )
if ( FStrEq(STRING(targetname), STRING(m_iTargetName[i])) ) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void CMultiManager :: Think ( void )
float time;
time = gpGlobals->time - m_startTime;
while ( m_index < m_cTargets && m_flTargetDelay[ m_index ] <= time )
UTIL_FireTargets( m_iTargetName[ m_index ], m_hActivator, this, USE_TOGGLE, pev->frags );
if ( m_index >= m_cTargets )// have we fired all targets?
if ( IsClone() )
UTIL_Remove( this );
//stop manager
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
m_iState = STATE_ON; //continue firing targets
pev->nextthink = m_startTime + m_flTargetDelay[ m_index ];
CMultiManager *CMultiManager::Clone( void )
CMultiManager *pMulti = GetClassPtr( (CMultiManager *)NULL );
edict_t *pEdict = pMulti->pev->pContainingEntity;
memcpy( pMulti->pev, pev, sizeof(*pev) );
pMulti->pev->pContainingEntity = pEdict;
pMulti->pev->spawnflags |= FL_CLONE;
pMulti->m_cTargets = m_cTargets;
pMulti->m_flWait = m_flWait;
pMulti->m_iState = m_iState;
memcpy( pMulti->m_iTargetName, m_iTargetName, sizeof( m_iTargetName ) );
memcpy( pMulti->m_flTargetDelay, m_flTargetDelay, sizeof( m_flTargetDelay ) );
return pMulti;
void CMultiManager :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
m_hActivator = pActivator;
if(IsLockedByMaster( useType )) return;
pev->frags = value;//save our value
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE || useType == USE_ON)
if ( ShouldClone() )//create clone if needed
CMultiManager *pClone = Clone();
pClone->Use( pActivator, pCaller, useType, value );
if(m_iState == STATE_OFF)
m_startTime = m_flWait + gpGlobals->time;
m_iState = STATE_TURN_ON;
m_index = 0;
SetNextThink( m_flWait );
else if (useType == USE_OFF)
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
else if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)//only show info if locked by master
Msg("State: %s, number of targets %d\n", GetStringForState( GetState()), m_cTargets);
if(m_iState == STATE_ON) Msg("Current target %s, delay time %f\n", STRING(m_iTargetName[ m_index ]), m_flTargetDelay[ m_index ]);
else Msg("No targets for firing.\n");
// multi_master
#define LOGIC_AND 0 // fire if all objects active
#define LOGIC_OR 1 // fire if any object active
#define LOGIC_NAND 2 // fire if not all objects active
#define LOGIC_NOR 3 // fire if all objects disable
#define LOGIC_XOR 4 // fire if only one (any) object active
#define LOGIC_XNOR 5 // fire if active any number objects, but < then all
#define ST_ON 0
#define ST_OFF 1
#define ST_TURNON 2
#define ST_TURNOFF 3
#define ST_IN_USE 4
class CMultiMaster : public CBaseLogic
void Spawn ( void ){ SetNextThink( 0.1 ); }
void Think ( void );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
virtual STATE GetState( void ) { return m_iState; };
virtual STATE GetState( CBaseEntity *pActivator ) { return EvalLogic(pActivator)?STATE_ON:STATE_OFF; };
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
int m_cTargets;// the total number of targets in this manager's fire list.
int m_iTargetName[ MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ];// list of indexes into global string array
int m_iTargetState[ MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ];//list of wishstate targets
BOOL EvalLogic ( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( multi_watcher, CMultiMaster );
TYPEDESCRIPTION CMultiMaster::m_SaveData[] =
DEFINE_FIELD( CMultiMaster, m_cTargets, FIELD_INTEGER ),
void CMultiMaster :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "mode"))
pev->button = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "offtarget"))
pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else // add this field to the target list
// this assumes that additional fields are targetnames and their values are delay values.
if ( m_cTargets < MAX_MULTI_TARGETS )
char tmp[128];
UTIL_StripToken( pkvd->szKeyName, tmp );
m_iTargetName [ m_cTargets ] = ALLOC_STRING( tmp );
m_iTargetState [ m_cTargets ] = atoi (pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
void CMultiMaster :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
Msg("State: %s, Number of targets %d\n", GetStringForState( GetState()), m_cTargets);
Msg("Limit is %d entities\n", MAX_MULTI_TARGETS);
void CMultiMaster :: Think ( void )
if(m_iState == STATE_OFF)
m_iState = STATE_ON;
UTIL_FireTargets( pev->target, this, this, USE_ON );
if(m_iState == STATE_ON)
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
UTIL_FireTargets( pev->netname, this, this, USE_OFF );
SetNextThink( 0.05 );
BOOL CMultiMaster :: EvalLogic ( CBaseEntity *pActivator )
int i;
BOOL xorgot = FALSE;
CBaseEntity* pEntity;
for (i = 0; i < m_cTargets; i++)
pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname(NULL,STRING(m_iTargetName[i]), pActivator);
if (pEntity != NULL);
else continue;
b = FALSE;
switch (pEntity->GetState())
case STATE_ON: if(m_iTargetState[i] == ST_ON) b = TRUE; break;
case STATE_OFF: if(m_iTargetState[i] == ST_OFF) b = TRUE; break;
case STATE_TURN_ON: if(m_iTargetState[i] == ST_TURNON) b = TRUE; break;
case STATE_TURN_OFF: if(m_iTargetState[i] == ST_TURNOFF) b = TRUE; break;
case STATE_IN_USE: if(m_iTargetState[i] == ST_IN_USE) b = TRUE; break;
// handle the states for this logic mode
if (b)
switch (pev->button)
case LOGIC_OR: return TRUE;
case LOGIC_NOR: return FALSE;
if(xorgot) return FALSE;
xorgot = TRUE;
if(xorgot) return TRUE;
xorgot = TRUE;
else // b is false
switch (pev->button)
case LOGIC_AND: return FALSE;
case LOGIC_NAND: return TRUE;
// handle the default cases for each logic mode
switch (pev->button)
case LOGIC_NOR: return TRUE;
case LOGIC_XOR: return xorgot;
case LOGIC_XNOR: return !xorgot;
default: return FALSE;
// trigger_changelevel - classic HALF_LIFE changelevel
class CChangeLevel : public CBaseLogic
void Spawn( void );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return CBaseLogic :: ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
void ChangeLevelNow( CBaseEntity *pActivator );
void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ){ if (pOther->IsPlayer())Think(); }
void Think( void )
//SERVER_COMMAND( "intermission\n" );
UTIL_ChangeLevel( pev->netname, pev->message );
void FireAfter( void );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_changelevel, CChangeLevel );
void CChangeLevel :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "map"))
char m_szMapName[MAP_MAX_NAME];
if (strlen(pkvd->szValue) >= MAP_MAX_NAME)
Msg("ERROR: Map name '%s' too long (%d chars)\n", pkvd->szValue, MAP_MAX_NAME );
strcpy(m_szMapName, pkvd->szValue);
for (int i = 0; m_szMapName[i]; i++) { m_szMapName[i] = tolower(m_szMapName[i]); }
pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING( m_szMapName );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "landmark"))
if (strlen(pkvd->szValue) >= MAP_MAX_NAME)
Msg("ERROR: Landmark name '%s' too long (%d chars)\n", pkvd->szValue, MAP_MAX_NAME );
pev->message = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "changetarget"))
pev->target = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseEntity::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CChangeLevel :: Spawn( void )
if( FStringNull( pev->netname ))
ALERT( at_error, "a % doesn't have a map\n", STRING( pev->classname ));
if( FStringNull( pev->message ))
ALERT( at_error, "trigger_changelevel to %s doesn't have a landmark\n", STRING( pev->netname ));
// determine work style
if( FStringNull( pev->targetname )) SetUse( NULL );
else SetTouch( NULL );
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetModel(ENT(pev), pev->model);
SetBits( pev->effects, EF_NODRAW );//make invisible
void CChangeLevel :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
Msg( "Mapname: %s, Landmark name %f\n", STRING(pev->netname), STRING(pev->message));
else SetNextThink( 0 );
void CChangeLevel :: FireAfter( void )
// Create an entity to fire the changetarget
if (!FStringNull( pev->target ))
CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );
CBaseEntity *pChlFire = CBaseEntity::Create( "fireent", pPlayer->pev->origin, g_vecZero, NULL );
if ( pChlFire ) pChlFire->pev->target = pev->target;
// trigger_playerfreeze
class CTriggerFreeze : public CBaseLogic
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
m_hActivator = pActivator;
if (pActivator && pActivator->pev->flags & FL_CLIENT);
else pActivator = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(m_iState == STATE_ON) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)
((CBasePlayer *)((CBaseEntity *)pActivator))->EnableControl(FALSE);
m_iState = STATE_ON;
if(m_flDelay) SetNextThink( m_flDelay );
else if(useType == USE_OFF)
((CBasePlayer *)((CBaseEntity *)pActivator))->EnableControl(TRUE);
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
else if(useType == USE_SHOWINFO) { DEBUGHEAD; }
void Think( void )
((CBasePlayer *)((CBaseEntity *)m_hActivator))->EnableControl(TRUE);
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_playerfreeze, CTriggerFreeze );
// trigger_hurt - classic QUAKE damage inflictor
class CTriggerHurt : public CBaseLogic
void Spawn( void );
void Think( void );
void Touch ( CBaseEntity *pOther );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
void Use ( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_hurt, CTriggerHurt );
void CTriggerHurt :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "damage"))
pev->dmg = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "damagetype"))
pev->button |= atoi(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseEntity::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CTriggerHurt :: Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetModel(ENT(pev), pev->model);
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
SetBits( pev->effects, EF_NODRAW );
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
if (!FBitSet(pev->spawnflags, 2 )) Use( this, this, USE_ON, 0 );
void CTriggerHurt :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(m_iState) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
pev->contents = CONTENTS_TRIGGER;
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
if (pev->button & DMG_RADIATION) SetNextThink( RANDOM_FLOAT(0.0, 0.5) );
m_iState = STATE_ON;
else if (useType == USE_OFF)
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
if (pev->button & DMG_RADIATION) DontThink();
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
else if (useType == USE_SET)
pev->dmg = value;//set dmg level
else if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
Msg( "State: %s, Dmg value %g\n", GetStringForState( GetState()), pev->dmg);
PrintStringForDamage( pev->button );
void CTriggerHurt :: Touch ( CBaseEntity *pOther )
float fldmg;
if ( !pOther->pev->takedamage ) return;
if ( !FBitSet( pOther->pev->flags, FL_CLIENT|FL_MONSTER ) && !pOther->IsPushable() ) return;
if ( IsMultiplayer() )
if ( pev->dmgtime > gpGlobals->time )
if ( gpGlobals->time != pev->dmg_take )
// too early to hurt again, and not same frame with a different entity
if ( pOther->IsPlayer() )
int playerMask = 1 << (pOther->entindex() - 1);
if ( pev->impulse & playerMask ) return;
pev->impulse |= playerMask;
else return;
pev->impulse = 0;
if ( pOther->IsPlayer() )
int playerMask = 1 << (pOther->entindex() - 1);
pev->impulse |= playerMask;
else if( pev->dmgtime > gpGlobals->time && gpGlobals->time != pev->dmg_take ) return;
fldmg = pev->dmg * 0.5; // 0.5 seconds worth of damage, pev->dmg is damage/second
if ( fldmg < 0 ) pOther->TakeHealth( -fldmg, pev->button );
else pOther->TakeDamage( pev, pev, fldmg, pev->button );
pev->dmg_take = gpGlobals->time;
pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time + 0.5;
void CTriggerHurt :: Think( void )
edict_t *pentPlayer;
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL;
float flRange;
entvars_t *pevTarget;
Vector vecSpot1;
Vector vecSpot2;
Vector vecRange;
Vector origin;
Vector view_ofs;
origin = pev->origin;
view_ofs = pev->view_ofs;
pev->origin = (pev->absmin + pev->absmax) * 0.5;
pev->view_ofs = pev->view_ofs * 0.0;
pentPlayer = FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS(edict());
pev->origin = origin;
pev->view_ofs = view_ofs;
if (!FNullEnt(pentPlayer))
pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)VARS(pentPlayer));
pevTarget = VARS(pentPlayer);
vecSpot1 = (pev->absmin + pev->absmax) * 0.5;
vecSpot2 = (pevTarget->absmin + pevTarget->absmax) * 0.5;
vecRange = vecSpot1 - vecSpot2;
flRange = vecRange.Length();
if (pPlayer->m_flgeigerRange >= flRange) pPlayer->m_flgeigerRange = flRange;
SetNextThink( 0.25 );
// trigger_transition - area that moving all entities inside across level
class CVolumeTransition : public CPointEntity // Don't change this!
void Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetModel(ENT(pev), pev->model);
pev->model = NULL;
pev->modelindex = 0;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_transition, CVolumeTransition );
// trigger_camera - generic camera
class CTriggerCamera : public CBaseLogic
void Spawn (void );
void PostSpawn( void );
void UpdatePlayerView( void );
void Think( void );
void PostActivate( void );
void OverrideReset( void );
void Move( void );
void TurnOn( void );
void TurnOff(void );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData* );
int ObjectCaps( void ) { return CBaseLogic::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
CBaseEntity* pTarget;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_camera, CTriggerCamera );
#define SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_POSITION 1 //start from player eyes
#define SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_TARGET 2 //player it's camera target
#define SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_TAKECONTROL 4 //freeze player
void CTriggerCamera :: KeyValue( KeyValueData* pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "viewentity"))
pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "moveto"))
pev->message = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CTriggerCamera :: Spawn (void )
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
UTIL_SetSize(pev, g_vecZero, g_vecZero);
SetBits( pev->flags, FL_POINTENTITY );
void CTriggerCamera::PostSpawn( void )
m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname (NULL, STRING(pev->message));
if(m_pGoalEnt) UTIL_SetOrigin( this, m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin );
void CTriggerCamera::OverrideReset( void )
//find path_corner on a next level
m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname (NULL, STRING(pev->message));
if(m_pGoalEnt) UTIL_SetOrigin( this, m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin );
void CTriggerCamera::PostActivate( void )
if (FStrEq(STRING(pev->target), "player") || (pev->spawnflags & SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_TARGET))
pTarget = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );
else pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->target) );
void CTriggerCamera::Think( void )
SetNextThink( 0 );
pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time;
if ( pTarget ) UTIL_WatchTarget( this, pTarget );
if(m_flWait && pev->teleport_time < gpGlobals->time) TurnOff();
void CTriggerCamera :: UpdatePlayerView( void )
int flags;
if(pev->spawnflags & SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_TAKECONTROL) //freeze player
((CBasePlayer *)((CBaseEntity *)m_hActivator))->EnableControl(GetState() ? FALSE : TRUE );
if(GetState() == STATE_OFF) flags = 0;
else flags |= CAMERA_ON;
CBaseEntity *pCamera = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->netname) );
if(pCamera && !pCamera->IsBSPModel()) UTIL_SetView( (CBaseEntity *)m_hActivator, pCamera, flags );
else UTIL_SetView( (CBaseEntity *)m_hActivator, this, flags );
void CTriggerCamera :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
if(pActivator && pActivator->IsPlayer())//only at player
m_hActivator = pActivator;//save activator
else m_hActivator = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(m_iState == STATE_OFF) useType = USE_ON;
else useType = USE_OFF;
if (useType == USE_ON ) TurnOn();
else if (useType == USE_OFF) TurnOff();
else if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
Msg("======/Xash Debug System/======\n");
Msg("classname: %s\n", STRING(pev->classname));
Msg("State: %s, Look at %s\n", GetStringForState( GetState()), pev->netname ? STRING(pev->netname) : STRING(pev->targetname));
Msg("Speed: %g Camera target: %s\n", pev->speed, pTarget ? STRING(pTarget->pev->targetname) : "None" );
void CTriggerCamera::Move( void )
// Not moving on a path, return
if (!m_pGoalEnt) return;
// Subtract movement from the previous frame
pev->frags -= pev->speed * gpGlobals->frametime;
// Have we moved enough to reach the target?
if ( pev->frags <= 0 )
// Fire the passtarget if there is one
UTIL_FireTargets(m_pGoalEnt->pev->message, this, this, USE_TOGGLE );
if ( FBitSet( m_pGoalEnt->pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_FIREONCE ) ) m_pGoalEnt->pev->message = iStringNull;
if ( FBitSet( m_pGoalEnt->pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_TELEPORT ) )
m_pGoalEnt = m_pGoalEnt->GetNext();
if ( m_pGoalEnt ) UTIL_AssignOrigin( this, m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin);
if ( FBitSet( m_pGoalEnt->pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_WAITTRIG ) )
//strange feature...
// Time to go to the next target
m_pGoalEnt = m_pGoalEnt->GetNext();
// Set up next corner
if ( !m_pGoalEnt ) UTIL_SetVelocity( this, g_vecZero );
pev->message = m_pGoalEnt->pev->targetname; //save last corner
((CPathCorner *)m_pGoalEnt)->GetSpeed( &pev->armorvalue );
Vector delta = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin;
pev->frags = delta.Length();
pev->movedir = delta.Normalize();
m_flDelay = gpGlobals->time + m_pGoalEnt->GetDelay();
if ( m_flDelay > gpGlobals->time )
pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( 0, pev->speed, 500 * gpGlobals->frametime );
else pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( pev->armorvalue, pev->speed, 500 * gpGlobals->frametime );
if(!pTarget)UTIL_WatchTarget( this, m_pGoalEnt );//watch for track
float fraction = 2 * gpGlobals->frametime;
UTIL_SetVelocity( this, ((pev->movedir * pev->speed) * fraction) + (pev->velocity * (1-fraction)));
void CTriggerCamera::TurnOff( void )
m_iState = STATE_OFF;
if(m_pGoalEnt) m_pGoalEnt = m_pGoalEnt->GetPrev();
UTIL_SetVelocity( this, g_vecZero );
UTIL_SetAvelocity( this, g_vecZero );
void CTriggerCamera::TurnOn( void )
pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time;
m_iState = STATE_ON;
pev->armorvalue = pev->speed;
m_flDelay = gpGlobals->time;
pev->frags = 0;
// copy over player information
if (pev->spawnflags & SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_POSITION )
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, m_hActivator->pev->origin + m_hActivator->pev->view_ofs );
pev->angles.x = -m_hActivator->pev->angles.x;
pev->angles.y = m_hActivator->pev->angles.y;
pev->angles.z = 0;
pev->velocity = m_hActivator->pev->velocity;
ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_CAMERA_PLAYER_POSITION );
//time-based camera
if(m_flWait)pev->teleport_time = gpGlobals->time + m_flWait;
SetNextThink( 0 );