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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// cm_local.h - main struct
#ifndef CM_LOCAL_H
#define CM_LOCAL_H
#include "physic.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "cm_utils.h"
#define MAX_MATERIALS 64
typedef struct cpointf_s
float v[3];
} cpointf_t;
typedef struct cplanef_s
csurface_t *surface;
int surfaceflags; // it's really needed?
float normal[3];
float dist;
} cplanef_t;
typedef struct cbrushf_s
int contents; // the content flags of this brush
int numplanes; // the number of bounding planes on this brush
int numpoints; // the number of corner points on this brush
int numtriangles; // the number of renderable triangles on this brush
cplanef_t *planes; // array of bounding planes on this brush
cpointf_t *points; // array of corner points on this brush
int *elements; // renderable triangles, as int[3] elements indexing the points
int markframe; // used to avoid tracing against the same brush more than once
vec3_t mins; // culling box
vec3_t maxs;
} cbrushf_t;
typedef struct cbspnode_s
cplane_t plane;
struct cbspnode_s *children[2];
int numcbrushf;
int maxcbrushf;
cbrushf_t **cbrushflist;
} cbspnode_t;
typedef struct cbsp_s
byte *mempool;
cbspnode_t *nodes;
} cbsp_t;
typedef struct cnode_s
// this part shared between node and leaf
struct cnode_s *parent;
cplane_t *plane; // always != NULL
vec3_t mins;
vec3_t maxs;
int contents; // combined contents for node
// this part unique to node
struct cnode_s *children[2];
} cnode_t;
typedef struct cleaf_s
// this part shared between node and leaf
struct cnode_s *parent;
cplane_t *plane; // always == NULL
vec3_t mins;
vec3_t maxs;
int contents; // combined contents for leaf
// this part unique to leaf
int cluster;
int area;
bool havepatches; // leaf have collision patches (triangles)
int *firstleafbrush;
int numleafbrushes;
int numleafsurfaces;
int *firstleafsurface;
} cleaf_t;
typedef struct
cplane_t *plane;
csurface_t *shader;
} cbrushside_t;
typedef struct
int contents;
int numsides;
vec3_t bounds[2];
int firstbrushside;
int checkcount; // to avoid repeated testings
cbrushf_t *colbrushf; // float plane collision
} cbrush_t;
typedef struct
int floodnum; // if two areas have equal floodnums, they are connected
int floodvalid;
} carea_t;
typedef struct
int numClusters;
int clusterBytes;
byte *data; // vis data
} cvis_t;
typedef struct material_info_s
string name;
float softness;
float elasticity;
float friction_static;
float friction_kinetic;
} material_info_t;
typedef struct collide_info_s
NewtonBody *m_body0;
NewtonBody *m_body1;
vec3_t position;
float normal_speed;
float tangent_speed;
} collide_info_t;
typedef struct clipmap_s
string name;
uint checksum; // map checksum
byte pvsrow[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
byte phsrow[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
// brush, studio and sprite models
cmodel_t cmodels[MAX_MODELS];
cmodel_t bmodels[MAX_MODELS];
int numcmodels;
byte *mod_base; // start of buffer
// shared copy of map (client - server)
char *entitystring;
cplane_t *planes; // 12 extra planes for box hull
cleaf_t *leafs; // 1 extra leaf for box hull
dword *leafbrushes;
dword *leafsurfaces;
cnode_t *nodes; // 6 extra planes for box hull
dvertex_t *vertices;
dsurface_t *surfaces; // source collision data
csurface_t *shaders;
int *indices;
cbrush_t *brushes;
cbrushside_t *brushsides;
byte *visbase; // vis offset
dvis_t *vis;
NewtonCollision *collision;
carea_t *areas;
int *areaportals; // [ cm.numareas * cm.numareas ] reference counts
size_t areaportals_size;
int numbrushsides;
int numplanes;
int numbmodels;
int numnodes;
int numleafs; // allow leaf funcs to be called without a map
int numleafbrushes;
int numleafsurfaces;
int numshaders;
int numsurfaces;
int numbrushes;
int numareas;
int numclusters;
int floodvalid;
// misc stuff
NewtonBody *body;
matrix4x4 matrix; // world matrix
NewtonJoint *upVector; // world upvector
material_info_t mat[MAX_MATERIALS];
uint num_materials; // number of parsed materials
collide_info_t touch_info; // global info about two touching objects
bool loaded; // map is loaded?
bool tree_build; // phys tree is created ?
vfile_t *world_tree; // pre-calcualated collision tree (worldmodel only)
trace_t trace; // contains result of last trace
int checkcount;
} clipmap_t;
typedef struct physic_s
bool initialized;
int developer;
cmdraw_t debug_line;
} physic_t;
typedef struct studio_s
dstudiohdr_t *hdr;
dstudiomodel_t *submodel;
dstudiobodyparts_t *bodypart;
matrix4x4 rotmatrix;
matrix4x4 bones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
vec3_t vertices[MAXSTUDIOVERTS];
vec3_t indices[MAXSTUDIOVERTS];
vec3_t vtransform[MAXSTUDIOVERTS];
vec3_t ntransform[MAXSTUDIOVERTS];
vec3_t *m_pVerts; // pointer to studio.vertices array
uint numtriangles;
uint bodycount;
uint numverts;
} studio_t;
typedef struct leaflist_s
int count;
int maxcount;
bool overflowed;
int *list;
vec3_t bounds[2];
int lastleaf; // for overflows where each leaf can't be stored individually
void (*storeleafs)( struct leaflist_s *ll, cnode_t *node );
} leaflist_t;
extern clipmap_t cm;
extern studio_t studio;
extern physic_t ph;
extern cvar_t *cm_noareas;
extern cvar_t *cm_debugdraw;
extern cvar_t *cm_novis;
// test variables
extern int characterID;
extern uint m_jumpTimer;
extern bool m_isStopped;
extern bool m_isAirBorne;
extern float m_maxStepHigh;
extern float m_yawAngle;
extern float m_maxTranslation;
extern vec3_t m_size;
extern vec3_t m_stepContact;
extern matrix4x4 m_matrix;
extern float *m_upVector;
// cm_test.c
int CM_PointLeafnum_r( const vec3_t p, cnode_t *node );
int CM_PointLeafnum( const vec3_t p );
void CM_StoreBrushes( leaflist_t *ll, cnode_t *node );
int CM_BoxLeafnums( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int *list, int listsize, int *lastleaf );
int CM_BoxBrushes( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, cbrush_t **list, int listsize );
cmodel_t *CM_TempBoxModel( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, bool capsule );
// cm_callbacks.c
int Callback_ContactBegin( const NewtonMaterial* material, const NewtonBody* body0, const NewtonBody* body1 );
int Callback_ContactProcess( const NewtonMaterial* material, const NewtonContact* contact );
void Callback_ContactEnd( const NewtonMaterial* material );
// cm_materials.c
void CM_InitMaterials( void );
// cm_collision.c
void CM_CollisionCalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat( cbrushf_t *brush );
cbrushf_t *CM_CollisionAllocBrushFromPermanentPolygonFloat( byte *mempool, int numpoints, float *points, int supercontents );
cbrushf_t *CM_CollisionNewBrushFromPlanes( byte *mempool, int numoriginalplanes, const cplanef_t *originalplanes, int supercontents );
void CM_CollisionTraceBrushBrushFloat( trace_t *trace, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, const cbrushf_t *thatbrush_start, const cbrushf_t *thatbrush_end );
void CM_CollisionTraceBrushPolygonFloat( trace_t *trace, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numpoints, const float *points, int supercontents );
void CM_CollisionTraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat( trace_t *trace, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, csurface_t *texture, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs );
void CM_CollisionTraceLineBrushFloat( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const cbrushf_t *thatbrush_start, const cbrushf_t *thatbrush_end );
void CM_CollisionTraceLinePolygonFloat( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int numpoints, const float *points, int supercontents );
void CM_CollisionTraceLineTriangleMeshFloat( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, csurface_t *texture, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs );
void CM_CollisionTracePointBrushFloat( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t point, const cbrushf_t *thatbrush );
bool CM_CollisionPointInsideBrushFloat( const vec3_t point, const cbrushf_t *brush );
void CM_CollisionTraceBrushPolygonTransformFloat(trace_t *trace, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const cbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numpoints, const float *points, const matrix4x4 polygonmatrixstart, const matrix4x4 polygonmatrixend, int supercontents, int surfaceflags, csurface_t *texture );
cbrushf_t *CM_CollisionBrushForBox( const matrix4x4 matrix, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, csurface_t *texture);
void CM_CollisionBoundingBoxOfBrushTraceSegment( const cbrushf_t *start, const cbrushf_t *end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float startfrac, float endfrac );
float CM_CollisionClipTrace_LineSphere( double *linestart, double *lineend, double *sphereorigin, double sphereradius, double *impactpoint, double *impactnormal );
void CM_CollisionTraceLineTriangleFloat( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const float *point0, const float *point1, const float *point2, int supercontents, int surfaceflags, csurface_t *texture );
// traces a box move against a single entity
// mins and maxs are relative
// if the entire move stays in a single solid brush, trace.allsolid will be set
// if the starting point is in a solid, it will be allowed to move out to an
// open area, and trace.startsolid will be set
// type is one of the MOVE_ values such as MOVE_NOMONSTERS which skips box
// entities, only colliding with SOLID_BSP entities (doors, lifts)
// passedict is excluded from clipping checks
void CM_CollisionClipToGenericEntity( trace_t *trace, cmodel_t *model, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4 matrix, matrix4x4 inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitcontentsmask );
// like above but does not do a transform and does nothing if model is NULL
void CM_CollisionClipToWorld( trace_t *trace, cmodel_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontents );
// combines data from two traces:
// merges contents flags, startsolid, allsolid, inwater
// updates fraction, endpos, plane and surface info if new fraction is shorter
void CM_CollisionCombineTraces( trace_t *cliptrace, const trace_t *trace, edict_t *touch, bool is_bmodel );
void CM_CollisionDrawForEachBrush( void );
void CM_CollisionInit( void );