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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// r_image.c - texture manager
#include "r_local.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "matrix_lib.h"
#include "const.h"
static rgbdata_t *R_LoadImage( script_t *script, const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags );
static int r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
static int r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
static int r_textureDepthFilter = GL_LINEAR;
// internal tables
static vec3_t r_luminanceTable[256]; // RGB to luminance
static byte r_glowTable[256][3]; // auto LUMA table
static byte r_gammaTable[256]; // adjust screenshot gamma
static texture_t r_textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
static texture_t *r_texturesHashTable[TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE];
static int r_numTextures;
static byte *r_imagepool; // immediate buffers
static byte *r_texpool; // texture_t permanent chain
static byte data2D[256*256*4];
static rgbdata_t r_image; // generic pixelbuffer used for internal textures
typedef struct envmap_s
vec3_t angles;
int flags;
} envmap_t;
const envmap_t r_skyBoxInfo[6] =
{{ 0, 270, 180}, IMAGE_FLIP_X },
{{ 0, 90, 180}, IMAGE_FLIP_X },
{{ -90, 0, 180}, IMAGE_FLIP_X },
{{ 90, 0, 180}, IMAGE_FLIP_X },
{{ 0, 0, 180}, IMAGE_FLIP_X },
{{ 0, 180, 180}, IMAGE_FLIP_X },
const envmap_t r_envMapInfo[6] =
{{ 0, 0, 90}, 0 },
{{ 0, 180, -90}, 0 },
{{ 0, 90, 0}, 0 },
{{ 0, 270, 180}, 0 },
{{-90, 180, -90}, 0 },
{{ 90, 180, 90}, 0 }
static struct
string name;
pixformat_t format;
int width;
int height;
int bpp;
int bpc;
int bps;
int SizeOfPlane;
int SizeOfData;
int SizeOfFile;
int depth;
int numSides;
int MipCount;
int BitsCount;
GLuint glFormat;
GLuint glType;
GLuint glTarget;
GLuint glSamples;
GLuint texTarget;
texType_t texType;
uint tflags; // TF_ flags
uint flags; // IMAGE_ flags
byte *pal;
byte *source;
byte *scaled;
} image_desc;
void GL_SelectTexture( GLenum texture )
if( !GL_Support( R_ARB_MULTITEXTURE ))
if( glState.activeTMU == texture )
glState.activeTMU = texture;
if( pglActiveTextureARB )
pglActiveTextureARB( texture + GL_TEXTURE0_ARB );
pglClientActiveTextureARB( texture + GL_TEXTURE0_ARB );
else if( pglSelectTextureSGIS )
pglSelectTextureSGIS( texture + GL_TEXTURE0_SGIS );
void GL_TexEnv( GLenum mode )
if( glState.currentEnvModes[glState.activeTMU] == mode )
glState.currentEnvModes[glState.activeTMU] = mode;
void GL_Bind( GLenum tmu, texture_t *texture )
GL_SelectTexture( tmu );
if( r_nobind->integer ) texture = tr.defaultTexture; // performance evaluation option
if( glState.currentTextures[tmu] == texture->texnum )
glState.currentTextures[tmu] = texture->texnum;
pglBindTexture( texture->target, texture->texnum );
void GL_LoadTexMatrix( const matrix4x4 m )
pglMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
GL_LoadMatrix( m );
glState.texIdentityMatrix[glState.activeTMU] = false;
void GL_LoadMatrix( const matrix4x4 source )
GLfloat dest[16];
Matrix4x4_ToArrayFloatGL( source, dest );
pglLoadMatrixf( dest );
void GL_LoadIdentityTexMatrix( void )
if( glState.texIdentityMatrix[glState.activeTMU] )
pglMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
glState.texIdentityMatrix[glState.activeTMU] = true;
void GL_EnableTexGen( int coord, int mode )
int tmu = glState.activeTMU;
int bit, gen;
switch( coord )
case GL_S:
bit = 1;
case GL_T:
bit = 2;
case GL_R:
bit = 4;
case GL_Q:
bit = 8;
default: return;
if( mode )
if(!( glState.genSTEnabled[tmu] & bit ))
pglEnable( gen );
glState.genSTEnabled[tmu] |= bit;
pglTexGeni( coord, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, mode );
if( glState.genSTEnabled[tmu] & bit )
pglDisable( gen );
glState.genSTEnabled[tmu] &= ~bit;
void GL_SetTexCoordArrayMode( int mode )
int tmu = glState.activeTMU;
int bit, cmode = glState.texCoordArrayMode[tmu];
bit = 1;
else if( mode == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB )
bit = 2;
else bit = 0;
if( cmode != bit )
if( cmode == 1 ) pglDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
else if( cmode == 2 ) pglDisable( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB );
if( bit == 1 ) pglEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
else if( bit == 2 ) pglEnable( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB );
glState.texCoordArrayMode[tmu] = bit;
void R_SetTextureParameters( void )
texture_t *texture;
int i;
if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_NEAREST" ))
r_textureMinFilter = GL_NEAREST;
r_textureMagFilter = GL_NEAREST;
else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_LINEAR" ))
r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR;
r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" ))
r_textureMagFilter = GL_NEAREST;
else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" ))
r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" ))
r_textureMinFilter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
r_textureMagFilter = GL_NEAREST;
else if( !com.stricmp( gl_texturemode->string, "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" ))
r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "gl_texturemode invalid mode %s, defaulting to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR\n", gl_texturemode->string );
Cvar_Set( "gl_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" );
r_textureMinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
r_textureMagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
gl_texturemode->modified = false;
if( GL_Support( R_ANISOTROPY_EXT ))
if( gl_texture_anisotropy->value > glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy )
Cvar_SetValue( "r_anisotropy", glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy );
else if( gl_texture_anisotropy->value < 1.0f )
Cvar_SetValue( "r_anisotropy", 1.0f );
gl_texture_anisotropy->modified = false;
if( GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_LODBIAS ))
if( gl_texture_lodbias->value > glConfig.max_texture_lodbias )
Cvar_SetValue( "r_texture_lodbias", glConfig.max_texture_lodbias );
else if( gl_texture_lodbias->value < -glConfig.max_texture_lodbias )
Cvar_SetValue( "r_texture_lodbias", -glConfig.max_texture_lodbias );
gl_texture_lodbias->modified = false;
// change all the existing mipmapped texture objects
for( i = 0, texture = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, texture++ )
if( !texture->texnum ) continue; // free slot
GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, texture );
if( texture->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP )
// set texture filter
pglTexParameteri( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r_textureDepthFilter );
pglTexParameteri( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, r_textureDepthFilter );
// set texture anisotropy if available
if( GL_Support( R_ANISOTROPY_EXT ))
pglTexParameterf( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, 1.0f );
else if( texture->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP )
// set texture filter
pglTexParameteri( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r_textureMagFilter );
pglTexParameteri( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, r_textureMagFilter );
// set texture filter
pglTexParameteri( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r_textureMinFilter );
pglTexParameteri( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, r_textureMagFilter );
// set texture anisotropy if available
if( GL_Support( R_ANISOTROPY_EXT ))
pglTexParameterf( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, gl_texture_anisotropy->value );
// set texture LOD bias if available
if( GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_LODBIAS ))
pglTexParameterf( texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT, gl_texture_lodbias->value );
void R_TextureList_f( void )
texture_t *image;
int i, texCount, bytes = 0;
Msg( "\n" );
Msg(" -w-- -h-- -size- -fmt- type -filter -wrap-- -name--------\n" );
for( i = texCount = 0, image = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, image++ )
if( !image->texnum ) continue;
bytes += image->size;
Msg( "%4i: ", i );
Msg( "%4i %4i ", image->width, image->height );
Msg( "%5ik ", image->size >> 10 );
switch( image->format )
Msg( "CRGBA " );
Msg( "CRGB " );
Msg( "CLA " );
Msg( "CL " );
Msg( "CA " );
Msg( "CI " );
Msg( "DXT1 " );
Msg( "DXT3 " );
Msg( "DXT5 " );
case GL_RGBA:
Msg( "RGBA " );
case GL_RGBA8:
Msg( "RGBA8 " );
case GL_RGBA4:
Msg( "RGBA4 " );
case GL_RGB:
Msg( "RGB " );
case GL_RGB8:
Msg( "RGB8 " );
case GL_RGB5:
Msg( "RGB5 " );
Msg( "L8A8 " );
Msg( "L8 " );
case GL_ALPHA8:
Msg( "A8 " );
Msg( "I8 " );
Msg( "????? " );
switch( image->target )
Msg( " 2D " );
Msg( " 3D " );
Msg( "CUBE " );
Msg( "???? " );
if( image->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP )
Msg( "linear " );
else Msg( "default" );
if( image->flags & TF_CLAMP )
Msg( " clamp " );
else Msg( " repeat " );
Msg( " %s\n", image->name );
Msg( "---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
Msg( "%i total textures\n", texCount );
Msg( "%.2f total megabytes of textures\n", bytes/1048576.0 );
Msg( "\n" );
calculate buffer size for current miplevel
uint R_GetImageSize( int block, int width, int height, int depth, int bpp, int rgbcount )
uint BlockSize = 0;
if( block == 0 ) BlockSize = width * height * depth * bpp;
else if( block > 0 ) BlockSize = ((width + 3)/4) * ((height + 3)/4) * depth * block;
else if( block < 0 && rgbcount > 0 ) BlockSize = width * height * depth * rgbcount;
else BlockSize = width * height * depth * abs( block );
return BlockSize;
int R_GetSamples( int flags )
if( flags & IMAGE_HAS_COLOR )
return (flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA) ? 4 : 3;
return (flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA) ? 2 : 1;
int R_SetSamples( int s1, int s2 )
int samples;
if( s1 == 1 ) samples = s2;
else if( s1 == 2 )
if( s2 == 3 || s2 == 4 )
samples = 4;
else samples = 2;
else if( s1 == 3 )
if( s2 == 2 || s2 == 4 )
samples = 4;
else samples = 3;
else samples = s1;
return samples;
static void R_TextureFormat( texture_t *tex, bool compress )
// set texture format
if( tex->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP )
tex->format = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
tex->flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
tex->flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
else if( compress )
switch( tex->samples )
case 1: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB; break;
case 2: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB; break;
case 3: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB; break;
case 4: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB; break;
if( tex->flags & TF_INTENSITY )
if( tex->flags & TF_ALPHA )
tex->flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
tex->flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
int bits = r_texturebits->integer;
switch( tex->samples )
case 1: tex->format = GL_LUMINANCE8; break;
case 2: tex->format = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; break;
case 3:
switch( bits )
case 16: tex->format = GL_RGB5; break;
case 32: tex->format = GL_RGB8; break;
default: tex->format = GL_RGB; break;
case 4:
switch( bits )
case 16: tex->format = GL_RGBA4; break;
case 32: tex->format = GL_RGBA8; break;
default: tex->format = GL_RGBA; break;
if( tex->flags & TF_INTENSITY )
tex->format = GL_INTENSITY8;
if( tex->flags & TF_ALPHA )
tex->format = GL_ALPHA8;
tex->flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
tex->flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
void R_RoundImageDimensions( int *width, int *height, int *depth, bool force )
int scaledWidth, scaledHeight, scaledDepth;
if( *depth > 1 && !GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_3D_EXT ))
return; // nothing to resample
scaledWidth = *width;
scaledHeight = *height;
scaledDepth = *depth;
if( force || !GL_Support( R_ARB_TEXTURE_NPOT_EXT ))
// find nearest power of two, rounding down if desired
scaledWidth = NearestPOW( scaledWidth, gl_round_down->integer );
scaledHeight = NearestPOW( scaledHeight, gl_round_down->integer );
scaledDepth = NearestPOW( scaledDepth, gl_round_down->integer );
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_SKYSIDE )
// let people sample down the sky textures for speed
scaledWidth >>= r_skymip->integer;
scaledHeight >>= r_skymip->integer;
scaledDepth >>= r_skymip->integer;
else if(!( image_desc.tflags & TF_NOPICMIP ))
// let people sample down the world textures for speed
scaledWidth >>= r_picmip->integer;
scaledHeight >>= r_picmip->integer;
scaledDepth >>= r_picmip->integer;
// clamp to hardware limits
if( *depth > 1 )
while( scaledWidth > glConfig.max_3d_texture_size || scaledHeight > glConfig.max_3d_texture_size || scaledDepth > glConfig.max_3d_texture_size )
scaledWidth >>= 1;
scaledHeight >>= 1;
scaledDepth >>= 1;
// FIXME: probably Xash supported 3d-reasmpling. we needs to testing it
if( *width != scaledWidth || *height != scaledHeight || *depth != scaledDepth )
Host_Error( "R_RoundImageDimensions: bad texture_3D dimensions (not a power of 2)\n" );
if( scaledWidth > glConfig.max_3d_texture_size || scaledHeight > glConfig.max_3d_texture_size || scaledDepth > glConfig.max_3d_texture_size )
Host_Error( "R_RoundImageDimensions: texture_3D is too large (resizing is not supported)\n" );
else if( image_desc.tflags & TF_CUBEMAP )
while( scaledWidth > glConfig.max_cubemap_texture_size || scaledHeight > glConfig.max_cubemap_texture_size )
scaledWidth >>= 1;
scaledHeight >>= 1;
while( scaledWidth > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size || scaledHeight > glConfig.max_2d_texture_size )
scaledWidth >>= 1;
scaledHeight >>= 1;
if( scaledWidth < 1 ) scaledWidth = 1;
if( scaledHeight < 1 ) scaledHeight = 1;
if( scaledDepth < 1 ) scaledDepth = 1;
*width = scaledWidth;
*height = scaledHeight;
*depth = scaledDepth;
Operates in place, quartering the size of the texture
static void R_BuildMipMap( byte *in, int width, int height, bool isNormalMap )
byte *out = in;
vec3_t normal;
int x, y;
width <<= 2;
height >>= 1;
if( isNormalMap )
for( y = 0; y < height; y++, in += width )
for( x = 0; x < width; x += 8, in += 8, out += 4 )
normal[0] = (in[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[4] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+4] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[1] = (in[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[5] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+5] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[2] = (in[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[6] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in[width+6] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
if( !VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
out[0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]);
out[1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]);
out[2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]);
out[3] = 255;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++, in += width )
for( x = 0; x < width; x += 8, in += 8, out += 4 )
out[0] = (in[0] + in[4] + in[width+0] + in[width+4]) >> 2;
out[1] = (in[1] + in[5] + in[width+1] + in[width+5]) >> 2;
out[2] = (in[2] + in[6] + in[width+2] + in[width+6]) >> 2;
out[3] = (in[3] + in[7] + in[width+3] + in[width+7]) >> 2;
static void R_ResampleTexture( const byte *source, int inWidth, int inHeight, int outWidth, int outHeight, bool isNormalMap )
uint frac, fracStep;
uint *in = (uint *)source;
uint p1[0x1000], p2[0x1000];
byte *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;
uint *out = (uint *)image_desc.scaled;
uint *inRow1, *inRow2;
vec3_t normal;
int i, x, y;
fracStep = inWidth * 0x10000 / outWidth;
frac = fracStep >> 2;
for( i = 0; i < outWidth; i++ )
p1[i] = 4 * (frac >> 16);
frac += fracStep;
frac = (fracStep >> 2) * 3;
for( i = 0; i < outWidth; i++ )
p2[i] = 4 * (frac >> 16);
frac += fracStep;
if( isNormalMap )
for( y = 0; y < outHeight; y++, out += outWidth )
inRow1 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.25) * inHeight/outHeight);
inRow2 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.75) * inHeight/outHeight);
for( x = 0; x < outWidth; x++ )
pix1 = (byte *)inRow1 + p1[x];
pix2 = (byte *)inRow1 + p2[x];
pix3 = (byte *)inRow2 + p1[x];
pix4 = (byte *)inRow2 + p2[x];
normal[0] = (pix1[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[1] = (pix1[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[2] = (pix1[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
if( !VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
((byte *)(out+x))[0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]);
((byte *)(out+x))[1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]);
((byte *)(out+x))[2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]);
((byte *)(out+x))[3] = 255;
for( y = 0; y < outHeight; y++, out += outWidth )
inRow1 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.25) * inHeight/outHeight);
inRow2 = in + inWidth * (int)(((float)y + 0.75) * inHeight/outHeight);
for( x = 0; x < outWidth; x++ )
pix1 = (byte *)inRow1 + p1[x];
pix2 = (byte *)inRow1 + p2[x];
pix3 = (byte *)inRow2 + p1[x];
pix4 = (byte *)inRow2 + p2[x];
((byte *)(out+x))[0] = (pix1[0] + pix2[0] + pix3[0] + pix4[0]) >> 2;
((byte *)(out+x))[1] = (pix1[1] + pix2[1] + pix3[1] + pix4[1]) >> 2;
((byte *)(out+x))[2] = (pix1[2] + pix2[2] + pix3[2] + pix4[2]) >> 2;
((byte *)(out+x))[3] = (pix1[3] + pix2[3] + pix3[3] + pix4[3]) >> 2;
filled additional info
bool R_GetPixelFormat( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, uint tex_flags )
int w, h, d, i, s, BlockSize;
size_t mipsize, totalsize = 0;
if( !pic || !pic->buffer ) return false;
Mem_EmptyPool( r_imagepool ); // flush buffers
Mem_Set( &image_desc, 0, sizeof( image_desc ));
BlockSize = PFDesc( pic->type )->block;
image_desc.bpp = PFDesc( pic->type )->bpp;
image_desc.bpc = PFDesc( pic->type )->bpc;
image_desc.glFormat = PFDesc( pic->type )->glFormat;
image_desc.glType = PFDesc( pic->type )->glType;
image_desc.format = pic->type;
image_desc.numSides = 1;
image_desc.texTarget = image_desc.glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
image_desc.depth = d = pic->depth;
image_desc.width = w = pic->width;
image_desc.height = h = pic->height;
image_desc.flags = pic->flags;
image_desc.tflags = tex_flags;
image_desc.bps = image_desc.width * image_desc.bpp * image_desc.bpc;
image_desc.SizeOfPlane = image_desc.bps * image_desc.height;
image_desc.SizeOfData = image_desc.SizeOfPlane * image_desc.depth;
image_desc.glSamples = R_GetSamples( image_desc.flags );
image_desc.BitsCount = pic->bitsCount;
// now correct buffer size
for( i = 0; i < pic->numMips; i++, totalsize += mipsize )
mipsize = R_GetImageSize( BlockSize, w, h, d, image_desc.bpp, image_desc.BitsCount / 8 );
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1;
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_DEPTHMAP )
image_desc.glFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
else if( image_desc.depth > 1 )
if( GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_3D_EXT ))
image_desc.texTarget = image_desc.glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_3D;
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "R_GetPixelFormat: GL_TEXTURE_3D isn't supported\n" );
else if( image_desc.tflags & TF_CUBEMAP )
if( pic->flags & IMAGE_CUBEMAP )
image_desc.numSides = 6;
image_desc.glTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB;
image_desc.texTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB;
MsgDev( D_WARN, "R_GetPixelFormat: %s it's not a cubemap image\n", name );
image_desc.tflags &= ~TF_CUBEMAP;
MsgDev( D_WARN, "R_GetPixelFormat: cubemaps isn't supported, %s ignored\n", name );
image_desc.tflags &= ~TF_CUBEMAP;
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_NOMIPMAP )
// don't build mips for sky and hud pics
image_desc.MipCount = 1; // and ignore it to load
else image_desc.MipCount = pic->numMips;
if( image_desc.MipCount < 1 ) image_desc.MipCount = 1;
image_desc.pal = pic->palette;
// check for permanent images
if( image_desc.format == PF_RGBA_GN ) image_desc.tflags |= TF_STATIC;
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_NOPICMIP ) image_desc.tflags |= TF_STATIC;
// restore temp dimensions
w = image_desc.width;
h = image_desc.height;
d = image_desc.depth;
s = w * h * d;
// apply texture type (R_ShowTextures uses it)
if( image_desc.format == PF_RGBA_GN )
image_desc.texType = TEX_SYSTEM;
else if( image_desc.tflags & (TF_NOPICMIP|TF_NOMIPMAP))
image_desc.texType = TEX_NOMIP;
else if( image_desc.tflags & TF_SKYSIDE )
image_desc.texType = TEX_SKYBOX;
else image_desc.texType = TEX_GENERIC;
// calc immediate buffers
R_RoundImageDimensions( &w, &h, &d, false );
image_desc.source = Mem_Alloc( r_imagepool, s * 4 ); // source buffer
image_desc.scaled = Mem_Alloc( r_imagepool, w * h * d * 4 ); // scaled buffer
totalsize *= image_desc.numSides;
if( totalsize != pic->size ) // sanity check
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "R_GetPixelFormat: %s has invalid size (%i should be %i)\n", name, pic->size, totalsize );
return false;
if( s&3 )
// will be resample, just tell me for debug targets
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "R_GetPixelFormat: %s s&3 [%d x %d]\n", name, image_desc.width, image_desc.height );
return true;
prepare image to upload in video memory
void R_SetPixelFormat( int width, int height, int depth )
int BlockSize;
BlockSize = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->block;
image_desc.bpp = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->bpp;
image_desc.bpc = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->bpc;
image_desc.glType = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->glType;
if( image_desc.tflags & TF_DEPTHMAP )
image_desc.glFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT;
else image_desc.glFormat = PFDesc( image_desc.format )->glFormat;
image_desc.depth = depth;
image_desc.width = width;
image_desc.height = height;
image_desc.bps = image_desc.width * image_desc.bpp * image_desc.bpc;
image_desc.SizeOfPlane = image_desc.bps * image_desc.height;
image_desc.SizeOfData = image_desc.SizeOfPlane * image_desc.depth;
// NOTE: size of current miplevel or cubemap side, not total (filesize - sizeof(header))
image_desc.SizeOfFile = R_GetImageSize( BlockSize, width, height, depth, image_desc.bpp, image_desc.BitsCount / 8);
rgbdata_t *R_ForceImageToRGBA( rgbdata_t *pic )
// no need additional check - image lib make it self
Image_Process( &pic, 0, 0, IMAGE_FORCE_RGBA );
return pic;
Adds the given images together
static rgbdata_t *R_AddImages( rgbdata_t *in1, rgbdata_t *in2 )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
int r, g, b, a;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA images
in1 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in1 );
in2 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in2 );
width = in1->width, height = in1->height;
out = in1;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] + in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0];
g = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] + in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1];
b = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] + in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2];
a = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] + in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3];
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = bound( 0, r, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = bound( 0, g, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = bound( 0, b, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = bound( 0, a, 255 );
FS_FreeImage( in2 );
return out;
Multiplies the given images
static rgbdata_t *R_MultiplyImages( rgbdata_t *in1, rgbdata_t *in2 )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
int r, g, b, a;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA images
in1 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in1 );
in2 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in2 );
width = in1->width, height = in1->height;
out = in1;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] * (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] * (1.0/255));
g = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] * (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] * (1.0/255));
b = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] * (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] * (1.0/255));
a = in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] * (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] * (1.0/255));
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = bound( 0, r, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = bound( 0, g, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = bound( 0, b, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = bound( 0, a, 255 );
FS_FreeImage( in2 );
return out;
Biases the given image
static rgbdata_t *R_BiasImage( rgbdata_t *in, const vec4_t bias )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
int r, g, b, a;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] + (255 * bias[0]);
g = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] + (255 * bias[1]);
b = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] + (255 * bias[2]);
a = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] + (255 * bias[3]);
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = bound( 0, r, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = bound( 0, g, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = bound( 0, b, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = bound( 0, a, 255 );
return out;
Scales the given image
static rgbdata_t *R_ScaleImage( rgbdata_t *in, const vec4_t scale )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
int r, g, b, a;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] * scale[0];
g = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] * scale[1];
b = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] * scale[2];
a = in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] * scale[3];
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = bound( 0, r, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = bound( 0, g, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = bound( 0, b, 255 );
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = bound( 0, a, 255 );
return out;
Inverts the color channels of the given image
static rgbdata_t *R_InvertColor( rgbdata_t *in )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = 255 - in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0];
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = 255 - in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1];
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = 255 - in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2];
return out;
Inverts the alpha channel of the given image
static rgbdata_t *R_InvertAlpha( rgbdata_t *in )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = 255 - in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3];
return out;
Converts the given image to intensity
static rgbdata_t *R_MakeIntensity( rgbdata_t *in )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
byte intensity;
float r, g, b;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0]][0];
g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1]][1];
b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2]][2];
intensity = (byte)(r + g + b);
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = intensity;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = intensity;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = intensity;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = intensity;
return out;
Converts the given image to luminance
static rgbdata_t *R_MakeLuminance( rgbdata_t *in )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
byte luminance;
float r, g, b;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0]][0];
g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1]][1];
b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2]][2];
luminance = (byte)(r + g + b);
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = luminance;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = luminance;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = luminance;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = 255;
return out;
Converts the given image to glow (LUMA)
static rgbdata_t *R_MakeGlow( rgbdata_t *in )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
byte r, g, b;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = r_glowTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0]][0];
g = r_glowTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1]][1];
b = r_glowTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2]][2];
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = r;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = g;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = b;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = 255; // kill alpha if any
return out;
static rgbdata_t *R_MakeImageBlock( rgbdata_t *in , int block[4] )
byte *fin, *out;
int i, x, y, xl, yl, xh, yh, w, h;
int linedelta;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
xl = block[0];
yl = block[1];
w = block[2];
h = block[3];
xh = xl + w;
yh = yl + h;
image_desc.source = Mem_Realloc( r_temppool, image_desc.source, w * h * 4 );
out = image_desc.source;
fin = in->buffer + (yl * in->width + xl) * 4;
linedelta = (in->width - w) * 4;
// cut block from source
for( y = yl; y < yh; y++ )
for( x = xl; x < xh; x++ )
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
*out++ = *fin++;
fin += linedelta;
// copy result back
in->buffer = Mem_Realloc( r_temppool, in->buffer, w * h * 4 );
Mem_Copy( in->buffer, image_desc.source, w * h * 4 );
in->size = w * h * 4;
in->height = h;
in->width = w;
return in;
Converts the given image to alpha
static rgbdata_t *R_MakeAlpha( rgbdata_t *in )
rgbdata_t *out;
int width, height;
byte alpha;
float r, g, b;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = in;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0]][0];
g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1]][1];
b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2]][2];
alpha = (byte)(r + g + b);
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] = 255;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] = 255;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] = 255;
out->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+3] = alpha;
return out;
Converts the given height map to a normal map
static rgbdata_t *R_HeightMap( rgbdata_t *in, float bumpScale )
byte *out;
int width, height;
vec3_t normal;
float r, g, b;
float c, cx, cy;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = image_desc.source = Mem_Realloc( r_temppool, image_desc.source, width * height * 4 );
if( !bumpScale ) bumpScale = 1.0f;
bumpScale *= max( 0, r_lighting_bumpscale->value );
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0]][0];
g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1]][1];
b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2]][2];
c = (r + g + b) * (1.0/255);
r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+((x+1)%width))+0]][0];
g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+((x+1)%width))+1]][1];
b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(y*width+((x+1)%width))+2]][2];
cx = (r + g + b) * (1.0/255);
r = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(((y+1)%height)*width+x)+0]][0];
g = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(((y+1)%height)*width+x)+1]][1];
b = r_luminanceTable[in->buffer[4*(((y+1)%height)*width+x)+2]][2];
cy = (r + g + b) * (1.0/255);
normal[0] = (c - cx) * bumpScale;
normal[1] = (c - cy) * bumpScale;
normal[2] = 1.0;
if(!VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
out[4*(y*width+x)+0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+3] = 255;
// copy result back
Mem_Copy( in->buffer, out, width * height * 4 );
return in;
Adds the given normal maps together
static rgbdata_t *R_AddNormals( rgbdata_t *in1, rgbdata_t *in2 )
byte *out;
int width, height;
vec3_t normal;
int x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA images
in1 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in1 );
in2 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in2 );
width = in1->width, height = in1->height;
out = image_desc.source;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
normal[0] = (in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[1] = (in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[2] = (in1->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (in2->buffer[4*(y*width+x)+2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
if(!VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
out[4*(y*width+x)+0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+3] = 255;
// copy result back
Mem_Copy( in1->buffer, out, width * height * 4 );
FS_FreeImage( in2 );
return in1;
Smoothes the given normal map
static rgbdata_t *R_SmoothNormals( rgbdata_t *in )
byte *out;
int width, height;
uint frac, fracStep;
uint p1[0x1000], p2[0x1000];
byte *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;
uint *inRow1, *inRow2;
vec3_t normal;
int i, x, y;
// make sure what we processing RGBA image
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
width = in->width, height = in->height;
out = image_desc.source;
fracStep = 0x10000;
frac = fracStep>>2;
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ )
p1[i] = 4 * (frac>>16);
frac += fracStep;
frac = (fracStep>>2) * 3;
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ )
p2[i] = 4 * (frac>>16);
frac += fracStep;
for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
inRow1 = (uint *)in->buffer + width * (int)((float)y + 0.25);
inRow2 = (uint *)in->buffer + width * (int)((float)y + 0.75);
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
pix1 = (byte *)inRow1 + p1[x];
pix2 = (byte *)inRow1 + p2[x];
pix3 = (byte *)inRow2 + p1[x];
pix4 = (byte *)inRow2 + p2[x];
normal[0] = (pix1[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[0] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[1] = (pix1[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[1] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
normal[2] = (pix1[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix2[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix3[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0) + (pix4[2] * (1.0/127) - 1.0);
if( !VectorNormalizeLength( normal )) VectorSet( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
out[4*(y*width+x)+0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]);
out[4*(y*width+x)+3] = 255;
// copy result back
Mem_Copy( in->buffer, out, width * height * 4 );
return in;
Write depthmap into alpha-channel the given normal map
static rgbdata_t *R_IncludeDepthmap( rgbdata_t *in1, rgbdata_t *in2 )
int i;
byte *pic1, *pic2;
// make sure what we processing RGBA images
in1 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in1 );
in2 = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in2 );
pic1 = in1->buffer;
pic2 = in2->buffer;
for( i = (in1->width * in1->height) - 1; i > 0; i--, pic1 += 4, pic2 += 4 )
if( in2->flags & IMAGE_HAS_COLOR )
pic1[3] = ((int)pic2[0] + (int)pic2[1] + (int)pic2[2]) / 3;
else if( in2->flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA )
pic1[3] = pic2[3];
else pic1[3] = pic2[0];
FS_FreeImage( in2 );
return in1;
clear specified area: color or alpha
static rgbdata_t *R_ClearPixels( rgbdata_t *in, bool clearAlpha )
int i;
byte *pic;
// make sure what we processing RGBA images
in = R_ForceImageToRGBA( in );
pic = in->buffer;
if( clearAlpha )
for( i = 0; i < in->width * in->height && in->flags & IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA; i++ )
pic[(i<<2)+3] = 0xFF;
// clear color or greyscale image otherwise
for( i = 0; i < in->width * in->height; i++ )
pic[(i<<2)+0] = pic[(i<<2)+1] = pic[(i<<2)+2] = 0xFF;
return in;
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseAdd( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic1, *pic2;
int samples1, samples2;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp(token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'add'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'add'\n" );
return NULL;
pic1 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples1, flags );
if( !pic1 ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'add'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'add'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
pic2 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples2, flags );
if( !pic2 )
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'add'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
if( pic1->width != pic2->width || pic1->height != pic2->height )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "images for 'add' have mismatched dimensions [%ix%i] != [%ix%i]\n",
pic1->width, pic1->height, pic2->width, pic2->height );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
*samples = R_SetSamples( samples1, samples2 );
if( *samples != 1 )
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
return R_AddImages( pic1, pic2 );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseMultiply( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic1, *pic2;
int samples1, samples2;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'multiply'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'multiply'\n" );
return NULL;
pic1 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples1, flags );
if( !pic1 ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'multiply'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'multiply'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
pic2 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples2, flags );
if( !pic2 )
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'multiply'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
if( pic1->width != pic2->width || pic1->height != pic2->height )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "images for 'multiply' have mismatched dimensions [%ix%i] != [%ix%i]\n",
pic1->width, pic1->height, pic2->width, pic2->height );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
*samples = R_SetSamples( samples1, samples2 );
if( *samples != 1 )
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
return R_MultiplyImages( pic1, pic2 );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseBias( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
vec4_t bias;
int i;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'bias'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'bias'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'bias'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadFloat( script, 0, &bias[i] ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'bias'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'bias'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( *samples < 3 ) *samples += 2;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
return R_BiasImage( pic, bias );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseScale( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
vec4_t scale;
int i;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'scale'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'scale'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'scale'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadFloat( script, 0, &scale[i] ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'scale'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'scale'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( *samples < 3 ) *samples += 2;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
return R_ScaleImage( pic, scale );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseInvertColor( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'invertColor'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'invertColor'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'invertColor'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
return R_InvertColor( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseInvertAlpha( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'invertAlpha'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'invertAlpha'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'invertAlpha'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
return R_InvertAlpha( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseMakeIntensity( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'makeIntensity'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'makeIntensity'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'makeIntensity'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = 1;
*flags |= TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
*flags &= ~TF_NORMALMAP;
return R_MakeIntensity( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseMakeLuminance( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'makeLuminance'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'makeLuminance'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'makeLuminance'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = 1;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
*flags &= ~TF_NORMALMAP;
return R_MakeIntensity( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseMakeAlpha( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'makeAlpha'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'makeAlpha'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'makeAlpha'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = 1;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags |= TF_ALPHA;
*flags &= ~TF_NORMALMAP;
return R_MakeAlpha( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseMakeGlow( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'makeGlow'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'makeGlow'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'makeGlow'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = 3;
return R_MakeGlow( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseStudioSkin( script_t *script, const byte *buf, size_t size, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
string model_path;
string modelT_path;
string skinname;
dstudiohdr_t hdr;
file_t *f;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'Studio'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'Studio'\n" );
return NULL;
// NOTE: studio skin show as 'models/props/flame1.mdl/flame2a.bmp'
FS_ExtractFilePath( token.string, model_path );
FS_StripExtension( model_path );
com.snprintf( modelT_path, MAX_STRING, "%sT.mdl", model_path );
FS_DefaultExtension( model_path, ".mdl" );
FS_FileBase( token.string, skinname );
FS_DefaultExtension( skinname, ".bmp" );
f = FS_Open( model_path, "rb" );
if( !f )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' can't find studiomodel %s\n", model_path );
return NULL;
if( FS_Read( f, &hdr, sizeof( hdr )) != sizeof( hdr ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' %s probably corrupted\n", model_path );
FS_Close( f );
return NULL;
SwapBlock( (int *)&hdr, sizeof( hdr ));
if( hdr.numtextures == 0 )
// textures are keep seperate
FS_Close( f );
f = FS_Open( modelT_path, "rb" );
if( !f )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' can't find studiotextures %s\n", modelT_path );
return NULL;
if( FS_Read( f, &hdr, sizeof( hdr )) != sizeof( hdr ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' %s probably corrupted\n", modelT_path );
FS_Close( f );
return NULL;
SwapBlock( (int *)&hdr, sizeof( hdr ));
if( hdr.textureindex > 0 && hdr.numtextures <= MAXSTUDIOSKINS )
// all ok, can load model into memory
dstudiotexture_t *ptexture, *tex;
size_t mdl_size, tex_size;
rgbdata_t *pal;
byte *pin;
int i;
FS_Seek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
mdl_size = FS_Tell( f );
FS_Seek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
pin = Mem_Alloc( r_imagepool, mdl_size );
if( FS_Read( f, pin, mdl_size ) != mdl_size )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' %s probably corrupted\n", model_path );
Mem_Free( pin );
FS_Close( f );
return NULL;
ptexture = (dstudiotexture_t *)(pin + hdr.textureindex);
// find specified texture
for( i = 0; i < hdr.numtextures; i++ )
if( !com.stricmp( ptexture[i].name, skinname ))
break; // found
if( i == hdr.numtextures )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' %s doesn't have skin %s\n", model_path, skinname );
Mem_Free( pin );
FS_Close( f );
return NULL;
tex = ptexture + i;
// setup palette
if( tex->flags & STUDIO_NF_TRANSPARENT )
pal = FS_LoadImage( "#transparent.pal", pin + tex->index + (tex->width * tex->height), 768 );
else pal = FS_LoadImage( "#normal.pal", pin + tex->width * tex->height + tex->index, 768 );
FS_FreeImage( pal ); // external copy not needed
// NOTE: replace index with pointer to start of imagebuffer, ImageLib expected it
tex->index = (int)pin + tex->index;
tex_size = sizeof( dstudiotexture_t ) + tex->width * tex->height + 768;
// load studio texture and bind it
FS_FileBase( skinname, skinname );
// load it in
pic = R_LoadImage( script, va( "#%s.mdl", tex->name ), (byte *)tex, tex_size, samples, flags );
// shutdown operations
Mem_Free( pin );
FS_Close( f );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'Studio' %s has invalid skin count\n", model_path );
FS_Close( f );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'Studio'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
return pic;
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseSpriteFrame( script_t *script, const byte *buf, size_t size, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'Sprite'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'Sprite'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, va( "#%s.spr", token.string ), buf, size, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'Sprite'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
return pic;
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseAliasSkin( script_t *script, const byte *buf, size_t size, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'Alias'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'Alias'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, va( "#%s.mdl", token.string ), buf, size, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'Alias'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
return pic;
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseScrapBlock( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
int i, block[4];
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'scrapBlock'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'scrapBlock'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'rect'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadLong( script, 0, &block[i] ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'block'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( block[i] < 0 )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "invalid argument %i for 'block'\n", i+1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if((i+1) & 1 && block[i] > pic->width )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "invalid argument %i for 'block'\n", i+1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if((i+1) & 2 && block[i] > pic->height )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "invalid argument %i for 'block'\n", i+1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'bias'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if((block[0] + block[2] > pic->width) || (block[1] + block[3] > pic->height))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "'ScrapBlock' image size out of bounds\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
return R_MakeImageBlock( pic, block );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseHeightMap( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
float scale;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'heightMap'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'heightMap'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'heightMap'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadFloat( script, 0, &scale ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'heightMap'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'heightMap'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = 3;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
*flags |= TF_NORMALMAP;
return R_HeightMap( pic, scale );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseAddNormals( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic1, *pic2;
int samples1, samples2;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'addNormals'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'addNormals'\n" );
return NULL;
pic1 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples1, flags );
if( !pic1 ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'addNormals'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'addNormals'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
pic2 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples2, flags );
if( !pic2 )
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'addNormals'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
if( pic1->width != pic2->width || pic1->height != pic2->height )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "images for 'addNormals' have mismatched dimensions [%ix%i] != [%ix%i]\n",
pic1->width, pic1->height, pic2->width, pic2->height );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
*samples = 3;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
*flags |= TF_NORMALMAP;
return R_AddNormals( pic1, pic2 );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseSmoothNormals( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'smoothNormals'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'smoothNormals'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'smoothNormals'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = 3;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
*flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
*flags |= TF_NORMALMAP;
return R_SmoothNormals( pic );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseDepthmap( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic1, *pic2;
int samples1, samples2;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'mergeDepthmap'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'mergeDepthmap'\n" );
return NULL;
pic1 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples1, flags );
if( !pic1 ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "," ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ',', found '%s' instead for 'mergeDepthmap'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'mergeDepthmap'\n" );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
return NULL;
*samples = 3;
pic2 = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, &samples2, flags );
if( !pic2 ) return pic1; // don't free normalmap
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'mergeDepthmap'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic1 );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return NULL;
if( pic1->width != pic2->width || pic1->height != pic2->height )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "images for 'mergeDepthmap' have mismatched dimensions [%ix%i] != [%ix%i]\n",
pic1->width, pic1->height, pic2->width, pic2->height );
FS_FreeImage( pic2 );
return pic1; // don't free normalmap
*samples = 4;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
return R_IncludeDepthmap( pic1, pic2 );
static rgbdata_t *R_ParseClearPixels( script_t *script, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
token_t token;
rgbdata_t *pic;
bool clearAlpha;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "(" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected '(', found '%s' instead for 'clearPixels'\n", token.string );
return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES, &token ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "missing parameters for 'clearPixels'\n" );
return NULL;
pic = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, NULL, 0, samples, flags );
if( !pic ) return NULL;
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "alpha" ))
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
clearAlpha = true;
else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "color" ))
Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token );
clearAlpha = false;
else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
Com_SaveToken( script, &token );
clearAlpha = false; // clear color as default
else Com_ReadToken( script, 0, &token ); // skip unknown token
if( com.stricmp( token.string, ")" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "expected ')', found '%s' instead for 'clearPixels'\n", token.string );
FS_FreeImage( pic );
return NULL;
*samples = clearAlpha ? 3 : 1;
if( clearAlpha ) *flags &= ~TF_ALPHA;
*flags &= ~TF_INTENSITY;
return R_ClearPixels( pic, clearAlpha );
static rgbdata_t *R_LoadImage( script_t *script, const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, int *samples, texFlags_t *flags )
if( !com.stricmp( name, "add" ))
return R_ParseAdd( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "multiply" ))
return R_ParseMultiply( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "bias" ))
return R_ParseBias( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "scale"))
return R_ParseScale( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "invertColor" ))
return R_ParseInvertColor( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "invertAlpha" ))
return R_ParseInvertAlpha( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "makeIntensity" ))
return R_ParseMakeIntensity( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "makeLuminance" ))
return R_ParseMakeLuminance( script, samples, flags);
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "makeAlpha" ))
return R_ParseMakeAlpha( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "makeGlow" ))
return R_ParseMakeGlow( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "heightMap" ))
return R_ParseHeightMap( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "ScrapBlock" ))
return R_ParseScrapBlock( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "addNormals" ))
return R_ParseAddNormals( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "smoothNormals" ))
return R_ParseSmoothNormals( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "mergeDepthmap" ))
return R_ParseDepthmap( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "clearPixels" ))
return R_ParseClearPixels( script, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "Studio" ))
return R_ParseStudioSkin( script, buf, size, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "Alias" ))
return R_ParseAliasSkin( script, buf, size, samples, flags );
else if( !com.stricmp( name, "Sprite" ))
return R_ParseSpriteFrame( script, buf, size, samples, flags );
// loading form disk
rgbdata_t *image = FS_LoadImage( name, buf, size );
if( image ) *samples = R_GetSamples( image->flags );
return image;
return NULL;
sgis generate mipmap
void GL_GenerateMipmaps( byte *buffer, texture_t *tex, int side )
int mipLevel;
int mipWidth, mipHeight;
// not needs
if( tex->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP ) return;
if( GL_Support( R_SGIS_MIPMAPS_EXT ))
pglTexParameteri( image_desc.glTarget, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS, GL_TRUE );
if( pglGetError()) MsgDev( D_WARN, "GL_GenerateMipmaps: %s can't create mip levels\n", tex->name );
else return; // falltrough to software mipmap generating
if( image_desc.format != PF_RGBA_32 && image_desc.format != PF_RGBA_GN )
// g-cont. because i'm don't know how to generate miplevels for GL_FLOAT or GL_SHORT_REV_1_bla_bla
// ok, please show me videocard which don't supported GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS ...
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "GL_GenerateMipmaps: failed on %s\n", PFDesc( image_desc.format )->name );
mipLevel = 0;
mipWidth = tex->width;
mipHeight = tex->height;
// software mipmap generator
while( mipWidth > 1 || mipHeight > 1 )
// build the mipmap
R_BuildMipMap( buffer, mipWidth, mipHeight, (tex->flags & TF_NORMALMAP));
mipWidth = (mipWidth+1)>>1;
mipHeight = (mipHeight+1)>>1;
pglTexImage2D( image_desc.texTarget + side, mipLevel, tex->format, mipWidth, mipHeight, 0, image_desc.glFormat, image_desc.glType, buffer );
void GL_TexFilter( texture_t *tex )
// set texture filter
if( tex->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP )
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r_textureDepthFilter );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, r_textureDepthFilter );
if( GL_Support( R_ANISOTROPY_EXT ))
pglTexParameterf( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, 1.0f );
else if( tex->flags & TF_NOMIPMAP )
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r_textureMinFilter );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, r_textureMagFilter );
// set texture anisotropy if available
if( GL_Support( R_ANISOTROPY_EXT ))
pglTexParameterf( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, gl_texture_anisotropy->value );
// set texture LOD bias if available
if( GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_LODBIAS ))
pglTexParameterf( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT, gl_texture_lodbias->value );
// set texture wrap
if( tex->flags & TF_CLAMP )
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D )
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP );
if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D )
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT );
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT );
if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D )
pglTexParameteri( tex->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_REPEAT );
static void R_UploadTexture( rgbdata_t *pic, texture_t *tex )
uint mipsize = 0, offset = 0;
bool dxtformat = true;
bool compress;
int i, j, w, h, d;
byte *buf, *data;
const byte *bufend;
tex->width = tex->srcWidth;
tex->height = tex->srcHeight;
R_RoundImageDimensions( &tex->width, &tex->height, &tex->depth, false );
// check if it should be compressed
if( !gl_compress_textures->integer || (tex->flags & TF_UNCOMPRESSED))
compress = false;
else compress = GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_EXT );
R_TextureFormat( tex, compress );
// also check for compressed textures
switch( pic->type )
case PF_DXT1: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break;
case PF_DXT3: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break;
case PF_DXT5: tex->format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break;
default: dxtformat = false; break;
pglGenTextures( 1, &tex->texnum );
GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, tex );
buf = pic->buffer;
bufend = pic->buffer + pic->size;
// uploading texture into video memory
for( offset = i = 0; i < image_desc.numSides; i++ )
R_SetPixelFormat( tex->width, tex->height, tex->depth );
w = image_desc.width, h = image_desc.height, d = image_desc.depth;
offset = image_desc.SizeOfFile; // member side offset
if( buf >= bufend ) Host_Error( "R_UploadTexture: %s image buffer overflow\n", tex->name );
for( mipsize = j = 0; j < image_desc.MipCount; j++ )
R_SetPixelFormat( w, h, d );
mipsize = image_desc.SizeOfFile; // member mipsize offset
tex->size += mipsize;
// copy or resample the texture
if( tex->width == tex->srcWidth && tex->height == tex->srcHeight )
data = buf;
R_ResampleTexture( buf, tex->srcWidth, tex->srcHeight, tex->width, tex->height, (tex->flags & TF_NORMALMAP));
data = image_desc.scaled;
if( j == 0 && GL_Support( R_SGIS_MIPMAPS_EXT )) GL_GenerateMipmaps( data, tex, i );
if( dxtformat ) pglCompressedTexImage2DARB( image_desc.texTarget + i, j, tex->format, w, h, 0, mipsize, data );
if( image_desc.depth == 1 )
pglTexImage2D( image_desc.texTarget + i, j, tex->format, tex->width, tex->height, 0, image_desc.glFormat, image_desc.glType, data );
else pglTexImage3D( image_desc.texTarget, j, tex->format, tex->width, tex->height, tex->depth, 0, image_desc.glFormat, image_desc.glType, data );
if( j == 0 && !GL_Support( R_SGIS_MIPMAPS_EXT )) GL_GenerateMipmaps( data, tex, i );
w = (w+1)>>1, h = (h+1)>>1, d = (d+1)>>1; // calc size of next mip
if( image_desc.MipCount > 1 ) buf += mipsize;
if( image_desc.numSides > 1 ) buf += offset;
texture_t *R_LoadTexture( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, int samples, texFlags_t flags )
texture_t *texture;
uint i, hash;
if( r_numTextures == MAX_TEXTURES )
Host_Error( "R_LoadTexture: MAX_TEXTURES limit exceeds\n" );
// find a free texture_t slot
for( i = 0, texture = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, texture++ )
if( !texture->texnum ) break;
if( i == r_numTextures )
if( r_numTextures == MAX_TEXTURES )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "R_LoadTexture: gl textures is out\n" );
return tr.defaultTexture;
texture = &r_textures[i];
// fill it in
com.strncpy( texture->name, name, sizeof( texture->name ));
texture->srcWidth = pic->width;
texture->srcHeight = pic->height;
texture->depth = pic->depth;
texture->touchFrame = tr.registration_sequence;
if( samples <= 0 )
texture->samples = R_GetSamples( pic->flags );
else texture->samples = samples;
// setup image_desc
R_GetPixelFormat( name, pic, flags );
texture->flags = image_desc.tflags;
texture->target = image_desc.glTarget;
texture->texType = image_desc.texType;
texture->type = image_desc.format;
R_UploadTexture( pic, texture );
GL_TexFilter( texture ); // update texture filter, wrap etc
MsgDev( D_LOAD, "%s [%s] \n", name, PFDesc( image_desc.format )->name );
// add to hash table
hash = Com_HashKey( texture->name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE );
texture->nextHash = r_texturesHashTable[hash];
r_texturesHashTable[hash] = texture;
return texture;
texture_t *R_FindTexture( const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, texFlags_t flags )
texture_t *texture;
script_t *script;
rgbdata_t *image;
token_t token;
int samples;
uint hash;
if( !name || !name[0] ) return NULL;
if( com.strlen( name ) >= MAX_STRING )
Host_Error( "R_FindTexture: texture name exceeds %i symbols\n", MAX_STRING );
// see if already loaded
hash = Com_HashKey( name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE );
for( texture = r_texturesHashTable[hash]; texture; texture = texture->nextHash )
if( texture->flags & TF_CUBEMAP )
if( !com.stricmp( texture->name, name ))
if( texture->flags & TF_STATIC )
return texture;
if( texture->flags != flags )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "reused texture '%s' with mixed flags parameter (%p should be %p)\n", name, texture->flags, flags );
// prolonge registration
texture->touchFrame = tr.registration_sequence;
return texture;
// NOTE: texname may contains some commands over textures
script = Com_OpenScript( name, name, com.strlen( name ));
if( !script ) return NULL;
if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
Com_CloseScript( script );
return NULL;
image = R_LoadImage( script, token.string, buf, size, &samples, &flags );
Com_CloseScript( script );
// load the texture
if( image )
texture = R_LoadTexture( name, image, samples, flags );
FS_FreeImage( image );
return texture;
// not found or invalid
return NULL;
void R_FreeImage( texture_t *image )
uint hash;
texture_t *cur;
texture_t **prev;
Com_Assert( image == NULL );
// remove from hash table
hash = Com_HashKey( image->name, TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE );
prev = &r_texturesHashTable[hash];
while( 1 )
cur = *prev;
if( !cur ) break;
if( cur == image )
*prev = cur->nextHash;
prev = &cur->nextHash;
pglDeleteTextures( 1, &image->texnum );
Mem_Set( image, 0, sizeof( *image ));
void VID_ImageAdjustGamma( byte *in, uint width, uint height )
int i, c = width * height;
float g = 1.0f / bound( 0.5f, r_gamma->value, 3.0f );
byte *p = in;
// screenshots gamma
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
if ( g == 1 ) r_gammaTable[i] = i;
else r_gammaTable[i] = bound( 0, 255 * pow((i + 0.5)/255.5f, g ) + 0.5, 255);
for( i = 0; i < c; i++, p += 3 )
p[0] = r_gammaTable[p[0]];
p[1] = r_gammaTable[p[1]];
p[2] = r_gammaTable[p[2]];
bool VID_ScreenShot( const char *filename, bool levelshot )
rgbdata_t *r_shot;
uint flags = IMAGE_FLIP_Y;
bool result;
r_shot = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, sizeof( rgbdata_t ));
r_shot->width = glState.width;
r_shot->height = glState.height;
r_shot->flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_shot->type = PF_RGB_24;
r_shot->size = r_shot->width * r_shot->height * PFDesc( r_shot->type )->bpp;
r_shot->palette = NULL;
r_shot->depth = 1;
r_shot->numMips = 1;
r_shot->buffer = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, glState.width * glState.height * 3 );
// get screen frame
pglReadPixels( 0, 0, glState.width, glState.height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, r_shot->buffer );
if( levelshot ) flags |= IMAGE_RESAMPLE;
else VID_ImageAdjustGamma( r_shot->buffer, r_shot->width, r_shot->height ); // adjust brightness
Image_Process( &r_shot, 512, 384, flags );
// write image
result = FS_SaveImage( filename, r_shot );
FS_FreeImage( r_shot );
return result;
bool VID_CubemapShot( const char *base, uint size, bool skyshot )
rgbdata_t *r_shot, *r_side;
byte *temp = NULL;
byte *buffer = NULL;
string basename;
int i = 1, flags, result;
if( RI.refdef.onlyClientDraw || !r_worldmodel )
return false;
// make sure the specified size is valid
while( i < size ) i<<=1;
if( i != size ) return false;
if( size > glState.width || size > glState.height )
return false;
// setup refdef
RI.params |= RP_ENVVIEW; // do not render non-bmodel entities
// alloc space
temp = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, size * size * 3 );
buffer = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, size * size * 3 * 6 );
r_shot = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, sizeof( rgbdata_t ));
r_side = Mem_Alloc( r_temppool, sizeof( rgbdata_t ));
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if( skyshot )
R_DrawCubemapView( r_lastRefdef.vieworg, r_skyBoxInfo[i].angles, size );
flags = r_skyBoxInfo[i].flags;
R_DrawCubemapView( r_lastRefdef.vieworg, r_envMapInfo[i].angles, size );
flags = r_envMapInfo[i].flags;
pglReadPixels( 0, glState.height - size, size, size, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, temp );
r_side->flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_side->width = r_side->height = size;
r_side->type = PF_RGB_24;
r_side->size = r_side->width * r_side->height * 3;
r_side->depth = r_side->numMips = 1;
r_side->buffer = temp;
if( flags ) Image_Process( &r_side, 0, 0, flags );
Mem_Copy( buffer + (size * size * 3 * i), r_side->buffer, size * size * 3 );
RI.params &= ~RP_ENVVIEW;
r_shot->width = size;
r_shot->height = size;
r_shot->type = PF_RGB_24;
r_shot->size = r_shot->width * r_shot->height * 3 * 6;
r_shot->palette = NULL;
r_shot->depth = 1;
r_shot->numMips = 1;
r_shot->buffer = buffer;
// make sure what we have right extension
com.strncpy( basename, base, MAX_STRING );
FS_StripExtension( basename );
FS_DefaultExtension( basename, ".dds" );
// write image as dds packet
result = FS_SaveImage( basename, r_shot );
FS_FreeImage( r_shot );
FS_FreeImage( r_side );
return result;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitNoTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
int x, y;
// also use this for bad textures, but without alpha
r_image.width = r_image.height = 16;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
*flags = 0;
*samples = 3;
// default texture
for( y = 0; y < 16; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < 16; x++ )
if( x == 0 || x == 15 || y == 0 || y == 15 )
((uint *)&data2D)[y*16+x] = LittleLong( 0xFFFFFFFF );
else ((uint *)&data2D)[y*16+x] = LittleLong( 0xFF000000 );
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitDynamicLightTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
vec3_t v = { 0, 0, 0 };
float intensity;
int x, y, z, d, size;
// dynamic light texture
if( GL_Support( R_TEXTURE_3D_EXT ))
r_image.depth = size = 32;
size = 64;
r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.width = r_image.height = size;
r_image.numMips = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * r_image.depth * 4;
*samples = 3;
for( x = 0; x < r_image.width; x++ )
for( y = 0; y < r_image.height; y++ )
for( z = 0; z < r_image.depth; z++ )
v[0] = (( x + 0.5f ) * ( 2.0f / (float)size ) - 1.0f );
v[1] = (( y + 0.5f ) * ( 2.0f / (float)size ) - 1.0f );
if( r_image.depth > 1 ) v[2] = (( z + 0.5f ) * ( 2.0f / (float)size ) - 1.0f );
intensity = 1.0f - com.sqrt( DotProduct( v, v ) );
if( intensity > 0 ) intensity = intensity * intensity * 215.5f;
d = bound( 0, intensity, 255 );
data2D[((z * size + y) * size + x) * 4 + 0] = d;
data2D[((z * size + y) * size + x) * 4 + 1] = d;
data2D[((z * size + y) * size + x) * 4 + 2] = d;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitSolidColorTexture( int *flags, int *samples, int color )
// solid color texture
r_image.width = r_image.height = 1;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGB_24;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 3;
*samples = 3;
data2D[0] = data2D[1] = data2D[2] = color;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitParticleTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
int x, y;
int dx2, dy, d;
// particle texture
r_image.width = r_image.height = 16;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
*samples = 4;
for( x = 0; x < 16; x++ )
dx2 = x - 8;
dx2 = dx2 * dx2;
for( y = 0; y < 16; y++ )
dy = y - 8;
d = 255 - 35 * com.sqrt( dx2 + dy * dy );
data2D[( y*16 + x ) * 4 + 3] = bound( 0, d, 255 );
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitWhiteTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
return R_InitSolidColorTexture( flags, samples, 255 );
static rgbdata_t *R_InitBlackTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
return R_InitSolidColorTexture( flags, samples, 0 );
static rgbdata_t *R_InitBlankBumpTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
rgbdata_t *pic = R_InitSolidColorTexture( flags, samples, 128 );
pic->buffer[2] = 128; // normal X
pic->buffer[1] = 128; // normal Y
pic->buffer[0] = 255; // normal Z
pic->buffer[3] = 128; // height
return pic;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitSkyTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
int i;
// skybox texture
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
((uint *)&data2D)[i] = LittleLong( 0xFFFFDEB5 );
*samples = 3;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.width = r_image.height = 16;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitFogTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
int x, y;
double tw = 1.0f / ( (float)FOG_TEXTURE_WIDTH - 1.0f );
double th = 1.0f / ( (float)FOG_TEXTURE_HEIGHT - 1.0f );
double tx, ty, t;
// fog texture
r_image.width = FOG_TEXTURE_WIDTH;
r_image.height = FOG_TEXTURE_HEIGHT;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
*samples = 4;
for( y = 0, ty = 0.0f; y < FOG_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; y++, ty += th )
for( x = 0, tx = 0.0f; x < FOG_TEXTURE_WIDTH; x++, tx += tw )
t = com.sqrt( tx ) * 255.0;
data2D[( x+y*FOG_TEXTURE_WIDTH )*4+3] = (byte)( min( t, 255.0 ));
data2D[y*4+3] = 0;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitCoronaTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
int x, y, a;
float dx, dy;
// light corona texture
r_image.width = r_image.height = 32;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
*samples = 4;
for( y = 0; y < 32; y++ )
dy = ( y - 15.5f ) * ( 1.0f / 16.0f );
for( x = 0; x < 32; x++ )
dx = ( x - 15.5f ) * ( 1.0f / 16.0f );
a = (int)((( 1.0f / ( dx * dx + dy * dy + 0.2f )) - ( 1.0f / ( 1.0f + 0.2 ))) * 32.0f / ( 1.0f / ( 1.0f + 0.2 )));
a = bound( 0, a, 255 );
data2D[( y*32+x )*4+0] = data2D[( y*32+x )*4+1] = data2D[( y*32+x )*4+2] = a;
return &r_image;
static void R_InitScreenTexture( texture_t **ptr, const char *name, int id, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int size, int flags, int samples )
int limit;
int width, height;
rgbdata_t r_screen;
Mem_Set( &r_screen, 0, sizeof( rgbdata_t ));
limit = glConfig.max_2d_texture_size;
if( size ) limit = min( limit, size );
limit = min( limit, min( screenWidth, screenHeight ));
for( size = 2; size <= limit; size <<= 1 );
width = height = size >> 1;
if( !(*ptr) || (*ptr)->width != width || (*ptr)->height != height )
byte *data = NULL;
if( !*ptr )
string name;
com.snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "***%s%i***", name, id );
r_screen.width = width;
r_screen.height = height;
r_screen.type = PF_RGB_24;
r_screen.buffer = data;
r_screen.depth = r_screen.numMips = 1;
r_screen.size = width * height * samples;
*ptr = R_LoadTexture( name, &r_screen, samples, flags );
GL_Bind( 0, *ptr );
(*ptr)->width = width;
(*ptr)->height = height;
R_RoundImageDimensions(&((*ptr)->width), &((*ptr)->height), &((*ptr)->depth), true );
pglTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, (*ptr)->format, (*ptr)->width, (*ptr)->height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL );
GL_TexFilter( *ptr );
void R_InitPortalTexture( texture_t **texture, int id, int screenWidth, int screenHeight )
R_InitScreenTexture( texture, "r_portaltexture", id, screenWidth, screenHeight, r_portalmaps_maxtexsize->integer, TF_PORTALMAP, 3 );
void R_InitShadowmapTexture( texture_t **texture, int id, int screenWidth, int screenHeight )
R_InitScreenTexture( texture, "r_shadowmap", id, screenWidth, screenHeight, r_shadows_maxtexsize->integer, TF_SHADOWMAP, 1 );
static rgbdata_t *R_InitCinematicTexture( int *flags, int *samples )
// light corona texture
r_image.width = r_image.height = 256;
r_image.numMips = r_image.depth = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_GN;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
*samples = 4;
return &r_image;
static void R_InitBuiltinTextures( void )
rgbdata_t *pic;
int flags, samples;
size_t datasize;
texture_t *image;
byte *data;
const struct
char *name;
texture_t **image;
rgbdata_t *( *init )( int *flags, int *samples );
textures[] =
{ "*default", &tr.defaultTexture, R_InitNoTexture },
{ "*fog", &tr.fogTexture, R_InitFogTexture },
{ "*sky", &tr.skyTexture, R_InitSkyTexture },
{ "*white", &tr.whiteTexture, R_InitWhiteTexture },
{ "*black", &tr.blackTexture, R_InitBlackTexture },
{ "*blankbump", &tr.blankbumpTexture, R_InitBlankBumpTexture },
{ "*dlight", &tr.dlightTexture, R_InitDynamicLightTexture },
{ "*particle", &tr.particleTexture, R_InitParticleTexture },
{ "*corona", &tr.coronaTexture, R_InitCoronaTexture },
{ "*cintexture", &tr.cinTexture, R_InitCinematicTexture },
size_t i, num_builtin_textures = sizeof( textures ) / sizeof( textures[0] ) - 1;
for( i = 0; i < num_builtin_textures; i++ )
Mem_Set( &r_image, 0, sizeof( rgbdata_t ));
Mem_Set( data2D, 0xFF, sizeof( data2D ));
pic = textures[i].init( &flags, &samples );
Com_Assert( pic == NULL );
image = R_LoadTexture( textures[i].name, pic, samples, flags );
if( textures[i].image )
*( textures[i].image ) = image;
tr.portaltexture1 = NULL;
tr.portaltexture2 = NULL;
data = FS_LoadInternal( "", &datasize );
tr.defaultConchars = R_FindTexture( "", data, datasize, TF_NOPICMIP|TF_STATIC|TF_NOMIPMAP );
Draw all the images to the screen, on top of whatever
was there. This is used to test for texture thrashing.
void R_ShowTextures( void )
texture_t *image;
float x, y, w, h;
int i, j, base_w, base_h;
if( !r_showtextures->integer )
if( !glState.in2DMode )
R_Set2DMode( true );
base_w = 16;
base_h = 12;
for( i = j = 0, image = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, image++ )
if( !image->texnum ) continue;
if( image->texType != r_showtextures->integer )
w = glState.width / base_w;
h = glState.height / base_h;
x = j % base_w * w;
y = j / base_w * h;
pglColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, image );
pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
pglTexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
pglVertex2f( x, y );
pglTexCoord2f( 1, 0 );
pglVertex2f( x + w, y );
pglTexCoord2f( 1, 1 );
pglVertex2f( x + w, y + h );
pglTexCoord2f( 0, 1 );
pglVertex2f( x, y + h );
R_CheckForErrors ();
void R_InitImages( void )
int i;
float f;
r_texpool = Mem_AllocPool( "Texture Manager Pool" );
r_imagepool = Mem_AllocPool( "Immediate TexturePool" ); // for scaling and resampling
r_numTextures = 0;
tr.registration_sequence = 1;
Mem_Set( r_textures, 0, sizeof( r_textures ));
Mem_Set( r_texturesHashTable, 0, sizeof( r_texturesHashTable ));
// build the auto-luma table
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
// 224 is a Q1 luma threshold
r_glowTable[i][0] = i > 224 ? i : 0;
r_glowTable[i][1] = i > 224 ? i : 0;
r_glowTable[i][2] = i > 224 ? i : 0;
// build luminance table
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
f = (float)i;
r_luminanceTable[i][0] = f * 0.299;
r_luminanceTable[i][1] = f * 0.587;
r_luminanceTable[i][2] = f * 0.114;
// set texture parameters
void R_ShutdownImages( void )
int i;
texture_t *image;
if( !glw_state.initialized ) return;
for( i = MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if( i >= glConfig.max_texture_units )
GL_SelectTexture( i );
pglBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
pglBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, 0 );
for( i = 0, image = r_textures; i < r_numTextures; i++, image++ )
if( !image->texnum ) continue;
R_FreeImage( image );
Mem_Set( tr.lightmapTextures, 0, sizeof( tr.lightmapTextures ));
Mem_Set( tr.shadowmapTextures, 0, sizeof( tr.shadowmapTextures ));
Mem_Set( r_texturesHashTable, 0, sizeof( r_texturesHashTable ));
Mem_Set( r_textures, 0, sizeof( r_textures ));
r_numTextures = 0;
tr.portaltexture1 = NULL;
tr.portaltexture2 = NULL;